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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 123 KB, 1280x720, Doxsagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55312993 No.55312993 [Reply] [Original]

Depressed Nousagi is selling dox on Hololive talents again...

>> No.55313040

>nijisanji seething deflection

>> No.55313080

Yeah, i bought it

>> No.55313133 [DELETED] 

Dox means revealing personal information of a private person. It does not mean revealing their history as an entertainers or listing their imdb, discography, or filmography. So is he actually doxxing?

>> No.55313162

go back to your mud hut

>> No.55313185 [DELETED] 


Nice try nijipigs. Its an open secret, and as long as Fuwamoco or Cover don't acknowledge or press the issue, its fine.

Btw, hows the vtuber academy coming along?

>> No.55313199

Then why do you get banned here for saying Senzawa?

>> No.55313258

>4chan rent free
>"i quit" liar
yep, he is a faggot.

>> No.55313281

t. depressed nousagi

>> No.55313292

And Plappa will never denounce him.

>> No.55313300

>We love Depressed Fagsagi here, right Holochads? You're a nijinog!
...Did you actually think this would work?

Spam reporting your piece of shit video right now btw

>> No.55313333

Let's see if they try to take down his channel, like Niji did to False, or if Holo simply doesn't care.

>> No.55313348

>or listing their imdb
Interesting you'd use that example, I'm not seeing her roommate or previous incarnation here

>> No.55313352
File: 10 KB, 228x221, suiringo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck cares, Nousagi hates Nijisanji.
But I hate Nousagi too even if he is a hololive fan because of him doing dumb shit like this

>> No.55313397

He is not. Everyone who cares about vtuber knows this information already, it's not a big deal and seeing some dumbfuck monkeys buying the 'dox' from him is funny

>> No.55313414


Reported him and the video. To think he somehow got a second chance from people and blew it.

>> No.55313456

Cover can't do anything about it because it would mean that they automatically out the twins even though everyone knows.

>> No.55313482

>even if he is a hololive fan
hololive fan wouldn't dox hololive members on his patreon like him

>> No.55313485

assblasted mod

>> No.55313527

Because /vt/'s rules are more restrictive than nearly any other website that discusses vtubers

>> No.55313635

Go ahead, nijipig. No skin off my back. If Nousagi's video gets taken down, sucks to be him. If it stays up, sucks to be you. But its funny how obsessed you are to stir up drama just because you dislike someone for being from a "lesser" country

>> No.55313641

Everyone who cares about them would recognize them instantly, and that's exactly why I dislike this kind of grifting shit. It's only servicing dedicated clipfags who would never bother to watch either version.
I don't care if people in their threads talk about their previous content, but people who don't give a shit and just want clicks should fuck off.

>> No.55313642

Because our janitors these days are newfag tourists who don't even know what a dox is. I can't believe this place has seriously gone to shit to the point where plenty of people use the jannies' actions as evidence of some moral right or wrong. I bet not a single board on this godforsaken website could put up a protest less pathetic than the Reddit blackout with how things have been going.

>> No.55313681

The most depressing thing is that you can find the doggo's twitter 30 seconds in google if you're not a complete mongoloid. And this nyeega is selling those.

>> No.55313710


>> No.55313779

it's against the rules because half the threads on /jp/ were roommate shit that was almost as retarded as you

>> No.55313844

Well, if everyone knows they won't be deterred from "outing them". They will want this video gone because the person is making money revealing their past information. If I randomly spoke to cover and said "Hello, I'm thinking of making some money telling the world about your talents previous lives and jobs. Do you mind?" I don't think they'll respond "Sure we won't do anything if you do that, everyone already knows so it doesn't matter."

>> No.55313867
File: 88 KB, 218x198, Suisei_dissapointed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am dissapointed in all of you. What kind of reasoning is "Well everyone already knows about it" boy, not everyone knows about it even if its just 10% or even 5% not knowing, it still matters a lot.
I bet 95% aren't even gonna support anything about the talent you are fucking doxxing because you actually don't care

>> No.55313899

Because it upsets people.

>> No.55313933


>> No.55313947

This. Third worlders constantly bringing up shit related to the talents old personas is annoying as fuck because they're only doing it to show they have the "sekrit knowledge". Allowing this only makes the hobby shittier for all of us.

>> No.55313951

Anybody that excuses this behaviour is a pipnig.

>> No.55313964

end your life nigger

>> No.55313978

I'm just reporting it cause I want to see the Depressed Nousagi bitch cry on stream again.

>> No.55313982

Someone can have a stage name or change stage name. It's not doxxing in either case. Like you posting that link is not doxxing. People that argue are not using the word correctly.

>> No.55314039

Oh no, now they'll surely fire him.

>> No.55314072
File: 472 KB, 877x708, 1690986638557643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a dox because /vt/ has told me so. The absolute state of holodrones. The rules of this board do not apply to other parts of the internet.

>> No.55314103

Yep this is exactly it. This shit only serves tourists who don't give a shit about the content and just want the "juicy" parts.
It's one thing to mention it in an online conversation and another to turn it into clickbait.

>> No.55314120

You bait the reaction by calling it something it isn't. An e-girl says that insulting her is literally rape, and then she gets a flood of insults. Yet nobody is arrested or charged with rape. Funny how that works, isn't it? All you're doing is Streisand effecting it.

>> No.55314124

I don't care.

>> No.55314129

why don't you go back to your split phasecuck

>> No.55314150
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>> No.55314203 [DELETED] 


>> No.55314207

>dredging up shit from last year

Nousagi already apologized and closed his patreon. If this video is "doxxing", Cover will act on it. But its funny how you are spinning this like as though he is still selling secrets on Patreon. Go out, touch grass. If you actually get Nousagi's video taken, well hats off to you then. You are still nobody.

>> No.55314249

It's not doxxing no matter how many times you say it.

>> No.55314264

His patreon is already closed. Unless I am missing something, this seems like pointless seethe over a video.

>> No.55314266

are you on a payroll or depressed faggot himself?

>> No.55314294

Holy shit this is why Phasecucks are the absolute worst pieces of shit anywhere in the vtubing space.

>> No.55314313


>> No.55314316

While there was definitely a problem in the past, at this point its like amputating an arm because we got a papercut. The enforcement of Rule 1 has lost all concept of its original purpose.

>> No.55314330

>Defending a SEAnigger who was selling personal Hololive talent info

>> No.55314349

"Other people are talking about it, which means it's totally fine for me to do it!"
What a faggot

>> No.55314352

What is wrong with you? No wonder this board is so shit

>> No.55314414

kys doxxtranny

>> No.55314441

go be a newfag somewhere else, it was complete shit, and it will devolve into shit in the span of a few hours

>> No.55314445

>I don't think they'll respond "Sure we won't do anything if you do that, everyone already knows so it doesn't matter."
No, they'll respond "Are you based in Japan? No? Then are you publishing it on a US based website like YouTube? Yes? Well then there's fuck all we can do."

>> No.55314453

You can spin all you want
Still a doxx
I dare him make one about mori

>> No.55314462

No, I think you are an obsessed drama-addicted catalogfaggot. You think noysagi is doing wrong, fine, report the video. Dont make fucking five threads about it

Phase connect is actually based for not making reincarnation taboo

>> No.55314490

What about when the girls themselves hint about or outright retread stories they have told in the 'past'? Are the shitting up the hobby as well?

>> No.55314509

skill issue, just close the book on one persona and start fresh if it bothers you that much

>> No.55314565

Depressed "it's ok to doxx because >everybody (in my discord) does it" doxxsagi

>> No.55314606

If it's doxxxxx then the mikeneko thread is literally full of doxxx
Does it just not count as doxxxxxxxxxxxxx when janitors don't ban it?

>> No.55314608

No, you're trying to spin it into a dox. It doesn't meet the definition. Like having an account in one place and coming back with an account in another place and I scream "we're so back! yes everyone!" and then do I have the right to cry that I got doxxed if I did not clean up or make any effort to be a new person? Skill issues.

>> No.55314617

I don’t understand why people immediately defend this flip, this guy gets defended more than most vtubers. Not to mention bringing up Nijisanji out of nowhere makes no sense, how are they a part of this?

>> No.55314655

No one likes the SEAnig. Even Pippa cut him off for fuck's sake.

>> No.55314677
File: 56 KB, 597x495, IMG_20230805_200254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Phase hates this faggot.

>> No.55314678

probably his discord

>> No.55314696

>Fair use motherfuckers when it happens to someone they like.

>> No.55314754

You haven't killed yourself yet have you, Apricot enabler?

>> No.55314769

He lucky the doggos are not well known if this was mumei or gura his ass will be toast.

>> No.55314777

anon, can you tell me what fair use is?

>> No.55314790

make sure to report dipshit doxxsagi

>> No.55314821

hes gonna cry on stream again KEK shoeldnt have reared his ugly head again

>> No.55314822
File: 597 KB, 1920x1080, 1678763381217901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55314823

Is there a difference between "Terminator also was Dutch from Predator" and "Arnold Schwarzenegger was Terminator and Dutch"?

>> No.55314835

No shit, depressed nousagi is a piece of shit who would sell out his own family if he could profit off it.

>> No.55314874

He's getting his discord to raid. Literally every single fanbase here hates the faggots guts

>> No.55314888


>> No.55314896

What does that have to do with my post?

>> No.55314910

Actually it seems like it. You are allowed to refer to some VTuber's PLs, but for others you get a 3day vacation.
Also don't forget that /hag/ basically is a dox thread if you consider this board's rules.

>> No.55314942

That much was clear when he unashamedly started bawling like a little baby on his excuse video to try and sway people

>> No.55314950

He pick easy target. Let see if he do one for shiori or nerissa.

>> No.55314988

Its so much better that we now just read vagueposts about roommate shit and have five tabs open to figure out whose secret twitter or second youtube account they were talking about.

>> No.55314991

>that accent
Holy shit. Why are SEAs the biggest doxxfags?

>> No.55315004

He was making a doxx video on Gura next for his patreon until people found out he had been selling doxx videos of the other myth members.

>> No.55315033
File: 63 KB, 1412x675, report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55315037

Rule 1 isn't even enforced.

>> No.55315039

kill yourself nigger
you are a blight on this community
death to your low IQ brown ass

>> No.55315069

I think viewing what is very much public information of a oublic persona as doxx is not a good mentality to have. I understand it for this board but not outside of it. If someone made a vixeo about the past failures of myth members it would still not he doxx. Again i understand it being a rule here but expecting that to cover other places isn't right.

>> No.55315072

I'd say so, as long as there is no reference to RL or depiction of their real selves then I don't consider it doxx personally. Past virtual work roles helps build a fuller picture of each of the talents. Just don't cross the line and discuss RL

>> No.55315079

i doubt he´ll touch nerissa , last time he went near kiara he got burned baaad and nerissa is so beloved by Kfp they are gonna go apeshit on him again if he tries

>> No.55315108
File: 353 KB, 925x709, 1691174679651682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again? damn, wasn't this nigger cried on stream and quit for good?

>> No.55315116

As another content creator you cannot find any of my previous content online. It is as if I have ceased to exist besides random and detached comments about me without context. When I debut it will be as if someone without any history has come into existence. That was by choice.

>> No.55315133

So according to your personal preferences kson and mikeneko should be banned from this board.
Are you sure you believe that?

>> No.55315145

You can get banned for literally anything as long as you piss off a mod.

>> No.55315151

>>55315072 (me)
And in cases where they mix both RL and Virtual on their 'other' account then that should be off-limits too. Its more of a grey area but even a single drop of RL in a pond of Virtual is enough to cross the line into doxxing if its discussed.

>> No.55315155

Because he has a fanbase, a rabid fanbase who enjoy this shit.
If it didn't get views/money, he wouldn't do it

>> No.55315166

>getting angry on behalf of doxxsagi

>> No.55315171 [DELETED] 
File: 3.26 MB, 417x498, 1686928021097602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last time he went near kiara he got burned baaad
yeah and hes incredibly based for coming back like nothing happened, concernfagging retards who screech at any mention of a chuubas past/personal life are more pathetic that numberfags

>> No.55315176

I dont agree, especially if their rl is a public persona. Myth has members that are examples of this. Just because people dont talk about rl here doesn't mean it should be banned everywhere, and its even dangerous i would argue. Public information about public personas should be freely talked about. Would you call doxx when someone says Sylvester Stallone once starred in a porno?

>> No.55315203

Yes, channels which are a mix of Virtual and RL should be on /JP/. But I think its fair game to say Hey Marine used to be a green haired loli and Luna used to be in Nijisanji and Polka used to work in the same company as Kizuna Ai.

>> No.55315211

Everyone can be banned, but not everyone truly shitposts.

>> No.55315215

Any posts containing their selfies, even ones they upload onto their "Vtuber" Twitter accounts, result in a ban. It's already being enforced
With Mikeneko, I've seen people get banned for discussing topics that she's actually talked about on stream too

>> No.55315219
File: 87 KB, 956x956, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Third worlders constantly bringing up shit related to the talents old personas is annoying as fuck because they're only doing it to show they have the "sekrit knowledge".
Why are third worlders like this anyway?
Does this depressed nigger really believe that he has some le secret ancient knowledge?

>> No.55315254

You are a filthy SEAnigger and you should kill yourself.

>> No.55315255

>Does this depressed nigger really believe that he has some le secret ancient knowledge?
the only people pretending its le secret ancient knowledge are you faggots lmao

>> No.55315265

Because /vt/ rules forbid you from discussing past lives, but that's technically not the same thing as proper dox.

>> No.55315277

/hag/ and /uoh/ are both largely about the presentation of the vtuber, not the realities of the person behind it.

>> No.55315280

An awesome comeback story, that will make everyone rage because of dumb waifu culture

>> No.55315295

It's just linking youtube channels bro.

>> No.55315299

He's a flip.

>> No.55315308

Keep in mind this is the same guy that had made patreon videos of the myth girls with phone numbers, addresses and real life videos of them.

>> No.55315321

>can't read
not that i expected you to, low IQ brown monkey

>> No.55315329

did you just pretend to be a new ip in order to suck his cock?

>> No.55315338

so, doxxfags are calling people nijis?
just report it to cover.
i suggest writing it in japanese but english is fine too

>> No.55315363

We're saying it shouldn't be spread around out of respect for the talents. You know who they used to be? Great good for you, just don't make a fucking youtube video about it and spray it all over the internet.

Of course the concept of actually respecting the talents wishes is too hard to comprehend for the kind of 3rd world trash who consume this shit.

>> No.55315381

/uoh/ yes. But /hag/ clearly uses information from outside their vtuber persona as a basis for posts.

>> No.55315392

not everyone you disagree with has to be a third worlder or a n*jisanji fan, retard-kun
i just find the lengths you people go to protect the worst kept secrets in existence extremely cringeworthy

>> No.55315421

>Nousagi sent his discord tranny fans here to defend him
He's afraid

>> No.55315423

This. But is it out of respect? 4chan respecting people? Unlikely. It's probably to maintain the fantasy that each character is new and precious. Nobody cried over brap girl having all however many of her characters linked back to her notorious history, and it actually upset her unlike this.

>> No.55315426

Niji's the one whos probably suffered the most from this flip shit.

>> No.55315428

/hag/ is not publishing YouTube videos talking about it

>> No.55315432

fucking this

>> No.55315433

linking their past life is doxing
or should I explain it in your language for you to understand?

>> No.55315440

I'm aware and not giving him side eye with this but at least with this video its decent and a touching story. That said, he deserves as short a leash as possible.

>> No.55315449

Im not asian. Public information about public personas should be allowed, not on this board but in the open internet yes, its important.

Here, no, i understand the rule. But someone making a video about Mori for example and people calling that doxx, that wpuld be ridiculous. Even people like Noel, someone making a video about that i would not say its doxx because its very much public information of a public persona. Again i understand thw rules here but out in the larger internet, no.

>> No.55315458

>4chan respecting people? Unlikely. It's probably to maintain the fantasy that each character is new and precious.
its all just self-righteous "holier than thou" losers on /here/ who want to pretend that their oshi is actually an anime girl in real

>> No.55315468

Bull fucking shit

This story originated from /vt/ you dipshits wouldn't shut the fuck up about the twins leading up to the debut, then patting yourself on the back for being so smart. /vt/ is more obsessed with the story then reddit.

>> No.55315469

>He's afraid
ofc he is , hes gonna bb crying about how unfair the world is again

>> No.55315480

>Any posts containing their selfies, even ones they upload onto their "Vtuber" Twitter accounts, result in a ban.
Yeah, it's retarded. I got banned for a Sayu IRL picture she posted on twitter of her fan meetup with he face covered.

>> No.55315491

Ok great to see that you're actually consistent. Many usually start making excuses at this point and cross into massive hypocrite territory.

It's not banned though. Case in point: >>55310602 >>55308609
Mikeneko as a whole should be banned because she continues to post IRL pics on her accounts but mods don't ban linking tweets from her.
Mikeneko and kson camwhore streams get discussed in their threads and sometimes even separate catalog threads despite no link being posted. That's literally no different from how anyone else posts about any "doxxx" content currently.
It's pure moderation hypocrisy.

>> No.55315498

You are cringe. Protecting the kayfabe is based.
>Le epic secret knowlsegde guys! Look!
Thas is cringe
You got it all wrong monkey

>> No.55315497

No it isn't because it's not a life, it's a youtube channel.

>> No.55315520

>Im not asian.
So you're a regular nigger then.

>> No.55315522

kys Nousagi

>> No.55315526

You Doxxsagi Discordtroons should really coordinate spacing your posts out better

>> No.55315546

>doesnt have any argument so resorts to semantics

>> No.55315556

Holy fuck you can't be more cringe than this. It's like you came straight out of reddit

>> No.55315565

It's posts like this which show why you shouldn't let normalfags and redditors into the hobby you enjoy. Which in turn end up here and make the place shit.

>> No.55315574

The difference is the intent. If the talent is actually willing to invest in the IRL persona.

Kson and Mikeneko will heavily invest in their IRL identities which is why they get ignored. But we all know hololive talents by default won't do IRL shit, so why the fuck are you guys on board with posting IRL shit about hololive talents

>> No.55315582

Where then is a 'safe space' to discuss these type of content? I can see the point of a potentially prominent youtube short docu skirting a grey line but you also can't fully cut off discussion entirely. KF was more agreeable on discussion than the boards but its down and if the boards won't allow you to discuss past virtual work then where? Reddit? Discord? Twitter/X? Some startup web forum? Facebook?

>> No.55315594

He doesn't deserve any sympathy after actually doxing holomembers with all the IRL info. You sound like you're trying so hard to deny you're defending him.

>> No.55315596

im doing this voluntarily because i think its funny
i didnt even watch the video that you fags are seething about in this thread rumao

>> No.55315640

>'safe space'
unironically kys

>> No.55315648

Semantics? It's a youtube channel for entertainment that is knowingly made public. Delete the youtube channel and other accounts before you debut a new character. I don't know man, see how having your cake and eating it too works out.

>> No.55315672

Shame Nousagi only has his 60IQ discord retards to send here, otherwise you'd actually be able to astroturf correctly without sticking out like a sore thumb kek

>> No.55315673

>Where then is a 'safe space' to discuss these type of content
The comment section of random clips, clearly

>> No.55315704

NTA but that's not very respectful, is it?

>> No.55315705

/vt/ trying to act Nobel White Knight after calling every other vtuber a whore is the height of hypocrisy. Instead of crying about you delusions being broken don't you have a Calli thread to go spout vile sexist bull shit cause she more successful then you?

>> No.55315727
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>Where then is a 'safe space' to discuss these type of content?
Nowhere. Neck yourself.

>> No.55315748

I told you that the same rule does apply to the Vshojo girls constantly posting IRL selfies.
Anyway, by this logic pictures of PewDiePie would result in a vacation because you are not referring to his VTuber persona.
I think it's stupid, but it's also stupid for actual VTubers to post IRL shit.

>> No.55315761

The white knight known as 4Chan.

>> No.55315769

>Let see if he do one for shiori or nerissa.
Nerissa would make for a dull video. I wouldn't be surprised if he did one for Shiori though. I've said before I would like to see her pre-Hololive story covered in more detail and he's the best we're likely to get.

>> No.55315780

>Anyway, by this logic pictures of PewDiePie would result in a vacation because you are not referring to his VTuber persona.
More realistically youre getting a vacation for offtopic.

>> No.55315787

Ohhh so it's back to the good old "wholesome doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" argument. Sorry faggot, but the rules of the board clearly say "no IRL". Mikeneko and kson are IRL streamers and are therefore banned from this board.
Furthermore you failed to address the argument about how merely mentioning a NAME is doxxxxxxxxxx.
Calling Rushia Mikeneko before her firing was "doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" but now that she is no longer with hololive it's suddenly ok to list every single one of her identities one under another just like those japanese identity matome sites AND discuss her real life streams if you just dance around like a retarded monkey and never post any links or images (despite images getting posted and not getting banned all the time).
That is nothing but hypocrisy.

>> No.55315795

In private chatrooms with your friends that you surely have

>> No.55315805

r/virtualyoutubers tends to not care as long as the title isn't revealing anything

>> No.55315813

>The white knight known as 4Chan.
it was more famous as the internet hate machine to be desu

>> No.55315817

this is an ad.

>> No.55315824

The internet respect machine.

>> No.55315839

There is no problem if you say that Undertaker was Texas Red early. But saying Mark Calaway is Undertaker, who also was Texas Red is bad.

>> No.55315847


>> No.55315851

Tell me again how effective Prohibition with regards to alcohol and how the War on Drugs have been on stopping people getting their fix.

>> No.55315858

I just don't want you SEA shitters fucking up every comment on videos with "veiled" references to past lives. No white knighting just a hatred of fucking retarded third world detritus.

>> No.55315865

>spout vile sexist bull shit cause she more successful then you?
This would've been such a good post if you didn't out yourself as a twitter user at the end of it

>> No.55315872

>numberchimp posts kson rtx in numberchimp thread to hate on her and call her fat/a whore
>kson fan in the kson thread posts link to tweet with kson rtx in the replies
not allowed, deleted and banned

that's the moderation hypocrisy

>> No.55315878

>out of respect for the talents
Fuck respect. You think anyone who browses this catalog has a single shred of respect for the talents?

>> No.55315890

>discord roaches scuttling and screaming semantics as they retreat

>> No.55315904

Ding Ding Ding

>> No.55315924

You discuss her IRL streams in your thread, hypocrite.

>> No.55315931

>have five tabs open to figure out whose secret twitter or second youtube account they were talking about.
Like that time Choco's roommate said she was going to the hair salon and Choco asked what color she should die her hair on her official account literally a minute later?

>> No.55315933

so basically what im understanding is, this guy left because he got caught doing doxx content on patreon.
he took a break, probably setting up a secret patreon where he posts that content for his discord fags and he still has the gall to do this shit?
wow im shocked.
only channel deletion will end this shit

>> No.55315937

>Nooooo not being able to make videos that detail Hololive talents past personas is just like prohibition!
Holy fucking shit

>> No.55315939

Nousagi defense showing up in full force , this thread just reads like his pathetic comments and community posts

>> No.55315944
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, 1664318449238521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he touches gura again the chumbuds are standing by

>> No.55315950

We do not disrespect, we do not remember past content creation channels, we are anonymous bla bla bla however it does. Expect us.

>> No.55315964

with text only and no links
you number obsessed brownies are allowed to post images

>> No.55315968

>Still hasn't doxxed Gura on any serious level
I'm wondering if he gets paid under the table, or he had Cover threaten him for realsies

>> No.55315982

You're still talking about IRL content, idiot. You are a hypocrite.

>> No.55315998

It is hypocracy, but its the other way around. Moderation cares enough about the kson thread to purge low quality posts while they just ignore /#/ and let it rot

>> No.55316027

This too, sometimes the talents themselves make it very hard to follow Rule 1 when they themselves are constantly laying mines to be stepped on.

>> No.55316029

>last time he went near kiara he got burned baaad
You got screenshot or video of that?

>> No.55316041


>> No.55316052

You don't get it, the kfamalams are oppressed because they can't post IRL pics like the huge vtuber fans they are.

>> No.55316067 [DELETED] 

well of course we do, The dude literally told everyone Kiara was a hooker who got bullied

>> No.55316085

so why are the jannies' chosen people allowed to do much worse than us?
lol no they banned me for trolling when i went there to point out their obsession with kson

>> No.55316106

Ya sure, we 'respect' the talents on here but only until we start frothing at the mouth at how they are whores and don't respect idol culture and their unicorn fans.
This is totally about R-E-S-P-E-C-T

>> No.55316107

You forgot to mention that he saud he would stop making videos only to come back a few months later.

>> No.55316115

search for it yourself newfag nobody is gonna spoonfeed you , but listening to him cry like a rape victim was so liberating

>> No.55316116

Don't spam links. It's pointless anyway they kept their content up he isn't showing anything not publicly available. They can't do anything.

>> No.55316130 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 719x719, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if what's being leak is not your bank account, home address, social security numbers, phone numbers, etc. then is not a doxx you dumfucks. Exposing their real names, previous works and even family members is not a doxx and is perfectly legal.

>> No.55316148
File: 237 KB, 495x449, 1691239130000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it matter anymore everywhere i look people just talk about or reference pl/rm shit all the fucking time

>> No.55316147

Why do you want to post IRL on this board so badly, hypocrite?

>> No.55316155

>Offtopic image
>Newnigger post

>> No.55316157

iirc he stopped for "uni" he probably didnt get accepted or got thrown out to he scurried back to this like the roach he is

>> No.55316162

>anti unicorn

>> No.55316170


>> No.55316183

That's Professor Duck you nigger. Have a little respect.

>> No.55316188

NTA but don't think much about it. There was an article posted about moderation a while ago due to a court case if you want to know what you already know. It's just whatever they feel like.

>> No.55316197

i don't want to do that
i want the numberpagpags and their pocket janny to follow the same rules

>> No.55316205

But its not a dox?

>> No.55316210

Yes, respect goes both ways.

>> No.55316212

>They can't do anything.
That fear I smell Nousagi?

>> No.55316227

Then why do you discuss IRL streams on the vtuber board?

>> No.55316229

The video should stop at the graduation part, he's not necessary to tell more about 2 dogs girl at the end...

>> No.55316233

Is phone number even considered doxx in a legal sense? As far as i know tons of data harvesters sell names linked to phone numbers to marketers and they all operate legally.

>> No.55316244

But they're leaking place of work! Gotcha! The fricken fricks are doxxing their place of work!

>> No.55316251

The one he shit on ame (or mori i don't remember) and teamates got me chuckled.

>> No.55316273

>Exposing their real names, previous works and even family members
What the fuck?

>> No.55316294

I'm going to post about how you're all fucking faggots for posting and replying so the thread dies faster.

>> No.55316297

Real name is dox though.

>> No.55316302

stupid nigger
just because there is a channel doesnt give you a right to dox them

>> No.55316307

Did he actually doxx FUWAMOCO in his patreon version or is it just him saying what their old channel was.

Which is scummy but no where near as bad as what some people are saying.

Or are people just mad about something else?

>> No.55316325

Why would you buy doxx that is free on the internet? Who gives a shit seirously? What are they gonna do? Send to cover look what I have? I understand hate boner for dramatubers, but "oh man look this retarded dramatuber scamming his dramaviewers! Do something about it please! Please care!"
Kys, who gives a shit.

>> No.55316347

Yes Nousagi was selling that shit on Patreon. It's what got him into hot water in the first place and ended up making a weepy "Waaaah I did nuffin wrong stop bullying me" video. Then came back a week later when the heat died down.

The guy is a cynical moneygrubber. He's selling out Holos for ad view revenue, a real piece of shit.

>> No.55316354

god i hate faggots like him with a passion
i would pucnh him in the ugly bastard face if i met him
same with the subhuman btvm fags

>> No.55316364

Basically if the data harvester -> spam advertiser pipeline can profit from it, and it doesnt get politicans killed, then it isnt illegal.

>> No.55316368

Oh so that is what its really about - racism. Don't you have a Hololive indonesia thread to complain in? Also >>>/pol/ is that way.
If Nousagi is a faggot for cover a PL, fine - report him. But don't go making the issue be based on the fact that he is a Pinoy. No amount of your seethe is going to make Cover pull out of Indonesia. And no matter how hard you try, you won't defeat your bogeyman.

>> No.55316385
File: 167 KB, 710x1115, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55316397

>it's not dox because...b-because i say so!

>> No.55316439 [DELETED] 

>Depressed Nousagi is selling dox on Hololive talents again...
How much is he charging, and where can I buy them?
You're talking about real dox like name, address and phone number, right? Not something pathetic like saying the VA for two different vtubers is the same, right?

>> No.55316454

because it's allowed
posting images of her is very explicitly against the rules is only allowed in the thread the jannies regularly use

>> No.55316468

A dox is any personal information. Originally it was just for anons and other internet user name people. It's about private individuals. Arguably entertainment is not private hence anything related to and published intentionally in public for entertainment is not the same as a dox.

For data collection, it's completely unrelated to this, but you need to agree that they have the right to collect your data and do it over multiple domains. They still don't have the right to publish it which would dox you, unless you agreed to that. It doesn't matter though because someone can buy enough to harm people that give up their data.

>> No.55316476

He knew he could get the grift going again and as usual cried crocodile tears.

>> No.55316500

Not that I am defending this pos, but I imagine those addresses would have been old and the phone numbers (how the fuck would he get those??) old or fake.

>> No.55316520

Then don't dox them. Posting links to youtube channels is not doxxing.

>> No.55316522

he needs rape correction any flip itt?

>> No.55316534

It's not allowed though. You are doing exactly the same thing as anyone else commenting on roommate content without linking the source. You are a hypocrite and think you are "allowed" to break the rules because nobody banned you for it yet.
The fact of the matter is that you are under janny protection.
You are allowed to call kson Coco even though that was called "doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" three years ago.

>> No.55316533

no... hes a faggot but that literally isnt what is happening, if you are gonna shit on him do it for the right reasons not made up bullshit

>> No.55316546

half of you do that shit here before being banned

>> No.55316611

RL info should be hard off limits no matter what, even if the talent has moved on, unless its something abandoned then anyone following up on it is stalking and harassing some poor third party as collateral damage potentially.

>> No.55316616

Monkeys waste their time to watch his garbage videos, and time is money.

>> No.55316641

>you´re doing it too so its okay !
Hello there Nousagi

>> No.55316642

Putting this information out where it's easily accessible to normalfags is just a retarded decision. Most people here have enough common sense to not send superchats that reference their previous vtuber personas, that is definitely not true for the kind fo 60IQ retard ape that watches doxxshit on Youtube.

>> No.55316647

Connecting Vtubers, especially corporate vtubers, to their other online identities isn't against the law, or the rules in most places. But it is very bad manners.

>> No.55316653

And here you are, wasting money by browsing /vt/

>> No.55316672

Oh I agree 100% RL names should be off limits too cause you get faggot 3rd worlders jumping into chat going 'hi ______ I love your work' or just being schizos/antis.

>> No.55316673

Say goodbye to your channel Nousakek. TIme to get a real job.

>> No.55316685

>Not that I am defending this pos
fuck off, faggot

>> No.55316714

Nobody here is doing it to profit from an audience that never really gave a shit about vtubers but want to pretend like their huge fans anyways.

>> No.55316723

if kson is somehow under "janny protection" why are only images that make her look bad allowed to stay up?
why is only the thread that hates her allowed to post her images?
why does the janny that stalks our thread to delete any forbidden links not delete troll posts and death threats towards her?
numbermonkeys really have a ridiculous persecution complex
all your OP images are offtopic and not about vtubers and should be deleted but they're not, why?

>> No.55316750

I heard Pippa dated this buffoon and used to send him videos of fingering herself to him how accurate is this rrat?

>> No.55316769

Source? Proof? Evidence?

>> No.55316771

Can confirm, I was the phone.

>> No.55316780

The faggot came from a country where gossips on the streets are the norm. Male weeb flips are basic bitches who have no life.

>> No.55316784

honestly i cant imagine even pippa stooping this low , except if shes into him crying like a bitch

>> No.55316791

Why is this guy such a faggot? I mean besides all the cocks he sucks.

>> No.55316805

You are under janny protection since you're allowed to break the rule of calling someone by their PL name and you can talk about literal off-topic streams.
It's the same janny that protects the mikeneko threads from anyone mentioning mafumafu.

>> No.55316820

Posting links to their previous lifes, to their roommates on a video about their current life is of course doxing.

>> No.55316821

His new video is talking about the twins

>> No.55316840

Thank you, this is exactly what needs to be said and followed. Such topics should be allowed to be freely discussed but obviously not everyone will look upon it kindly. Just stay within the lanes of discussing virtual only.
Doing things that some others would considering being dickish shouldn't be enough to get you arrested, or on here banned for 3 days.

>> No.55316852
File: 278 KB, 426x599, 1659504879756176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironic depressed nousagi defenders

>> No.55316882

Old public entertainment channels they didn't delete doesn't turn into personal information when they quit or start a new one. Not wanting to link past and new channels is not the same as releasing personally identifiable information. Delete the channels, simple solution.

>> No.55316896

I hate Pippa, but I don't think even she will not piss on this filth.

>> No.55316913

The only thing worse than this SEAnog faggot wuss are people who give money to this SEAnog faggot wuss.

>> No.55316928

3rdWorlders gotta stick together

>> No.55316940

It is personal information. Their past lfie channel and its content is personally identifiable information and considered doxing.

>> No.55316950


>> No.55316971

so why is /#/ allowed to post images and links of kson's real life appearance?

>> No.55316984

>unironic depressed nousagi defenders
No way that's an actual thing. Those people are just pretending to be retarded, right?

>> No.55316988

Nobody is going to follow that seriously because it still boils down to manners for thee and not for me, or whichever way around.

>> No.55317010

You have a very broad definition of PII.

>> No.55317024

>Delete the channels, simple solution.
No, they dont have to delete their channel just because a dumb monkey doesnt understand the concept of decency.

>> No.55317030

I don't know or care. I just know that you are your thread blatantly break rule 1. Why is it that anyone who disagrees with you must be from /#/?

>> No.55317031

half of them are at least edgy newfags and non holo fans

>> No.55317040

>Anon doesn't do many things at the same time while working
Skill issues.

>> No.55317045

Because she already posted it multiple times herself you damn imbecile.

>> No.55317050
File: 6 KB, 602x387, 1690886160355156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Depressed Nousagi

>> No.55317060

It's definitely shills from his doxxcord. I've never seen anyone defend this piece of shit on /vt/ until today
