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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55801268 No.55801268 [Reply] [Original]

please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

>> No.55801321

Take her back to a mental institution please

>> No.55801347


>> No.55801350

if you forgive her then it will set bad precedent

>> No.55801366
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Sad no, it's like asking Magnus the red to return back to the Imperium.

>> No.55801403
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Sorry, no whores in hololive

>> No.55801404

Literally did nothing wrong,

>> No.55801455

Open a change.org petition, I will sign it

>> No.55801468

Considering that Marine and Pekora have been pushing even harder ever since she got sacked, her firing is probably really justified to the Holos closest to her. Bringing her back in will destroy the company.

>> No.55801544

Loose Lips Sink Ships and both pairs of her lips are to loose for Holo

>> No.55801594
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It's about time

>> No.55801638

>if she can get 150k viewer in 1 hour stream, she will be allowed to join back
is it possible?

>> No.55801704

Anon I know those kind of situation, and no. If cover take her back she will unironicaly do tons of crazy stuff to ensure she can stay, and that would cause her to be terminated again within a few months. And this time she may not stop at baiting.

>> No.55801712

More like if she sucks the dick of all 450 cover employees

>> No.55801745

Didn't she doxx Holomems to KoreKore? Would be awkward

>> No.55801871

OP BTFO how will Rushai and he ever recover?!!

>> No.55801893


>> No.55801895

No, cover should sue her instead

>> No.55802320
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>> No.55802367

The immense amount of Nijinig seethe that would ensue if she did come back makes me hope it happens some day

>> No.55802511

Firing her was justifiable, and in similar circumstances 99% of the time would be the right call. However, she was such a huge cash cow that a solution short of firing, such as a multi month suspension, large fine (perhaps to a designated charity), and approval of her mental health by a psychiatrist before returning, would have sufficiently disciplined her while still leaving both parties better off then the outcome that we got.

>> No.55802534

Anon, there's no coming back from what she did. It's not like calling up your ex and begging to get back together she fucked up bad and even if yagoo, the saviourfag prime, felt pity for her he still wouldn't have the power to reinstate her. All she can do now is make the best of her current situation and all you can do as a fan is support that.

>> No.55802578

I will always be salty about this

>> No.55802599

A-chan said that if Cover was still a smaller company they would've kept her. It wasn't an unforgivable sin, she was just made an example of.

>> No.55802627

It doesn't matter anymore. She got fired and she needs to cope with it

>> No.55802726

She breached contact, the contract says "you will get fired if you do this", she did that and got fired. In a way covers hands were tied because if they decide to let it slide and not fire her then all their other contracts become unenforceable, talents, staff and third parties are no longer bound by the rules laid out and every complaint can be met with "she got away with it, why can't I?"

>> No.55802776

Got a source for that?

>> No.55802948

>She got fired and she needs to cope with it
From her perspective you're right Anon. However, excepting an active non-compete clause from VShojo (which, given she's streaming as Mikeneko may not exist), is there something stopping Cover from asking her if she wanted to come back, and if they did, her saying "yes"? Millions of dollars in potential super chat revenue seems like a good reason to bury the hatchet.

>> No.55802974

Open wide

>> No.55803008

Even if Yagoo want to, he can't. Leaking private details is a big no-no for investors and bringing her back could angry them to the point that they withdrawn their funding and blacklisted the company from industry.

>> No.55803078

They are not bringing her back. You have a higher chance of getting Chris or Coco back.

>> No.55803116

Chink sisters can you at least send people who know English

>> No.55803120

A-chan didn't say that?

>> No.55803135

How do you figure? If they, as I suggested, suspended her for months, made her forfeit many thousands in income and see a psychiatrist before returning, then:
1) Why would they be required to offer the same option to other contractors and
2) Why wouldn't such a severe punishment be sufficient deterrent to breaking the rules anyway?

>> No.55803176

Otakmori didn't translate it well but she said
>Ideally we would've liked to try and keep Rushia but Cover is a big company now and it wasn't possible.

>> No.55803186

>le talent can comeback cope again
Just like Aloe amirite? Move the fuck on already.

>> No.55803199

>They are not bringing her back.
I didn't say they would. I'm just saying nothing is stopping them and that it would be in their best interest to do so, not that they will act on that interest.

>> No.55803208

Mikecucks begging after their whore is falling apart so much that he can't keep up her vapid whore standard of living.
She doesn't give a single shit about any of you. She just sees you as wallets that help her buy her retarded Gucci shit.

>> No.55803256

Cool story sis but I still won't buy your OnlyFans

>> No.55803282

That sort of logic works in a child's mind. But in the corporate world favoritism is a very real thing, deeply ingrained into every aspect. For example, for most (relatively small) corpos, there's no real basis for deciding who gets promoted to manager or who stays a chump. It's a social game and if you suck the CEOs cock or the shareholder's cocks, you're getting the promotion. Try complaining, and they'll start thinking about how much your severance pay is, and whether or not they can make the workplace environment gay enough to make you quit.
Cover is probably a nice company that doesn't do that... except now it's public and shareholders are the worst of numberfags.
Honestly, if Rushia can be projected to bring a lot of numbers (doubtful, she's kind of a has-been as much as I like her), then Cover absolutely will have her back. And anyone who complains can bring it up in written form to the formal complaint department of HR (the shredder).

>> No.55803287

Implying they won't find a fucking shard of his psyche that's uncorrupted or something and then we get two red boys

>> No.55803291

It would be in their best interest to make getting terminated a worthless punishment?

>> No.55803319

You do realize there were people asking Yagoo whether they'd bring her back in the last AGM right. The shareholders don't give a shit about discord leaks, Rushia brings the cash.

>> No.55803324

It would absolutely not be in their best interest to bring her back. What if she has another menhera fit and leaks more information? Or worse in some attempt to stay, that was a good idea in her head? She's a liability at best and a threat to the other talents at worst.

>> No.55803401

she accidentally did because of unedited photos she gave him, what;s to say she won't do it again if she breaks NDA again,

>> No.55803415

>best interest
for who?
why don't they just invite the whole of china back as well?
they didn't do anything wrong but the whole branch got axed
if you break the rules, you get punished.
it will look bad on cover to be like
>ehehe hey rushia, i see you're struggling now. wanna come back? just make sure you don't do it again, kay?
go fuck yourself.
it would be in YOUR best interest, not theirs.

>> No.55803432


>> No.55803441

At least aloe graduated, she can come back but doesn't want to. Rushia was outright terminated, there's no chance for her.

>> No.55803449

You don't get it. Holomembers can break contract a little, as a treat

>> No.55803454

Companies exist to make money. Rushia makes a lot of money. Just don't give her any inside information and let her stream as she wants with her old avatar, easy peasy.

>> No.55803471 [DELETED] 

Sorry, no used goods.

>> No.55803505

There's no way bro. He's gone. When you give your soul to chaos, you're fucking gone fr, not even the Emperor can save you.

>> No.55803507

>Rushia makes a lot of money.
Makes or made? She lost a shit ton of her popularity

>> No.55803508

Even Aloe have higher chance of going back than her

>> No.55803514
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Fuck off fancuck.

>> No.55803526

>ITT:seanigs pretend to be business expert

>> No.55803543

>ESL cuck trying too hard

>> No.55803558

>Me hating on grifter whores makes me a sister
Why are /vt/ users some of the most retarded motherfuckers in the universe?

>> No.55803585


>> No.55803588

"Worthless punishment"? How much money has she lost in the last year and a half relative to what she was earning in Hololive? She's still the all-time most Super Chatted channel ($3,285,000 gross) in a little over 2 years in Hololive, and has made ~$204,000 in the last year and a half as Mikeneko. Granted that's not including donations from twitch, but still the bottom line is it's certainly cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars (and Cover a lot more), maybe as much as a million.

>> No.55803597

>Hates grifter whores
>Silence on Ironmouse
>Silence on Veibae
>Silence on Finana
>Silence on Vox
>"OMG Rushia is bad guys"

>> No.55803645

Why wouldn't a talen break contract to get a year vacation? That's basically what she did in this scenario.

>> No.55803654

I didn't know that, and I hope we're right about the shareholders. I want Rushia back, ASAP. She was a lot of fun in collabs, and post-hololive Miguel Gato jive just doesn't feel right. Her rightful place is in hololive, in spite of the yab.

>> No.55803687

How would you even know if I never posted anything about those people when we are all anons on this board?
My point still stands, /vt/ users are completely braindead and you just proved it again.
Btw I hate Niji EN, and I don't watch Twitch to have an opinion on Mouse or Vei because to me they are just twitch e-celebs behind anime avatars.

>> No.55803701

She new home is Vshojo. That's is where she belongs

>> No.55803723

Graduation, but given the option to return if she ever desires to.
Coco also got that deal because unlike Rushia, both Aloe and Coco decided to Graduate on their own and it wasn't some contract obligation.

>> No.55803724

>If someone has a negative opinion on anything holo related even if it's a former holo, they must be <insert rival copo>
LMAO Holy brain rot. You should probably kill yourself. Like unironically just hang yourself right now.

>> No.55803726

I don't know unless Emperor ascension to godhood it's still possible.

>> No.55803732

>How would you even know if I never posted anything about those people when we are all anons on this board?
Because it's blatantly obvious you're a whoretuber fan who thinks he can score points against GFE by using Rushia as a proxy? If you hate manipulative whores there are literally dozens of them in Vshojo, Niji and other corpos who are actually much worse.

>> No.55803759

Oh and Sana as well. Yagoo leaves the door open for any talent that chooses to leave, not those that broke his trust.

>> No.55803765

Kek, the amount of copium in this thread are exceedingly high.

>> No.55803768
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>If someone has a negative opinion on anything holo related they must be a astroturfing chink Holoan
100% correct

>> No.55803796

How is it worthless if they reserve the right to rehire? That's the opposite of worthless, they essentially get to do whatever the fuck they want. A talent would still fear firing because they don't know if Cover would rehire them, and Rushia is proof that it's pretty devastating (mentally and numberwise) to get fired. I think they've achieved what they wanted but now it's time to reassess the situation (as a business, money = money) and consider bringing her back after maybe a short training course on how not to freak out and cause yabs.

>> No.55803814

>I swear I won't do it again!!
if I were Yagoo, I would trust 100% the words from mental illness person

>> No.55803824

>he can score points against GFE
Funny how I literally never said anything against Lamy then. Your logic falls apart right away. Stop trying retard. Your brain is fried with tribalwars.

>> No.55803832

>take back a crazy NDA-breaking lunatic
Yagoo here. No.

>> No.55803851

>broke NDA
>then joined the company famous for shit talking Cover
>then essentially stole Cover IP with her new outfit
lol, they'd sooner hire back Hitomi Chris than Rushia at this point

>> No.55803870

You do realize no amount of training or help would be able to control her right? She doesn't have the title of Queen Menhera for nothing. She'd need to be locked in a mental health institution for a good while before any sort of progress can be made on that front.

>> No.55803881

>Why wouldn't a talen break contract to get a year vacation?
Because it's an unpaid "vacation".

>> No.55803892

>Something being similar is "stealing IP"
Corpo bootlicker please

>> No.55803905

>A-chan said
Is the source straight out of your ass?

>> No.55803917

You can't recycle a trash

>> No.55803918

It's literally exactly the same Fandead. When you copy the homework you're suppose to at least change it a little to not make it obvious.

>> No.55803924
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>> No.55803934

>Calls me a Chink
LOL So you people are just blindly attaching labels and using buzzwords to random anons? That is hilarious. You people are quite literally completely braindead.

>> No.55803965

1. I'm not on twitter
2. That page is ran by 3 Pinoys and a Chillean
In my ideal world, all SEA would be nuked. Try again.

>> No.55803967

>then joined the company famous for shit talking Cover
She didn't join Niji though.

>> No.55803993

I'll retrain her. With my cock.

Realistically though, I think she's learned her lesson. She might be more menhera now than ever, but she's also more loyal to her fans and careful than ever before. I could be totally wrong and she might just immediately go haywire after rejoining hololive, but that's a risk we should all be willing to take kek.

>> No.55804013

nah she can die instead

>> No.55804014

She joined Vwhorejo that shit talked Cover and bragging about "le talent freedom" just so the same "totally not a corpo" would fall apart like a year later.
And during all that time, Rushia didn't find her happiness becaue it turns out she was manipulated into signing a shitty contract.

>> No.55804020 [DELETED] 

Taiwan number 1! seethe

>> No.55804024

If you anti Hololive you're a chink in spirit

>> No.55804033

>Mikebeggars begging yet again
No, fuck off.

>> No.55804044

No thanks. She only cares about herself.

>> No.55804047

>Just don't give her any inside information
This isn't actually feasible to do. You would have to completely isolate her from the rest of the company. As well as not include her in any events whatsoever. Because otherwise she knows, at minimum, schedule dates and event plans before they are publicized and that's inside information.

You are basically asking them to allow her to call herself Rushia while being, effectively, indie in return for ~50% of her income. Because she's not really part of the company if she's kept entirely separate from everyone else. I genuinely do not think this is in her best interest. It would not be beneficial to her mental health.

Shareholders would probably love it though. The same shareholders that want quick profits at the expense of the talents. Because they don't care if the company collapses after they cash out their shares.

>> No.55804059 [DELETED] 

>Live in Denmark
>Get called a Chink by a brown mindbroken SEA subhuman
kek Have a nice pagpag dinner later nigger

>> No.55804078

>You are basically asking them to allow her to call herself Rushia while being, effectively, indie in return for ~50% of her income.
Yeah it's being a contractor. Rushia gets to use her old model and benefit from Hololive branding. Cover gets to exploit her model again and make bank on merch sales. Win win

>> No.55804087

They didn't
They promoted their own strengths
Vshojo is not falling apart
You don't know shit about her contract

>> No.55804101

3rd gen definitely wants her back. If they didn't they wouldn't include easter eggs of her in everything they do. 5th Gen doesn't do that with Aloe.

>> No.55804140

Why are people continually defending her and acting like she should just be handed everything she wants? she is not a child. she made decisions and has to deal with the consequences. also, shocker to the simps maybe, but your cute anime waifu has demonstrated multiple signs of narcissistic behavior. she has severe mental issues that need to be threated.
>unable to recognize her wrongdoings and blame others
>victimises herself
>egosearch constantly
>wants to sue everyone who critisizes her
>throw tantrums and talks about suicide

You can also look up narcissistic behaviors and its like a checklist of everything she's done since she got terminated from hololive, fascinating.

>> No.55804170

He is shitting on Rushia that took a giant shit on Hololiive.
This somehow means that he is shitting on Hololive?
It is scary how stupid you people are.

>> No.55804197

Nice try BVTM admin. Try and memoryhole your Phasekeks harassing Utano Pandora.

>> No.55804204

>re-hiring a menhera who doesn't give a fuck about the rules and will break them on a whim and also can't handle the consequences of her own actions
>Win win
You mean lose lose.

>> No.55804209
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She's a woman and women are effectively toddlers. Stop treating them like they have agency. They don't. Women were treated as property for most of human history for a very good reason. You cucks just let them get way, way out of control

I want green woman to entertain me again with full knowledge she was born a subhuman without a soul like all females.

>> No.55804224

Nene never gives up that 5th is 5 talents. Everyone is always sad whenever Aloe is brought up.
>5th gen doesn't do it with Aloe.
I mean you're an idiot, but goddamn

>> No.55804231

I don't even know what that means. You are turbo mindbroken by various vtuber drama.

>> No.55804237

kys Phasecuck

>> No.55804245

Fuck off we're full.

>> No.55804267

I think you're the retard here anon. 5th gen doesn't shove references of Aloe into everything they do like 3rd Gen does with Rushia.

>> No.55804273

she also has 1000% faith in the words of her backstabbing managers, which is where the Mike/Delta feud came from since her manager told her Aloe talked shit behind her back.

>> No.55804296

Which e-celeb dick is Pippa riding this week?

>> No.55804307

let me ask you this...
do you think Cover is a Jail/Judicial system where:
She has to do 300hrs of community service
>go to a psychiatrist for ungodly number of hours per week
Pay Bail money
>large fine (perhaps to a designated charity)

do you think her not streaming for months would hurt her?
like you said, she made 3.2 Million USD in superchats ALONE.
not including merch, memberships, sponsorships and Holofes that she also got paid for performing in.
the only ones suffering would be her "fans".
she gets a multi month unpaid vacation and has to donate a meager sum to some charity and think everything is Daijoubu?
if everything was as simple as
>just stream
then the china implosion wouldn't have happened and every youtube chat would be speaking mandarin

>> No.55804309

because all those easter eggs are bringing them money and sympathy, more sympathy more support and creating this fake 'atmosphere of being supportive' for her.
in the end it's all business, they're not missing her

>> No.55804345

lol rent free and enjoy pagpag

>> No.55804347

That's just you being salty that women are easier to forgive. Don't be so salty. We all want her back in hololive because she's entertaining and we want to see her collab with them again. It's okay to forgive people for their mistakes, you bitter old man. Not everything is do or die, it's just a fucking anime girl on your screen. Real men don't treat girls so harshly, they understand women a bit retarded and need to have their hands held. So you're either a woman or a low-test man. I don't know which is more pitiful.

>> No.55804396


>> No.55804421

>We all want her back in hololive
Define "we". You and your special ed class, retard?
>It's okay to forgive people for their mistakes,
Not when that person is Rushia.

>> No.55804428

Who is this "we" you're talking about? Shareholders that are just looking to make a quick buck by flattening Hololive? Because that's the only reason I can think of for desperately wanting her back other than being as mentally unwell as her.

>> No.55804447

Actually it's your understanding of corporate culture that's childish. There are some things that just aren't done because it sets a bad precedent, one of them is hiring back employees especially those who're a liability and explicitly broke written contracts. Rusha making millions doesn't even matter, same with a gifted chemist at a pharmaceutical company or programmer on a development team. No one is indespensible and sticking to your decisions as a company is huge for a multitiude reasons, many you seem not to understand probably from never working at one.

>> No.55804448

Cute is justice. Also femoids have no brains and should not be treated as adults.

>> No.55804456

>We all want her back in hololive
speak for yourself faggot

>> No.55804493

She didn't dox the Holomembers. No way they'd continue to reference her if she did
Please do your reps

>> No.55804566

>We all want her back in hololive because she's entertaining
you can watch her on both miguel and vshojo
she's also doing a 3D live!
go pay your 30 bucks for it.
it isn't just
>anime girl on your screen.
it's a business.
a multi-million dollar business.
you think breaking NDA's in a place that handles millions of dollars, Trillions of Yen should just be a slap on the wrist and a "don't do it again"?

>> No.55804567

Is it this one Phasekek? https://youtu.be/Rx35syYfqnw?t=800

>> No.55804783

Phasecuck should've neck themself, imagine born being this retarded worse of all he's anglo

>> No.55804852


>> No.55804878

Sankisei should just threaten to quit hololive. They are NOTHING without Rushia and they know it.

>> No.55804879

Sometime I imagine her roommate secretly keeping the rig, late some nights getting up and using it privately. Watching the screen intently as she recites her introduction, Rushia moving again to the audience of one and making cute poses.
Eventually it becomes too much to bear, remembering the collabs with her genmates, the large community showering her with supas and praise. She breaks down, tears streaming down her face as Rushia mimics her.
This is the future she chose

>> No.55804900

Whoah... you might be on to something.. maybe that could do it, yeah.
A fully awakened God-Emperor would be the only way

>> No.55804898

they should rehire her

>> No.55804937

defensive much admin? How much do you regret tweeting that picture by the way and showing the world the color of your skin?

>> No.55804945
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>> No.55804975

i don't care about that they should rehire her

>> No.55804999

If there's no indication she'd break NDA again then it'd be stupid not to pick up the potential cash cow. Like seeing a tree that grows gold but deciding to ignore it forever because it fell once during a storm and almost hit you. Besides, it's very easy to set up an environment where she physically can't leak sensitive info: just don't give her any sensitive info.

>> No.55805020

No. I don't want her anywhere near my oshi. Her stunt caused over a years worth of shitposting and caused a poor perception of Hololive fans.

>> No.55805021

Fancucks...at least have some pride...

>> No.55805079

It's not as easy as you're trying to make it sound. She would have to know scheduled events like concerts and the like. Unless you're just saying to completely isolate her and just hope she doesn't have an even bigger meltdown because of that and print money? In which case I'd just assume you're a retarded shareholder and deserve to be spat on and have your portfolio go up in flames.

>> No.55805087

i don't care about any of that they should rehire her

>> No.55805109

There is an indication that she would break it since she cannot stop talking to korekore.

>> No.55805115

>they should rehire her
No, they should not rehire a dangerously insane person under any fucking circumstance.

>If there's no indication she'd break NDA again
She would. Also they can't rehire her because it would send a message that talent can break NDA get away with it.
>just don't give her any sensitive info
Literally impossible.

>> No.55805181

You can't even take our page down and you tried like 2 times so far KEK

>> No.55805185

People are forgetting her firing WAS a slap on the wrist. She never got sued for reparations. That option is still always open to them (atleast until the statute of limitations nullifies it, assuming they've kept evidence and records). If she was going to break NDA a second time, she'd have done it already. It would be smarter to regain your financial leverage on her by rehiring her, because if she's self sustainable she can leak info any time without fearing for her career. If you rebuild relations with her, and take control of her by becoming her employer, she's far less likely to hold a grudge and do some shit when she has her next mental episode.

>> No.55805190

Close your eyes anon, they're too far gone.

>> No.55805208
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>> No.55805213
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Hate her or love her. Blame her or absolve her. We all lost some kino the day she was terminated. VTubing will never be the same again, but I will stay with her wherever she will go.

>> No.55805285

Leaking scheduled events isn't really a yab... plus she has no incentive to. Her last yab was caused by her retardation in which she thought it was in her best interests to try to handle things by herself. Your bit about scheduled events holds no bearing on the conversation and your last sentence just sounds highly emotional, like a teenager. Plus, I make around 20% a year on my active portfolio and have only losscut 3 times in 3 years so seethe more brainlet.

>> No.55805293

nah they should rehire her

>> No.55805303

Stunted critical thinking and common sense. That and the fact OP and fans like this spin a narrative and refuse to accept the facts that Rushia fucked up leaking case sensitive information to a 3rd party.

>> No.55805332

I only have to get lucky once! Good luck never slipping up forever admin <3

>> No.55805335

i don't care about that they should rehire her

>> No.55805393

Keep seething. It just brings more and more traffic to our page. Free advertising from retards like you is great. Literally every mention drives traffic to our page.
Thanks for the help ape.

>> No.55805397

>It would be smarter to regain your financial leverage on her by rehiring her
I don't know where the fuck you people are coming from or what kind of psyop or discord raid this is, but Cover will never rehire a batshit crazy suicide baiter who can't be trusted with confidential information. Rushia was their biggest cashcow but they still fired her anyway because they knew keeping her bonkers ass employed wasn't worth any amount of money. It's over. She's never coming back.

>> No.55805444

Give me unfalsifiable, physical proof that she would break NDA again and I'll say she shouldn't be rehired. The justification for the argument against is very simple: she regrets what happened and has no incentive to break NDA again on the off chance that she was rehired.
On the other hand, you just have empty accusations that she's crazy and will break NDA again. She's an actress. All chuubas are actresses. Her shtick is to come off as mentally ill. You retards fell for it. If you can fall for something like that you aren't smart enough to properly rationalize what cover should do in this situation. Look up sunken cost fallacy. Just because the decision was good at the time doesn't mean continuing the decision is smart anymore.

>> No.55805455

nah they should rehire her

>> No.55805480

She keeps talking to korekore and other people that she was told to not talk to.
That's the proof
>s-s-s-she would do that!
Prove that she wouldn't.

>> No.55805501

>hey should rehire her

>> No.55805525

>it's over
no... it's only just begun.

>> No.55805566

>Rushia was their biggest cashcow
But she wasn't. Superchats are not the largest source of income for the company.

>> No.55805581

>Give me unfalsifiable, physical proof that she would break NDA again
She's crazy. There you go.
>she regrets what happened
Crazy women don't feel the emotion of regret.
>no incentive to break NDA again
Rushia had no incentive to break NDA the first time either but she did it anyway.
>her shtick is to come off as mentally ill. You retards fell for it
You're a complete fucking idiot.

>> No.55805593

>Naive kiddies don't know how brutal Japanese corpos work
>They think you can fuck them over and they will trust you again
It's over for Rushicucks.

>> No.55805610

>it would be in their best interest to do so
Anyone who think this way is a shortsighted retard

>> No.55805621

>she keeps talking to korekore
when was the last time she talked to korekore. post proof.
>prove that she isn't talking to korekore
if you have no proof then the simplest assumption is that she is incentivized not to talk to korekore and thus by occam's razor that's the most likely scenario. if you disagree with what I've just written, the mentally ill one is you. also you're ESL so opinion discarded.

>> No.55805634

They unironically think that she was the biggest earner in Hololive. You are arguing with literal children that have no clue how business works.
Btw I love how they are trying to sping the narrative into "If you attack Rushia you are attacking Hololive" so Holo fans accept her again and want her back.
Sneaky scummy Fancucks.

>> No.55805687

Whenever the drama with Delta happened. Maybe I misremember and it was only Narukami, she still talked to someone she shouldn't be talking to.
Prove that she doesn't rely to talking to these people whenever she gets into shit.
It happens EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME without fail.

>> No.55805709

Let me remind people that it is entirely due to Cover's incompetence that the situation got as out of hand as it did.
Had they responded appropriately and given her the support she needed, the drama could have been nipped in the bud but they left a retarded woman to her own devices who was panicking and did a stupid thing like the stupid woman she is.
Cover is entirely to blame for Rushia's firing.

>> No.55805747

Their other favorite thing to say is "your hololive oshi wouldn't like you saying this!".
I'm sure my hololive oshi absolutely loved how she said managers should burn in hell.

>> No.55805794

Prove that she's crazy. Anything she says on stream is an act. Post a psychiatric evaluation that proves she's crazy. What's your definition of crazy? What mental illness makes one 'crazy'? Post your reasoning. Is that reasoning widely accepted in the medical industry? If not, why is your reasoning different? Are you qualified to hold that opinion?
>Rushia had no incentive to break NDA the first time
False. Her incentive was simple: if I can solve this issue before Cover notices how big of a yab this is, my chances of getting terminated are lower. This is a logical conclusion to come to. It's high risk high reward, but if you really care about your job you'll take the option that gives you a chance to keep it, not the 'sit and wait to be terminated' option. Of course whether this belief was correct or not, is a different matter. But to her, the incentive was there.
You're just false on all accounts. Give up, SEA minds can't keep up in real, grounded debates. That's why they always make up rrats.

>> No.55805801

Cover only made two mistakes with Rushia: not firing her sooner, and hiring her in the first place.

>> No.55805877

>Prove that she's crazy
There's no need to.
>she broke NDA because she cared about her job so much that she didn't want to follow the rules of her job
Ah, I see you're crazy too.

>> No.55805940

>Prove that she's crazy
Ok done
What is next

>> No.55805959
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Hololive only need one (1) Green woman

>> No.55806022

>if I can solve this issue before Cover notices
What issue was she trying to solve when all she was doing was asking for info about mafumafu and shitting on hololive, retard?

>> No.55806051

>before Cover notices how big of a yab this is
Cover posted a statement in full support of her private life being her own business once the discord yab happened. She didn't freak out because she was afraid of her employer being upset about her being in a relationship(whether actually she was or not is irrelevant). She freaked out because she was afraid of her unicorn fanbase leaving her.

>> No.55806115

>There's no need to.
So you admit that you just fell for the kayfabe. You must also believe FWMC are literal dogs.
>SEAtwitter is my credible source
Debating SEAbrainlets on /vt/ is too easy. Atleast /lit/ and /sci/ can give me something to work with.

>> No.55806140

Is that her fucking lawsuit dairy? What the fuck

>> No.55806178

Anti unicorn on Twitter/reddit killed Rushia, not Cover. Stop coping and move on.

>> No.55806203

>cat's own twitter is "SEAtwitter"
The average nekocuck, everyone.

>> No.55806272

>So you admit that you just fell for the kayfabe.
I'm not talking about kayfabe, schizochama. I'm talking about Rushia's actual insanity that caused her to break NDA, get herself fired, and immediately suicide bait for the thousandth time.

>> No.55806273

That is her own sub account you dipshit

>> No.55806287

as much as I love her I have to agree

>> No.55806296

Wasted slot. At least half the Niji girls would be better hires.

>> No.55806321

I called it SEAtwitter because SEAs love twitter. If you fell for her kayfabe that's a different problem.

>> No.55806329

what about ayame or noel then?

>> No.55806362

>Atleast /lit/ and /sci/ can give me something to work with.
Ewwwwww did you just say that on /vt/? Oh my god like the cringe is too hard I can't even look at my screen right now. This retard unironically hops from one board to another to "debate" people on 4chan.
Yeah you really found a good place for intellectual stimulation...fucking loser.

>> No.55806379
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>That is her own sub account you dipshit
No you don't understand IT'S KAYFABE

>> No.55806507

nah right they should rehire her

>> No.55806535

Doesn't everyones oshi do this on a regular weekend? Its just kayfabe

>> No.55806552

nope fireing her was a mistake they can fix that by rehireing her

>> No.55806569
File: 140 KB, 675x900, 1672937635123308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahaha OP BTFO!
Get fucked OP faggot nigger!
>please please please please blablablabla
Get fucked!! Kill yourself! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.55806711

Breaches her contract? Kayfabe. Fakes jumping off a building? Kayfabe. Lies about taking legal action? Kayfabe. Her lawyer probably doesn't even exist? Kayfabe. She's the greatest master of kayfabe the world has ever known and my knees are kneeling on their own kek

>> No.55806794

>he's a newfag who came from pl*bbit when /vt/ was made
>calls it 4chan
yikes, this isn't panning out for you like you would have hoped... let me guess, the rest of le elite hacker website is le too scary too look at?

>> No.55806836

>She's the greatest master of kayfabe the world has ever known
Unironically true

>> No.55806885

Why do you think she was so successful? Her kayfabe is literally the best. I guess she never expected retards to actually fall for it though.

>> No.55806964

It is pretty funny that Flare wasn't even sad, just mad at her. She will never forgive Rushia. Flare herself said that she dislikes playing games like among us because the concept of betraying friends makes her sick.

>> No.55806991

Flare is a legitimate autist who even Marine finds hard to deal with.

>> No.55807030

They might have let it slide if it was her first offense.
As mentioned in the statement this had already been happening for a while, and she was already warned in November once when she was caught.

>> No.55807058

>dislikes playing games like among us because the concept of betraying friends makes her sick
Based and same.

>> No.55807067

Marine spends the most time with Flare though?
If anything she is the best of friends with Flare while she was never really friends with Rushia.

>> No.55807070

It's unanimously agreed that Flare is a nasty bitch who complains about every little retarded detail. Even her fans know that, but they like her more for it.

>> No.55807083

I know you got a warning from twitter retard
that was me btw :)

>> No.55807094

Take her back behind the barn and end it

>> No.55807126
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She should write her pledge

>> No.55807212
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>> No.55807221

>As mentioned in the statement this had already been happening for a while
That part was mistranslated. The original japanese text said "past few days", referring to the korekore stream taking place. They never made any actual reference to when the past leaks happened.
Her manager only suspected that she had been talking to him in January because he mentioned her by name.
They never knew what she had been talking about. If they had known she would have been fired sooner.

>> No.55807259

Haven't kept up with her much post-Hololive. Last I heard she was doing fine with Vshitshow. I'd always assumed she wouldn't go back even if they wanted her. What's going on with her that Yagoo now needs to ride in on his white steed and save her?

>> No.55807289

I hope they don’t touch that menhera mess with a mile long stick ever again.

>> No.55807296

>Marine spends the most time with Flare though?
Yeah and even she finds Flare difficult to deal with. In fact Flare actually got angry with her on stream for a small joke. You do not understand the depths of Flares autism, the fact she holds a grudge means nothing because she legit hates half of Hololive at this point.

>> No.55807299

This. Cover fucked up very, very badly with the Rushia drama.
Anyone who disagrees is either some anti-gfe homoparasite or a corpo drone.

>> No.55807304
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What kind of information that warrant one termination bros?
Personal Hololive member info? Hololive sponsorship detail? Hololive 202x roadmap?

>> No.55807314

Magnus did nothing wrong, but Rushia did.

>> No.55807331

And Marine still loves her the most while she would never actually do ANYTHING with Rushia despite the forced ship.

>> No.55807339

He's putting together a team. You want in?

>> No.55807374
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Do you have any idea what that would do to everyone? Fuwamoco are cute fluffy comfy healing vtubers. They can make a pledge and people go "aww, must protect!" Rushia is the zenith of GFE. We Fandeads are crazy. Her gachikois and her antis are crazier. This is a woman who still has fans even when she made a career-ending mistake. If she makes a pledge as returned!Rushia in Hololive, the entire industry would break.

>> No.55807410

Enjoy Vshojo Nazuna 3D concert bro

>> No.55807493
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I'll enjoy Koito Ria/Mikeneko's streams even if she gets no concert. I'll watch Nazuna if Nazuna comes back but I don't think she will. She's in a much better place and is already triggering /vt/ compared to her Nazuna days.

>> No.55807747

>Cover is entirely to blame for Rushia's firing
I wouldn't take it that far, but from the outside at least it would have been in their best interest to retain her and they didn't work very hard at doing that. It makes you wonder if there was shit going on internally with other mems or management where they were breathing a sigh of relief when she gave them an excuse to get rid of her. They definitely didn't handle it how they should've if they wanted to keep her, but I won't say that's unjustified because we don't know what was going on behind the scenes.

>> No.55807752

>Her rightful place is in hololive, in spite of the yab.
>he doesn't know about the Rushia's membership post and DMs

>> No.55807766

How is Cover responsible for her spreading malicious false rumors about hololive in November?

>> No.55807776


>> No.55807797

Why are mikecucks always insulthing Marine?

>> No.55807809

holy kek this thread

>> No.55807939

shes a whore in an idol company

>> No.55807946
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I think Rushia should be taken back by Cover. I've never been a diehard fandead or anything, but I genuinely think the company was better with her present. She also made multiple members very happy. Her entire gen was crying when she was made to graduate. Even Fubuki snapped and yelled about how badly she wanted to perform with Rushia during Holofes. She's genuinely made for the company. She has her issues, but she's gotten better.

>> No.55808011

>Her entire gen was crying
But they weren't. It was really just Marine who cried and Noel and Pekora reacted to that.

>> No.55808086

Prove it.

>> No.55808115

Nobody cried until Marine did.

>> No.55808186

This is my stance as well. A lot of the collabs felt empty without her for a little while. I had never seen Pekora laugh as much as she did with Rushia (maybe Shion has gotten close). And Marine has lost the only chuuba willing to play along with her cringekino RPs.

>> No.55808211

You don't watch streams.

>> No.55808214

Majority of people don't want a ticking time bomb near their oshi
Fuck off and go prepare yourself for her stream at 23 JST

>> No.55808340

Lol no

>> No.55808352

Rushia's more like Konrad Curze

>> No.55808390

If they are in hololive they are not whores. Qed

>> No.55808448

The fact that you don't know what I'm talking about proves that you don't watch streams.

>> No.55808469

Their 3D lives have become much much better and overall gen unity improved AFTER Rushia was fired so a big NO from me.

>> No.55808586

You're claiming their collabs are "empty" because she's not there when she literally pulled out of the only full gen off collab they ever had. The bitch was never one of them.
You not not watch streams. You're just a mikecuck.

>> No.55808649

>he thinks they've only ever collabed once
>You not not watch streams.
Kind of proving my point there, SEAcuck. Do some English reps then get back to me.

>> No.55808716

They only had one full gen off collab and she pulled out of it.
She never brought anything to their other full gen collabs except for the smash bros one.
Your constantly pre-emptive ban evasion tells me everything I need to know about the nature of your posts, mikecuck. You got cucked by your whore and she was never friends with sankisei. They do not even have a way to contact her anymore.

>> No.55808757

No because fandeads haven’t drained enough of their money into her yet.

>> No.55808922

Lotsa headcanon going on here. You still haven't done your English reps either, it seems. Believe whatever you want, you'll never not be SEA, so everything you post is just cope.

>> No.55808941
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Remember, fandeads. Rushia has antis who are willing to say anything in order to rail against her, even things they know very well are false. Do not bite their blatantly false bait.

>> No.55809021

You are mentally ill

>> No.55809075

Point out what parts of my post are "headcanon" and correct them. If you can't, you concede that everything I said was true.

>> No.55809100

I'm not talking about Cover's announcement. Michael Cat herself talked about the November incident on KoreKore's stream and how she got warned about it.

>> No.55809117

But she didn't. That was about January.

>> No.55809212

Noel and Fureas and me sexpad

>> No.55809239 [DELETED] 

I know you're just a SEAnig b8ing for bvtm but here, type this into youtube:
There's a playlist of 61 videos, half of which have Rushia. Your little SEAcuck claim is there's only ever been one collab and Rushia didn't participate. So you're just factually wrong, and you still should do your English reps if you ever hope to get out of SEA. I don't think coupons from discord will buy your ticket out, little man.

>> No.55809291
File: 77 KB, 850x850, 1673976453316979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia love!

>> No.55809294

I said off collab, you fucking moronic brownie. There has only ever been ONE full sankisei off collab and Rushia pulled out of it.
Who's the ESL who can't read English now, huh? Go do your English reps in your mud hut.

>> No.55809356

why does she have an alt that links to main anyway?

>> No.55809434

>moving goalposts again
>projecting SEA insecurites
roru, rumao even

>> No.55809488

big difference between lewdbaiting and selling your body

>> No.55809609


>> No.55809612

How am I "moving goalposts". SEAturd? >>55808586
>she literally pulled out of the only full gen off collab
>the only full gen off collab
>off collab
You should not only go back to the mud hut school to learn English but to learn basic alphabet because you clearly can't read ANYTHING.

>> No.55809701

GFEniggers have been BTFO since

>> No.55809775

Better get ready, i heard some anon got into your discord circlejerk already.

>> No.55810849

If she hadn't been such a retarded bitch and leaked all her shit to jap keemstar she'd still be in hololive.
They actually stood behind her about the mafumafu shit and just told her to take a week off and let it die down.
That's what is so frustrating. They were on her side and she just threw a complete bitch fit about it.
Just absolute retardation. I'm not surprised even Cover couldn't find a manager or even group of managers to deal with this ultra menhera.

>> No.55811011

How many times does it need to explained to you that she was talkign shit about hololive for MONTHS before anything happened.
None of her actions in 2023 could have changed what happened.
She is a bad person and her getting fired was a good thing.

>> No.55811602

wrong, she was referring to info narukami gave her well before termination. She never spoke to narukami then.

>> No.55812124

>he couldn't even harass her into not doing GFE again despite her momentary lapse of faith following the termination
get fucked brownvtm

>> No.55812282


>> No.55812378

Magnus did nothing wrong tho, unlike Rushia
but they both have a fractured and schizo mind, so I see the resemblance

>> No.55812407

Why does this thread have like 300 replies when this one is all you need

>> No.55812410

It isn't about making an example of. It's about being fair.
A big company can't play favorites, and if they ever punished someone else for something lighter, it would have looked as if they made an exception for Rushia because of her high superchat income.
In the end, Rushia knew what she was doing, and Cover did what they needed to do. Her hope was that even in the afterlife, her fandeads would still be as loyal, if not more, to her.

>> No.55812630

You don't know exactly what the contract says. And at most workplaces I've known, the typical penalty statement is "up to and including termination", meaning that the employer has every right to fire you if they so choose if you breach the rules, but they don't HAVE to fire you. We don't know exactly what Cover uncovered (no pun intended) during their investigation, and I would highly suspect that they did indeed float the idea of keeping her on board due to the reasons other anons described (money primarily). In the end though, she was terminated, which Cover had every right to do, but they didn't have to do if they chose not to.

>> No.55813462

How does she get along with Fubuki and Watame?

>> No.55813641

>unanimously agreed
By you and your 2 discord friends kek

>> No.55813743

Nobody would collab with her since she ruined her reputation. Even her own genmates hate her (with the exception of maybe Marine).

>> No.55814061

Pekora mentions her every chance she gets

>> No.55814086

> shares 50% revenue to Holo
> effectively indie

Buying back the model would be more realistic, but the Rushia name is tied to Hololive and even while indie it could lead to more reputational damage for Hololive. There is no real incentive to give the menhera her model, let alone another chance in the company.

>> No.55814181

>pekora hates her

>> No.55814184

That's not what being a contractor is. The talents are already contractors.

>> No.55814315

it's almost like there's multiple types of contracting, imagine that

>> No.55814373

> no indication
> again

>> No.55814466
File: 233 KB, 456x485, 1615393127542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fanniggers think cover would let any of their IP's to collab with mike, someone they booted out without looking back
the only thing you may get is their holoroommates collab, yet we didn't see any that, on the other hand roomamtes have no problem collabing with Kson, so I don't know, maybe they don't like her as much as you pathetic bunch think

>> No.55814513

Last I've seen she's doing just fine in vshojo.

>> No.55814574

>on the other hand roomamtes have no problem collabing with Kson
Only the ones who already do fleshstreaming double duty

>> No.55814660

i'm so hard right now

>> No.55814844
File: 181 KB, 1300x1273, 366887542125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT fandeads and/or falseflagging niji/corpo chuds giving gas station degree psychoanalytical reasons on why Cover should bring back this litteral ticking timebomb menhera so she can sabotage Hololive from within.

>> No.55814929

It's not sabotage if they deserve it and if she is the one doing it it's DEFINITELY not the wrong thing to do.
Not even kidding when I say they actually believe this.

>> No.55815027

no thanks, Mike dug her own grave and now she can stay in it forever.

>> No.55815140

Also Nene with Aloe after she left, which is an even better example

>> No.55815247

Did Nene attend Aloe's birthday this year?

>> No.55815343

We left gen 1 purity behind literal years ago anon

>> No.55815693

No idea, I don't have much time to follow everyone and have been sticking to 1-2 holos for over a year now. Wagecuck life sucks..

>> No.55816008
File: 1.32 MB, 4096x2323, 20230811_110301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would Nene care about Delutaya... Nene's cute roommate who breeds Beatles on the other hand yeah they follow each other also Matsuri's menhera roommate and Delutaya have chatted on Public twitter. But she doesn't have the confidence to ask either of them to show up.

She was with her friends so it's okay.

>> No.55816057

If they are in hololive by definition they can't be whores. Qed

>> No.55816147

That has literally not been true for at least 3 years, if not more.

>> No.55816884

She was invited to collab with Chocos rm but was sick at the time

>> No.55816976

As much as I miss Rushia, I don’t want her to get abused by that black company again. Fortunately she’s big enough that there’s nothing of value they can offer her.

>> No.55817960

Who sankisei don't ever references her again? Hmnmn.

>> No.55818103
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>> No.55818237

>Like seeing a tree that grows gold but deciding to ignore it forever because it fell once during a storm and almost hit you.
You would be death in a second in a Aesopian tale.

>> No.55818234

Polka seems like the odd one out of this list, qrd?

>> No.55818816

Headcanon and cope

>> No.55818855

>you would be death in a second
why doesn't SEA have their own imageboard? why do they insist on shitting up ours? genuine question.

>> No.55818895

>Her last yab was caused by her retardation in which she thought it was in her best interests to try to handle things by herself.
One year later and people are still threadreaders. The leaking not happen because of the discord yab. But because the discord yab, Cover found out that she was leaking. Korekore said he was talking with Rushia for at least one year before her termination.

>> No.55818958

Mikeneko is doing better now than Rushia ever did. It's yagoo's loss.

>> No.55818984

Rushia was a sub 4k streamer?

>> No.55820516

Nice to hear she's managed to heal and develop a friend network of her own.

>> No.55820558

Isn't she still complaining about not making enough money?

>> No.55820709

If you think she's doing well in a neglected branch of a company that doesn't even protect it's main branch talents from external or internal harassment, you're more delusional then most smooth brains,

>> No.55820890

Just a hint of findom keeps the GFE fresh.

>> No.55820935

That's really hot

>> No.55821036

i thought this board loves rushia, fandeds are the most oppressed group

>> No.55821065

She fucked around and found out.

>> No.55821288

She was close friend with some of Holostars

>> No.55822544

this makes me happy

>> No.55822764

judging by the thread, only SEAs hate Rushia

>> No.55822816

Photographical evidence shows it's SEAs who love her.

>> No.55822969

>selling your body
Holy fuck I'm out of the loop what's the story on that

>> No.55822980

What in the world are you talking about, Mikeneko is indie.

>> No.55823464 [DELETED] 


>> No.55823800


>> No.55825988

Least delusional fandead

>> No.55827600

Anon don't you think Mikeneko's voice is awfully similar to someone in Vshojo
