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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5618607 No.5618607 [Reply] [Original]

When did Cover become so authoritarian?

>> No.5618616

When the changs attacked.

>> No.5618735

Yea even with moderation the ChiCom attackers get their message off before getting banned and bots are easy to make more of.
The Spammer always will get through. Youtube still ain't done enough to prevent botnet use in these scenarios

>> No.5618774

They weren’t even spamming and Coco is on her way out. What more do they want?

>> No.5618797

>of 5 minutes or longer?
What's the point?

>> No.5618803

Lol it's War Criminal trying to recruit little soldiers.

>> No.5618828

They are at it. Chad Marine has not put on Sub Only Mode and they are rampant there.

>> No.5618836

As minimal disruption as possible while still adding some upper limit on the amount of spam your mods have to deal with

>> No.5618843

If you're new, holy shit lurk more. If you're an actual wolf warrior fuck off.

>> No.5618858

>What more do they want?
Nanking 2

>> No.5618866

>zhang cant spam anymore
Literally worse than the rape of nanjing

>> No.5618875

This board has stricter rules than that

>> No.5621045

They won't stop until the whole company burns down.

>> No.5621176

Beijing to be nuked

>> No.5621191
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>why won't Cover do anything about harassment of their talents?
>Cover uses a tool that stems harassment
>when did Cover become so authoritarian?
Also, follower mode is standard practice on Twitch.

>> No.5621753

>Why won't Cover protect their talents from spammers!!!
>Noooo turning sub only mode is authoritarian
Everyone on this board is retarded

>> No.5621897

>Cover defends its talents!
>Cover : makes Oga write an apology letter for inventing a better game than one DevFag that didnt let vtuber streams his game

>> No.5621999

Politely tell the kusodev to suck their dick are better than aggressively told them to fuck off my dude.

>> No.5622659
File: 156 KB, 636x848, A7239141-65C7-4EDA-8A1A-E5353FE50009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money. For chinks, patriotism is a job.

>> No.5622872

muh freedom of expression!

>rightists seething

>> No.5623146

when they lost an entire branch and the most superchated vtuber in the world

>> No.5623374

Ok, false flagging Zhang, kindly go back to eating stir fried roaches & shitting in your NGA site

>> No.5623480

They won't stop until cover stops existing or they stop existing.
MacArthur was right.

>> No.5623810
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You cannot negotiate witht the Bugs.
You cannot reason with the Bugs.
The Bugs feel no pity, mercy, empathy or fear
They will not stop, they will never stop,
Until their enemy is DEAD.

>> No.5623980

That's more the fault of Japanese autism than cover incompetence my guy.

>> No.5623994
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>> No.5624010

You give an inch, they will want to take a mile, because they saw that they have power.
Now they will want to provoke more, and will not stop until someone at holo holds strong, and they lose that sense of power.

>> No.5624060

To keep the "come to brazil" posters away.

>> No.5624343
File: 685 KB, 753x579, 1604407341680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel in control now Chankoro?

>> No.5624368

They might of focused on coco but we've seen plenty of evidence they want cover in general to burn

>> No.5624394

Fucking chirst all this bullshit has made me hate more the Chinks than anything in /pol/ ever did, now i am openly hate China and everything it sorrounds it.

>> No.5624411

>After going after last years biggest money maker they're going after Gen3

>> No.5624441

Yes, they do because they are.

>> No.5624463

This is the default practice on twitch.
I don't see anything wrong with it.
