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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5575012 No.5575012[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The oldguards are leaving us one by one... Is this the beginning of the end?

>> No.5575050 [DELETED] 
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Tick tock JP

>> No.5575076

Don't jinx Korone in this, anon

>> No.5575111
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>the old guard who are now hitting their 30s are leaving to avoid being stuck in vtubing for too long
why are people panicking about this? you don't stay onto a job for too long, otherwise you're fucked if it runs out

>> No.5575147

Neck yourself, falseflagchama.

>> No.5575162

this tbqh famalam
vtubing is not a good career choice in the long run

>> No.5575268
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she told you once before anon, vtubers are fairly new development all things considered. What you're seeing is just some of the first, some of these girls might last years to come but its hard to tell still. If anything this is the beginning of some people realizing you should just enjoy what you can while you can and to not take it for granted.

>> No.5575304
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Least these ones are giving you guys closure

I know all of mine are still continuing on elsewhere but this hurts the most

>> No.5575343

The vtuber fad probably has 2-3 more years before it's irrelevant, the Hololive girls and the more famous Niji vtubers will be fine. I won't be surprise if the lesser known vtubers start graduating next year en masse.

>> No.5575469

I wouldn't call it irrelevant but it will lose it's appeal and just be another niche at worst or akin to pewdiepie at best (ie BIG but nothing surprising anymore as we've seen it all)

>> No.5575553

All things considered, this is looking to be a very harsh year for chuubas.

>> No.5575566

Buy reincarnation services korone

Oh wait you already did

>> No.5575576

no, they just are going to start rotating out as older talents lose viewers to the new hot meme vtuber
vtubers are not going anywhere for a long time, maybe the current iteration of "idol vtubers", but the trend of people who don't want to do a facecam getting a model and roleplaying a character is going absolutely nowhere

>> No.5575631

Ah shit, Holo,Niji,Live. Let's just hope no 774 next

>> No.5575736

This is the only thing that evokes emotion out of me anymore in life but fuck. Lately it has just been bad.

>> No.5575965
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YUA was the unnoticed bellweather
When she left, it signalled the turning point: the peak of the vtubing golden age was now behind us, and what awaited us was the slow degradation into cartoon e-thot twitch streamers

>> No.5576300

We already had ethot vtubers but they were jp indies that just phased out or were forced to change thanks to youtube policies making it hard for them to continue on as before

>> No.5576511

lol nope. it's the most advanced form of entertainment at this point, and it will always be relevant. if anything, it will evolve into something more advanced.
>bbut the missing talents
just like literally any other industry. the old ones just pass their batons to the young ones, and this cycle will keep going on forever.

>> No.5576626

this, it's going to expand into other areas starting with weeb culture
expect musicians to get vtuber personas like yfubaby and hold virtual concerts in the near future

>> No.5576677

So, which graduation will make you give up the hobby? For me, it's Korone.

>> No.5576739

>old guard
>2 years old

Imagine how retarded Soda would've been if he listened to this advice.

>> No.5576790

who cares

>> No.5576923

Sora's only been in the game for 5 years anon, she's probably the next big graduation when she moves on

>> No.5577033
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>the realization that ENiggers didn't even know about le eldritch meme
It's simultaneously reassuring and fucked up at the same time

>> No.5577311

I've had Kaguya Luna, Kiryu Coco, kurumi... go, it's the indies I followed from the /jp/ days that were fellow posters that will make me go.

They ain't as big as the ones I've lost but they're part of the fandom I I joined up with from the start

>> No.5577327

meanwhile in the real world, AZKI pushed back her planned graduation indefinitely.

>> No.5577390

2 years is basically how long vtubers have been hitting wider popularity boom. Old guard isnt a term id have used personally however, but it is the retiring of vtubers from the start of the age of widespread popularity which hits some a bit harder especially since a few were so popular.

>> No.5577562

I think AZKi likes her gig and is trying to expand.

Sora isn't graduating any time soon. She streams more nowadays and she is the literal face of the company. Sora graduating isn't as light as Coco graduating.

>> No.5579605
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save everything because hololive's decline content wise has started and even the chuubas are losing their passion. they're not as committed anymore, the corporation named cover is not letting them breathe & chink spam is now validated by coco graduating.

when coco graduated, that was the end of hololive's peak imo.

>> No.5579984

I fucking hope the idol vtuber trend dies off. One of the worst things to ever happen. Don't want that idol shit associated with a medium that has such great potential.

>> No.5580012

hololive global was a mistake

>> No.5580028

you consider watching japanese women play video games to be a HOBBY? jesus fucking christ.

>> No.5580030

NIJIKR next.

>> No.5580187

Where do you think you are, stupid faggot?

>> No.5580368

help me fuckers how the fuck do I unplug myslef from this shit before I get hurt even more

>> No.5580491
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Become an anti

>> No.5580538

Shit, is this actually how antis are born? I never considered it.

>> No.5580654
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give yourself about 2 weeks to process it from graduation day and see if you still care or if youve coped.

>> No.5580680

Speaking from experience here, you will only feel even more pain if you do that.

>> No.5580711

>He actually invested his emotional well being in virtual whores from Japan
lmao retard

>> No.5580726

Watching baseball is also a hobby of mine. So are games and reading history books. What is and isn't a hobby to you?

>> No.5580803

If you can make it to the mid-tiers or above in Hololive or a superchat equivalent, it doesn't NEED to be a long-term career choice. They're probably looking at a lifetime of earnings after just a few years

>> No.5580883

they don't think like that, the vtuber girls 100% order takeout every night, spend thousands on dumb shit like a 9,000 dollar bed
and don't forget that no org gives any kind of health insurance so they have to pay all their medical shit out of pocket

>> No.5581902

and then kys. I am become anti destroyer of love

>> No.5582324

The few years they had are most definitely not enough to live for a lifetime in Japan, after they get fucked by taxes etc. Unless they bought a house and are already investing their money somewhere so they can have passive income.

>> No.5582769

Ya consider dropping baits on /vt/ a hobby? What's wrong with you?

>> No.5582879

>and don't forget that no org gives any kind of health insurance so they have to pay all their medical shit out of pocket
Every 株式会社 is obliged to provide NHI by Japanese law, IIRC.

>> No.5583222


>> No.5583330

>random kanji in a fully english sentence
why are weebs like this?

>> No.5583342

It all returns to nothing

>> No.5583741

Where do you think we are?

>> No.5584199

I'm into a whole group I watch regularly (at least one stream of each member per week), so unless the whole group graduates, I don't see myself dropping vtubers

>> No.5584342

As long as my favorite indies and pizza dad (Aruran)remain I'll be happy.
