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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 312 KB, 1600x900, magni-dezmond-noir-vesper-suspended-by-holostars-en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55329537 No.55329537 [Reply] [Original]

2 more weeks?

>> No.55329675

More like two more days.
>Mori doomposting, complaining about her kouhai moaning, received a message from her manager during her last stream which made her quit right away
>Altare trying to shit on Jap in his latest stream
>In five days will be a month since they last gave any info regarding the duo

>> No.55329740

>>Altare trying to shit on Jap in his latest stream

>> No.55329765

So 2 more weeks then, got it.

>> No.55329840

>Return stream will be them collabing with Shiori

>> No.55329857

I think the fat cringe wigger should boycott Cover and announce her graduation in retaliation #justice4vesper #magnididnothingwrong

>> No.55330103


>> No.55330117

I also want the time stamp but you just know he's probably shit posting you'd think homo antis would watch their streams to know all that

>> No.55330144

This but Kronii

>> No.55330191

Rent free.

>> No.55330280

Surely you would have a source for Altare shitting on Jap, right?

>> No.55330359
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2 more days.

>> No.55330572

kek of course deadfuck would be the one shitting on this sweatheart to deflect from their fat boar being a fuck up and a bitch

>> No.55330644 [DELETED] 
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My autistic goth gf cant cuck me if theres no men left to stream with.


>> No.55330784

>guys what if we did le epic mysterious stealth suspension and then we give no reasons and leave the fanbase in the dark for weeks and then we drag the clown fiesta out for 50 more weeks haha
What the fuck is wrong with Cover?

>> No.55330854


>> No.55331056

>guys let's outright lie to our fans
what the fuck is wrong with AnyColor?

>> No.55331278

>>stealth suspension
Didn't cover literally stated that they stop magni and vesper activities?
That's stealth at all.
Stealth would be 2 weeks of "family vacation" or "unknown illness"

>> No.55331458

4 more weeks, bros...

>> No.55331655

Monday will be a week since advent.
If the
>didn't want to cast a shadow on the new EN debut
thing is correct a full week is enough time, surely. I'm thinking that there will be news, if there is to be newsat all, between Mon 7th and 14th.
If it extends beyond this next week then really who knows wtf is going on.

>> No.55331751

Cover is dealing with a situation they're unsure of how to handle, and the usual Japanese way of handling it would be to announce it six months after the fact which won't fly in the EN sphere.
The death of a talent is a brand new one for them.

>> No.55331859 [DELETED] 

Yeah, the situation being
>Vespiss and Fagni undoubtedly need to be fired

>> No.55331875

>Amelia "sick"

>> No.55331941

If Iofi suddenly announces a break, that's when it is confirmed.

>> No.55332074

Would make sense since the fans are currently quite happy with how Advent turned out, so I doubt two homos can sour the experience.
Heck many would be actually happy, the new HoloEN direction is great.

>> No.55332122

>Nijinigger doesn't know what stealth is
Captcha: st0pv
Alright then.

>> No.55332336

>t. the voice in my head

>> No.55332414

Tempus management has so far avoided using radio silent "health breaks" or "vacations". They were not completely honest about Vesper and Magni since they never called it a suspension but they did make it clear their activities would be stopped for a while. FuwaMoco adding the Mahoromatic anime to their anime list was an indication that everyone in holoEN already knows what they are fighting over.

>> No.55332643

I don't want to think it - but I fully believe in my rrat mind they are terminated/leaving on their own

>> No.55332662
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>> No.55332671

>Death of a talent
Jesus christ you vesper fans are actual psychopaths. you would unironically prefer to rrat that he's dead than the much more likely reality that he got his ass fired because he was already on probation.

>> No.55332751

Don't shitpost with my concubine wife, homofaggot.

>> No.55332757

>>Vespiss and Fagni undoubtedly need to be fired

>> No.55332793

What did the blue tranny say about Jap?

>> No.55332811

Because the mention of other men triggers antis with reminders that they are also men.

>> No.55332827

>FuwaMoco adding the Mahoromatic anime to their anime list was an indication that everyone in holoEN already knows what they are fighting over.
I know we all like to make jokes about here, but this also means that Fuwawa was implying that Yagoo is actually the ghost of Adolf Hitler if the pattern is the same.

>> No.55332858

don't @ me you illiterate mongoloid

>> No.55332866

Her fans will then convince themselves into thinking the collab was PROFESIONAL only.

>> No.55332885


>> No.55333360

>accidentally replies to the post above the target
>anon loses their mind
Iromic that your insult of choice was illiterate while displaying a lack of literary skills in the process.

>> No.55333593

>FuwaMoco adding the Mahoromatic anime to their anime list was an indication that everyone in holoEN already knows what they are fighting over.
I seriously have to leave this board lol

>> No.55333743
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>> No.55334863

Mori hater here - I would be SO ANGRY if she did that! I would be fuming and owned! Mori please don't do this, please don't own me!!

>> No.55334928

>Magni's model
Literally what the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.55335006

because anon doesnt like them but im sure they'll send you a thesis of made up bullshit

>> No.55335223

this time it will work for sure!

>> No.55335787

Wait he isn't?
I was supporting the Hololive for nothing then

>> No.55335926
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>> No.55336207

who is the guy on the left. i only know about the vampire

>> No.55336431
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>try to chase Luxiem $$$
>fuck up horribly and almost ruin your EN brand
>Luxiem starts flopping anyways
>new girl gen is a success beyond expectations

Loving every laugh.

>> No.55336463
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It's a suspension in all but name.

>> No.55337330

They're waiting for the police to formally bring the charges forward before saying anything.

>> No.55337725

The only one chasing Luxiem money is Bettel. Magni tried to leech off him too (still is) but isn't as successful.

>> No.55337942

Luxiem's success was the whole reason for why Cover decided to focus 2022 exclusively on debuting the homos instead of more girls.

>> No.55339613

>FuwaMoco adding the Mahoromatic anime to their anime list was an indication that everyone in holoEN already knows what they are fighting over.
i love you anon

>> No.55339866

the only good outcome has been the perms theyve been getting for en

>> No.55340023

Game perms? That's definitely not on the homos but Cover finally hiring competent people for their perms division.

>> No.55340065

Calli supporter here. Do it! Show them that you don't need Cover to succeed! Graduate and then go far away from Hololive and be a star!!

>> No.55340151

yes but also having some irrelevant 3 views makes it easier to ask some tuuba to beg for perms
my strat is to ask the low 3 view vanguard boys for the games i actually want to see the girls play

>> No.55340159

>FuwaMoco adding the Mahoromatic anime to their anime list was an indication that everyone in holoEN already knows what they are fighting over.

>> No.55340228

do you fags even know why he said that? it just so happens, that specific anime has a description on wiki with a line on it saying "after the defeat of management and Vesper...". that is either an extreme coincidence they happened to pick this one anime with a "haha funny coincidence" lineup in it, or it isn't one. could be an easter egg from them because fuwamoco know a lot lot lot more than they let on about overall anime/otaku culture matters.

>> No.55340410

It surely has nothing to do with it being a very popular anime from the era these two hags come from.

>> No.55340434

it's also the only anime in the world where you will find such a coincidence.

>> No.55340553

holy shit i blieb..

>> No.55340634
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>completely disappeared for almost a month
>delayed the anniversary
>no voice pack
>sisters still trying to claim it's a nothinburger
kek, unigods won

>> No.55340784


>> No.55340805

In the fanfiction I'm writing in my head someone got stabbed or shot with a speargun and those two got arrested. I'm a bit hazy on the details but I think it has potential as a good story.

>> No.55340881

thank you for filling me in anon, that does make it funnier

>> No.55340987
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She won.

>> No.55341113

I hated tempiss from the beginning, but I didn't expect it to become shitshow in just one year, it is hard to understand how they came to the conclusion to stain their holo image in this way

>> No.55341635

Maybe different audition standards?

>> No.55341728

It all started when Vesper got the first suspension on the EN side and the first one due to internal misconduct in the history of the agency. That episode pretty much confirmed that Cover rushed to get the homos to put out an answer to Anycolor's Luxiem and ended up hiring a bunch of menheras and shitters.

>> No.55341837

Nothing he baited you with free you

>> No.55341907

nijisanji is the one that does stealth suspensions retard

>> No.55341912

It's honestly just the difference between men and women.
When women get told they can't do something or get lied to, they might pout about it for a bit but will give up and move on. Or just not do anything.
When men get told they can't do something or are lied to, they ask questions. They ask what's the issue, what happened? This leads to arguments. Especially since your strongheaded Western man won't just bow and say "Hai, kaichou" like the Japanese mangement expected them to.

>> No.55341926

Tempus started going off the rail after the end collab

>> No.55342098

For all you know, it could be true. The sisters don't watch streams either, so no one will have proof for either case.

>> No.55342164

>Altare trying to shit on Jap in his latest stream
Yeah gonna need at least a clip for this one. I'll take him saying something vague about not liking some new management decisions or something.

>> No.55342404

>Mori doomposting, complaining about her kouhai moaning
Actually, I know this one is bullshit, so I'm not gonna get my hopes up.

>> No.55342482

Amelia always has morning sickness because of bread and the mold in her house and the poisonous animals she keeps as pets.

>> No.55342960

They're gone.
This long of nothing means they're just figuring out the legal details of them leaving.

>> No.55343013

Nobody that watch Advent would care about Tempus. Any announcements about graduation would sour the experience in a 1% at most.

>> No.55343329

Boost that to at least 30% for if any Advent acknowledges their graduation/termination.

>> No.55343423

its 100% because of Vesper, hes too fucking retarded and emotional, worse than a woman.

i believe he geniunely gets angry whenever they collab in luck based games such as Uno or Mario Party where he gets fucked over.

>> No.55343497

People that keep spouting that stupid "they're just delaying the graduation announcement to not overshadow Advent" bullshit forget that Cover announced they terminated Rushia hours before the Bakatare 3D concert.

>> No.55343589

I think they're just based oldfags who legitimately enjoy y2k moe/ecchi anime and there's no conspiracy to the Mahoromatic thing. I am old, that anime was quite popular in its heyday because of Mahoro's nipples.

>> No.55344477

People here don't ACTUALLY think this, right? That a new talent conspired with management/the producer to throw in a wink at the audience maliciously shitting on the talent in a different branch under the same company that still exists to make money? The Jap posting is getting out of hand if people unironically believe he's trying to sabotage Stars. They'd just dissolve the branch if staff actually thought that way.

>> No.55344833
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>> No.55344867

The time that the page was down made me think and now I will follow my own feelings about this.... graduate both

>> No.55344877

Haven't you guys said two more days for weeks now? Rumao

>> No.55345006

At first it was a funny coincidence one anon pointed out, then people started spamming it and the joke got unfunny, and now schizo's believe it. Truly the cycle jokes go through.

>> No.55345140

Newfags spoiled by incredibly raunchy modern anime and manga never knew the time when we were teenagers and used to open the shrink-wrap on the Mahoromatic manga in Borders to check out the boobies and then put it back on the shelf unpurchased.

>> No.55345575

>A concert from 3 established veteran talents, a nice show and maybe an outlet for some merch
>Compared the first EN gen in 2 years, the EN branch's big attempt to get relapsed and new watchers to tune in on top of being a big investment on its own

Even with JP bias one of these is a bit bigger and more important than the other. Bakatare have their fans and some of them might of cared about Rushia but its dumb to think any Elfriends or Watamates would miss the concert over something like that. Meanwhile Advent is a completely new thing that nobody knows if they will be what the EN branch needs it to be (we still don't know if Shiori can keep the massive groundswell she has right now). Fubuki, Flare, and Watame could very well get more concerts in the future if something messes up, but Advent only gets one debut.

>> No.55345606

>that specific anime has a description on wiki with a line on it saying "after the defeat of management and Vesper..."
Yeah, it was curious that from thousands of anime series that FuwaMoco picked one with that particular story. He was able to get a full 2.0 redesign in less than a year so the big question is why did the fight with management continue even after getting the new model.

>> No.55345829

>2 EN homos are more important than Bakatare
You are a delusional retard.

>> No.55345884

Please understand they don't watch streams like the rest of the beggars and therefore don't have the ability to save homo reaction images.

>> No.55345961

Mori anti here. I'd be so fucking mad if she quit to support the homos.

>> No.55346497

Some people itt have such bad takes...

You have two realistic options:
1) It's a genuine vacation for personal reasons we can only speculate

2) it's a suspension thats being covered up as a vacation because THATS WHAT WE TOLD THEM TO DO back when vesper got suspended the first time. Seriously, cover is very sensitive to feedback, and this was probably the most given criticism of their handling of the first situation.

Theyre obviously not terminated, otherwise they would've ripped the bandaid off and admitted to it sooner. They'll be back no matter what.
I'm guessing they probably did get in some trouble though. Maybe they got in a fight and yelled at eachother.

>> No.55346664

Bakatare has Watame, one of the 'friends' of Rushia and Flare her genmate from the arguably the most close knit Holo Gen ever.
They have stakes on the Rushia fiasco. Advent doesn't even acknowledges the existence of Tempus on screen.

>> No.55346870

>cover is very sensitive to feedback
Reddit spacers say the dumbest shit.

>> No.55346981

>Theyre obviously not terminated
axel seemed happy, so yeah that's not the case. I'll believe it's a suspension though

>> No.55347123

>The death of a talent is a brand new one for them.
I feel bad for Cover desu. They weren't even prepared for one talent death and now they have to deal with Vesper killing Magni in a murder-suicide

>> No.55347990

Vesper is pregnant with Magni's baby

>> No.55347991

Try finishing your English lessons before even thinking of coming on this board. I was saying that even if Rushia's termination derailed the concert those three still have fans (who in Flare and Watame's cases are some of the most diehard of the diehards) and Fubuki at least has enough pull in the company to get them another concert if it was FUBAR'd. Tempus basically getting killed could have derailed the most important moment for a gen where people were unsure just how much more the EN market could give. There were no guarantees that Advent would be successful so Cover would want to make sure everything went their way.

>HoloFantasy closer knit than NePoLaBo
Not even Flare agrees with you. In the Holotalk with Kiara (which happened right before Rushia got canned) she wondered how people even got that idea.
>Advent doesn't even acknowledge the existence of Tempus
You think the beggars care?

>> No.55348309

Vesper Phil Hartman'd Magni after going on a bender...it was very sad...

>> No.55348905

anon, Cover just dropped Advent. Any negative news (yes, that includes Holostars EN stuff) would affect Advent's reception in a bad way and the beggars would've attacked the girls on debut week. If those 2 are gone then it's best to wait until Advent settles in properly (get monetized) before dropping the bomb.
After that, maybe tweet about new auditions for a Gen 3 which would all be Gap System approved men. Probably a new guild to distance the new guys from Omega's leftovers.

>> No.55349052

lmao give up you retarded faggot

>> No.55349126

>In the Holotalk with Kiara (which happened right before Rushia got canned) she wondered how people even got that idea.
Cover were the ones that promote that idea. Flare just was being her usual flimsy act because she is a contrarian that doesn't want to exploit the strengths of her model and generation.
There was a reason why Pekora and Marine pushed for a farewell stream for Rushia.

>> No.55349293

surely on Monday news will come out..or the next day..or the next day..or the next day..or the next day…or the next day

>> No.55349321

You'll find that no one who has actually been on this site for several years complains about "reddit spacing" like you've learned to. Pretty ironic right? Especially considering "real" "reddit spacing" would be explicitly putting a line-break at the start of your comment, not necessarily in the middle of it.

I hope you learn from this going forward, so that in trying to call someone a newfag you don't accidentally expose yourself as one.

>> No.55350243

[X] Doubt for anti's wishful thinking.

You know when advent didn't debut? A month ago when the boys got their shadow suspension. It would've been at that point that they'd have been terminated, which would have had absolutely zero impact on the upcoming idols.

I'm sorry to say it's just not happening this time anon.
All that aside, I agree we will be seeing a gen3. I'm excited to see who'll be in it.

>> No.55351877

Maybe this is just an elaborate scheme for Vesper to get out of doing his karaoke stream. He is incredibly uncomfortable singing and he had talked on membership about how he wasn't sure if he even wanted to do this karaoke stream. Once he comes back, the vesties won't remember his promise for the karaoke stream and he'll be safe for the next few months. He's schizo enough to do something like this

>> No.55352367

not even an "anti", detective anon. It was just conjecture. They seemed to have pulled a Coco situation where they expect the talent to just quit on their own which is VERY well how Japanese companies work.
So, are you management or Cover personnel then? You sound like you have a very high opinion of yourself.

>> No.55354656

They have numbers so their theory that all of Tempus are low 3 views go down the drain.

>> No.55354735

>using corporate account to announce a vacation
>completely changing how they deal with suspensions because of "feedback"
You beggars are some of the most delusional creatures in this board, only beaten by the nijinigs (tho the overlap between both groups is considerable). Even the fandead are less delusional than you retards.

>> No.55355181

>shadow suspension
You faggots really want to force this shit after Sayu confirmed it was an actual practice in Nijsanji, huh?
>we will be seeing a gen3
Yeah, sure. Looking forward for their first 2view.

>> No.55355350

maternity leave

>> No.55355698

So theyre back?

>> No.55356310

you won't even watch them.

>> No.55356551

It's not a vacation, anon. And nobody suggested that it was a vacation so it's not a coverup either. They're either figuring out what to do with them, or they're terminated and they didn't want to do it until after Advent had their debut for obvious reasons.

>> No.55359686

I think any news, good or bad, would distract from Advent's debut (not that we're already distracted, but imagine the absolute state of catalog and how long that'd last). The first week is just too important to muddy, especially for something as important as EN 3.

Cheers to hoping a week post-debut is enough buffer time for Cover. At the worst, I'd expect it before the 11th, since that would compound the ""bad news"" of shiori taking a small break to focus on irl stuff.

>> No.55360775
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Everyone on HoloEN is menhera. The problem is that Vesper is both mentally unstable and doesn't take shit from anyone. Menhera girls can be handled, but men might go postal and kill their boss.

>> No.55360921

Managers and producers wouldn't get that reference either. They probably included it purely on their own.

>> No.55360994

>Watch homo streams to anti them
Sister that made zero sense

>> No.55361237

>They seemed to have pulled a Coco situation where they expect the talent to just quit on their own which is VERY well how Japanese companies work.
That's a better rrat than most. But that doesn't explain what they did.

>> No.55361474

Back when they debuted the board was full of beggars and sisters saying shit like "men get shit done" and "men are more mentally stable than inferior femoids". Not even milk ages as bad as this.

>> No.55361525

Tempigs suffering from a severe case of the Dunning-Kruger effect is a well-established fact.

>> No.55362319

The dark ages are over.

>> No.55362829

except that wont work for non-japanese. I'm pretty sure JP management already know about that.
And if the old rrat about Hololive paying low but steady salary monthly is true, letting them suspended indefinitely while keep paying their salary is a bad business move.
If Cover stop paying them, Magni will stream in his RM like usual, and if the fans find out, they will bugging Cover (or worse, other talent) for answer

>> No.55363346

Yeah, it won't work on western men but I can see Japanese management trying that in hopes they choose to quit on their own rather than pulling the plug and terminate them. Since Magni's RM will resume his activities like normal then it means that Cover will most likely drop the news soon.

>> No.55363435

The cucks are fighting

>> No.55363518

It would suck if Magni is fired but Vesper stays. Magni is actually funny.

>> No.55363688

Isn't Bettel basically Magni? He even maintains kayfabe as a pathetic jester better than anyone else in the homos kayfabes.

>> No.55365530

Why the fuck would Cover want two of the top performing homos gone? If they're gone it's because the fucked up hard enough to justify their termination just like how it happened with Rushia, otherwise there's negative reason for the company to want the few homos who had any success to graduate on their own will.

>> No.55365792

anon, it wouldn't be the first time Cover has gotten rid of "top performing" talents.
Vesper in particular has proven to be quite problematic.

>> No.55365974

Oh, you're just a nijinig who still believes Cover wanted to get rid of Coco and Rushia. Anyway, how's life after Gundou and Warabeda compared their careers in NijiJP with a prison?

>> No.55365988

Honestly anon I think cover will wait another week. they might even go so far as to wait for the entire debut month. the first two weeks are critical to the growth of the channels long term but really it's the whole month that's important.

I reckon the plan is to throw the news out there as soon as the collab ban lifts and have the new girls start collabing with the old ones to distract people while they take out the trash so to speak.

>> No.55365999

They talked about internal company business with a dramanigger


They had just a rumor when the first xeet was made so they stopped their activities to investigate. They probably found out they talked about way more bullshit and are trying to figure out how to move along because Tempus is already hated by a big part of the community and if they admit they harmed the company it would be a big blow to the whole branch which is already on the shitter. But they can't not terminate them either because they've already terminated other talents for doing similar shit so it would show preferential treatment so their lawyers are trying to figure out what the fuck to do with the faggots.

>> No.55366036

Rushia leaked information to a shit ton of outside people including Narukami.
Vesper and Magnis does the same as well so they should definitely be fired too.

>> No.55366148

Cover's vagueness is a weird choice they put on themselves. It can't be a suspension since they would've announced it like other times. It has to be serious but then again, they've allowed haachama's month long radio silence until announcing she was in the hospital after the fest. We've got to get news of what is it is within the next month or two but not during certain upcoming special events happening right now.

>> No.55366214

I don't get it. How did Cover know that it was Vesper and Magni that leaked it?

>> No.55366247

>redditspacer saying stupid shit
take a drink

>> No.55366358

why are you so emotional about this? there's no need to get so upset.
"nijinig"? more like a neutral party that was happy for the StarsEN members.
Look, woman, those 2 guys were bad apples in the company. If Cover has to get rid of them then I hope the 2 guys learned their lesson and improve their lives.

>> No.55366359

Either someone tipped Cover off or they found out thought their dms. Remember when Vesper said he was locked from his google account a few days before he disappeared?

>> No.55366388

They're Japanese. When they want someone gone, they won't give them any work, so they leave on their own.

>> No.55366440
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>This whole fucking thread

>> No.55366504

Falseyed said he knew specifically about Council and Tempus. So, it could've been Sana. Or it could've been Magni and Vesper of which one had collabed with Falseyed recently and the other is friends with Falseyed and his whole Twitch circle. It's not hard to figure out anon lol.

>> No.55366548

Shut the fuck up fakenews dramafag.
Anon, you are replying to fanfiction. There is no proof that anything he said is accurate. It's just a rrat that he is desperately trying to manifest into reality.

>> No.55366641

The sisters found the thread kek.

If Cover has to get rid of them is because they fucked up, not because they want them gone fro whatever reason. Also yeah, I'm sure a neutral party would still push the rrat that Cover wanted Coco and Rushia gone. Keep trying, sister.

>> No.55366829

Why would Vesper talk to Falseyed they don't even know each other, anyway look at this very unrelated cool stream I found.

>> No.55366885

wrong again, detective anon
i never said any "rrat", woman. in Coco's case they gave her standard Japanese method of not giving a person work so they leave on their own. rushia messed up on her own.

>> No.55366892

B-b-but Cover didn't release any official statement that my faggots were suspended!
Surely the fact that their "break" started a short while before falseyed revealed someone leaked company info is just a coincidence??

>> No.55366900

Every thread about Tempus is bait anyway, why would you expect a rrat speculation thread to be different?

>> No.55367015

Source on Coco's situation, woman? Or you're pulling that out of your aids-riddled wound that you call a pussy?

>> No.55367050

>why would you expect a rrat speculation thread to be different?
Not getting hard a reminder, this board became the New Fag Central after /pol/

>> No.55367102

Vesper happens to be buddies with Kronii who could easily spill tea about Council to him. Of which Kronii talking to Vesper isn't anything but Vesper leaking what she said second hand is a big deal.

This is why it is such an ironclad nono, if someone is doing it there is no telling how much they could leak, what they feel like leaking or not to selectively make some people look better or worse, or even bending the truth in leaks to try to push public perception around underhandedly etc.

If it is that, they are soo fired. But we will see. A month disappearance for one of them could have been a "well maybe he got hurt or just had a Haachama menhera episode" but both at once looks like it was voluntary on Cover's end. Am I 100% sure they got canned? No. But I think it is actually more likely than not now because 1 month zero word and the entire branch gagged from talking about it sounds bad. They have been disappeared. That doesn't tend to happen to people the authority had in good favor with, I don't think they are doing it to throw these guys a surprise party let's put it like that. If it was a leak thing, it would not have taken them a month to figure it out and they probably already have concluded what to do and Advent is an extremely plausible reason to delay the announcement to not throw a drama wrench into their getting established. I'd be more interested to hear theories on why it DOESN'T look like they got fired than it does.

Also food for thought Mori and Ame have canceled their streams yesterday/today too. Mori just doesn't "feel like it" which is a weird thing for her since usually she is pretty stable and committed.

>> No.55367303

Bettel is also funny but it's a different kind of humor. Magni is more sarcastic and pulls out some jokes while staying completely serious.

>> No.55367515


>> No.55367548

Different kind of funny. Bettel is a clown to be humiliated by audience. Magni is brat correction but for sister with his uppity kayfabe that'll always inevitably crash and be humiliated.

>> No.55367574

Based chicken.

>> No.55367590

no one cares about your chicken kfp.

>> No.55367600

I think the reason is taking them so long to figure out what to do with the fags is because
1. They were the bigger names on the branch before Bettel came along
2. Tempus already has a divisive reputation, seen as when they locked the reddit for their debut
For us it's pretty simple. drop the fags. But Cover has to think about the image of the branch, one that they've spent tons of money and effort forcing down people's throats.

>> No.55367625

Also to samefag myself I just realized,
>Kronii talking to Vesper isn't anything but Vesper leaking what she said second hand is a big deal

I am not a kronie but hasn't she not really talked or cared about vesper for some time now even before he disappeared? Hasn't Kronii gone back to being a lot more like her pre-homocollab self now, like she just does not want to do that anymore? If she found out Vesper leaked what she had been telling him that would be a trust breaker right there and she legit might not wanna deal with him anymore. Kronii seems to not care about their being gone because she is over Vesper? Meanwhile Mori and Ame care regardless because their agenda pushing the homos was more important than Kronii's trust?

>> No.55367651
File: 45 KB, 498x498, 1656491582850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they suspended both Magni and Vesper because they didn't know who did the leak. But they could narrow it down to those two.

>> No.55367856

Ame is probably involved with management when it comes to auditions and training new gens. So she is probably personally invested in new talents succeeding. While Mori probably wanted to help Ame and also break boundaries since she can do anything she wants.

>> No.55368286

Well you forgot one point.
Those 2 fag were the flagship of holopro, stars side.
And more than tempus being divise it's holopro who is, and their disapearance mean the project of holopro is canceled, and with the damages it caused the last time they tried they probably will never try again. But that require cover to clearly say beggar to BTFO, who isn't simple because they are more entilted than the unicorn entiltement they hate so much.

>> No.55368670

>immediately terminate JP Star and make it clear it was "personal reasons"(used his vtuber persona for some underground Beyblade tournament)
>real fucking mum about what is supposedly corporate leaks for a month now
Doesn't really make sense.

>> No.55368995

It's possible that they aren't terminated per se but their contracts were allowed to lapse and Cover is trying to figure out how and when to break the news.

>> No.55369214

>Ame is probably involved with management when it comes to auditions and training new gens.
t. It was revelead to me in a dream.

>> No.55369222

>Cover forgor to renew the contracts is a bold but hilarious take

>> No.55369323

The omona merch. If Vesper and Magni are truly gone the reason why they didn't announce it yet is because Cover doesn't want to fuck with a partner brand when they're selling something that was decided weeks if not months before the not-suspension notice. Same thing with the anniversary merch that was delayed because Cover is getting rid of the two so that they don't have a Rushia situation where they were forced to offer refunds for both her birthday merch and HoloFes tickets.

>> No.55369423

Never happened. Jesus Christ this rrat. What happened was Cover went after someone claiming to be Kaoru and using his image to promote a Beyblade tournament. This is unrelated to his contract being ended early the explanation of which was never given by either Kaoru or Cover.

>> No.55369430

NTA, but the more obvious take was the two thought they could do better and decided to hold out. Cover just decided to tell them good luck with that and the contract will be on the table until they suck it up and take what they're worth.

>> No.55369537

It's a long-standing rrat. She always takes a break before a new gen debuts without exception.

>> No.55369777

Wasn't the rat for Kaoru is that he was cheating on his wife? And he quit as an effort to mend the marriage?

>> No.55369977

>the two thought they could do better and decided to hold out
that conversation would go one way:
Cover: here is your new contract prease sign here
V&M: actually, we've been looking it over and we think we can do better so we'd like to negotiate
Cover: you are not sign?
V&M: no
Cover: okay, your graduation in one month, good ruck

>> No.55371110

It could be the union rrat. Firing them for that reason would look bad in the current context.

>> No.55371176

Magni's rm alt channel talked about offkai expo and getting too drunk and hi with his grandpa friend hanging out with some other creators so its not hard to put 2 and 2 together

>> No.55372097

The 2.0 was probably already in development for ages, they don't inform the artists of any shit going on with the talents
