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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5615812 No.5615812 [Reply] [Original]

>Coco and Lulu graduating soon
>Gibara already gone earlier this year
>Haachama in indefinite hiatus
So this is the end, huh? I guess it was fun while it lasted.
Is the covid vaccine at fault?

>> No.5615825

It was your fault. Why didn't you save them?

>> No.5616299

It was a niche, it only exploded due to covid, but now that the countries are opening up again and everyone going back to their jobs. No one has time to invest in them and so they slowly fading back to obscurity

>> No.5616344

Anon just because EOP friendly chuubas are leaving it doesn't mean the whole thing is dead

>> No.5616534

Those are the mentions that made you to realize vtubing is dying? You should've realized it a long time ago.

>> No.5616556

This is off topic but we need the African continent and 3rd world countries to improve their living standards.
Increased living standards -> more chance of weebs showing up -> more chances of vtubers support (viewers, SCs, etc.)

>> No.5616566

4 kings and oyabun era ended in 1-2 years. New industry, short waves.

>> No.5616577

I wish you turds would fuck off back to your cow websites.

>> No.5616782

Both the streamer and idol industries see people come and go quickly. Always have. Very very few stick around for years on end.

Treasure your oshi while you have them.

>> No.5616812

It's only over when Mito quits

>> No.5616830 [DELETED] 

Vwhores RISE UP

>> No.5616874

>the everyday life you take for granted will one day crumble

>> No.5616881

No. We need them to die off. They aren't going to flip interest in anime girls instead of sneakers, basketball and other nigger catnip

>> No.5616995

It's only over if Fubuki quits, too.

>> No.5617021

As long as I have my Gura every thing will be daijoubu

>> No.5617110
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make this a /vtd/ general. in the next OP add 4stats, average viewership, and general interest recline. we'll have threadly graduation updates startup company bankruptcies, etc. vtubing should end with coco's graduation fuck this chinks, fuck vtubers, and fuck (You).

>> No.5617114

Why? It's just 2 Nijis and a Holo, there's still a shitload of Holos left, just watch them instead.

>> No.5617129

You don't have an oshi?

>> No.5617173

I have my indies so I'm fine.

>> No.5617241

The genre is bigger than your oshiis.

>> No.5617280

Please can I at least have one indie that rejects politics entirely?

>> No.5617289
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>Roasties always leave once the money and clout dries up

>> No.5617309

There's plenty what do you mean. Just avoid the vtweeters.

>> No.5617317

Fag watch English & The Dog like a human

>> No.5617343

Have you tried watching JP indies you double nigger?

>> No.5617377
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>> No.5617463

i confess i called coco useless a week ago before her graduation, i feel bad now. sorry.

>> No.5617538
File: 478 KB, 691x915, 270299CB-67E0-4DFE-B0B7-64E32BA033B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye Tatsunokos. You will be missed.

>> No.5617564
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nope, things are fine.

>> No.5617585
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Pewdiepie's still there after all these years. Same for Markiplier, Squeezie, JdG, etc.
I don't see why the same wouldn't apply to vtubers?

>> No.5617742
File: 140 KB, 362x326, Polker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of the long-time most famous nijis who helped vtubers become popular and the first hololive member to graduate, you mean.
This is huge.
This actually sounds like a good idea, having a place where we can watch and discuss the growth and decline of corporate and indie vtubers alike would be very interesting and possibly bring new insights in the industry.
Instead of keeping that kind of discussion as doomposting stretched across the board, a /vtd/ general could be useful.

>> No.5618029

This is Sora's shadow. So vulgar and unseiso... YUA.......

>> No.5618057

The golden age is over and that's very sad, but there are still plenty of great vtubers.

>> No.5618099

Golden Age isn't over until Ai graduates.

>> No.5618184

As long as someone is still watching them it's not dead

>> No.5618203

>last video was 7 months ago
YUA... what happen...

>> No.5618320

Long dead. The current Ai is no oyabun.

>> No.5618463

Don't you ever get tired of this joke?

>> No.5621627

Vtubers are just like TV series, they stick around for a few years and then disappear. Very few survive for a long time. The only difference is that they won't necessarily get cancelled if they don't make enough make money, as some do it as a hobby

>> No.5621658

Africans are not like your amerishart niggers, mutt.

>> No.5623275

This, this is also why /vt/ has gone to shit. All that's left are unemployable retards and wapanese third worlders allergic to english.

>> No.5624498

Doomsaying is stupid. Enjoy what you have while it's here. Don't live so far in the future that you forget about the things you haven't lost yet.

>> No.5626157

That's what the numbers thread was supposed to be but then it just ended up being endless dick measuring contests between holo and niji

>> No.5626682
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>> No.5627435

Vtubing isn't dead until Kizuna Ai retires.

>> No.5627780

They very much are, sped.

>> No.5627872

But how can we blame it on the Jews?

>> No.5627916

ask /pol/ for a convoluted theory and post it here

>> No.5627924

>vtubing should end with coco's graduation
lmao no

>> No.5628047

blacks ruined america but they will save vtubing? yeah nah

>> No.5628657
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>> No.5628881

Get with the times, zhangs are the new jews now

>> No.5629178

That's true they're even dumber because they lack the white admixture that mpst american blacks have.

>> No.5629774

In the end, (you) couldn't save any of them. (You) can only watch as they go down in flames, powerless and useless as always.

>> No.5629835

>is vaccine at fault?
more like faggots dying because they didn't get vaccinated are at fault. >>>/trash/

>> No.5630052

I wouldn't compare corposhit to the vast, vast majority of popular youtubers and streamers who have the freedom to do what they want.
An indie as successful as them should stick around for quite a while.

>> No.5630900

you fuckers know very well that it's only over when Pekora and Marine quits.

>> No.5630945

You can learn Japanese without learning one single Chinese rune

>> No.5631142

Man I remember him almost getting touched with Kizuna Ai due to them reaction of Hey Hey Monika song to the point that they might collab at some point.
