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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55711386 No.55711386 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.


>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Channel/Socials/Merch Links

There's a Kiki /i/ thread up if you would like to participate >>>/i/723670
Kiki is a rabbit ( ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ )

>Current Aggie
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>Danbooru (Art/Fan Content)

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection

>/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Kiki Notifications RSS feed w/ instructions

>Misc. Rabbalabs links (timestamp tagger, VOD search, /pyon/ archive)

>Champy Creative Corner
Kiki Ambient Album: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18C-GvhOs5uG90xx4Et-yIF2QJHSUV0Eg/view
A Day w/ Kiki: https://youtu.be/KY-2XziO8s8
Mahjong Champion: https://youtu.be/RTzk7KDWU9s
Kikiholes: https://youtu.be/jiJZpnaCzSc
Kiki RPG demo: https://kikirpg.itch.io/kiki-rpg (pass: debtdiskdeath)
Kikikore albums by Anon:
https://files.catbox.moe/p2e08j.zip – volume 1
https://files.catbox.moe/z8fzho.rar – volume 2
https://files.catbox.moe/7r6bz1.zip – volume 3
Kiki Koikatsu Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/Bx4XXYTb#o7L7D5bg4XverGHQ03upkQ
Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library
Kikinese: https://files.catbox.moe/yv1xre.pdf
Super Champ Bros (SMB rom hack): https://files.catbox.moe/0tbbps.zip

>Recent Stream Highlights

>Clip channels

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Last thread

>> No.55711417
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>> No.55711484
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>> No.55711715

I VERY love Kiki!

>> No.55711884

Aren't there difficulty settinga?

>> No.55711896

love my cupcake wife

>> No.55712205

remember when Kiki fixed slavery?

>> No.55712215
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>> No.55712423

Why did the tiger invite the panda to a boxing match?

Because it wanted to see if the panda's "bear" hands were a match for its "striking" personality!

>> No.55712477
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>> No.55712560
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that felt good

>> No.55713042 [DELETED] 

can we ban that gemini cunt already?

>> No.55713185

hi kiki

>> No.55713195

cutest crouton

>> No.55713256


>> No.55713540

lmao if you say so

>> No.55713572

imagine beating up an endangered species

>> No.55713591

paul is actually ridiculous, his damage is too high and he's fast

>> No.55713600
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I love this rabba

>> No.55713699

its only because its past round 7 when the AI gets turned up

>> No.55713913

you can doodoo

>> No.55713933
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>> No.55713988

kiki at this point in the game its hard to beat these fuckers unless you are faster/ know their moveset and can predict. (not backseating just saying dont feel bad if it takes a while to beat these fools)

>> No.55714123

Kiki bumbum love

>> No.55714190

I have a good friend named Paul

>> No.55714243

kill him

>> No.55714338

me too, lost contact within about ten years ago but heard he's well off these days

>> No.55714345


>> No.55714356

No ;_; he's nice

That reminds me though he called me several days ago and I never answered or called him back... whoops

>> No.55714397
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>> No.55714475
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They call her the Grim Rabba

>> No.55714597

you should invite Paul to your house to talk about huey lewis and the news

>> No.55714628
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>> No.55714760

why is she making that face

>> No.55714924

She's pretending to be Paul

>> No.55715146

imagine how many quarters have been lost to this fucking game

>> No.55715177


>> No.55715202

I'm here, just sick and sleepy. Hang in there, rabba.

>> No.55715345

I'm cleaning my room while I watch sorry.

>> No.55715353

It's also seems like the damage just simply gets ramped up which is a kind of bs way to balance difficulty in fighting game.

>> No.55715410

im listening rabb, sorry about that wish there was more i could do

>> No.55715466

Having consumed an endless pit of garbage on YouTube, I can tell you that the surest way to get a whole bunch of subscribers for apparently no reason is to start off every video/stream with WHAT'S UP, IT'S YA BOI.

>> No.55715472
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Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

>> No.55715695

sorry you feeling down about it rabbahead. if i could get the whole world to see just how valuable and entertaining you are i would. all i can do is just be a humble husband and be there for you when i can.

>> No.55715720

it's late for burgers, most of them went to sleep

>> No.55715818

I'd collab with you, but my channel is too small to really even count as existing.

Also, fighting games are a strange kind of other-side in gaming, where people who aren't into them are really not into them. Kinda like Fifa. There probably is a significant fightan game debuff.

>> No.55715864

its hard to please everyone, especially when they are as spergy and discontent with others lives (and their own) like some on the here.

>> No.55715920

Even the /#/ guy said your thing barely even counted as a real yab. You're treating it as way more serious of a thing than it was. Nobody cared about that, nobody left, and it's absurd to even suggest they did.

>> No.55715956

Stop catastrophising you retard. Blaming everything on "no one likes me" when there's a bunch of confounding varaibles makes you a schizo.

>> No.55716010

i dont give a shit about male collabs personally

>> No.55716039

I'll tell you the truth.
You're frustrated with the game and you're no longer having fun with it, so you're trying to fill the dead air with things to talk about, but all you can find to talk about are delusions that your numbers are going down, or that you're a bad streamer. This is simply not true.
You're improving so much and I don't want you bringing yourself down over a difficult game.
Play on easy.

>> No.55716035

hug mamapyon after the stream

>> No.55716050

everything'll be fine

>> No.55716067

Can I ask what it is you think would change if you gained the popularity you want? Like, specifically. What is it you want? You said it isn't about money already, and I think you do fine on that front. Is there something else we're not providing here?

>> No.55716086


>> No.55716133

>The Male Collab to Apex Pipeline
There's a YouTube documentary in here somewhere.

>> No.55716221
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What ever happened to this Kiki? I miss her.

>> No.55716249

You're asking for something you really don't want.
A small, slowly growing, but ultimately good audience is better to have than a big audience of people who don't give a shit.

>> No.55716262

well you know better now, and you're doing your best to fix yourself

>> No.55716274

Kiki, shut up retard. If you can't have faith in yourself, how can we have faith in ourself? We look up to you and rely on you, remember your responsibility as a vtuber.

>> No.55716327

raping the autism out of kiki

>> No.55716431

gently hugging the psychopathy out of anon

>> No.55716464

you've improved a lot

>> No.55716466

Hey, what's going on in this thread? Doomposting? Should I get out my Radiohead CDs?

>> No.55716501

I think maybe your frustration with the game is bleeding out into other things. It happens to me sometimes; a piece of fiction will put me in a bad headspace that I relate to some actual bad thing that puts me in the same headspace. Not telling you to do anything, just want you to be aware that can happen, and keep an eye out for it.

>> No.55716532

rember there's a shitposter in the thread

>> No.55716565

your point is valid kiki i would probably feel similar if i was you. of course if you look at the big picture things seem minor but they can most certainly hurt. love you always, and would never talk down to you/ make you feel bad for thinking the way you do.

>> No.55716697

great work rab

>> No.55716713

no way...

>> No.55716735


>> No.55716751

you snazzled right on thru those last matches good jorb

>> No.55716805

>I'm bad at games
>Only talking
>Silently plays the game
>Am I entertaining enough?

>> No.55716881

Kuma is one awful character, grats on seeing it through, the difficulty as downhill from here.

>> No.55716913

That final fight was a one-sided beatdown. Well done, Kiki.

>> No.55716930

I hope kiki knows how happy she makes me, it makes me sad that she might feel underappreciated or hated. It genuinly makes my days a little better to hang out with her and champas

>> No.55716988

i have thought this near daily for over a year now

>> No.55717108

It sucks that playing the game on easy has been so stigmatized.

>> No.55717172
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I genuinely think that I don't think.

>> No.55717200

Every genre has its tryhards, but for some reason fighting game tryhards are on par with competitive CCG tryhards and 4X tryhards.

>> No.55717212

>eeeeh ezi moodo?!
You are not immune to propaganda

>> No.55717241

Your vtuber sux

>> No.55717283

No I think he just meant that playing on easy would be a more cozy time if not for the stigma.

>> No.55717287

fuck anyone who is trying to put you down, obviously they arent happy enough with their own lives so they have to shit on someone else. i would never think you did not appreciate me or any other champ just because you are in a sour mood or what have you. kiki love until i die

>> No.55717299

Yeah, she sucks me, Champy

>> No.55717307

my vtuber is cute. her name is gigi

>> No.55717329

gotta remember the cunts knee deep in vtube shit around this board are the most miserable piles of shit on the face of the earth anything they say is worthless

>> No.55717357

Kiki please stop hurting yourself by focusing on negative thoughts and possibilities. You deserve to feel wonderful because you are wonderful.

>> No.55717416

Big this. An entire board of Twitter transplants.

>> No.55717437

She's the equivalent of a BPD whore with 20-30 orbiter simps milking you all with the depression act.

>> No.55717459

can't stand any vtuber other than kiki

>> No.55717470

^ This
Also, when you get stuck on a game, it brings out these negative thoughts because you get frustrated

>> No.55717490

luck and hard work go hand and hand in terms of success, some of the greatest soccar players on earth probably havent gone pro. if that makes sense

>> No.55717523

You have to have already put in the hard work to be standing in a position to take the luck when it finds you. Otherwise the opportunity will pass you by. It's both.

>> No.55717562

hard work is a factor but luck is a bigger one, just look at the most popular tubers

>> No.55717607

Don't push it back to the last week of September or I'll have to miss it ;_;

>> No.55717629

if thats what you think is best then dont feel bad about it. its your decision at the end of the day and what you think is best regardless of how it looks on a timeline/how long you have been waiting your your debut

>> No.55717669

you're amazingly hard working, most vtubers need a corpo on their ass to stream so much and put in so much consistent effort over years

>> No.55717679

can you turn the bgm down a tad. little too loud

>> No.55717693

yeah I think he meant turn it down lol

>> No.55717715

Don't do anything to make them think they're winning.
Pushing back your redebut isn't going to fix anything.

>> No.55717741

Hate to admit it but I used to be in that bloodsports sphere. And yeah there was always a lot of cannibalizing. It's only fun enough to rag on someone for so long and they just move onto next people and if there's a dry spell the focus of ridicule easily turns to friends of the stream or the streamer themselves.

>> No.55717760

I think talking about it only serves to embolden people to keep doing it.

>> No.55717769

Viewers are a kind of relationship. You can be yourself and attract whatever that does, or you can be someone you aren't and built a relationship based on false pretenses that will inevitably become a chore and resentful.

Though, the idea of a hyper-political Kiki is funny enough to want to at least have a drawing of. Rabba on a soapbox.

>> No.55717808

I consider you my friend, Kiki

>> No.55717825

>just came across Kiki's stream by chance
I like your chuba, friends.

>> No.55717828

This is my first time watching her stream and I'm glad this was the stream I came in on because now I just want to keep coming back.

>> No.55717870


>> No.55717900

Yeah including you since you're here kek

>> No.55717917
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You've come to the right place

>> No.55717944

yeah bloodsports was entertaining for a bit but it was easy to see why that sphere went to shit so fast

>> No.55717989

We'll call each other a faggot, endearingly.

>> No.55717997

maybe not related to current discussion but one of the things that has kept me coming back to you every stream since i found you so long ago is how you can actually speak for hours and be entertaining while not sounding like you are forcing it or putting up a front or doing something because it will "make you more popular" and that you are willing to put your foot down and have a real discussion/ have an intelligent conversation with your viewers/champs.

>> No.55718090

I remember visiting there ~10 years ago for some reason and came away with a firm opinion it was the worst board on 4chan, bar none. /vt/ reminds me a lot of it.

>> No.55718194

lolcow-obsessed faggots are psychologically women

>> No.55718231

Thank you, anon. I'm usually busy with work, but I'm looking forward to starting my reps when I have the time.

>> No.55718249

after directly interacting with chrischan and that whole debacle over many yearsi can say i have no want to engage in just degrading people life for a laugh. theres no real point imo.

>> No.55718290

Nah I don't think lolcow culture is gone at all. If anything that culture has gotten a lot more, as absurd it is to say, more principled and refined. Nowadays the accepted consensus is to keep a distance from the cows and not interact, bully or troll them and the people who fail to do this are seen as stupid weens.

>> No.55718334

Ah. That's a particular brand of menhera I've seen before. There's a desperate, almost manic desire to connect herself to an escapist fantasy of being 'from' a faraway land with exotic culture. I knew several American white girls in highschool who went down similar routes.

>> No.55718346

I wonder where he would be in life if he wasn't constantly trolled

>> No.55718500

This but unironically.

>> No.55718502

i firmly belive its the best example of the detriments of the internet. he would probably just be a sperg with a semi normal life and if you can believe it, actually get a job. the internet and "fans" were a way out of a normal life and without it im sure his life could have been much much less tragic.

>> No.55718521

gossiping about people on the internet is cringe and gay

>> No.55718618

Yeah it's about what I said in the rest of the post: >>55718290
It's much more a wildlife observatory role these days. Back then people it was more of a wild west and people wanted to inject themselves into these weirdos' stories and push them in ways.

>> No.55718662

There was a kind of Silver Age of Comic Books thing going on where people would set themselves up as villains in these established protagonists' lives.

>> No.55718678

part of engaging in the terrible humiliation of others on the internet is a sobering realization that you should try to help others and make their lives better. if you have empathy i mean. experience is the best teacher they say......

>> No.55718705

I think Kiki is indresding

>> No.55718708


>> No.55718788

I want to pump and dump Kiki in the worst way possible

>> No.55718789


>> No.55718795
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>> No.55718809

kind rabba

>> No.55718824

I remember trolling a lot as a teen and life gradually got bad enough that I lost any taste for making it worse unnecessarily. Now I don't see the point; it's the emotional equivalent of terminally unhealthy junk food.

>> No.55718826

i see it

>> No.55718849

I'm a bad person, but I try my best not to do bad things.

>> No.55718857

i don't get it
do bad things to realise you were bad for doing them? explain this to me like i'm a retard

>> No.55718914

I was raised to be a super shitty person and had to learn to act with intentionality instead of instinct to avoid being a monster. It does get easier with time.

>> No.55718921

spring kiki does it again

>> No.55718942

if i didnt learn from the bad things i have done and become a kinder person i would have offed myself a looong time ago to be honest. my own patience for others and the kindness i make sure to show everyone all the time comes from many times where i was the one treating others like shit/learning from others taking advantage of me.

>> No.55718961

I feel like I often have to fight the impulse to do the worst shit imaginable, but I do my best not to give into it and try to be better.

>> No.55718974

I never got this, fun is fun, I reveled in the chaos and contributed back when Chris-chan was was unveiling his insanity and look back upon it with fond times, his current plight has drawn many keks from me.

>> No.55719004
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>> No.55719022 [SPOILER] 
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I never did anything bad ever probably
I try to be better every day

>> No.55719024

more like learn from your actions and make sure to take others lives and experience into account. if you were bullied all the time wouldnt you make sure others weren't bullied so you dont have to have more of that in the world?

>> No.55719061
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>> No.55719068

people who have an awful childhood either become super nice or really bad people

>> No.55719070

I'm really glad to hear your dad turned it around and broke the cycle. My dad went the other way and used his dad's abuse to justify his own. I don't know if I'll ever get to have kids at this point, but if I do, I want to be like your dad rather than mine.

Maybe look into Jungian psychology. He focuses a lot on healthy versus unhealthy integration of your negative impulses.

>> No.55719073

That's a lack of empathy imo, he was pushed further by people and bullied quiet a lot. When keks cause someone pain is when it starts to suck, although I can't blame you for feeling that way

>> No.55719079

wise rabbit

>> No.55719127

you might be a psychopath

>> No.55719135
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>> No.55719168

a very important quote i think of when helping others and avoiding my more sadistic thoughts is " some of the greatest people in the world are capable of both great good and great evil."

>> No.55719192

i learned about the rabs and rabtiles from /pyon/

>> No.55719224
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th-thanks ma

>> No.55719316

will you teach even about the eggs?

>> No.55719366

I shudder to think what kinds of puberty or sex ed books for kids there are now.

Fug, Gigi said the exact thing as I was typing.

>> No.55719381

>kikikins you love video games right? try out this video i think you could learn a lot!
the video https://youtu.be/Pr1ju6GoCsY

>> No.55719396

it was an all in one book about puberty plus the intercourse stuff

>> No.55719410

They tell you to take puberty blockers and cut your peepee off lol

>> No.55719423


>> No.55719459

I remember bragging to my dad about swearing with my school friends when I was in like 5th grade

>> No.55719484

i learned every sailor word i could from my dad. angry white men really can swear...

>> No.55719490
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>> No.55719493

My dad doesn't swear either but every time he has it was pretty impactful if you know what I mean.

>> No.55719516

i want to learn more about kiki's cunny

>> No.55719585

When I was in high school we all used to call blacks negroes

>> No.55719646

My nephew was talking about his mom getting mad at him for saying "the N word" at dinner but he just meant "nasty" but it made me laugh

>> No.55719677

shusher HATE

>> No.55719744

i leanred not to swear near my parents as a kid when my dad started getting in my face for telling my mom to shut up. "HOW DARE YOU TALK TO YOUR MOTHER THAT WAY. APOLOGISE IMMIDIATLY"

>> No.55719762

Washing Kiki's mouth out with soap.

>> No.55719780

washing her smelly pits

>> No.55719797

Kiki eats soap because she likes the taste

>> No.55719811

why would you wanna wash them? losing out on a good thing..

>> No.55719843

You can say niggard since it's not a bad word it just means stingy

>> No.55719876

I will be the saviourfriend and say it in your stead my queen! niggerniggernigger

>> No.55719878


>> No.55719890

part of having a racist parent is the hoping they dont call your friend every slur they can think of when you bring them over.

>> No.55719915

Someone who is niggardly is called a niggard.

I remember in game of thrones or something there was a part where a character says "No one calls me a niggard in my own home!" and it made me laugh

>> No.55719938

oh kek

>> No.55719940

You've got abbos. It's inevitable.

>> No.55719973

I tried drinking bleach one time and I almost died

>> No.55719979

one of the funniest slurs i ever learned from my dad was when he called a black guy a mooncricket. a mooncricket being a slave that sang at night while the moon was out

>> No.55719991

tons of fresh names in chat today

>> No.55720025

Man I love creative slurs. Off the top of my head, my favorite is probably dune coon for arabs.

>> No.55720034

holy shit, how old were you?

>> No.55720069

i had a spiderman silly string "web-slinger" that attached to my wrist and i hid in a bush and tried to hit passing cars with it. a nigger drove by and i got him good and he stopped and got out and i froze in place but he just stomped around and cussed at nothing and never noticed me.

>> No.55720085

I remember once I was playing with some little sticker while eating crackers, and I lost the sticker and thought it fell into the crackers and I swallowed it, and I vividly imagined the thing sticking over the entrance into my intestines in my stomach and blocking it and I was so sure I was going to die and terrified for days

>> No.55720118

champs, would you let a kikishroom grow on you?

>> No.55720147

I have a little mushroom growing out of me somewhere, wanna see?

>> No.55720162

What the hell is a kikishroom

>> No.55720171

i couldn't resist eating it

>> No.55720183

ate lunch at a restaurant with a friend back in high school and he thought he swallowed the toothpick holding his sandwich together so suddenly he starts tearing his sandwich apart to find it. long story short the toothpick was under his plate

>> No.55720185


>> No.55720194

Orks are fungus based. Kiki da best.

>> No.55720236

tea party in kiki's tummy!

>> No.55720235 [SPOILER] 
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Got reminded of when 007 got turned into a black woman and 4chan changed the name of all the movies

>> No.55720245
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>> No.55720283

Kiki should sell samples of her gut flora as merch

>> No.55720309

What new character did you unlock on Tekken?

>> No.55720332
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>> No.55720351
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>> No.55720406

>>55720351 ignore unintended greentext

>> No.55720419

Hey Kiki. You ever take a test to determine your MTBI type?

>> No.55720424
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give me your anti-biotics

>> No.55720486
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>> No.55720516

I work in a machine shop despite me being horrendously afraid of heavy machinery and constantly dread it tearing off my arm or something. Seen a few too many chinese factory liveleaks.

I shall not ignore it actually.

>> No.55720538

Based. But Kiki is too fellow-feeling to be INTJ. And it's not very humble.

>> No.55720557

Mokujin is NOT real!!

>> No.55720558

I think you should rest for divegrass instead of playing mario
if you take a nap and play sunshine, you'll have to stream divegrass right after finishing it

>> No.55720563

it was a wonderful stream, you recovered great

>> No.55720625

>ill have a nap and see how i feel
kiki literally sleeping on it is a bit funny to me

>> No.55720695

I told the other divegrass guys you'd be restreaming and many of them seemed excited to watch with you. Most divegrass people like you and appreciate your streams of it

>> No.55720760
File: 136 KB, 318x822, pyon support.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still have this to support your claim.

>> No.55720804

i spent like 6 hours trying to get the ball for the divegrass thing working and failed and im too ashamed to even watch that pls forgive

>> No.55720866
File: 131 KB, 272x258, very rare face she made the other day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moight b sunshoin, moight b doivgras

>> No.55720930

I don't want to be that guy reposting shitcord screenshots here but the commentators like you and think your streams are cool. They just don't acknowledge you during their streams because it's against the rules.

>> No.55720933

thanks for your efforts champ

>> No.55720961

while watching you play sunshine is literally the closest thing to heaven for me, i did watch all the way through last time, so i might catch a snooze after a bit of it. sleep reps are very serious for a champ

>> No.55720980

It's against the rules to shout out /here/tubers, yes.

>> No.55721043

kiki you can join their panel but you wont

>> No.55721120

cute goil

>> No.55721305

i gotta wage in the morning so i'll call it here
nini rabba ily

>> No.55721321
File: 44 KB, 640x640, 1672273888872604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at him, he's so cool

>> No.55721336

I think Kiki is CUTE and I'm sick of pretending she's not!

>> No.55721383
File: 303 KB, 1061x1032, 82ffacade2e99cd2549c65488100ee12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine how cool Champy would be if he put gel in his beautiful hair

>> No.55721454

me on the right

>> No.55721464

what is this body type called?

>> No.55721486

`This body type is called cunny

>> No.55721504
File: 12 KB, 238x222, cutegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55721523


>> No.55721545

i want to lick kiki's pussy so bad

>> No.55721587

i want to eat kiki's kani so bad

>> No.55721597

this desu senpai

>> No.55721658


>> No.55721811

imagine Kiki using her diamond mouth to pleasure your small cock

>> No.55721930
File: 3 KB, 45x49, 3ydrsm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55721932

she's starting toe belieb

>> No.55721948

We should do another champy cock collage one of these days

>> No.55722137

stage 8 fights feel harder than heihachi and ogre

>> No.55722214


>> No.55722273

it's a bit indresding noticing the moves shared between some characters. Julia has a shared punch with Kuma and Law has the same down kick as Xiaoyu

>> No.55722315

When will she ban this emoji man lol

>> No.55722372

I honestly think thumb bro is either 12 or retarded

>> No.55722388 [DELETED] 

hope you did your opsec reps faggot

>> No.55722403

I'm entertained by his lack of awareness but I don't want kiki to feel annoyed by it

>> No.55722424 [DELETED] 

why would you bring that up now

>> No.55722609

hi gigi

>> No.55722613
File: 13 KB, 224x252, 1683972612195629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something else

>> No.55722614
File: 39 KB, 228x253, 1148884644376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this cat

>> No.55722621
File: 115 KB, 326x332, 1675637432763520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gigi olve

>> No.55722627
File: 36 KB, 891x754, ef2684c13b54325c394b9b5894d7f4d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55722629
File: 54 KB, 308x297, bumbumoverdrive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what speed of bumb would you like today?

>> No.55722641

show this Chinaman who's boss, kiki

>> No.55722662

good choice

>> No.55722676
File: 56 KB, 473x509, F2bDKn2akAAIR_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55722720

you're doing good gigi. you got this

>> No.55722741

Good decision, he was being told so many times

>> No.55722816

even if he had good intentions he was still being incessant. a bit of filtering helps sometimes

>> No.55722831

I kinda get it. Part of the appeal of vtubers is the idea you're doing something with someone else. My brothers and I would all sit around a TV and collectively try to beat/figure out games, so 'backseating' was just part of the experience.

>> No.55723061

hey beangirl, what brand of canned beans would you recommend?

>> No.55723113

he's doo doo

>> No.55723306


>> No.55723322
File: 308 KB, 640x480, gvlTB.jpg.30a691f0c9d2e3424a6f2d2bef081cb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou fightans in case Kiki is interested
all of them were made in collaboration with Zun and take place between mainline titles. Most are derivative of each other but fans have their favorites

>東方萃夢想 ~ Immaterial and Missing Power
>東方緋想天 ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (in screencap)
>東方非想天則 ~ 超弩級ギニョルの謎を追え
>東方心綺楼 ~ Hopeless Masquerade
>東方深秘録 ~ Urban Legend in Limbo
>東方憑依華 ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers
>東方剛欲異聞 ~ 水没した沈愁地獄

>> No.55723376
File: 19 KB, 425x425, 5999a854-b04c-11e9-a61f-bc570b50c4e7_image_hires_173845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real photo of Kiki beating up Forrest Law

>> No.55723656

there's an option to have the pressed button inputs appear on screen in practice mode, maybe it'd help you orient on how correct your inputs are?

>> No.55723785

can't believe it's been 6 hours

>> No.55723819


>> No.55723842

love you gigi

>> No.55723885
File: 48 KB, 611x534, rabba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55723928

be mindful of your sleepyhead sleepyrabba if you want to do both the sunshine and divegrass

>> No.55723942

Imagine her struggling to give birth

>> No.55723950

she's looking at me

>> No.55724003
File: 44 KB, 579x502, snizzling time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55724035

she's obviously looking at me, nerd

>> No.55724050

no fair, let me pull it out

>> No.55724079
File: 627 KB, 789x685, 1687771799511871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55724091

i'd snizzle inside that cute little mouth

>> No.55724099

`Funny mouth

>> No.55724104

bean mouth

>> No.55724133
File: 311 KB, 586x478, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55724141
File: 31 KB, 470x440, oooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55724151
File: 572 KB, 762x678, 1660938253719068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55724193

i always give up in fighting games after like 10 minutes

>> No.55724195
File: 822 KB, 1281x723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55724197

hod dog

>> No.55724235
File: 28 KB, 166x152, giggijig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally her!

>> No.55724236
File: 44 KB, 456x637, narrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55724245
File: 1.26 MB, 1380x776, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55724277

love my eggplant wife

>> No.55724282
File: 1.05 MB, 1255x706, Kiki Ch. - Fighting a bear! (Kuma) Tekken 3 (1998) Arcade Time! [w3x8iiM4yCY - 1255x706 - 6h41m37s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55724296
File: 43 KB, 512x512, 1682043917555422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55724461
File: 1.04 MB, 1255x706, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55724505

fightan rab/10

>> No.55724547

what does that mouth do/10

>> No.55724590

bear farts/10

>> No.55724594
File: 41 KB, 512x488, ehh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty fun to watch kiki grow as a fighter, also really loved that thoughtful zatsu intermission in the middle

>> No.55724651
File: 41 KB, 324x451, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rabbear/10, glad to see kiki using combos and grabs instead of spamming kicks and punches all it takes is patience i guess

>> No.55724787

my cute wife kept me up all night playing fighting games, I'm truly blessed

>> No.55724935


>> No.55725017
File: 134 KB, 561x788, I moight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

womb doko

>> No.55725032

have a nice nap gigi, I love you

>> No.55725049


>> No.55725098

did that champ do something?

>> No.55725105


>> No.55725123

No. He's our clipper. Very kind too.

>> No.55725143

no, just a schizo targeting him for some reason. I noticed that it started before this ""drama""

>> No.55725242

Yeah, he's done it before.

>> No.55725300


>> No.55725388

noice, I'll have to nap myself so I can see this

>> No.55725635
File: 309 KB, 2048x1788, 1685328956879907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

offering a bump of cocaine for uncommon kiki pics and three bumps for rare ones

>> No.55725720 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 551x897, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55725782 [DELETED] 

Also I know I'm a shit for doing this, but fuck. Kiki needs to believe that people outside here don't hate her one of these days.

>> No.55725907
File: 17 KB, 418x131, chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might want to look at the waiting room

>> No.55725947

Oh, I'm an idiot then sorry.

>> No.55725956


>> No.55725983 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 1682291740847289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is quite rare

>> No.55725986

unstoppable rabba
here's the countdown again

>> No.55726017

Kickoff is in 8 hours and 39 minutes.

>> No.55726021 [DELETED] 

i would delete this and send it to her marshmallow instead.

>> No.55726059 [DELETED] 

Good idea I guess

>> No.55726174

Doesn't this page suggest it would be in 7 hours and 34 minutes?

>> No.55726285

Oh yeah, I was just quoting some other guy and he didn't take daylight savings shit into account

>> No.55726612

Where is all the loli rape hentai her?
She's literally built for rape.

>> No.55726833

Check the booru, though it was having an issue earlier so I'm not sure it was fixed yet

>> No.55726889

sorry she's literally built for me and she loves me so there can't be any rape

>> No.55726902
File: 798 KB, 1920x1080, bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.55727053

>the timestamps for the last stream
