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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.73 MB, 960x860, friday night[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8hsi7o.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5618411 No.5618411 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5618503


>> No.5619211


>> No.5619820
File: 210 KB, 445x226, Screenshot_39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now Son appreciation Thread.

Share KINO stuff about Roberuto.


>> No.5620407

I wish you were a falseflagger, fuck off already

>> No.5621392

Huh ?

And whats your problem, let the guy post in peace faggot.

>> No.5621725

This guy keeps alternating between making threads shitting on the girls, others that complain about "Holostars being so underrated". He can make threads as long as he stops trying to start drama

>> No.5621756

Kill yourself already.

>> No.5621776
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 1607082512959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do female models get so much more love?

>> No.5621802

>he posted a gif so he must be that one schizo only I know about

>> No.5621820

Because only faggots and fujos care about males

>> No.5622012
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of "this" is trying to start drama you blind fuck ?

Go take your homo hate elsewhere you filthy incel. So fucking sick of you assholes trying to shit on the Homos each and everytime for no particular reason, when theyre already getting the short end of the stick despite doing things at their own pace, trying as hard not to offend anyone and doing their best like everyone else in Hololive.

>> No.5622293

Stop replying to bait, you faggots.

>> No.5622315

Unicorn Schizos i swear.......

Their brain circuits must be fried because of the delusions they live in everyday, thinking that the Homos presence "endangers" and poses a threat for the genuine love that both them and their oshi share. Fucking laughable really.

>> No.5622675

It's the same handful of fags on cool-down that feed these threads to make the board spite the stars. Back in /jp/ there was an iphone faggot who would spam /hlg/ with stars images, then he hit the stars thread with anti posts. All for the purpose to stir drama between both places.

>> No.5622852
File: 170 KB, 600x600, 9FFA8315-0265-40AF-9D1E-327AB3430491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5622890

Mentally ill 35piss

>> No.5622912


Yes, this is (you) trying to start drama. No Holostars fan would want to make the rest of the board dislike them as this is one of the few places the stars can actually be discussed. So you're either a troll, or a really misguided fan trying to "own" unicorns by creating threads and discussing with yourself in there. Although, given that you're a pepe poster, you're probably just a falseflagger. Anyway, fuck off

>> No.5623065

Maybe you should work on your IP count reps. Also those threads don't really look like each other, what makes you think they're by the same person? Besides your mental illness, of course.

>> No.5623123
File: 13 KB, 210x240, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5623257

>what makes you think they're by the same person?
Because no one else makes Holostars threads you moron. As for the IP count, it's clear that you're using a VPN. The total IPs here increased by 2 with the last two posts even though you're one of the previous anon replying. Stop trying to stir up drama and find a hobby already

>> No.5623306

>No one else likes the Holostars

>> No.5623443

If I'm using a VPN just report me since that's against global rules; but so is filling inaccurate reports so have fun with that.
>Stop trying to stir up drama and find a hobby already
And what exactly are you doing by accusing people of samefagging over posting a frog and some greentext newfag chama?

>> No.5623497

Reading comprehension you retard
>no one else makes Holostars threads
Because they're happy talking about the boys in their generals

>> No.5623572
File: 478 KB, 900x900, __yukoku_roberu_holostars_drawn_by_yaeyama_reishi__58a53af97beaf7bc38633f8467bed7fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dumb can you be ? lmao

Now youre accusing people of samefagging ?
Heres the shit that i posted retard >>5619820 >>5621392 >>5622012

Now like i said, go take your Homo Hate elsewhere you mentally ill deranged cuck.

Maybe i should make a thread of this >>5619820 and have you seethe like a lil bitch
