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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55726386 No.55726386 [Reply] [Original]

A word of advise to bystanders. selen is 'out' now so expect defamation of her character to start ramping up.

I don't mean the usual shitflinging either, expect to start seeing lots of 'well reasoned' essays about her character and why it's actually a 'good thing' that she's being isolated and thrown out of the company.
nijien and their management are known to be chronically /here/ to the extent that issues on social media posts lasted over 24 hours without notice only to be fixed within an hour or two of being posted /here/.

they're /here/ and they will be doing black company shenanigans. dont fall for the misinfo about selen which has already started. stay informed and remember that if something seems weirdly supportive of nijien while slandering selen it's very likely misinfo being sown by them and their cohorts.

>> No.55726458


>> No.55726475
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>> No.55726495
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Selen, it's time. Stop trying to prop up a dying branch and just play the shooty games with cute girls instead.

>> No.55726624

What's the matter? Upset someone called out your tricks?

>> No.55726729

I noticed the nocturnal/acidschizo suddenly awakes and ramps up whenever Selen exposes management. Something smells off.

>> No.55726785

No1 curr

>> No.55726790

Call me a nijinigger, SEAnigger, sister faggot, or whatever the fuck, but I'll always hate catalog spam.

>> No.55726803

>expect defamation of her character to start ramping up
Don't care. Fuck Nijis.

>> No.55726829

Remember what happened to Zaion? Where people here loved her until she got fired and then suddenly she's the worst hire nijisanji ever made and her getting fired is the best thing that ever happened? Same deal with gundou, where people here didn't even know her name before she got fired but after she did suddenly all everyone could post about is how horrible she is and how this is actually a good thing. At this point it's just basic pattern recognition

>> No.55726843

so what you're saying is Selen will ALWAYS be based and Kurosanji should kill itself? Sounds like you just want status quo, anon, where's the fun?

But seriously, NijisanjiEN go fuck yourself. I'll never forgive your actions and how you terminated Zaion. Cruel, unprofessional, and fucked up. You get what you deserve with all of the kurosanji shitposting on this board and the stupid catalog spam.

>> No.55726842

Sure thing sis! #cut4hex

>> No.55726897

usually those people slandering are the stupid nijisisters and nijicopeheads who can't stand /vt/ having a proper good opinion. Absolutely ridiculous how this shitposting board was the only correct one among all of the brainwashed social media communities

>> No.55727120

What a fucking retarded post.
Nigger, /vt/ was genuinely the only place actually defending Zaion, to the point that sisters were saying that despite all the defending none of the defenders were gonna watch her anyway, which to some extent ended up being true. Gundou did get some hate though because despite you saying people didn't know her, they absolutely did know about her reputation, and as you know this place doesn't like whores. And even then, a fair number of people here defended her because the reasoning behind her termination was beyond retarded, and it was just another thing to shit on Anycolor for.

>> No.55727142

People /here/ love Zaion before and after. Its twitter that turned into antis once she got suspended.

>> No.55727387

Yeah because there totally wasn't an influx of posters trying to explain why zaion getting fired is a good thing back then.
Oh wait

>> No.55727422

I dont remember that happening but ok

>> No.55727425

/tg/ tourist here, Why the fuck is this board for retards so relevant in the sphere for vtubers.

Like holy shit i mostly go here to steal art from whatever 20something pretending to be anime girl but christ you fuckers are so visible in your specific niche that entire greentext channels are dedicated in documenting your individual manifestos and in your words companies lurk in this mental ward. I even remember that containment breach you call a meme towards the pink lady and her horse.

Sorry for the random question because i needed yo know what the fuck was the wall of text i read?

Also the purple haired woman is a stand-in for my Exalted Concubine

>> No.55727655

Because the only other places to discuss vtubers are twitter and reddit, both of which have significant overlaps with this place and in the case of reddit is not a good platform for the kind of live discussion we do here. It isn't like warhammer that has a thriving forum under their control, if you're into vtubers those are the three choices and vt remains one of the most active

>> No.55727674

Also, which purple haired woman?

>> No.55727681

not sure if this is a copypasta, but in case you are serious, this place is the only place where you get actual discussion about vtubers, even if you have to dig through a pile of garbage to get to it.
any other place is either controlled by the corps themselves and/or mods who squash dissent or just low traffic and a place where nobodies advertise themselves.

>> No.55727706
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It's ogre...

>> No.55727751

That isn't true at all, twitter has almost the same level of freedom, sometimes more so.
The issue with twitter is that unless you're a already a big shot you're pretty much going to pissing into the wind

>> No.55727770

>they've begun

>> No.55727839

A much stronger piece of evidence was the fact that a lot of specific things listed in the termination notice showed up in /vt/ threads, specifically the fact that some of the listed reasons were common shitposting angles during the suspensiom

>> No.55727842

Yeah sure I'm down. I've pretty much moved on from Niji EN entirely but I did like Selen.
Pomu, Rosemi and her are the three I really wanted to see move on and be successful somewhere else. I'll keep this in mind.

>> No.55727890


>> No.55727906

Yeah I noticed that too. I guess the management learned with their Zaion mess that they couldn't afford to let 4chan remain "independent" because the stuff from here eventually leaks and gets picked up by drama channels who will signal boost it to the masses. They are running ops here like with Gundou to prevent a groundwell of support for the talent to occur when they are about to axe that talent publicly.

>> No.55727970

I think you are giving them way too much credit NijiEN corporate is way too retarded for a scheme like that.

>> No.55728104

Retarded? Maybe. But they're malicious enough to think of something like it, but poorly execute it due to aforementioned retardation.

>> No.55728111
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>Like holy shit i mostly go here to steal art from whatever 20something pretending to be anime girl but christ you fuckers are so visible in your specific niche that entire greentext channels are dedicated in documenting your individual manifestos and in your words companies lurk in this mental ward. I even remember that containment breach you call a meme towards the pink lady and her horse.
This entire board is mentally ill.

Imagine /v/ if the Playstation or XBox were cute girls that could cry. Now imagine how angry everyone will get when their favorite cries, and imagine the power trip people get when they make the other one cry. A handful of assholes do and say terrible things, then everyone white knights and reciprocates against whatever phantom boogeyman they've built up in their head.

Pretty much anyone outside of a general thread (and often inside as well) is either a troll, a schizo, or both.

>> No.55728286

It's always better to overestimate their capabilities and be over prepared than underestimate them and get blindsided

>> No.55728288
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Management doesn't need to slander Selen because she IS in fact a clout chaser who only joined to fuck APEX pros. It's obvious to anyone who isn't a coping cuckgoon.

>> No.55728326


>> No.55728335

Oh look they've already started

>> No.55728367

nocturnalschizo has been posting for weeks in a row and selen's management twitter fiasco wasn't until yesterday. have you considered that he's just a schizo? that the fact that the catalog is constantly spammed with nijiEN bait threads is because there's just a lot of people who fucking hate nijiEN? or are the 10 threads shitting on pomu every day also an insider astroturfing campaign by anycolor to defame one of their own employees before they leave the company?
the reality is that any time something happens to a nijiEN vtuber, a bait thread is made about it, especially if it's one of the more popular shitpost targets like pomu, selen, enna, or any of Luxiem.
I honestly hope your fanfiction has the intended effect and we end up with a big outpouring of selen support from this board. I hope you manage to put Nocschizo in the ground and Selen can play apex and work on projects for EN without a care

>> No.55728401

Correction: the management twitter fiasco only became publicly known yesterday. Don't think you can blind us by saying half truths like that

>> No.55728470

you could also verify how long the schizo's been at it
look at when these deleted posts were made

>> No.55728525

Oh wow I didn't notice that she only got into a fight with management last weekend and this hasn't been in the works for months or anything
Oh wait

>> No.55728562

The one that gives a killer handjob with deformed hands and a skillful foreplays with her tail
GM descriptions not mine

>> No.55728653

The noc shit doesn't even matter anyway. Having secret cuddle time with her apex fuck buddy made for good gossip but it's not a reason to get shit canned.
The main takeaway is when you see a weird amount of Niji support tied together with new Selen slander. That'll be what eventually ends up on a black-text-on-white-background list.

>> No.55728720

and every reply to those posts were that she is based

>> No.55729119

Selen bros...

>> No.55729658


>> No.55730547
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I'm no longer a dragoon but I'll support this bitch anyway. Fuck 2434.

>> No.55731503

>Also the purple haired woman is a stand-in for my Exalted Concubine

Jesus fuck I so want Niji or Hololive to do an Exalted campaign. I'd be lying if I said Mumei didn't inspire me to change around Lilith.

>> No.55731751

Happy about that last noct collab? Looking forward to her next noct collab?
I know that's the content I go to Selen for

>> No.55731844

>secret cuddle time with her apex fuck buddy
Except it's not secret, it's half of her collabs that have this random fucking dude out of nowhere. And if you don't like it, get bent I guess. How long until they go the Nyanners/Lord Aethelstan route of just having a shared channel and pregnancy updates?
I fucking hate it

>> No.55732044

You were never fans of her

>> No.55733244


>> No.55733412
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Dragoons, your oshi is being threatened. Will you answer the call for war?

>> No.55733958

I was, I'm just not a fan of noct. Simple as.

>> No.55734117
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Maybe embracing the "toxic gamer" tag wasn't such a good idea after all

>> No.55734221

>expect defamation of her character to start ramping up.

>OP starts fire in building

>> No.55734354

Can't imagine it working against Selen who is internationally beloved. Would backfire massively. But will be on the lookout

>> No.55734373

Fagoons are easily the most spineless NijiEN fans

>> No.55734380


A sudden influx of nijiapologists and trannies posting Finana's boohoo video kept spamming /vt/.

>> No.55734586

You're tellin' me vtubers have been console-tan tuesday all this time

>> No.55734916

>internationally beloved

>> No.55735146

>59 posts
>Due to all the monkey buzzwords Ive filtered I can only see 19 of them
New thread, same shit.

>> No.55735416

nice blog how do I unsub?

>> No.55735510
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It is the holobronies deflecting from their own yabs as usual.

>> No.55735533

What reality do you live in? Post something about Selen in any general and a Dragoon will show up to defend her.
They're the most loyal fanbase out there. The least loyal being the cowardly Rosebuds who constantly doompost about their oshi despite her having zero yabs on record and being a massively positive person

>> No.55735653

>She's being isolated
Dragoons trying to do damage control for Selen is hilarious

>> No.55735898

>Most loyal fanbase

>> No.55735912

>Outbreak of chinks on catalog
>holocn management now works for nijien
>esl chinks start shitting up the place with selen bait thread spam

>> No.55736118


>> No.55736240
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It's a mix of things, but in my opinion the precedents are what gives relevance, rep is extremely important in this business and there are enough cases were rep here propelled someone or the opposite, it sunk their their career. Therefore this site as a platform has the potential to either shill yourself or slander the competition FOR FREE. That's from the entertainment provider side, from the fanbase side it's... I would argue that it's kinda similar to being a fan from a sport team, you like the team, you watch their games in the screen, you celebrate when they win the tournament, you get sad when they lose, you buy their merch, you buy tickets to watch them live, you get their tcg cards with their autographs in them, your team is the best and any other team is shit. The difference is that here rep matters a lot and you can actually affect rep, that leads to a complex diplomatic game between the fans as they want their team to win.

>> No.55736282
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Niji is a terrible org but their talents don't deserve to be dragged through the mud just because they quit.

>> No.55736564

Nijisanji is the one dragging them through the mud though?

>> No.55737299

Not just them but yeah it's horrendous.

>> No.55737521

if she finds another fuckboy that is more tolerable than Noct i will consider rewatching her.

>> No.55739286


>> No.55740942
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>> No.55741586

Looking at the badge, is the leeching whore at Nina or Mysta's stream? It looks like a fox

>> No.55743772

Post more.

>> No.55743888

What’s with this blatant gaslighting

>> No.55744523

what's with this blatant historical revision?

>> No.55745470

>Any critique of my oshi is actually a false flag operation by top secret Niji agents
Holy schizo.

>> No.55748449

It's because this place is anonymous. No one wants to say some of the shit we really think to our favorite vtubers face because we want them to like us. That means this is pretty much the only place a vtuber or a corp can get any real feedback.
