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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55503200 No.55503200 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread >>55341229

Current Stream - https://youtu.be/FvF_CstCpvI

Starter Voice (5 voices) - https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/startingvoice_ceresfauna

Schedule - N/A
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to hide, ignore, and do not interact with grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

>> No.55503363
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>> No.55503439
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i shouldve rewatched the pkmn unite vod, i dont know much about this game at all

>> No.55503507
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>> No.55504003
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>10min game
>kill mobs to get xp and points
>score goal by holding a button without getting interrupted by enemy
>lose points if you die
>2 mini bosses top and bot
>Zapdos(boss) spawns after 8mins
>kill him and you can instantly score goals with 2x points

>> No.55504073


>> No.55504188


>> No.55504508
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>> No.55504556
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>> No.55504575

>3 ips
it's over

>> No.55505225

i suppose fauna will explain her switch streaming situation

>> No.55505365

Almost slapping time

>> No.55505579

Does anyone else fart whenever they hear Fauna's name?

>> No.55505633

Has the EN team scrimmed yet?

>> No.55505684

>Has the EN team scrimmed yet?
Fucking lmao, that isn't happening.

>> No.55505737

I wonder if she'll stick with Wigglytuff for the slaps or try something new. I haven't played or looked at Unite in so long, I imagine the people left playing it (who aren't literal children) are MOBA grinders

>> No.55505786
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Sorry to rain on your generosity chickens but I dont accept gift members

>> No.55505836

>MOBA grinders
basically yeah

>> No.55506005

Damn! This place is a desert.

>> No.55506138
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It's pretty nice, yeah

>> No.55506137

kinda surprised/sad she's not streaming her pov for this; i'm happy to watch kiara's but it's just not the same

>> No.55506189
File: 253 KB, 600x600, Uuu_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to finalize some parts of the roster, but I need your help! Please vote in this poll to help decide who will be retired from the /uuu/ roster for VTL5.


>> No.55506306

Checked fast and Wigglytuff is bottom tier, so she need to try something new or EN is more doomed that it was before

>> No.55506318
File: 35 KB, 1507x486, VTRTTC Schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also have divegrass on Thursday. The opening schedule has been released and /councilRyS/, featuring /uuu/, will be playing at 18:20 UTC against /cover/. I'm hoping you can show up to support the team if you can. See you on Thursday!

>> No.55506330

same poll as last thread? voted already then

>> No.55506387

Tsareena wasn't in the game when she played last and fits her aesthetic to a tee. I think it'd be good to have her on DPS too
No idea what current meta looks like though

>> No.55506440
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My wife and my daughter

>> No.55506470

tier lists probably won't matter at this level of competition, unless bottom tier characters in this game are complete hot garbage that barely works

i did hear mewtwo is busted though so i'm hoping they at least have someone playing him if they want to win

>> No.55506539

It's not just me, right? Bijou seems to be popular with Saplings.

>> No.55506569
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>> No.55506709

Fucking abdul

>> No.55506744
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It's not just you

>> No.55506880

Good, more Fauna for me

>> No.55506907

I'm in the game. She hasn't played other pokemon since then at all.

>> No.55506952
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I think that just shows Fauna is generally popular in EN. Also a multi-option poll normalizes things a little.

>> No.55507089

>kronii - 0
>kronii - 9
weirdly inconsistent except for fauna mogging everyone

>> No.55507151
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Bijou quickly became my favorite Advent

>> No.55507152

First one is for Bijou, second for Shiori in case you didn't notice

>> No.55507171

fucking traitors

>> No.55507222

ohh, i see. makes slightly more sense
i admittedly have been stuck to nerissa since debut but its nice to see how well loved fauna is and always will be

>> No.55507237
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i knew she would stick to wiggly

>> No.55507261

Fauna is still my kamioshi

>> No.55507396

my memory is shit. when was the last time these two collabed? feels like they get along really well

>> No.55507447

Does Fauna have commitment issues?

>> No.55507477

I like the rock myself but Fauna isn't going anywhere for me if no one can match how quick witted she is

>> No.55507554

God Kiara sucks, they will not win the tournament at all

>> No.55507588

thats what practice is for

>> No.55507624

despite catalog insisting they HATE each other, yeah, they are cute friends

>> No.55507676
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clubhouse... wither prep... wither fight... jackbox games

>> No.55507836
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>> No.55507897
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>already in cat podcast mode
this is the real collab material

>> No.55507982
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Previous oshi doesn't mean she's replaced Sappo, just a "where did you come from?" question.
Fauna still sweeping

>> No.55508028

They nerfed Fauna's main? Aww shucks

>> No.55508097
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kicking players out after one match but these two have squatted since the start of the stream
fucking hypocrites

>> No.55508151

based tastes anon

>> No.55508165

See what you did? They just left the lobby, you happy now?

>> No.55508199

i am satisfied

>> No.55508201

How hard is it to get master in this game? Are they going to get rolled by Shion in the tournament?

>> No.55508555

I don't know how hard it is now but it was very easy back when it was popular. Average games played to get masters was like 350? I had previous MOBA experience and it took 150 iirc.
You could get masters with a 45% winrate though if you played 700+ games

>> No.55508578

I'd say ranking in this game is more of a time commitment than a skill one. They are absolutely getting rolled by the other teams though if Kiara needs to learn the fundamentals

>> No.55508608

If it's anything like splatoon, you don't downrank at all

>> No.55508667

damn i forgot how many stupid mistakes you make when you're completely new to mobas

>> No.55508671
File: 185 KB, 272x301, waterfox_5SP3UNhVWt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont even remind me of splatoon 3s ranked compared to 2 and 1...

>> No.55508701

I need to save her from veganism so bad..

>> No.55508730

its over, saplingbros...

>> No.55508850

>takes first place in every fucking poll
>has one of the slowest generals from the start
fucking fakers

>> No.55508967

Is fauna being cute?

>> No.55509123
File: 157 KB, 247x253, waterfox_FU9nbRFLQw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute albeit a little pixelated

>> No.55509164
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You even need to ask?

>> No.55509219

You do derank in this game if you lose. So climbing to master's is a bit of a chore. If Shion is at master rank she will absolutely wipe the floor with Fauna and Kiara.

Fauna knows how to play MOBAs, you can tell she can read the map and she's pretty sharp on positioning and when to engage and when to pull back. She just needs more practice to derust and nail the mechanics.

For Kiara there is honestly zero hope. There's not enough time to learn everything from ground up. I get that she's a beginner but the way she plays she's just dragging her team down and feeding the opponents free exp.

>> No.55509223

The better question is why isn't the highest subbed member in Council to reflect this?

>> No.55509226

Fauna getting slightly toxic, love to see it

>> No.55509238

the fewer pixels, the more precious they become

>> No.55509245

>read you dumb bitch

>> No.55509279

Yeah she's fucking malding, I LOVE salty kirin kek

>> No.55509375
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>> No.55509395

I would start being more toxic around Kiara's autism as well

>> No.55509510

I trust Kiara and irys to be idiot savants if they aren't terrible

>> No.55509544

this word has lost all meaning

>> No.55509664

I love my wife, she's so tilted already and we're only 45 mins in

>> No.55509713

She has the patience of a saint.
I'm having flashbacks of children insta-locking charizard, wandering around the map and then standing in spot for 2 minutes before auto-running back to base.
It hurts saplings...

>> No.55509730

I do not envy Fauna's position, having to deal with someone that won't listen can be infuriating

>> No.55509762

Man, I do not like Kiara at all. I'm sorry bros but I can't. She's not even trying to listen.

>> No.55509902
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didn't realize i was missing the original outfit lately

>> No.55509927

My only copium is that it's really late for her and she didn't realize what kind of game this is

>> No.55509958
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>are you using your skills often?
my passive aggressive wife...

>> No.55509984

Your first mistake was thinking this would actually be learning stream in the first place.

>> No.55509990

how long until fauna tells wawa to stop feeding

>> No.55510027

Or expecting streamers to learn anything in general. Lest it is forgotten how long it took Fauna to actually look up a tutorial in Planet Zoo

>> No.55510044

I used to watch her, but every day she was more and more annoying for me.
Nothing against her, but can't watch her anymore

>> No.55510055

I might be on pure copium but after the strip in that overly lewd bikini vid I hope they let her remove her collar too soon...
I can cope, right saplings? Please tell me so. We know Fauna wanted it removed too...

>> No.55510119

Sexy is over, Fauna said so

>> No.55510154

LOL she's so fucking mad
I'm dying dude.

>> No.55510163


>> No.55510198

>we can go to the menu and you can read
>it's pretty important

>> No.55510340

I know about streamer brain. Its a lot different when your streamer friend is actively trying to help you and you keep brushing it off vs retards in chat.

>> No.55510343

Thank god, Fauna and Kiara did this stream. No surprises when the actual tournament happens. Can just turn off my brain and enjoy Fauna sounds.

Yeah, if they were serious, Kiara should stick with only one Pokemon. Instead of learning game mechanics, Kiara has to learn what her Pokemon does every new lobby.

>> No.55510440

oh my god she's so retarded

>> No.55510560

Chicken brain at full throttle today

>> No.55510583 [DELETED] 
File: 484 KB, 995x1588, 1691449731925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very amusing stream

>> No.55510643


>> No.55510677

Cya faggot, thought you were too busy spamming doxx in /ope/ to care about /uuu/ anymore kek
what a mindbroken fuckwit

>> No.55510834

i stared at that image for the whole duration before it got nuked wondering what was invoking these reactions
my attention was probably being drawn to her tits

>> No.55511033

Man, I hate Pokemon with a passion.

>> No.55511167

It's our resident Faunaschizo. I thought he was too distracted being a faggot in /ope/ recently (he outed himself because he always calls me Mexican kek)
At least I've confirmed he's a Nijifaggot and a troon, so he gave me some self doxx to laugh at xer pathetic ass.

>> No.55511331 [DELETED] 
File: 904 KB, 2028x1498, 1691450285130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure who you think you're yelling at but I was being genuine and I've never even been in /ope/, I just thought the image was funny..

>> No.55511375

"I'm bad at shot-calling" she's probably the best equipped EN for doing it, aside from having a quiet voice.
Who else even has MOBA experience? IRyS maybe?

>> No.55511377

i see, i wondered what made you say its the ope doxxer, there and here are where i am most. now that you say that, it doesnt surprise me its just one retard spamming multiple threads

>> No.55511501


>> No.55511544

I appreciate the fauna lewds. Good luck on the next router reset

>> No.55511595

At least share something that haven't been share in the past

>> No.55511766

Ame has played a bit of Heroes of the Storm.

>> No.55511862

Seeing people sharing the Valentine's merch and talking about the letter recently
Sadly had to pass that time, how was Fauna one?

>> No.55512167

They bullied those children

>> No.55512197

I wonder if the game threw a bot match at them

>> No.55512351


>> No.55512357

i don't like kiara.

>> No.55512443

Yeah those were bots, this game has a bot queue

>> No.55512579

faufau never had good honeydew...

>> No.55512629

Fauna judges all of her fruit based on her local walmart's fruit quality and thinks it's representative of the whole country

>> No.55512671

fauna actually looks sweaty as fuck wtf I know she has a dota background but this is very surprising

>> No.55512988

Is it really? DOTA background, grinded her GOI run down to a few minutes, Minecraft speed running, always competitive in every Holo tournament. She's a tryhard.

>> No.55513239

>this is very surprising
>played dota as support

>> No.55513500

Do supports have a certain reputation in Dota?

>> No.55513501


Current broken tier team, mewtwo got nerfed today though.

>> No.55513504

How new?

>> No.55513678

Fauna, sounds like she's losing it a bit

>> No.55513712

Imagine having to survive against hyper fed carries and mids that can 2 tap you in a stun
To survive in that world you've gotta have pretty good gamesense and awareness. All while getting blamed for your carry running in and feeding their fucking ass off thinking they're hot shit 1v5
>t. OG WC3 DOTA player and HoN master

>> No.55513828

you can be patient as a saint but burning with the rage of a million suns on the inside.

carries are the loudest but as a support "suffering in silence" is your mantra (you need to keep the carry alive, have much more map awareness, etc.) and then one day you just fucking snap.

>> No.55513956

i don't like the meta talk

>> No.55513968

>fauna got in on first attempt
this fact makes me happy

>> No.55514054

I think it's pretty nice

>> No.55514068

Was the same for all council?

>> No.55514088

Modern dota is sorta different now, supports can get quite fat and and are expected to have 3 or 4 items so you can't die in 2 seconds unless you 1v5. It's more of a brawl meta than a burst meta nowadays.

>> No.55514115

Schrodinger's Feeder, until you see them quit the game because Mom called them for dinner, you'll never know if they're a bot or a child

>> No.55514195

>fauna sweep

>> No.55514215

no clue, 99% of my attention went to fauna upon council debut. i do know lots got in on their first attempts and its not like its anything shocking or amazing though

>> No.55514333

The penis commands...

>> No.55514390

Damn Fauna's has been playing without sound cues this whole time

>> No.55514398

Confirmed first try for everyone in Myth as well.

>> No.55514806

Oh yeah I still play DOTA2 with the new map/gold changes, I was referring to the dark era that Fauna used to play in

>> No.55514997

Stream tomorrow
Maybe Pokemon Unite

>> No.55515085

not that anon but imo those days were dota's golden since it was still being actively played

believe it or not, the game is far more complex today and you actually have more agency as a support rather than just dying in a clash

>> No.55515108

I think that's a 100% pokemon unite now that Fauna knows she needs to carry the FUCK out of EN after that game

>> No.55515179

Yeah man, I kinda love the new DOTA desu.
>t. Lion that loves being able to get a blink dagger early and carry my shitty FUCKING carry that refuses to engage and just sits in the new jungle until they're 9 slotted

>> No.55515271

i'd say definitely, there's supposed to be an event at 1200 JST

>> No.55515303

What are the teams

>> No.55515349

My bets are all in Kaela.

>> No.55515350
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>> No.55515411

How was the stream?
I hate Kiara voice, so preferred to just skip it this time

>> No.55515631
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had to leave so i have an hour of vod now
anymore cute topics brought up, cats, kouhai?

>> No.55515648

I actually don't hate Kiara's voice after listening to Bae collab with Fauna for so long, I used to despise her for her voice but in comparrison Bae just filters me so fucking bad I'll take anything now for my Faunium fix.
Good stream, RAREST salty passive aggressive kirin carrying an incompetent chicken. Good for some tilted kirin if nothing else.

>> No.55515678
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Fauna malded, but in the end she did manage to tardwrangle Kiara into reading what her skills do out-loud on stream.

>> No.55515743

I won't spoonfeed you.
Your oshi should worth the watch anyways.

>> No.55515882
File: 793 KB, 854x1673, 1691453320403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lick Kirin tummy, man

>> No.55515888

She needs to buy some new pokemon and try. Wigglytuff is dogshit now.

>> No.55515906

Sweaty JP, ID are who fucking knows I don't watch them, and for EN it's wife, wawa, mori, ame, and irys. So...Fauna sweep or fucking dead.
If they at least don't end last I think it'll save Fauna's mental state, so lets hope they beat ID

>> No.55515931

>cats, kouhai
Yes to both.

>> No.55516130

Fauna confirmed that tempus are not her kouhai, sisters will not gonna like this.

>> No.55516213

you know she's going to stick to it. Slap god and all. I would actually think they have a chance if they listened to Fauna as a team leader but seeing Kiara's reaction, that won't happen and it's a lost cause.
I think effort should be made for hololive tournaments or they should just not participate

>> No.55516348

get in line sapling

>> No.55516494
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>> No.55516522

SEA is the moba central so I doubt that

>> No.55516523

She can't carry the team by playing the weakest support. She has to play damage.

>> No.55516847

>Wawa and Mori
It's Faunover bros
JP not only have a bunch of sweat lords, but if you've ever played games in JP queues there's a culture of looking up the meta, following guides etc. to make sure you aren't bringing your team down.
As for ID
I just hope we'll be able to watch a Fauna POV

>> No.55516920

Pokemon unite doesn't look like a support role pusher, and witch doctor is ult is broken for eolo kills.

>> No.55517159

I'm rooting for ID
Heres the teams

>> No.55517392

Based on what I know about Fauna is that she's not going to sweat so hard as to pick something other than wigglytuff. But she'll still try her best given the circumstances. I could be wrong though

>> No.55517560

Yeah she said at the start she knew Wiggly was shit but she ain't changing. You know she wants to get a win slapping.

>> No.55517963

Seems like the thread didn't like Kiara, so I'm guessing the stream wasn't that good?

>> No.55518058

I hope the team balancing was done properly.... At least initially. But JP will win hands down; Fubuki and Pekora are always very competitive and we've seen Nenechi trying hard for Mario Kart so even if their experience is zero.
I'm assuming ID has moba virgins too if there was any balance to be had but if that's not the case, ID could have a fighting chance

>> No.55518076

Fauna should just play rollout build just for the memes and entertainment purpose. Imagine pulling a rollout ambush kill on tourney day.

>> No.55518216

>didn't like Kiara
Not really, she was just not listening to Fauna for the first half hour and that was irritating. Stream got better after she finally listened to Fauna and read her skills.

>> No.55518270

As kiara said... MOBA is SEA

>> No.55518285

because shes runnin a "zoo" for profit, silly

>> No.55518322

Fauna enjoys pokemon unite and is trying to legitimately teach Kiara but Kiara isn't very enthusiastic (to the point of not wanting to read skill descriptions because it doesn't make for good content).
Not sure why Kiara wanted to do this collab and name it a practice stream when it really wasn't

>> No.55518408

what was

>> No.55518552

horse cock

>> No.55518599
File: 30 KB, 328x248, 60383059914196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reset your router another 1000 times and never reply to me again you fucking retard

>> No.55518824


>> No.55519179

I did some scouting of the ID girls. Ollie played 2 years ago when it got popular, has basic mechanics down at least. Reine is grinding and one-trick Zacian (good) and has dumped money into the game. Kaela is one-tricking Zoroark (assassin) and we all know she's going to dump dozens of hours in before the tourney. Kobo is a League child, doesn't seem to be having problems chugging her way through Ultra to Master and plays everything. No idea about Anya.
It's a JP vs ID situation...

>> No.55519227

>Not sure why Kiara wanted to do this collab and name it a practice stream when it really wasn't
I guess that was the problem, Kiara didn't go into this for a practice streamdespite naming it as such, she went into this wanting to collab with Fauna, not actually learn anything. Though I guess they both enjoyed themselves at the end, even if Fauna did seethe about the chickenbrain.

>> No.55519291
File: 174 KB, 480x479, fau_cri5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55519500

wtf rude i just read tits in the spoiler and wanted to see man

>> No.55519929

I don't think you understand what this means. "Previous"; Fauna is being the most affected by E3, or at least in terms of fanbase pulling by Shiori and Bijou. Nerissa I would have expected but Bijou?

>> No.55520084

>Fauna did seethe about the chickenbrain
The screw fell out when she started saying you'd only want to friend people are better than you, why would you want to team with *mumble mumble*. I think the penny dropped and kiara woke up

>> No.55520123

Yeah but what's the source, so I can blacklist the artist.

>> No.55520122

It's frustrating because Fauna seems pretty good and would be a good contender.
Putting in Kiara and Cali in there is a death-sentence in the team-based video game. Not really their strong-suits so not sure why they're in

>> No.55520137

Bijou is the gamer of EN now

>> No.55520293

At least Mori said she's been actively practicing behind the scenes. So we'll see how much that practice actually mattered.

>> No.55520385
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>> No.55520859

>most affected
>it's fucking 21 people and half of them probably faunaschizo
holy kek

>> No.55520965
File: 259 KB, 480x480, fau_cri6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55521001

>15 starting mins idle

>> No.55521268

Yeah this fucker dual posts on cooldown on his troon MLP laptop then responds to himself on his phone 5 seconds later. Then router reset -> airplane mode. Never seen a Faunaschizo thread not be "new IP's".
The Nijitroon is devoted, I'll give xer that.

>> No.55521294
File: 36 KB, 625x626, Fauna bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it sappo, they're a very hungry fish. If it even wiggles slightly they want to bite it.

>> No.55521308

Oh man, if she actually does decently well that reflects her effort made, it would be completely different from when she was playing Rust or Minecraft.
One of the rare times I'd have gained respect for her in a video game (I think the only other time would be JumpKing simply because of the mental fortitude you would need)

>> No.55523727
File: 528 KB, 480x480, abyss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no way to judge time here. I see nothing, I sense nothing, not even the beating of my heart, for in the abyss there is no Fauna. Has it been months? Years?
>A post floats into the void... "It's only been an hour retard"
>I cannot comprehend the message.

>> No.55526455

damn it anon, my fucking sides

>> No.55526680

>all posts in the fauna bread should be green to honour fauna!

>> No.55526955

This gave a good laugh at work, thanks anon

>> No.55527207

Revelance, usernamenull, and ole Rasmussen are cheating whores who keep sc'ing shiori

>> No.55527750


>> No.55527871

anon the sapling novellite venn diagram is damn nearly a circle...

>> No.55528013

NTA but I don't get it. They are not the fucking same. They're not even close to being the same.

>> No.55528077

No idea who any of those are

>> No.55528236

who the fuck are these people
who the fuck are you
why should we care

>> No.55528323

>They are not the fucking same. They're not even close to being the same.
Feel free to keep screaming that into the void anon, wont change reality though

>> No.55528707

Anon, you will be surprised how many regulars in chat also watch or SC other holos

>> No.55529588
File: 247 KB, 1414x2000, 1691461486854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a favorite ASMR
I've been meaning to go through and find the most affectionate one(s) but I just fall asleep

>> No.55529828

most casual people don't even understand Fauna's personality, what do you expect? People see surface level even after watching nearly every Fauna stream. I guess they see Shiori and think "woah fauna wants to dress like that, they're the same!" completely forgetting the fact that the talent is chosen after the holo is designed, and the talent had 0 input on appearance.
I think real saplings gravitate towards bijou because bijou has the same sense of challenging content, but bijou actually likes games for games rather than vehicles to talk

>> No.55529894

Okay schizo

>> No.55530056

[ASMR] KU100 <3 onomatopoeia * ear cleaning * whispers <3 For sl...
is my favorite. At around 17 minutes she starts saying suki suki daisuki and giggles

>> No.55530092

real sapling here, I don't watch shiori or rock girl but I will watch nerissa when Fauna isn't on

>> No.55530167

The mommy energy. Together the three combine to form a single Fauna

>> No.55530223

The gura one isnt the best, but its one of my all time go-tos

>> No.55530955

I don't, I only watch Fauna and SC Fauna

>> No.55530981

>Emo Fauna/Anuaf
>Music taste, both having been emo girls during the same time period
>Saplings and Novelites have a strong interest in a woman who'll dominate them (in different ways)
>Intellectual interests. Fauna's from educational Youtube, Shiori's from /lit/erature
>Both are strong talkers and good at staying engaged with chat
>Similar body types
>Engaging yellow eyes
There's a very clear overlap. That said, Saplings are not monolithic and there's a clear divide between "Would watch Shiori" and "Would never watch Shiori" types. I find it hard to understand the latter.

>> No.55530999

The Yandere Valentines ASMR
Cat girl ASMR
Comfy ASMR For You!
Rest Your Head On My Lap
KU100 onomatopeia
Relax with Ear Cleaning & Oil Massage
Are my favorites. I also love her prerecorded ASMRs and I kinda miss them, though with her being in recording hell for several months I get we haven't gotten a lot of them compared to last year

>> No.55531294

shiori seems like a somewhat annoying but endearing sister. Do you understand better?

>> No.55531973
File: 1013 KB, 936x770, thinking transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have three younger sisters and don't see it, but fair I guess.

>> No.55532238

the most important intersection in the venn diagram:
>both hates pants

>> No.55532445

Bijou also hates pants btw

>> No.55532529

her first halloween one

>> No.55532562

>Saplings and Novelites have a strong interest in a woman who'll dominate them (in different ways)
Who the fuck are you that gets to speak for every sapling or even novelite?
>Both are strong talkers and good at staying engaged with chat
Wow a streamer knows how to talk, definitely points unique to only shiori and fauna
>Similar body types
>Engaging yellow eyes
The fuck is this supposed to even mean? Because they're both anime girls with tits and same colored eyes means they're the same person?
The only 'real' overlap here is music taste apparently but until I see a karaoke setlist from shiori it means nothing

>> No.55532595

The 3D ones of course

>> No.55533286
File: 1007 KB, 936x770, thinking transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god I didn't mean to upload this hack job I did. I'll at least post a better version.
No need to get so heated or defensive. I'm not trying to speak for "all saplings" or "all novelites" was only trying to explain what seems like an overlap to a lot of people /here/. I won't even try to extend this to the outside fanbase.

>> No.55533301

You list very tiny details and gloss over
>Shiori is a fucking retard that's hard to listen to
>all the red flags within a mere week
>already taking a break
You all jump on a shiny new toy, don't come back crying later. She is the most baffling hire we had in EN history, to the point where I consider her to be some kind of troll attempt by management itself. People comparing her to Fauna of all people just stings, please stop doing that.

>> No.55533369

Well now im curious, i still see shio as a sister type, but how do yours act towards you?

>> No.55533398


>> No.55533484

I don't give a shit about Shiori at all, and I don't think she's anything like Fauna from what I watched but
>Red Flag
Stop being a fucking woman

>> No.55533528

I can't do Shiori. She's like pure stream of consciousness blather.
On the other hand, I love the twins and bijou.

>> No.55533612

omg bau bau!

>> No.55533901
File: 143 KB, 513x267, preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a little preview of a planned new player for /uuu/.

>> No.55534120

>pure stream of consciousness blather.
Well put. I was just flipping through a smaller chuubas that had too much dead air, shiori doesn't give me room to breath. Shut up and play the damn game for a second will ya.

>> No.55534362

Painfully normie. "Imouto" to me is an archetype that exists only in anime

>> No.55534497

oops oops

>> No.55535233

I've been playing Pokemon Unite thanks to Fauna and Kiara. I'm so desperate to go into ranked because these normal games feel like I'm playing with bots and/or children. 4 games in and I've been MVP in all of them. I don't like this.

>> No.55535349
File: 12 KB, 220x231, slaplings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you was this and why did you out slap mommy?

>> No.55535394

It gets better, don't worry.

>> No.55535480

Ranked is fun until you reach Masters.

>> No.55535871

Makes me wonder how many u's I'd have to put in my name to find a unique one

>> No.55535922

>Kiara isn't very enthusiastic
Nah, as ex-KFP I can assure you, in that particular stream it was not that Kiara was un-enthusiastic, she is just an autist that legitimately believes that her spending 30 seconds to read what her skills to detrimental to stream and also have history of getting away with brute-forcing games with button-mahsing and/or ignoring key mechanics, so not surprise she tries to do it again.

>> No.55536280

that was botan

>> No.55536500

not that username but I did join plapped her ass

>> No.55539938
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>> No.55539982
File: 598 KB, 2480x3508, 1673721370439236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek saw this too

>> No.55540137

Bijou is alright, but her default voice sounds like she is screaming every line, gets kinda tiring after a while.

>> No.55540167

>jokes on you I won't read

>> No.55545202


>> No.55545263
File: 556 KB, 1448x2048, F2-bFi3bMAATrwQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55546102
File: 506 KB, 2400x800, 1688098896324221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get this

>> No.55546210


>> No.55549048
File: 193 KB, 842x881, 1691435702674126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55549410

pokemon unite is just twisted treeline?

>> No.55550639

Nah Twisted Treeline was fucking retarded for multiple reasons

Also Trevenant is not fucking balanced.

>> No.55550660

>legitimately believes that her spending 30 seconds to read what her skills to detrimental to stream
It was... funny it wasn't in the way she thought it would be.

>> No.55551646
File: 313 KB, 1638x747, mumei dies[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzb7mav.wav].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55552080

Isn't she supposed to be RPG fan? How do you play RPG if you don't read your skills and spells?

>> No.55552666
File: 200 KB, 1596x2060, 1665774849689254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She thought it was not good stream content, which I can kinda see. But I don't think she realized how little time it'd take, and the importance of it.

>> No.55552753

Kaela used to play League competitively for an esports team. Even if she never even touched Pokemon Unite before the tourney, I guarantee you she'd be one of the better players at the tourney. She has the gamer brain.

>> No.55552792

Well yes, if you had to study a build guide for 10 minutes it might be an issue, but 1 minute to get general idea about your skills is just necessary.

>> No.55552897

mobas are hardwired into ID/SEA DNA, even my turbo normie indo gf has played dota growing up. its actually bijouver

>> No.55554092

If true that... explains a lot actually. Two kinds of people grind league to that point. Those that slurp up toxicity like they require it to live or those who have ascended beyond negative emotions.

>> No.55557377
File: 402 KB, 1240x1754, 1670360726929808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm I don't know why this artist is pumping Fauna art so often

>> No.55558919
File: 1.36 MB, 1680x1800, F3AMKCaaQAAVcy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Fauna viewers like this?

>> No.55559507

Because Fauna a cute. Applies to both.

>> No.55559822

with IRyS

>> No.55559912

Finally a solid collab.

>> No.55559968
File: 1.63 MB, 1420x840, 1691494461586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55559978

>Irys is asking in prechat if she has to read the skills.
Kek, you cant make this shit up.

>> No.55560012
File: 108 KB, 982x518, 1667925290386765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's doomed.

>> No.55560085

does that mean no stream at FST tomorrow?

>> No.55560242

She will actually put in some effort in learning. Their fate is still sealed but I'd like to see their struggle against all odds

>> No.55560876
File: 13 KB, 346x339, 1659469427599775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill say it, the kronii/irys five AM timeslot is the worst time in the world

>> No.55560981

>five AM
I mean, everyone not in PST hates this streaming start time, which includes people in EST. So its not just EU.

>> No.55561882

IRyStocrat here. Just feel bad for Fauna need to teach my retard oshi after just teaching another retard yesterday.

>> No.55562085

Fauna knows what she signed up for, team EN is already doomed.

>> No.55562163

Isn't IRyS one of the better gamers? She should pick it up easily. It'll be a fun stream nonetheless.

>> No.55562308

Makes sense why Fauna doesn't want to switch from Wigglytuff, if they are gonna get destroyed anyway she can at least have some fun slapping.

>> No.55562316
File: 787 KB, 2480x3508, 1671817422956970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55562614


>> No.55563474

Irys and Kiara function exactly the same when it comes to games. They brute force it and come out on top. If they poorly it's because they're idiots. If they do well, it's because they're idiot savants. The main difference is Kiara focuses on being her vision of entertaining while Irys is just a pure airhead

>> No.55563625

Irys is precious.

>> No.55563667

What if they kiss..

>> No.55564418


>> No.55564477

Fucking wake up earlier you lazy bitch you literally do nothing except watch anime and read BL

>> No.55564575

Does EN actually have a chance at winning?

>> No.55564835

Absolutely fucking not.

>> No.55564887

>Does EN actually have a chance at winning?
No, most other teams have multiple people who are either really really good at mobas or have enough knowledge about them to be decent. Compared to the EN team where three of the five members have absolutely zero experience with mobas, and the other two have relatively no experience with this game. They quite literally have no chance at winning, and anybody who thinks otherwise is just coping or pretending otherwise so that they have a reason to shitpost.

>> No.55565522
File: 407 KB, 2500x2500, 1691501013567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55565680

Waiting for the anon that always drop the paywalled stuff to do it again with this

>> No.55565755

In semifinals vs bots while ID duking it out with JP? Sure. Vs either ID or JP? Nope, unless either of the above takes pity on bunch of ENtards it's going to be bloodbath. Basically everyone on ID and JP played game before, and some did it a lot and very sweaty, in meanwhile we have Irys/Kiara/Mori on EN who basically just picked up game for a first time for this tournament.

>> No.55566240

Ooo an IRyS collab

>> No.55566301

Should Fauna switch mons to boost EN?

>> No.55566711

No, you should stick with what you know - slaps. EN is going to lose anyways with how tryhard the competition is, so best to just enjoy it

>> No.55567975

she put up the frame for the tournament, gonna be at FST+5

>> No.55568026

Watching the collab right now, it really feels like Fauna is the only adult in the room with a 7 years old Kiara...

>> No.55568442

I was really banking on a solo stream today... I want an actual solo Pokemon Unite stream after all this time but I guess it's just not going to happen.

>> No.55568549

Nah, watching the JP and ID streams, EN has absolutely no chance to win.

>> No.55568724

I don't think Fauna can stream from her Switch right now, that's why is helps that she can just join someone else.

>> No.55568844

Same. I really wanted to see unfiltered sweaty kirin.

>> No.55569044

Can you spot the moment when fauna has an existential crisis about how futile her efforts are?

>> No.55569250

When Fauna was crying to heavens to get Kiara to fucking read, and instead Kiara joined another game.

>> No.55570905

I'm glad we'll be able to watch from Fauna's perspective. Being able to listen to her mouth sounds and watch her try to keep the squad together will be a nice consolation prize.
Anyway, you guys think there's any chance ID can take it from JP? JP has really strong players but they'll almost certainly follow meta. ID having a bunch of experience in other MOBAs might give them an unpredictable edge.

>> No.55571274

If Fauna picks a ADC and manages to snipe fug at the final stretch... MAYBE...

>> No.55571826

100% expect ID to win and JP to be in second. JP is meta tryhard, but ID has Kaela who is tryhard without effort. If she puts in the effort, she floors the competition even if she's handicapped

>> No.55572503

I mean I wouldn't say fauna has no relative experience with the game.

But it's definitely not enough to hyper carry all of EN like say kaela on an attack-mon could (understand she's handicapped to play support)

>> No.55573729

The only hope is that Irys will be a good girl that does her homework and listens to mama Fauna.

>> No.55574005

IRyS will look up meta guides and videos but some experience would be best and she's only just starting now, so it's not looking so good. I don't know Ame and Mori's experience levels

>> No.55574731

>FaunRyS collab
>no RE
well, at least its something

>> No.55574942

This really really fucking sucks because chances are we won't have a solo stream this week if this keeps up. Today is the FaunRyS collab, tomorrow morning will be the fucking CTW watchalong which is so late she won't be able to make it for FST, then it's the fucking Tourney that night.

It's so frustrating.

>> No.55575011

Forgot to add that there's the minecraft shit too where she'll probably be involved in the practice stream into the actual minecraft competition. Like what the fuck man

>> No.55575187

No, that wasn't the moment, give me an a couple of hours and I'll send a time stamp

>> No.55575619

What's so bad about collabs. They don't happen that often, and Fauna usually just keeps to herself most of the time. It's fun to see her interact with the other girls, especially the fun/funny ones like IRyS or Gura. Even Kroni collabs can be okay if Kroni doesn't get too carried away with the 'bored' sarcasm she sometimes forces too much. I don't mind asmr, hitman, or getting over it, but it's nice to switch it up every once in a while.

Now if it were only collabs with anti-fun party poopers like Bae and Ina, then maybe it would be a problem and feel too awkward. But even those are okay if done sparingly enough with an interesting theme or activity or better yet with more holos.

I'm still waiting for HoloRUST season 2.

>> No.55575692

connect the world watchalong...?

>> No.55575700
File: 167 KB, 500x500, YjoUYtKuEceJ_9EPxbyZwA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an update, I spent $10 to get Pokemon quickly to jump into ranked instead of waiting. I am now expert level as I have not lost a single game yet. Even when I'm close to losing I'm having Fun. What the fuck. I don't understand why I wanted to get into it now and not when Fauna first played...

>> No.55575777

Because I want solo streams sprinkled in between, not non fucking stop collabs. I don't care about the other girls nearly enough to want to see them every day, I just want Fauna. I can tolerate and enjoy collabs up to a point, but I'd rather get solo streams.

The one on Bae's schedule is a Council+Mori off collab.

>> No.55575831

>The one on Bae's schedule is a Council+Mori off collab.
Where did you get this from?

>> No.55575836

Also these collabs have been even fucking worse BECAUSE FAUNA DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING POV. I want to see what Fauna is doing, not what someone who doesn't know what they fuck they're doing

>> No.55575930

Was there ever a Fauna - Ina collab without it being a bigger group? Honest have no clue now given how much of a shut-in Ina is.

>> No.55576103


>> No.55576129
File: 1.19 MB, 1374x1072, 1686294342849359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to off-collab with Fauna...

>> No.55576135
File: 119 KB, 624x371, 1668201960646297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Council+Mori off collab
I thought it was just rat collab

>> No.55576498

>Council sidekicks organizing something without Myth help

>> No.55576502
File: 200 KB, 1338x2047, 1660067643961989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55576594
File: 297 KB, 1414x2000, FuKXEQAagAATERi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kirin love

>> No.55576665


>> No.55576816

So close to quads, but anyways at least it's up in the air. I'm not prepared to watch CTW with Fauna and she hasn't mentioned it whatsoever. Even when asked by Kiara she just said that she'd be playing Unite today (with Irys)

>> No.55576916

She didn't say with IRyS. Also
>Fauna invited to an off collab
>Not taking it

>> No.55577049

It's ok to be retarded sometimes anon. Parenthesis in this context mean that she didn't say it, but that's what reality is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEhXe6y9QpI

>> No.55577180
File: 144 KB, 430x369, 1691513597061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to the possibility of a Fauna x Mori ASMR collab being kicked out from under me once again

>> No.55577296

My point is that literally nothing she says is ever set in stone from her saying she'd play Pokemon Unite and then switched to Planet Zoo because of the capture card and then again saying "tomorrow I'll stream maybe Pokemon unite. Do some grinding." meaning NOT a collab. Literally nothing is set in stone with her. Which is another kind of frustrating

>> No.55577446

Calm down anon, we had tons of solo stuff last week, including members, it's just an eventful week now.
Also, migrate? Kinda rare to hit a bump limit lately...

>> No.55577776
File: 529 KB, 3500x3500, Fu57fUhaEAE_-Q6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55577857


>> No.55577874

the only one that annoys me is the CtW since I need a specific set up for watchalongs and I won't even be able to enjoy the VoD because of that and it'll be at a time I can't watch it live, I can at least catch the VoDs of everything else.
