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File: 348 KB, 1080x1912, Mystakwab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56005381 No.56005381 [Reply] [Original]

So instead of cherishing his last 2 weeks in nijisanji mysta has:
1 - Mindbroke his sisters by offcollabing and flirting with the woman they speculated he was living with
2 - Getting mindbroken himself over one guy

>> No.56005509

pretty based

>> No.56005767

Mystery is a koronesuki...

>> No.56006110

so basically Mysta seethe about one guy over 2 years. kek.

>> No.56006123

>1 - Mindbroke his sisters
>2 - Getting mindbroken himself
How can one man be so based and so cringe at the same time?

>> No.56006272

>1 - Mindbroke his sisters by offcollabing and flirting with the woman they speculated he was living with
>2 - Getting mindbroken himself over one guy
I dunno, it seems to me like he's just calling out someone who has been a pest for an extended period of time. That's pretty based too desu.

>> No.56006358

I like Mysta now.

>> No.56006429

Daily reminder for any vtuber lurking here. If you act like this, the troll won and only more of them will show up because they know they can push your buttons. What he's doing just guaranteed that they'll keep at this even after he graduates.
This is worse than Mori's meltdown.

>> No.56006610

sure mysta
missing the #metoo in that tweet

>> No.56006744

the bullies won you can't convince me otherwise mysta, it's the fuking internet just fucking close your eyes ffs
fucking menhera bitch ass

>> No.56006812

This isn't a troll tho, this is someone who used to be Mysta's best friend turning into an extremely toxic pest. The fact that Mysta is ONLY doing this about this guy should be a sign to you that he actually doesn't feed the trolls, this particular instance just happens to be very personal to him. And even then, what he says is pretty based.

>> No.56006854

Oh look it's horayo

>> No.56006865
File: 390 KB, 2244x1547, 1691324409480723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta's stream with Mika was so kino, the big reveal that they were in the same house the whole time off collab and proceeded to make a heart shape with their hands. Live cucking of thousands of Chinese women.

>> No.56006867

i mean, the whole point of "you should ignore your antis" is that your career will take a hit by making drama your brand, which is basically poison for your community
Mysta is on his way out, he has nothing to lose especially not from shedding the few remaining yumes he has, since he wants to form a completely different community if he ever reincarnates

>> No.56006908
File: 935 KB, 1273x967, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56006912

Based and a nothingburger. If he just throw shit at a literally who, who cares ?? (kekw)

Get mindbroken falseflagging faggot

>> No.56006927

this is why I hate Niji, i dont watch vtubers to add drama to my life

>> No.56006944

Why are bro friends more than female friends?
Even one of the biggest female schizos made up with the girl she had a freakout about. Why can't a dude do the same.

>> No.56006949

1. based
2. I dont care. Why do people get so assmad when vtubers call out antis? Something something giving them attention makes it worse... I mean it must feel pretty good to call them out and ignoring them isnt working so who cares?

>> No.56006986


>> No.56007008

It isn't just for your career, it's for your mental as well, reading and responding to antis all the time fucks you up slowly and you never win since there's quite a few of them and lots of shitposters jump in the way too, in the end you pay more attention to the 0,1% haters than the 99,9% fans

>> No.56007036 [DELETED] 

Lmao wat a bitch ass nigger. On brand for niji though.

>> No.56007075

Good let him shit and piss all over the walls on his way out, its based and NijiEn deserves it.

>> No.56007110

So antis can endlessly shit on you and when you rightfully call them out publicly your a bitch? Being a bitch would just be shutting up and taking it. Normalize shaming antis.

>> No.56007115


>> No.56007136

sure, but then again, he's out
this would have been good practice when he was still in Niji, but changing now doesn't make any difference: he will take his mental break while he's with Mika inbetween reincarnations

>> No.56007144


>> No.56007181

>1 - Mindbroke his sisters by offcollabing and flirting with the woman they speculated he was living with
can I get archive links to see the sisters seething in real time?

>> No.56007207

>he has nothing to lose
Sis this dude will 100% follow him to his new account. He's an incredibly easy mark.

>> No.56007228

What a fucking pathetic bitch.
Then again it is the Nijisanji style.

>> No.56007268

Except he's always been this way since the start and the anti even told him once that he's the easiest person in the world to "one guy". Not only that, Mysta has continually justified and defended his own behavior about biting every bait. He puts up a tough front, the problem is that we know behind the scenes he's a fucking whiny, insecure bitch who posts sobbing diaries in NijiEN discords about how depressed he is.
Only now do you faggots want to use this "he has nothing left to lose" cope.
Trying to clap back at haters is a pointless exercise because even if they get "BTFO" they will just pretend it never happened and hop on to the next thing to sperg about because they have zero sense of shame, just look at eggs for example.
Lastly, it's not just this anti that Mysta spergs about, one of his earliest fucking twitter rants was because people called League a shit game...

>> No.56007324
File: 78 KB, 423x250, C65C308B-DABA-4F07-A15B-9CAB91D51BFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s quite obvious why Gura can’t be surpassed in the west at this point. No other person can just ignore shit and gets mindbroken in the process

>> No.56007331

I never knew about this dude but the more I hear about him the more he sounds like a bitch

>> No.56007339

>Mysta is on his way out, he has nothing to lose
His colleagues have a lot to lose from him throwing a shitfit, Vox still wants his cummy moneys and it wouldn't do well to have the other yumebait break the illusion as they throw an unceremonious tantrum on the way out.
Niji is in dire need of fixing though and if Mysta manages to give the other talents a minute to think about their attitude and the people they cultivate rather than the typical wank goodbye then that would be a legacy to be proud of

>> No.56007348

you fucktard what fuel antis are the attention they get even more so if the one they anti gave them attention it fucking Twitter just mute them don't ban them they can know you if you ban them
I'm willing to bet my entire fortune that horayo dude is cumming so hard rn

>> No.56007382

He really cares ??
That makes him even more based

>> No.56007403


>> No.56007454

The problem is that Mysta's community will largely turn into the same old community he had in the past, since that's just the audience he'll attract. There's also the problem that most of his fans will be ex-Mystakes following him over.

>> No.56007468

Yes, Gura has the correct approach and doesn't bulge an inch.

>> No.56007560

>Male Vtubers are worst menharas than the females

>> No.56007571

Is it safe to say that Mysta himself was the mistake the whole time? All I see is a grifter who clearly hates what he got into and wants to go out attacking those who did care about him.

>> No.56007600

Male vtubers are such fucking embarrassments

>> No.56007622

>Mori tries this shit
>literally everyone dogpiles her and tells her to
shut the fuck up and stop feeding the antis
>Mysterio does it
>sisters are celebrating for some reason?
Really shows the difference in fanbases.

>> No.56007671


>> No.56007698

no im not that faggot and you must be fucking retard if you see mysta is winning rn
now mysta proves how horayo faggot easily pushes his buttons and any anti can follow him to his next internet personas to just harass him again
and the goal became worse maybe they want to see if they can drive someone on the internet to suicide just to feel the power they lack irl

>> No.56007725

Imagine getting a silver ticket in the vtubing sphere and wasting it

>> No.56007769

NijiEN is in the gutter, and Mysta isn't leaving on very good terms (with management)
if he can shake things up it's the best for everyone, his colleagues can either follow him out the door or get some incompetent managers fired

>> No.56007800

Unless he leaks shit or openly shits on his managers and names them out loud, he'll always be a bitch.

>> No.56007861

Who's this Horayo fellow?

>> No.56007879

it was for Mori own good
she's doing a lot better since she learned to leave antis the fuck alone

>> No.56007882

He was a retard like this even before Niji, he's not changing.

>> No.56007940

QRD? Source?

>> No.56007943

People think Mika and Mysta live together?
Doesn't Mika live in Indonesia?

>> No.56008008

definitely horayo

>> No.56008080

fucking brickwall

>> No.56008109
File: 79 KB, 385x465, 3AE42DFA-842B-4C4D-A97A-2A1225BA8920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Aces in Luxiem end up sabotaging themselves
>The aces in Holostars end up sabotaging themselves

Male vtubers not even once

>> No.56008153

The difference is that the first ones are whiny bitches and the second ones are just dumb.

>> No.56008172

>men are more mentally ill and far more destructive than woman
who would have thought

>> No.56008179

>aces in Holostars

>> No.56008188

He made it so I will never watch that offpako whore Mika again. Impressive that he was able to take out both her and himself by graduating.

>> No.56008206

It hurts them to leave one-by-one, if they plan on graduating it would be better to do it as a group. That shows that there's more of a statement, more intent, but most importantly a show of unity, people lap that shit up and will give them a bigger boost for their next persona

>> No.56008257

Before mysta got into the big corpo, he had a series of IRL (I think IRL) friends that he hung out with. When he went corpo they all got really toxic really quickly probably because of his success, and based on their behavior they're clearly just really bad people.
Either they didn't show their true colors before mysta was popular, or Mysta just didn't know any better at the time. I remember about 6 months into being Niji, mysta admitted on stream just how good his friendship with the rest of luxiem was and how good it felt, so chances are he was just in a toxic group before. Which makes sense because most brits have no fucking clue how to be friends to someone.
This isn't just them being pissy levels of toxic, this is them constantly shitting up on everything mysta they possibly can, consistently.
For a guy like mysta to be treated like this by people who used to be his best friends, must suck.

>> No.56008303


>> No.56008315

The ace of Holostars is Bettel and he minded his own fucking business, Altare has always done better than Vesper and Magni too

>> No.56008340

I know what you britfags act like, it's definitely either you or one of his mates.

>> No.56008396

What I don't get is why this is a surprise to people. The idea that only men are rational was never popular while I was growing up

>> No.56008471

It's a mistake no one should ever make; at the very least in your present state of mind.
"OWN DA HATERZ" is a very counterproductive way of exhibiting professionalism.

>> No.56008478

More men are rational than women, but also more men are irrational than women. Women mostly populate the average while men dip more into the extremes.

>> No.56008493

Management isn't gonna let them graduate in bulk, dude. They're not Niji ID/IN (formerly EN) tier yet.

>> No.56008533

This sounds a bit of what Mori went through after she got into Hololive. Its just weird how the two have completely opposite ways of handling it though.

>> No.56008564

she will literally be streaming everyday until graduation
This is just the beginning, I expect more shit to come

>> No.56008617


>> No.56008618

>Altare always done better than vesper and Magni
Why lie? He goes below 1k ccv when he isn’t hanging onto Kobo

>> No.56008651

Also worth noting he did manage to keep ONE friend who gave him advice later on, only for it to be the worst fucking advice you could give to someone. I think that fucker did it intentionally too

>> No.56008663

This little tirade made her lose her balls.

>> No.56008876

No. Mika flew out to visit and fuck him. Her hands appeared on his camera.

>> No.56008893

no I'm not one of his mates either
can you see wtf I'm saying you fucking brickwall
mysta just gave ammo to fucking trolls
do you forget why you must ignore trolls?that's fucking ironic considering you are on the website with the most infamous trolls, remember why b/tard used to have blast trolling everyone on the internet?

>> No.56008903

If it's IRL friends he needs to get a restraining order or some shit, revoke their freedom loicense

>> No.56009026

sure sister, sure

>> No.56009108

why would someone "cherish" a job they put their two weeks notice in on

>> No.56009126

He couldn't just tell management to handle it for him? Or are you telling me their fight to combat antis back in December was a lie?

>> No.56009162

They tried, but look at how Roa's court case turned out.

>> No.56009202

He'll still be attacked by the same people who never want him to live down his Mysta days. Guy should have just ignored them or at the very least, keep a low profile when ranting about antis in private.

>> No.56009213

>Or are you telling me their fight to combat antis back in December was a lie?
You should've known that it's a lie because they let Zaion's hard dox fly around unchecked.
Nijisanji is a fucking joke.

>> No.56009416

the Zaion debacle coupled with the Live cancellation is the most glaring example of management incompetence, if not outright malice, a vtuber corpo has ever displayed in the west, and on par with the worst shit upd8 and Brave pulled in Japan
only Chinese corpos have ever done worse

i don't even hate the NijiEN livers but Niji management deserves everything that's coming to them

>> No.56009552

Based man actually got a gf in his vtubing career

>> No.56009599

Wactor is still the worse, but Niji comparative to its own success belongs in textbooks for what not to do.

>> No.56009605

No, that's real but with these caveats:
>only in Japan
>you have to stop streaming so they can build a case
>you're absolutely fucked if they fail the case because you've been gone for at least 3 years now and people have moved on

>> No.56009870

It gives trolls and stalkers new ways to attack and fester.

>> No.56009900

Amazing Anycolor lets this faggot use an official account for drama farming. What a joke of a company. Keep buying those shitty keychains, though!

>> No.56009979

Because in their mind, the sisters are always right.
After all, it's why so many aspects of certain interests do erode.

>> No.56009987

> If you act like this, the troll won and only more of them will show up because they know they can push your buttons
The guys graduating. I doubt he cares.

>> No.56010029

Anti that has been harassing him for 2 years

>> No.56010071

But if the haters follow him to new prospects....

>> No.56010144

lol Magni and Vesper are runts compared to the rest of Holostars

>> No.56010189

women are better at dropping good friends than men are, so she would definitely have an easier time of it (plus mori's been good at it since highschool or earlier)

>> No.56010203

Menhera attracts Menhera.

>> No.56010242

QRD on this? What was the advice

>> No.56010295

What anons ITT don't seem to understand is that this anti is someone he knows IRL.
This anti is someone that's given him shit IRL.
Ignoring it isn't a real option when the anti can literally doxx him, harass him, and even be harmful for those around mysta like his family.

>> No.56010325


I know you brits have famously low IQs, but you can't seriously think some of us are stupid enough to not know it's you. I know you fuckers are /here/ because you are everywhere mysta is discussed like some weird parasites

>> No.56010355

it's not like there is an active and well attentive management

>> No.56010381

What a damn shame. I expected way better but nope.
Ah so it's just in Japan and it needs to be recent or prolonged examples?

>> No.56010401

bulges my inch

>> No.56010406

this fucking retard

>> No.56010412
File: 890 KB, 1000x1288, Mysta_Rias_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He owned the haters

>> No.56010461

by this logic why it can't be you then?

>> No.56010466

I like how you britfags from the city are literally only capable of calling someone names instead of saying literally anything of substance. And you wonder why the real world has abandoned you except for the few of you that decide to break the mold.

>> No.56010522

If you know anything about these particular antis, you know they'd be caught dead before even so much as indirectly defending mysta on anything ever. They're not mentally capable of such normal IQ 2d chess moves.

>> No.56010711

Like oshi like fans

>> No.56010716

I don't watch male tubers but isn't it common practice to just not engage with antis? I know Nijis embrace cuck culture so it's not a surprise for him to be off collabing with the girls but do zoomers and chinese fujos really see him fighting with management and now with his old friends as a win? Kinda menhera.

>> No.56010755
File: 296 KB, 1588x1588, Horayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Singlehanded mindbroke mudblood detective
>glows in the dark

>> No.56010787

No. Only two I know is Lulu (stalker issue) and Roa (internal conflict with another organ to escalated into leaks to some dramafaggot).

L*l* bailed out of niji because she realized how retarded this was and she wanted to stream. Roa got fucked because they filed for a criminal case and they couldn't pin anything on japanese keemstar. Maybe the less serious issues get handled in the background, who knows. It's not niji, but I know Marine won a case against some anti and she didn't have to stop streaming so there's that.

>> No.56010795

>oneguyed is a good thing now

>> No.56010845

This is at least the third or forth time he and Mika have visited each other.

>> No.56010888

>being a unicorn fan in niji
lolwut? makes literally zero sense.

>> No.56010969

>Mori's meltdown
Mori antis really are so obsessed with her that they bring her up in a Niji thread

>> No.56011061

>iterally only capable of calling someone names instead of saying literally anything of substance
did you read your own response you faggot?

I'm just saying what mysta did is just gave ammo to the trolls and you fucktard can't accept that fact look at mori she just learned to ignore her anti and go with her days, in fact, if you read this tread most of the anon is calling mysta whiny bitch and that is the most closer example why you don't give ammo to the trolls

>> No.56011195

so how do we know who defending or attacking mysta? or who are his real fans by your logic?

>> No.56011279

It's perfectly relevant because she's the prime example of what not to do when around trolls

>> No.56011435

And you've either never had friends or simply don't understand people who have been hurt by their friends, or you have such a negative reading comprehension that previous things said on this thread just haven't registered to you.

>> No.56011463

Nigga just block him haha wtf

>> No.56011511

Fans/antis have nothing to do about this, this thread is for a very very VERY specific anti that used to be mysta's actual friend. Read the thread.
I dont watch mysta so i wouldnt call myself a fan, but if you cannot at all understand the text in the image OP posted and agree with it, it probably applies to you.

>> No.56011532

They did a criminal case against a dramatuber for slander which obviously wouldn’t pan out. They are trying again in this time as civil
Zaion was fired she doesn’t get put under the wing same as Aloe
Yes it’s pretty much only in Japan but they can probably get a case in Europe their courts are also shitty

>> No.56011564

I know nothing about nijisanji, why is he doing this? This would be inconceivable for a holo, imagine getting one guy'd this hard

>> No.56011589

You clearly haven't followed just how obsessed this one is, this one keeps drumming up alts and getting his friends to pile on. This is someone who knew mysta personally, and just like any petty worthless city britfag, he just can't let it go that the punching bag of the friend group got more successful than he did.

>> No.56011642

read the rest of the thread

>> No.56011742

>Cuckbeats are so obsessed they defend her in a Niji thread

>> No.56011821

You know nothing about Holos either. Why do people pretend to watch Hololive to shit on Niji it’s weird

>> No.56011862

He isnt wrong

>> No.56011865

You are who you associate with, Mysta is as bad as them.

>> No.56011873

>And you've either never had friends or simply don't understand people who have been hurt by their friends
fuck you I have my fair supposed friends who are just after my money, what did I do? Cut the relationship and go on with my life not being whiny on the internet
>or you have such a negative reading comprehension that previous things said on this thread just haven't registered to you
bitch all I'm saying is Mysta gave ammo to the trolls and that is rule no 1 what to do when you are around trolls that aiming to ruin your fucking life

fuck this shit I'm talking to literal brickwall i rather play Baldur gate

>> No.56011917

>he wants to form a completely different community if he ever reincarnates
Those following him after reincarnating will be the same deranged females he's always had.

>> No.56011950

>this anti is someone he knows IRL.
Well fuck, that changes things. I don't know what Mysta can really do though, just that this option doesn't seem like its worth it in the long haul.

>> No.56011954

>Get a minor in history of niji noname #578
No I won’t

>> No.56012071

and acknowledging that very very VERY specific anti that used to be mysta's actual friend affecting him in his life?
yep they must be cumming so hard rn

>> No.56012168
File: 18 KB, 322x393, 1666815765690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's pretty based too desu
do you seriously think this sister LMAO read that tweet again but slowly
if i were that guy i'd proud of myself because the chuuba gave me special attention not even his 1 year+ members ever get
few antis gets much more attention than actual fans who always supports you is both hillarious and sad

>> No.56012176

>, it seems to me like he's just calling out someone
he calls him out every fucking month and we are still here even after a eyar.

>> No.56012340

those friends literally sound like mysta.

>> No.56012377

Sounds like a case for a lawyer.

>> No.56012434

He still shouldn't acknowledge it in public like this because it emboldens everyone else who's watching.

>> No.56012636

just go to fucking therapy you fucking retard why anounce to the world you are so fucking weak that you put the targert on your back for others to know how fucking stupidly easy is to trogger you.

>> No.56012789

Pretty obvious Horayo made this thread because he literally links to 4chan in his bio now.

>> No.56012824 [DELETED] 

ahahaha nijinigger really is on another level

>> No.56012873

Then don't post in the thread dumbfuck

>> No.56013114

>everyone that doesnt like mysta horayo
you are just making him stronger. dont feed atention to him.

>> No.56013878

I agree with the idea that graduation means that Mysta doesn't have a reason to care about Nijisanji but what about management? Why are they allowing this type of public shit flinging when this is part of the reason that people have a low opinion of NijiEN. They ran a smear campaign against Zaion for not following the rules but now they are sitting back and grabbing the popcorn.

>> No.56013931

becasue they lost control

>> No.56014049

>Which makes sense because most brits have no fucking clue how to be friends to someone.
british """"""""people"""""""" ladies and gentlemen

>> No.56014337

Do you need to be reminded every single thread that this stream happened
If they had management this shit would never fly

>> No.56014869

somehow, Mysta's response is more effeminate lol

>> No.56015350

Mysta is basically God's gift to antis and numbers.
You people should encourage him to throw more tantrums and burn more bridges on his way out before graduation. Push him to become another Zaion that gets disparaged by every one once he's out. He wouldn't even get saviorfags like her because people don't care about pitiful men.

>> No.56015404

I've never seen this until now. Why the fuck would you ever do this? Did nobody try to stop her? What is even the thought process behind this?

>> No.56015959

Millie learned from her oshi Mori that she has to "own the haters" so thats what she tried to do

>> No.56016227

You know she's friends with Enna right? Stop her?No, she was encouraged to this and they don't have managers that actually care. Pretty sure the olden waves are just free to do whatever if the newer waves get 1(uno) newbie manager to handle everyone in that group.

>> No.56016487

Why did Mysta quit again? His behaviour has been off for a while and his complaints had to do with his past.

>> No.56016710

His best friend turned into an anti? Damn, he must be a really shitty person behind the scenes.

>> No.56017000

How do I too live rent free in a chuubas head for 2 years?

>> No.56017045

Why not contact him in private then?

>> No.56017231

>guy you're trolling writes a huge ass paragraph personally tailored to you with a lot of thought put into the personal details
this guy deserves a gold medal

>> No.56017844

No, he just started seething at Mysta for not being professional enough for being a corporate vtuber after he went corpo. He openly admits to this. Typical 2view jealousy.

>> No.56018658

>the sanest third worlder

>> No.56018897

Luxiem is untouchable for some fuckin reason, see all the shit Luca has done without reprimend or how they were allowed to be scott free for being manchildren after AR live

>> No.56018968

Management approved it under the assumption it would be like what ID and JP did in the past. Enna fucked it up immediately

>> No.56019026

Finana also got off free for the secret Discord, and even literally leaking her audition...

Yet they roasted Zaion's ass alive.

>> No.56019034

He was fucking right and Mysta proves him right every time he chimps out

>> No.56019198

Haachama got one guy'd and she turned out fine


>> No.56019227

Sure, but dumping a friend over not being professional at their job is pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.56019269


>> No.56019296

Difference is haachama isn't a whiny bitch and actually made her anti kneel and apologize.

>> No.56019360

I hate Niji and male vtubers but this is based as fuck

>> No.56019439

She didn't, sorta, she got yelled at by management but she kept doing it behind their backs. I think she's gotten less sponsorships and voice packs since then, so internally she got fucked up by it and they probably don't trust her much

>> No.56019928

>bad if enna cucks her viewers but okay if mysta does it

>> No.56020143
File: 64 KB, 420x479, 1690943932657785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My biggest anti thinks I killed myself yet I am still here working for a corpo

>> No.56020201

Amusing how all the antis in this thread are trying to convince themselves that getting publicly called out is only a good thing and not the beginning of the crusade Luxiem's rabid fans will launch against the guy, hounding him for months if not years.
Oh sorry, I forgot he can just ignore it and walk away from the screen lol

>> No.56020433

What's with the larp? He's been harassing Mysta for 2 years and you haven't done shit. If this happened to Watame the guy would've been found dead in a ditch somewhere long ago.

>> No.56020472

Against whom? They dont even know who he is lol

>> No.56020813

My stakes are more likely to harass Mika than this guy to be honest

>> No.56020957

I try thought this was just her being weird as fuck. There is a story behind this video?

>> No.56021082
File: 210 KB, 250x335, 1691119101198484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori didn't have a melty like this. Hell, it barely even counts as a meltdown

>> No.56021127

You and I both know she got a smack on the ass instead of a justified buried alive treatment.

>> No.56021229

Does anyone have the clip that was getting posted around (the one mysta is replying to and got deleted) by that guy that is trying to cancel him or whatever?

>> No.56021401

Calling out some nobody hiding behind troll accounts when you're a big eceleb isn't based. You're just ruining the mood for everyone and accomplish nothing.
Block and ignore, let your fans defend you.

>> No.56021404

FPFRDTDFL here, I wish I was as successful as horayo.

>> No.56021443

Anon... she made a song about owning her haters

>> No.56021450

>A 2view seething

nothing new here

>> No.56021623

I don't think she should have been graduated on the spot for it, but she should have been suspended for it I agree

>> No.56021631

>Mysta is on his way out, he has nothing to lose
Except he has now proven that the anti got under his skin for years and potentially was the reason for his graduating in the first place, so why the fuck wouldn't he just follow Mysta when he reincarnates and do it all over again?

>> No.56021738
File: 7 KB, 217x179, 1673728688001779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a bit of time to think about this, and I'm still confused about how this Horayo ended up being close to Mysta in the first place. I can rationalize Mysta being a loner and mentally ill so he would latch onto the first group of people that don't treat him with absolute disdain, but if they knew each other IRL then I don't understand how he found out Mysta was vtubing in the first place unless he outright told him that he got into Nijisanji and then jealousy just ensued from there. I still think it's dumb what Mysta is doing since he's just proving that it doesn't take much to get under his skin, and this anti will probably just follow Mysta even after he graduates.
It sort of reminds me of the story on how Vox got doxxed recently and how it apparently was some random collegue that knew him in film school that decided to oust him. Is this just a problem in the UK specifically where backstabbing is part of their culture? Are they all scumbags there on that island?

The thing is that it's not like there was a ton of information given out. Mysta gave out the name Horayo but who knows if that's just a fake name Mysta gave out to not fully dox the guy, his actual IRL name (Certainly not since it sounds fake), or the name of a vtuber or some random fleshtuber.

>> No.56021866


>> No.56021892

Which is very different from seething on social media, and was targeting a whole group - not a single person.
Rappers have done songs like that before, it's culturally appropriate as long as it's clever and comes from a position of success.
Mysta is not being very clever about this, and his career was partly ruined by the guy he's calling out; he's the loser in this situation.

>> No.56022005

I hope he does, it'd be really funny seeing Mysta go berserk without management wrangling him in

>> No.56022039

>Rappers have done songs like that before
that was always pathetic

>> No.56022103

It happened a while ago, so it's understandable that it was forgotten about, but Shu had a close friend who completely doxxed him on the other site because he was jealous of his success. Prior to that he was considered undoxxable, so his "friend" did it to get back at him for being so successful

>> No.56022132

You're entitled your opinion despite the context.

>> No.56022224

The thing is that it can also be an excuse to show off your penmanship, or your ability as a musician. So a good "Diss Track" could also be useful in that sense.

>> No.56022235

>gets UMJ deal
>releases an official one piece song
>continues her career without any major yabs
>is graduating
>will be a 3view if he streams, since sisters won't stand his face and skin color or a non-niji vtuber

>> No.56022341

I don't think Mysta is ready for that kek. Even Yugo has fallen back into being very low 4view status after all the hype and support he got for a while

>> No.56022371

Only if the song is bad. Pusha T calling out Drake for being a deadbeat dad in a rap or 2pac saying he's going to fucking murder Biggie and then dying is based.

>> No.56022408

Mysta seems like he never wants to be a front, public-facing entity ever again anyway

>> No.56022472

He can say that all he wants, but he still constantly did clickbait, cringe, thumbnails and video titles ever since he sent in his resignation

>> No.56022652

I dunno, it sounds more like when if someone notices or reacts then they're mindbroke or seething. In reality it doesn't seem like they are.

>> No.56022664


>> No.56022991

Mysta accomplished his fucking life goals for his family and himself, he can die tomorrow and die happy for all he cares.
And I hate the guy for ruining nijisanji.

>> No.56023143

No, that jinwo he was replying to deserved that fucking words from mysta. He's fucking cringe and a dramafaggot. I bet that username is the one harassing him based on the 8 minutes video he uploaded and making him depressed for a very long time.

>> No.56024288

Who would cherish their last two weeks in prison?

>> No.56024544

The anti must be pretty happy. This is the exact kind of confirmation they look for to know that their efforts are getting to the talent.

>> No.56024618

You motherfucker if you tell a cat not to eat your food do you think the cat is going to listen? No it fucking won't, it'll keep doing it over and over again. In fact, they know it works, so that only motivates them more to keep doing it. You aren't "owning" everyone by looking like a manchild and embarrassing everyone else involved with you

>> No.56024887
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>> No.56025533

>he can die tomorrow and die happy for all he cares
Judging the tone of his tweets he doesn't look happy at all.

>> No.56026401

who the fuck is horayo

>> No.56026949

>the woman they speculated he was living with
Someone actually believes that?

>> No.56027398

Is Horayo the same anti that started calling his mom? He mentioned that someone did that on a stream but i cannot remember which.

>> No.56027613

>at Mysta for not being professional enough for being a corporate vtuber after he went corpo
this is literally true?

>> No.56028268

Holy shit. You can easily imagine the tears in his eyes. /vt/ levels of cringe.

>> No.56029041

holy shit i shit you not, but every time I see a thread about mysta he's always complaining about that 1 single anti, RENT FUCKING FREE
this dude does not belong in entertainment, he whines more than a woman. How this faggot hasn't graduated 6 months ago is beyond me.

>> No.56029123

He didn't want to violate his contract and get reamed by Anycolor, or he probably would have.

>> No.56029348

Remember, Mysta is paid six figures, has 31 colleagues he could turn to for support, is the second largest vtuber in his branch, and he choose to graduate because one(1) guy was being mean to him on the internet.

Just think about that

>> No.56029373

why is THE so cute?

>> No.56029700

What are they going to do? Fire him? He's already on his way out, and it's not like he has a pension to look forward to or anything so he basically has no fucks to give and neither does nijisanji

>> No.56029771

Well that and he despises his fanbase of sisters that harass people he interacts with. Oh and the incompetent management that killed their concert.

>> No.56029784

Yes but it's still a fucking weird thing to backstab a friend over.

>> No.56030787

The thing is with Mysta, sure he gained good friends with his team, but not so much with his fandom. Full of fujo that ruined everything for him.
Sure, Mori got haters, but most of her Deadbeats are loyal and supportive of her and don't threaten other Vtubers if they collab with her and defeat her in games.

>> No.56031083

Also it's hilarious that that Blue leech is very woke but Kobo is quite a conservative Catholic. His promise of "Going to Indonesia and offcollabed with Kobo" will end in disaster.

>> No.56031125

There's a difference between owning "the haters" in a general sense, and singling out one specific person to go on a multiple post long rant about, and if you can't see this you might be autistic.

>> No.56031412

Mysta dgaf anymore. He's going to graduate, troll and antis can't do anything because Mysta going to pump it up to Eleven.
This time, Mysta is winning.

>> No.56031661

So he decided to put him on blast on twitter instead of confronting him irl... Because?

>> No.56031671

>Implying trolls and antis have that will power to follow someone around when they can immediately jump to hating on another popular Liver.
Also Mysta can take time off (3 months or so) and antis and trolls are too impatient to wait that long.

>> No.56031880

I just love that the respond for a callout is another callout. It shows that you're a fucking moron who can only scream "NO U!"

>> No.56032169

The Brits are completely fucked.
After Brexit their economy went into the shitter and they still can't comprehend why they're knee deep in shit right now.
No wonder they use Vtubing as an escapism.

>> No.56032302

And Mika doesn't get pregnant until now? Mysta need to check himself into a fertility clinic.

>> No.56032748

He will gonna die anyway. Nobody fucking cares about reputation if you're going to hide for the rest of your life.

>> No.56032877

>He thinks every chuubas shared the same fucking DNA. Hold ma dick.

>> No.56032915

It really doesn't, or rather if that's the case he should be settling behind closed doors instead of putting it in public like that. It makes me wonder if he already tried to get nijisanji to step in on his behalf and failed

>> No.56033771

>so does my company
But uh… isn’t he leaving that company now?

>> No.56034070

he literally decided to quit after going to see her

>> No.56034952

Rugrat meme?

>> No.56035091

It only work if Mysta don't graduate.
It became moot when the Liver is going to graduate soon.

>> No.56035127

Is he like 22 or something?

>> No.56035213

>Victim blaming
Nijisister is always like this

>> No.56035325

>defending a nijimale

>> No.56035445

>Having an anti living rent free in his mind
That retard won

>> No.56035585

Oh please, Antis are so self absorbed they will claim everything are their doing.
They love being credited to whatever happened to a Liver.

captcha: GAYR H

>> No.56035709

You're watching too much Jake and Logan Paul stuff

>> No.56035841

It's not that hard to go radio silent for several months before resurfacing again.
You think antis and trolls have that kind of patience to wait?

>> No.56036250

New Rrat: Wedding several months after graduation
They then make a new Vtuber Corpo together and pretty much only recruiting ex Niji members.

>> No.56036356
File: 217 KB, 546x746, 1691926456132604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defending a corpo
Super yikes

>> No.56036736

you heard him horayu, educate yourself

>> No.56037926

didn't she cry on stream after some guy sent a string of red supas shit talking her organization skills? it was for a big event, i don't remember exactly what though

>> No.56038781

>my post got deleted
It was a good one though.

>> No.56039079

She cried while reading the SC supporting her, threadreaderchama.

>> No.56040282

>This isn't just them being pissy levels of toxic, this is them constantly shitting up on everything mysta they possibly can, consistently.
Why care for irrelevant ex-friends who have no clout to harm your reputation? I wouldn't know any of these if he hadn't bring it up.

>> No.56041003

If that’s true do brits just not have restraining orders or something? Why not just do that?

>> No.56042847

Reminder that anons found out that the guy trying to own haachama used to shove carrots up his ass and upload it to porn sites

>> No.56044466

Yaa but the dumb bitch publicly doxxed herself to do it so is it really a win at that point? You can't come after someone legally but hide behind your vtuber model's name.

>> No.56044547

Japanese schizo is in another level of crazy

>> No.56044893

Who do you think find his new vtuber model in the process or creation. It not on /vt/ that for sure

>> No.56045007

She later said she would never do something like this agai because even fans of her sent her message telling her this was a stupid idea. She tried to stand her ground and said she was doing it to own the haters but the haters just laughed at her so she actually accomplished nothing.

Other ENs after it happened got extremely testy about being asked about the stream and would adamantly deny they had anything to do with it even though its clear several of them were in of it. Mysta even defended her for doing it on twitter but then deleted the tweets defending her doing it shortly after.

>> No.56046693

So Mysta was definitely a part of it then and was just being a backstabber

>> No.56047190


>> No.56047310

Nousagi bros...

>> No.56047814

>be Brit culturally
>be SEA ethnically
is there a worse combination?

>> No.56047907

if making a 'dees nuts' joke is a termination worthy offence then leaking your literal audition tapes is way beyond that.

>> No.56048047

I imagine all the flip nijis were in on it because they’re chronically retarded

>> No.56048164

my man hachama faced the wrath of an entire nation. one guy is nothing for her.
mysta will never EVER now the guilt and ahrrasment she got in 2020.

>> No.56048314

Has Mori ever talked specifically about this? Any sources, like her talking about a past friend who became toxic after she became successful? She sings a lot of songs about this but I don't know if she explicitly mentioned it. Also I heard rumors that she had a friend who applied for hololive but Mori took her spot and their friendship ended, is that true or just a rrat

>> No.56048372

>The men are more menhera than the women.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised since I see that daily here.

>> No.56048912

No. iirc he was part of the reason why everyone including sisters gangbanged Millie in the first place. the first thing he did when he woke up was tweet a variation of "what the fuck is this shit how did I wake up to dumbass another niji drama"

>> No.56050331

End of a Life is about her previous friends becoming toxic because she became successful.

>> No.56051050

It's seriously funny how people immediately turn against you the moment you get some sort of success. Like an immediate snap.

>> No.56051422

>This is at least the third or forth time he and Mika have visited each other.
"Alone" is the second time.

>> No.56051694

>And Mika doesn't get pregnant until now? Mysta need to check himself into a fertility clinic.
Mika cannot risk getting pregnant for health reasons... and societal reasons... and religious reasons... and family reasons... and she might not even risk having sexual intercourse.

Not a rrat, she explained it many times.

>> No.56051821

>New Rrat: Wedding several months after graduation
>They then make a new Vtuber Corpo together and pretty much only recruiting ex Niji members.
We can always hope.

>> No.56051886

Right I'm aware. Love this song. But has she ever talked about it in detail?

>> No.56052685

The difference is that the one guy haachama was dealing with was another vtuber and not just some random no name with nothing to lose

>> No.56052761

>Drown herself in work so that she didn't have to look at Twitter

>> No.56052789

If he gained good friends with his team he wouldn't be having this issue. Like I can't imagine he thought it over and decided that publicly sperging on main is a better solution than dropping a discord call to vox or Luca or whoever and having a talk about it

>> No.56053446

Didn't by the end of this year, all JP chuubas has to doxx themselves to JP govt so there won't be a name to hide in anymore?

>> No.56053537

If Horoya or whoever the fuck anti'd Mysta this hard, I think the odds of reconciliation or just being able to talk it out like grown ups is just done by this point. I guess it's like what happens when rappers or anyone else strikes gold, just move out of that neighborhood because your old friends are all going to hate you for being more successful.

Its not the "real" reason why she got booted, its just because Zaion is a Japanese woman living in the freedom-loving land of America who asked her on-boarder for help trying to adjust at a new company. It's something that really should not have been a problem at all, and it probably isn't since she has experience working with tech giants with actual professional staff, but the 2 week hire that was XSOLEIL's manager took that as an attack to his ego, and very obviously pulled stuff out of his ass to justify it.

>> No.56053722

Eh, this is like ... before management become more strict with her and also before her going to college
Doubt she can do something like this in modern days
Still based asf tho

>> No.56053809

You can just tell it's the best day of this anti's life. Grim.

>> No.56053987

And what did HE do to "own the haters"
Sorry, "hater", because he's getting mad at ONE FUCKING GUY, which when you have a big fanbase, is a big no no regardless of circumstance

>> No.56054167

Anon, Gilgamesh wrote a whole diss track to call a goddess a bestiality whore way before black people in America got their freedom
It's in our tradition to dish out

>> No.56054653

I believe that her ability to deal with shit friends stemmed from herself experiencing a lot of toxic friends in her high school that led her to her obesity and moving to Japan.
There's a reason she hates valley girl accent and posh words. She came from rich family who sent her to school full of rich kids that's full of douchbag jocks and Staceys that don't give a shit about weeb culture. This led to Mori became a loner and thanks to her rich parents allowed her to fund her way to live in Japan and became a rapper.
If she's a middle class or poor, she will stuck somewhere in USA, being a full on basic weeb.

>> No.56054787

You don't have to go far. When someone made a thread about their rough calculation on how much Hololive talents gain in income, it's clear that the top 10 Holo members are pretty much Japanese millionaires. Someone immediately went full on hate mode on them and even openly admit that he hates rich people.

>> No.56054789

Anon her parents were never rich, or at least not rich enough to fund a long term stay in Japan for their daughter.

>> No.56054837

Crab bucket mentality is real, especially in fields where there's a low barrier to entry but very few actual success cases

>> No.56054927

>and societal reasons... and religious reasons... and family reasons...
As an Indofag, let me tell you: Our country claim to be conservative, but people here are fucking horny af. There's even record breaking teen pregnancy number in an Indonesian province that went so bad the authority (police and the department of religious affairs) gave up and let them getting married.

>> No.56055246

Cost of living in Japan is pretty high in Tokyo and surrounding area.
Mori want to be a rapper, it's really hard to make money being a foreigner and fledgling singer to boot. I don't think she can get part time job that easily. Also I don't think she can work in a place where she show a lot of skin of doing the moe moe stuff. I mean look at her IRL collab with fleshtubers. She wore big baggy hoodie all the time and she look emo af.

>> No.56055260

That just sounds like a problem with conservative or heavily religious societies in general. All that oppression and heavily demonizing pre-marital sex doesn't do people good, they just bottle it up until they start seeking out the "forbidden fruit". Same thing happens with spic societies.
I mean granted people saying that overly glorifying sex or putting it on a pedestal with porn awards or female rappers basically wearing nothing aren't entirely wrong either, but that's why it's always good to go for a middle ground.

>> No.56055559

Anon she was working as part of the JET program. Being a rapper is just her hobby, she had an actual job there.

>> No.56055682

This is why Japan is an anomaly.
Their society is very strict and even when they claim not to be religious, but their tradition is pretty much religion based events. And yet they have thriving porn industry and sex isn't a taboo in young adult manga.
If someone released monthly Ultra Jump in US with English translation, religious people will be having aneurysm.
Seriously, the majority of American comics, even when written by left wing writers, tend to self censor the sex part while pumping up the violence level.

>> No.56055733

Is this just Rrat or confirmed?

>> No.56056060

She literally talked about it multiple times, usually under the keyfabe "scythe swinging lessons". Like dude this is the first thing most people know about her, why are you talking shit out of your ass when this comes as a surprise for you?

>> No.56056155

>Trembling hands possibly wet with tears wrote this post
Whoever got him so riled up unironically won.

>> No.56056539

I don't the guy he is talking about, but I feel sorry for his Mom too.

>> No.56057578

What was the rough calculation?

>> No.56057974

You mean asian bitch guys? They start soo much drama and can't forgive, so yeah they are like female friends, because they act more like women than men. Don't lump real bros into this pest of a group that pester geekish hobbies.

>> No.56058018

Well, she's no longer a poorfag thanks to him so it's not all bad.

>> No.56058081

I don't remember that much and I didn't save the image but in summary the top ten get at least a million yen in revenue.
Even Roboco, a mid tier Holo, able to buy a house in the middle of Tokyo. You can check the real estate price in Tokyo and learn how much it cost to get a house.

>> No.56058108

Geez. That's rich.

>> No.56058113

based Anti
how can /vt/ compete

>> No.56058177

Pinoys were a mistake

>> No.56058186

Don't they have like fucking laws that forbid you being a meanie on the internet?

>> No.56058509

She bought a land and building a house. So it cost TWICE and she still have money to spend.
Building a house cost more than a million yen. I knew this because of a Japanese TV show "before and after" where TV crew hired actual architect and workers to renovate old houses and made them better. If rennovation cost over a million yen, building it is far more expensive.

>> No.56058594


>> No.56058718

More than a million yen? How much more? If it's 1.5 mil it's not a lot actually, but it all depends on the size I guess. In my shithole 2 story decent house would be around ~9 mil yen atleast.

>> No.56058937

Wait, another person from Nijisanji is graduating? I haven't been doing my Niji drama reps so what the fuck happened?

>> No.56059189

your man is a whore
get fuck sister

>> No.56059205
File: 266 KB, 1751x998, cost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it depends, but from one of the episode:
This house rennovation cost them over 33 millions yen or $227,000

>> No.56059290

Just want to add, Roboco planning to build a Studio house, so the cost will be smaller than this, but still cost over a million yen. Maybe 10 or 15 million yen or so.

>> No.56059360

Only if you offend non-whites and the gays.

>> No.56059507

DYRBI? Mysta just showed that this guy lives in his head rent free and the troll has been doing this for OVER a year. You think they'll be "impatient" now and won't continue to stalk and harass Mysta? Are you actually serious?

>> No.56059704

They still actively trolling him because he's still an active Liver.
You will be surprised how fast someone lose their motivation and interest the moment their target no longer exist in a month or two.

>> No.56059769

You say that like it isn't obvious to everyone that mysta is going to come back as an indie soon

>> No.56059781

She all but outright said her method of getting to Japan was through an English teaching program for elementary-aged kids. It's what she was doing for her first year in Hololive and one of the main things that kept her so busy.

>> No.56059908

I mean a lot of Holos that are mid or low tier earners are still damn rich if you ask me.
Bae has been traveling back and forth and staying for long ass times in Japan. Mumei as well. Hell even ID girls are starting to get rich.

>> No.56060019

JET is only for middle and high school teachers I'm pretty sure

>> No.56060256

Coast and American

>> No.56060584
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1690797603787287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 bedroom 1 kitchen living room combo is the standard for modern Japanese house.
Usually with 2 toilet and one bathroom.
20-30 million yen is expected. Minus the land price.

>> No.56060745

Yep, I think the rough estimation for the Holo talents are way off.
They actually gained MORE. If mid tier like Roboco can spend 40 to 60 million yen (around $275K to $400K) for a land in Tokyo and around 100k-200K for building a house, then top tier Holo gained hundreds of millions of yen, over a million dolar!

>> No.56061362

Possibly. I don't think she ever actually specified the age, but the way she talked about it, it sounded like they were pretty young. But that could also be a perspective thing.

>> No.56061589

This just puts into perspective how expensive houses are in Singapore
You can pay easily more than that amount for a 1000 sqft apartment and it's not even permanent, it's a 99-year lease

>> No.56061817

>People calling this based
This is peak woman behaviour, so it's no surprise his fans would applaud him.
