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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55902839 No.55902839 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey Watson

>> No.55902997

hey gawr

>> No.55903240
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>> No.55905030

What?? No, of course I've never lactated! Definitely not. And even if I did... There's no way... you wouldn't, I wouldn't let you, uhhhhh.... It just didn't happen, okay!?

>> No.55905776
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>> No.55905959

Gawr is to Amelia as Gura is to Watson

>> No.55906343

>Gets called bitch by Watson
>Recoils in fear and stops streaming

>> No.55907721
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>> No.55907816
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>humor for psychopaths
wow so edgy

>> No.55907826

That rrat does align with the course of events but i doubt it was the only cause.

>> No.55907845

Sweet christ. Where's the parents one from? Never saw that one.

>> No.55908188

No, Gawr is her family name. She talked about it when discussing who'd take the others name in marriage.

>> No.55908408

It was a holoEN quiz show type stream where they had to make false stories and retell true stories and the others had to figure out which was which. Ame told multiple stories about almost dying as a kid and Gura asked that in disbelief when they all turned out to be true.

>> No.55908539


>> No.55908592
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Shameless how you retards keep posting nearly a year's worth of retarded rrats when it took less than a week to completely dispell them. You lost.

>> No.55908873

It's funny, don't be so sensitive

>> No.55909008

tell that to the retards who actually believed the rrats

>> No.55909125
File: 2.53 MB, 1280x720, loser[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa2i3h3.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame just called Gura a loser a day ago its over again...

>> No.55909309

That only makes it funnier

>> No.55910070

Fucking bitch

>> No.55910148

Gura didn't know that Ame's parents were fucking horrible and that her aunty and grandma did everything for her

>> No.55910352

>*plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*

>> No.55910395

No seriously, why did she do it?

>> No.55910890

Watch streams.

>> No.55911076

Newfags. >>55907826
That was also around the time Mori hid at the gambling area the whole time while talking shit to Gura for wanting to PVP with her JP senpai. That's probably the moment Gura realized her genmates were pussies. Never forget Mori and Ame killed Holorust btw.

>> No.55911106
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>> No.55911133


>> No.55911493

>That's probably the moment Gura realized her genmates were pussies
As supposed to her blatantly lying to Ame's and viewers face about how she thought Ame was Mori and that's why she killed her after she heard Ame was upset for being killed for wanting to join the crowd photo because the event pretty much ended ? Such bravery

>> No.55914079

I have this weird idea now that Gura was not streaming for a while after already defeating the rest of her gen-mates now the newbies are coming and she sees a new challenger. Such a Shark thing to do. She streaming non stop now lol Shark Attack

maybe she just needed some actual competition

>> No.55914507

Why is this facial expression so sexy to me? Why

>> No.55914655

>humorless oldfag still think's he's funny
