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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56220434 No.56220434 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone complaining about them streaming in Japanese isn’t a real vtuber fan

>> No.56220469
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>> No.56220495

It’s antis. One post said it’s revenge.

>> No.56220693

Anon all those thread are nijinigger deflecting from anothe graduation, you see the patern even more if you know how much they hated it when nijiEN talked in japanese.

>> No.56220718

anon, it's SEA hours

>> No.56220745

if you were a 'real vtuber fan' you would know people get way more upset at JPs doing far less EOP pandering than the reverse equivalent this is getting. why would you want your oshi catering to a different audience? doesn't make sense.

>> No.56220813

>why would you want your oshi catering to a different audience?
Otaku are the vtubing audience

>> No.56220861

you are not japanese. you can never be a JOP. pretending it's targeted for you when it blatantly isn't is just cope.

>> No.56220892

It’s just one JP speaking stream. It’s not anything. Complaining to ruffians over it, is somewhat comical in itself. Maybe go back to your typical attack thread.

>> No.56221048

i don't come from any "attack" thread and fuwamoco are the first to bring me back to /vt/ in months. ironically i suspect you don't understand because you weren't emotionally invested in the first place.

>> No.56221077
File: 35 KB, 396x382, go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did I claim to be Japanese?
>pretending it's targeted for you when it blatantly isn't is just cope
I am an otaku though. Otaku aren’t limited to Japan. Go back, you don’t belong here

>> No.56221087

If you're a true vtuber fan then you know the creative environment it came out of and you would hope for a brighter future with new possibilities. You wouldn't get stuck on pandering to lonely dudes because it was convenient for a few years around the pandemic.

>> No.56221146
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I like the dogs and the rest of en3. They're good and I'll continue to watch them.

>> No.56221161

>fuwamoco are the first to bring me back to /vt/ in months
good, now fuck back off

>> No.56221173

posts like this make it clear what i said is true, that you are not and cannot be invested in any real way. this is the mentality of subversion.

>> No.56221180

Who the fuck's graduating?

>> No.56221190

I was a FWMC fan, after today.... eh. seeing how they treat JP vs EN fans/chat, it's clear they really just wanted to be in HoloJP.

>> No.56221207


>> No.56221211

go back we don't want you here

>> No.56221212

I don't know what they are saying but I've left the stream on because the cute noises makes me happy

>> No.56221218

maimoto from nijisanji

>> No.56221243

i will, because i am done with vtubers now. not right this minute though, so seethe.
they are not there for overseas "otaku" you are just kidding yourself

>> No.56221251
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>> No.56221405

They love both EN and JP ruffians

>> No.56221471

>they are not there for overseas "otaku"
They’re not for ironic weeaboos, they’re for real otaku. However real otaku aren’t just limited to Japan, they’re proof of that

>> No.56221496

Can someone tell me how this forced console war faggotry between Reddit and 4chan began and festered into this Blood vs Crip cancer?

>> No.56221569

Reddit started getting more popular

>> No.56221694

Their voices and chat interaction tell a different story, I'm sorry you had to find out this way anon, they really only used EN as a stepping stone.

>> No.56221754

No shit? Really? Damn I always thought he was pretty cool.

>> No.56221771

ironic weebs eat this shit up because they have no backbone. they however understand that it's entirely for the JOPs while they play it anyway and say "haha cute noises". you however are just delusional

>> No.56221824
File: 159 KB, 480x480, 404-no-drama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to find flaws in fuwamoco, you can't.

>> No.56222161

Am I the only one who understood and enjoyed both their EN and JP streams?

>> No.56222234
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I don't understand japanses. but I still enjoy watching them

>> No.56222272

Maybe I should have live-TL them. But I'm not confident enough (I'm ESL and JSL...)

>> No.56222284

oh my god I want to motorboat that tummy so bad

>> No.56222348

it started as ironic shitposting
then antis thought they could jump on it to unironically shit on BAUBAU
can't have fun with these shitstirrers around

there was already a live TL in chat

>> No.56222368
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Roboco do have a live-tl but I enjoy watching her even with it

>> No.56222412

Yeah, yeah, cause only ruffians decide who's a real fan now. Been hearing it for 2 weeks already. Go bau bau yourself into a coma.

>> No.56222438

It is true that I have always been invested in the medium more than the characters. That is why I say that if you are a true fan of vtubers then you understand this. Instead you focus on basic desires and gossip. Just like who is the real fan of movies, the person that follows how they're made and their future and seminal movies in genres? Or is the true fan the person that religiously consumes celebrity tabloids? I would say the former and you clearly say the latter.

>> No.56222734

I love these Dogs. They actually have 3 stream on a single day. They are actually hungry and they are putting in the effort?
They want to stream in japanese? No problem if they only do it once or so a week.
The only thing that would change my mind would be if they decide to stream more in japanese than in English and that probably won't happen.

>> No.56222760
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>how much they hated it when nijiEN talked in japanese.
That stupid argument works both ways you cunt. Aren't you the majority here? It would make more sense to me if it were one of you since we can see how much you hated it when they streamed in JP.
As OP and others have said, bitching about japanese in a weeb hobby is normalfag and anti behavior but since you're a tribalnigger you just have to pin it on someone else.
You should kill yourself now.

>> No.56222870
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*even without it
ESL hit me hard...

>> No.56223009

>Hololive EN
>JP stream

>> No.56223252

If anything, we should be thankful we got Fuwamoco in EN, Biboo would not be enough on her own to carry the gen.

>> No.56223320

We are all very thankful. Between the 3 of them, they are already putting the worst offenders out of sight.

>> No.56223329

Shiorin would and does carry. Look at the supas.

>> No.56223364

Sorry anon I stay away from landmines

>> No.56223414

It's one of the oldest shitposting narratives there is.

>> No.56223599

I'm not complaining. I'm happy for them finally being able to follow their true passion and stream for a Japanese audience.

>> No.56223668

They're very interested in the idol side of vtubing and that's a mostly Japanese market, they'd be insane not to appeal to them.

>> No.56223692

This except Shiwhori

>> No.56223840

Not to mention that the JP market brings in the numbers. Just look at their CCV from today. They have every reason in the world to appeal primarily to a Japanese audience. In the EN market they'll always be a niche thing, but they can get as big as they want in Japan.

>> No.56223852

Who the fuck cares about supas? Jesus you guys need to learn about how the money actually works.

>> No.56223859

Wasn't Fuwamoco mogging her in SCs too?

>> No.56224012

Again? kek

>> No.56224060


>> No.56224135

Odds are if she's leading in supas she's leading in merch too
Stay mad though for whatever reason

>> No.56224194

Basically this, its pretty clear.

>> No.56224261

Yes Yes you'll just change it to "You can't complain about them doing X or you're not a REAL VTUBER FAN" tomorrow just like you had it being something else yesterday.

God you're worse than the the Tatsunokos and how you can't say anything even the slightest thing negative about Coco or you're a "Chink"

>> No.56224703

>getting filtered by nip speak

Why not take it as an opportunity to learn nip?

>> No.56228633

There should be celebration of Fuwamoco fucking off to JP

>> No.56228767

>Don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for the next product

>> No.56228785

I give it a few weeks. Once EN honeymoon wears off they’ll realize the market only has 4view potential and shift over to JP

>> No.56228950

It started like (more than) ten years ago and happened due to >>56221569, as it started to attract normalfags and the less jaded /2cool4u shitposters.
Before then there were other boogeymen, like Gaia for /a/.

>> No.56229053

They are some deranged Amerimutt trannies and furries who are not even holo fans, don't even know anything about Hololive, are gonna leave very soon. Many EN members have already done jp only streams and yet suddenly its "problematic" when fwmc do. Fwmc will have more jp streams/collabs and be invited to a jp collab incl an off collab like Hakos since they speak Japanese well and know much about jp cultures.
