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55412190 No.55412190 [Reply] [Original]

What did she do to deserve this?

>> No.55412328

>tries shit with Pippa
>gets rightfully owned

>> No.55412510

shes corpo now anon, shes busy on the new project

>> No.55412514


>> No.55413075

Why did she block Pippa just to start drama?

>> No.55413541

Played with fire now is getting burned.

>> No.55413582

More like
>tries to avoid Pippa
>Pippa finds out someone doesn't like her
>sics her fans after them
Good instincts on pandas part. Too bad shes getting harassed by her pippatrannies now for DARING to disrespect their goddess

>> No.55413792

>Tries to avoid Pippa for being a piece of shit
>Pippa throw a tantrum on stream and sends her fans to harass her proving that she is indeed a piece of shit and the Panda did good to avoid her

>> No.55413859

Shouldn't have blocked her. OperaGX isn't even her brand. She's just some random vtuber they use to promote their garbage browser.

>> No.55413928

sounds like Pippa's based AGAIN.

>> No.55414054 [DELETED] 

She also blocked BVTM along with Pippa confirming the fact they are the same type of scum. Vtweeter drama fags and their queen ruined en vtubing.

>> No.55414161

bunker trannies like you ruined vtubing. Go back to fap to tempiss and hasan you faggot.

>> No.55414259

Could've softblock or just ignore her. Blocking a large creator in the same community as yours is not very smart. Especially when you interact with other vtubers on twitter that respect and look up to Pippa.

>> No.55414271

She didn't try anything. Are you an idiot?

>> No.55414276

>and hasan
Caplappi... You don't want to go down that route.

>> No.55414326

Vtubing is about cute girls protecting our smile. Not trashgirls shittalking each others and making you feel sorry for their existence.
Your trash whore is destroying is destroying vtubing, EN3 is saving it.

>> No.55414349

Nobody respects or looks up to Pippa

>> No.55414392


>> No.55414434

It's fucking hilarious that merely getting blocked made the pickme seethe this hard
Like imagine going
Kek what a KWAB

>> No.55414530

Yes, it’s hilarious, actually
>Ahahah I’m probably blacklisted by hololive, I’m not mad at all. I love phase, I would never leave
>Gets blocked by literally one persons on twitter
>Throws a tantrum

>> No.55414589

Her kiwinigger fans jump at the chance to doxx and harass, all she has to do is direct them at a target.

>> No.55414852

Why would you block someone that you've never interacted with anyway? That's just kinda rude and unnecessarily aggressive for no reason. If you just don't want to see their tweets you can mute them instead and they won't even know.

>> No.55414932

Go fuck your sister again retard incest chama.

>> No.55415046

why wouldn't you block Pippa?

>> No.55415053

You niggers made this thread again. Never gonna make it.

>> No.55415074

OperaGX probably doesn't want anything to do with a controversial right wing vtuber. It's the same thing when brands pulled their ads from Fox News and shit. Free market that you supposably love in action.

>> No.55415095
File: 251 KB, 420x593, bully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have her get bullied by the real panda

>> No.55415162

Go away fake fan

>> No.55415216

retard. pippa is the politics ethot cancer killing vtubing while panda is an idol otaku. its EXTREMELY obvious who to side with here even if you never watched either

>> No.55415237

Plenty of brands do this.
They don't want to interact with controversial figures and known trolls.

>> No.55415316 [DELETED] 

Trump lost

>> No.55415324

These election tourists ruined everything. I wish I could nuke 2016 and all these poltards 3 times over. They just ruin everything they touch like this Mongolian basket weaving forum and vtubing.

>> No.55415394

pandora/opera a while back I believe had a severe falling out with kaneko lumi, who went to join phase. so lumi-friend drama shitters are also automatically on pandora's shitlist, shrimple as that.

thing is there are a lot lot more pippa fans than opera/pandora fans and a lot of pippa fans apparently are kiwifarms doxfags etc so they see nothing wrong with dogpiling someone and being subhuman shitters.

I dunno if pippa can truly control her fans even if she tried, she opened up the ... pandora's box (ooooh) and can't close it when fraternizing with people like that.

>> No.55415484

She didn't start anything you phasefag lobotomite. The people who made the aurora gx account blocked a bunch of accounts before hand including your bald rightoid hick rabbit. She had nothing to do with any of that and deserves none of the hate she is getting. You phasefags are the worst fan base in vtubing the world would be a better place if you all mass killed yourselfs right now.

>> No.55415574

Based at getting fucked by her dad.

>> No.55415587

just as an oldfaggot this sites been dogshit since the start but its gotten unreasonably shitty since 2015 with politicsniggers invading EVERYTHING. it wasnt so bad before dont mess with football because the website was mainly free of normies at least.

>> No.55415747
File: 2.07 MB, 1176x1594, George_Orwell_press_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I joined the militia I had promised myself to kill one phasefag - after all, if each of us killed one they would soon be extinct.

>> No.55415975

wait what happened to the rule regarding PLs?

>> No.55416085

But you don't have to block someone to avoid interacting with them. The point of blocking people to make them stop bothering you. If they've never even talked to you before it's unnecessary and just being preemptively hostile.

>> No.55416218

>applies to represent a whole brand
>dont expect to face backlash when brand does something stupid
They picked the worse person to be the Opera chuuba.

>> No.55416332

>Brand bad
>Let’s go harass the previous life of their unrelated chuuba project
>Hum akshually it’s the chuuba’s fault
Consider killing yourself immediately.

>> No.55416375

Show me the harassment.

>> No.55416383

>saving pandas
not even worth the trouble, both the animal and the vtubers

>> No.55416508

It's the classic

>> No.55416571 [DELETED] 

kys pippanig

>> No.55416599

What hate is she getting? I can find a handful of twitter replies making fun of it but not much else.

>> No.55416680

You know Pandora has a public email address, right? You won’t find the harassment on public Twitter replies.

>> No.55416759

Lol. So, it didn't happen, yes?

>> No.55416798

Only applies to blue dorito.

>> No.55416818

Just stop typing. Go kill yourself right now.

>> No.55416863

I'll do it right after you show the harassment.

>> No.55416985

I don’t negotiate with scum. Remove yourself from this world immediately.
Stream it.

>> No.55417018

The point of blocking is not hostile it's to protect the brand. Why am I even arguing with you. Please turn your shitty PSA AR with shit from wish.com on it on yourself and pull the trigger pippafag.

>> No.55417044

>You won’t find the harassment on public Twitter replies
Of course, we all know that twitter is such a nice place where nobody tries to cancel anyone.

>> No.55417082

I can help her mate.

>> No.55417111


>> No.55417118

You can. She is a female, they act like this. And then complain its everyone else's fault.

>> No.55417610 [DELETED] 

>phasebrowns literally act like the harry potter trannies

>> No.55420069

pippa is very based for hurting everyone except my oshis

>> No.55420232

You should have sent me this:

>> No.55420327

Why would I send you a timestamp from a stream I didn’t watch? I didn’t even watch the clip in OP. Hearing the yabrabbit makes my ears bleed.

>> No.55420680

Wouldn't it be yabbit

>> No.55421003

>don't watch streams
I couldn't tell.

>> No.55421189

>This shit with Pippa
>former cyberlive comes out yesterday calling out Lumi for having been manipulative scum
What's wrong with these two in Phase? they got mostly great talents but they give them a terrible name

>> No.55421544

I watch streams, not garbage

>> No.55422963

Okay, so explain why your phasejanny lets these threads stay up when they shit on someone your own dramastirrer started shit with?

>> No.55423026

Pandora, Hylo, this is embarrassing

>> No.55423312

Yabbit too strong.

>> No.55423544

Nobody respects Pippa or look up to her.

>> No.55424592

Pippa is a scum for doing this with smaller vtubers.
Why she doesn't tried to harass Selen who openly shittalked about Phase Connect on stream?

>> No.55426585

Blocking someone IS interacting with them. They could've just gone their merry totally nonintersecting ways, but instead she veered 90 degrees and crossed the streams just to give a middle finger. It's idiotic (not that Pippa milking the situation for content was tasteful)

>> No.55427182

Cope. Don't be a cringe retard and people won't block you.

>> No.55430630

You could have just left it at
>Pippa is scum

>> No.55431220
File: 455 KB, 1004x1547, IMG_1860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The panda has always been and will always be boring and a poor entertainer. That’s why her views are so low.

>> No.55432995

>vtubers...that respect and look up to Pippa

>> No.55433252

Oh please if she was in hololive she'd be getting 5 views. Just like Ina, Kronii, Fauna and every other boring ass chuuba.

>> No.55433396

the difference is pippa gets paid to make these walls of text, while you don't get paid anything to be mad

>> No.55433521


>> No.55433867

Getting paid for being a piece of shit is smart. But that doesn’t make you less of a piece of shit.
Pippa is a cunt who deserves to be blocked and blacklisted by every agency and vtuber in existence.

>> No.55435932

Fuck Pippa, fuck Rosemi, don't fuck or trust Lumi

>> No.55436759

100% agree, but I stand by my point that she's making money here.
The only thing that matters here is money.


>> No.55437196

Sure she has money but is hated by other chuubas and forever bitter of not being in hololive nor allowed to collab with hololive or to be 10 feet away from hololive.
I’m suuuuuure she prefer the money.

>> No.55437991

thanks, I will

>> No.55439124

ITT it was either her doing it as the result of some behind the scenes beef, or just social unawareness and using this as an opportunity to shit on OPERA gx for their recent controversy.

>> No.55441795

desu anon she does prefer money instead of collabing with other chuubas

>> No.55442466

Pandora, you will never make it into Hololive.

>> No.55443118

what did Rosemi do?
I had the panda muted and I don't even remember why. I probably saw a dumb take on something unrelated to vtubers show up.
