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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55795570 No.55795570 [Reply] [Original]

Is she the fakest Advent member?
she's too good at pretending, but also not good enough; you can tell she's hiding something
Now hear me out before you shoot me
Fuwamoco are freaking good at what they do and it doesn't seem like they are going to break character anytime soon, BUT their performance feels "honest" If you know what I mean
you can still see some humanity behind the dogs, I can relate to them because I can understand real emotions, you can tell they are a little shy, committed, and passionate
but Shiori is a different thing, maybe it's the autism but I feel like she's lying even when she's telling the truth.
she's like an AI

>> No.55795778

Can we pretend to be my wife

>> No.55795856

dog she's autistic get out of the kitchen if you can't handle the heat

>> No.55796035

>BUT their performance feels "honest"
>because I can understand real emotions
I have some bad news for you, anon

>> No.55796071

OP is autistic

>> No.55796425

tskr thanks bro

>> No.55796442

>Advent vs Advent
Get outta here.

>> No.55796495

Go back to boomerbook Midaz Hands

>> No.55796614

Most people on /vt/ are.

>> No.55796670

Yeah she's mostly fake with this persona but shes confident compared to the other girls
Her PL and being a turbo slut will do that to a woman

>> No.55797071

She's pretty openly a whore. Just a few mommy fags have decided to pretend otherwise for whatever reason.

>> No.55797285

Isn’t being fake (“kayfabe”) supposed to be a good thing in Hololive?

>> No.55797549

>Numbers hurts so much

>> No.55797557

FuwaMoco enjoy playing their familiar roles. Bijou is just being herself. Both have fun. It's as simple as that for them.
Shiori and Nerissa are acting with guidelines in their peripheral vision. Shiorin so she stays within them. Nerissa so she makes sure to hornybait her chat. We'll see how they are in 6 months. Hopefully more comfortable and relaxed.

>> No.55797691

It's because she has autism and had a somewhat well-known past life

>> No.55797716

OP here I guess this is what I was trying to say, thank you for your reply

>> No.55797718

Would you prefer for her to act like a whore?
Isn't showing restraint and playing a fake character good in this case?

>> No.55797766

Yes, I want her to go all out

>> No.55797800

>she's not acting like a whore
catalog friend pls
she spends a long time flirting with her pre-chat every single time

>> No.55797873

>she's like an AI
It doesn't help that she talks about cai shit nonstop and her general is full of cai shit.

>> No.55799075


>> No.55799195

I want her to shove that piercing in my dick hole.

>> No.55799348

she's too autistic to fake anything convincingly. the fakeness in her voice is probably from forgetting how to talk/show emotion from years of being a hiki

>> No.55799532

>she's too good at pretending
thanks for the compliment on my wife op

>> No.55801189

so you admit she's just pretending to be your wife

>> No.55802711

If you're autistic and still actively try to fit into society you'll be fake as fuck. It's called masking and a lot of autists actually become very good at it over time, it just takes a huge mental toll on them.

>> No.55802816

if she was good at it, you wouldn't be able to tell.

>> No.55802886

can vouch, I'm constantly LARPing in public.

I'd likely make a very good vtuber but it'd be fake as fuck.

>> No.55802976

Retard, everyone larps in public. Normalfags just get so used to it that they don't realize they're larping.

>> No.55803247

She is waiting for the inevitable day that she pulls off the greatest mass cucking of an audience of all time and it slightly bleeds through in her act. The mild subtlety makes my dick harder than outright whoredom though so I think it's a good thing

>> No.55803297

She's not, you know she's not, and you're just baiting to get people to point out the one who obviously is, just to make an Advent vs Advent thread.
Nice try, though.

>> No.55803794

Hatefuck Shiori

>> No.55803838

Take your meds and chill
In your mind everyone is playind 5d chess or something, /vt/ broke you

>> No.55804094

>she's like an AI
Because she's fake. Shiori's just a grifter doing a grift.

>> No.55805261

just give it some time when they inevitably drop the bullshit.

>> No.55805422

Yes, OP is a faggot who doesn't understand Vtubers

>> No.55806290

it means that she's too good at her work that op thinks she's pretending.

>> No.55806336

BVTM topic full of BVTM tier posts.

>> No.55806403

You missed the point retard
Fuwamoco and pekora are very good at playing a character but they still feel more real and honest than Shiori, she's like a fake person

>> No.55806621

both you and Shiori are extremely autistic

>> No.55808255

>you can still see some humanity behind the dogs
What a statement

>> No.55808513

She is fairly autistic. In its own way I find it amusing.

>> No.55809372
File: 2.60 MB, 2784x2216, Ravenscrag McGill University Mount Royal western world mecca for psychology and psychiatry, MKULTRA hq and former 4chan server hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor keeper cumface probably has a history as a new world order mkultra laboratory baby.
Took literal electrical pulse zeroes and ones in the probed ass and fell.
Before the cord was cut.

>> No.55810049

You're welcome, man. :)
Shiori may suffice for casual viewers (hot design + is interesting enough), but FuwaMoco have that JP energy.
Many feel the same way, but you weren't going to get clear responses because people assumed this was yet another bait thread using Shiori.

>> No.55810573

Fuwamoco is just CGDCT for the 100th time and feels more fake compared to Shiori who has an actual personality and subverts people’s expectations of her being some sort of dommy goth gf just based of her appearance.

>> No.55810689

I always feel scummy saying this but if you look at her PL it's clear it's not an act and she is just the epitome of female autism.

>> No.55810992

>Is she the fakest Advent member?
Nerissa Ravencroft: Claims to be a "Demon of Song", but is actually human
Koseki Bijou: Claims to be crystalized human emotion, but is actually human.
Fuwawa Abyssgard: Claims to be a demon dog, but is actually human.
Mococo Abyssgard: Claims to be a demon dog, but is actually human.
Shiori Novella: Claims to be a human, which she actually is.

Shiori Novella is objectively the least fake Advent member.

>> No.55811203 [DELETED] 

If you look at her PL she says that doing GFE from day 1 is disingenuous and should be a slow build up. Guess what Shiori did.

>> No.55811244
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...She didn't do GFE from day 1?

>> No.55811363 [DELETED] 

My bad, she only said "i love you" to her audience on day 2 of being in hololive, very different

>> No.55813383

She most certainly can

>> No.55813990

all vtubers are fake retard, and I don't mean that as an insult
