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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 405 KB, 500x500, Nerissa_Ravencroft_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56093456 No.56093456 [Reply] [Original]

>the hot guy

>> No.56093693

>implying Aragorn is not hot


>> No.56093783

Is she wrong?

>> No.56093838

I don't get it

>> No.56094006

find yourself a diet and do some exercises bro

>> No.56094016

Nerissa just said she finds Aragorn and guys like him hot.

>> No.56094141
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>> No.56094167

I mean he was the true king of gondor
that's pretty hot

>> No.56094297

Have any other Holos mentioned lotr before?

>> No.56094351

no she was talking about pipin you retard

>> No.56094360

Were you expecting her to like faggy-looking dudes like Legolas? Watch HoloJP then.

>> No.56094380

Kiara and Bae

>> No.56094453

I knew she's going to be great

>> No.56094526

Gura mentioned watching it. She won't do watchalong because it's too long probably...

>> No.56094543

Where's the lie? Boromir is hotter though.

>> No.56094566
File: 39 KB, 672x698, widegorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, Aragorn II Elessar, son of Arathorn, hereby declare this raven exempt from any taxation!

>> No.56094598

>lusting over males

>> No.56094603

Why has no one every said Gimli was hot

>> No.56094619
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>> No.56094629

Really? Isn't she an uber zoomer? Are her parents into it or something? No way she got into lotr on her own.

>> No.56094637

>Nerissa likes Legolas and Aragorn
>Kiara likes Sam and Gimli

>> No.56094649

Well yeah, he's hot.
I'd let Aragorn fuck me too. And I'm perfectly straight.

>> No.56094678

kiara and nerissa both like rings of power so they are both trash

>> No.56094722

>insecure about everything
very attractive, op

>> No.56094780

Based Dúnedain enjoyer

>> No.56094783


>> No.56094796

Great, so both like me because I am a mix between all four of them
Gonna have a lot of sex with both of them

>> No.56094813

>it's too long probably
But that's the best part! You chumbuds should try talking her into it. She's missing out.

>> No.56094974

How? I tried watching the first ep about 3 times, but I kept falling asleep 20 mins in because literally nothing was happening.

>> No.56095043
File: 164 KB, 1024x1287, furea2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck dwarfs.

>> No.56095089

She's right

>> No.56095107

But /vt/ told me she was a lesbian.

>> No.56095109

I love bisexual women.

>> No.56095204
File: 135 KB, 900x870, 1673420743853000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is he not hot? he just needs a shower

>> No.56095386

Either her parents or her sister probably. She does have some interests here and there that don’t fit the typical zoomer mold. Some of her glaring blind spots are a matter of her being Australian and not from North America instead of just being a zoomer, for example, and NZ is just a stone’s throw away for her.

>> No.56095397

Fine, if you insist

>> No.56095537

anon it's not like she's read the Silmarillion

>> No.56095931

She literally said she also likes Legolas and Orlando Bloom in general lmao

>> No.56096060

I haven't met anyone born in the 2000's that's watched it, unless it was recommended to them by a relative or an okder friend. We're steadily approaching an era where entire generations only know rings of power and go "literally who?" if you so much as bring up Tolkien.

>> No.56096186

she's right

>> No.56096195
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, NotAragorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is she wrong?
I admit IWNBAW, but if I were one I'd probably find Viggo Mortensen hot, but not that thing that WotC claimed was Aragorn in their MTG version.

>> No.56096236

im not gay but this man is hot as hell

>> No.56096308

I mean, she's not wrong.

>> No.56096443

>We're steadily approaching an era where entire generations only know rings of power
I don't think there exists an age bracket where more people have seen RoP than the Peter Jackson trilogy, though I'll concede that for young viewers it's a whole lot closer than it should be.

>> No.56096503


>> No.56096578
File: 280 KB, 871x357, ZainAragorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, me

>> No.56096973

I think you're being pessimistic.
Anyway, my point being that watching the movie or consooming merch is superficial fandom and does not require you to appreciate the source material so for now I will gatekeep the shizz out of the rrat until western fantasy correction is applied.

>> No.56097483

Oh no no no, gimlibros...

>> No.56097704

Not totally related to this, but she's really good at reading the worst comments from her chat out loud. I hate you guys. Or more specifically I hate anyone who sucks, and a lot of you non-lurkers suck. So she's just always reading shit like "you did that wrong." "You're ruining everything." "MORON DON'T DO THAT" "step on me, mommy?" "ArE tHeY sInGlE!?" etc. She has no personality of her own, yet, so she's just a mouth piece for the mouth breathers in her chat. It's a terrible viewing experience.

>> No.56097891

>ArE tHeY sInGlE!?
man, I hate this one
what I wouldn't give to give whoever started it a good smack across the mouth

>> No.56098016

I'm more of a Matthew McConaughey in Reign of Fire gal myself but yeah, she's not wrong.

>> No.56098344

alright time to hobo up

>> No.56098615

I watched the extended versions of LotR while smoking weed.
Cool fight scenes.

>> No.56098658


>> No.56098939

I've a heterosexual male and even I can tell Vigo Mortenson is a sexual beast.

>> No.56099514
File: 2.00 MB, 360x200, tumblr_np7mieh4oF1qbajilo9_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impeccable taste.

>> No.56099769

/vt/ why are you so gae...

>> No.56099950

I'm a straight male and I can still recognize an attractive dude. Is that the same for lesbians?

>> No.56099995

okay i'll watch her

>> No.56100148

/vt/ loves cock. why do you think theyre so tsundere for vesper?

>> No.56100325

jesus, kiara is such an obnoxious bitch, how the fuck people watch her?

>> No.56100549

we've been telling you she's literally bisexual and for some reason the camps on both sides are shitposting that she's not
she's a relatively normal millennial girl that likes things

>> No.56100548

Kiara said Sam and Gimli are her favorite LoTR characters

>> No.56100572

Viggo Mortensen is a gigachad though, he deflected a real knife that got thrown at him in Fellowship

>> No.56100714


>> No.56100737

What's Nerissa's tax policy?

>> No.56101361
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>> No.56101455

everyone knows Gollum is the real hot guy

>> No.56101523

Good. I'm so sick of hearing girlsl raise Legolas the mary sue elf. Yes I'm still mad about the shield and maumkil scenes.

>> No.56101768

gimlibros in shambles
always gotta grasp at straws

>> No.56103544

He's Kiara type too.

>> No.56104151

Her problem isn't that she's a zoomer, she's just a tiger asian who went through super strict parenting so she never had a proper childhood besides stuff her sister shared/exposed her to. There's a lot of stuff she does know but those moments never get clipped because of course they don't

>> No.56104648

*kicks helmet*
*breaks foot*
Bet that turns you on

>> No.56107346

well yes, I want to BE Aragorn. is there a problem? did you think she was gonna say Gollum is hot?

>> No.56107484

So she's not a dyke? Kiara is going to cut contact with her if she can't fuck her.

>> No.56107585

>faggy-looking dudes like Legolas
Contrary to what the live-action films would have you believe, Legolas and other Tolkien elf dudes are supposed to look like muscular action heroes.

>> No.56107623

Please understand, the concept of bisexuality doesn't exist on this board. Every talent is either a cockgobbler or a carpet muncher, no inbetweens are allowed.

>> No.56107857

so she likes poor ass looking man

>> No.56108162

Is she supposed to lie and say he isn't hot?

>> No.56111449


>> No.56112348
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>> No.56112854
File: 67 KB, 720x874, Just two kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based taste. Aragorn is peak manhood.

>> No.56113258
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>> No.56113643

I've literally never met a single woman who didn't think Viggo Mortensen wasn't hot. Like come on now.

>> No.56114662


>> No.56115557

What is her tax policy?

>> No.56116827

>Descended from a hero king and heir to the throne of Gondor and Arnor
>War veteran
>Contributed to the downfall of the setting's big bad and became king
Oh no no, how can the sedentary 5'7" and below skinnyfat SEA weebs on /vt/ ever compete hahahahaha

>> No.56117634

>not even 5'7"

>> No.56117866

Aragorn is one of the perfect example of a true GigaChad, not fake gay ass bitches like that baldy Tate. A leader that is strong, kind, and earns his respect through sheer knightship. Anyone who had watched LoTR would know this fact, but of course, I almost forgot that this board is filled with zoomers.

>> No.56120751
File: 57 KB, 350x405, 1690494504624563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women find the knightly hero archetype attractive
Wow...I am... shocked!
anons why did no one tell me!?

>> No.56121584
File: 21 KB, 288x252, 1582345043978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56123021

See the difference between your post and mine is that I posted a pic of an Aragorn.

>> No.56123198

I think the anon knew that

>> No.56123248

Come out the closet someplace else

>> No.56123301

Then he should stop acting like a fool .

>> No.56128106
File: 240 KB, 1400x2000, F3eN_jKaEAAItag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56130525

Kiara said he was hot too in the members watch along. Idk, he's a handsome guy. Kiara and Narissa might seem like raging lesbians but they more than likely have dated more men than women if they ever even dated women.

>> No.56132119

Very wrong

>> No.56133050

orange woman really tries hard to make me like her

>> No.56133255


>> No.56138693

now youre talking

>> No.56139492

Weird that this actually happened.

>> No.56139603
File: 198 KB, 396x406, 1672938363889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily just like a muscular action-hero; Tolkien described Legolas as lithe, tall and strong.
A professor for Old English would know that archery, especially using bows with high draw weight, requires a lot of strength - but a kind of strength that doesn't result in an overly bulky chest or waist (pic related).

>> No.56141029

Holy based

>> No.56141182

The millennials in Hololive who know of LotR also defend Rings of Power. So maybe just don't go to women for your taste in movies?

>> No.56141262

Anon... Do you really think Viggo Mortensen is unattractive to women? Are you retarded?

>> No.56141322
File: 1.72 MB, 1212x1184, 1680466224151308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56141537

The funniest thing is Aragon the card is all colors except black for his mana cost. Yet also.. he technically is all the colors in another way..
