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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.75 MB, 1307x822, kson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5623418 No.5623418 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5623459

What a cunt

>> No.5623500

She is so beautiful, sweet, and smart.

>> No.5623564

Now if she only used that recent stash of money to update it.

>> No.5623571

Yeah nah

>> No.5623586


>> No.5623600

just needs to give her model orange hair.

>> No.5623604

She’s probably going to say something about her big plans after Hololive.

>> No.5623614

go eat stir fried roaches Zhang

>> No.5623629
File: 417 KB, 454x530, 161803320638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, BIG PLANS you say?

>> No.5623631

how the fuck do I get higher than level 6? Been stuck on it forever.

>> No.5623667

You have a perfectly good Youtube account with a membership, why the fuck are you streaming on some shitty site?

>> No.5623713

Takes time to do this, she's not short of money but it's a process

>> No.5623715

Zhangs are still a thing.

She will probably do more YouTube next month.

>> No.5623744

To keep EOPs away

She said Mildom will be the off the cuff stuff, YouTube streams will be more scheduled/planned

>> No.5623755

What's this good news she posted in her membership tab?

>> No.5623806

Time attack brothers this transgression we punish

>> No.5623821

Because Mildom pays her to stream there.

>> No.5623823

Mildom pays streamers to stay there. Shibuya Hal used to hold his weekly matches there before they stopped paying him

>> No.5623921

Possibly that they got something working, going off twitter replies. Might just be members being able to join this jigsaw mmo or whatever the fuck

>> No.5623940
File: 72 KB, 807x445, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5623948

Is she venturing into the manufacturing field?
I heard that she went to metalworking classes with megumi.

>> No.5624007


>> No.5624030

yeah, she's taking up bladesmithing

>> No.5624046
File: 187 KB, 500x500, 204D90D7-4ED2-4579-B6F3-0DC005F1FA9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kson will be streaming wearing a bikini?

>> No.5624052

I just opened random stream and let it play in background, muted. After few days 10 lvl

>> No.5624064

what a whore

>> No.5624082

plz stop going foreign sites by using Vpn Zhang. Kindly go back to killing your own kind in Hong Kong & Uhigur

>> No.5624115

I hope someone uploads it if it's member only.

Bonus points if it's Adidas bikinis.

>> No.5624133

She got it on private channel herself before Cover implemented it on all girls channels.

>> No.5624135

Our Queen can't stop winning.

>> No.5624139

So her idea of creativity is like a normal twitch streamer?

>> No.5624181

Ogey Zhang, do you know something known as twitch? Try going there first before calling Kson such

>> No.5624185

Puzzle game room is only for members?

>> No.5624189

I feel like the obvious response to this is that cover is incompetent, but then I think about the idea that youtube is severely pants-on-head and it makes exactly as much sense.

>> No.5624215

Maybe she has a lot going on this month and this channel isn't her main focus yet?

>> No.5624234

she didn't even bother waiting for the graduation huh

>> No.5624253

no brother, this is like a special favor for the members nothing more.
Try Marine's membership streams sometime, she will make you coom

>> No.5624284

It guess it makes sense that she would be into smithing since she's quite interested in DIY and sewing clothes.

>> No.5624298

Pretty sure it's not enterely up to Cover and it was the fans making noise on twitter (as it's usual with Youtube)

>> No.5624311

Yes, sounds incredibly based to me. Fuck Cover and fuck zhangs

>> No.5624314

She never stopped doing Mildom stuff, and anyone paying attention knows she is trying to build something out of mildom & youtube

>> No.5624318


>> No.5624332

bros imagine mild femdom with kson....

>> No.5624347

Stop replying to low effort bait

>> No.5624353

It's going to be a race to the bottom with her, the problem is that she doesn't realize it.

>> No.5624362


>> No.5624374

She using mildom for relax time.

>> No.5624382

I mean, she's calling out YouTube in that member post.

>> No.5624383

I (her boyfriend) don't have to

>> No.5624391

Newfag please note -
1) Mildom pays streamers to stream in Mildom so like she is like Twitch Partner in Mildom.
2) Kson has been streaming in Mildom long before she took on the alternate personality of Coco. She usually streams atleast twice a week in Mildom.

>> No.5624395

Wait and see i guess, i was just expecting mindblowing type of streams, may be she just wanna become like a twitch streamer playing mini games, chatting and reacting to youtube videos etc.

>> No.5624406

Yep, just as I thought, she wanted to be a "free" e-thot. After all, there's money to the likes of OF activity.

>> No.5624414
File: 259 KB, 1153x1592, 1596390258652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My queen has lots of memberships

>> No.5624436
File: 68 KB, 809x441, CummyspaghettinoodlesYUMMYYUMMYYUMMY!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.5624448


>> No.5624465

Ogey Zhang

>> No.5624477

>Kson has been streaming in Mildom long before she took on the alternate personality of Coco.
t. newfag

>> No.5624506

I think you may have brain damage if you think she can prepare mindblowing content on the side while doing multiple streams daily and preparing two lives in one month

>> No.5624527

Ogey newfag

>> No.5624534

She should reconsider the graduation and cancel it then.

>> No.5624568

>there is no way anyone can abuse my chat
that seems optimistic

>> No.5624573

Check the date of her first stream, retard.

>> No.5624575

So which one is fake? I don’t have her membership yet

>> No.5624625

so the reason she leaves hololive is really because of chang huh, fucking subhuman chink i hope they burn in hell

>> No.5624635

No problem, coomer.

>> No.5624663

i mean part of the reason was creative freedom too

>> No.5624680

Can you edit community posts? She probably just removed the bikini stream part

>> No.5624688

Do your reps

>> No.5624733
File: 72 KB, 832x451, 4619363216478921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my based queen

>> No.5624749

Which one do you think

>> No.5624754

as expected

>> No.5624759

thanks for (You)

>> No.5624802

she removed it after i asked her if i could join and make it a private stream

>> No.5624817

Which was restricted because of Zhangs. The source of the problem is Zhangs. Unless you're going to tell me she's had her creativity stifled since day one.

>> No.5624828

Yea and then edited anon's screenshot to remove it from the Japanese text while keeping it in the "translation"

>> No.5624937

Sure zoomer

>> No.5624947
File: 182 KB, 860x767, EmPDfH5W4AMMMvY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she betrays all her genmate just want to show her bikini?!

I still remember the old-time, haachama bikini, matsuri bikini and friend bikini
bikini love

>> No.5624971

kind of? shit like asacoco or how her meme review was forced to have more tame memes

>> No.5624973

Because her JP fans don't like that sort of fan service. That's why she didn't translate it.

>> No.5624981

Not that anon but the restrictions didn't seem as bad until December or January. Before then she was in the sports festival so it seemed okay in November.

>> No.5625010

Yeah? She was already complaining about management and getting into trouble back in early 2020 because of Asacoco 1.0 long before any of the chink shit started. It only got worse over time as they became more strict.

>> No.5625039

God i WISH she was at least a bit of what shitposters here accuse her of being, she's such a fucking prude.

>> No.5625041

I'll give you a hint: the Japanese message is the same for both posts

>> No.5625061

So she mad because they didn't like the stuff she doing so she leave to become a cam whore

>> No.5625085

Beach episodes with Mio and Subaru.
Bring them back!

>> No.5625086

I kind of missed her old model. I loved how jumpy it gets for no reason.

>> No.5625090
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, 1602520638230.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S-She's different from Twitch whores because... S-SHE JUST IS, OKAY?

>> No.5625107

fuck, was hyped until I read the jap

>> No.5625116

Just in case you're not pretending to be retarded, that bikini thing is fake.

>> No.5625154

Here we have example of retard who talk shit but never watched anything other that few clips.

>> No.5625195

im still wondering what she meant abt that. maybe management forbid her?. I doubt she just abandon it, since she is a productive person

>> No.5625201

i could probably feed you cyanide telling you it would kill you and you still would eat it

>> No.5625219

That's an edited pic you fucking retard. She wouldn't do streams like that anyway, her family name is literally tattooed on herself.

>> No.5625299

So much so that she considered graduation at the time?

>> No.5625331

As always you cope and cope until she start whoring herself on Twitch or other Jap bootleg of Twitch

>> No.5625446
File: 81 KB, 788x382, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true.

>> No.5625499

Jesus fuck this puzzle is gonna take a long while. I hope she gets enough sleep with the busy schedule she's been having.

>> No.5625506

>her family name is literally tattooed on herself.
hot, post pic

>> No.5625510

arguing over edited member post, anons.... i'm disappointed

>> No.5625549

We had a 500+ posts thread 2 days ago from a fake Ame-Ironmouse OP image

>> No.5625599

That last part sounds sus as fuck. I believe. Very much looking forward to it.

>> No.5625610

It’s fake...

>> No.5625672


>> No.5625684

>Bikini Hot tub stream
>Bikini Osen stream
Look, I will always say this but the fun of having management and seeing talent be restricted is what makes it more fun to see what they can get away with while still being in the realm of of what they wanted to do. Being restricted can really lead to some creative ideas and outcomes that truly have the ability to make something truly special. Although I will say that this isn't always true for things but still, Kson doing this kinda shows what she most likely wanted to do. I'm still happy for her but I feel like it's not as much fun knowing that this is just something she can do without out any type of struggle to be able do it. I am still happy for whatever she'll choose to do nonetheless.

>> No.5625714

It's not real my dudes, think with the other head for once

>> No.5625724


>> No.5625730

>there is no way anyone can abuse my chat

>> No.5625748

Hope she isn't back on pills again, that cursed stream a couple of weeks ago was already bad enough

>> No.5625766

Here, you can stop replying to the edit

>> No.5625955

Kanatan, how's your ear doing?

>> No.5626004

Her last puzzle stream was 4 hours long

>> No.5626048

Were you guys pretending to be retarded as a goof? Or did you actually think she'll show her tits to celebrate Youtube implementing a spam filter. I can't tell.

>> No.5626161

most came here to shitpost, i get it, edit was full of shitposting capabilities, but when someone posted an unedited memeber post and shitposting still was going in full speed, i had to step back and question human intelligence.

>> No.5626176

Kanatach I love you

>> No.5626284

I think this is the 2nd/3rd time she's been locked out of her own lobby. She's so unlucky.

>> No.5626316 [DELETED] 

was this real or did she delete it I don't see it

>> No.5626381

thank you for the song kanatachi i love you and your girlfriend

>> No.5626388

I wonder if people will turn on her when she joins vshojo

>> No.5626555

Source on this rrat?

>> No.5626575

i got a matching tattoo with her after we got married

>> No.5626586
File: 346 KB, 406x569, 1620873759476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i'll think i stick to spoilers in coco threads, too many retards here.

>> No.5626674
File: 1.02 MB, 1501x1122, 1601066219120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fast

>> No.5626685

omedetou kumichou

>> No.5626709

This is why roommate streaming should be forbidden

>> No.5626754

>donchiki donchiki
That takes me back to old kson streams.

>> No.5626815

>All those memberships in the freechat

>> No.5626839

If you fell for the edit bait you're retarded. She only does those types of streams on her secret onlyfans that she gives out to top donators only

>> No.5626843

Despite having a shit avatar, she manages to make it cute with her movement.

>> No.5626896

Come one man, you weren't supposed to talk about those

>> No.5626921

>Ringo Juice

>> No.5626930
File: 1.58 MB, 250x220, 1367268328819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit women

>> No.5626980
File: 183 KB, 402x272, 1602864044933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5627009

Yeah, in December she was still talking about how she was working on an Asacoco replacement show. It's been a gradual thing that's been getting stricter with time but actually started at least as far back as the whole permissions controversy.

>> No.5627067

It's weird because they allowed her to keep making asacoco after the taiwan yab, she stopped it for holofes 2 dance/singing reps and THEN they basically made it impossible for it to continue.

>> No.5627150

When she said people were holding her back, she just menat Cover didn't want her doing her stupid western style humor where she screams motherfucker 10 times in a row like it was the most fascinating thing ever. She grew up in japan, she think cursing casually is the edgiest shit in the world, and she is so hardcore for doing so.

Same goes for Mori, Haachama and Kiara, Cover holds them back from juat doing stupid shit.

>> No.5627223

You're a retarded newfag who has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.5627251

you do understand that's for members only right? Marine, Choco & Mel has such explicit members only content also, without the face reveal.

>> No.5627308

Hair-removal steams doko?

>> No.5627348

you do realize that the pic is edited right or are you simply trolling?
Do your Jap reps anon

>> No.5627375

Yeah revolutionary shit, anon, she's a real king of comedy.

>> No.5627402

Even Kanata got her talk show shitcanned at the last minute. Do you think it was extra lewd? Do you think Pekora's project that she cried on stream over was just her screaming "mother fucker peko!" over and over?
The big difference is Coco doesn't like just playing the same game as everyone else, can't sing and do idol shit, and has to watch all her friends get harassed by bugs every time she interacts with them.

>> No.5627446

you do realize that the pic is edited right or are you simply trolling?
Do your Jap reps anon

>> No.5627465

why are you responding to a fucking chink bugs?

>> No.5627513

Im not talking a out the pic, she's implied before how she feels cover is holding her back, but her humor is mostly amateur level western shit.

>> No.5627566

Maybe you should actually watch, for instance, some AsaCoco archives instead of parroting other anons.

>> No.5627568

You never watched asacoco, you have no idea what you're taking about EOP, it's pathetic.

>> No.5627591

dumb chumkiddie

>> No.5627625

Ching chong chang.
Go be Chinese where it smells.

>> No.5627641

They can be funny when it doesn't feel like she's pandering to what she thinks westerners want.
Doesn't really matter tho, her stories are her best content

>> No.5627750
File: 75 KB, 1000x949, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I wish they had done this when it all happened"
Me too...

>> No.5627773

is this a koikatsu model

>> No.5627793

Chinks BTFO

>> No.5627816

Yes it's really old she's been using it since 2018 i think

>> No.5627835

Non compete, most likely. If japan even has that

>> No.5627862

She fucking wishes she had as much talent as Gura has.

>> No.5627910

didn't ask chumcunt. don't care about you or your whore shark. kill yourself.

>> No.5628007

Ogey Brainlet Chumshart

>> No.5628038

In actuallity coco is a disgusting whore, and im not sidding with a mentally ill fully blown testosterone deranged "woman" just because some chinks hate the creature

>> No.5628089

EOPs can't really use mildom and she streams there when she wants to chill and talk with her closest fans.
She'll be streaming more on youtube from now on though.

>> No.5628124

The model was updated, not sure if it's still koikatsu or not. I have a feeling she got someone to update it or someone gave her it but I can't confirm.

I think she might have got the model to work with new tracking rather than the VR headset she was using before.

>> No.5628154

>64 new memberships in the last 90 minutes
That freechat is still going green

>> No.5628161

Ogey Zhang kindly go back to eating stir fried roaches

>> No.5628174

>EOPs can't really use mildom
The site is fully translated to English now.

>> No.5628179


>> No.5628274

Never heard of this form of BDSM, what's it like?

>> No.5628347

oh, we got a Newfag here. How are ya?

>> No.5628371
File: 133 KB, 500x500, E2B1D895-A061-4F33-B899-FE4309DAA5EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn her membership emotes are great

>> No.5628377

I immediately imagined a dog-sized cockroach and boy does it sound delicious!

inb4 you go for the low-hanging fruit: Taiwan is an independent state

>> No.5628406


>> No.5628417

Twitch's Japanese clone where the site actually pays streamers.
Btw Kson is gets pays to stream in Mildom and she streams like twice a week so, she is like a Twitch partner in Mildom.

>> No.5628493

Well they breed roaches in China like how the KFC does to its chickens here in the US, so the dog sized roach is not out of the realm of impossibility.


>> No.5628535

The chinks are still harrassing her.

>> No.5628545


>> No.5628616


>> No.5628716

Will there be any Kson lewds

Maybe those will convince me to follow her

>> No.5628742

Kind of trolling but also kind of serious. I get how she's been chafing against the leash that cover put on her but at the same time it is way too easy for a girl to keep pushing the boundaries little by little and then one day she realizes that the depravity is all she has left. Coco seems particularly intelligent but even smart people can get taken for a ride by their viewership, especially after they learn that sex sells.

>> No.5628798

>the dog sized roach is not out of the realm of impossibility
sadly, it really is, at least until we start pumping oxygen into the atmosphere on a global industrial level. Such a shame, I would have one as a pet.

>> No.5628823

You mad after being blocked of her channel, Zhang?

>> No.5628882

100% Using her V-tuber model for this

>> No.5628923

a chink wheelbarrowed her freechat right after she posted this message, so it either doesn't work or not implemented yet

>> No.5629064

no, fuck cover and their inability to take care of things. She's better off without them.

>> No.5629080

Enjoy your Chaturbate career e-thot. Yagoo dodged a bullet.

>> No.5629103
File: 1006 KB, 500x700, diNVqGT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5629116

why are chumbuds like this? seriously

>> No.5629132

This board is full of retards... holy shit.

>> No.5629226

You have to trust that she has more than “vagina, motherfuckers” to offer.

>> No.5629231

All vtubers are egirls whores white knight redditor. Even male ones.

>> No.5629261

And other complain about female humor. Females are not funny.

>> No.5629274

Somebody plz Nuke this thread already. These braindead newfags who don't even know the difference between a real & photo shopped pic and is going on creating their own narrative

>> No.5629288

Boring vtuber ethot.

>> No.5629299

How does anyone fall for that bait, fucking kek

>> No.5629317

I hope so. I'm not really her target audience the way she is now, but clearly I care enough that I'm concernfagging about the situation. I don't want to see any vtuber fail, and as long as she can keep perspective and set boundaries for herself, after relieving herself of cover's boundaries, she'll be ok.

>> No.5629330

>He doesn't know. You are a normalfag yourself.
I am here since 2003.

>> No.5629358

>I'm not really her target audience the way she is now
What does this mean in non schizo speak

>> No.5629424

She an 3d chick now and not an 2d chick and I only busts nuts to 2d chicks.

>> No.5629449
File: 596 KB, 404x564, 1596609328820.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5629492

all me

>> No.5629515

were even more earlier when she tweeted

>> No.5629520

wtf am I looking at?

>> No.5629521

According to wiki, its run by a Chink company. it wont last so long. Most Japanese use Twicas as Subaru sometimes use it. Or still Nico like Noels roommate sometimes use it.

>> No.5629561


>> No.5629562

And people really believe the vtuber company rrat, she's doing all she can to carry everyone she can to her channel

>> No.5629653

so if megumi have the same age as kson
that mean kanata age uknown atm is 33

>> No.5629705

>before Cover implemented it on all girls channels
They didn't implement shit.

>> No.5629744

Mildom is owned by China.

>> No.5629773

Success breeds jealousy, the goes tripple when you go agaisnt Gura and her talent, meanwhile the other sides talent is shaving her vagina.

>> No.5629819

They dealt with any spam issues very quickly.

>> No.5629825

go back globohomo cunt. watch her and play cod and gta.

>> No.5629830

Kek you're a bit touchy, though with Coco having as many enemies as she does I'll give you a pass. The way she likes to push the boundaries into crude humor just isn't for me. I don't need to hear about shaved pussy, especially when I know she's got way more going on in her head like

Pushing the boundaries isn't wrong or bad, but it's not what I'm looking for. If she enjoys it though (and if the fans of her do too), then she should carry on doing what she does.

>> No.5629834

>operating on a chink owned website
kek she hasnt learned has she

>> No.5629863


DouYu Japan
DouYu is Bilibili's arch-rival they are still in a feud over China's live streaming market.
So to those who said China hated Coco, stop being a racist, not all chinks are evil.

>> No.5629901

A group of retarded autistic kids doesn't represent a race.
Use your brain retard, it's like saying gun is bad and should be banned because some retard used a gun to kill a nigger.

>> No.5629976

How long will they give leeway until HoloJP starts collab'ing with KSon?

>> No.5629977

It doesn't matter if you are from 2003 or fucking hell 1993. If you are retarded enough no not bother checking the original message that is japanese (do your japanese lingo reps anon before shitting on a jp vtuber thread) and go with photoshopped english message then you will get called out for being a newfag (for the jp vtuber thread). it is as simple as that Retard.

>> No.5630062

The absolute irony of having her on the Japanese branch of DouYu...

>> No.5630066

Sorry dude she is not Kanata. Megumi is just a friend of hers not related to hololive

>> No.5630096

Do you company reps Anon

>> No.5630123


God it's so fun to see EOPs get blown the fuck out every time a fake translation is posted.
Do your reps kids.

>> No.5630176

Sounds fake, kson sure don't look like a dragon

>> No.5630202 [DELETED] 

she doesnt push the boundaries in the first place. its another eops delusion. eops have wanted to victimise her for not having "creative freedom" to self validate their own woke western identity despite them being the most anti-freedom chinky sjws, and to attack japan since most sjws hate japan. its just cultish dogma.

>> No.5630322

Just people subscribing

>> No.5630351

Those are memberships

>> No.5630385

imagine learning this giant mess of a dying language just so you can understand some bitches e-posting

>> No.5630431

so, it's a good thing? Well, I'm glad then.

>> No.5630471

Imagine being a Retard trying to act over smart and joining a conversation he has no idea about.

>> No.5630540

Holy kek, that make it worst

>> No.5630545

the dying language is english in entertainment.

>> No.5630597

Anonchama, your sarcasm reps...

>> No.5630599

Japan punches way above its weight in cultural influence.

>> No.5630710

This seems impressive in a way. but i wonder how much time is the life expectancy of this subs...

>> No.5630718

Newfag, you do know what sarcasm is right?

>> No.5630841

I hope someone leaks them!

>> No.5631067

yes, but it is also embracing the west eagerly, so there is hardly any pushback against the western domination.

Also, the japanese culture is getting appropriated rather quickly. Soon, there may be no more need for the true japanese culture even among its fans, as the western-produced surrogate becomes more of what they want than the japanese original. You can see this, partly, with how holoEN have taken over the originally japanese business of vtubing.

>> No.5631148

dumb. the reason holo en thrives is cover is a jp company that doesnt take your mut woke bullshit seriously

you dont even know their en 3d models and designs are all done by japanese.

>> No.5631171

I'd wish, but Cover would never agree to this.
The best what we can get is collab Kson x roommate account of Hololive girl.

>> No.5631255

>you dont even know their en 3d models and designs are all done by japanese.
No they aren't retard

>> No.5631307

then research them. same goes for niji en. idk what makes you think for instance amerimutts can openly produce loli shit like gura.

>> No.5631336

>not into MILFdom
what are you, fags?

>> No.5631361

Amelia was not designed by a jap your newfag redditor

>> No.5631415

Even with Cover's approval, it seems like chuubas who knew each other in past lives tend to avoid each other to an extent, at least for a while. Of course that's not always the case.

>> No.5631528

>you dont even know their en 3d models and designs are all done by japanese.

are you implying that it's the artwork that made them popular? The Rhombus became the biggest vtuber in existence due to... art quality?

> the reason holo en thrives is cover is a jp company that doesnt take your mut woke bullshit seriously

This is a factor, but it's not the only one. Japan has been running with open arms towards the west long before this woke bullshit even became a thing. Western archetypes are very popular in japan despite the woke, and western approach to creative work is more effective than the rigid and clumsy japanese workspace. Hololive becomes more successful as it leans towards the west and the western approach.

>> No.5631576

Is Kson a hafu? She doesn’t really look like it but you can’t always tell.

>> No.5631605

then thats my mistake but seems shes a korean weeb, and even if she was a mutt, that woudlnt make any difference.

the reddiotor is you. redditors always avoid mentioning western woke bullshit. which is the main reason their entertainment has gone to the toilet unless amerimutts get rid of the toxic modern plague, they cant even imitate any anime show like mutt cartoons/comics are utter trash.

>> No.5631606

no, she is a daughter of migrants

>> No.5631684

She is

>> No.5631717

She's a nisei

>> No.5631787

do you know the concept of "direction".

>> No.5631898

Can Kson stream on Billi Billi again? I miss her.

>> No.5631940

>Mildon pays its streamers
>The solution to zhangs spam only works on Hololive accounts, she already sent reports to YT but because she's not 1M they wont do anything
>Mildon is comfy

>> No.5631942

She has never streamed there

>> No.5631991

oh no nobody show him the Hololive bikini streams

>> No.5632057

its a chink shit company. all chink companies are under ccp conrol.

>> No.5632063

Omfg… awesome. The new Cover went super family friendly, while Coco is still like the old Cover that used to be good.

>> No.5632079

It's fake.

>> No.5632839

Second one is real. I’m a member, so I can confirm it. I did believe it at first, until I checked for myself.
>Boobies are bad
>She should reconsider the graduation and cancel it then
She left because Cover would no longer let her do what she used to do.

>> No.5632954

coco is a whore
i hope she retires

>> No.5633107

You’re either a Chinaman or an uptight Puritan, and I seriously cannot tell the difference.

>> No.5633158

worse. it's a chumbud.

>> No.5633173

>watches marine
>which is a literal madame

>> No.5633224

>sex jokes LMAO
if it wasn't for pekora i'd be convinced that women can't be funny

>> No.5633481

basic facts are low hanging fruit?

So why does it make such high level seethe?

>> No.5633510

You are confused, It’s not whether something is funny or not when Coco is called a whore, but rather they think she is a sinner for displaying sexuality.

>> No.5633545

go back, Chink bug

>> No.5634665

Interesting. So she moved from the US where she grew up to Japan, learned Japanese, and developed the pale skinny perpetually bruised legs* Japanese women always have?

*I think her legs and the rest of her are beautiful

>> No.5634749

She very skinny now, 50.8kg, she weighted at least 15kg more 2-3 years ago.

>> No.5634916

How tall is she?

>> No.5635108

She said she's "5'0 or 5'2" in a stream a few months ago when someone asked her.

>> No.5635332


>> No.5635497
File: 57 KB, 500x334, 53DF6ADE-C5D0-4974-A439-56329D6DD009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations anon.

>> No.5635963

5’1” and 111 lbs is very good for burger land but I think a little heavy for Japan. It’s not considered underweight. 5’1” and 150 lbs is a little robust, but I’m sure she was very beautiful.

>> No.5636017

This bitch is gonna made me a Thot lover fucking hell

>> No.5636122

holy shit

>> No.5636469

the point is that there is no picture because it would reveal her name...

>> No.5637004


>> No.5637047

A stream from a few weeks ago

>> No.5637169

Did she say where the tattoo was?

>> No.5637188

Her model needs an upgrade

>> No.5637194

Also, link?

>> No.5637271

>guy went radio silent
The absolute STATE of JP gatekeeping monkeys

>> No.5637915

the latest webcam stream on mildom

>> No.5638133


>> No.5638146

ew no.
Black hair is best hair.

>> No.5639607

I watched the entirely of Kson's Bio4 streams. I like her. I have to say though, her japanese has really improved since then. I understood over 80% of what she saying. Also, anyone know if she has any plans to play village?

>> No.5639684

To be fair...Vtubers are thots. Especially Hololive.

>> No.5639950

I wanna suck/lick Kson's feet and slurp her toes.

>> No.5640648

Will kson start doing collabs with her holofriends roommates, you think?

>> No.5641458


>> No.5641587

>Graduated not because she was forced, was getting hate, or because of her family or private life, but because she realised that she got enough recognition that she would earn more independent
Calling it now

>> No.5641666

I mean she stated a few times that whenever she pitched an idea to her managers they would shoot it down. So yeah I'd expect her to have more freedom to do whatever the fuck she wants. As long as youtube doesn't act like a little virgin bitch

>> No.5641740

That, combined with finding Cover too restricting when it comes to doing the things she wants to do.

>> No.5642376

Not before they graduate

>> No.5642470

Or maybe she is graduating for the reason that she said she is graduating for...

>> No.5642481

no way she's that dumb
no one is gonna watch her, she only shined when she collabed with other holos

>> No.5642573

If Callie's roommate can continue making indie music then I doubt there's a rule banning roommate activity. Especially considering dozens of other holomems are active as well.

>> No.5642727

Her roommate hasn't done any collabs with Hololive members though.

>> No.5644016

Dislike the look

>> No.5644102

Go eat a bat, ching chong.

>> No.5644238

To my knowledge, only Noel does anything outside of Hololive. Would someone like Fubuki or Watame do a face/identity reveal just to please Coco's roommate?

>> No.5644311

About 1/3rd of them do stuff outside of Hololive.

>> No.5644441

Glad you liked it Zhang.

>> No.5644573

just get an anthropod they basicly the same

>> No.5644596


>> No.5644787

no one believes she is 5'2 anon......
shes literally just saying that since japs don't like tall girls.
look at the videos where she gets up to pick up her adidas,
even in manlet door ways (which at 180cm minimum)
she is 175cm 5'9 minimum, her legs are more than half way to the door way and her head is almost hitting the top and this is without shoes.

>> No.5645025

That makes a lot more sense given her stated weight and how really thin she looks.

>> No.5645089

Ikr. She lied about her age too, so it makes sense. That's probably her middle school height lmao. Nips doesn't have taste, tall girls are hot af.

>> No.5645278

She's shorter than an average looking Japanese dude when wearing heels. She isn't that tall.

>> No.5645418

how fucking new? we literally have vids of her around japs and she's small af

>> No.5645481

Any source for that? I'm genuinely curious about this lmao. I saw one live-event and she was as tall as that buff Nip streamer.

>> No.5645571

Probably not 152cm. But yeah she's small like an average Japanese female

>> No.5645644

A guest appearance on some Nico show 3 years ago or so. No idea which one though, but there aren't that many she was on.

>> No.5645882

Was this the COD Mobile on Mildom? Yeah, she seemed taller on that one.

>> No.5648279

No wonder Nyanners wants to distance herself from this place.

>> No.5648950

When did she dye her hair silver?

>> No.5649516

But I actually like Coco.
I just prefer bangs.

>> No.5650601

Kson is likely joining Vshojo. Let's be real.
