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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55763132 No.55763132 [Reply] [Original]

Why did she betray my love again?……..

>> No.55763459

Astroturfing a scamming whore won't make her relevant.

>> No.55764451
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I can’t take it anymore, bitch takes my money and my love

>> No.55764480


>> No.55764931

Oh she already disappeared again?

>> No.55765037

>174 subs
Maybe people are finally fucking realizing what shes about.

>> No.55765164

Was that rrat that she got into Niji but then talked about it publicly and got terminated before debut true btw?

>> No.55765415

Mel, do you have no shame? At least try to cover your tracks.

>> No.55765522

still waiting for her to drop the homeless act to buy a video of her masturbating with one of her dildos

>> No.55765564

nobody loves you or gives you money anymore

>> No.55766174

ye idk why she doesn't just go for it. that one audio was pretty good

is schlicking for money too much work for you?

>> No.55767375


>> No.55769749

I'd buy that too

>> No.55769931

there's no way she's ever going to get into a corp. 1) she's not entertaining enough to make a good audition tape. her "talent" is playing games for 16 hours a day, that's it. 2) she can't bring up any of her past experiences so she'll either have to pretend to be a complete beginner or give them her whole history as a braptuber.

>> No.55770000

what audio have i missed now? unless you're talking about the toothbrushing?

>> No.55770054


She can join EIEN

>> No.55770363

Oops, I did it again
I played with your heart, got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
Oops, you think I'm in love
That I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent

>> No.55770672


>> No.55771285

>definitely not a stolen model

>> No.55771477

Because she doesn't care about your love for real. Get it through your head this is a plain ol' scammer and deserves all misfortunes that come her way (allegedly). She is not sincere about any of this, she is an unironic actual grifter, not just a label. She will never be a consistent vtuber, she will just come take whatever she can get and fuck off again, she will never actually give you happiness.

>> No.55771559

That's 174 too many.

>> No.55774013

wait there are people who actually care about this girl? i thought she was just a huge joke for us to laugh at

>> No.55774315

She doesn't want to be saved. I think she has a humiliation fetish. It would explain all of this.

>> No.55776318

Care? No. I just want more fap material from chuubas.

>> No.55776563

Rough, qrd on this chuuba? I never really got the full rrat

>> No.55777159

so her next hustle(scam) is selling $10 stock vtuber model at extremely inflated price?

>> No.55777376

>Empty youtube channel.
>Selling her model in twitter.
I thought she has already run away with some people's money before I saw her tweets.
She's getting rusty.
Stupid me believing her during DB saga

>> No.55778959

Her rise to "fame" was as the braptuber with the leech name of "Mel Nekomata". She would fart and shit unmuted. She's crazy, not menhera. I don't know if she ever said what her problem is, but she definitely is a compulsive liar so I wouldn't believe anything she says. She claims to have been hard doxxed(full name, address, bank info etc). Every two months or so she would delete her channel, and make a new one with a new model and name. I picked her up when she was "Ames". Her best content was using a vibrator on a public YT stream and she let us hear her pussy sloshing. Allegedly the Ames model was purchased from someone who stole it so she got a different model but then later on she said she was able to purchase it legitimately from the actual owner. She said she would go back to the Ames model but of course she switched soon after. She had some people /here/ that wanted to save her, but the lies built up and now she's been rightfully abandoned.

I still want her to masturbate on stream though.

>> No.55779183

You chose this Mel, stop your bitching

>> No.55779678

More like she can join notRiifu's company

>> No.55779870

She wasn't the only EIEN that masturbates on Twitter.

>> No.55781120

Wait so she is actually an evil person

>> No.55783160

Insane, thank you for the spoon-feeding, it's tragic yet fucking hilarious

>> No.55784642

If you're gonna be a camwhore or clipseller, why the fuck would you abandon your two best channels just because some fetishfags would listen in and occasionally donate for some potential brap noises? She threw away everything she had built up multiple times under some guize of 'wanting to be a proper streamer' while also all the while selling clips privately. Fucking christ, just own that you're a for sale whore who wants money and no one other than a few schizos would bat an eye at you or your content.

>> No.55787506

Also for one of her channels she got monetization, but had a mental breakdown because the donations weren't enough so she started selling nudes to people in the chat.

>> No.55789032

Because she’s fucking crazy, and not in the cute menhera way as most vtubers, actually fucking mentally ill

>> No.55789552

Oh shoot I missed it.
Anything happen this time or was it a silent death?
How long was this incarnation anyways? I completely forgot when she debuted it.

>> No.55790307

Not happening. notRiifu is only choosing girls with proper R18 experience and it's likely that half of them will be picked from her circle of lewd ASMRtist friends.

>> No.55790752

She got rejected by EIEN, she showed me and the tranny Estellia the email.

>> No.55790852

It isn't a stolen model, it was commissioned early last month from the artist who made it. I thought maybe Mel was trying to pull a fast one since usually you can't resell a model but when I asked the artist if they really gave her permission to resell it they confirmed it.

>> No.55790857

So how does the guy who made the model feel? He was excited to have a vtuber daughter
I remember the first time I made a model for someone else, and it was never used for reasons

>> No.55790939
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don't put that evil on my favorite idiot

>> No.55791086

>She claims to have been hard doxxed(full name, address, bank info etc).
This part is actually true. It was posted to YouTube by a SEAnigger named Axolotl. I should have saved the video, it was a bit cringe but the SEAnigger doxxed not only Mel but her parents, her sister, her sister's husband and her sister's children to the point where people know what elementary school Mel's niece and nephew go to.

>> No.55791142

>is only choosing girls with proper R18 experience
A bit put off by this because as much as I can get behind EN emoechi, I want a blend of the coom and the comfy like Riifu was. You're dead-on that it's going to be her (wide) circle of friends. She's seemed to collab with so many people over the years. Chuuba networking skills dayo

>> No.55791199

t. Mel

>> No.55791404

Only one channel ever got monetized and it was while she was Ames. No other channel got monetized. Her Narumi Mihama era met the requirements but she was unable to get it to work because she never deleted the Ames stuff and it Google wouldn't let her make another Adsense account.

>> No.55791515

you faggots call everyone mel, so now im going to call you mel.

>> No.55791593

got what she fuckin' deserved there

>> No.55791614

She recently paid someone to make an AI voice of Beryl LeRou so she can debut again and steal any Beryl fans. You know...all 10 of them lol.

>> No.55792394

notRiifu is making a chuuba company?

>> No.55793465

>circle of lewd ASMRtist friends
Either they already stream or they already make the big bucks from Patreon. This just isn't happening

>> No.55793556

it IS happening. R18 neptoism AVchuubas run by a diagnosed autismo. And I am going to love it before it burns to the ground.

>> No.55793667


>> No.55793747

I literally can't see a single asmr girl doing this. They all already stream as a side thing and joining this would mean that they would massively reduce the time they spend working on their patreons which is just a horrible decision

>> No.55793756


>> No.55793785

This. We had an amazing one month this year. I know we'll get at least one more amazing month next year full of coom and love next year too, even if it all comes crashing down.

>> No.55793830

Riifu is doing it… without cutting back patreon. Girl hustles hard as fuck. Other hoes need to learn from her.

>> No.55793977

And she burnt out like hell just like she did the last time

>> No.55794144


>> No.55794369

old but not ancient fan here. Only burnout I've ever seen from her was an audio daily for Spooktober

I do wonder if the talk she had about potentially quitting because her voice was supposedly medically fucked was true or just prepping to graduate and become Riifu. Riifu certainly seemed fine talking 10+ hours at a stretch

>> No.55795046

I'm talking about the other chuubing venture, not audio related
I think that's just an overreaction to some gravely element of her voice that appeared semi recently

>> No.55795532 [DELETED] 

Goddammit. Every time I think I have the whole story, another layer emerges. Lore 2deep5me

>> No.55795781

Imagine the chair auctions...

>> No.55796090

The tl;dr is that at the end of it she made a long ass community post about how it's taking up time for other things, and that talking so much is killing her voice so she had to stop

>> No.55796619

Just to be perfectly clear, you don't mean there's a third non-jpg chuuba persona, right? I mean counting Riifu + upcoming as two.
I just want to be sure there's not something gigantic I am ignorant of.

>> No.55796928

Same persona as notRiifu, it was just on it's own channel. Not 100% sure but I do believe that it was an actual model and not jpg shit

>> No.55797015

Well. Shit. Now I feel a bit betrayed because it seemed like Riifu was her intro to that world.
The hole just gets deeper every time I come back to it.

>> No.55797165

I know we super derailed this thread, but I am so glad that there's plenty of "innocent men" waiting in the wings for notRiifu and her new group of girls. We'll be sure to give them all a warm welcome.

>> No.55797257

She was selling her l2d for about 2000$ or something with the excuse to help her "find a new house". Not many people fell for it this time which is a good thing.

>> No.55797276

World didn't need another Mel thread anyway

>> No.55797307
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know nothing about this "vtuber". but can always make me laugh for the shitshow accompanying them.

>> No.55797327

I'm just observing from a distance since I already know that my favorites won't/can't join

>> No.55797423

>intro to that world
It still was an intro the corpo side of things, but I know what you mean

>> No.55799240

I'm just worried that she severely overestimates how lenient youtube is with lewd content. Recently even just non lewd asmrs with just a few kisses get entire channels completely demonetized

>> No.55799324

Mel... Stop posting your shit /here/...

>> No.55799342


>> No.55799730

Hi Mel, preparing the next persona already?

>> No.55801695

I know people are going to point at me and say "This is Mel" or people just won't believe me but I have her added on discord just like that tranny faggot Estella and I've been posting shit she says on Discord /here/ yet she hasn't brought it up. I've been straight up leaking shit and I thought that would cause her to have a meltdown but maybe she really did stop browsing /here/ because the most fucked up thing I've done was leak her niece's phone number and I thought for sure that'd get Mel to have a breakdown lol. Maybe she finally did figure out how to block 4chan so that she can't access it?

>> No.55802651

No one cares

>> No.55802713

>copy+pastes her design from Nijisanji's first EN wave
>gets sued
>complains on twitter that hololive copied her name after advent debuts
Literally a leech

>> No.55802781

bro isnt her niece and nephew like 10 and under? cant believe im saying this but thats actually fucked up of you to leak a literal childs number.

>> No.55802969

>a blend of the coom and the comfy

>> No.55804324

Wrong company anon
You keep Mel away from my wife you cretin.

>> No.55804382

It will be a blend. She isn't forcing them to do any coom content it's optional but she said she doesn't want to be the reason someone becomes lewd. If they want to be seiso that's their choice

>> No.55804416

She never burnt out anon.
We were told lies.

>> No.55804463

Riifu was her first time chuubing

>> No.55804496

She is experienced in this field anon, she knows the line. For nsfw there's patreon and other sites

>> No.55804534

You're a real cunt you know that?

>> No.55804532

>She is not entertaining enough
Seems like she would fit in NijiEN, then.

>> No.55805816

nope. reps.

>> No.55807181

I've done my reps.
It's far too vague and silly to call that chuubing. Like saying the annoying orange is a chuuba

>> No.55807721

I hope "riifu" comes back as soon as possible. I miss her so much!

>> No.55808909

>Why did she betray my love again?……..
You must love her even more

>> No.55809404

she making EIEN2 with literal blackjack and hookers

>> No.55809453

she never burnt out, EIEN tried to leash her content because it was going to far and she sperged out

>> No.55811089

Who? We already have a Nerissa

>> No.55812445

No one "cares" about her, she had her chance as Ichigo and literally blew it to scam people, she tried again and she's trying to scam even her content buyers saying she needs money for tuition, repair her home or to pay her parents 4 months rent to be allowed back in.

>> No.55812875
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She is, she's trying to scam anyone close to her into paying for "needed" things like housing, when it's just to commission her next model and redebut again. I made sure to warn anyone I know that she communicates with and show them the emails she's sent me.
>"This is Mel"
Your writing style is very distinct.
This was Mel's post Ichigo Nogashi scam attempt. She scammed $3500 as the rat and thought she could do it again using an AI voice.
picrel for her last scam.

>> No.55813195

Mel, you were caught self-posting and leaking your own stuff somehow not knowing people would recognize your walls and bedsheets kek

>> No.55813751

>I know people will say this is mel"
Never forget how you tried to prove otherwise which later got proven to be you because of someone sharing a pic they bought matching your hands kek

>> No.55814278

Eh, you just have to know how to hide it. I recently had an asmr chuuba I clicked on start sucking a dildo an hour into it or something, and her channel is fine.

>> No.55814505

Youtube is weird to say the least. It is very specific on who it goes after. Even Mel Nekomata didn't get banned from Youtube when she was shitting and pissing on stream during her "I totally have cancer gaiz" saga, she got hit for a lewd image and when people she scammed reported her.

>> No.55814569


>> No.55814628

Mel, I don't care about you, this is now a NotRiifu thread.
But yea, Youtube do be weird sometimes.

>> No.55815654

Please link

>> No.55815688

Probably because you're an annoying 3rd Worlder
Who wants to be loved by that

>> No.55816324

Mel is from America, she's a 3rd worlder too.

>> No.55817244

Starts around the 50min mark.

>> No.55818002

NTA Yeah I love her, one of my few memberships
Not Mel bro, just sayin if that bitch can get away with what she did which is arguably worse than sucking on a dildo, others should be safe kek

>> No.55818111

history as a WHATtuber?

>> No.55818263

It's unironically Borderline Personality Disorder

>> No.55818439

Is this the girl the holosisters harassed into quitting?

>> No.55818718


>> No.55818745

>she can't bring up any of her past experiences so she'll either have to pretend to be a
Bro, as Ichigo she's been larping that she's a Japanese girl and she grew up in Japan. Her pretending to be someone different/newbie is in her blood. As both Ichigo and Nerissa she pretends she hasn't ever streamed a day in her life yet somehow knows the ins and outs of working OBS (something all new people struggle with) and how to properly set up overlays, debut with an MV/Cover and always seem to hate twitch and "no one liking me", like bro, all EN indie vtubers and vtweeters thrive on supporting each other and being "friends", she will forever make it obvious when it's her.

>> No.55818945

not sure why you're replying to one part of a sentence. the point isn't that it would be hard for her to pretend to be a beginner, the point is that being a beginner would drastically reduce her chances of being accepted.

>> No.55818950

She was never harassed, just like as Ichigo she wasn't harassed. Ask her for receipts she'll bitch at you and run away. Ask her to prove anything she talks about she'll scorch earth to run and hide or throw her "friends" and content buyers under the bus.
She threw it away because she wanted easy money not doing that anymore, yet she sells the content she claims she hates to people through email for $100-200 a pop. BPD doesn't make scam people.

>> No.55819141

They take newbies all the time. Her scorching earth definitely doesn't help, my point was she has it in her to try and bullshit her way into something, she has her old videos from one of her 70 personas laying around, all audition videos does is look at your video which most people just make a compilation and talk in character.

>> No.55819607

there's no way a bigger corp wouldn't do a basic background check on their past personas. maybe not in the first round, but at least if they get further into the application process

>> No.55819926

>just own that you're a for sale whore who wants money and no one other than a few schizos would bat an eye at you or your content.
This is the hilarity of it too because she owns it, but in every email to every seller she always says "no one buys my content or is buying my content", yet she has more than enough money to keep commissioning shit from selling. Her biggest problem is just her lying about everything even stuff she doesn't need to lie about. She also refuses to admit to anything because she wants to start over as new identities to try scamming, instead of just you know, streaming and building a community. This girl is to the point she created a hacker persona that somehow only "hacks" twitter/youtube but never her personal/vtuber emails.

>> No.55820106

>We were told
Yeah, by her, that's why she quit the last time

>> No.55820335

Who said anything about Eien?

>> No.55820612

Most people only know her EiEn arc.

>> No.55820809

>experienced in this field
In lewdtubing? She has no experience in this besides the 3 to 4 streams that everybody talks about when green woman is brought up

>> No.55821543


>> No.55821613

In fucking porn/ero content and wholesome content and treading the line so she doesn't get banned on platforms anon think come on.

>> No.55821897

>Streaming with a rigged model is now annoying orange tier

>> No.55822117

>Treading the line
Her only experience in this is with green woman. All the wholesome content is pretty explicitly not treading any lewd line, and all the porn is on porn platforms

>> No.55822836

She said Pippa doxxed her.
She forgot to change her PSN name or something when she was streaming as Ichigo. The name shown in PSN was Mel Nekomata.
Someone posted either a webm or a catbox link on older threads.

>> No.55823105

>She said Pippa doxxed her.
I'm referring to as "Nerissa" she was never harassed, she just tried to use a trending tweet thread about someone ACTUALLY being harassed for pitybaiting.
Yep, outside of obvious fuck ups like that she repeats the same stuff
>"No one likes me lol"
A "brand new vtuber" who didn't even debut and barely posted anywhere is "unliked"?
>"I have no friends"
Usual Mel excuse despite she technically does
>"No one likes me"
>"I'm getting harassed"
This excuse usually happens when she doesn't get donations or viewers. So yeah, aside her showing "I'm Mel Nekomata" she's too easy to spot, even with AI voices.

>> No.55823269

Thanks. I should have known not to expect an EN. I guess if it were an EN then the catalog would have been shouting it from the mountain tops.

>> No.55823500
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>> No.55823946

vocal chord surgery?
for what?

>> No.55823972

Yep, that's it.
She had the nerve to claim that she was new to vtubing.
>AI voices
She claimed her vocal cord was damaged or something and did a donothon for surgery.
Got $3500 and said that Paypal "stole" the money.
*Poof* she then deleted her twitter and youtube channel.

>> No.55824080

Her scam is posted here. Basically after about a week of low donations and viewers dropping off she seen someone from PK use TTS for streaming and she decided to do it herself with the story she can no longer speak. Which clearly was BS to anyone with a brain but when she ran off with the $3500 she had no trouble speaking as "Nerissa" using AI voice changer, which is what drives all of this home as to why it's obvious she's gonna be thinking of a new scam now.

>> No.55824274
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>> No.55824551

She started YouTube with DTL anon.
She had to let it go.

>> No.55824901

Yep, Paypal always hort whenever she gets a lot of money and want to run away.

>> No.55826109

Doesn't change that all the stuff is properly separated though.

>> No.55826880

how much did she steal this time

>> No.55827169


>> No.55827285

She did?

>> No.55827305

She only made $1. It was a test donation to herself to make sure it doesn't show up as her real name. However she's been begging content buyers and probably her "friends" for money too since this reincarnation failed out the gate.

>> No.55827415

who wants to be discount bin finana when finana is already discount bin chuuba
maybe someone here should buy it to do a puppet show or something

>> No.55827902

I feel so bad for the artists mama because s/he was so fucking excited to have a daughter streaming, but of course Mel Nekomata has to ruin yet another person because now they'll forever be linked to her being a grifter. Just like that Obi Vtuber guy unfortunately promoted Ichigo (and Narumi?) or whatever her mermaid reincarnation was so now he's not really keen on helping upcoming vtubers, because of this bitch.

>> No.55828272

You know this raises a good point that literally every mermaid vtuber has been dogshit or grifters and the singular good one graduated.

>> No.55828492


>> No.55828556


>> No.55828854

Actually, as someone who has hacked her before I still have access to her personal emails. Right now she's bitching to her student coach about how she can't enroll in the fall semester because she owes like 1,900-ish and they won't let her enroll until it's paid off. That means Mel will be forced to get a fucking job for once because if she isn't currently attending school the VA doesn't pay her. Her dumbass failed a few classes so she owed the VA money (she's on chapter 35, not the GI Bill anymore for anyone who wants to try and "call my bluff") and hasn't received a paycheck in nearly 3 months because they automatically took her payments to pay back her debt lmao.

>> No.55829099

Alright cause she keeps hopping around to different accounts, where do I buy her nudes and what kinda prices are we looking at here

>> No.55829148

I just know the "hacker" from the last reincarnation was her doing it because nothing added up but that sounds right to what she's emailed me (a content buyer) but still won't offer to do videos so I haven't bought. I bet she's gonna try her best to avoid getting a job though and try scamming anyone she talks to kek

>> No.55829211

Can't post her email if you know her irl email that's it, she's only offering pics for $100 a pic, no face, she's "homeless" so she supposedly can't do audio or video.

>> No.55829513

If it were a collection of many pics maybe but 100 for one pic is so not worth it
She'd have to be the hottest chick on the planet to justify that

>> No.55829616

Now you see why it's so fucked up she's still around because there's still at least 1 or 2 people buying tons of pics to keep her afloat. I think a buyer a thread or three ago said they may take a hit and sell their collection for a fraction of it though.

>> No.55829763

>the singular good one graduated.

>> No.55829782

even if you find her new chuuba account she doesnt talk about it there and denies any connection to her chuuba personalities. people were wanting to buy nudes when she was ichigo and she said no and blocked those people, only 3 people watched her as nerissa so i doubt anyone asked but if they did she would have said no and blocked them too. or not. people were spamming her nerissa chat saying shes mel nekomata etc and she didnt even delete or ban those people.

>> No.55829936

That's one hell of an audition tape

>> No.55830016

>she didnt even delete or ban those people.
She didn't have a silent mod this time because she keeps choosing to burn her bridges with people instead of trying to break out of this fucked up cycle.
>even if you find her new chuuba account she doesnt talk about it there and denies any connection to her chuuba personalities.
If you have her email, she also denies she's debuted or redebuted unless you're one of the biggest buyers, which is why when a buyer leaks her new identity it's easy to point out it's the main person buying her nudes.

>> No.55830091

ive been buying content semi-regularly and she denies being ichigo or nerissa lol. we all know otherwise of course.

>> No.55830232

She does seem to tell content buyers all different stories. For me it's she's "homeless" and hasn't been able to stream since her cancer saga, oh and that no one buys her content so "you're the only one buying", she also bad mouths anyone that has bought in the past and kind of outed her self calling her "friends" trannies kek.

>> No.55830610

Ichigo was relatively popular. I wonder if there were any people that actually bought into her fake persona.

>> No.55830691

she calls people "trannies"? mel is bisexual and is extremely against homophobic slurs and you seem to forget she was friends with a tranny, Noriboshi Arielle who has literally the worst voice I have ever heard.

>> No.55830755

jannies can you please fucking delete every single mel thread that pops up. its so fucking annoying and no one cares. stop talking about her.

>> No.55830769

Bro, she raised $3550 in her throat hort scam. People believed her because she pulled in enough people who didn't know any better. People who caught on that it was Mel called it out and put the word out, but she had enough positive PR that no one could question it unless you're 100% cynical towards anyone. Can you deny Ichigo Nogashi is a Japanese girl that moved to America?
>"It's the internet ofc no one would lie!"
But it requires doxxing to know the truth or not. People who knew it was Mel were rolling their eyes so hard it became a new sport.

>> No.55830844

She sells nudes? How do I get in on this?

>> No.55830882

She outted herself calling them trannies whenever you see people she was acquainted with get brought up, it matches her posting style and when she tried to prove "I'm not Mel" she posted a picture that unironically proved it is mel.
This is the reply that caught her ironically red handed.
Filter any of her new personas or "Mel Nekomata", this is on topic as it's about a vtuber.

>> No.55831001

Hi Mel.

>> No.55831093

I remember she was having as menhera breakdown stream and she was crying about Pippa, and Pippa herself typed LOL in chat as her response. It was great.

>> No.55831650

That was awesome, she even said for her to go fuck herself kek

>> No.55832252

Do reps, can't say directly.
She had it made as ichigo, streaming to more people than most en indies ever would. Speaking of, she just emailed me so expect to see "not mel" making responses that's clearly from her.

>> No.55833560

this literally never happened. Pippa once showed up in Mel's stream (no idea why) and all she posted was a sad emoji. Mel didn't even know who Pippa was at that time. Pippa hasn't been around Mel since.
post proof faggot. shes too busy playing that troon game Palia, shes bitching about how buggy it is in the Palia discord.

>> No.55833696

Never fails kek
>expect to see "not mel" making responses that's clearly from her.

>> No.55833989

If I recall thats the vtuber that farts on her microphone, someone made a compilation of that shit.
She makes Rushia look sane by comparison.

>> No.55834065

It is. She also sells content she claims to hate.
>mel is bisexual and is extremely against homophobic slurs
Meanwhile Mel:

>> No.55835012
File: 9 KB, 538x337, oY3Fnvz1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New identity coming soon

>> No.55837510

Uh oh

>> No.55837977

wonder what her new identity will be. right now she has no money to her name because she's trying to get that remaining 1,900 paid off to her school to enroll in the fall. she'd rather continue to fall classes and get paid to go to college than get a fucking job. I just love the fact that her student coach responded to her email saying "well you didn't get 2.0 gpa the past two semesters so you can't get any financial aid" lol what a retard.

>> No.55839371
File: 78 KB, 1357x758, aang_past_avatar_line_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was about to ask for exactly this, thanks.

>> No.55839921

>She's crazy, not menhera.
Elaborate, please.

>> No.55840220

Does she have more names than Ironmouse has models?

>> No.55840267

was she ever corpo? how does anyone even know of her

>> No.55840575

disgusting brapfags found her when she was Mel Nekomata because she used to burp, fart, piss, shit and masturbate on stream. brapfags have this nasty community so word spread fast. turns out her first chuuba identity was unknown until she name dropped it herself, Chihaya Hanamura. her voice is easy to spot and even with ai voice like she did with nerissa her mannerisms are easy to spot. shes never been corpo, she applied to nijisanji about 10 times now, pk about 3 or 4 times, eien 1 time, idol 2 times, prism 1 time and im not sure if she ever mentioned any others. she never got past the first part when it came to corpo hiring, aka she sent in all her shit so many times but never got an email back lol, mainly cause shes menhera as fuck but also shes boring and doesnt get the numbers theyre looking for.

>> No.55840710

Nope, just infamously known because of being one of the few braptubers.
Np Bro.
Even this I'm skeptical of because her story keeps changing. She just wants to take everyone else's money so she doesn't have to work and get a free check. Time's up for her.

>> No.55841285

>doesnt get the numbers theyre looking for.
They don't look at numbers, even Idol's CEO confirmed numbers doesn't matter at all for them, EiEN also confirmed it, Nijisanji EN's big players were literal nobodies. Hololive requires actually being something, Mel is just a scammer.

>> No.55841668

>she applied to nijisanji about 10 times now
is she the one who kept claiming she got in?

>> No.55841959

>Gwynevere Paramour
This was when she claimed she got in. It's when she nuked all her tweets, locked her twitter and nuked her channel because she "got in" when realistically she was running after getting money, as usual.

>> No.55842271

the part about her being unable to pay tuition and enroll in the fall is true. you can ask her "friends" about it.
only claimed she got in once, but thats because she was hoping people would go focus on a new nijien member and she could redebut as an indie without people looking at her.

>> No.55842776

Yeah I'll ask her vtuber friends but they probably wouldn't say though I'm sure it'd be fun to show them how she talks about them kek
Actually yea

>> No.55844941

I think this and every mel thread has proven that all you need to do to gain a 4chan audience is make your own threads make your own "controversies", and dogwhistle every now and then.

Its scary to imagine how every anon in this thread looks in real life

>> No.55845903

pretty sure she only talks to estelle and blah or whatever his name is, dont think she has anyone else to talk to because theyve all left her obviously

>> No.55846065

Finana is totaly fine, anon.
why are you like this?

>> No.55846656

Educate yourself.

>> No.55849100
File: 569 KB, 1036x1433, Mel's Many Models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which ones am I missing?

>> No.55850276

A green version of the oneesan model and the model she commissioned at the start of the year that was canned within days of it being debuted for the snake model

>> No.55851179

Got pics to hand?

>> No.55852387

No, but timelinewise the red model was mostly observed between late December/early January till mid Jan. Where the green oneesan was somewhere just before the cancer scam , so sometime between mid February and the end of March.

>> No.55852525

Not that guy but it was a green-haired version of this model and IIRC she was dressed like Zatanna from DC Comics.

>> No.55852626
File: 115 KB, 800x800, FN-7v3QXwAARJoD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55853143

You're missing about 12

>> No.55856947

Forgive me, too lazy to take pictures but you're missing these that I know of.

>> No.55857565

Yeah, that's a good chunk, she also had a model that her friend bought for her that she paid him back for at one point, was kind of loli-ish, seeing if there's any archives of it.

>> No.55858158

i think i know which one youre talking about? had short brown hair, was very plain looking, cream colored dress...i think the artist who made that model also made the model that yuri amaris is now using?

>> No.55858374

I think you mean this one. As the other anon said it's by the same creator who made Nanobites model. If Mel would have kept using this one she could have possibly grown more if she were able to do the whole "chuuba sibling " thing when Nanobites debuted because Nanobites got her model long after Mel had hers. https://nizima.com/Item/DetailItem/67446

>> No.55860449

Yep that's the one her friend bought her she said on stream. Well, she mentioned "borrowing" about that much from him so we know it's for a model.

>> No.55861463

I can fix her

>> No.55861552

she had estellia buy it for her and then she paid him back. she confirmed this on stream so did estellia.

>> No.55863498

Ah that makes sense.
No one can fix her, anon. She'll throw you away the second you get close to her.
