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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5545999 No.5545999 [Reply] [Original]


Are you looking forward to Ollie being the first Holo in a chess tournament?

>> No.5546027

how long is she going to last?

>> No.5546070
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>> No.5546102
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It's like she's speedrunning how to get maximal hates from her antis.

>> No.5546107

Do we even know if she's good?

>> No.5546113

I don't know, the previous anituber tournament revealed the best of them to be around 1k rating (trash) so she has a chance.

>> No.5546262

This loose mouth faggot is more dangerous than any of the podcast dudes.

>> No.5546323

Making antis seethe is fun, anon

>> No.5546355

I hope this doesn't sound too harsh but I hope Ollie dies in real life.

>> No.5546371

It took about 3 minutes for her to get a nut during the Phantasmaphobia game. With 5 guys, it's more of a numbers game and less of a time trial.

>> No.5546392

Collab with holoEN soon

>> No.5546410

She is decent with math, so she should do well among these e-celebs.

>> No.5546424

Unless she beats them all, of course. In that case, we'll be singing her praises for like a week.

>> No.5546458


>> No.5546461

The board would actually collapse.

>> No.5546463

Someone kill Sonicfox please.

>> No.5546488

Ollie has the advantage that she doesn't need to show her real face to the camera. She can cheat very easily and nobody will be suspicious.

>> No.5546511

>a bunch of faggots
I'll pass. Wish her luck though.

>> No.5546521

I really hope she gets the chinkflu.

>> No.5546696

Apparently cdawg has an engineering degree and he used to play a lot of chess, so I'm not sure about that...
Also, there's someone with a sonic nickname, so guaranteed autist.

>> No.5546760

Sonicfox is pansexual otherkin or some shit

>> No.5546803

Yet more signs of severe autism. Must be great at chess.

>> No.5546820

He's a furry that's too insufferable for other furries.
Literally supercancer.

>> No.5546871

>anime youtubers
Made me mad more than anything else.

>> No.5547012

Yeah. Didn't this guy get famous because he had to inform everyone he was gay at the Game Awards like it wasn't already apparent when he came out in his furry suit?

>> No.5547077

He's famous because he's one of the best fighting game players in the world.

>> No.5547138

Nobody gave a shit about that though until some asshole let him appear with his fursuit on stage.
And in fact, nobody gives a shit about his skill still, because he isn't known about it.

>> No.5547140

Nobody gives a shit about e-sports. He would be a literal who if he wasnt an obnoxious attention whore.

>> No.5547168

Another sign of severe autism and also a sign of somebody who doesn't bathe regularly.

>> No.5547423

I mean no one gives a shit about vtubers either in that case.

>> No.5547493

You can see his rating (1149, 1250 is the starting/average elo), I know he's claimed he was a chess pro as a kid or something but he isn't actually very good.

>> No.5547540


>> No.5547626

They couldn't get Jiyuna?

>> No.5548025

All the players are a bunch of idiots, so she'll probably be fine. Sonifox is easily the smartest of the bunch and it's ironic because he's a nigger.

>> No.5548127

Didn't care for Ollie but I'm a chessfag so I'll watch. What's her FIDE rating?

>> No.5548157

I look forward to it

>> No.5548314

Now this is the biggest yab waiting to happen. Nigger takes every chance he can to tell everyone he's a furry faggot that loves to suck cock and anyone that hates him is a fucking white racist republican.

>> No.5548345

He's not just one of the best but at the fast rate the dude learn the games is what's most impressive. There is not 1 person in the Fgc, not Daigo, not Tokido, not Xiao Hai, nobody that comes close to him.

>> No.5548411

Cool. Still not the reason why anybody has heard of "him"

>> No.5548571

He don't seem like a smart person to me. The way he speaks and expresses himself and everything seem pretty normal. Is he a drop out? Because I highly doubt a chess master and engineer would end up doing some weeb podcast for a living.

>> No.5550023

Outside he's known for being a furry, in the fgc he's know as one of the best players and a furry, at least you could say he's more known than most fgc pros

>> No.5550225

heh, I would enjoy it if she just blatantly cheated and started destroying everyone using stockfish while it's still just her unreadable anime face and usual ollie screams.

>> No.5550303

Nigger, what part of "he is only known outside of his niche as 'that blue furry faggot that won't shut up about it'" do you need spelled out for you?

>> No.5550451

He's known in the fgc nigger, he doesn't need to be a household name to be popular, he's known in the community of what he does

>> No.5550517

yeah, as a furry niggerfaggot attention whore.

>> No.5550574

That, and also one of the best players, he just won the first gg tournament

>> No.5550593

don't care, all they other bullshit overrides any actual "accomplishments"

>> No.5550708

You can argue the fgc is irrelevant if you want but he's still one of the most famous players on it, doesn't matter what you think

>> No.5550744

your opinion is equally irrelevant, furryniggerfaggotsimp-chama.

>> No.5550873

What the fuck

>> No.5551310

jesus, that's horrifying as someone who watches pekorr. fuckin' hell

>> No.5553588

>zero chess discussions
>zero chuuba discussions

>> No.5553614

It blows my mind how rebellious Ollie can be sometimes.

>> No.5554067

She's going up against a bunch of british white guys, and a gay nigger furry. She's got this in the bag. She's crazy, yes. But it's best not to underestimate her intelligence.

>> No.5558827

Ahahaha I can't wait until he try to worm into TrashTaste and eventually HoloEN.

>> No.5559016

Anon, Gigguk won over him las time.

>> No.5559195
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>> No.5561615

I only really know these guys because of some TrashTaste clips YouTube likes to recommend me, and he's the only one who's alright in my book.
I believe he completed his degree and kind of fell into YouTube by doing voice acting(guess it ended up paying better than entry level engineering jobs). I wouldn't say he's incredibly smart, but you don't really have to be to get an engineering degree.

>> No.5561795

oh no no no.........no no no....

For all of you people freaking out about the anitubers, you ain't seen nothing yet. This can only end in disaster............

>> No.5562229

He was a chess champion as a kid (the trophy accumulating kind that would play against condescending boomers in his spare time and thrash them) that got bored and then became a cod champion or someshit. Out of practice, cocky, bit worried as a lot of people pegged him as the obvious fav to win of the last tourney. Got the shits coz bad curry the day before the tournament and lost to a technicalitity to gigguk.
I used to not mind him but he can't help but constantly reinforce the fact that he's one of those poor zoomers indoctrinated at british (and american) schools to be the self aggrandizing white guy. He's like 22yrs old. Constantly apologizing for being white. it's ridiculous and only reinforces implied racism that he has to apologize for being superior, which is hilarious as those that forced these notions into kids heads at schools don't seem to be aware of this implication. Not even white but this incessant selfkuckage by him on the podcast made me stop listening to it in the background as i did the weekly tidying up.

>> No.5562276

>self aggrandizing white guy
Sorry i meant the opposite. The self hating white guy. I couldnt find the suitable antonym and forgot to edit.

>> No.5562310

Pretty sure he just acknowledged once that he was less likely to get arrested as a white guy.
That's about it

>> No.5562318


>> No.5562662

No, i listened to most streams cept the last couple and his self depreciation was constant in various ways besides the cop thing. it's sad, because i know this shit starts in schools with teachers pushing an agenda. I noticed it first with my white friend's son and the shit they were "teaching" him. It's fucked what's going on in the anglosphere in this regard.
anyway, besides this the show got really fucking boring at that so nothing lost afaic

>> No.5562686

the slippery slope is real

>> No.5562783


>> No.5562795

I didn't know Ollie played chess.
Pretty cool I'll definitely watch.

>> No.5564120

Why Ollie? Can't you wish death on the anitubers and furry faggot instead?

>> No.5564357

Sonicfox is only good at low skill fighting games, why do you think he never got any good at games like Tekken and even SF?
