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55725855 No.55725855 [Reply] [Original]

Reimu fron NijiEN is close friends with Gawr Gura from Hololive
Why don't they collab more?

>> No.55725933
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>> No.55725946 [DELETED] 

>believing nijinigger lies
There's your problem

>> No.55725951

Isn't she just a leech?

>> No.55725981

I like to lay in my bed with no clothes on and blast my AC to see how cold I can be. It’s like a mini endurance kind of thing.

>> No.55725998

what a fing leech

>> No.55726031


>> No.55726046

Why would they say this then?

>> No.55726147

Graduate and apply 5 times.

>> No.55726282

Nijilogic truly amazing

>> No.55726325
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>> No.55726476

What's funny is that reimu is the only niji who's allowed to collab with Mori

>> No.55726482

i already knew about "Gura" before Gura, but i never knew about "Reimu" before Reimu
i have debunked that anon's logic, i win the million dollars

>> No.55726530

cuz of you nijisisters stirring shit up. Can't have that black company associating with holo's cashcow.

>> No.55727032

>ghosted 3 times
Based shark of nijiannihilation

>> No.55727070

oof size: MASSIVE

>> No.55727953


>> No.55728229

Reimu is in Ethyria, moron. Her gen song is God see's all. Pomu, Elira, and Finana sang Diamond City Lights.

>> No.55728289

OP is a dumb shitposter, there is literally zero truth to anything he's saying. Also the posts he linked are his.
They are not friends, they do not know each other. Reimu is a pathetic leech trying to get relevance so she cries for attention from the most popular vtuber she can think off.

>> No.55728298

Because these fake fans only know Gura and not her old self nor her relationship with past Reimu. You're talking about genuine low-lives here with retarded hurr durr nijiseethe reimu liar ogaa booga hololive king.

>> No.55728368

there is no relationship with gura.
I realize Reimu is a dogshit streamer that nobody watches with a thick ugly ESL accent that nobody likes, but starting bad rumors to leech off hololive is really pathetic.

>> No.55728492

3 post on twitter from 2021 and nothing else = leech. Shut the fuck up you piece of shit loser.

>> No.55728591
File: 586 KB, 895x675, gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see reimu stream on vrabi
>oh she actually getting almost 2k
>click stream
>raided twice
>actual number closer to 500
meanwhile Gura has raids turned off

>> No.55728635

Gura ghosted her harder than Pomu ghosted the twins.

>> No.55728662

nta but that's obviously not the point
Lazulight was the first NijiEN gen, and for a while the biggest gen. If she didn't know Diamond City Lights why the fuck would she know God Sees All

>> No.55728667

This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic stupid fucking moron. What's there to even gloat about I wonder. It's not your success fucking loser it's hers.

>> No.55728705

>shitty low tier streamer less than 800 people regularly watch
>top EN vtuber in the industry regularly gets over 20k
Surely not leeching. Surely Nijisanji isn't a black company filled with dogshit talents like "reimu" (name stolen from Touhou) haha fuck you

>> No.55728713

How many of your guys sit in /nijien/ lurking for the next drama clip or post? And can I get an invite?

>> No.55728802

That is the point idiot.

I'm going to apply your reasoning now. The same reason other members in kurosanji wouldn't know any Gura songs for example, Enna wouldn't know wtf any of her songs are because she doesn't watch her. Idiot. That's like expecting a famous singer to know about Gura's songs. What you're doing is an logical fallacy as all trash like you are attempting to shit on kurosanji and nothing more.

>> No.55728817

I wiped my anus and it had more talent and more viewers than Reimu.
She destroyed Vox's career btw

>> No.55728890

Are you guys camping niji’s thread so that you can have something to post about? How empty are your lives?

>> No.55729008

>I have no other arguments about the topic so I am going to deflect and boast as if I am living through Gura in regards to her success as a vtuber because my life is meaningless in comparison and even though Gura herself would never do this I'll do it in her stead and shit on other vtubers about them all being failures and nobodies, leeches who want a piece of our sucess I mean off Gura's success.

>> No.55729030

They do know Gura's songs though. And all holo songs since all they seem to do over at nijien is obsess over and seethe about hololive.
There's documented proof of this.

>> No.55729068

tl;dr you tedious cunt
nobody watches your boring 2view
go back

>> No.55729074

Any of the hololive girls would shun and purge these absolute trash from their fanbase if they ever knew who they were. And this is knowing some of their friends are in kurosanji. There's a reason why people say hololive have toxic fans because of these fake fans.

>> No.55729104

Reimu leeches off everyone not just Gura. Look what she did to Vox. She leeched him so hard she completely destroyed his fanbase which sent the branch into a death spiral. She has no talent at all and is constantly looking for the next person to leech.

>> No.55729130

Your english vocabulary is very clearly limited. The word you are looking for is "falseflagging" its when someone who isn't related(outsider) poses as the other group to stir shit up, in this case nijifags posting as hololive fans.

>> No.55729163

>logical fallacy
My reasoning was very simple. If Gura doesn't know the more popular song from a group (Diamond City Lights), then it's unlikely that she knows the less popular song (God Sees All).
I fail to see a fallacy in this logic. The original purpose of the clip was to show Gura whOMEGALULing NijiEN, and by extension, Reimu, since she's a member of NijiEN. The response that I replied to suggests that the clip only BTFOs Lazulight, not Ethyria. The only way this is possible is if Gura were to know God Sees All, and my reasoning attempts to show that this is unlikely to be the case. Of course, my reasoning is partially speculative: it could well be that Gura knows God Sees All but not Diamond City Lights, but the suggestion is that this is unlikely.
Now, if we want some real fallacious reasoning, let's look at your response.
>Enna wouldn't know wtf any of her songs are because she doesn't watch her
Yes, and that might certainly be true. But Enna is incapable of BTFOing Gura, because Gura is by far the more significant vtuber.
>That's like expecting a famous singer to know about Gura's songs
Yeah. It would be funny if someone requested a famous singer to sing Gura's song and they whOMEGALULed her, but in this context, we're talking about vtubers, and Gura is by far the more famous vtuber. It remains funny that she BTFOed NijiEN in the clip. I don't see your point.
I don't know why I spent this long typing a response to argue with a moron, but I guess it just irks me that people pretend to be capable of logical reasoning when they're clearly not, and throw around words like "fallacy" in a clearly incorrect and inappropriate manner.
tl;dr: go fuck yourself

>> No.55729189

>They do know Gura's songs though.

I like how you completely ignored the point of what I wrote because it doesn't fit with your delusional narrative. God damn you mf loser.

>> No.55729247

Gura is beyond the realm of NijiEN to even touch the hem of her robes. If Enna doesn't know Gura's songs, that just makes her an ignoramus. Reflect has 15 million views.
Gura doesn't know Niji songs because Gura doesn't know or care about anyone in Niji, they are like pebbles around her feet.

>> No.55729293

Me neither.
Anyone knows who Reimu was before?
nothing doxing please

>> No.55729410

>>55729163 (me)
Ah, and to be clear, I'm not entirely sure that you've committed a fallacy per-se. It's more likely that you simply lack the capacity for logic and reason. If I had to put a name on it, it might be a non-sequitur. Your conclusion (that I've made a logical fallacy myself) simply does not follow the premise (honestly I don't know what your premise is, besides a dogmatic assertion that I'm making a fallacy with no evidence whatsoever)
I urge you to work on your logical reasoning before attempting to argue on the internet. It's for your own good.

>> No.55729490
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You serious? What do you think the twitch link in this image is

>> No.55729504

Are you that retard that posted she ruined Vox several posts above? LMAO. Just stfu retard. You're a disgusting parrot nothing more you have no clue what you're talking about, loser.

I think I understand exactly what I wrote stupid moron. Maybe you should learn how to comprehend what you read as nothing in my post said anything remotely close to what you're attempting to say piece of shit mf. Don't try to add words to my mouth either. I'll clue you in stupid fuck. I wrote people who think of themselves as hololive fans are anything but that if the hololive girls were to ever know who these people were would be ostracized from their fanbase. These low-lives attack kurosanji knowing they have friends in that company. Nothing I wrote ever said anything about a piece of garbage person who would stoop so low and pretend to be a nijifan but is actually a hololive fan. Learn how to fucking read first before telling anybody about my lack of usage of vocabulary mf.

>> No.55729550

kill yourself Reimu, stop leeching off better people

>> No.55729567

I don't know if you're just playing a delusional freak or are one but holy shit you're disturbing af. I'm done with trash like you.

>> No.55729602

Why would a holomascot want to collab with nijiwhores?

>> No.55729692 [DELETED] 

You nijiniggers are so unbelievably stupid. Get off our board, subhuman piece of shit.

>> No.55729696

I used your own argument against you retard. You are too stupid to get it as you're not intelligent enough to have understood your own bullshit but you wanted me to believe it. lol. Stop pretending to be one and gtfo bitch.

>> No.55729837

You're so mentally unstable. All you can do is parrot shit others have said having not watched Reimu whatsoever nor bothered to fact check if those retarded fucks were speaking the truth (they weren't). The one who ruined Vox was Vox himself stupid idiot.

Also, do you eve know where Reimu is at right now? She's on an offline collab with Enna, Millie, and Nina. Use that obsession you have over Reimu to watch her shit otherwise drop dead mf. You're no Gura fan either fake fuck. It's sad that Gura can't have genuine fans while Reimu can because of schizophrenic shits like you.

>> No.55729912

Gura has millions of genuine fans and the fastest general on the board, fuck off faggot.

>> No.55729928

>average viewers: 20
Nothing changed then lol

>> No.55729982

Let's go over this.
Clip is posted showing Gura saying "What's Diamond City Lights?", implying that she doesn't know the song from NijiEN.
Reimu is a member of NijiEN.
Therefore, Gura is unlikely to know Reimu.
Going back to the point of the thread, OP sarcastically remarks that Gura and Reimu should collab since they're close friends. They're clearly not, the implication is that Reimu is leeching off of Gura and that Gura doesn't know her.
The clip provides evidence that Gura is unaware of NijiEN, and hence Reimu. The clip is therefore relevant as evidence.
You attempt to say that it isn't relevant as evidence, because Reimu isn't from Lazulight.
I suggest that Gura is unlikely to know Ethyria if she doesn't know Lazulight, since Lazulight was the original generation, and for a long time the larger group. If you want to do numbers, it has more views on Youtube. My conclusion is that Gura doesn't know Reimu, and hence Reimu is still leeching from Gura despite your attempt to say otherwise.

I don't know which part of my reasoning you're using against me, but I think you're very, very confused. If you're looking to get a formal understanding of logic, I highly recommend The Logic Manual, by Volker Halbach. At your level, however, I suggest that you first graduate from middle school.

>> No.55729992

Reimu was huge before Niji. This black company wasted her talent

>> No.55730011

I didn't read your post because it was long and boring. My point stands as there is documented proof of nijien obssessing over holoen.

>> No.55730061

She has a youtube channel too. Enna was a big fan of hers.

>> No.55730071

Reimu and Gura used to be really close friends

>> No.55730104

You're on a website that deals with tons of posts and text. Do you understand how retarded you sound writing that?

>> No.55730129

lmao ok you delusional retard fuck off, if this is your last desperate attempt to promote your shitty garbage girl before your branch completely implodes then you doing a shit job

>> No.55730157

I'm not objecting that. I'm one of the ones these low-lives are attacking. It goes to show none of these mf's do any research. Just lazily on their back like a female ready to be penetrated.

>> No.55730173

You're just jealous because Reimu is much more famous and talented than you are

>> No.55730199

>f this is your last desperate attempt to promote your shitty garbage girl before your branch completely implodes then you doing a shit job
nta but shut the fuck up. Kurosanji is bigger than hololive are you fucking stupid?

>> No.55730203

she's trash and a leech, now fuck off cunt

>> No.55730220

>terrible bait from 2021

What is next? Orange woman bad? Also lets check time and look who just woke up. Oh, its you guys again.

>> No.55730243

You have to be 18 years old to post on this website little boy.

>> No.55730251

kurosanji already folded EN into the main branch for management purposes, they just waiting to make if official. EN is getting the ID treatment and getting isolated and starved out. It's what they deserve.

>> No.55730272
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>> No.55730300

>source: trust me

>> No.55730307

> source : ( ´ ▽ ` )===3

>> No.55730354

>genuine fans
Pedos and viewbots are not genuine fans anon.

>> No.55730386

genuine fans buy merch right? I wonder how much merch Gura has sold?
oh and she gets more than 2% by the way

>> No.55730420

and Reimu can't even sell out her meet and greet tickets for less than 100 people LMAO

>> No.55730845

Reimu still has genuine fans unlike Gura

>> No.55731197

Leeching is not an actual thing

>> No.55731313

LMAO it's so amusing how easy it is to catch catalog faggots and how out of date they are. https://www.animeimpulse.com/nijisanji/reimu-endou Reimu was even boasting about how fast hers sold out which is good because maybe the shit from bottom feeding cockroaches like you aren't being listened to anymore and instead checking Reimu out for themselves and finding out what a pack of lying dog shits you things are.

You know how easy it could be for me to put homostars leeching off niji after they've supported anime impulse https://www.animeimpulse.com/holostars-en charging their own fans a premium with an extra $25.00 but I won't but what hololive is charging to their own fans is fucking absurd.

>> No.55731366

>Vox's cumdump
Nobody gives a fuck about your whore, sister.

>> No.55731400

"bottom feeding cockroaches" is a good description for Reimu who's viewers cannot increase no matter how many raids she gets because she's such a boring shitty streamer. Even leeching off Vox and flying to meet him several times in the UK didn't improve her popularity, it just drastically harmed Vox's

>> No.55731458

Kek, it's kind of fun how Zhangsis are still so butthurt about Stacy latina after all this time.
She may be part of the clique, but casually dropping by to piss off all those femcels just because she can will always be something I will respect her for

>> No.55731848

I would like you to swear on your life in that have you ever watched Reimu and how many times? Because nothing you write is factual whatsoever.

>> No.55731907

>She may be part of the clique
That doesn't exist retard. That's something schizo's on this site invented and morons like you believe them.

>> No.55732194

>watching a nijiwhore
No thanks

>> No.55732199

It doesn't have some absolute control over everything like some shitposts claim, but it definitely does exist. The cliques ALWAYS form when environment gets too crowded.

>> No.55732412
File: 321 KB, 1496x2048, Reimu should sit on my face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu should sit on my face.

>> No.55732622

Don't half ass your schizo about Reimu if you're not going going to go all way. Now swear on your life mf.

>> No.55732679

>The clique may not be true but it is true.
Just go away.

>> No.55732744

Ok Vox

>> No.55732902

Gura can't collab with nonholos, because no other chuba at her level exists the other person would instantly be forever tagged as the queen of leeches.

>> No.55732915

What are you even talking about? You think everyone that answers you is the same person? Go promote your whore somewhere else

>> No.55732921

It does exist but it doesn't have some jewish control over whole branch, either learn to read or look for a definition of clique you fucking retard.

>> No.55733056

Stop being a collab beggar

>> No.55733071

No worries. Reimu is already the queen of hetships. Queen of leeches would just add to her royal reputation

>> No.55733093
File: 219 KB, 850x1428, __reimu_endou_and_poppi_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_daiishori__sample-a7ae97ef1bd8eaf2b3a29e055dbf6ba3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am German and not some disgusting Br*t

>> No.55733166

>claim gura knows reimu
>present absolutely zero evidence other than a 4chan post you also made
>other anons present evidence gura doesn't even know what nijisanji is
>Gura completely ignored Reimu's leeching comments
>start posting a bunch of Reimu fanart trying desperately to promote her dead ass channel
This thread is just more leeching.

It's pathetic, you guys just watch Gura for fuck's sake, she's miles better than fucking Reimu

>> No.55733226

Why are reimu's fans claiming that she's friends with gura? They also did the same when they claimed that she and mori are friends from before and that mori is a fan of reimu.

>> No.55733329

Because Reimu was attempting to leech off Gura making twitter posts at her. Rather than the obvious explanation "Reimu is a fucking leech" (the truth), anon invented a crazy idea based on zero evidence that Reimu and Gura are secretly BFF behind the scenes.

>> No.55733603
File: 165 KB, 944x506, more popular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becauser her fans are delusion and believe that Reimu is more popular than Mori. It's all mental gymnastics to avoid calling Reimu a leech

>> No.55734545

It's true tho? Mori has declined a lot so she's trying to leech Reimu now

>> No.55735536

Even declined she's not below Rei "can't hit 4views" mu

>> No.55735736
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>> No.55735788


>> No.55738457

Because she replies to a random Gura tweet, that makes her friends with her? lol

>> No.55738676
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>> No.55738736

I'm also close friends with Gawr Gura from Hololive. When is she going to collab with me?

>> No.55739563

Lmao is this thread all the 5 Reimu fans talking to themselves

>> No.55741953


>> No.55742881

Okay calm down sister go back to cbdct

>> No.55742895

My kamioshi

>> No.55744339

something something dont argue with idiots because they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience
I applaud your efforts in making this nijishill see reason, unfortunately he has repeatedly proven to be incapable of logical and coherent thinking

>> No.55744535

do you have any proof for this rrat of yours thats not just a random anon saying stuff in the nijien general (aka the worst thread on this board)

>> No.55744649

No wonder no one watches these girls. Their fans are even more petty and vindictive than they are.

>> No.55745213

>their fans
anon niji fans are fans of the company and/or riku - not a single person is actually a fan of the girls themselves

>> No.55745485


>> No.55746125

Why do you keep denying that Reimu and Gura are friends? We already have plenty of proof

>> No.55746182

/thread over

>> No.55746356

>implying friendship enables working together

>> No.55746385

see >>55744535

>> No.55746432

fake, AI generated. Gura is FRIENDS with Reimu

>> No.55747600

Do your reps

>> No.55747620

slow day huh

>> No.55747781

So you're telling me Gura sucked Vox's cock?

>> No.55748128

I will not spend hours digging through threads trying to find evidence that supports your rrats anon

>> No.55748530

Armchair philosopher
Tip your fedora while you're at it.

>> No.55750137

Yes. Reimu and Gura are eskimo sisters

>> No.55751594

So what's the reason that 2 close friends can't collab together?

>> No.55751689

They aren't friends

>> No.55751859

>Ghost got ghosted

>> No.55752168

I bet she’d collab with Gura if she was a guy

>> No.55753004

Holobronies are huge tribalfags that they would anti Reimu even though she's close friends with Gura

>> No.55753112

she isn't friends with Gura, they do not know each other. Gura is from the United States and Reimu is from some shithole

>> No.55753160

>t. armchair retard

>> No.55753223


>> No.55753433


>> No.55753837

The internet exists. Obviously they just DM each other all the time.

>> No.55754020

or it could be that Reimu is a fucking leech and bottom feeding garbage like all the other 2views begging for Gura attention in the replies.

>> No.55754315

Most 2views you feel sorry for them and maybe they deserve a chance. But Reimu? She had her chance.
>debut in the largest vtuber corporation on earth
>get constant raids and collabs from some of the most popular people in vtubing
>despite all of this nobody wants to watch her
>acts like a shitty person the whole time
>constantly ship herself with male members for selfish reasons
There is nobody less deserving of sympathy and support than Reimu

>> No.55754683

Reimu is different because she's actually friends with Gura

>> No.55755048

I'm kinda surprised nobody has done an AI Cover of that, just for the novelty of it.
It's not like it'd be the first time somebody has used AI to make Gura sing a Niji song.

>> No.55756241

All niji songs are bad

>> No.55756671

Anon Reflect has a combined total of 25million Views (original upload 15mil while the official mv is 10mil both on Gura's channel). That's one step down from being a Vtuber and not knowing Mori's RIP.

>> No.55757360

Reimu is just as popular than Gura.
It's no mystery that 2 big singers became close friends

>> No.55758156

By that logic, Gura should also know about Reimu as a singer

>> No.55758243

>Reimu is just as popular than Gura.

>> No.55759606

Continue seething because you can't deny it. Hololive missed out by not hiring weimu

>> No.55761708

Reimu can just as easily move to hololive. She wanted to be together with Petra so she rejected their offer

>> No.55762480

Still no proof presented

>> No.55762518

Doesn't she only consume other Holo girls streams and that's basically it when it comes vtubing?

>> No.55762633

Nobody can "easily" move to a company that debuts a new generation maybe once a year and rejects amazing talents multiple times before finally accepting them.

>> No.55762655


>> No.55762681

You are the reason natural gas is unreasonably priced.

>> No.55762740

>was famous before
>is one of the lowest performing nijis now

>> No.55763054

Reimu was never famous before but her fans keep propping her up as some kind of superstar with multiple connections like Gura and Mori

>> No.55763569

Gura's read a few of my comments in chat over the years. That makes me closer to being Gura's friend than Reimu.

>> No.55764050

She only watche Kaela.

>> No.55764440

>this is what reimu fans actually believe

>> No.55764707

she watches fauna alot that's for sure.

>> No.55766617

Gura's friend

>> No.55766712

ahhh I just took a big shit, it has more talent than Reimu

>> No.55766998

Gura: I don't even know who you are.

>> No.55767549


>> No.55768790

Sorry to inform you but Reimu is a better singer than Gura. They call her CD goddess

>> No.55768883


>> No.55769817
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>> No.55770311
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>> No.55770670


>> No.55771266
File: 1.17 MB, 1794x1346, 1691583069791326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pomu BAU BAU

>> No.55776498


>> No.55776544


>> No.55780649

Sen and Marie never crossed words you retard, stop talking out of your ass

>> No.55786420

So true sis! #cut4hex

>> No.55786700

Outside Nacho-mama, has Gura collabed with anyone outside Hololive in the almost 3 years she's been there?

>> No.55786985

Pretty much. She did say once she checked out some indie vtubers but didnt want to name anyone because she knows that they would receive an influx of "Gura was watching you omg" and the like. She didnt want to accidentally send some schizos their way.

>> No.55788158

They're not even friends

>> No.55788765
File: 113 KB, 284x284, 1600153174719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fpbp holy shit

>> No.55790983


>> No.55793068

Embarrasing that you didn't do your reps. They are friends

>> No.55794195
File: 265 KB, 500x500, 1691316745550435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she watches fauna and mumei most of the time, she knows all the time what is happening in their streams

>> No.55794882

You’ve provided no actual proof for your claims. Saying “do reps” repeatedly isn’t a replacement for that.

>> No.55796941

I can just keep repeating it because it's true. Reimu real fans know the truth about her friendship with Gura

>> No.55798324


>> No.55798611

>one in columbia
>one is the US
sure bro

>> No.55799221

Reimu travels to the US all the time. I'm sure she's visited Gura in person

>> No.55801261


>> No.55802852

>people can't be friends because they live in different countries

>> No.55803150 [DELETED] 

Bring back Maria... I want someone who actually knows about baseball...

>> No.55804385


>> No.55804833


>> No.55805365

limited vocabulary

>> No.55806585


>> No.55807198

>regularly gets over 20k
I'am hololive inhaler but please don't lie in this pathetic state of numberfagging.

>> No.55807302

I ain't gonna read that to feed your tourettes.

>> No.55808061

this thread is so retarded

>> No.55808163

Reimu fans are retarded and delusional

>> No.55808431


>> No.55809229

Well there you have it

>> No.55809353

I will not believe this thread is real, this must be some dream im having rn
>reimu real fans know
>I'm sure she's visited Gura in person
>Holobronies are huge tribalfags that they would anti Reimu even though she's close friends with Gura
>Mori is leaching off reimu

this is must be a dream,holy kek this thread is hilarious

>> No.55810126

Nijifags doing everything to shill their whore. I guess this reimu must not be doing well that they have to resort to this

>> No.55811328

This entire thread is a thread dif trolls trolling trolls so I have no idea what you expected

>> No.55812486

They need shipping fanart

>> No.55812715

They don't even know each other

>> No.55812742

Reimu is a 3 view shitter who has gotten endless raids and collabs from the other NijiEN members who are much more successful than her, and it hasn't budged her popularity one bit. She is basically just shit. She's also not a good person, part of the Ethyria clique who threw herself at Vox, Vanta, and various other males to boost her own popularity while damaging their careers.

In this case she was attempting to leech Gura herself.
It is completely false information to say that Gura and Reimu know each other or that Gura is even aware of her existence. There is zero evidence to support that other than 4chan posts made by OP that he is linking to.

>> No.55812800

Oh yeah Reimu also went on various anti-capitalist and anti-America tirades.

>> No.55814503

idk how this thread is still going but bump for the niji mental ward - the more time they spend here the less time they spend shitting up the catalog

>> No.55815895

>4chan posts
That counts as evidence?

>> No.55816160


>> No.55818767

They honestly believe the bullshit they spout

>> No.55818972

Nuked out of existence with three words. Unfathomably based.

>> No.55821898

Typical niji. They love inserting politics into their stream
