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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55444927 No.55444927 [Reply] [Original]

Idol CEO keeps proving he's OMEGA BASED, Male beggars and other scum btfo, he even has the tranny protection with this "males can audition for female talents" but everyone know they won't make it past email step

>> No.55445352

>still allow male collabs

>> No.55445457

Buy an ad.

>> No.55445497

So? Only 2 of the girls do it and they made it clear they will collab with males like first week in, other girls expressed their no males agenda

>> No.55445546
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>> No.55445752

Uhh juna definitely did not do that, a week before her first male collab, she was crushing watermelons between her thighs as a donathon goal

>> No.55445821

I think it's pure business decision.
For some reason, the demand of male Vtuber dropped a lot in this year, so in business angle there is no point to hire male Vtuber(even if you don't allow them to collab your male talent).

>> No.55445870

You should know better than trust a Korean when it comes to male collabs

>> No.55445887

Finally a clear statement.

>> No.55445917

*female talent

>> No.55446033

Fuck off, you literal jew. I will never give a shekel to you or your golems.

>> No.55446068

Almost all of the girls have sworn them off like this https://files.catbox.moe/w1e1ls.mp4
The problem with just expecting the company to ban it is that it’s pretty fucking unlikely they’ll go all the way with it which leaves you open to loopholes, production kawaii for instances only bans *one on one male collabs*, but so long as one of the kawaii girls invited a friend, they can do as many male collabs as they please

>> No.55446074

This guy is a jew who is trying to weasel his way into a successful hobby. Many such cases. Don't fall for this shit. He's gonna hire trannies.

>> No.55446221

Why if you can hire a deepvoiced female instead

>> No.55446235

>for some reason
Oh gee, I wonder why. It’s almost as if they were just a fad in the first place and the supply will always surpass the demand because there are way more male vtuber fans (male fans who are fans of women) who want to become vtubers then there are fans of male vtubers

>> No.55446268

I still think there's an available niche for male talent, but only if a company builds its brand around being a male-only corp. Adding males to an existing female corp will damage the image too much to be worth it.

>> No.55446341

Because he's a jew. His role is to subvert, pervert, corrupt, and destroy. It's not some meme, they have done this to everything throughout history. Very clear pattern.

>> No.55446388

Buy an ad, jewcorp shill.

>> No.55446445 [DELETED] 

Kikes belong in the gas chamber

>> No.55446529

basically this, you'd need to basically get either a luxiem-wannabe (only that maintains its success) or like a vtuber game grumps going or something to have a shot at making it work on its own without having to try to force its way by leeching and stairstepping the girls that fans are actually-there to watch.

>> No.55446748

Luxiem fell off because they stopped pandering, focused on games and entertained their females coworkers when they shouldn't have interacted at all

>> No.55446821

I hope Cover will disband Holostars or sell them to other corpo eventually. They are just making stains on the reputation of the Hololive brand.

>> No.55446952

Yagoo love the homo. He won't sell them, lol.

>> No.55447013

The main demographic for male vtubers went back to kpop

>> No.55447251

>For some reason, the demand of male Vtuber dropped a lot in this year
teenage girls are fickle, you either appeal to the 30+ year old chinese office ladies or you mind as well quit as a male vtuber

>> No.55447420

Yeah prism and kawaii said that too at one point

>> No.55448076

>appeal to the 30+ year old chinese office ladies
wait but i love hags maybe i should be a vtuber

>> No.55448134

and watch them immediately turn on you the moment you do something that remotely angers them.

>> No.55448200

Imagine reposting old shit

>> No.55448236
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>> No.55448395

it's 2 hours old

>> No.55448424

but he's brown

>> No.55448439
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I like idol but holy shit dude you couldn't have worded this worse, please take omega out of your vocabulary and start using twitter dark mode while you're at it

>> No.55448474

Rin Penrose collabs with the homos weekly

>> No.55448480

Yeah they have to type this shit because trannies will go mad otherwise, everyone knows they won't actually debut them

>> No.55448526

I don't care, still a kike company

>> No.55448540

What could go wrong

>> No.55448863

That's never going to happen. There are essentially no standards for males, it's just too easy to shit out male gen after male gen and see what sticks. Female gens are difficult, the audience wants pure girls but good luck finding them in the sea of degeneracy that the EN indie vtuber scene is.

>> No.55448869

>start using twitter dark

>> No.55450047

They still hire trannies like Rin so I don't care lmao

>> No.55450435

hey man you can't just call british people that

>> No.55450503
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>> No.55450652

>No male characters
Someone tell the prince she has been outted.

>> No.55450675
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I fucking hope so, anon. Just look at these numbers, a 3D live stream with all the HomostarsJP members in it only got sub 4k CCV and ¥0 SC, while a game collab with just 4 members of hololiveJP managed to get 100k CCV. I hope there are shareholders who are willing to address this issue and can force Fagoo to disband this worthless branch.

>> No.55451409

She calls herself a girl all the time tho

>> No.55451514

Rin has been an advocate for males in the corpo since a long time and this pretty much confirms that as CEO he is deadset on his position against males despite her biggest talent begging for it to happen

>> No.55451569

I hope so too. Things have been moving in the right direction lately.

>> No.55451614

I will never watch the jews.

>> No.55451787

>biggest talent
The biggest in subs and ccv doesn't necessarily translate to the most profitable. I can imagine that some of the gen 2 girls will soon become more significant in this regard.

>> No.55451852

This so much. There is no male-only vtuber corpo but there's tons of female only ones. A company could snag a huge opportunity and niche if they specialize in being male-only.

>> No.55451923

So just like male unicorns and brotuber fags?

>> No.55452104

Rin begged for her brother to be in too i think she's just acting silly

>> No.55452201


>> No.55452252

Genuinely curious where does this hate for jews comes from, I never understood it so if you could explain it to me that would be great. Maybe it's a meme and now I look like a complete retard for asking

>> No.55452327

Why can't more girls be like her?

>> No.55452541

If you had a tenant that was kicked out of 109 apartments would you blame the landlords?

>> No.55452676

Western unicorns tend to be tamer than fujo / yumejo, so no

>> No.55452777

Subversive. Greedy. Killed Jesus.

>> No.55453674
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I actually primarily watch male chuubas, but fuck these normalfags on twitter and streams trying to push every company having to have a split male branch.

If some corpos want to have a CGDC appeal, then why try to force something their fanbase obviously doesn't want?

>> No.55454257

>babiniku don't exist
Ha. Ha. Ha.
>muh trannies!

>> No.55454347

Not really pol, there's a huge trans vtuber community and they actually audition for females

>> No.55454614


>> No.55455666

Why even become a male vtuber at this point?
>Far smaller potential audience
>A huge chunk of the ecosystem actively hates you and will harass you just for existing
>Most female vtubers will either ignore you or outright disavow your existence
>The girls that do interact with you take a hit to their viewership and get harrassed for it
>The primary audience that would watch male streamers is just watching male fleshtubers instead
Being a male vtuber is such a massive debuff that it rubs off on anyone you come in contact with. If you want to be a streamer, why not just be a fleshtuber instead and save yourself the headache? At least you won't be stepping into an ecosystem where more people will hate you right from the get-go than you'll ever have as fans.

I know it sounds like I'm falseflagging or saying this shit in bad faith just to keep anons from doing it, but unironically I see no upsides at all.

>> No.55455712

are you actually asking people to explain 3000 years of history to you on the 4chan board for vtubers? do you have brain damage?

>> No.55455986

>Luxiem tricked multiple corpos to think that there is some secret market for male vtubers
>The Jew doesn't fall for it

>> No.55455991
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You'll have to look up books on the templar crusades to find an answer anon.
Idol corp from the beginning was accused of running a shill campaign on /vt/ by alot of anons. Post-EN debut is a mix of anger over the fast growth of girls like Rin, GFE bashing, and as of recent heat from /pcg/ over certain members in the newest gen

>> No.55456118

>>Far smaller potential audience
That's only because Luxiem took away most of the female audience along with that Kazuha whatver the fuck his name is for Nijisanji. There is only enough room for a handful of male vtubers to get any success in this industry. Granted there are a few JPs that are doing decently.

>> No.55456143
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Cool go there and stay there. You got paradise already set up. Shoo.

>> No.55456170 [DELETED] 

>Fuyo gets caught with a bf before the debut
>It's cool, at least she won't collab with males

>> No.55456241

Test+buy an ad

>> No.55456508

>can apply
Does not mean
>will be accepted
Guarantee they throw your audition in the trash if they hear a tranny voice or text to speech.

>> No.55456664

Do you have any idea how many of HoloENs biggest GFE girls would be anti'd if people actually thought like this

>> No.55456717

>Far smaller potential audience
as long as you can make a liveable income does it matter?
>A huge chunk of the ecosystem actively hates you and will harass you just for existing
i feel like it'd be fairly easy to dismiss that hate as impotent jealous whining from people who don't matter to you
>Most female vtubers will either ignore you or outright disavow your existence
only a problem if you're actually the sex pest /vt/ thinks you are
>The girls that do interact with you take a hit to their viewership and get harrassed for it
just don't then, there is nothing to gain from crossgender collabs anyway
>The primary audience that would watch male streamers is just watching male fleshtubers instead
you might have a point there, though male vtubers gain in fujos some of what they lose in bros (which is probably still not a worthwhile tradeoff even if the numbers were equal but whatever)

>> No.55457286

I know this goes against /vt/'s philosophy on vtubing, but I can see a niche in maletubers just doing the same things that fleshtubers/streamers do but with a unique model based around what their niche is. Doesn't have to be purely anime and traditional vtubing focused.

I know this already exists in the form of PNGtubers like LSMark, but none of them do anything outside of video essays or letsplays

>> No.55457367

>>Far smaller potential audience
yet the most popular streamers are all male
>>A huge chunk of the ecosystem actively hates you and will harass you just for existing
you mean they are going to make 4chan threads?
>>Most female vtubers will either ignore you or outright disavow your existence
>>The girls that do interact with you take a hit to their viewership and get harrassed for it
no, look at twitch vtubers
>>The primary audience that would watch male streamers is just watching male fleshtubers instead
partially true, people dont watch streams, they just put them as background noise.

you need to get out of your hololive bubble

>> No.55457536

what's her name?

>> No.55457560

I didn't think this was true until you check the description of every single vtweeter or go search on twich by lowest viewers, never fails

>> No.55457770

You could say the same for the vast number of 2view indie girls, they could have tried to be succesful as fleshtuber without wasting money on a vtuber model and rig. They do it just because they want to, like a big number of internet dwellers who just start doing stuff cuz they want to do it, most will fail, but if they want to jump into the acid pool that is male vtubbing. well go ahead, for every succesful person on the internet there are thousands of dead channels who never took off, it has always been like this.

>> No.55457791
File: 2.98 MB, 1022x574, ROCA HIPS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roca Rourin of idol's newish ENdless gen, cute Indo-Dutch vsinger rock!

>> No.55457898

The funny thing is that stream is a silent mario party stream. Over 100k people watched these girls not talk.

>> No.55458735

I like your ghost girl

>> No.55460111

Oh no no no no no

>> No.55460581

Most people on this board are SEA aka Muslims.

>> No.55460788
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remember, this rat have said the same thing.
no males, only girls in her corpo

>> No.55460792

>Over 100k people watched these girls not talk.
kek, girls get more viewers when they are quiet

>> No.55461049

Doesn't it empower those creatures when you play by their rules or pretend to do so?

>> No.55462678

Watch a tranny or a retarded sjw vshitter instead

>> No.55462805

pretty sure fishman also said this, it's not something particularly unique

>> No.55462809


>have to carefully to the line between appearing like some S&M loving alpha bVLL and a sweet charasmatic prince
>also have to know about the unique aspect of asian culture (daoism, trickers, ritual, laotse)

>> No.55463406

Coni also phrased it pretty clearly

>> No.55463456

B-but by popular demand!

>> No.55463661

They literally collab with tempoop more than the Holosluts do lmao

>> No.55464771

Not hiring men =/= Not bringing male guests into your hen's nest

>> No.55464906

He is still retarded for opening audition for a fucking spic branch tho

>> No.55465295

Based, I can respect the jews alittle I guess
Not really surprised that 2 former CL girls would want to avoid anything that could lead to controversy

>> No.55465353

>two threads


>> No.55466826

I offer
>my undying devotion
I request
>to not betray my trust
Yet most westawhores wanna play whack-a-incel

>> No.55466980

>then why try to force something their fanbase obviously doesn't want?
Because fuck incels, that's why. That's their only motivation.

>> No.55467063

>as if female vtubers weren't also a fad.

>> No.55467280

Sakana and jewman just haven’t come up with a way to market males.
Need to wait for a new ‘thing’ that males can do just like what Luxiem did for male vtubers. Except hopefully the next ‘thing’ is content that doesn’t just utterly gross out straight male viewers.

>> No.55467394

>haven’t come up with a way to market males
No need to reinvent the wheel. It's called flesh streamers. Cute anime avatars are for girls.

>> No.55467527

the mythical "marketable male vtuber" needs to achieve the impossible by tapping into both the femcel bfe audience and its polar opposite, the brotuber audience, since neither on their own can consistently match the simple appeal of cute girls

>> No.55467547

there's no inherent reason vtubers can't deliver the same kinds of streams as fleshstreamers, though.

>> No.55467644

Plave is doing just fine being the first and only Virtual k-pop group so far. i wonder why other companies aren't doing Vdancers? that's one uncharted territory that i can see having much potential.

>> No.55467646

if you don't want to be called out on your retarded opinions, maybe you shouldn't express such retarded opinions.

>> No.55467857

Male football players can perform equally well when wearing makeup and yet most of them don't wear makeup.

>> No.55468402

>Why even become a male vtuber at this point?
It’s simple. I want to be anime. It’s not anymore complicated than that. I don’t want to sing, I don’t want to dance, I don’t want to sell a voice packs, I just want to be my ideal self which is a cool anime guy playing video games. I blame Hololive being the market leader making it seem like this shit has to be all cgcdt and idol shit all the time and can’t be an extension of shounen or something.

>> No.55468434

that's korea doing korea things though. does the west have any entertainment industry that's both as massive as kpop is in korea as well as potentially open to being virtualised? western pop music made virtual has been attempted by YFU / Lola Loading but it really didn't seem to catch on (although she didn't have a major corporate backing so it's not a definitive impossibility). i think of the most popular western media and all of it's distinctly live action with the exception of a few animated works like arcane or spiderverse. would a vtuber made in those kind of animation styles be appealing to western audiences?
another possibility is appealing to all the black guys who like anime by producing VRappers, sort of like a virtual wu-tang clan with a dash of gorillaz, but i know /vt/ wouldn't care about that
also my gut reaction to the term "vdancer" is "wouldn't they rather just be an actual dancer"

>> No.55468515

>extension of shounen
you must be 18 to post on this board

>> No.55468592

>I just want to be my ideal self which is a cool anime guy playing video games
There's something horribly wrong with you

>> No.55468631

>an extension of shounen or something
there better be an incredibly hype training arc of you climbing the ladder in a competitive game and regularly giving passionate inspiring speeches along the way otherwise you playing video games is gonna be nothing like shounen
funnily enough league streamer dantes is known for doing pretty much what i just described, just without a vtuber model, so it's certainly possible

>> No.55468875

Fujos are a known major demographic in the entertainment industry in general (anime adjacent at least). It's not just a matter of demographics. I think male vtubers in the west dropped the ball so hard, the women simply packed their bags and left. Both Tempus and NijiEN have been a clusterfuck after all.

>> No.55468998

>or sell them
You'd have to pay someone to take holostars. Even the name itself is seen as a debuff.

>> No.55469076

I’m 37
dantes in one of my inspirations, yeah. My plan is to be like a mix of him, Vinesauce Joel and Zach from Oneyplays/smiling friends. Wish me luck.

>> No.55469124


>> No.55469158

maybe they don't want their faces to be public, I dunno.

>> No.55469207
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There are still corpos jumping on the vtubing bandwagon without researching the market.

>> No.55469383

Be a shounen hero all you want. Good luck with that. Just don't come barging into K-On.

>> No.55469400

That is pretty much why a lot of people became a vtuber before the hololive explosion.
Unfortunately, the mainstream audience despises anime avatars or can only see Live2D shit as a "gimmick" rather than an alternative to faceless streamers.

>> No.55470229

>For some reason, the demand of male Vtuber dropped a lot in this year
just look at vt, they get mad when they see a male in real life. they will even harass the vtuber for collabing with a male

>> No.55470276

>Fujos are a known major demographic in the entertainment industry in general

>> No.55470348

>They have to pander to troons so that they dont get uppity
>Based CEO
Pick one.

>> No.55470486

Luxiem already declined so much. Kazuha is a special breed who can get fujos with Chronoir but is also an actual brotuber (unlike Holostars) like the other dudes in the JP FPS streamer clique.

>> No.55470514

Luxiem dropped the ball. Female fans and male fans are the same in that they can keep being burned but eventually they can't take it and will just leave.

>> No.55470552

>the women simply packed their bags and left
Because it was a fad.

>> No.55470614

buy an ad

>> No.55470851

Male VTubers should exclusively collab with other male VTubers and just act Hella gay. Women love yaoi shit?!! Bonus points if you got the yaoi hands as well...

Or be a trap

>> No.55471162
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>> No.55472015

I should be studying my system's programming class but okay.

Historically, Jews and "the west" however you wish to define that have had an interesting and tense relationship. I think it begins with the Roman conquest of Palestine where the Romans practiced religious syncretism. This worked for basically every group they came into contact with because everybody was polythiest and generally gods were interchangeably
>Oh your god of the sea is Poseidon? Sweet, we call ours Neptune
They all felt they beleived in the same gods, just called them different things and had different ways of praying to them. The Romans built temples in foreign lands and put their gods next to foreign gods, there was no issue. Jews however, were the fucking weirdos of antiquity because they were strictly monothiest. There is one god and all others are fake. So when the Romans tried to syncretise with the Jews by placing their gods inside Jewish temples, the Jews rejected them outright. The Romans more or less allowed it because Judaism was seen as absurdly ancient and the Romans respected the fact that they were honouring their ancestral traditions, so just taxed the jews for the priviledge of being allowed more religious autonomy. The Jews, didn't like the tax and so rebelled constantly. The big ones being the First and Second Jewish rebellions. The Second Jewish rebellion in the 2nd century AD led to the Jewish diaspora because Emperor Hadrian was so fed up with their fucking shit after they genocided all the Romans in Palestine during the 2nd rebellion that he basically genocided over half the Jewish population in existence and said that if they didn't leave Palestine, he'd kill the rest of them. So the Jews spread across the middle east, africa and Europe.

>> No.55472275

Rewinding a little a bit, we find Jesus. A lot of historical animosity towards the Jews was because Christians believe it was the Jews (in this context, we are talking about the Pharisee who were basically the Jewish authority) who falsely accused and killed Jesus.

Fast forward to the Islamic conquests. The Muslims conquered and converted about two thirds of the Christain world which contained many of the Jewish diaspora. Spreading as far as the middle east, to Portugal and Southern France. The Muslims were slightly more tolerant of the Jews than Christians were and so the Jews preferred living under Islamic rule and thus, when Christians and Muslims fought, Jews living in Christian cities, were reported to have colluded with the Muslims and sabotaged the cities defences. Jews were also known to be more generous with donations towards Islamic rulers.

Jews during the medieval and modern early period were also heavily restricted from public life in Christendom. Basically Jews really had two career options for social advancement. One was to become a scholar or advisor to a wealthy patron (which is where the modern cultural idea of Jews placing heavy emphasis on education comes from) and the other was to become a banker. At this time, Christians were forbidden from usury (lending money with interest) but Jews weren't. So Jews disproportionately filled in the ranks of bankers and moneylenders, which I don't think I need to explain why that's not popular. Christian kings liked having Jewish bankers because generally across Europe, Jews were considered the legal property of the monarch, therefore whenever the king wanted, he could legally sieze all of the assets held in these Jewish banks. On the otherhand, it also made Jewish courtiers extremely powerful since they were bankrolling the king's armies.

So this sort of sets the stage for our modern period.

>> No.55472719

In our modern age, we find many Jews in banking and academia. This puts Jews in general, in interesting and powerful positions and as our societies have grown more egalitarian, Jews have begun to hold more positions of power outside these traditional industries. For example, ethnic Jews make up 2% of the US population but 6% of all positions in Congress.

One thing that people heavily dislike about Jews is their control and media influence. Since Jews were historically bankers, they were also interested in investment. Media creation is one of the most capital heavy industries in the world but it can also produce insane returns. So Jews were in a very prime position to fund, create and buy out media companies. It's why the idea that Hollywood is owned by Jews is so common, because it more or less is. Jewish banking has also led to Jews to have disproportionate numbers in positions like CEOs of large companies and holding influential academic positions since they can buy out companies and they are large donors to academic institutions.

I've spoken a lot about the banking side of jews but little of the academic side. Jewish influence in academia is almost always left wing because the left wing tends to favour more egalitarian policies which serve to benefit minorities much more than right wing policies. Jews, being a minority, prefer the left wing. So Jews are very prominent in the promotion of left wing policies and Jews, historically, have been involved in the higher echelons of left-wing acitivty like communist uprisings in Europe.

>> No.55473059

What's the point when the girls still go outside the company for male collabs lol?

>> No.55473239

So why do people dislike Jews in the modern day?

It comes down to a few reasons
>Jews tend to very left-wing, which upsets the right-wing
>Jews tend to be very wealthy, which upsets the poor
>Jews tend to be very influential despite being a minority, which upsets the majority

But I think the most important reason is that people view Jews as untrustworthy backstabbers which goes all the way back to the Muslim collusion of the medieval period. Jews have a reputation for being hypocritical, accusing others of things they do themselves. Jews have a reputation for being very quick to smear and censor others for anti-semetism when mentioning things like Jewish disproportionate influence in things like government, academia, media and business but Jews also tout left-wing ideas of equality which in the modern day equates to "White people have to much influence in government, academia, media and business". Which just feels like an excuse to eliminate opponents from powerful positions to be filled with more jews. You'll notice that Jews tend to advocate for high levels of immigration, particularly from poorer nations and open-borders campaigns tend to be headed by Jews. However, it is now considered anti-semetic by the ADL (I'm not going to go into the history of the ADL but it's interesting) to say "Open borders for Israel" because they believe that opening the borders of Israel to it's neighbours would dilute and ultimately annihilate Israeli and Jewish culture because of the sheer demographic shift. Which is exactly was people are scared of when they oppose open border campaigns.

Jews are a minority and when they are in homogenous countries, they stick out like a sore thumb which results in their persection because they generally refuse to integrate culturally (go all the way back to the Roman religious syncretism). So it's theorised that Jews prefer to create an environment full of minorities and diversity as to conceal and provide protection and ultiamtely preservation for themselves and their communities but are very quick to criticse and label people as racist Nazis when European people want to do the same.

>Fuck jews.

>> No.55473516

thank you for the history lessons anons, i was also wondering all this

>> No.55473675

It's not trannys, but country discrimination laws.

>> No.55473690

I watch male streamers/content creators who don't show their face already. There's no need to shell out money or apply to a corpo to get a gay little anime boy avatar. Market for vtubers wants cute girls, that's all.

>> No.55473831

Still allow flirt streams with males, but not before doing at least one donothon to farm the viewers.

Open about accept Trannies

>> No.55474083

lmao that's funny considering the homos and nijis tried to get attention in her chat

>> No.55474244
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>> No.55474656

Why are sex pests like this?

>> No.55474732

Twas the case for all of Origin, but I am pretty sure it's company policy. It's just the Rin and the korean that need the cock and forced the male collab agenda outside of the rest of the company.

>> No.55474955

I've never liked a male vtubers avatar. They're always either oddly androgenous femboy (shxtou), uncanny valley la cretura (Vox) or overdesigned mess (Shu). The only one I don't mind looking at is Kazuha who doesn't fit any of those categories and is the closest to normal.

>> No.55475088

Doesn't matter, the company allows it, they can suddenly drop male collabs on you out of nowhere(already happened), jew man doesn't wrangle shit.

>> No.55475105
File: 560 KB, 726x795, 1689465596573032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume she read my strongly worded maro that the niji males are only bad news, there is nothing to be gained in interacting with them.
Juna and Rin is taking all the dicks as I am sure niji/homo is forcing them to do, so the others are allowed to collab with the girls.
She was all excited to hear a niji was in chat, until she saw it was the wigger/faggot.

>> No.55475386

>No males
>So you're going to watch our girls righ--

>> No.55475390

Kawaii has the strictest rule and they only have 1 girl who male collabs, (in groups only) it's not some impossible thing, Kawaii is more "Idol", than Idol, who had 1 on 1 flirty male collabs, LOL, the girls can do whatever they want and will cuck you if they have the chance, they are also close to homo stars, even closer than the holoEN girls.

>> No.55475457

Why are they then mostly 2views though?

>> No.55475752

Not enough shiling, most people don't know about them, Idol has adds rolling non stop all over, this is what gives them their higher numbers.
Kawaii girls are super high quality, I say equal to holoEN, they just aren't viral.

>> No.55475783

something tells me you might just not be the target audience bro

>> No.55475819

I just want to understand the appeal but I don't.

>> No.55475886

Dude you are early.

You got vtubing right, you are supposed to ROLEPLAY some anime/LARGER THAN LIFE character archetype in your own way.
But a anime dude who... chat and play videogames, even competitively, is just pointless as is no different than going flesh, is not larger than life in any way, shape or form.

Male vtubing will one day explode, and be WAY BIGGER than the girls, but must be action/adventure stuff in vr with AI scenario or something like that.
A actual "goku" doing actual "goku" stuff, not videogames, a anime in real time.

>> No.55475903
File: 2 KB, 224x203, coolkris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you think anon. You're cool. Being/wanting to be an anime guy sounds pretty cool.

>> No.55476089

NTA but I think so too. (although I think the girls will have mostly equal popularity)

>> No.55476181

Nothing wrong with escapism, but at that point it only makes sense to be indie and not a streamer.
Be a normal dude that just happens to have an online anime/vtuber persona with no wish for a wide audience and you can't lose.

>> No.55476207

>using vr motion tracking to create vtuber fight scenes between martial-arts-trained talents
>like shonen anime but live
>like wwe but way over the top
one day maybe, once technology is ready for it

>> No.55476290

>Male vtubing will one day explode, and be WAY BIGGER than the girls
let girls have a niche that they can be brilliant at, instead of all spaces being male dominated you filthy motherfuckers

>> No.55476644

Maybe girls should offer more than just being fuckable?

>> No.55477551

Cool it with the... uh... huh?

>> No.55477830

Which company doesn't?
Nene's bullying-based clique isn't anything to brag about.

>> No.55478217

I respect your way of thinking because, to be honest, a year ago i thought the same thing. Here's the issue I found: You must really only do it for yourself, because 98% of the vtuber audience isn't people interested in anything that this speaks to. Vtuber audience (male) are mostly either coomers (Vshojo, whore indies) or parasocial fans (any corpo), who both won't care about males. And as for the female fans, they don't care about hype shit, they just want their comfy comfy totally-not-boyfriend-experience with a good amount of faggotory to make them wet.
Keep in mind this could of course always change with time, but it's really just a gamble. Vtubing could be always a filter to more normie viewers who just want to watch a dude be entertaining/hype. Being an anime guy could be always a cockblock to them, there is no guarantee shounen fans will be converted in the near future (because right now most of them are not)
I wish you good luck man, for following what i gave up about, but be aware that this could end with you having eternally even 1view territory. Of course, if you don't care, then that's fine.

>> No.55478482

Actually you can. Just look at dream or corpse husband. So many ways... You are just making excuses now.

>> No.55478929

I think the problem lies in the model and the required kayfabe for that model. The dichotomy between male and females when it comes to preference for male appearance and action is huge. For female vtubers, everybody likes their model, mainly because men like pretty women and most women are kinda faggots for each other. Whereas male models, men don't want to sit and watch the same things women want to watch like some uwu-soft-boi or some romance novel inspired psuedo-abuser. Then you have the additional problem, if I am a man, and I have the choice of watching two equally entertaining anime characters, I'm going to pick the one with bouncy tits every time. Also female autism is a lot more social acceptable than male autism and you need to be autistic to a degree to be a vtuber.

Men are completely fucked in the industry.

>> No.55482143


>> No.55485965

I still don't understand why Prism decided to debut males, they've should've had the same view on things as idolcorp

>> No.55486491

Poor frog. She deserves better.

>> No.55486705

Only Rin and Juna who were never gfe and made it clear from the start that they would do it. Every company is going to have male collabs at some point, and yes "professional" collabs count as well.

>> No.55487729

Asides from vtfags who cares about an agency having a male branch? Outside of/here/ you can only find people being supportive all the time, I hope they know the type of people they're luring with statements like this

>> No.55487888

niji's males are tanking, and holostars never even took off. you'd have to be completely retarded, or have enough money where them flopping doesn't matter, to hire male vtubers. there is no market for them in the west.

>> No.55487937

Homobeggar detected and BTFO

>> No.55487960

Waiting for people to them to start crying that their chat is completely overfilled sith horny losers because quite frankly, that's the kind of fanbase one curates if they go that way lmao. Anti-Male schizos usually just gaslight themselves into thinking they'll have a chance

>> No.55487988
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>> No.55488000

Good announcement but damn her model and design are so ugly

>> No.55488061

I don't even mind male vtubers by sobbing "IT'S DEMORALIZING" when something doesn't cater specfically to you is some zoomer fag shit

>> No.55488077

>doesn't necessarily translate to the most profitable
rin also moves the most merch

>> No.55488352

holy slampig

>> No.55488458

That can easily change once the more fanservicey merch is introduced. This was just an initial batch and she was the only one who offered a mascot plushie.

>> No.55488477

Why is she fat? True idols are supposed to be skinny

>> No.55488569
File: 241 KB, 393x373, 1687910559664901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not fat, just pudgy.

>> No.55489023

>two people complained in chat in a sea of people calling her based
and this is why I like idol, if her chat was full of homobeggars then this may have gone differently, but the fanbase is just as based as the talents

>> No.55489143

but then they open themselves up to backlash and they don't eally have any comeback to it so it usually tanks their reputation, and all of the idol girls are /here/ so they are well aware of this fact, once you pick a side, it's very difficult to switch sides without graduating and starting over

>> No.55489200

she's my soft onahole

>> No.55489297

So... crushing the watermelon was a signal of GFE?

>> No.55489465

Dude this happens in every corp. Holo collabs with males all the time JP even more than EN.

It all depends on the type of collabs. Something like 1 on 1 male collabs are absolute trash. Shit like male coach in fps game are fine.

>> No.55489814

I'm surprised people are vocal enough to gatekeep, usually everyone just goes silent when these topics appear or just pretend as if it were okay

>> No.55489828

Fuyo has said repeatedly no guys, eww, no males on stream, male HATE. She has made it crystal clear and I adore her for it. What she does off stream is fine, but keep Fuyo time CGDCT and I'm a happy lucky charm.

>> No.55489909

that's fine but you certainly won't catch me watching them

>> No.55489949

Yeah she is a known CGDCT enjoyer and she won't collab with males, she made it very clear in multiple streams. Pochi seems to be of the same mentality

>> No.55490442

people wizened up and know not to not let homobeggars ruin another good thing

>> No.55490471

hopefully it will be a thing that will push Rin to graduating - she'd be much happier in Holo or even Niji, not having to carry entire corpo on her back to begin with.

>> No.55490729

List of girls who have said no males:
Hasn't said anything I don't think:
Male collabers:
Rin appreciates the pull, freedom, and shitposting capabilities she has in Idol, so I doubt that.

>> No.55490862

Oh, and Riro has specifically stated cute girls only as well. Didn't even cross my mind with how lesbo leaning she is.

>> No.55491243

Idol is a dead end, they won't go past certain point - look at subs and ccv of Endless.
if she wants to grow and do more stuff, jumping ship is a best thing for her.

>> No.55491255
File: 220 KB, 270x415, 1683270980682691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the pink thing

>> No.55491278

When I found out about vtubers in 2019, there were two major corpos - Holo and Niji. I looked at the wiki of Holo and saw girls, then I looked at the wiki of Niji and saw girls mixed with males. I have never looked ad Niji again and remained Holo exclusivist for a while.
Then Tempus happened and the magic disappeared. First I discovered GGN and then I started watching other small corpos. I mostly watch Idol girls these days.
Now I know that I can't take the all-girls environment for granted so I'm far more vocal about my preferences than I used to be in the past.

>> No.55491334

In this case anti-'''''discrimination'''' laws apply, not just Twitter bullshit. Notice Cover's audition form doesn't say women-only either. Companies have to give themselves plausible deniability because we live in an upside-down world where telling a troon not to apply to an audition is an attack on his human rights.

>> No.55491813

Rin is a freak case among freak cases, any limitations don't apply to her. She consistently breaks 2k+ CCV and is continuing to grow, being on track to overtake some of the lower subbed holos (Anya, Kaela, Iofi) this year and possibly even Bae if she revs the shorts machine back up.
She doesn't even need any sort of company brand backing because she IS her own brand at this point. Idol is just there to relieve pressure off of her when it comes to merch, project management, and legal. She's perfectly fine financially and is currently free to do everything she wants to.

>> No.55491856

>Now I know that I can't take the all-girls environment for granted so I'm far more vocal about my preferences than I used to be in the past.
Personally I had zero problems with the idea of a co-ed environment. Then post-Ethyria NijiEN happened and made it pretty clear what kinds of shithead losers are applying to be male vtubers. Later on Tempus happened and it was the same thing - hell two of them are suspended right now.

At this point I'm functionally a unicorn, I guess. But it's sort of like the way not letting homeless crackheads sleep on your porch makes you 'anti-homeless' - it's a matter of common sense, not discrimination.

>> No.55492574

You asked why, I gave the answer. Don't cry your bitch tears for not liking the truth.

>> No.55493433

Idol... is dead...

>> No.55493608

like the six gajillion jews in the ovens... meshuggah....................

>> No.55493629

You just know their entire management team filled with males doesn't want to share the girls with anyone else, there's probably orgies and blackmailing happening behind the scenes

>> No.55493769

For every cunny they add to idol I will believe another 1 million

>> No.55495705

This was just sad. One of them does BFE too but collabs with females. They really just don't care about researching the market they just see "ooh those males are popular, surely if we debut males they'll be popular too!" Such retards.

>> No.55496243

Right, so tame that hololive had to put out two statements telling them to chill the fuck out, right? Don't lie to yourself, unicorns of both sexes and brotuber niggers leave when something slightly bothers them. It's easy to not fuck this up anyway if there's no flirting or mixed collabs but that's a different conversation.

>> No.55496271

Which relevant corpos nowadays are girls only? I only know about idol and Phase

>> No.55496374

Legally you have to allow all genders to apply otherwise its considered discrimination based on gender and can get you sued. Their auditions are for a female role with a feminine voice, so no matter who applies, they're only going to accept real women.

>> No.55496449

idol, phase, kawaii. anyone less than those 3 are basically irrelevant. prism accepts males.

>> No.55496527 [DELETED] 

Kawaii is also pretty well established despite the bumps on the road and the antis that are overflowing them.

>> No.55496627

Kawaii is also pretty well established despite the bumps on the road and the antis that are overblowing them.

>> No.55496927

A non trivial proportional of the terminally online autistic menhera young women that are their core recruitment base are going to believe that they are genderfluid or non-binary so they gotta use language like that to sweep as widely as possible

>> No.55497299
File: 334 KB, 1170x1432, Er3lA_iXcAg1iYN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at the history of Kamen Rider, Star Trek, and Gundam.

>> No.55497372

I’d rather not be a 1 view of course, but the only reason I’d want to actually be big is to show others that it’s viable. On a personal level, I’d be ecstatic just making partner on twitch (75 average ccv) which I’m sure would still be hard but doable if I really put my all into it. I know there’s people out there like me that love the idea of combining mild anime rp with the humor of Oneyplays/vinesauce/SBFP/Sleepycabin/etc, I just have to find them.

>> No.55497553
File: 335 KB, 1920x1080, 43BF489F-3787-4D17-A8A8-CB60DC463DAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile your star keeps collabing with tempoop. IdolEn literally collabs with tempus more than HoloEn girls now

>> No.55497687

The last thing I heard about Kawaii is that an entire generation walked out of the agency, that is enough to make me suspicious of them

>> No.55497759

Holy sex art, I will now watch your male (female)

>> No.55497787

>that is enough to make me suspicious of them
You wouldn't be the only one, they had to keep auditions open indefinitely because of lack of applications

>> No.55497828

>Rin Penrose literally collabs with tempus more than HoloEn girls now
Also her audience isn't even made of vtuber fans so she's an outlier in idol. Mainly shorts audience and people from RTGaming channel

>> No.55497840

Rin is the passover lamb

>> No.55497961

Let's say how it is: men are too mentally stable to be entertaining.

>> No.55497994

No need to change my sentence anon. HoloEn literally only collabed with tempoop(2nd gen) once and Rin already did a collab with Flayon.

>> No.55497997

The corpo males in Tempus and Niji say otherwise

>> No.55498238

>Legally you have to allow all genders to apply
This is an entertainer role for a character not a some random shtty 9-5
You are not legally required to let dudes audition for your female cartoon character

>> No.55498312

she ignores /here/ which is most reasonable thing to do.

>> No.55498687

Hololive literally filters their Apps by males and females. They actually don’t allow a male tranny to get into the female branch. It’s just idolEn keks coping

>> No.55498756
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>> No.55498837

Nah, some male streamers are great just watch the good ones like Tomato Gaming or Northernlion. It's more like you can't suspend your disbelief for 'anime boys' like you could do with anime girls.

>> No.55498874

glad we have so many israeli lawyers on this board all of a sudden

>> No.55498895
File: 64 KB, 426x273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For some reason, the demand of male Vtuber dropped a lot in this year
males are in very high demand though? one of those two has already gone MIA kek

>> No.55499135

Nikki has a fair amount of homobeggers in her chat (including one of her gachikoi whose a 1view that constantly asks to collab and what he has to do to be "collab worthy") but thankfully she's been smart enough to stand firm that she wouldn't do it because she knows most fans don't want it

>> No.55499170

Aren't some of the biggest Vtubers in twitch male? I remember people like Shoto and AdmiralBahroo being quite big at some point so there's definitely an audience but it never shows outside of the big ones

>> No.55499271

this. it's not like male vtuber groups don't exist in the EN sphere but I don't see anyone complaining about it although that would mean people would have to watch them first

>> No.55499461

>Tomato Gaming
One of the guy’s crew is literally in Holostars and isn’t really doing anything differently now than he did back then.

>> No.55499669

Not that I watch males but I've seen a few that are styled after the kind of art you'd see by Tetsuo Hara (Hokuto no Ken artist), Ken Ishikawa (Getter artist), various Kamen Rider and other tokusatsu suits and similar that are cool without falling into ikeman or femboy territory.

>> No.55499816

Taking $16k+ from fans while saying how much you love them and appreciate them a week before she did a stream with one of her male PL friends where they flirted with randoms in Valorant was the GFE part

>> No.55500378

Coni and Roca breaking 4view and the rest are mid 3view, what are you talking about?

>> No.55500433

Yeah but here isn't exactly the den of people who would talk about them so there's not much to go from

>> No.55500688

look i get it... but jesus was killed by the romans and he literally was a jew

>> No.55500783

god that is so fucking pathetic, that's another reason why I hate male vtubers, half of them are fucking pests who never got any female attention IRL and want to use vtubing as an opportunity to get that attention

>> No.55500831

Roca only during karaoke streams, Coni had one stream where she broke it.
given how much money spend on it, it doesn't look good.

>> No.55500937

very based, people always ask "why can't you just ignore them and skip the collabs". It's because silence can be interpreted as approval, I want them to be accutely aware that I do not enjoy those collabs and do not want them to happen, as soon as these collabs start, it is a slippery slope, just look at nijisanji... hence why I will gatekeep the fuck out of them

>> No.55501343

They should hire you anon, you seem to know what you're talking about

>> No.55501487

I keep seeing the word "based" thrown around to the point it has lost all meaning, learn new words and improve your vocabulary

>> No.55501547

>anon in charge of business
Topkek. Why don't you go and make your 1488 vtuber agency with hitler-chan, sure nothing will go wrong.

>> No.55501624

Good point.

>> No.55501683

they literally doing twice as good as esekai did in the same period of time. You have no idea how much they spend and if it was worth it, but they are doing 10 times better than phase gen 2 or even their new raiders

>> No.55501689

also worth noting though that they haven't done their first donothons yet and idol buys ads for the girls and shills them like crazy for those, idol gen 2's viewership is better then gen 1's was before those donothons (so i think they could break into 4view territory once they do those)

>> No.55501699

but rin is a male

>> No.55501849

you will never be jewish

>> No.55502081

yeah but she's shunned by pretty much everyone else's fanbase. She recently got the vesper treatment where she was kicked out of her own corpo's general and all the rintards had to make a general of their own, it's sort of tradition /JIDF/ to dogpile on any rinposters

>> No.55502222

>Asides from vtfags who cares about an agency having a male branch?
Apparently not the people that was watching Prism and stopped for some weird reason.

>> No.55502833

There are not that many Rincels to begin with. There are a few regulars who are cool, but the rest are mostly discordfags that just shit the thread when provided with an opportunity.

>> No.55502996

This is what happens when there is no rinraper to keep her from shitting up the threads with her autism and numberfagging.

>> No.55503064

It will happen any day now anon just wait one more week lmao.

>> No.55503204

HoloEN is shit except Gen 3 though?

>> No.55503319

Holy shit why is she so black?

>> No.55503325

n-no.... :c

>> No.55503413

>Mentioning Hitler in an idol corp catalog thread

>> No.55504052

do you have clips of them saying this? i have the catbox files for roca and coni (they were posted in this thread already) and I know the other girls have very much aluded to it on strema many times while I've been watching, but i want to make a list of all of them actually saying "no males on stream" or something to that effect to show how based idol corp is

>> No.55504660


>> No.55505066

I remember that Pochi also expressed it pretty clearly and there was a lot of appreciation in the thread. I always just make a mental note to myself without saving it, but some other Sheebs may have the link.
I think that some of the other girls expressed it more indirectly (e.g. interest in collabing with girls, without mentioning male vtubers explicitly).

>> No.55507651


>> No.55507984

Literally all the most famous and successful fleshsteamers and entertainers in general throughout all of human history are male. Here's the real reason: women are less lonely and pathetic than men by and large and as such don't need communal fake anime boyfriends the same way men need communal fake anime girlfriends

>> No.55509926


>> No.55510923

she is so fat...

>> No.55510997

did you miss the part where she cucked all of you at debut with her boyfriend showing up in her chat and retweeting her?

>> No.55511132

>10 times better
Simple math is impossible. Why are you comparing generation to raiders anyway? That's like saying my watermelon is bigger than your grape

>> No.55511642

stop advertising yourself, it's lame as hell

>> No.55513843


>> No.55514048

Okay now I hope they succeed just so current and future corpos look at them as an example banning male characters all together

CGDCT Supremacy

>> No.55514127

the girls that left are actual crooks who ran away as soon as they had big donoathons. one of them scammed an indie out of thousands of dollars after getting paid to work on a model for her and then ghosted her.

>> No.55514443

>She recently got the vesper treatment where she was kicked out of her own corpo's general
this never happened. that fake rin general was just another shitposting thread in a sea of rin shitposting threads that were being made at the time.

>> No.55516014

Like we were telling the fags back in 2021... the twitterfag/discord troon culture war niggers have a very low attention span, and will move onto something else as they were never real fans to begin with.
