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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 365 KB, 2073x2900, F27pOW4aMAAh1It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56015820 No.56015820 [Reply] [Original]

>Shiori "I have never been bullied" Novella
>a friend shiori admits probably wasnt a friend attacking her in the bathroom
>a kid who tormented her during PE by grabbing her by the collar and threatening her if she didnt play better
>sat down in class to find chocolate on her chair
>went mute in class because she realized her teacher hated her
>slapped by another "friend" in an argument
>slapped again by a guy during lunch
>"never been bullied"
what do you call this?

>> No.56015895

broken. I won't fix her.

>> No.56016073

>publically embarrassed by a shrieking German woman and two Canadian twins pretending to be Japanese in front of thousands

>> No.56016141
File: 417 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] 3-gatsu no Lion - 26 [BD 720p AAC] [8A7DBDC0].mkv_snapshot_12.30_[2020.12.05_10.29.50].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shoujo protagonist?

>> No.56016315

>a friend shiori admits probably wasnt a friend attacking her in the bathroom
She was literally pissed on

>> No.56016418

a masochist?

>> No.56017065


>> No.56017541
File: 311 KB, 518x536, 1690906100433354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute art

>> No.56017954

>slapped again by a guy during lunch
This one cracked me up. What the fuck did she do to anger a man enough to slap her?

>> No.56018061

yeah that's fucking weird, back then that guy would have been ostracized forever or beat up by ye olde white knights

>> No.56018147

Remember she's from China, violence against women is the norm there

>> No.56018281

>attacked in a bathroom
>slapped by a girl
>slapped by a guy
Major red flag. The guy probably got away with it because everybody agreed she deserved it.

>> No.56018332

>What the fuck did she do to anger a man enough to slap her?
Was the last one to steal an autist's fry after everyone else did

>> No.56018360

Didn't she say it was because she took one of his fries?

>> No.56018479

Yup. Bitch deserved it.

>> No.56018478

It's just a cope, because she doesn't want to look like a loser, who got bullied.

>> No.56018481

None of that is bullying. If everything listed happened repeatedly then sure, but she wasn't bullied, she just happens to make people dislike her. Probably an attitude problem on her end.

>> No.56018502

Deserved if so

>> No.56018563

did people piss on others in the bathroom at your school because of the person being pissed on having an attitude

>> No.56018631

No, body temperature

>> No.56018648

So it's just like the US?

>> No.56018682 [SPOILER] 
File: 173 KB, 827x1146, 1691813769478527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56018979

There was a fight every week over similar things. Does that count?

>> No.56019650

I want to sexually bully her fat ass

>> No.56020262
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>> No.56020791

Which holoEN did this to her

>> No.56021090

i will save her

>> No.56022208
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, 3GatsuNoMeme_You Didn't Do A Single Thing Wrong!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re goddamn right, anon!

>> No.56022524

Her segments were unfortunate. Like her parents prob don't care for this career path of hers but eh what can you do.

>> No.56022609

That was her own fault.

>> No.56022778

I don't understand how can someone gets bullied, I was timid as fuck back on school and I even sang anime openings sometimes when the teacher didn't came and the class are alone, yet I never been bullied because while I barely can maintain a conversation with someone I wound beat the fuck of a guy if he tries to bully me, besides I'm 6'1 and always had a fairly good build


>> No.56023335

>I don't understand how someone can be bullied, btw I'm strong enough to defend myself if someone tries to start shit with me
Are you for real anon?

>> No.56023470

>I don't understand how can someone gets bullied
>besides I'm 6'1 and always had a fairly good build
can some anons help me with this? i feel like i'm close to the answer but i've drank too much lead tonight

>> No.56023643

Yeah in the US you're still allowed to hit women as long as you aren't a pussy.

>> No.56023660

which stream did she talk about this

>> No.56023827

its amazing how a new vtuber can only have like 4 streams in existence yet you fuckers are still too lazy to watch them when wanting to gossip about them

>> No.56023862

>hit women as long as you aren't a pussy.
feeling like you have to hit a woman is peak pussy behaviour and renders you little more than a gorilla rather than a thinking man

>> No.56023992

An utterly meaningless assertion. Beating women is as traditional as chivalry.

>> No.56024169

As traditional as an extremely specific ethos applied to a very small part of the population in medieval europe for a relatively short period of time? lol, let's be real, you're on the vtuber board because no woman will look at you, unlike me

>> No.56024192

I always thought size doesn't matter for bullying, but attitude, like Chad of Bleach being huge but getting beat because he doesn't hit back

>> No.56024477
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>> No.56024652

Eh, up to a limit. Me personally I was bullied in middle school but in high school I filled out a lot which combined with my height (I had been tall but super scrawny up til then) made me look a bit more imposing even though I was never exactly buff or anything. Two things were different from that point:
1) People still made fun of me for being weird and awkward, but they were a lot more "banter-ish" instead of malicious about it, and most of them stopped if they noticed I wasn't laughing along anymore
2) Physical violence and threats completely ceased, nobody ever put their hands on me from that point on (to this day actually, for some reason)
So yeah, at least in my personal experience, people might still make fun of you because of your looks and attitude but if you get big they suddenly stop short of physically pushing you around.

>> No.56025028

Same. I mean, I could fix her. But whatever the fuck is wrong with her is way hotter.

>> No.56025089

its not lazy i just don't wanna

>> No.56025153
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>> No.56025383

You were lucky, the common thing is when you defend yourself they punish you.
Also, you are comparing yourself to a woman, who is obviously shorter and weaker than you.

>> No.56025545

he did that because he didn't want to fight

>> No.56027709

thanks for this, you're a good guy

>> No.56030930
File: 1.09 MB, 2892x4096, 1662609159452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56031090

great model, shame about the personality.

>> No.56033757


>> No.56033932


>> No.56039667

>got pissed on in highschool
HOW!?! what do i have to do to get this treatment? should I just be a cunt to everyone?

>> No.56040954


>> No.56043891

>"I never get bullied"
>I'm 6'1 and always had a fairly good build
Be a little self aware, you fuck.
>I always thought size doesn't matter for bullying
It absolutely does. If you're a thin twink without a bodyguard posse, chances that you're bullied pronto. If you're fat you won't even get the opportunity to have a posse. Everyone shit on you.

>> No.56044018

I still get mad at this whenever I remember it, thanks for getting me angry.

>> No.56044778

I'm tall and not ugly but I was bullied pretty regularly. I was too dumb to recognize it at the time.
I was straight up born without self esteem. I've never met anyone who liked having me around not even my parents. I straight up can't believe I'm capable of anything. Like the prospect makes no sense. Honestly someone as pathetic as me deserves the bad things that happen. I will never do anything with my life. I'm old now and and still apathetic lonely kid. I will never meet anyone like shiori to commiserate with. Not even just as friends. Thats why I watch vtubers now. They're the only friends I've ever had. Everyone in real life is just too

>> No.56045075

TFW when your parents are your first bullies.

Same, anon, same... I never recognized it until I started reading a shit tons of manga and anime and was like "oh that's bullying?" "I thought that it was normal behavior". Years of conditioning can really mess ya up...

>> No.56045233

This is like the post form of a soijak. You have negative testosterone my guy.

>> No.56045827

my parents messed me up too. i have never felt good enough.. i don't even know who i am because I've spent so long trying to be other people. sometimes i still have nightmares where i still live with them. sometimes i feel like I hear their voice in the wind or in the dripping of water and i have a total freeze up fear response. even to this day parents will text me asking for money or say scary things to me. i wish I could have found someone special to make life easier. i often just close myself up in a small space like my closet just because the world is too much. I don't think i have ever developed a "me". I think the core of me. The person i am when I'm not trying to be anyone else is a very hollow shell. I don't have opinions or desires of my own at all to be honest. Everything I do is on a meta level "the person I currently admire would do or want this so I will too" i wish I wasnt getting old. because i feel like I never had the chance to be young. at this point people are busy with families and established friends. Any single woman my age is going to have expectations I just can't match and they're going to want to move the relationship faster than i can handle. to be honest the idea of touching anyone or having sex scares me.

as I get older adult relationships are so shallow and transactional. Everything is so lonely. i can't belong in this world

>> No.56047973
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>> No.56048066

Go back

>> No.56048298

ok anon heres some backstory, i was bullied throughout primary and high school, and heres the kicker, i fought i bit too, could defend myself and had the bark to back it up too despite my small build. its pretty easy to be the one who gets bullied, but to be like you, not bullied and be somewhat of a "nErD" isnt all that suprising either. its simpily because you probably didnt draw too much attention to yourself despite the actions you took. i never meant to do it, but i would accidently draw the cunts towards me, and having zero self esteem, trust issues ect didnt help. what didnt help more was the fact that the overlording adults would tell me to just take it and i would end of better than them, turns out im repeating college due to medical issues and dont have a shot in hell of making uni, not to mention ive lost interest with everything outside of my screen, to the point where i dont have friends, outside connections in general (including family) and cannot stand anyone in the outside world. anyone can get bullied for anything. but it happening once or twice ofc isnt bullying, but when you accidentally bring attention to yourself all the fucking time, paired with mental issues + not having money + not looking hot at all and being retardly entuastic about anything, including making friends to the point people take advantage of it.
bullying isnt like it is in some doujin most of the time, where they are just leathering the fuck out of the guy in the corner whos "wierd and different" its all just social status. sure if you are lucky, you can get a couple people who might stick by you for your personality or humour, but they will quickly evacuate if the attention gets brought onto them too

>> No.56049589

Well, then it's justified.

>> No.56050072

To all y'all in this thread dealing with mental issues, I just wanna say that you're not alone. Even those with good normal lives on the surface can be full of suffering. Most people look at me and see a normal happy person but deep down Im alone. My advice is to be your own martyr. Suffer for your own sake. If the suffering is too much always remember that you can go outside and feel the air, feel the sky pressing on your skin and hope, fixate on something in the future to look forward to. It can be as simple as a meal. And let that tiny bit of hope fill your mind.

>> No.56050595

>go outside
>physically choke on the raw heat humidity and pollution

>> No.56050947

This. It’s like, 108 degrees outside dude . Fuck that

>> No.56052944

just get into hololive retards

>> No.56053952


>> No.56054264

Having interpersonal incidents isn't bullying if they happen sporadically and are not related in some way.
if the list keeps growing and she starts mentioning the same people, then you could have a case for bullying

>> No.56054322
File: 50 KB, 719x879, behave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Public School Is For Little Commies.
Not as cringe as it seems, you actually look very professional.

>> No.56054916

Isolated random bad encounters?
I haven't listened to her stories but if it wasn't something regular by the same group of people then it's just your normal shitty school experience.

>> No.56055046

>I don't understand how can someone gets bullied
>6'1 and always had a fairly good build
you must be retarded

>> No.56055184

a valid casus belli then

>> No.56055526

She was looking into the fabric of space for several minutes at some point. I don't know if her model was broken or if it was just autism, but she was clearly out of it during Holotalk.
I hope she gets it together because imagine if she gets invited by a JP member to something.

>> No.56055790

Fuck man it's TOO REAL

>> No.56057665 [DELETED] 

Is this real

>> No.56059128 [DELETED] 


>> No.56059286
File: 6 KB, 302x186, Kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to try and joke around while attaching a picture of a buff guy, but captcha told me to say KYS instead.

>> No.56060170


>> No.56060319

I was going to post some encouraging words, but decided against it because of your posting style. Try using proper capitalization and punctuation and your posts will be easier to read and appreciate.
Also, everyone hates getting old, it's not a you thing.
All that being said, I hope you find happiness someday anon. Life is hard for sure, and you're not alone in your experiences. Just try to enjoy life as best you can. At least it ends someday.

>> No.56061921 [DELETED] 


>> No.56063134 [DELETED] 


>> No.56063171

you're going to find that proper capitalization, punctuation and even grammar is out of style

>> No.56063174
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>a kid who tormented her during PE by grabbing her by the collar and threatening her if she didn't play better
that was me. If you suck, you suck and it's whatever but I can't stand faggots who (if it's voluntary) participate in a class/activity/sport and don't at least try. Girls always did this shit thinking they'd have an easy grade or part of the day and I targeted their whore faces first in dodgeball

>> No.56063200

there's always the chance that she is.. exaggerating her stories.
