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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55468141 No.55468141 [Reply] [Original]

>Sugita gives advice to niji liver who's been copying his voice and personality as his shtick for a while
>niji fans harass Sugita because their precious liver doesn't need any advice/criticism from him
Why are nijifans mentally ill no matter what branch

>> No.55468477

Those are the original nijiniggers. They harass anyone that goes against their precious company. All of the hate you see toward NijiEN in the catalog is due to all of the past harassment campaigns.

>> No.55468503

wtf is sugita?

>> No.55468571
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>they're harassing the broest bro to ever bro
>for him acknowledging the dude who idolizes him and giving him pointers on how to be more Sugita

man just when I thought they couldn't get lower.

>> No.55468656

This is your average Niji bootlicker

>> No.55468763

sugita deez nuts lmao gottem

>> No.55468767

No wonder FGO gave Pekora the Ambassadorship instead of Nijisanji who have been Sucking the games Dick for years lol

>> No.55468808

The absolute state of Nijikeks

>> No.55469027

They had a sponsored 3d event back in December because good ol Demiurge was singing that Pekora anti song and got suspended. They blamed Pekora (who never even spoke about that drama) for having their event cancelled These retards don't know the word accountability.

>> No.55469038

They JUST lost the Roa case and want to start another fight?
How fucking retarded are these people

>> No.55469074

Sugita is absolutely based and also was there when Holo was starting to gain popularity, and he mentioned Pekora I think. That might not seem as significant now as it did back then

>> No.55469139

I have NEVER seen this Niji male before, where the fuck did he come from? I don’t watch niji but most of them look familiar, I have never seen this dude before.

>> No.55469149

July 20, fucking old news, holokeks

>> No.55469193


>> No.55469209

He was a Lulu fan too. Too bad Niji fucked her over.

>> No.55469216

actually subhuman jesus

>> No.55469223

where's the harassment?

>> No.55469251

see also >>55419002
These are the people sharing the same hobby as you.

>> No.55469294

Nijigger intelligence level truly is on bottom tier of entire chuuba fandom

>> No.55469313

Searching for the tweet in the archive seems to indicate that numberniggers only found out about it yesterday and this is their second repost thread. They still seem uncertain if they should push the narrative that "nijiniggers" are harassing Sugita, the liver himself or both.

>> No.55469316

yeah, they're subhuman

>> No.55469326

One of those VTA dudes maybe?

>> No.55469415

Why are Nijiniggers always like this?

>> No.55469604

Holy fuck just leave and don't come back, seriously.

>> No.55469643

Why is this shit from over 2 weeks ago only coming up now? Did you just not have anything to post about so you scanned through niji JP drama?

>> No.55469690

>harassing sugibro
woah, too far

>> No.55469805
File: 231 KB, 585x564, D699C170-0101-42D5-8182-FF4F9A64C994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole board shits on Roa because they think she was immature for getting mad over somebody copying her shtick and yet Sugita is based for doing the same because it's against another Nijimem.
Man I don't know why this board's bias continues to surprise me.

>> No.55470206

Sugita good nijiniggers bad how is that hard to understand?

>> No.55470271

Must be a retarded zoomer to not know Tomokazu Sugita.

>> No.55470365
File: 81 KB, 1267x290, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof Sugita got harassed? I'm seeing the opposite because the dude got dislike bombed in that video.

>> No.55470409

Yeah, Sugita is 100x this guy's popularity and he sicced all of his crazy fans on him. People forget seiyuus are more popular with more fangirls than the Nijiguys. But Nijiniggers are le bad, so the narrative goes.

>> No.55470561
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>joins a hobby that derives off of anime and otaku culture
>doesn't know who Sugita is
This is why EN vtubing is a mistake, lurk 2 years on /a/ before posting.

>> No.55470700
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>> No.55471123

This is the worst thing i've read all day.

>> No.55471160

Why are nijiniggers like this

>> No.55471257

You don't even need to be on this site to know who he is

>> No.55471374

>dislike extensions

>> No.55471465

You do realize that the video actually only has like 1% of those dislikes, right?

>> No.55471625

I'll give (You) but please kys

>> No.55471663
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>> No.55471749

i've never heard of that nijjer, anyone got any examples of him copying sugita?

>> No.55471778
File: 115 KB, 243x195, 1688569309786391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based crossboarder farming the holoseethe

>> No.55471815

Yeah I don't know who this is either. Fuck anime lol

>> No.55471900

Lurk for 20 years

>> No.55472089

Yeah who the fuck is sugita that holofags seething about i don't even know lmaooo

>> No.55472292


>> No.55472324

Put. me. in. that. fucking. screencap

>> No.55472384

/vt/ is a mistake.
imagine not knowing Sugita, truly newfag and normie board

>> No.55472577

How yall doing with the deframation catalogfags?
At least stay up to date with the nijifes thing instead of google translated twitters of whos

>> No.55472598
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Doing great, why do you ask?

>> No.55472635

When will sugita marry nakamura already?

>> No.55472636

>wtf is sugita?
please, off yourself

>> No.55472695
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>> No.55472860
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luv me a good demoralization campaign

>> No.55472921

>you are sharing this board with subhuman zoomers who only watch dubbed anime because they can't read

>> No.55472943

So true sister #cut4hex

>> No.55473091

>not /a/, not /jp/
Why should i care again?

>> No.55473171

The worst part of this post is Sugita was part of the golden days of the chuuba scene.

>> No.55473509
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>> No.55473556


>> No.55473623
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>tfw already 15 years on this god forsaken site

>> No.55473731
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>2008 was 15 years ago

>> No.55473787

ITT: holobronies pretend they aren't ironic weeb bandwagoners on par with bronies

>> No.55473842

Sugita is a genuine Nousagi, you can sometimes see him reply under her tweets.

>> No.55474404

The "deyo!" moment.

>> No.55474617

the absolute state of nijifaggots, please kys.

>> No.55475550

Why are kikeks like this?

>> No.55475559
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>> No.55478078
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>nijifags bumping literal shitpost to hide this one
let me guess, """nothingburger""" right?
pissing of a VA
sugita of all people

>> No.55478280

is anyone going to post the actual harassment from this week old "yab" or what

>> No.55478408

I have heard of Ittetsu-kun but never heard about Sugita, tell me why I should care about a dramanigger starting a fight on twitter when Saiki is just a wholesome game addict ojisan doing his thing who has never started drama?

>> No.55478522


>> No.55478561

wait it's the fucking Gintama guy? Holy

>> No.55478662

I've always found it weird that you never see Sugita, Nakamura, and Mafia-san in the same room together despite how much each of them interact with each other

>> No.55478698

Alright but was his Sugita voice any good

>> No.55478713
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this thread is so embarrassing
the thread

>> No.55478717

you kidding.. right?
the absolute state of NijiKeks

>> No.55478725

Va fags need to calm down

>> No.55478738
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>> No.55478773

Nta but why should I care who this is? What did he do that he's so important?

>> No.55478781
File: 30 KB, 393x456, FY71blYaIAEuFeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish you cared for your oshi like Sugita cares for Nakamura

>> No.55478812
File: 201 KB, 1430x810, 1677993697807403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo you must know all of these heckin voice actors from these based MAL "Must watch NOW top 10 anime of all time!!" lists by heart or else you cant enjoy vtubers!!
literal retards

>> No.55478949

>VA fags malding
Is this /a/?

>> No.55478973
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, gintamaanime2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not knowing who Sugita is like not knowing who Robert Downey Jr. is in the anime sphere.

>> No.55479040

don't use senchou for your garbage tier post

>> No.55479042

No seriously who the fuck is sugita?

>> No.55479118

haha this is funny because Sugita actually did a radio episode with Marine and Fubuki
...you used the picture knowing that, right? Right?


>> No.55479120

Sugita would be Kiara and Nakamura would be Mori if you wanted to explain their relationship dynamic.

>> No.55479183
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truly the cancer of vtubing community

>> No.55479222

Maybe >we shouldn't have separated ourselves from /jp/

>> No.55479292

zoomer western and seanig vtuber fans were a mistake

>> No.55480454

I can't believe what I am seeing. Please find a hobby like gardening instead of otaku culture.

>> No.55483534

Based NijiGODS

>> No.55483607

Your guess is correct, they were in such a hurry that they started using the old format spamming. it's truely a serious branding crisis, imagine how many partnerships they would lost in related industries if sugita's friends took it seriously, so they are doing damage control now

>> No.55486525

You don't need to, but that level of ignorance is the easiest way to expose yourself as not being part of the original VTuber fanbase i.e. just a simple twitter dramafag.
Your posts will never be taken seriously.

>> No.55486542
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>> No.55486792

why is everyone malding so hard over a voice actor

>> No.55486848
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I miss when Holo would do these celebrity collabs, they still happen but once in a blue moon. You cant even blame idol culture as doing events/interviews with celebrities of both genders has been part of being an idol since the 70's

>> No.55486871

Okay, but where's the proof of them harassing him?

>> No.55486946

that very fitting considering that gintama is about the same as capeshit

>> No.55486976

>sees everyone seething at this comment
oh well surely he must be someone super important
>literally just some anime VA
you guys are all faggots

>> No.55487129

t. Only watch anime and play game with EN dub

>> No.55487302

"literally just sosme anime VA"
ofc, EOP western burgers fag would never understand it.

filthy en dub watcher

>> No.55487586

You know that same show from that clip is still going on.

>> No.55487590

You will never get
You don't watch anime, you don't watch streams all you do is wasting your time here and being a subhuman disappointment nigger of the sea for others

>> No.55487690
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jesus how did you get here?

>> No.55487776
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Is this a matter of the niji forcing his voice or does he naturally sound like that?
Because Sugita's voice isn't exactly unique tbhdesu

>> No.55487862

okay to be fair I always say wtf is (insert non jp nijituber) when they are mentioned for the next and following yabs

>> No.55488036

sasuga dogpilesanji

>> No.55488111

The thing is I know Sugita but not the nijidude
The worst is you don't know either

>> No.55488613

>not being part of the original VTuber fanbase
>muh "you weren't here when everything was just grass and wild animals"
please neck yourself

>> No.55488961

>July 20th
You fags are that deprived for drama, huh?

>> No.55489027
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>They harass anyone that goes against their precious company

>> No.55489196

And of course one of you retards decide to jump on board!

>> No.55489241

Why are cumcucks so obnoxious and retarded?

>> No.55489786

>They harass anyone that goes against their precious company

>> No.55490075

back to your bird app sister
or is it something more Xtreme now?

>> No.55490232
File: 660 KB, 871x706, jack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on now

>> No.55490291

>ore no na wa JACK

>> No.55490403

i think you mean back to nyfco with the rest of the nijivermins

>> No.55490535

Then what? You gonna go back to crying about homostars?

>> No.55490686

daring to harass sugita a treasure, what scum

>> No.55490961
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how can these vtniggers exist here without knowing Sugita

>> No.55491652

the vtuber community got infiltrated by kpop stans and genshin players

>> No.55492238

Sugita politely gave nijinigger advice to appreciate their own voice instead of outright copying others.
Roa cunt threw a schizo tantrum because other girl had similar verbal tic while everything else was different and demanded her to stop.

See the difference retard? Don't use my wife Pomu to shitpost, Enna.

>> No.55493552

Sugandese nuts.

>> No.55493707

>brown catalognigger has no idea what actually happened
Brown people will really believe anything as long as it's against Niji huh. There's not even any evidence Sugita got harassed. Saiki was the one who did going by the dislike bombs and comments in that video.

>> No.55494304

yes anon, they are like that
you must be new here

>> No.55494432

You now understand just how many incels who don't go outside reside on this board. Mental illness.

>> No.55494498

>dislike extension

>> No.55494523

>ESL calling someone else subhuman
Look in a mirror. Be sure to get a bucket to throw up into while you're at it.

>> No.55494777

>calling people incels on the burmese rice farming site
go back

>> No.55494869

>comparing harassment to YT dislikes
typical nijinigger blind to his own atrocities

>> No.55496733
File: 31 KB, 339x201, whhjsjskdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They harass anyone that goes against their precious company
Deflecting isn't gonna get you anywhere.

>> No.55496990

Where's the harassment? How is she "going against the company"? Acknowledging holostars is allowed.

>> No.55497195

I was Ittetsu from time to time, but I never gotten the sense that he's "forcing him" to change his voice. I don't know where he gets the idea he's faking it to sound like someone else, which is something many are asking.

>> No.55497198

thhe amount of dick sucking for some celebrity VA is hilarious.
i guess really anything can be excused if its japanese.

>> No.55497207
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>Man, these election tourists are so a-
>election was seven years ago
You can get citizenship in most countries being around this long.

>> No.55497221

Posts like this show the whole hobby is beyond saving

>> No.55497460
File: 727 KB, 975x546, Rule Breakajita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say you wish for the release of death already, kyoudai.

>> No.55497599
File: 414 KB, 492x567, 1594822944490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next, you'll tell me you don't know who Steven Armstrong is.
