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File: 122 KB, 225x225, 9768-gawrgurathinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55859336 No.55859336 [Reply] [Original]

No shit-flinging, no tribalism, I want to hear people's genuine opinions on this. Try not to anti each other so we can keep the thread.

Also made a poll for it which I'll try to pass around different places on this board:

>> No.55859456

Yes. And she’s gonna get away with it.

>> No.55859476

it's not even up for debate and chumkeks are eternally coping btw unity doesn't include cumbuds because they don't watch other chuubas and just hshffd eif dn ebebppo

>> No.55859606

She probably got hyped, but she'll go back to the way she was in weeks, if I'm wrong then cumbuds will eat good for a while

>> No.55859655


>> No.55859727

I think yes, but there's nothing that anyone can do about it and it's not that big of a sin, it's just a little pathetic

>> No.55859773

>unity doesn't include chumbuds because they don't watch other chuubas
>gura overlapping hurts advent
pick one you mouth-breathing mongoloids

>> No.55859786

I think it's 1/3rd equally distributed between being motivated by a new gen and remembering the old excitement, fear, and steely-eyed numberfaggotry. Compartmentalization and stupidity has spared her the knowledge of her own motives.

>> No.55859817

people who say otherwise are fucking retarded. it's scummy, but anyone would do the same if in her place

>> No.55859845

The fucking chumkeks got him.

>> No.55859936

>1/3rd equally distributed
>lists 4 things
>has the balls to call anyone else stupid

>> No.55860009

>it's scummy, but anyone would do the same if in her place
That's where I've landed. What else is she supposed to fucking do? At least chumpedos get their streams and she actually performs the smallest amount of labor now

>> No.55860155

>What else is she supposed to fucking do?
I can think of one very obvious thing but it's a thing that would need to be done in the past

>> No.55860250

>just don't get depressed lmao

>> No.55860597

>Nerissa lists timezones in CST
That's my timezone. Feels good man.

>> No.55860663

If she already lost you over that thing then her doing this isn't about you but the people that she would lose if she didn't come back to keep them from leaving for Advent.

>> No.55860725

she's doing what she can when she can
>what she can
screw over the new gen
>when she can
now, kek

>> No.55860762

Could be that but it could also be EN or JP staff trying to gauge what the overall viewership market / caps are, how does Advent's audience separate out under maximum competition etc.

If Jap is savvy he might be interested to know which of the strategies of each Advent has the tightest clingiest pull in maximum competitive stress so maybe he can focus on more of that type for the next gen. I probably would be trying to study these things if I were him and there is only one way to find out and that's ask Gura to overlap the entire gen and see what happens.

>> No.55860804


>> No.55860813
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>> No.55860995

tldr, yes but it's a good thing for advent
either by her own volition or by management's request she came back to *boost* advent numbers
gura has a ton of subs that don't what any other vtuber, if gura doesn't stream they would never hear of advent at all, with her return she brings all those viewers plus all the other people that gets her recommended because of her numbers

>> No.55861007

No is actually winning? I'm surprised that only a large minority of the people here are actually retarded. I would have guessed it was a large majority.

>> No.55861186

A bit earlier it was lower than 1/3 Yes and more than 2/3 No but OP is being a faggot and calling over his buddies to try to push Yes through. And he's still losing.

>> No.55861224

I don’t know but it’s fuckin’ weird and would be a better look if she didn’t, even if it’s unintentional it seems unnecessary. I haven’t seen one time Advent is on that Gura isn’t on. It’s eerie

>> No.55861326

>she came back to *boost* advent numbers
Gura came back to make sure her fans stay loyal to her while Advent has a built in boost from their debut. If Gura actually wanted to help, she'd be putting Advent over and telling her viewers to check them out.

>> No.55861406

That reflects more on Advent though, doesn't it? Considering the reverse, there has been plenty of time that Gura is on recently where Advent hasn't been on. Maybe they should stream more.

>> No.55861514

To me the real litmus test for the "she's doing it to help" argument is if she collabs with them once the ban is over.

Like probably the biggest thing she can do with them is a collab with all Advent and her just to really laser in all the chumbuds, like she tours them all in Minecraft or some other mega buff stream.

Also overall I would think a HoloEN amogus should be cooked up asap if it isn't scheduled already because we finally have enough girls to pretty easily get a match without having to fill it up with IDs or make it an EN-JP hybrid.

>> No.55861524

Yeah they should just look at the nonexistent Gura schedule and not overlap her.

>> No.55861544

I love how all of these threads conveniently ignore that she came back before Advent debut happened

>> No.55861569

>I haven’t seen one time Advent is on that Gura isn’t on
Like yesterday? At least watch streams before you shitpost

>> No.55861655

I love how all these threads conveniently ignore she came back when Advent was announced kek

>> No.55861709

She streams at the same timeslot every single time, do you need an schedule for that?

>> No.55861717

>the entire crux of this shitposting is about her new, consistent schedule
Sorry is she "scheduling" her streams at 8:00 EST every day even if nobody else is streaming at that time or not.

>> No.55861792

Her viewers are watching them. Literally all evidence shows that Gura has only ever helped Advent. Her overlapping only has ever hurt herself.

>> No.55861835

Bloop fucking killed this man mid typing. Imagine being murdered by a retarded fish like Bloop.

>> No.55861854

Livestream your suicides so I have something to jack off to later, BVTM faggots.

>> No.55861908
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>>55861792 (me)

>> No.55861952
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Advent beggars are the most pathetic pieces of shit on this board right now
you will be out of gas in about 2 weeks kek

>> No.55861990

>unable to read a calendar

>> No.55862009

stream at a different fucking time.

>> No.55862031

This thread is schizos trying to gauge the efficacy of catalog spam

>> No.55862040

And which days does she stream? Can you tell me about her next stream.

>> No.55862095

>Gura Streams. Gura Bad.
>Gura Doesn't Stream. Gura Bad.

Hololive gets some of the most autistic schitzos

>> No.55862104

No, their new presence (and Gura's Japan activities) simply revived her interest in streaming. She's still streaming at her usual time.

>> No.55862107

No, that is what the new bitches should do. Overlapping Gura is the dumbest thing you can do anyway.

>> No.55862167

of course not. You seething faggots are delusional. It's HER FUCKING SPOT. If the new girls didn't want overlap, stream at a different time. Jesus Christ. "b...but she was gone.." And? She came back way before they debuted.

>> No.55862206

I'm OP, don't accuse me of fuckery to support your delusions, whichever camp your faggot ass is in.

>> No.55862214

She's streaming right now. Faggot.

>> No.55862242

She came back before Advent was around really and the timing is more close to the apparent demise of Omega. This also is the time where it seems vesper/magni may or may not be gone too so if Gura just really hated Omega and unnecessary homo collab drama then it's more like she finally poked her head back out now that the coast seems clear for now.

We know the new gens get like 3-4+ months training and the girls are simply aware they were hired and in training for a period and then apparently everyone gets introduced shortly before the new gen debuts. The timing of Gura's absences lines up fairly well to the girls learning behind the scenes new homo gens were coming and then also Gura might have been dismayed at seeing the homoENs sharing the discord with the girls too pre-debut and their getting all chummy. StarsJP explicitly do not share discord with the JP girls so Gura's faith in EN leadership could well have gone to fucking zero seeing bullshit being cooked up behind the scenes. If everything is fixed now now she can finally actually look forward to the future of the branch.

>> No.55862251

Considering the rrats being peddled by these schizos are posted unironically by smaller corporate shill accounts like BVTM, I suspect that a lot of it isn't even genuine schizoposting but actual astroturfing by other corpos.

>> No.55862280
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>> No.55862331

Kill yourself.

>> No.55862344

>Overlapping Gura
Other way around.

>> No.55862360

OP, you're a faggot for even making this shitpost of a thread. Unironically eat lead.

>> No.55862386
File: 249 KB, 920x416, gura #1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwamoco got sharted on

>> No.55862388

Yes. But it's actually good for EN as a whole. All of these girls should be streaming

>> No.55862475

Is she incapable of streaming at any other time? What the actual fuck is she doing that makes her unable to stream an hour earlier or later. And dont even try to tell me "muh projects"

>> No.55862521

its guras timeslot and has been since her debut
anything else is you making up shit and coping hardcore

>> No.55862534

Anon... the commas.

>> No.55862537

why does she have to stream at another timeslot lmao

>> No.55862558

move your feet, lose your seat

>> No.55862595

Good thing she didn't move?

>> No.55862624

She has no reason to change her timeslot. Advent are the new ones and THEY should try to find times that do not overlap someone who was there 3 years before them

>> No.55862659

no i dont think so and you are probably stupid if you think that

>> No.55862683
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Lose what?

>> No.55862693
File: 520 KB, 1205x715, 1679768810798495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP be like, 'you literally cannot stream in your timeslot'
You are actually retarded. You CANNOT dodge overlap, and trying to do so early on just delays the inevitable. It is impossible assuming they want the same timeslot. The only way is to not stream or pick different timeslots (which advent could've done) which is a simple absurdity and only a negative for the box.

Anyway OP is spamming faggot and doesn't give a shit about Hololive or Advent or even overlapping. He just wants to shit up the board.

>> No.55862705

That's all she's done so yeah, I think so.

>> No.55862706

1. being motivated by a new gen
2. remembering the old excitement
3. fear
4. steely-eyed numberfaggotry

>> No.55862719

she moved away from her computer for nearly a year and half, based retard

>> No.55862727

How can she lose her seat if she was streaming before advent debut schizochama?

>> No.55862751

She was back at streaming long before advent debuted so try again

>> No.55862758

The next stream, schizo. She has a consistent schedule you can follow after all. When's the next stream?

>> No.55862779

For me it's how they all ignore how Advent themselves overlap each other constantly.

>> No.55862802

Gura's more popular, cope.

>> No.55862828

Its a bitch move but survival the fittest. Get sharted on

>> No.55862850

If you watch her streams, you'd know. She's been saying. Now go kill yourself.

>> No.55862873

This lmao
Advent is fucking retarded

>> No.55862877

or any other Holomem overlapping Advent. it's only bad and malicious when Gura does it because... reasons. absolutely rent-free in the heads of these faggots

>> No.55862878

She streamed more in the past two weeks than in the past year.

>> No.55862884

>didnt stream for a year
She didnt just move, she fucking jumped out. This is the same retarded logic as Mr. House from New Vegas owning the fucking place despite being gone for 200 years.

>> No.55862939


>> No.55863000

So Advent are supposed to be watching her stream while they're also streaming to find out when the next Gura stream is so they can avoid not overlapping her?

>> No.55863015

Endlessly repeating the same talking point isn't landing the way you think it's landing, yuropoor.

>> No.55863062

>year and half
of course the faggots shitting up these threads don't watch streams

>> No.55863104 [DELETED] 

Im american you fucking nigger. And its the only point I need. GSH

>> No.55863118 [DELETED] 


>> No.55863119 [DELETED] 

SEA viewers + bots.

>> No.55863137
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Your premise is entirely false in the first place. Every single piece of actual evidence shows that Gura overlapping helps Advent members.

>> No.55863183 [DELETED] 


>> No.55863202

You know, they can just ask her in the fucking discord.

>> No.55863305

he's fucking dead, Gura got him

>> No.55863307

lol Antis are seething because they thought Gura will never stream constantly again or they even hoped she would graduate. GET.FUCKED.

>> No.55863341

jesus thats pathetic

>> No.55863380

What's with the janny?

>> No.55863397

>need to be from SEA to know something Kaela says fucking constantly
I deem you too retarded to speak to me. Have a good day and please increase your intelligence

>> No.55863446

that's some impressive memoryholing, kek. it's only been like a month, you can't try to memoryhole her absence yet chumpedo

>> No.55863546

I like how they change it every time there's a new thread. From 3 months to 5 months, 8 months, and now it's a year lol

>> No.55863685

I dont know or care about the exact details but its been a fucking long time.

>> No.55863705

soon Gura will have been absent for as long as their fathers have, I can't believe it's already been 20 years since she last streamed

>> No.55863920

We'll know for sure in October, but for now, I do think she's purposely overlapping Advent.

>> No.55863923
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This isn't even a diss or a jab at Gura, before Advent she only came back for special events like valentines or her birthday, then in the week predating Advent's debuts she begins streaming constantly again? and after that too.
She wants to remain in the public eye now that holoEN is in the spotlight again.

>> No.55863943

You didn't pay attention to the commas you DINGO

1. being motivated by a new gen & remembering the old excitement
2. fear
3. steely-eyed numberfaggotry

Fucking catalogniggers I swear

>> No.55863958

>thread immediately dies
Why not just range ban them instead?

>> No.55863972

I pointed out the region in the world from which a phrase originated, he reported me for racism (for using the name of a region of the world), the janny deleted his own post because he was a retard and dropped a racist slur in his original post. He also confirmed what region of the world he's posting from due to that sensitivity.

>> No.55864033

That doesn't prove she's helping advent, all that proves is that overlapping with Advent hurts her numbers.

>> No.55864034

She came back to stream just for me.

>> No.55864099

Where the fuck do you think the viewers went, and then came back later after all of Advent were done streaming, retard?

>> No.55864116


>> No.55864246

because they're better????? also because chuuba/idol culture is much more well regarded in japland

>> No.55864278

Sankisei were really smart with this. They basically had a "no overlapping each other" rule and set it up in a way so they could funnel into each other even.

>> No.55864433

But they never had a rule like that. They would just never start streams at the same time.

>> No.55864575

The better question is, why do so many of you faggots care?
The only reasons I cann see:
A. You're a numberfag and you want chumbuds to watch Advent instead of their oshi
B. You're a miserable fucking shitposter.

>> No.55864832

If all it takes for Advent to fall apart is to overlap Gura's slot then the new gen is a failure that failed to expand the EN audience

>> No.55864894

I mean, she it said herself on stream:


"G-guys, I can protect your smile t-too..."

>> No.55865263

No anon you don't get it. She is just not depressed anymore and she's doing her normal scheduled streams right now.

>> No.55865426

Not to sabotage the newbies.

>> No.55865547

>You're a miserable fucking shitposter.
anon, that's practicallt EVERYONE on this board.

>> No.55865720

stop projecting and fuck off
didn't happen, keep seething

>> No.55865799

It does seem increasingly suspicious that so many of her streams overlap with Advent. I'd usually just say this is schizophrenia and move on but it's happening too often to be a coincidence

>> No.55865833

>Not to sabotage the newbies
How nice of you to ignore every other EN members that overlap the newbies and focus only on Gura.

>> No.55865854

Who's saying they're falling apart except for you who seems to already think that they're shit?

>> No.55865914

yeah I can't believe Mumei and Calli would ACTIVELY SABOTAGE Advent's first group collab by overlapping, how terrible of them

>> No.55866024

Holy fuck, she just came back and broke into top 5?!

>> No.55866236

AHAHAHAHAHA, we have new fags in town, the "Advent Fags".. Do you fags think that if its not "healthy" to overlap, advent managers should even protest? 3 weeks have passed, nothing changed, lmao

>> No.55866313

It's not even 2 weeks in and they are down to 4 views except the doggies, but that's literally 2 members in 1 channel.

>> No.55866417

An agreement then.

>> No.55866576

i dont know if this advent fags are kids who cant do numbers or just clinically stupid, lmao.. they cant accept the debut honeymoon phase is over now, and ccvs will eventually go down

>> No.55866790

You're also wrong about saying that they "had" it as if it's not a thing anymore.

>> No.55866892

This wasn't that funny but it's still the funniest thing I've read today.

>> No.55866941
File: 13 KB, 875x158, gura streams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the other ENs have at least streamed. Gura only started streaming this often after Advent debuted. Picrel speaks for itself.

>> No.55867051

>poal was initially sitting at a 60/40 majority for "No" after being posted in /hlgg/, /ggg/, and the catalog
>slowly evened out to 50/50
Interesting, so this would confirm the generals are more pro-gura while the drama-seeking catalog readers are more prone to anti her.

>> No.55867084

You do realize you can just look in her archive and see she stopped streaming more than an average twice a week only 9 months ago, oh no that's not enough it doesn't count spam aside. It has though been a year since it was 3-4 streams a week on average which also you guessed it coincides with the tempus announcement/debuts. Hardcore cgdct that is top of the branch and can easily leave and succeed gets upset does the bare minimum months go by, it gets worse and she stops altogether. She shows them she can take over vtuber news for a week with a single tweet the management over the coming months has an overhaul tempus is wrangled and she returns. Not everything is complicated. People with pull in a company will use that pull by forcing hands. Hell she probably has more pull than the investors that can't change yagoos mind on pay or sex parties.

>> No.55867113

They do have an agreement not to overlap each other. Don't know why you're being so autistic.

>> No.55867329

Thanks anon. I'm a tired jii-san and sometimes can't build up the motivation to fight for my own posts.

>> No.55867502

Because I've seen retards say they don't have anything like that anymore because Marine might sometime stream for longer than an hour and overlap Pekora that way even though that's how it always worked.

>> No.55867731

Also this.. gura antis were so close minded that they can create drama out of thin air and not even check the other scenarios, like your example, lmao

>> No.55868128

Projects are done, depression is gone.

>> No.55868290

retard, this isn't in a general. if anything, catalog shitters got to it first

>> No.55868347

Skill issue

>> No.55868492

>because they're better?????
ywnbj weeaboo scum

>> No.55868544

double retard this entire thread still generates engagement whereas the /ggg/ and /hlgg/ posts are long dead

>> No.55868691

Stop complaining that Gura is streaming.

>> No.55868818

Stop whining Camelot

>> No.55868921

/ggg/ was boasting how happy they were Bijou was losing numbers and Gura gaining, so yea...totally possible

>> No.55869125

you should tell the holoen girls that, they need to hear it more than anyone

>> No.55869206

When gura's holocure stream and bijou's elden ring stream have almost the exact same duration its no longer a rrat. I believe she is doing it on purpose because she doesnt want to be dethroned.

>> No.55869239

It is simple Advent are idiots. Gura has a timeslot avoid it or not they choose not.

>> No.55869392

>even chumbuds fear advent
Like oshi like fans

>> No.55869461
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>> No.55869462

Gura started streaming regularly before Advent debut.

>> No.55869561

And stopped regularly right after

>> No.55869646

I think the new gen motivated her to stream, but I don't think she's doing it maliciously

>> No.55869696

It's no use trying to reason with them, these are the same faggots that claim she's been gone for anywhere between a year and two decades

>> No.55869720

Gura has had like 3 time slots anon, she is not the lone authority

>> No.55869769
File: 23 KB, 872x157, baestreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To a chumbud yeah.

>> No.55869953

Then stop complaining that Gura is streaming

>> No.55870208

Gura is a junkyard dog, barking it up because of some passing pooches. As soon as they move on, she'll go back to bed in her shit heap she calls the chumbud fanbase

>> No.55870262

You mean she started streaming when she found out there would be new people debuting soon.

>> No.55870387

No, I will continue to point out her inconsistency and how she's only streaming like this now to overlap Advent.

>> No.55870452

Why is it a bad thing to want to keep your viewers for yourself? Someone honestly answer me here.

>> No.55870514

>faggot announces that he will continue to be a faggot
absolutely no one is surprised

>> No.55870540

This is her main slot though. Considering she is the biggest EN Holo, yes she fucking is the lone authority. If you stream during a Gura timeslot you will compete with the audience Gura pulls in.

>> No.55870572

its funnier if its true so I believe it

>> No.55870616

>chumbuds continue to seethe at facts
To no one's surprise.

>> No.55870717

It's not a bad thing if competition manages to get her to cultivate more of an ethic. Working as intended even.

>> No.55871003

>day has come where this anti has to argue that Gura is a numberfag because she "streamed too much"
Must hurt deep down at some level if you're not a natural two face.

>> No.55871019

>Gura has 3 time slots, so don't stream during any of them, just in case the lazy whaleshark has her 1 a month stream
So chumbuds are illogical retards, got it

>> No.55871181

Your schizo headcanon will never be facts. Where were you when she took 2 days off and not overlapping them, writing another headcanon for your next shitpost?

>> No.55871207

Wanting to keep her viewers isn't a bad thing, but it'll be interesting to see how she goes about it from here on out as it will determine what kind of person she is.
If she keeps this up and keeps streaming regularly from here on out? Great. Her fans win. Hololive wins. Everyone's happy.
But if she stops in the near future? That would just confirm and justify what all the antis have been saying.

>> No.55871274

Advent are sucking the teat of the HoloEN fanbase that Gura and her fellow idols built. Soon they will grow to be respectable members of their own merit if they're worthy. Otherwise they can sit at the bottom with the rest of the irrelevant ones, and for that they can blame themselves or God.

>> No.55871294

nobody thinks maybe Cover wanted her to come back during the debut of Advent because there has been alot of worry around her and they want the EN fanbase to be in good spirits for the debut by feeling reassured their poster child isn't going to be graduating?
Everywhere I go right now everyone seems in great spirits and feels like those sad cold winter 2023 days where 80% of EN was fucking MIA are well in the rearview mirror now and apart of that is because Shorky has returned. Its all good vibes carrying into this debut month maybe Yagoo wanted her to come back and stream because of it

>> No.55871321

>Everyone's happy
That's where you're wrong.

>> No.55871346

Just because you don't like what's being said doesn't make it schizo headcanon, chumbudchama. The graph speaks for itself. Denying reality won't change that.

>> No.55871374

schizo antis don't count as people

>> No.55871544

I don’t watch other corpos, but I think in no group old gens stop streaming when a new gen debuts, it makes no sense.

>> No.55871786

No one's called her a numberfag though?

>> No.55871796

It's unfortunate that even if Gura realizes now she's been kind of a little shit and taking things for granted, there's no other way out of it for her. She just has to stream and if she streams in primetime she's going to be overlapping adv in NA prime time because they are streaming every day as a result of their debut push. Nobody in hololive (except for rare occasions) owns 'time slots', they have viewers. What she did in the past is not good and what she is doing now looks bad, for the moment, but the proof is in her behavior going forward.

>> No.55871985

>been kind of a little shit and taking things for granted
she all but announced that she was depressed, I sincerely hope that you people are less sociopathic in real life
I can't even say I hope you experience it yourself to know what it feels like because I wouldn't wish that upon anyone, but for the love of god try to be a marginally more empathetic human being

>> No.55872115

The problem is the anons arguing this are making definitive statements on stuff they haven't proven yet; and they are arguing this about someone who has a history of not upkeeping her channel properly and has like a mile lead on the runner up.

Also an example >>55871346
>if they disagree with me then the anon is a chumbud
>if I call them a chumbud they are automatically bad and their arguement invalid

>> No.55872223

Point taken, that was too harsh.

>> No.55872345

So why is Gura "sacred" again? And at least give a source about Gura mentioning being afraid of Advent,

>> No.55872564

>brings up real life
>doesn't know that in real life people can't take 6 months off their job because they are "depressed"
okay underage

>> No.55872831

not a chumbud, I don't think she came back to overlap advent but rather came back because of advent getting her motivated but her timeslot autism is causing her to overlap every time. wish she wouldn't though so I could watch some of her streams. though neither stream at good times for my time zone

>> No.55873055

Before Gura came back Kiara mentioned Gura "needed a vacation"; it stood out cause Gura still had long gaps between her stream and this might have been around Gura birthday or Connect the World. So what did Kiara see to cause her to make this comment?

>> No.55873371

If Gura really was depressed what Kiara was doing was projecting. Depressed people don't need vacations, they need reasons to wake up.

>> No.55874603

>ITT: Chumbuddy retards unironically believe the "depression" copout
It's like the 4th leg of the "i was abused" "I have ADD" "i have mental health problems" package

>> No.55874786

Gura never mentioned anything about mental health. She did mention physical health once though.

>> No.55875142

No, it's conveniently summer time so there's more time to stream and more money to be made from kids off school. The overlap is really just a HUGE figurative net for Cover to grab every single penny from willing paypigs. It's great that she's back because now chums will stay on her channel

>> No.55875226

If she truly wanted to help she would adjust her streaming time to start before Advent girls, and stream for like 2 hours to not overlap them. Instead she goes for 4-6 hours stream overlapping all/most of them every time.

>> No.55876401

I'm sorry, if you think so poorly of Gura that you'd think she'd deliberately overlap the new girls streams to steal their clout then I don't want to be around you. You're pathetic and your thoughts on others only reflect four own warped mindset.

>> No.55876504

Does it matter? Chumbuds don't even watch hololive they watch Gura.

>> No.55876526
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I still wouldn't watch your shit tubers even if Gura wasn't streaming.

>> No.55877063
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Do you think Gura have that kind of scheming mindset?

>> No.55877129 [DELETED] 

>chumcucks white knighting for gura on anonymous forum after all that ghosting and her coming back now of all times to retain her paypiggies
Ngl, that's about as pathetic as those guys that eat out bull's cum out of their wive's pussies lmao

>> No.55880800

>specifically to overlap Advent?
No, you hjust have to get used to the fact that this is how EN is.

>> No.55881033

This is the fun part where all the new girls dwindle away and Gura saps their audience by purely existing, happened to council too. People realize what actual cuteness and comedy is, or project their desire for a child and just all gravitate toward the shark in the end. Don’t dread it, don’t even run from it, we all submit eventually.

>> No.55881212

Pretty much my mindset, only ones I actually watch out of obligation to gooba are Faunya and Moom, factually strongest clique in EN

>> No.55881449

Obviously, but I would do the same thing to protect my zero-effort source of income too so even if I'm going to watch Advent instead of her I can't really be mad about it.
Does anyone actually believe that she just happened to stop being depressed and ill and having other projects to work on and battling homos to the death exactly when the new gen was announced purely by coincidence?

>> No.55883674

To overlap? No. To ride the hype wave? Absolutely. Two months ago I said that Gura abruptly becoming far more active out of nowhere was a sign that something was coming and sure enough that turned out to be true.

>> No.55883881

>You seething faggots are delusional. It's HER FUCKING SPOT.
It's not "Gura's spot." 7-8pm EST is prime time for the NA. This has been the case for decades. Gura and almost everyone else in EN branches of every company start their streams around this time because it's the best for viewership.

The United States population is almost entirely on the West and East coasts. There is a four hour difference between them. If you start more than an hour or two before prime time you're excluding the West coast audience who still hasn't gotten home from work. If you start too late you're excluding the East coast audience who can't be irresponsible and stay up until after midnight watching their favorite anime girl. This is why NA prime time has such a small window for starting streams if you want to cast the widest net possible.

>> No.55883974

that's a lot of words to ignore the fact that gura was here first

>> No.55883997

I explained why this doesn't matter. Concession accepted.

>> No.55884177

>ignoring senpai hierarchy in a JP company
yeah, adventfags like you were a mistake

>> No.55884259

You're doing nothing but exposing your own ignorance. Try telling any major broadcasting network to not use prime time slots due to competition. I'd ask if you understood how retarded that would make you sound but you've already demonstrated you are in fact retarded.

>> No.55884465

once google deletes the dead accounts of normalfags who stopped using the internet after covid ended, she wont be

>> No.55884567

anime website :)

>> No.55884753

holy shit why are indonesians like this

>> No.55884863
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I mean, not to be an anti or anything but, isn't her being able to stream so much suddenly after Advent is weird even if we say she's streaming on her normal stream hours. It really is just so weird. Especially after she was like ghosting everyone for a month or 2 weeks after streaming once. That had been the norm.

>> No.55884895

she already said going to japan and a bunch of hololive stuff is overwhelming to her, but yeah keep feeding the drama I guess

>> No.55884928


>> No.55884982

>t..two more weeks

>> No.55884989

...for a year?

>> No.55885176

>t. retard who can't count
she was absent but it clearly wasn't for a year, the duration keeps getting longer and longer each time some shitposter brings it up

>> No.55885228
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Isn't it two years anon?

>> No.55885989

>No shit flinging
>No tribalism
>No antiing

Are you lost, anon? If the question is whether or not Gura is actively trying to sabotage Advent, obviously not, and it would be retarded to suggest otherwise. Gura has never been a numberfag. If anything, she was probably pushed by new management to start streaming again. Management knows the majority of Gura's audience only watch Gura, so they were likely hoping that if Gura were to make her comeback at the same time Advent were debuting that some of Gura's audience would be get swept up in the debut hype and check out Advent as well.

>> No.55886026

>debuff game
>ccv spread across the whole gen
Cumbuds like you are why Gura has the worst fanbase.

>> No.55886407

you don't sound biased at all kek

>> No.55886540

It's a pretty transparent effort to retain as many ongoing memberships as possible.
New debuts is when the audience looks at switching over their memships and put their personal investment in someone else.
Gura obviously has a "no streams required" contract to keep her big name ungraduated, she essentially has free money coming in each month from the amount of chumsharts that won't cancel their membership even when she won't stream.
When Advent gets their memberships and she has damage controlled as much as she can she will disappear without a word again.

>> No.55886629

Obviously, wouldn't be the first time she's gone out of her way to kneecap her kouhai out of fear

>> No.55886820

She already went to Japan over a year ago. Why didn't things change back then?

>> No.55886828

>Gura has the worst fanbase
>Also we want those fanbase to watch us so please don't overlap
Stop bitching then. And it's still their honey moon period, it'll go lower just like fuwamoco's morning shows which when from 30k to 14k now.

>> No.55886835

nice headcanon

>> No.55887429

bro you okay
someone call for a wellness check

>> No.55887716

no. you are just trying to make a big deal out of it as you know it's the last chance to use something against her. it's pitful really, hope you are not a man that would be very shameful.

it only gets worse from here for nijinigs, beggarscums and the contrarians who obstinately insist that their whores are better than Gura, i mean things are looking really fucking grim for them so have fun trying to grasp at straws and denying reality.

if you read this and you are not a real Advent fan your mother will die in her sleep

>> No.55887867
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>> No.55887927

Basically. Gura is just farming money from memberships, merch sales, and ad revenue. It’s almost commendable how much she can make for how little she actually works.

>> No.55888781

I think it's both a scared/excited feeling for her, cause now she has to try. Where as before, it was all the same talents and everyone smoothed out who their audiences was, I think gura seriously was feeling tied down and having imposter syndrome. The new talent has given her some fresh competition in the company that she can actually see since they interact with the same management. But that's just my schizo theory.

>> No.55889458

Very good thread bringing attention to this never before discussed topic.

>> No.55890110

I'd say it was
1/3 hype for Advent
1/3 fear that one if not more could challenge her cash flow
1/3 shake up behind the scenes that Kiara had passively mentioned.

Within a month we'll know for sure, depending on how often she streams post debut and how often she collabs/interacts with any of them

>> No.55890589

No, I think Hololive accidently stretched her out too much for work outside of streaming and that came back haunting them in form of a massive burnout on her end.

It was badly adressed as in never addressed to the fans. Look at Gura's activity from last year to this year. Most Gura related events have already happened. Idol culture and work-life-balance are foreign to each other in that regard.

I think it is a mistake of management to not just give her more or more regular breaks in form of vacation which can be publicly announced.

Iinb4 somecunt spinning this around into me being anti-hololive. Nah man, this is like finding a 5$ bill on the ground and not returning it to the police and whatever the fuck 2423 is doing is more like killing puppies by making them kiss the curb of a sidewalk.

>> No.55891209

How many of the viewers that stayed would've been watching Advent if Gura wasn't streaming?

>> No.55891501

It's pretty obvious she came back to protect her market share

>> No.55891955

She got her new marching orders from a management team that nuked the old 2020 - 2022 team that stopped paying attention to the flag ship and focused instead on the Homos.

>> No.55892111

she came back to get her fans back before she leaves again to take care of our child.

>> No.55893514

Viewer churn is high for any streamer and gura especially is at the top of the funnel. They want other channels to be live when tourists click out of their gura tab.
Shrimple as that.

>> No.55895384

Yes, and she will go back to no streaming once the buff period for advent is over

>> No.55896414
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These are basically my feelings on her current streaming schedule. It's weird that she chose now of all times to return when she could have been significantly more active in the the past few months. She chose now, and there's no way to really prove if that's because she felt like streaming or if management told her to continue streaming more, there's just no way to really know.

So it's as you two said, if she continues to keep up the pace going into the next month, then it's whatever and she really was just feeling motivated or eager to stream and the people who want to watch her will be happy and so on. But if she stops streaming again and goes on long hiatuses again, then it's only going to make her look like a piece of shit who only showed up again because a lot of eyes were on HoloEN due to Advent's debuts. It really depends on what her schedule's gonna look like these upcoming weeks.

Did she decide to start streaming when Advent just debuted all by herself? Or did management tell her to stream during this time? Who fucking knows.

>> No.55896482

Do (You) think OP should kts?
