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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55752186 No.55752186 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55752373

Older women who never get sex absolutely do NOT do it better

>> No.55752771

>useless hag coping
ideal age is 19-23 after that it's all useless garbage

>> No.55753095

20s is expired goods, prime is 14

>> No.55753142

You won't change the mind of any 4channers or most anitards. The medium and a large part of early anime culture in the west was founded on lolis (moe craze). Lolis will always be more popular than MILFs/older women, which is slightly ironic because most lolis in anime and probably a decent chunk of vtubers are voiced by women in their late-20s and 30s.
What about older women who DO get sex regularly?

>> No.55753235

For me it’s Christmas cakes

>> No.55753339

Scientific data says that prime is around 12~14, after that is a downward slope that cliffs after 30's.

>> No.55753357

In my experience women in their 30s are the best at sex. They still feel and look good and know what they want and how to get it.
The only times I had really good sex with younger women was when they were absolute sluts.

>> No.55753494

nobody cares whore

>> No.55753526

If older women are so great why are they still single?
The only girl with an excuse is Aqua and Mel due to being unironically retarded to the point where I would feel genuine unease dating due to their borderline retardation.

>> No.55753772


>> No.55754390

I've settled down now.

>> No.55754839
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>> No.55755095

>prime is 12-14
>downward SLOPE that's measured in more years than the prime is
>that then cliffs
Anon, in my head you gave me the image of Marine sliding down a hill and then falling off a cliff only to safely plop off the cliff into a little stream like a foot below the cliff. A downward slope that lasts 18-16 years when the "PEAK" was measured in 14 years at best ends with a cliff that drops below sea level.......

>> No.55755151

I guess. I personally like younger women, like Marine for example.

>> No.55755164

tick tock Marine. do not regret it later.

>> No.55755317

please, marine, i need to put babies in you

>> No.55755859

I've seen that study. I won't argue with data, but I will say that attractiveness is only half the picture. I wouldn't want to subject a 14 year old to the horrors of childbirth for instance. Let alone a 12 year old, they would probably die. On the other hand at 30+ you start reaching the point where all the good eggs are gone. By 40, the odds of birth defects have increased to incest-like levels. There's definitely a sweet spot where women are still attractive and also not likely to die giving birth to your kids. I would say that's around 19~24. Unfortunately women at that age still act like children, despite being fully grown. Which makes them a pain in the ass to deal with on a psychological level.

You basically have 4 options:
Physically attractive. Emotionally immature, but tolerable because cute. Likely to have severe complications with childbirth. Also likely requires incest or something because nobody is letting you date their 12 year old daughter. You are definitely going to prison.
Still pretty attractive. Emotionally immature, but worse because they feel entitled to do what they want because they are "adults". Less likely to have complications in childbirth. You will probably be miserable being around a zoomer 24/7.
Still fairly attractive. Starting to mature emotionally, mostly out of desperation because she's still single. Unlikely to have complications with childbirth. She's more likely to be relatable as an individual at this point.
Physical attractiveness has waned. Emotionally mature. Somewhat less labor risks to the mother, but higher odds of birth defects. You probably have similar hobbies. She may financially support you.

>> No.55756001
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Marine please let me soak your dry dusty womb with my powerful white sperm, I will give you as many children as you want

>> No.55756008

better what?

>> No.55756735

>like christmas cakes
>vtubers make realize the power and appeal of hags
>want cute older mommyGF/wife
>I'm already older than all the hags
It's not fair...

>> No.55756888

You want Okayu, Korone or Botan if I recall correctly. Marine is "young" in comparison.

>> No.55756921

>Physically attractive.
It's hilarious to me that people will write this shit, read it back, and post it anyway. It couldn't be more obvious that you're completely dysfunctional as a member of society if you have so little self awareness or shame.

>> No.55757138

Yes, underage girls are physically attractive. Women are in their physical peak in their teens. There is no reason for him to shy away from saying this or care about what someone in society would think of him as a fellow member because he's "Anonymous". Being able to speak uncomfortable societally frowned upon truths without repercussion, and avoiding clout chasing and reputation farming is literally THE POINT OF THIS WEBSITE BEING ANONYMOUS, YOU FUCKING SUBHUMAN TOURIST.

>> No.55757167

Shut up DiCaprio, you're 48

>> No.55757433

>Nonce that's scared of women in their 30s and writing novels to excuse their degenerate behavior
Please seek help or stop existing. Either one will be a blessing on society. I want to say that he's doing it for (You)s and I really hope he is.

>> No.55757729

Sorry anon, this isn't a personal thing. There have been large-scale polls and studies about it. Turns out that the average male finds people that just reached fertility to be the most physically attractive. Biological impulses do not care about social taboos.

>> No.55757825

fuck off Nigel, shouldn't you be more concerned about your children being raped and broken down into kebab meat? your entire culture is predicated on enabling nonces if their skin is brown enough.

>> No.55757970

I want hiroshimoot to bring back /l/ for a full 24 hours just to see the meltdowns on every single board across this godforsaken site.

>> No.55757999

I will take no incoherent lecture from an unironic pedo.

>> No.55758150

arabs killed a 13 year old british girl and disposed of her by selling her meat in a kebab shop
>lad throws bacon at mosque, gets years in prison and dies within 6 months because your country is run by arab gangs
>you get angry and post angrily at Anons on a basketweaving forum for saying scientifically recognized facts about female fertility
is that coherent enough for you

>> No.55758362

embarrassingly uniformed and wilfully ignorant post

>> No.55758746

Rotherham was a pisstake, literally all of the 'victims' were drug addict street kids who hooked up with Pakis for extra money/drugs. Take note that the majority of victims were age 15-17.

>> No.55758807

>Take note that the majority of victims were age 15-17.
that would make them underaged, "nonce"

>> No.55758981

Honestly mate if you're in your mid to late teens, you know exactly what you're doing. Hard to call teenage girls willingly taking part in a system to make them extra money 'grooming'.

The whole thing was a nothingburger and it's been a cause celebre that Robinson and the like have been talking about for the past 20 years.

>> No.55758999

>blaming the victim
>blaming vulnerable, drug addicted children for being raped and trafficked
>dude, they were 15-17, they're practically adults
I think Anon's original post is less objectionable than yours from a moral standpoint... to literally everyone.

>> No.55759086

>mfw when American children get shot in a theater while the people stand back and do nothing, then throw a pissfit about some whores fucking Asians

>> No.55759099

Anon, I don't consider even a single rape or sex trafficking of a child, let alone one addicted to drugs, a "nothingburger". What you're posting sounds like serious nonce-talk. Might file an online tip to Scotland Yard.

>> No.55759145

sorry couldn't hear you over the sounds of gunshots and screaming children

>> No.55759488
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>horny af for young dick
>god tier blows
>those mother hips
>open to everything
>will let you coom inside
>will make you dinner after
the only con is the loose pussy but other than that hag sex is the best.

>> No.55759602

>deflection, whataboutism
You started out by deciding to act morally superior on a high horse about "disgusting loser nonces on the board" with "no social awareness" because someone pointed out a scientifically accepted fact about female fertility. Shortly after, you proceeded to call the rape of drug-addicted children a nothing burger. Following that, you decided to deflect from these facts by talking about mass shootings in America, which clearly have nothing to do with anything.

I think you should have a nice plate of baked beans, watch some Dr. Who, and call it a night. You're clearly out of your intellectual depth. But what can I expect from someone who 100 years ago would have been cleaning a chimney.

>> No.55760179

what a weird post

>> No.55761591

Literally the sole reason why people pretend otherwise was because age of consent is now a thing. The only thing that hold you back is your own moral compass cause your dick couldn't be care less about it

>> No.55763391

Women over 25 are mostly mindbroken and have had abortions/mental baggage. It's not worth it.

t. knower

>> No.55763444

>You will probably be miserable being around a zoomer 24/7.
Most of the best vtubers are zoomers though.
