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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55438981 No.55438981 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55439569

I don't even mean to hate on her but I literally cannot follow this conversation. I could fall asleep.

>> No.55439683

bro im never listenin to her again, people who oshi her are legit cursed

>> No.55439699

peter pan?

>> No.55439715

To be fair you need a pretty high IQ to understand Shiori streams.

>> No.55439765

She's literally not making any sense at all kek. I have no idea why people like her so much.

>> No.55439781

seethe sisters, she is hololive now and is raking in money talking about nothing.

>> No.55439822

cool it with the racism

>> No.55439856

what she's doing makes sense if you imagine she needs to make a non-stop stream of noise to mask the sounds of her being fucked from behind by 5 dudes taking turns.

>> No.55439955

She wouldn't approve of that kind of racist language, anon. You would be removed from her community or that.

>> No.55439993

I can't follow. She's definitely autistic. I think she ripped off her "theories" from the movie Hook, like Peter Pan visiting Wendy's children.

>> No.55440024

oop fuwamoco starting screen up. i'll go listen to that.

>> No.55440032

dunno, didn't watch

>> No.55440115

this 100% what a autistic girl does, unfortunately she's not talking about MY autistic fixation so it's a boring stream
>Verification not required.

>> No.55440316

Avant-garde GFE

>> No.55440325

Shiori please redirect to Fuwamoco now

>> No.55440379

she was to replace vesper after all.

>> No.55440431

even mumei makes more sense than her

>> No.55440439
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do zoomies not read?

>> No.55440531

Don't know, blocked her when I found out she likes cuck shit. Besides, the dogs' loading screen is on.

>> No.55440539

Talking about her underlying fetish with NTR that shows in Peter Pan and Tarzan.

>> No.55440589


>> No.55440640

It's the ultimate GFE in that you listen to her talk about something you don't understand for 30 minutes and then pay the $100 bill.

>> No.55440713

of course not, they can't even watch a tv show or movie without also scrolling on their phones.

>> No.55440778

can confirm, I had a female sperg talk to me about opals for like 15 mins and I just nodded and said "yeah"

>> No.55440923

Tarzan is actually NTR

>> No.55440934

wrong image? aren't you suppose to use one of the dog girls

>> No.55441023

she's so autistic bros. I love her

>> No.55441041

yeah thats how other people feel when you talk about your autistic fixation

>> No.55441165

>all other genmates are respectful and wrap up in time
>shiori goes over time and doesn't wrap up in time
What a fucking bitch.

>> No.55441305

autismo is too strong so she forgets the passage of time

>> No.55441342

fucking zoomers thinking that the "soft a" is racist. no culture.

>> No.55441358

I love her, she can talk about whatever she wants and i will listen

>> No.55441478

The original novels of the stories Disney sanitized.

>> No.55441712

the title of the stream implies she will be spoiling you about childhood media from sources that will destroy it for you, i know you zoomers dont read or can follow any talks at all but cm on, she was talking about the differences between the original source material and the disney movies which is not hard to follow lmao

>> No.55441799

I love her

>> No.55441830

Also some Spirited Away knowledge thrown in there. It was pretty fun listening to her ramble.

>> No.55441950 [DELETED] 

don't know, shut the shit off after 5 minutes

>> No.55441959

Why did you guys lie to me about Shiori, she's just a huge nerd
I expected her to be catty as fuck and constantly talking shit about her co-workers on a private account and be responsible for at least one person's suicide and be proudly in the wrong about it.
This isn't what I was promised.

>> No.55441995

Expected some talks about monetization. Devolves into ruining your childhood with what really happened in the books. Based?

>> No.55442016

So you have to be mentally ill to watch her, got it.

>> No.55442337 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 2148x1771, 1687444300321683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do women love ntr so much

>> No.55442395


>> No.55442468

Screenshotting this for the future. Thanks Nostradamus!

>> No.55442521
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Even Lia is more comprehensible than her

>> No.55442607

careful anon jannies don't like that pic

>> No.55442625

Natsumi Moe isn't a real vtuber, she's more of a shitpost/comedy ASMR channel with an avatar.

>> No.55442668

that's all on you
never pick someone based on looks but common interests,first

>> No.55442678

it's in their nature, monkeybranching and whatnot.

>> No.55442707

He's right.

>> No.55442750

I don't watch corpos, what happened? what was she talking about that was so confusing?

>> No.55442803

She's so quirky and definitely autistic, I would know because I have autism and so does my ex-fiance, and we both worked at a special education company that worked exclusively with autistic children and also I knew a girl in highschool who had autism and she talked just like Shiori who has autism if I forgot to mention.


>> No.55442809

Right, the difference between the original and English endings. That part slipped my mind.

>> No.55442821

Let me guess, your first experience with vtubers was Hololive?

>> No.55442847

It's just an example of a vtuber loving ntr there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.55442954

books and shiet

>> No.55442980
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You act like this is exclusive to her

>> No.55443122

all autism is not equal as far as entertainment. yeah shiori is likely autistic, but that doesn't excuse her from being boring.

>> No.55443189

books? that's some scary shit.

>> No.55443236

Im sorry niggers but Im not watching your ESL whore even unless she does a naked dogeza on stream

>> No.55443276

>You act like this is exclusive to her
In what way did saying "why do women love ntr so much" did I imply it was exclusive to one person.

>> No.55443881

the girl in your pic wants to be cucked

>> No.55444431

if only she would talk about why Revan should canonically wield two lightsabers that have the overpowered DLC merchant crystals in them, then i'd watch her
until then, i'll stick to CNtubers that i can't understand

>> No.55444635 [DELETED] 

the novelists will cope

>> No.55444896

only non-fiction

>> No.55445024

How do I talk as fluently and without pause as Shiori does

>> No.55445250

cause brain damage

>> No.55445285

This is unironically hilarious you fucking retard anons finally getting an actual mentally ill woman and you cant handle it. I told you so all the way.

>> No.55445387

literally worse than bau bau noises

>> No.55445449

Practice your speech patterns and articulation. Work on voice projection and breathing techniques.
Think about what you want to say before you say it so that you can avoid the use of filler sounds like "uh".

Literally look up famous speeches and practice them in the mirror. Make eye contact with yourself and speak directly.

Social Skills are indeed /skills/. You have to work on them to be good at them.

>> No.55445467

By watching Koyori's debut stream

>> No.55445490

>trusting /vt/ to handle a woman who doesn't talk down to them like a sped child
who could have seen this coming

>> No.55445610

As someone who goes on tangents and just talks forever like that, it's a combination of knowing a lot of interconnecting things and being bad at telling stories, and being too adhd to be wiling to follow through with a story in favor of just talking about whatever you know that is more interesting at any given moment.

>> No.55445697

watch Gilmore Girls and read everyone's dialogue aloud as it happens
trust me, the characters in that show don't stop talking

>> No.55445771

Anon, what she's doing is the opposite of social skills. It doesn't translate into being able to communicate with other people, it actually hinders it. There are plenty of anons who know that here.

>> No.55445806 [DELETED] 
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She almost got the same amount of money as Nerissa with karaoke buff just by rambling like a schizo btw

>> No.55445820

They don't like her, they like being contrarians.

>> No.55445842

Jane belongs to the street

>> No.55445939

Okay but that doesn't change the validity of my advice.
Being able to speak articulately and clearly is a skill that most people can work on.

>> No.55445983

Do you think just streaming for the sake of it will help with this skill? Obviously not interested in getting lots of viewers.

>> No.55446088 [DELETED] 

>number faggot is the schizo faggot also

>> No.55446148


>> No.55446170

Yeah but that will make you talk less and less like what anon was asking about.

>> No.55446239

it can help with the fluidity of your thoughts. it'll make you more comfortable with talking about something out of nothing
t. me

>> No.55446282

>off by slightly under 100k yen

>> No.55446286

Well look at Kiara, 90% of what comes out of her mouth is functionally useless ME ME ME garbage but she somehow manages to be very entertaining to listen to

>> No.55446304

I dunno man I was faded as hell, I just nodded my head and ate my burger. I think she bought it though. This nigga finna get his dick wet.

>> No.55446358

nta but I've considered doing book reading streams to improve oration and enunciation

>> No.55446405

you mean EQ?

>> No.55446480

Nerissa beat her, lol.

>> No.55446504 [DELETED] 

I was expecting Nerissa to earn at least double Shiori did with her singing talent

>> No.55446649 [DELETED] 

I wasn't implying otherwise

>> No.55446896

I think anon was just saying they expected Nerissa to make more than $700 usd over Shiori

>> No.55446969

who cares its cute

>> No.55447056 [DELETED] 

twins beat her too lmao

>> No.55447158

well I'd hope considering they have to split the money.

>> No.55447258 [DELETED] 

cope retard

>> No.55449139

no one likes shiori unironically

>> No.55449861
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I was expecting something more from these replies but it was literally just this

>> No.55450044

>been a lonely 2view for 6 years
>develops schizophrenia

>> No.55450120

Who says what the shit? Is this an ESL thing because it sounds very unnatural

>> No.55450331

>Who says what the fuck?
This is what you sound like. Next you'll be telling me you've never heard "what the Christ" or, "what the deuce".

>> No.55450573

Except people actually say all of those things, who on earth says what the shit aside from ESLs? I’ve only ever heard that in foreign countries while on vacation from people learning english

>> No.55450636


>> No.55450776

Nigga, you sure you're not ESL? I baited you because nobody actually says "what the deuce" anymore, what the shit is way more common.

>> No.55451324

I watched bad boys and the wire, i'm pretty much american and know shit fits in anywhere.

>> No.55451884

I liked her excited awkward autistic energy. You can tell she get's really passionate about her hobbies and interests.

>> No.55452961

which dictator's speeches should I look up?

>> No.55453144

Do people really want an "idol" that rants about peter pan shitting in the river for half an hour?

>> No.55453368

Shiori is the best GFE in vtubing right now after this stream. Her rambling nonstop about things I don't care about or know about but being cute the whole time - if she would just singularly focus on me that would literally be what I want in a relationship, the girl to do all the talking so I can just sit there and not feel obligated to fill dead air

>> No.55456031

suck my cock little man

>> No.55456608


>> No.55458149

why tho

>> No.55458510 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 420x420, 1605948552101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but the idea of western femoids or any english speakers being idols were utterly retarded in the first place. That shit should be JP exclusive because they can actually make it work. Your "le idol shork" and her troupe of whores can just settle with playing games instead embarrassing themselves further.

>> No.55459301

FuwaMoco. QED.

>> No.55459991

Literacy is rare in zoomers, and those who can actually read typically don't have the attention span for more text than a zhangtok title or a google search results blurb.

>> No.55460032

>Holo vs. Holo

>> No.55461159

Heaven or hell?

>> No.55461246

She wants to be cucked, not the other way around.

>> No.55461485

I tuned in for a sec and it was just her screaming while chat was begging her to calm down

>> No.55461500

/vt/ have convinced themselves she's some turbo bitch that wants to kill Hololive from within.

The truth is that she's just heavily on the spectrum.

The problem is...She's pretty boring.

>> No.55461664

Roundup-induced autism.

>> No.55461992
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>> No.55464746 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55464812 [DELETED] 

Nah. Have you watched Nerissa? Bitch is a snoozefest whenever she wasn't being le raging turbodyke.

>> No.55464919

tangents personified as a chuuba
i know the chicken is too but i dont like her voice

>> No.55465187

don't really care. every time she speaks or even breathes in her mic it makes me rock hard and that's all that matters

>> No.55465444 [DELETED] 

Are you implying that Shiori has a pleasant voice
Fair. I guess some people are content with eating shit if it has adequate garnish.

>> No.55465484

Bro, chicken and pippa look like medicated fluoride zombies compared to this woman

>> No.55465650

go back to /jp/, dogfucker

>> No.55465961

You say that like it's a bad thing...?

>> No.55466165

That's because you're illiterate moron who never picked up a book.

>> No.55466374
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>> No.55466455

Fuwa is cringe too

>> No.55466523

I can't believe I'm taking the bait but:
In what way is FWMC cringe that Miko/Luna/even Korone isn't?

>> No.55466866

feels like an all out war right now lol

>> No.55467325

Miko and Luna are, Korone has some more advanced jokes. more thought put into them.

>> No.55467362

well, it's better than Kiara's.

>> No.55467505

If you think playing a character is cringe in both EN and JP then maybe vtubers just aren't for you.

>> No.55467539

This is a thinly veiled shilling post for shitori. Do not let it distract you.
>shitori is not a "western femoid" guys!
>shitori is an oldfag guys!
>shitori is a whore so I must hate idol culture

god i hate oldfags

>> No.55468307


>> No.55469262

I can respect staying in character, I just don't like that character very much.

>> No.55469591

I agree with this dude, respect their kayfabe like mad, they will do great and its going to be fun to bounce off in collabs but I TRULY cannot sit there for over an hour listening to

>~un ~un
>bau bau
>insert japanese noise here

Not going to anti and will definitely watch in collabs but the "solo" stream brain smoothing is just too potent for me.

>> No.55469689

Just wait until they get vocal cord nodules.
>oh what a shame, poor things

>> No.55469791

Nah it happened in the Broadway play too so it's clearly real Peter Pan canon.

>> No.55469808

Fuck off brown anti sea creature, japs should have cleaned out your shithole.

>> No.55470639

Most don't. At the same time a lot of people don't read books, just twitter posts and facebook adds.

>> No.55470707

What was the pic?

>> No.55472055

Remember to ignore faggots and sisters trying to pit the girls and their fans against one another.

>> No.55472237

It's funny as fuck
Also she thinks it's really interesting which makes her cute and autistic

>> No.55475443

Did I lost something?

>> No.55476376

Watch her monetization stream and use a stopwatch to count how long it takes you to stop following what she's saying

>> No.55481061

bau bau

>> No.55481254

Do anyone have the timestamp of her talking about men being attracted to girls on their period?
