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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55453320 No.55453320 [Reply] [Original]

Do you love vtubers? Have you been looking for a general where you can sperg out about science or sociology? Share or write some lore? Build worlds? Homebrew an RPG? Discuss vtubers doing any of those activities?
Welcome to the right spot. This is the thread to do all these things and more. Feel free to browse settings, lore entries, and discuss any of your work or chuubas here.

War in the Mountains edition.

Previous: >>55205728

Feel free to suggest vtubers who partake in our flavors of autism to be added to the list
>Dice Queen Di (TTRPG): https://www.twitch.tv/dicequeendi
>Halbernacht (TTRPG & mini painting): https://www.youtube.com/@AiaAmare
>Yurikago Kokone (Occasional TTRPG): https://www.youtube.com/@YurikagoKokone
>Mori Calliope (Occasional TTRPG): https://www.youtube.com/@MoriCalliope
>Aia Amare (Occasional TTRPG): https://www.youtube.com/@AiaAmare


>Where do I start?
1. Skim the setting introductions
2. Be inspired
3. Create something

If nothing struck a chord with you, you can always put together your own vtubing-related setting. Others might even join you in fleshing it out if they enjoy it!


Reply to OP so your work is added to the archive or the lore catch-up.
Remember to use rentry.ORG as any other rentry sites are seen as spam.

[would we need like a new archive for them things]


Battle For Aurorai:
>Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ieZmSPEqYbGY6xvyQRzwTDihj9ouCE3Z/view?usp=drivesdk
>FE Schematics: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QO6FX0jzb12VneywMF83UMmuX01Yj3tMUzixs2VRtx0/edit?usp=drivesdk
>Map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iPnq4VeTFbVfamiSrFoEL2rBV3s_dOO_/view?usp=drivesdk

Planet Covolo:
>State List: https://rentry.org/d6rdp
>Map: https://files.catbox.moe/nxv14e.png

>Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HM_UK-qNKXQgFH-ixcWsCC3oAgBnFrxCKRPXdKiPMwQ
>Intro Docs: https://rentry.org/vtwbg-intro, https://rentry.org/ziuog
>Map: https://vtwbg.github.io/

Era After:
>Archive: https://rentry.org/EraAfterIndex
>Intro Doc: https://rentry.org/78s3q
>Map: https://files.catbox.moe/at0is0.png

Cyber Vitubia 40,000:
>Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ukyK3_sidebA_kLuH8i1I6TuVyFkWeJSYvyhqT6FMRU
>Intro Doc: https://rentry.org/cvt40k-start-how
>Map: https://files.catbox.moe/7y8nn7.png


Threads of the past week catch-up, in case you missed them!
Planet Covolo Map and states intro: >>55053917
Advent BFA Origins: >>54874790
New EraAfter Schizo Lands Lore: >>54095698
V&U Lore: >>54015487
New BFA Map: >>54030848

>> No.55454647


>> No.55455361
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I always assumed timeline hopping is just something Ame is destined to figure out sooner or later, otherwise Wattropolis wouldn't exist. On that note, I've always had this theory that for all her posturing, Kronii deliberately does not try to take the watch from Ame for one of two reasons: It's either way to much effort with little return or the Ames have consistently shown themselves to be worthy of owning the watch across many timelines.

>> No.55455760

>Rumors of a purple-haired swordswoman

>I also plan to use this phrase in her ending.

Covoloanon, if you're itt...are we?

>> No.55457005


>> No.55457197

damn, I saw some really good myth/council lore discussion last thread, I need to go back and read it
was any of it saved to the archive?
I assume no rentry was made?

>> No.55457562

There's a link to the last thread in the OP

>> No.55458746

Might be nice to archive some of the more productive discussions, yeah.

>> No.55460263


Would wielding lances be somehow in-character for Mr. Koro? Leaning more on making her an Armor because Noel is lonely.

>> No.55460963

i don't see any reason not to make her the big and bulky type but i think in that vein berserker just fits her better
but then the only holo i can think of who would fit better would be roboco and that's just because she is literally metal, or maybe kiara if you really lean into the warrior-phoenix aspect like her last outfit

>> No.55460979
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That sounds perfect! Space could definitely use brutal space rosebutas. Using rosestones for travel sounds fun, how would that work?
It's a bit unapproachable, but I've written a document about morinium and how it works in space, feel free to grab stuff from it (or ignore entirely). https://rentry.org/morinium

>> No.55461448

I may not need Berserker for that, just its stats/growths. Trade off though is that she's squishier than Noel.

HP: Noel = Korone
Str: Noel < Korone
Mag: Noel = Korone
Skl: Noel > Korone
Spd: Noel < Korone
Def: Noel > Korone
Res: Noel = Korone (TBD)
Lck: Noel = Korone (TBD)

All in (TBD) is open to suggestion.

>> No.55461709

Are we what?

I just included that line in the timeline as a tongue-in-cheek reference. I don't plan to follow it up with anything more than rumor
One of those "maybe she is, maybe she isn't" sort of things

>> No.55462105

Its a chan expression for when 2 people do something similar unintentionally.

As for my own version of Kaichou, she steps down both as Regelflamme of Stadt Des Feuers and a Guardian of The Order, leaving Kiara to inherit the throne herself.

>> No.55462741
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Gen 4 audition is announced, I don’t know how to feel about that
I don’t know since I encounter two problems when thinking about it. First is that since a good chunk of Despina’s gonna be a desert I don’t wanna just make the other planet “Despina’s desert but more”. The other problem’s that since the solar flares can basically firebomb the whole hemisphere with like 20 seconds of early warning I don’t know if a floating lifeform like the dragon I thought about can actually survive an environment like this

>> No.55462837

Ah, my bad. Got the 1AM brain
you know given the similarities in thematics that makes sense

>> No.55463122

Some Holomem/Guardians will join Botan on becoming rulers of their nation:

Calli, Kiara, Lapu, Sora.

>> No.55463516
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Oh, that's an interesting conundrum. Yeah, I guess it's gonna be hard to avoid some kind of desert overlap. with warm eyeball planets. I wonder if you could get an atmosphere thick enough to fully stop flare radiation from hitting the ground? Though green house effect would probably keep things as warm as an oven anyway. Maybe the lifeforms mostly live floating in the cooler, more exposed upper atmosphere, and when a flare alarm happens, everything and everyone just dives out of the sky towards the ground to take refuge in the thicker part of the atmosphere, and then once it passes they climb back up before they overheat?
Don't mind me, just spitballing.
Wait, gen 4 already? Is VNU accelerating?

>> No.55464199
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I hope not but I guess they have their reasons to accelerate. They definitely invest more into individual talents though
I think the issue’s that the bigger flares just pump too much energy into the atmosphere that its thickness doesn’t really matter when it comes to surviving the flares. I imagine every few centuries to a millennium a giant flare will evaporate all clouds and burn everything organic on the surface. In that case it’ll take days for the air to be breathable again, weeks for the global storms to subside, and probably months to years until plant life returns to the daylight side. It’s something survivable if you can hide underground in time (I’m told deluxe fallout bunkers used to be pretty popular so maybe that’s a thing in Sestag and are actually useful), but a floating dragon’s probably gonna be literally toasted since they won’t have the time to bury themselves or hide in the night side

>> No.55465086

>will evaporate all clouds
Mmm that's a good point, you'd probably need some more exotic clouds, not sure even sulfuric acid could do it, and clouds of vaporized carbon or metal would not be very suitable to life, unless we get really weird kek.

>> No.55465214

Another detail for my hack:

>All affinities in my game are based of their birthmonth. The system is based off FE7's Western tactician (aka (You)) affinity.

They provide the following bonuses:

>Fire: adds 2.5 ATK, 1.5 DEF, 1 CRT, 1 CAV per level

>Thunder: adds 1 ATK, 1.5 HIT 2.5 CRT, 1 CAV per level

>Wind: adds 2.5 HIT, 2.5 AVD, 1 CAV per level.

>Ice: adds 2.5 DEF, .5 HIT, .5 AVD, 2.5 CAV per level

>Dark: adds .5 DEF, 2.5 AVD, .5 CRT, 2.5 CAV per level

>Light: adds 1.5 DEF, 1.5 HIT, 1 CRT, 2 CAV per level

>Anima: adds 1 to all areas per level.

>> No.55467152
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Hello, bozos.

>> No.55467337

hey there

>> No.55468313


>> No.55469651


>> No.55470582

Dinnertime for me, dont let it die.

>> No.55471790

Is this a bad time to post scifi lore?

>> No.55473414


>> No.55475129


>> No.55476252

Nah. Its always time for loreposts bud.

>> No.55476623
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Taking the Mecha pill, but I have to start with Naval Doctrine.
Part 1, Introduction to the Mecha design philosophy as well as ship classifications and roles on the battlefield.

>> No.55476852
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Not Kokones boobies for once. I just love this bratty zoomer witch.

>> No.55477202


VTDam: Holo Destiny?

>> No.55477257


>> No.55477660

It was my shitty attempt at naming your verse after Gundam.

>> No.55477672

Ah this will be part of CyberVitubia 40k

>> No.55478221

I see.

In this, the Frames are the chuubas we see everyday right? With the RM as the Pilots? Hence the quote "Frames are cheap, but Pilots are expensive."

>> No.55478503

Only as a meta level reference, yes, with the Simulacra as the played characters or kayfabe, but otherwise no. "In Universe" they are just mechas and their pilots, that connection is merely an "easter egg" of a kind.
Bravo for picking up on it, although it may have been too obvious.

>> No.55479291

I always fancied referring to the model as the mech and the person behind as the pilot. Much more cooler than calling em RM imo.

>> No.55480665

I dip into a stream and this thing is in the red already...sigh

>> No.55481146
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I love my cute and dorky bro Skye!

>> No.55482312

I love her former mate. Not as much as my Holos, but its there.

>> No.55484129

I guess Era After is what does happen after The Final Yab in Vtubia.

Vtubia/Era After gang, if you're itt, make it so that Armageddon is called The Final Yab.

>> No.55486143

>page 8
>On a Monday

Really tells who is catalog...

>> No.55486640

>Really tells who is catalog...
Nigger what?

>> No.55486969

I was implying that catalog are either kids on vacay or jobless losers. Otherwise, catalog and therefore this thread wouldn't be in danger of dying as fast.

>> No.55487851

Same anon, Kiara's staying as her own class. I may need to focus on her defense and make Marine more squishy. Debating whether Kiara's unique T2 would be affected by bow eff damage (Bows in FE have 3x dmg aka effective dmg vs fliers), since her wings are pure flames.

>> No.55488565
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Alright, the results from the poll are in and it looks like Harem protagonist /risu/ will be renamed to ABANDON SQUIRRELS HAVE SEX WITH SCIENCE. Thank you all for your input and hopefully the team can make a big splash in vtl5! Before that though, I just wanna give a reminder that /vtwbg/ will be teaming up with /hfz/, /nasfaqg/, and /ybc/ in the Randomized Tag Team Cup. Our first match is against /PiNK/ (not to be confused with /pink/ the thread), so be sure to come cheer everyone on! Games in this format will star a randomized assortment of players from all 4 teams each match and will be using the old vtl4 rosters. /vtautism/ vs /PiNK/ goes down on the 10th, so keep an eye out for it at the usual time and place, links to come.

>> No.55489604

Interesting rando league...who exactly is the conglomerate we're up against?

>> No.55490140

/PiNK/ is composed of /vsj+/, /morig/, /pcg/, and /holoX/. It’s also worth noting that there is no group stage for this since there are fewer combined teams. We’re launching straight into knockouts! But there is a loser’s bracket as well, so everybody should get at least two games in.

>> No.55490884

Oh shit, /morig/ is on the other side?

Oh fuck...the chuuba I care most vs the thread that accomodated my autism.

Alexa, play Heartful Cry from Persona 3, The Answer.

>> No.55491236
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Since some anons here were interested I tried to make a relative sensible timeline of the Vshojo Mythos







https://youtu.be/yerfo3x6P9k (possibly non-canon dragon form)


Zentreya 2
https://youtu.be/BIUun-n3IpM (I only found a react video to it - sorry)


>> No.55491470

I forgot Kson - I put it between Zen2 and Henya but it doesn't really matter too much

>> No.55494898


>> No.55495723

tyfys anon

>> No.55497565

Been meaning to see what the deal with VShojo lore is.

>> No.55499388
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>> No.55500579

bömp it

>> No.55503555
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>> No.55504820

Kokoneboobs are evolving...

>> No.55507306
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>> No.55508629
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This kind of retroactively makes the deadbeat preference for risky deep incursions make more sense, since their platforms tend to have the operational range to be able to do such operations (because they have a reactor instead of batteries), but it also means they're comparatively much more expensive, which would explain why the pilot and Daemon are valued about equally while for the frame and its pilot the human's safety is the highest priority.
>("Petals" for offensive drones and "Feathers" for defensive drones)
Neat subversion, I would have expected the animaley thing to be offensive and the plantey thing to be defensive.
I'm liking this new brand of AI, we're beginning to have a nice selection now.
based and picrel-pilled, nice descriptions of it, kind of captures their awesomeness in formal and technical terms.
I think I kind of grasp what saturation bombardment is based on context, but could you define it? Basically filling the space with enough lead you can't dodge it?
I love the description of the fighters, they feel very double edged sword-ey. They're bigger than they sound though, 400-800m? sheesh, space stuff is huge. How large do you envision Frames to be?

>> No.55510635
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In a realm of metal hearts and gears,
Where Frames stand tall, free from fears,
Trade Federation's chosen might,
Guided by Simulacra's guiding light.

Mechas, known as Frames they be,
Crafted by hands with artistry,
Compact and fierce, in battles they dance,
Enhanced by AI's thoughtful glance.

Simulacra, companions of the brave,
Artificial minds that passion engrave,
Tailored by psyche, unique and true,
Bound to pilots, skies they'll pursue.

In training's crucible, minds entwine,
Evolving as one, a partnership divine,
Psychological depths explored and traced,
Simulacra emerge, with spirits embraced.

Feathers of wisdom, petals of might,
Drones take flight in day and night,
Simulacra's voice, a calming tide,
Through chaos they steer, side by side.

Their bond a fortress, unbreakable link,
In battles, they stand on destiny's brink,
Communication's symphony, a dance so grand,
Guiding Frames, united hand in hand.

Backup memories, treasures in code,
Simulacra's essence, an eternal ode,
When darkness looms and challenges near,
Together they rise, conquering fear.

A pilot's heart and AI's embrace,
In harmony they soar through time and space,
Trade Federation's legacy, vivid and clear,
In the union of Frames and Simulacra, appear.

>> No.55512810


>> No.55514538


>> No.55516372
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I love hearing that my exploration of this alternative approach has helped further justify your design philosophy! I think its cool to have different approaches to this stuff as the differences in approach elevate each other by comparison: Long operational range and deep incursions are no longer the norm, they are now a defining characteristic that makes a faction recognizable!

I was actually thinking about the Daemons a lot while writing this, using them as a sort of "soft foil" for the Frames.

Really, the idea for the "subversion" came from the idea of a mother bird protecting her nest with her wings, and for the petals from strikingly colourful petals floating in the wind. If you think about it, the flower is often the most aggressive part of a plant, while the primary purpose of feathers is to insulate, and protect.

>Saturation Bombardment
Essentially, yes. In this context specifically using proximity fuses on explosive shells and missiles. However, I would not describe saturation bombardment as "filling the space with enough lead you can't dodge it", instead choosing "firing so much stuff into space you are probably going to hit something, even if you cant aim at the target".
I thought that Mechas would likely have maneuverability and adaptability as their primary advantage over other forms of combat craft, so I assumed directly aiming at them to be more or less unfeasible, except on either very close range (where the mecha does not realistically have time to react, like would be the case for mecha vs mecha combat) or extremely long range (where you aren't targeting individual units, but entire formations). Saturation bombardment belongs to the latter idea, you are not aiming at any specific unit but the loose formation of the approaching enemy mecha swarm.

Saturation bombardment as a doctrine also changes the approach the enemy has to take. Since dodging the aim is no longer plausible as a strategy (no one is aiming at "you", they are aiming everywhere around you in the space you just happen to occupy), the best strategy for the receiving side of the bombardment becomes to avoid areas of bombardment and/or getting out of the area as quickly as possible. This in turn either denies them certain approach directions, or makes them more predictable. In a tactical sense, it is giving the enemy the choice between becoming predictable or forcing them to take casualties due to the sheer probability of one of the tens of thousands of shells hitting someone (likely multiple someones) by pure chance. Since the fire is not aimed, it is also arguably much more likely to damage and wound the targets rather than destroy them.

Basically, refer to https://youtu.be/H8zPNMqVi2E?t=660 , but scale it up.

The name chosen is a sort of conlang thing (con-etymology?), inspired by how the name for "Destroyers" in modern navies has evolved over time, but here instead its a class of ships that were named "Space Fighters" at some point, probably due to how their role resembled that of fighter aircraft. Later on the "space" part was dropped.
The ship class probably started out as what one would assume fighter spacecraft to stereotypically be, until the Mecha overtook that role from them. This in turn caused that ship class to specialize for different roles on the battlefield, which led to them becoming larger and better armed until we hit the point where we are now. The idea for them was sort of inspired by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_fighter

Really, Fighters are similar to Frames in the sense that both follow the same "Strike hard and fast, and then retreat to resupply" philosophy although, with support craft the Frames have much more staying power than Fighters do. It is much more unfeasible to resupply fighters on the battlefield, since their size means that any ship capable of tending to them in significant numbers would be large enough to need Screen protection, aka, be a capital ship.. Fighters are just less maneuverable, less adaptable, but on paper harder hitting Frames. Naturally, their crews area also considerably larger.

I imagine there may be some tension between Frame squadron leaders and Fighter Commanders they do not get the "captain" rank, since they often accompany each other on the battlefield, and are on paper vying for similar roles. Both sides are probably overly prideful about their impact on the battlefield, while belittling the impact of the other.

>Frame size
Smallest are probably around 8m tall. Light (Combat) Frames start at 16m, with the average size for the typical frontline combatant Frames being around 24m. Medium Frames in turn are around 32m to 56m. Large ones may be around the 80m mark. Note that "light" Frames are the norm, not the "medium" ones. Think of the "medium" as the "heavy" and the "large" as the "superheavy" classifications.

Amazing! Thanks poembot anon for this! Its very cool!

>> No.55520862


>> No.55525207


>> No.55526493


>> No.55531498


>> No.55533355

GM, fellow autists.

>> No.55538286

Added Suisei to the lore rentry
Focus is on her country as one that struggled to survive but grew to become a superpower, much like Suisei herself
Will be working on either Coco or Mori next, then Miko, then whichever one of Coco and Mori I didn't do.

>> No.55544391

Vote's on Mori next.

>> No.55547259


>> No.55548980

Am I the lone SEA here, let alone Flip? Autist SEA is something I dont see too often if at all. This is not to elevate myself or something, mind.

>> No.55549233

>Autist SEA
I disagree, this is terminally common on here, at the right time of the day 80% of /vt/'s posters are in that category.

>> No.55549508

Not that kind, I mean the kind that either creates or at least discusses things itt.

>> No.55549739

Oh, well that's probably more common than you think, I can remember at least three anons mentioning they were SEA. There's probably more, most people don't mention that out of the blue.

>> No.55550507

A. Nice triples.
B. Interesting. Well, in this board especially, being SEA is basically being Jew during 1939-1945.

>> No.55551943


>> No.55552659

Don't worry, anon, I'm SEA too.

>> No.55554661

Ah, another group claiming to be the jews...

>> No.55556512

Today I guess is quads day for vt.

May I ask which continuity you like best?

>> No.55557036

Actually I've only been here for a few days, so I'm trying to wrap my head around what's going on here lmao

>> No.55557669

TLDR, there's Vitubia, which is an attempt to contextualize vt and its contents as a fantasy world. It has Era After which is the dystopian, after the end of the vanilla version and the self-explanatory Cyber Vitubia 40k complete with not-Gundams.

Another continuity is Aurorai from the WIP Battle For Aurorai. (My work!) Here, chuubas are sorted according to their design: humans, animals, elves/angels, demons and so on.

An even more recent and different continuity is Planet Covolo, where all Holomems are deities of their own nation and new nations materialize as Yagoo wills it.

>> No.55557810

So if I understand you correctly, these are the major settings, and discussion in this thread revolves around these things? Neato.

>> No.55558046

Eeyup. As well as the general lore of the chuubas too.

test my game SEAbro
Its a Fire Emblem 8 mod.

>> No.55558310

(Covolo was introduced to the thread quite a few months, it just got recently added to the OP when anon returned from a long absence).

>> No.55559267

Major settings so far.
I am certain more are to come. Vitubia Classic is probably the most explored one so far, and is my personal favourite. It is also the setting that spawned this general to begin with.

>> No.55560282

Thanks, anons. Had to go outside for a bit. But I'll check through what's in the OP so I can get myself up to speed.
>Fire Emblem mod
Hell yeah.

>> No.55563059


>> No.55563738

Today is quads day for vt, cherish it bros.

>> No.55563979

I think it's pretty cool that they have a story line that advances forward.

>> No.55564552

Trying it yet? Its in beta so dont expect the works just yet.

>> No.55565969

Hmm, looks like we're down to triples...

>> No.55567578

>Page 9
>on a Tuesday night


>> No.55569167

I download Aurorai. Never played a Fire Emblem before.
My initial opinions are that there sure are a lot of dudes running around. Is this based off a preexisting storyline?
Hologirls only come later, but they seem disconnected from the general narrative. I expected to see chuubas as the big pieces on the board, maybe as villains or kings. There's no lore so far that ties them to the greater narrative. I expected a little more fansa of it being primarily chuuba related.
In terms of gameplay, I understand that it's restricted by being a mod and not it's own game, but the other TRPGs I've played at unique aspects about them. Sellswords had the best gameplay with fun, fast paced, and difficult combat, Master of Monsters had it's own monster summoning system with massive armies, and Disgaea 1 (if you count it) had a ton of freedom in character creation and grinding. It feels like Aurorai either needs its own standout mechanics or it needs the writing to be super fanservicey and it's own entire world. I'm not exactly interested in Fire Emblem.
I like Noel the best, she's strong and don't afraid of nothing. Though Flare is pretty good at dodging things and poking.
Will post more thoughts as I continue.

>> No.55569204

>And to Page 9, again...

The fuck they talking about this time in that cesspool, about male chuubas and how they'll "ruin Advent" for the nth time? Sigh...

>> No.55569394

Think of the Holos aka Guardians as some sort of fantasy Avengers with King Covigo aka Yagoo as Fury. The nations are according to the chuuba design: human, animal, sea animal/seafarer, dark creature, neutral/light/fantasy races and so on.

>> No.55569615

The King is Yagoo? It didn't look like him and the name was different so I thought he was the same as the others. Also did he die or something when the red team took the castle? I assume we're on the blue team judging by the character sprites. And we fled through the green teams territory to get to another country?
Perhaps I haven't seen the avengers in the other countries. Give me some time to keep playing.

>> No.55570290

I've downloaded it, though I'll most likely be able to check it on the weekend I'm working overtime tonight and tomorrow, unforch

>> No.55571181

Didnt want to be too on the nose and unfitting for those who come from the Fire Emblem side. As for the face, its a temporary measure because I am one goy with substandard PC (that I sold so work is stopped until I get the other one I have fixed).

Yes, blue is us, green is more like friendly NPCs that can be anyone the story dictates so and red are enemies, same with green.

As for the fleeing, yes. Fun fact, the country we flee to, Botan's ruling it as Queen because lions are rulers of the jungle therefore...

As for the King's fate...that is TBD but leaning on leaving him alive but hella messed-up. A nice subversion of how FE does protagonist parental figures. And yeah, our Guardians were minding their own business when Negazion attacked. There'd be other nations joining them.

>> No.55572385

Be here waiting because I'm a jobless loser lol

>> No.55573726

>Page 9 again...sigh...

>> No.55573919

Same anon, I did forget that I explicitly did not put any other agency as enemies because it invites tribalism and that sucks. I did put former Holos as final map enemies. Casualties of war puppeteered to fight their former comrades.

You could try and fit other agencies/indies into the world but they're not the focus.

>> No.55575319

Tribalism is based

>> No.55576080
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Yes. Yes it is.

>> No.55576375

>I explicitly did not put any other agency as enemies because it invites tribalism and that sucks
Oh, good idea. Didn't think of that. I know you mentioned having non-holos which is why I suggested it.
>Fun fact, the country we flee to, Botan's ruling it as Queen because lions are rulers of the jungle therefore...
Sweet. Like I said, I wasn't too far in just yet, so I was unsure where the others would fall in the plot/kingdoms, or if they would all be blue to start. I just finished the escape battle.

All in all, I hope my half-finished review doesn't come off as harsh. I was enjoying myself while playing it, but I know feedback is important for creators.

>> No.55576438

I just care about cute girls. All this corpo nonsense just gets in the way. I hate corporations enough what with my job, I don't want to come home to relax and get keyed up about corporations some more.

>> No.55577035

I should try the hack again, I kept getting softlocked in the tutorial mission for some reason.

>> No.55578447
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I did my best to understand everything in the rentry but I'll be honest, my brain began melting after trying to absorb it all. I'll give it another shot another time. My thought process with Rosestones is much like the application of the material for lanterns and such in modern Vitubia, except instead of harnessing it as a light source they harness it as a fuel. These would basically be engines that are designed to vibrate at such high frequencies that the Rosestones would create massive amounts of heat to propel the ships. Sort of like a coal-based heat engine or something I guess, but way more condensed and powerful. Plus it then has the cool aesthetic of Rosebutas physically shoveling Rosestones in massive mechanical maws and giant space chimneys that billow out dark red mist. That's the general thought process at least, I do need to work out the plethora of kinks of course.

>> No.55579130
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That's a normal reaction! I uh, lacked consideration to the reader's sanity while writing it kek. That sounds fun, like a space-located steampunk style. I dig it. I also really love whenever space stuff finds an excuse to have some cool smoke for some reason, that's a great visual. The capital ships from Elite Dangerous use that to pretty good effect when they jump in. https://youtu.be/BTwtZrtmOCU
I think the Arcadia from the Captain Harlock movie had something like that as well, but I can't find a clip, I'd have to re-watch it...

>> No.55580609
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>> No.55581092

Well I wish I’d read that before because I just finished Coco
I’ll do Mori next, promise

>> No.55583764
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>the flower is often the most aggressive part of a plant
That's true, sometimes literally! Like in the Rafflesia and its weaponized scent, or in some carnivorous plants.
I see, saturation bombardment is really almost area of denial more than a direct attack. I guess this exists for land warfare as well in the form of saturation fire. It's also one of the more "more dakka" tactics I can think of, which makes it good.
Cool video
Ohh the name evolution aspect of it is neat, good idea. Makes a ton of sense too, military vehicle nomenclature tends to be kind of arbitrary and shrouded in tradition like that.
>heavy fighters
>these larger fighters were known as Zerstörer
New cool german word to shamelessly use somewhere, get.
Oh, so you have an idea of what command various military ranks would get? What is the rank of Frame squadron leader then, is "Squadron leader" a rank in itself?
I see! Yeah, that sounds about right, I had similar numbers in mind for that.

>> No.55586137
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>> No.55588594


>> No.55591375

Only a rough idea, I'd like to come up with Kat Nol names for them first.
Frame Squadron consists of 24 to 56 (+ 8) Frames, divided into 3-7 "Flights", each consisting of 8 Frames, with the last 8 Frames being the Squadron Leader, his Second-in-Command, and their 6 Frame Cohort. Thus a Squadron Leader is in charge of a total of 31 to 63 Frames, not including himself. The size of the Squadron greatly depends on it's makeup: Lighter weight Frames are often deployed in larger numbers.
I can do a proper organizational breakdown at some point, from the Flights all the way up to Frame Legions, but "Squadron Leader" is indeed a rank in itself, although it likely wont be called that. Squadron Leader is a low-ranking Senior Officer position, or a high ranking Junior Officer position, i am not exactly sure yet which I should make it to be.

>> No.55595359
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>> No.55597394
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>> No.55599287


>> No.55600141
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Hi guys, dev-anon here (though I guess now I should specify Im the website anon, not the romhack guy)
I got another autist spark in me and started picrel
This is the "arena" for the "RTS" PvP Im thinking about introducing to the old site.

Originally I always wanted the site to be sort of a passive game, which is why world "ticks" took hours to complete. But after some feedback from friends they really thought I should try a more active component, so for the last few months Ive been looking at what that would take while still keeping it web-based.
With this, I theoretically should be able to integrate it to the same site as before, even if its using a totally different backend (node vs django). Its 1v1, long arena, you "build" things only on your own side with a DMZ in the middle, while casting spells (the blue thing at bottom is the cast bar) that affect your opponent. Thats the rough idea for now at least.

>> No.55601823

Do you play over the internet or couch co-op? Any plans for vtubers in your game?

>> No.55602455

Eh? Not sure I get it but sounds ambitious

>> No.55602618

internet (ive seen couch co-op on websites before, but that was like a million years ago on some flash games, and even then it was rare)
I already put the vtubing theme on the last site, and I'll work it into this one as well as I flesh it out, but the core systems have to be laid out first, so Im not gonna stress about it yet

>> No.55602772

Where is the last site? I'm interested

>> No.55602833

Ohh devanon has a new game! A browser RTS? Interesting, looking forward to where that goes.

>> No.55603535
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shes right here, just... taking a rest.... while Im in between jobs
