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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.56049959
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>> No.56050058
File: 1.76 MB, 568x568, WIFE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fflwi0u.mp3].webm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my cute gem wife

>> No.56050064

biboo will have doritos for dinner

>> No.56050110

It's hard to believe but she really loves streaming. She just refuses to stop

>> No.56050113
File: 2.62 MB, 1110x828, headpats[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0d55e0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biboo flexing on Rissa in a game that Rissa has beat and Biboo has little to no knowledge of
>gaslighting Rissa into turning this into an endurance stream
I love my gaming rock daughterwife

>> No.56050112

everyone is going to struggle to get this rock to end during gaming collabs arent they

>> No.56050164

>fall gays with pebbles
I'm excited for sunday

>> No.56050190

terraria is fun huh

>> No.56050193
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>> No.56050263
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My Biboo supplies have been satisfied i love her

>> No.56050278
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>> No.56050335
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Bijou's little lady bits...

>> No.56050368


>> No.56050372
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>> No.56050397
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God i hope she tries asmr for membership. Just for once let me have something nice

>> No.56050409

My Biboo is gone...

>> No.56050424
File: 704 KB, 2892x4096, 1691082044477916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56050440


>> No.56050456

I wonder how many pebbles went to bed after the karaoke and missed like 2 and half hours of extra bijou

>> No.56050483
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>> No.56050506


>> No.56050514

I'm probably booting the game up again after the stream ends, haven't really played since Golem got added.

>> No.56050542
File: 392 KB, 960x960, 1691724671499513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to but my intuition told me to stay up. I am very glad that I did.

>> No.56050555

I hope Nerissa backs off Biboo a little.
She seems smothering

>> No.56050657

yeah it can, and it has much more action than you think, the bosses are very good too

>> No.56050692

Beebs can handle herself. She tough like rock

>> No.56050763
File: 30 KB, 150x133, 1679991719093068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that baby and her bitch mother just ended the fucking stream!

>> No.56050852
File: 176 KB, 484x366, I have a gun[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjps93q.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch out that baby is dangerous

>> No.56050900

Is mumei autistic?

>> No.56050945


>> No.56051007

No, Anon. We don't do that here. This is not the momento.

>> No.56051034

The game's become almost an entirely different beast since then, enjoy bro.

>> No.56051073
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>> No.56051165

All i can think of now is that cursed cheebs edit and I hate it

>> No.56051241

I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.56051291

that's why I love her

>> No.56051308

The rock should get singing lessons.

>> No.56051319

So in terms of collab chemistry, Rissa is the best. Then FWMC and the less we see of Shiori the better, right?

>> No.56051350

ogey HolovHolo

>> No.56051359


>> No.56051376

Just caught up the Karaoke stream and despite clearly not being on tune half the time I still enjoyed all the way through.
What is this power?

>> No.56051378

>Bijou's throat is scratchy
Her voice is likely going to be ragged tomorrow. That's what happens when you go three days in a row with multiple streams and a karaoke session doing songs that push the limit of your vocal range.

Enjoyed all the streams though. Just hope she takes care of herself better.

>> No.56051397


>> No.56051399

I actually thought the shiori collab was pretty fun until the end when Shiori just completely gave up

>> No.56051403
File: 1.01 MB, 849x1200, biboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oyasumi biboo

>> No.56051446

Shiori was fine until she mentally tapped out and started threatening to use Google for a puzzle game.

>> No.56051463

make sure to watch Nerissa's terraria stream for bonus biboo

>> No.56051467

I liked the collab with FWMC.
It started a bit ruff but it got a lot better as it went on.
They are probably just not that close yet.

>> No.56051472

Gen collabs will hopefully be more or less replaced by other collabs where she has more chemistry with the other person. Won't be a JP because of the language barrier, only Lui would be able to do that in both Thai and English but she has her eyes on the twins.

>> No.56051480

You're responding to bait, they're posting on cooldown in the other advent threads.

>> No.56051482

Fuwamoco need to be on their own desu. They're too good with each other and having a third kinda makes it weird.

>> No.56051515

Bijou and Fauna would be great since they're both meme queens

>> No.56051534

I caught some of it live but there is only so much I can take of mori personally.

>> No.56051560
File: 364 KB, 524x631, 1681017666402344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but it doesn't work anyway. until they start replying to themselves

>> No.56051580

Really I don't think Bijou's found her ideal collab partners yet. But she's strong enough to make anything work so all the collabs have been good

>> No.56051586

If they can get on the same wavelength whether to focus on the game or focus on zatsu, Rissa is great.
If Shiori doesn't want to call it a day after 90 minutes and end the stream, she's got some good personal chemistry with Biboo.
FWMC so far haven't had any egregious examples of poor chemistry, so until we see more collabs with them it's hard to say whether they'll stay consistantly good with Biboo or if a certain genre or topic will sour a stream like Goose Game and Google.

>> No.56051660

>Goose Game
The issue of that one was just that they were focused on the actual game almost the entire time.

>> No.56051721

Yeah, from what I've seen on streams seems like there's a huge barrier for Diamond Dogs to be a solid collab unit. And Shiori is just, well, Shiori. Seems like we'll have to settle with Nerissa until the collab ban with Kaela lifted.

>> No.56051802

>seems like there's a huge barrier for Diamond Dogs to be a solid collab unit.
What do you mean?

>> No.56051844
File: 2.37 MB, 960x960, 1668660104053400.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Bijou and nerissa act like Irolappy: they have that same energy.

>> No.56051850
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>> No.56051858
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Biboo is a gamer and the dogs are just too casual

>> No.56051893

I really want to see this collab too, but I've been thinking it might not work as well as I hope because Biboo is too well-adjusted for Fauna's liking kek. Take that how you will

>> No.56051926

But having someone being hilariously bad is entertaining?

>> No.56051999

The dogs are too close-knit with each other that sometimes it looks like Biboo is the third whee on that Overcooked collab stream, but that's just probably me.

>> No.56052018
File: 577 KB, 2000x2000, 1681779474861716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56052038

A pinkish/purpleish hue is emenating from within her crotch reflecting unto her inner thighs

>> No.56052080

FWMC in general is an anomaly for collabs, I dont think that it is a bijou vs FWMC thing but a barrier that FWMC has to deal with regardless of collab partner

>> No.56052095

Did you watch the entire thing?
I feel like it a lot better as the stream went on.

>> No.56052215
File: 315 KB, 1802x2048, 1690607529790823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it and it got better and better as time went on in the collab imo

>> No.56052231 [DELETED] 

Nerissa is so bad in a 1 on 1 conversation at least she can actually engage with Mori on topics.

>> No.56052285

>Hollow Knight, Undertale, Tales of Symphonia, Nier Automata
Which biboo game should I play first? She spoke very fondly of Symphonia today

>> No.56052299

Watched it till the part where Biboo beats them 1v2. But yeah it's probably just me.

>> No.56052316 [DELETED] 

Hollow Knight

>> No.56052325

I can't speak to Symphonia, since my only Tales game is Berseria, but all the other three are good, though Undertale is a llittle Tumblr-y. I'd say as far as value/money spent, HK is the winner.

>> No.56052438

Hollow Knight is the most fun of that list

>> No.56052516

It's just a cuckbeat shitting up /ope/ too

>> No.56052630

Getting a footjob from Biboo's stinky feet

>> No.56052633 [DELETED] 

Jailcuck still seething his fake lesbian whores career is already in the gutter. LMAO

>> No.56052719

I didn't mean to put it like that. You're not wrong about how you felt about the collab.
I think both FWMC and Biboo are such stronger solo (well not really solo in the case of FWMC) streamers that it always feels like there is something missing in a collab.

>> No.56052905

That's a fair point. May be doomed to be less than the sum of its parts

>> No.56052910
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>> No.56053062

Anons, you better learn Japanese before Biboo does or else you risk not understanding her in JP collabs!

>> No.56053311

Can't attest to tales or neir but hollow knight is probably the best $15 dollars on a game you could spend on. Easily 25-40 hours of gameplay and theres a bossrush mode that is pretty rewarding

>> No.56053842


>> No.56053971

my owlshi is kinda...

>> No.56054083

Wrong thread hooman, your owlshi is cute though

>> No.56054118

Oh shit, sorry. I had the wrong tab open while I was playing FFXIV.

>> No.56054146
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>> No.56055178

I want a moom biboo collab... imagine the IQ drain...

>> No.56055247

I would be struggling to hold onto my final brain cell during that collab

>> No.56055455
File: 1.48 MB, 1887x1333, 1691992180005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some rock

>> No.56055480

That's my dream collab there. I hope it happens soon

>> No.56055920

I will finally become as smooth as Biboo

>> No.56056596
File: 282 KB, 1391x782, 20230813230142_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really didn't want to work on my vtuber mod again until the latest update to Death Road to Canada was released, but I couldn't resist.


>> No.56056982

I want her to play this game. I never got far into it but it was fun.

>> No.56057020

Hololive has perms for the game. Only Fauna has ever streamed it, though. Kind of a shame.

>> No.56057081

Well the good part about Bijou being a HARDCORE GAMER is that we're a lot more likely to see streams of games most holos wouldn't touch. Same with FWMC and otaku stuff only JP tends to care about generally.

>> No.56057249

Oh fuck. Im gonna have to redownload Fall Guys arent I.
Nice week coming up otherwise.

>> No.56057308

Let's take turns grabbing Biboo

>> No.56057390

So how long was Biboo playing with Nerissa?
I only caught the last half hour. Is it worth going back and watching?

>> No.56057960

The Dogs are casual but they've also proven they can be good at following orders because they're loyal like dogs.

Bijou can be Boss and they can be her minions they're even color coded like a duel mini boss.

>> No.56058017

She doesnt talk that much until mori leaves

>> No.56058063

what happened to the birthday collab that got technical issue'd

>> No.56058170

Background track was missing. She didnt have time to figure out the issue.
Said she was fine with that because she wanted to do a better job of it when shes feeling better.

>> No.56058226

bijou's first cross-gen collab should have been mumei, feels bad

>> No.56058270

Its sad that I cant tell if this legit or a thinly-veiled 'Mori Hate' comment.

>> No.56058302

>Is it worth going back and watching?
Yeah it is, but like the other anon said it gets better after Mori leaves because Biboo becomes more talkative.

>> No.56058303

Ok? Watch the whole stream if you dont believe me dipshit

>> No.56058476
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>> No.56058506

Bijou technically wasn't there in person aynway, so it wouldn't be a "real" collab.

>> No.56058519

I'm not ashamed of hating Mori. It's a perfectly normal thing to do.

>> No.56058558

Bijou is playing Minecraft in a cave looking for diamonds. That's funny. I'm in the same cave looking for minors.

>> No.56058658

Speaking of Minecraft - do we think Biboo is just waiting to play til the full collab ban is over?
Im guessing Kaela already has her booked to play as soon as possible.

>> No.56058724

I highly doubt she'll play until she can do so with kaela

>> No.56058749

I don't watch Kaela. Is she based?

>> No.56058873

I guess that depends on what your defintiion of based is.
Shes autistic as fuck, but cute in her own way.
Not a gamer in the sense of skill, but of time. Sinks hours and hours into games - all on stream.
Shes probably streamed more in her first year in Hololive than most have in 2+ years.

>> No.56058886

Yes. Shes autistic

>> No.56058925

I guess she's a good match for Bijou then. That's the only thing I was really concerned about.

>> No.56060114

Calm down everypony

>> No.56060167

Important biboo tweets

>> No.56060520

what the fuck did i miss

>> No.56060542

We're going to get horny sonic content from her aren't we?

>> No.56060627


>> No.56060778
File: 141 KB, 250x335, 1691884637165062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you know for future reference, if Nerissa is doing an open VC stream you can expect Biboo.

>> No.56060905


>> No.56061014

Mori is sucking the life out of this open VC but I must endure for Biboo

>> No.56061135

Ugh. Love Biboo. I love Bibo. I love Biboo.

>> No.56061298

Shes absolutely going to play SA2 in the future.
Cant wait.

>> No.56061379
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>> No.56061381
File: 120 KB, 1080x1080, Qwortyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56061434

Im sensing next bread pic.

>> No.56061568

Is it true that Biboo cute?

>> No.56061695
File: 303 KB, 850x1283, 17852528581151874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know anon, she looks pretty damn cute to me.

>> No.56061935

Is she funny though?

>> No.56062091

Bijou wants to stick her futa dick between rouges fat tits

>> No.56062162
File: 1.23 MB, 644x990, image_2023-08-14_205137787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56062221

she is very cute and funny

>> No.56062264
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>> No.56062268
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A crime against humanity...

>> No.56062871

what dis?

>> No.56063025

Will Rissa encourage Biboo to get singing lessons? Help this rock please.

>> No.56063124

kys. her singing sounded great. not everyone needs to sing like some opera bitch

>> No.56063133

Fake stream leaked here to identify all the /vt/ards and promptly shadowban them

>> No.56063152

Wow, the old double falseflag self-reply. Impressive.

>> No.56063173

>her singing sounded great
Take the cute and funny cryng filter off and I don't think you would believe this.

>> No.56063179

It's one thing to love Biboo. To be delusional is another.

>> No.56063199

SEA hours, huh?

>> No.56063250

Yep. Good thing Im about to go to bed.

>> No.56063269

>SEA hours, huh?
Nobody insulted her anon, just suggested improvement where it was needed. Don't be a crybaby.

>> No.56063386
File: 417 KB, 1322x1633, TopQualityBijou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me mah rock wife. I look forward to seeing her singing improve over the years too. Keeping the first karaoke unarchived will be great for comparing how far she comes vocally.

>> No.56063514

Archived*, but hell yes, I can't wait to see how her idol's journey goes. Being frank, I don't think there's much room for her to improve as a streamer. I won't HolovHolo like a faggot, but she flat-out mogs a lot of other ENs in terms of streaming professionalism. So I think a lot of her growth is going to be in the traditional idol fields as opposed to the streaming side.

>> No.56065223

If I go to Thailand can I get a legal age loli memelord waifu like bibu?

>> No.56065446 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 300x168, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56065872
File: 592 KB, 2912x4096, CHEFBIJOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss chef bijou

>> No.56065876
File: 3.20 MB, 1586x1586, 1692010149498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.56065941

When's bijou's membership opening?

>> No.56065991

>fall guys
This is gonna be absolute kino no?

>> No.56066063

Tomorrow two weeks probably

>> No.56066077

More like the dogs are just too alienated. Their knowledge on things are just too different from the other girls. The other girls references a lot of things but it goes over their head.

>> No.56067012

She's going to get gangbanged by a lobby of pebblephiles, i'm looking forward to it.

>> No.56067417

What game is this and are you making your mod available? If yeah, I might get it just for the mod

>> No.56067431

im gonna be the guy that keeps grabbing her

>> No.56067867
File: 910 KB, 2480x3508, 20230814_074132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning. I love Biboo.

>> No.56068255
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>> No.56068634

I needed to sleep, but now I have a nice VOD to watch. No problem.

>> No.56069240

Phoneposting from work just to declare that I love Biboo

>> No.56069747

The smell of Bijou's pussy

>> No.56069777

I want to sniff and lick Biboo's armpits

>> No.56070036

Cumming inside Bijou's socks and making her wear them

>> No.56070045

more terraria pls holoen i beg you

>> No.56070106

Sekaaaai de ichiban ohimesama
Bijou-hime please punish me

>> No.56070268
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>> No.56070535
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Based and same.

>> No.56070778
File: 424 KB, 850x1326, 1662330017789316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the wrong version

>> No.56070947

Biboo's aishite, aishite, aishite activated my pebbles, bros

>> No.56071051

>missed the karaoke
>had to sleep after the first 2 hours of the open VC stream
>reduced being a VODnigger
I hate being a wageslave so much bros. I want to watch Biboo live...

>> No.56071111

I slept after the karaoke. Didn't expect her to join the Rissa stream

>> No.56071193

Same, but I'm sacrificing my sleep schedule anyway. It's easier for me because most of the days I'm WFH but I still hate the wage cage.

>> No.56071725
File: 205 KB, 538x517, 1690855625714143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Moom x Gura x Biboo collab so I can revert to a primordial state and just giggle at the screen as my brain smooths into a pebble in real time.

>> No.56072263
File: 1.33 MB, 854x480, bijou getter[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcr4gpu.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56072524
File: 237 KB, 1662x1079, 1691909743946621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56072598

mumei said she'd sing it in the council anniversary or after that.

>> No.56072717
File: 133 KB, 364x346, 1691104389302182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo is a good girl and I think she'll get along great with everyone. She seems to have the ability to bounce off of others energy down pretty well.

>> No.56072794
File: 70 KB, 209x219, 1691905185248400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody adores her because she's cute and funny

>> No.56073484

It would polish our brains to give them the nice smooth sheen it deserves

>> No.56073617
File: 74 KB, 230x227, 1663865170184353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56074979

Fun fact: Biboo's favorite genshin girl is Ganyu.

>> No.56075140

When did she say this? I know she likes kuudere girls, does Ganyu count as one?

>> No.56075335
File: 990 KB, 4096x2769, F3frfPeWEAEQE11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spider biboo

>> No.56075360


>> No.56075446

She said that during a prechat session, but she didn't say anything else about that. Ganyu is not a kuudere but she has this "must protect" aura

>> No.56075499

Listening to One Last Kiss again and I'm gosling so much

>> No.56075507

I want her cocogoat milk

>> No.56075648
File: 3 KB, 165x25, 1674896963865169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My retarded wife

>> No.56075684

If I was a drawfag I'd draw Biboo in Ganyu's clothes, rip

>> No.56075691

I like riss and biboo's dynamic. I think they're the best pair in advent.

>> No.56075774


>> No.56075780
File: 855 KB, 2893x4092, 1647680875483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganyu is my favorite of the grown ass women, but my favorite girl will forever be Qiqi.

>> No.56075797

Agreed. Goose game wasn't that good but Terraria was miles better. They're so cute together

>> No.56075821

looks like biboo

>> No.56075874
File: 372 KB, 4092x2893, 20230814_074221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56075917
File: 904 KB, 800x2168, 1678413342996188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat ass Biboo, I'm ready for the consequences of what I'm about to do

>> No.56075942

My mod is on the Nexus


The Bijou update isn't live yet though. The thing I'm worried about right now is that Death Road is supposed to update near the end of this month. Once that happens, every mod for the game will break, due to the nature of how the scripts are set up. Fixing mine will take a long, long time.

>> No.56076056
File: 431 KB, 600x400, 1661158444378413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Genshin very early. Saved pulls for the first Klee banner, failed to pull her and quit. Never played the game again.

>> No.56076063
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>> No.56076215
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>> No.56076554


>> No.56076582

Saved but I guess I'll wait for the Biboo and if the update breaks it before I buy it

>> No.56076633
File: 490 KB, 2230x1440, 20230814_105447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56076682

Holy cuuuuuuuuute

>> No.56076709

T o T

>> No.56076908

why the fuck does this look so cool and seggs at the same time... biboo... I'm sorry for what I'm about to do

>> No.56077491

Does Biboo like root beer

>> No.56078053

She calls it a web shooter
I call it easy access

>> No.56079972
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>> No.56079978


>> No.56080120
File: 266 KB, 1922x1112, 1692027948_19221112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should farm gold for the release

>> No.56080486

Biboos sweaty gamer ass suffocating my face

>> No.56080829

You've farmed more than Kaela, I think you can relax dude

>> No.56080998

>release in 3 days
>have to either miss a biboo stream or get spoiled

>> No.56081397

Spoiled on what? It's a fuckin Vampire Survivors clone.

>> No.56081477

There isn't anything to get spoiled on though?

>> No.56081645

I don't know anything about Vampire Survivors either
But when Biboo was in Kaela's stream I watched for like 20 seconds to get more Biboo and I saw there were things like the relics from Slay the Spire, but Kaela was playing too fast for me to process what any of it meant

>> No.56081734

Watch it, it's her first time. We'll get to see her reacting/learning about the references.

>> No.56082250

Balls deep in bijou while her mom watches

>> No.56082340

Balls deep in bijous mom while bijou watches

>> No.56082410

Pushes your hips so you go deeper into Bijou, and tells you to give her grandchildren

>> No.56082428

Threesome with Bijou x Shion

>> No.56082503

Biboo where are you

>> No.56082518

Bijou x Shion x Gura x La+ golden shower

>> No.56082544

Remember that Biboo visits this place. She's gonna see how much you talk about plapping her

>> No.56082625
File: 220 KB, 549x326, 1679594584787464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she loves it
I have so much love to give you, biboo~~

>> No.56082690

honestly, I'd be surprised if she wasn't expecting anything like that, also fits her teasing anyway, the little brat rock knows what she's doing

>> No.56082756

Koseki Bijou from Hololive EN Advent has /gem/ on auto scroll during her streams. This is true and there's enough circunstancial evidence for this.

>> No.56083061
File: 42 KB, 194x164, 1690950024597074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know, if I get dubs Bijou will send me a pic of her biboobs

>> No.56083100
File: 467 KB, 621x732, oshi[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8fitxn.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Aaawwww, you wanna mating press me~? That makes me happy~! Thank you"

>> No.56083255
File: 54 KB, 462x462, F3enYdebwAAxiMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will rissa do to her on their first off collab?

>> No.56083296

Beeping feels so good, thank you for teaching me lots of naughty stuff :D

>> No.56083335

bratty msgk punishment spanking asmr

>> No.56083469

microphone in pussy asmr
>Hey chat, *squelch squelch* Jailbirds, Pebbles, can you guess whose pussy this is *squelch squelch* just by the sounds it makes?

>> No.56083622
File: 31 KB, 112x112, 1688315192574735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little biboo, I love you so much I'll give you the privilege of being my personal onahole~

>> No.56083655

Biboo please sing Vast - Here with your cutest voice

>> No.56084357

Biboo should sing Duality

>> No.56084402
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>> No.56084626

I want biboo to release a studio cover of One Last Kiss

>> No.56084732

Biboo full nelson

>> No.56085069
File: 72 KB, 280x242, 1691478612156081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too horny pebbles. Take a cold shower!

>> No.56085124

I want biboo to lock me in a chastity cage and lose the key

>> No.56085242

I will start nofap and cold showers every day so I can channel that horny energy into my drawing practice

>> No.56085243

Groping Biboo's ass in public while we're at McDonalds waiting to make our order.

>> No.56085490

Can't stop thinking about Bijou looking down to see what underwear color she was wearing.

>> No.56085627

Man, that was glorious. The way she went pink!!! afterwards was just too adorable and humorous

>> No.56085810

bijou is wearing black lacey panties today btw

>> No.56085925
File: 407 KB, 2048x2048, 20230814_135116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when is the menstrual cycle chart going to be made?

>> No.56086066

Props to her being a legit gamer, dethroning Fauna as the most hardcore. I'm impressed.

>> No.56086094
File: 133 KB, 128x128, 1675037201592865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh to be able to see what she was seeing at that moment...

>> No.56086249

Fauna is known as a gamer? Never struck me as one.

>> No.56086470

Biboo is too young for that, dummy

>> No.56086564

Assuming she's 10, her first menstrual cycle is unlikely to start yet.

>> No.56086676

Uh akschually she's a gem and is millions of years old

>> No.56086909

Of EN. She has been more hardcore about it than any of the others. She conquered GOI. Calli did so with Jump King but I feel like Fauna was more consistent in her just gaming everything. Hell, she was getting close to Moona levers of farm making in Minecraft.

>> No.56086974

If she keeps going on random tangents about butts it's really going to become her thing, huh
A titless rock may have no life, but at least it has hometown
>unbreakable rockunny mahou shoujo, impervious to villains and pebbles alike, but weak to anal
I can get behind it

>> No.56087119

nta but for some people stumbling into the newly added items or broken/shitty item combos (and integrating them blindly into your build, to either success or abject failure) is a large part of any roguelite mechanic appeal

>> No.56087427

Random seed Ender dragon speed runs, was EN's Moona for building machines and farms, best GOI time of any corpo vtuber that I know of, was sweeping during the holo mario maker tournament until she got fucked by Nintendo netcode. Overall a strong gamer if you ignore FPS games.
She (was) the primary big dick gamer of Holo EN. It's a little early to say and I know nothing about biboo's PL but it looks like she's going to be dethroned by rock cunny.
Looking forward to seeing situations where the two are head-to-head. I feel like it'd get pretty competitve lol

>> No.56087887

Biboo cunnilingus

>> No.56088006

Think the dogs have a lot more potential with the rock than people are giving credit for, just debuffed by the meme cooking game
Lot of anons here mentioning concerns about both of them being held back from solo or being unable to banter with each other properly, which is fair, but you're not going to see much in a game that demands constant multitask focus where all the convo is just "oh shit the food is burning we need more of this help"

On the other hand during EDF you could hear the dogs constantly having the time of their life causing chaos in the background and laughing about blowing up buildings, killing civilians, "GET OUT OF MY WAY OR I'LL FRIENDLY FIRE YOU", etc
In a game or 1:1 collab with more breathing room to talk, they seem the most likely to be able to feed and engage with Biboo's own destructive or chaotic fuckery tendencies, if the other two hadn't been EDF I would've fully expected the stream to devolve into full blown warcrime tangents
>But they're absolute dogshit at games
As long as neither Biboo or FWMC get salty over it, that's also great (and they're going into fucking APEX so it seems neither care)
Gives the rock more opportunities to fuck with them, as well as flex her leadership and gamer card when she tries to carry them

>> No.56088535

Too fill out the time while we wait for biboo, what are some games/songs you want her to play/sing on stream?

Personally I want to see her play something that gets her to be really emotional. Like, almost if not sobbing levels of emotional.

>> No.56088600

They have potential with Biboo sure, but I'd need to see more to make any kind of judgment on that. As things stand Rissa has more collab chemistry with Biboo.

>> No.56088620

>I can get behind it
I call dibs. Also man that 'web shooter' looks like a weird butt plug

>> No.56088753

But what if it's a geological cycle and every part of it lasts thousands upon thousands of years.

>> No.56088830
File: 109 KB, 1692x1252, 1647232139939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshii reminds me of early gura, too fucking adorable

>> No.56088862

There are too many games I want her to play to name them (and I'd probably get shat on for some of them) and I don't expect her to actually play any of them if she hasn't already played them.
>Personally I want to see her play something that gets her to be really emotional. Like, almost if not sobbing levels of emotional.
I like Biboo laughing and happy but that'd be pretty kino in its own way...

>> No.56088924

Suteki da ne

>> No.56088958

Stop being horny for rock children, /gem/

>> No.56089015

no thank you, enjoy your day

>> No.56089113
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>> No.56089340
File: 214 KB, 909x1700, 1691679268109583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No :D

>> No.56089397

I think they should give Biboo a nude version to use on stream.

>> No.56089426

yes that's the point

>> No.56089945

Shadows of Doubt when (if) it comes out. I'm sure she'll have fun with its sandbox and break it in various ways.

>> No.56089969

Four more hours!

>> No.56090038

She said she already played Xenoblade 1 so might as well do 2 and 3 on-stream.

>> No.56090310

I want her to sing a Pink Floyd song, don't care which one. As for games, Darktide.

>> No.56090350

Bijou is a crybaby bitch

>> No.56090407

I want her to sing nanahira songs.

>> No.56090526

wee bit rude there innit

>> No.56090569

Watch Biboo's karaoke again :D

>> No.56090666


>> No.56090798


>> No.56091105

If she enjoyed L4D2/EDF week one would love to see her pick up ratclick (and then try to carry the other girls through Champ/Leg)
Do think Darktide is probably a lot harder to onboard new players onto, just due to being significantly weaker and having less options early on, as well as other mechanics like the rotating store and missions, etc. Did they ever eventually drag the game out of permanent kusoge stasis?

>> No.56091114

Already did :D

>> No.56091164
File: 180 KB, 500x747, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if she somehow never heard of this movie before and does a first watchalong of it with pebbles

>> No.56091729

It's been updated a couple of times with new maps and conditions, like more enemy spawns etc.

>> No.56091749

I did it during work today. I even replayed aishite, love is war and world is mine a few times.

>> No.56092023

wow, are your ears ok? KEK!

>> No.56092206
File: 184 KB, 420x407, 1690940680031864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now

>> No.56092233

fire fire light the fire

>> No.56092245

I came thrice during the day.

>> No.56092364

Honestly I've had it on loop since she ended. Even the first half has grown on me.

>> No.56092385

This movie is overrated.

>> No.56092422

>Even the first half has grown on me.

>> No.56092458

I might be biased but I prefer Bijou's karaoke version

>> No.56092526

it's not about the rating, it's about a cute 14 year old girl fucking dying when she tries to play at her hideout, traumatizing unsuspecting watchers who thinks it's a normal kids movie

>> No.56092552

First version or the encore version?

>> No.56092683

definitely the Encore, she was much more relaxed

>> No.56092784

Nice. I enjoyed both because it has cute daughter karaoke vibes

>> No.56093248

Yeah she'd be really good for denpa.

This would be good for her too.

>> No.56093494

Karaoke archive?

>> No.56093541

On her channel

>> No.56093616

Oh, thanks. Didn't even bother to check because most karaokes are usually unarchived :p

>> No.56093739
File: 215 KB, 603x405, 46d5ff5801f4ba6cfbf9f08f57098afa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the kind of panties Biboo wears

>> No.56093808


>> No.56093998

needs headpats and then some other pats

>> No.56094066
File: 47 KB, 411x282, 1691957557722570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to grab hold of it with my teeth and take it off her

>> No.56094083

Imagining the smell of them after a Biboo does a long Elden Ring stream

>> No.56094273

I want to wear them on my head in triumph

>> No.56094345

>first started playing when the first banner for Klee went live
>didnt realize it doesnt ask 'Are you sure?' or confirmation beforehand when you press the button to do a 10-pull
>get Klee out of the very first 10-pull I did
>proceed to never use her

>> No.56094387
File: 111 KB, 250x250, 1657942515328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will now proceed to take my final exam. It'll be done just in time for Biboo's stream. Brb

>> No.56094589 [SPOILER] 
File: 273 KB, 877x563, Fy_y6obacAAGoxU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56094833

Good luck pebblebro

>> No.56094926

Good luck pebble, be strong like a rock

>> No.56095035

I havent watched any of the Early Access streams but for Biboo...I think I have to.
Oh well, it'll be out in 3 days anyways.

>> No.56095158

I hate you but also in hindsight I feel like I dodged a bullet

>> No.56095170

You got this m8

>> No.56095363

You absolutely did.
I spent WAY too much money in that game before I finally said enough was enough and havent looked back in over a year.
Its sad though, because Ive got a decent account thats just rotting.

>> No.56095561
File: 123 KB, 234x236, biBOOM [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcbcxrf.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>56095158 (me)
Wait a second, there was literally no worthwhile fire characters back then unless you were a Diluc-cock sucking fujo and Klee is uuuoooohhh.
How exactly did you pull her and not use her, pebble? Don't tell me you unironically liked... Amber

>> No.56095567

>tfw new to gacha back in 2020
>got hyped and ended up getting C4 Klee on her first banner
>never used her after the first moth playing
I learned so much since then.

>> No.56095636
File: 26 KB, 884x190, 70aded933ab5b477a7221041d053a3cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holocure dev

>> No.56095712

I do not care about his attentionfagging, he made a fine game, stop fishing for more attention

>> No.56095852


>> No.56095940

Better pay a comission then
Normalfags find Biboo too pure for lewd art

>> No.56095975

I'm fine with his attentionfagging as long as he doesn't directly @mention any holomem.

>> No.56096017

In two years I'll be good "enough" to draw free biboo loods

>> No.56096024

He doesn't even want his name in the credits, stop being so jealous

>> No.56096078
File: 59 KB, 291x246, 185425961258141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you forgot Xiangling
Thats who I used until Hu Tao came out.
I absolutely could NOT stand Klees playstyle.
Shes cute in her own way, but no way was I ever going to use her.

>> No.56096115

>literally his personal blog
>doesn't quote anyone
Some of you are very deranged

>> No.56096136

he has been DMing holo talents

>> No.56096147

Ohhhh It's been awhile, I did forget about her. Ok, you're safe this time. I was honestly worried you passed up Klee for Diluc.

>> No.56096149

Hes not even @'ing them anon.
No need to be so jealous.

>> No.56096338

>both images of her shooting webs from her ass are the top fanart in her tag
She'll learn really fast how streisand effect works in hololive
Its both a good and a bad thing because she can easily manipulate fanartists to draw what she wants with the right words, but she needs to be cautious of everything she says

>> No.56096346


>> No.56096379

Nah, I actually didnt get Diluc until a few months before I stopped playing, funnily enough.
Unfortunate. At least you've learned since then.
I could not get into her playstyle, so I knew right from the start I was not going to use her.

>> No.56096386

retard alert

>> No.56096394

>Biboo tweeted out her frame and then did nothing else on xtweeter or in prechat

>> No.56096506

no, direct messages, its not tweeting at them

>> No.56096540

Fauna did it so well.
She played the artists like goddamn fiddles with that cowkini art.

>> No.56096599


>> No.56096607

You're literally me, except I came back 8 months ago and got Klee with her new costume last month. Don't let your dreams be dreams anon

>> No.56096976
File: 114 KB, 591x312, 1685542442925231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two tweets and she became EN Noel, powerful

>> No.56097067

Favorite performance from yesterday's karaoke?
Stay with me and Last kiss made me gosling hard
Higurashi opener gets a special mention cuz I love that one

>> No.56097471

Im a sucker for One Last Kiss as well, since I like Utadas music and IRyS sang that alot and I am downbad for her as well.
t. Pebblecrat

>> No.56097958

What was in the last thread besides the usual cunnyposting?

>> No.56098340

>Listen to her rebellion
>Actually sounds just like Shiori for a second

>> No.56098587
File: 12 KB, 361x200, nuggies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ACTUAL child

>> No.56098641

she so precious...

>> No.56098918

holy adorable

>> No.56099064
File: 5 KB, 363x45, beleb in the biboo who belebs in u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56099062

What soda you guys think she drinks?

>> No.56099230
File: 6 KB, 362x43, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will give you a tip alright

>> No.56099231

Lucky guy. Getting encouragement from our pebble princess.

>> No.56099287

Need to rub one out for Biboo before the stream. Anyone has a link with all the compiled images and webms?

>> No.56099361

I wrote this post and I'm on my way to the hospital now

>> No.56099396

they are telling her kb+m is bad for holocure...

>> No.56099437

Controller is easier and comfier

>> No.56099494

she spent like 5 minutes yelling about spiderman and her butt and then went back to it post-game again for another 5, pretty sure she knows exactly what she's doing when she drops the "I BETTER NOT SEE ANY SPIDERMAN ART"

>> No.56099500

its the same thing nigga!

>> No.56099509

Its not bad, but its definitely the inferior way to play.
Controller aiming is so much better than mouse.

>> No.56099538

Consider: moaizuri

>> No.56099565

the only problem is the visibility of the reticle which is improved in the new patch

>> No.56099696

[Biboo News]
She only ate 3 nuggies and half her fries tapped out.

>> No.56099697

Bros she eats like a hamster...

>> No.56099837

no wonder she get migraines

>> No.56099972

how can she be so perfect bros

>> No.56100075

>17:41:09 Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN

>> No.56100103

Shes talking up a storm in prechat you all, get the fuck in there.

>> No.56100260

im at work, i dont want to sign into my googy account from here

>> No.56100438

Do any of the other ENs do this? I don't really watch Myth or Council.

>> No.56100491

sometimes, not as often as her tho

>> No.56100510

She's one of a kind. She values her audience so much. I can't help feeling parasocial

>> No.56100536
File: 910 KB, 1010x3767, 1690613033092319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56100664

Kiara sometimes

>> No.56100665

Shiori does it, and I want shiori to rape me

>> No.56100723

It's cute how she comments on just about every fanart of her. Even the spider buttplug one

>> No.56100753


>> No.56100794

shes a shiver chad

>> No.56100885

>Wants to be on Hot Ones
It's Bijouver...

>> No.56100918

Nothing against Shiori but she does intentional GFE and thats just not my thing, like sending kisses and trying to ramp up parasocial stuff in the first fucking week just feels fake for me
I prefer if it develops naturally and if she's not so in your face like Bijou is doing, just hanging out, streaming a lot and we get to know more about her.

>> No.56100935
File: 2 KB, 240x315, 1691291537756585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how biboo talks a lot in chat, but most of the time I don't know what game is she talking about

>> No.56100939

Is it dumb to base my life around my oshi? Almost wanna ask for day shift now, she's too precious

>> No.56101024

>Is it dumb to base my life around my oshi?
Haha yes very dumb anon I'd never do something like that... I stopped going to the office because I'd get stuck on traffic and miss her streams so I asked my boss for WFH

>> No.56101088

Nikocado Avocado Biboo...

>> No.56101099

I wouldn't mind.

>> No.56101106

my sleep schedule has changed so I wake up just in time for her streams.

>> No.56101194

She's so chatty

>> No.56101209

what's that mean?

>> No.56101216

Happy rock is chatty rock

>> No.56101226

It's cute 2-view mentality that she hasn't shaken yet. Same with FUWAMOCO wanting to do the chat-shoutouts during their morning show.

>> No.56101260

It's a popular youtube show where they interview people while eating increasingly spicier chicken wings.

>> No.56101323


>> No.56101349
File: 52 KB, 816x246, 1685814056773255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bijou saying this could be a long stream.

>> No.56101542

god I love her so much

>> No.56101601

How would that even work? Would they send her the sauces and interview remotely or pull a Mori like with Trash Taste?

>> No.56101700

If she really wanted to go through with it, it would likely be option 2.

>> No.56101732

I think they did that kind of thing during lockdowns, so it's not impossible I think.

>> No.56101864

So by her standards, long stream = 6/7 hours?

>> No.56101875

Honestly would be amazing to see a holomen on hot ones. Trying their sauce on some chicken wings is on my bucket list

>> No.56101922

She would get full before she even bit into the last few levels

>> No.56101952

Can she compete with the spicy tolerances of ID? Thai food can be pretty spicy.

>> No.56101993

Some people take tiny ass bites.

>> No.56102204

Biboo's allergies sound like an indoor issue if they're year round.

>> No.56102221

Love the prechat interactions

>> No.56102294

Likely allergic to dust if I had to guess.

>> No.56102331

she is just like me fr fr

>> No.56102398
File: 11 KB, 897x54, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest
