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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 222 KB, 515x499, 1691770952956175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55829387 No.55829387 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55829468

>doggie of the day
>obviously a cat
so they're just fabricating misunderstandings now?

>> No.55829496

why cant cat faggots keep their disgusting flee ridden rats out of dog only events. you never see dogfags shoving them into spaces where they dont belong

>> No.55829512

Cute cat

>> No.55829574
File: 17 KB, 320x320, A-blank-doge-meme-template_Q320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair it kinda looks like a dog

>> No.55829758
File: 1.07 MB, 1954x2048, 20230716_022844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55829798


>> No.55829854

Because cat owners openly hate dogs. Cat people are literally obsessed

>> No.55829909

this fat fuck gets all that hag pussy....

>> No.55829985

Cats are just feline dogs.

>> No.55830005
File: 1.31 MB, 1102x618, Mio Disapproves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55830046
File: 98 KB, 600x848, Goldenglow.full.3771053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doggie of the day
>obviously a cat
Is it really a cat?

>> No.55830126

Sissel is LES SIS backwards… anons, our response?

>> No.55830220 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 754x724, tumblr_pcj9ovWpXC1t09dnqo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sissel's a great name for a cat. just, don't go into too much detail when explaining it.

>> No.55830274

Why these two dogs so stupid

>> No.55830276

at least it's not an ewok this time

>> No.55830290

"cancels membership"

>> No.55830335

>you never see dogfags shoving them into spaces where they dont belong
oh wow you literally dont go outside do you. dogfuckers are the worst at this

>> No.55830355

That is the most inu-looking cat I've ever seen

>> No.55830477

Taiga you mother fucker let me fuck mio

>> No.55830599

I had a ragdoll that looked exactly like that, he acted more like a dog than a cat. If someone unknown went up the stairs to my door he would hiss at the door and in general had the demeanor of a dog. He didnt grow up close to a dog so I dunno where he got it. He escaped multiple times and every time we would find him like 1-2 metres up a tree unable to get down because he was a retard. God I loved that cat

>> No.55830620

It's over...

>> No.55830680

fuwamoco are the 2nd and 3rd impostors...

>> No.55830819

I've always seen the opposite be true. Dog people hate cats and the cat people I've met seem to either like or at least tolerate dogs. Not hate.

>> No.55830944

Dog people are literally obsessed

>> No.55830990

that's a recolored dog

>> No.55831270

I don't hate dogs, they're just not nearly as practical indoor pets as cats. Imagine keeping an animal around that WILL piss and shit all over the place if you don't make several-times daily errands of walking it around to watch it shit somewhere yourself for its entire life, rain or shine hot or cold. Some people don't mind if they are in a nice neighborhood and the weather doesn't get too bad and/or they like walking around outside aimlessly, but I don't really.

>> No.55831484
File: 715 KB, 900x706, 1683404009327963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cat person. My main issue with dogs is that they want to lick you, particularly your face and they have stinky dog breath.
I will still pet every good boy I see though.
FUWAMOCO are an exception of course, I will let them lick my face or anywhere else they want.

>> No.55831723

Liesss is anagram of sissel, what did they mean by this

>> No.55831807

Wich retard would draw a cat like this

>> No.55832018
File: 20 KB, 369x422, 1688434688287887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute dog 10/10 would pet and give treats

>> No.55832314

A big brown one

>> No.55832647
File: 1.54 MB, 900x1080, Tsukumo.Sana.full.3433929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which retard would draw a cat like this?

>> No.55832667
File: 56 KB, 500x500, 1603173412758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need to mix it up and do a Kitty of the Day sometimes, starting with this one.

>> No.55832739

>Cat people
>Oh, I like dogs too, I just like cats better

>Dog niggers
>A cat shat on my yard, scratched my car, stole my job, and fucked my wife.

>> No.55832753

>sissel's a great name for a cat
And Simba is a great name for a snake.

>> No.55832970

Damn, I can't believe Okayu really did all that

>> No.55833020

Yeah, with me

>> No.55833100

>reddit dog

>> No.55833141

Dogfuckers will bring their nasty mutts into a fucking grocery store. Get real.

>> No.55833209

>not naming your cat NIGGERMAN

>> No.55833297

This is a dangerous precedent to set.

>> No.55833377

Cats are superior if only for the fact that you dont have to train them on where the fuck to go to the bathroom
>cat: instinctively knows to go to the litterbox
>dog: i piss in front of your bedroom door? i piss in front of your bedroom door.

>> No.55833441
File: 21 KB, 336x320, EBav06xUIAI2CwC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWMC be like

>> No.55833484

>first new outfit
>cat ears hoodie and glasses

>> No.55833511

I like cats but I despise cat people
Men who obsess over cats are giant fags, liking cats is not a personality nor is it a sense of humor, spamming cat memes in group chats is not funny and everyone else secretly hates you

>> No.55833513
File: 168 KB, 1280x1280, 20230811_103443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres been a misunderstanding...

>> No.55833518

I've met and talked with both cat-hating dog people and dog-hating cat people. From my experience there's roughly the same amount of them. You might notice one more than the other due negativity bias against your favored animal.

>> No.55833529

I literally only ever see dog people do this in a cat only posts.

>> No.55833577
File: 810 KB, 1169x1165, 1660365633928944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 dogs in this image

>> No.55833615

Are you sure the one on the left is a dog?

>> No.55833620
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1691769755014695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55833647

m8, if you can stand near one of those fuckers, I'll call you queen elizabeth if you want

>> No.55833732

Yabai dog chans

>> No.55833755


>> No.55833768

what is this shit. are they having fun on stream? I didn't think that was allowed.

>> No.55833782

its a dog retard, read the description

>> No.55833811
File: 1.45 MB, 1329x1070, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55833839

why do pibbles always have a chain collar?

>> No.55833994

I see one dog and one nog

>> No.55834026

I literally quit Arknights when they announced that this was actually a cat.
I had all achievements and medals, and my account was a day one account. I waited for over a year to roll for this dog.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

>> No.55834139

>recolored korone
What the fuck I used this character for the longest time before I quit

>> No.55834318


>> No.55834603

We're gonna see more clowns submitting different animals, and even plants, and claiming that they're dogs. That's for sure.

>> No.55834703

Its just cringe. They should change it to Pet or Friend of the Day if they are going to do shit like this.

>> No.55834774

I see you've never stepped in a giant pile of steaming dog shit.

>> No.55834788

They can do whatever they want. It's their show.
If someone sends them a delicious ice cream parfait, they can say that's the doggie of the day if they feel like it.

>> No.55834794

Sissel is just a normal female name in Norway. Maybe a bit old-fashioned.

>> No.55834836

And ill call it cringe.
Obviously they can do whatever the fuck they want.
Wont change my opinion thats its stupid.

>> No.55834909

I've never seen a cat owner shit on dogs. Cat owners usually shit on shitty owners because if you don't want to spend the time, money and effort on making sure you're 100lbs German Shepherd isn't lunging at children, maybe just get a cat. But dog owners have this weird complex that cats are feminine and real men own dogs.

>> No.55834920

Who cares? They can just ignore them if they don't think they're funny

>> No.55835002

that's a unique looking and handsome little dog

>> No.55835007 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 480x640, Real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bau Bau?

>> No.55835058

no one asked

>> No.55835303

Yeah, well no one asked for your opinion on the matter either. Didnt stop you did it retard?

>> No.55835368

>he mad

>> No.55835556

anon, your dog looks sick. You might need to see a bauterinarian.

>> No.55835614

>call cat owners obsessed
>get flooded with responses

>> No.55835616

Behold, a man!

>> No.55835615

I thought it was some unusually drawn Korone.

>> No.55835727

Witch hunting

>If you don't respond
>>Aha, I am right because there is no voice of dissent
>if you do respond
>>Aha, I am right because there is voice of dissent

>> No.55835986

If it's a dog of the day then it's a dog
Like it or leave it

>> No.55836203

Except its not.
And its not even a funny joke - literal Reddit tier meme.
You all think a Reddit meme is funny. Let that sink in.

>> No.55836237
File: 106 KB, 600x644, diogenes-kekus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things I didn't expect to see on 4chan today
>someone quoting Diogenes

>> No.55836259

this website will make a drama out of anything i swear

>> No.55836613

go shit on the carpet stupid fag runt

>> No.55836720

Brother. We are literally Diogenes. Internet edition.

>> No.55837372

That's a man, anon

>> No.55837724
File: 183 KB, 1009x931, 01z6l3sgsa701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55838245

Aegean cat master race

>> No.55838309
File: 192 KB, 1080x1080, 1507291154568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is clearly a dog.

>> No.55838668

I was on a plane to Texas and this woman screamed until she was allowed to walk her dog up and down the aisle. This kind of shit doesn't happen with cat people. It's only dog owners.

>> No.55841795

Was it a pitbull owner?

>> No.55842147

>Back hort

>> No.55842495

If you hate either dogs or cats you're a heartless nigger. Both are literally meant to be companions and recognizing that there isn't a winner between the two is the goal.

>> No.55843482
File: 477 KB, 1280x720, 1674310019287100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thing I don't like = reddit

>> No.55843573

cute dog

>> No.55844610


>> No.55845283

im a cat owner
i only shit on pitbull owners

>> No.55845511

Quick capcom, copyright strike them too!

>> No.55845701

>dog chuubas
>they don't hate cats
Umm baubros what happened to the kayfabe

>> No.55846499

Nigga, you really have the audacity to say this shit when dogtards constantly bring their mutts to the most dubious places, disregarding any kind of public hygiene or common sense?

>> No.55846730

>>reddit dog
Go back

>> No.55846848

>you're 100lbs German Shepherd isn't lunging at children,
Sure, it's always German Shepherds and Pitbulls are pure angels... Care to post nose?

>> No.55847148

>likes cats
>isnt fond of dogs because they lick
>forgets that cats lick themselves clean
>touching cat means your being indirectly licked
anon... i...

>> No.55847318

This is 4chan you can go to reddit, your true home.

>> No.55847475

Dog is like
>look at ms. barks fetch sticks, she's so happy with that stick

Cat is like
>we need to move all the furniture away from the light switches because mr. meow has learned how to turn on the lights and he does it at exactly 3 AM every night, I don't know why

>A cat shat on my yard, scratched my car, stole my job, and fucked my wife.
I believe this.

>> No.55847484

You just triggered all the crazy old cat ladies in training. Fuckin' Fujos...

>> No.55847552

>pitbull 'gets startled' on plane, bites the face off the nearest child, owner swears it never ever did this before

>> No.55847567

It's amusing watching them frantically mass reply in anger trying to convince us they don't care

>> No.55847665 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.73 MB, 472x848, tiger friend.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superior pet.

>> No.55847748
File: 103 KB, 449x449, shiori and niggerman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dogs and cats are both good and get along great.


>> No.55847832

I had a dog that would shit on the blue rug because dogs are colorblind and see blue and green (grass) as the same thing.

>> No.55847905

>whining and crying over a silly joke
You're infinitely more cringe.

>> No.55847963

>ripoff korone because bug genes don't allow creativity
>get paid 300k plus royalties for it

>> No.55848027

Is this the power of fuwamoco. The power to redirect anti energy.

>> No.55848043

You triggered 4chan because this website invented caturday you fucking newfag tourist faggot nigger, proving you're literally from twitter/reddit/homoland.

>> No.55848054

white women literally fuck dogs and post it on twitter. you don't see catfags doing that.

>> No.55848139

>and post it on twitter
Do they?

>> No.55849291

>being this assmad
>TOTALLY not obsessed
Fucking kek

>> No.55851328
File: 1.33 MB, 1080x1160, 1661156852025297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nature can be retarded

>> No.55851546

Oh my god you guys go tribal over literally everything what is wrong with you. I know I’m newfag but this is just stupid.

>> No.55851883

That's a fucked up looking dog

>> No.55852111

Handsome little bastard

>> No.55855775

Even the Scottish Fold you posted doesn't have ears that big and floppy

>> No.55855905

>newfag who doesn't belong spams memewords

>> No.55856268

it's the el*n dog now

>> No.55859120


>> No.55864791
File: 254 KB, 560x500, 1684039408118089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking kek lmao, I was listening to this episode of FUWAMOCO Morning through headphones at work and never caught this.

>> No.55866466
File: 180 KB, 800x673, Dread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, lets see these sons of guns deal with a fricking raven.


>> No.55872310


>> No.55874756

both cat and dog niggers can kill themselves. when a video is shown of a man with a cat/dog getting hit by a fucking truck but the cat/dog barely avoids you faggots are like "oh my god i'm so glad the animal is okay". fucking subhumans

>> No.55874848

Reminder that Lovecraft's cat wasn't even black lmao
He just wanted to call it that.

>> No.55875018

Play the Jurassic Park theme.

>> No.55875084


>> No.55875324


>> No.55875762

>we need to move all the furniture away from the light switches because mr. meow has learned how to turn on the lights and he does it at exactly 3 AM every night, I don't know why

Thats my cat Izzy, if I don't get up after a certain time she has learned to unplug my fan...

>> No.55876130

They LITERALLY have cat parasites in their brain.

>> No.55876515

>dog owners: don't let their dog loose to shit in my yard, kill native birds for lulz, scratch my property up, piss on my car, etc....

Seriously there are a fucking insane amount of cats in my neighbourhood, most of them probably not spayed, when I sit on the patio having drinks I keep the hose at hand and spray the little cunts as they climb up my fence. My dad used to trap them and dump them dozens of kilometres away. They should only be allowed to exist for pest control on farms. TCD

>> No.55876709

Um I hear guys constantly talk about fucking pussy. Fucking sickos.

>> No.55877427

>we need to move all the furniture away from the light switches because mr. meow has learned how to turn on the lights and he does it at exactly 3 AM every night, I don't know why
Your shit's haunted yo and the cat's trying to save you.
It's universally culturally recognised that 3am to 5am are the times where malevolent supernatural entities were thought to attempt to turn their ill will against people. People report that the most spooky shit happens at this time.
Hence the
>always darker before the dawn
cliche; it's both literally and figuratively true. Beware.

>> No.55877516

It's actually quite funny

>> No.55877599

cats use telegram

>> No.55877634

>People report that the most spooky shit happens at this time.
Or... you know, normal people are either sleep deprived or woke up to take a piss by that time, and your brain does dumb shit when its tired.

>> No.55877694

Tbf most cats I've owned wanted really badly to be a dog

>> No.55877722
File: 419 KB, 576x428, 1668703876216005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eats shit
>destroys your furniture
>Shits on the carpet

>Doesn't eat shit
>Can avoid destroying your furniture by buying them scratch posts/pads
>Shits only on the litter box

>eats shit
>shits on the furniture
>shits on the bed

>> No.55877919

It's funny just how many retards took this shitpost seriously

>> No.55878255

They did say that they love cats during their debut, maybe it was on purpose

>> No.55879771

The power they hold is tremendous

>> No.55880120

yes and it fucking sucks

>> No.55881533

>a cat and dog war in /vt/
now I've really seen it all

>> No.55884075


>> No.55884302

That’s not nature, that’s animal cruelty.

>> No.55884334

>cat vs dog
Hamster is better

>> No.55884599

>Doesn't eat shit
>Can avoid destroying your furniture by buying them scratch posts/pads
>Shits only on the litter box
t. someone who never owned a cat
You retards are all wrong anyway, both dogs and cats are vermin and people who stan either are subhuman.

>> No.55884637


>> No.55884641

>doesn't like cats or dogs
The vermin is you

>> No.55885502

based, owning pets is reddit

>> No.55885595

absolutely disgusting seeing people talk about their furbabies and shit because they don't have the chops to be actual parents

>> No.55885829

Even with nuclear arsenal around, pets and rubs are still humanity's strongest weapons.

>> No.55887487

Did a single motherfucker here refer to them like that? My cats like family yeah, but thats cause I grew up around cats my whole life, and like hell am I gonna pass on my fucked up genes to someone who had no say in the matter.

>> No.55888911

That's cat people for you

>> No.55889192
File: 35 KB, 600x400, mapquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Caturday and no one is posting cats. Does this board have the highest newfag concentration on my mongolian basket weaving website?

>> No.55891377

I've seen a cat swallow a rat basically whole, but I've never seen it eat cow shit then vomit and look sad about their decision.

>> No.55892114

I don't care. I don't want a companion.

>> No.55893176

Sorry, I don't post roadkill.
