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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55229541 No.55229541 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>55222957

>> No.55229579
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>> No.55229581
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.55229603

>elira chosed to work with her indie friend over nijien
this branch is doomed

>> No.55229612

Welp /hlgg/ it is!

>> No.55229615

>deadbeats ruin another thread

>> No.55229621

>It’s weird as fuck
The ''hololive.. only grows stronger >:3'' by Mr. Jap is 10000000000000000% intentional, as he followed every detail on how Gura typed it. The Vesper x Mahoromatic one, might be a little stretch

>> No.55229622

>Rye applied when Omega and his band of diversity hires were in charge. She was probably doing loli shit for her audition and got rejected
Nah it was pretty clear that Rye needed cash fast which is why she did that twitch dono stream and accepted idolen contract.

>> No.55229626

They didn't say when they applied to what they just said they applied to JP and EN. They might have been just throwing shit at the wall and applying to JP even after EN was out
Them not getting into JP is conjecture but not living in Japan and being gaijins who aren't N1 feel like pretty obvious reasons why they wouldn't get accepted to JP

>> No.55229635

>Anon angry that a thread on 4chan isn't his hugbox

>> No.55229636
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Gods' gift to mankind

>> No.55229643
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>> No.55229656

> I would gladly slice off 10k viewers from the EN box and send them with Mori
NTA but I would gladly sacrifice Kiara, Kronii, Ame, Bae to get rid of Mori

>> No.55229657
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Literally who

>> No.55229658

oh wow, nerissa's cover has already gained 24k views since it hit 1m. it might hit 1.1 tomorrow.

>> No.55229670

the power of holobox

>> No.55229675
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>> No.55229685


>> No.55229691

JWU which holo are we shitting on this thread? No niji en hate please

>> No.55229701

Sorry son it aint yours either.

>> No.55229703

and the nijinigger reveals himself at last

>> No.55229710

>the ones that failed lazulight debuted in obsydia
wait really? though it makes sense if you look at noctyx and xsoliel

>> No.55229714

>bruh, why are you mad we sprinkled feces in your food? why are you mad lmao?!
just fucking die

>> No.55229745

yeah but you don't hear me complaining about it, unlike you who throws a bitchfit whenever, surprise, a thread on 4chan has independent thinkers

>> No.55229754
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>> No.55229753


>> No.55229756

NijiEN? What's that Pokemon???

>> No.55229758

Sorry anon, mori isn't liked here

>> No.55229768

Keep Kiara. The others? Not even a price. I consider it a bonus!

>> No.55229776
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>Minecraft has gone full 1984 with Eula changes. And have made every single minecraft server commercial
>Minecraft java servers now have insane restrictions among other things like:
>Servers with "player queues" such as 2b2t are now banned
>Any server, piece of online content such as video or other may be taken down due to any reason whatsoever
>Using "Minecraft" in the title as a significant part of a creative work, such as a YouTube video
>Servers with ANY content not suitable for 10 year olds are now prohibited
>They also proceed to state that they are now allowed to change the guidelines and that it's your responsibility to check them (illegal under EU law)
>All servers need to add a "NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT" and a "terms of service" clause upon joining for the first time
>In-person Minecraft events cannot be marketed using Minecraft assets such as logos or fonts
>Fictional story writers are not allowed to include Minecraft brands or assets (fonts of images)
>In-person Minecraft events like LAN parties are no longer allowed to engage in sponsorships if said event is to make money
>This is all of course subject to change as Mojang puts it which really means: "how much criticism will we receive for these decisions" and judging by the close to 0 coverage on the subject odds are they are gonna stay

say goodbye to Hololive Minecraft kino because mojang had made it illegal under their guidelines.

>> No.55229803

Nah, for all of the crap they get XSoleil is better than iLUNA

>> No.55229808

Retard not even speaking to the same person. Suck my cock if ure so independent.

>> No.55229810

>your food
Our food. No reason to get offended as long as anon only sprinkles feces on his own portion.

>> No.55229818

Why? She's not even the worst for numbers in her gen

>> No.55229823

>independent thinkers
lmao even

What's the difference between a skeleton and a deadbeat?
The skeleton has a spine.

>> No.55229828

Nothing stopping her from still applying to Holo EN. She just didn't make the cut. Wasn't good enough or wasn't what they were looking for with this Gen. Same with Roca or Beryl or anyone else people shill. Better luck with EN4.

>> No.55229831

Yea, you're right, now go back to /hlgg/

>> No.55229833

All of /vt/ is the same person

>> No.55229834


>> No.55229836

we love Mori here shitposer-kun

>> No.55229841
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>> No.55229846
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>> No.55229849

Yeah, mori is so good. We have so much fun in her collabs. When was her last one with any council except bae and irys?

>> No.55229859

Yes, Nijisanji would need to win about 280 daily golds just to get back ON PAR with Hololive, that's how deep in the hole they are right now

>> No.55229867

so you can turn this place into your schizobox? Not a chance

>> No.55229870


>> No.55229885

>implying i want to eat next to a loud obnoxious faggot that supports his """oshi""" when she comes in and flips the fucking table

>> No.55229899

...they ASKED for permission.
that would mean they would resend that permission which won't be good for optics

>> No.55229900

>collab begging

>> No.55229908

Omega is source of all the bad things in the world. He’s the one that raped Kiara and forced Gura to hate her fans. He’s also dating Mumei and Fauna behind the scenes as well as. He’s also forced Yagoo at gun point to not drop EN3 as well as forcing Kronii and Bae to stream with men.

>> No.55229922

But she lost the most. More wasted potential and not using it. I am tired.

>> No.55229927

Non of this will affect the Holo server though.

>> No.55229926

>microsoft buys something
>it goes to shit
every single time

>> No.55229942

>2 vta draft dodgers
>doppio and ver
seems pretty clear that pl wise xsoliel is the reject wave of iluna

>> No.55229955


>> No.55229964

This doesn’t even effect Holo cause they’ve always followed guidelines and gotten perms.

>> No.55229965

>This is happening before Sportsfes, and if it isn't resolved, means that it'll be the first year that there will be no MC Sportsfes
Shit. Fuck, FUCK microsoft, what the bloody fucking hell?

>> No.55229973

So nobody likes mori in HoloEN anymore. Why should I?

>> No.55229975

skill issue
while not comparable, here is Cover:
>struck a certain historian channel and got away with it
>did a massive shut down of song clippers and got away with it (or was this youtube policy?)
>terminated a talent for wrongdoing and got away with it
How. Do. They. Keep. Getting. Away. With. It. ?

>> No.55229993

Omega is the best thing happened to hololive EN!
Oh you disagree?
Well yeah, Council kinda didn't do as well as expected so I get you too.

>> No.55230009

>because mojang had made it illegal under their guidelines.
Not really?
>Servers with "player queues" such as 2b2t are now banned
doesn't affect Holos
>Any server, piece of online content such as video or other may be taken down due to any reason whatsoever
Only affects Holo if Microsoft (their current sponsor and commercial partner) decides so
>Using "Minecraft" in the title as a significant part of a creative work, such as a YouTube video
Nips will just follow Mio lead and use "マイクラ" (Micra)
>Servers with ANY content not suitable for 10 year olds are now prohibited
This will kill everybody else but Holos
>They also proceed to state that they are now allowed to change the guidelines and that it's your responsibility to check them (illegal under EU law)
If they change, they change
>In-person Minecraft events cannot be marketed using Minecraft assets such as logos or fonts
Doesn't affect Holos
>Fictional story writers are not allowed to include Minecraft brands or assets (fonts of images)
Doesn't affect Holos
>In-person Minecraft events like LAN parties are no longer allowed to engage in sponsorships if said event is to make money
Doesn't affect Holos

Actually the one thing all of these changes do is to kill EVERY COMPETITOR OF HOLOLIVE without touching Hololive.

>> No.55230016

Anon, given the amount of corporate paranoia that Cover is constantly living under, they may very well go "NO STREAMING MINECRAFT UNTIL WE HASH THINGS OUT WITH MICROSOFT", which could take who knows how long.

>> No.55230017

It's funny how almost every Advent girl has seemed somewhat surprised by her success. Bijou yesterday with how quickly her party was filling up, Nerissa with the cover numbers when she thought people might not like it for being an EN translation, twins with 400k so fast... I wonder if they try to temper expectations during the training.

>> No.55230032
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>> No.55230035

>thinking one of the most sanitized, red tape having MC servers is gonna have issues with these guidelines

>> No.55230046

Wait, are deadbeats saying they are sane?

>> No.55230049

/#/ is
- numbers related topic (X
- news outlet (X
- chatting general (X
- uuu2 (X
- catalog's dedicated war room, with baker bot (O

>> No.55230052

>MORIsoft destroys the very thing that propped them up
Tale as old as time. I look foward to when they make Steve a black man.

>> No.55230053

okay why is some retard going around bumping threads from page 11?

>> No.55230056

>holo v holo

>> No.55230077

>everyone who doesn't follow your hivemind is insane
Do you really?

>> No.55230085

>Nothing stopping her from still applying to Holo EN. She just didn't make the cut. Wasn't good enough or wasn't what they were looking for with this Gen
Nah its pretty clear that the thing that was stopping her from applying to Hololive was money. I remember ryeschizo saying that she had been in a rough spot financially which is why he was convinced she would surface in en3. I was pretty skeptical but her twitch donothon thing pretty much sealed the deal of her not waiting for en3.

>> No.55230088
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>> No.55230090


>> No.55230096

Mate, iLUNA has Aia and Aster amnd Scarle (permanent Raspberry presences) and Kyo and Maria and Zotto (occasional Raspberry presences)

>> No.55230100

don't ask

>> No.55230105

I honestly want some irystocrats to fuck off to the new shiny thing. The only good and seiso member of EN shouldn’t need these shitty fans so go fuck off to those whores

>> No.55230108

No idea, he's been doing that for close to two years now, and he doesn't respond to any questions

>> No.55230111

They won't unless Microsoft specifically withdraws permissions. This doomposting is retarded.
This isn't even close to the first time they have changed guidelines during all the time Holo has streamed MC.

>> No.55230112

So no more pee pee poo poo jokes?

>> No.55230114

what is it with companys killing their cash cows just to sqeeze a few bucks out of the fandom

>> No.55230130

We can't fathom a god as based as him. Just kneel and move on.

>> No.55230151

>He’s also dating Mumei and Fauna behind the scenes as well as.
Kek I see what you did there

>> No.55230152

You can't explain mental illness.

>> No.55230156

That second point was almost definitely song rights-holders coming down on Cover for letting so much 'supposedly unarchived material' remain with their IP attached to it, and so rather than take the hits themselves (or risk hitting the talents in error) probably 'recommended' that Cover do something. Which is why only the biggest ones such as Hololive Sings got hit, but smaller ones like PTSD Shrimp and the channels that DON'T have a direct name tie to Hololive or Cover have been able to continue along.

>> No.55230172

grim. didn't he get 30k a few days ago?

>> No.55230174

What is it with fandoms not ditching when there are obvious warning signs?

>> No.55230180

Travelerbros, where you at
reading the archive gave me the cries. Please call me a faggot

>> No.55230192

Unironically rocks.

>> No.55230200

In the first case said historian could appeal, all he needed to do would be to send his IRL identity to Cover (as Khyo did when appealing)
He clearly balked, as he knew if that information fell into public domain he would be fucked
In the second case it was a clear cut case of copyright infringement
In the third case, said talent got away with a slap in the wrist because, unlike Nijisanji's case, they could have taken it to criminal court and won

>> No.55230213

>bat shit retarded idea that Omega had any legitimate corporate authority to deny debuting EN3 last year if upper had wanted EN3 last year they would order him to debut EN3 and it obvious that upper management supported him
Then you don't know how shit works in corporations. Every branch is a separate entity, especially when it's separated by a fucking country. IF Omega had Mr. Jap's position, he is 100% in control of the entire EN branch, from new talent acquisition to talent graduation, every little detail - he can control 100%. It would make no fucking sense for Cover if they would trinkle every Omega decision, if he is the one overseeing everything. That's why he was hired in the first place, to take control of the entire branch.

>> No.55230215

We're home now faggot

>> No.55230222

well where are we going to go? Minecraft is iconic and it's not like there's exactly a wealth of alternative options

>> No.55230224

Pretty sure Mojang let Minecraft die for awhile now, while they try to milk other MC franchises IP like Dungeons, Legends (heard Legends wasn't well received and its dying on steam), other nobody asking for like Story Mode, MC Earth (killed by CV-19).

>> No.55230232

Okay, take this with a grain of salt since it's been YEARS, but IIRC the faggot is a Hololive Global Anti, and he does it whenever global hits bump limit to try and accelerate it dying.
Yes, it is an utterly INANE and schizo thing to go crazy over, but they've been doing it consistently for years now.

>> No.55230235

Anon they ALREADY HASHED OUT THINGS WITH MICROSOFT are you stupid, it's why they can play the game to begin with. Short of them rescinding the permissions ALREADY GIVEN nothing changes

>> No.55230260

How did Ike get 29k in a random karaoke? There wasn't even a special event or something and then he did another stream right after that only got 3k

>> No.55230266

Who will be next after IRyS to reach 1mil?

>> No.55230277

you only watch Hololive if you are insane. Sane people go out and touch grass. Because you couldn't make that connection is worrying. And we are for sure not a hivemind, else mori wouldn't have any viewer. So where do you come from? Phase? Shitstirrer? Niji?

>> No.55230289
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Cute birthday wife

>> No.55230295

Fuck Microsoft actually

>> No.55230312

Vesper got suspended right before regime change in the "EN branch" (possibly during it) so it lines up perfectly, we had Mr Jap taking over right when leech vampire came back it can't be a coincidence.

>> No.55230326
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It's sad how no one even bothers talking about Kiara anymore even just to shit on her? She's collaborated with Niji multiple times and has the worst numbers but only Mori gets attention ? It's not fair.

>> No.55230328

no, in hololive's sings case it's because it was too close to being mistaken for an official product. Had it been name something like "vtuber songs" it probably wouldn't have been touched

>> No.55230340

>he thinks mumei wont beat her to it

>> No.55230341

nice moomers

>> No.55230359

not talking about their current position anon im talking about pl wise which is what nijisanji placed a big emphasis on when it comes to recruitment

>> No.55230364

EU is lesser China though.

>> No.55230375


>> No.55230382

Even if you can prove damage it doesn't necessitate CRIMINAL activity. AnyColor(Black) should've sued in civil court instead where remediations are properly awarded when damage is established.

>> No.55230387

Indeed, and the signs that Omega was FUCKED was when Yagoo PUBLICLY stated
>Yes, I'm going to 'practice my english' and sit in on the meetings for HoloEN
Anyone who has even the slightest idea of corpo shenanigans would know that that was a GIANT BIG FUCKING RED FLAG for how dire things had gotten for Omega, and alongside finding out Jap had been hired on in December, indicates that Cover was aware that things had gone south for the EN branch and were shuffling up a new deck of cards.

>> No.55230390

unless Mumei suddenly boosts up to getting 10k subs a day, that's not going to happen

>> No.55230395
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>> No.55230401

didn't minecraft sponsor a JP minecraft event and invited hololive to join?
why would they try to fuck over what can get them more attention and money?
hololive will be fine.

>> No.55230403

For nips even more so. They usually work with "whole owned subsidiaries" when entering foreign markets, with a complete separate chain of command going all the way to the branch main director which only responds to the HQ CEO and to the board.
They do that for two simple reasons
>Nips can't for the life of it understand how the rest of the world works
They much rather to hire a local and give him full control because they wouldn't know one way or another
>Nips BIGGEST FEAR is losing face
So they give full authority to the branch director, but pull the full blame on them if things go sideways
>see: the closure of HoloCN, the closure of NijiIN, Yumenographia, NijiKR, NijiID
Nothing spilled back, the full blunt of the blame went to local management with HQ taking zero responsibility

EN management had full authority with HQ having only veto power.

>> No.55230407
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First week buff, raid baby buff, mini-relay buff, GFE buff, homo-anticipation buff.
The girl stacked buffs like a champ. Subarashii!

>> No.55230411

How did the debut of Advent cause all the other EN to gain subs? Is there new fans joining the box?

>> No.55230423

It's perfectly possible that Vesper's suspension killed Omega or was somehow related because he was out already when it ended.

>> No.55230424

Mumei -> IRyS -> FWMC -> Fauna -> Nerissa -> Bae -> Bijou -> Shiori

>> No.55230432

I hate Microsoft so much it's unbelievable

>> No.55230444

Kiwawa has her own bubble
>Its sad that shes stocked to EU time

>> No.55230453

Not before Australia and Canada.

>> No.55230456

>im talking about pl
I wouldn't know but iLUNA proved to be much worse hires than XSoleil

>> No.55230467

Anon I said Ike not Shiori

>> No.55230468

Paranoia at changing agreements. Of course, if we just see more MC streams go up AS USUAL, I''ll completely agree with you that Cover's agreement is, at the very least, solid enough to not be bothered by these changes.
Sorry, the paranoia around, well, any sort of risks ala HOLOCAUST still causing jitters.

>> No.55230474
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>> No.55230489

Is rye that whore with boyfriend?

>> No.55230498

Hololive sings was uploaded the covers to Spotify

>> No.55230501

I don't care. This is a holo thread. Deal.

>> No.55230505

forgot Kronii: FWMC -> Kronii -> Fauna

>> No.55230523

>He WANTS the board to be orange again.
No. Stop it.

>> No.55230532

Kiara is a retarded menhera but not a bad person. At all. She doesn't deserve the shitposting.

>> No.55230540

Just in time for holoearth

>> No.55230546


>> No.55230551

Will Gura fuck over Nerissa's karaoke with her own karaoke?

>> No.55230553
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That mike is replaceable

>> No.55230560

>microsoft won't pull a microsoft and pull permissions
lmao good one

>> No.55230564

a rising tide lifts all boats.
Seriously though how new are you, we saw the same thing happen whenever there's a new debut

>> No.55230571

no tallies?

>> No.55230577

obviously. The fact that the old girls are still going strong even with heavy overlap indicates that there are more new fans than we initially thought.

>> No.55230584

>watch ASMR
>get recommended a fuck ton of ASMR
>even AVtubers are in there
uhm... so... how the fuck do i get rid of these?
what actually fucking works?
>don't recommend channel
>Not interested

>> No.55230589

What, you thought that there was no more interest in EN vtubers from HOLOEN?
>He fell for the grimposting

>> No.55230594
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>> No.55230612

yeah it was a combination of hiring milquetoast streamers and half of their branch offending the sisters on the first week due to shipfaggotry and politics

>> No.55230616

We have a goal now. When are we deploying a positive orange board again?

>> No.55230623

Well, 90% of the time.

They were waiting the entire time for shit to stop being shit.

>> No.55230626

Cover Corp unironically has a Minecraft department. They know the importance of Holocraft. Almost certain to be top priority on perms list

>> No.55230628

Based janny

>> No.55230631

looks like nijimeido tranny hates that.

>> No.55230632
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>anons don't mind if Mori's nepohire, Milkyqueen, joins HoloEN
Don't let the idol image fool you anon. This is the same girl that publicly wanted/gunning for the Connor cock. How did you guys forget about this I'll never know

>> No.55230633
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Start using this bar

>> No.55230637

# too busy with EN3 that it forgot the telly

>> No.55230662

Nijisissies... pack it up

>> No.55230665

>Ina double tick in a month
Holy shit I'm a believer now, EN3 is doing wonders.

>> No.55230669

they also uploaded shit to spotify

>> No.55230679

How? One of the Xsoliel people already graduated and incurred the company a ton on notoriety in the process. Hex and Scarle basically cancel each other out with their earnings. The rest of Xsoliel are thoroughly as weak as the people in iLuna.

>> No.55230688

Do you, uh, plan on watching MORE ASMR, or do you just want that shit GONE GONE GONE and don't plan to watch more?

If it's the former, uh, well, you can watch a ton of other stuff to try and 'retrain' your algo.
If it was a one-time thing and you're fine with just never walking down that specific rabbit-hole, delete the video from your watch history under your youtube settings.

>> No.55230690

kek, nice

>> No.55230701

"The market is dying look at how your EN3 senpai from holoTempus struggle to gain even 200K subs this days and how their streams die in overlap, English speakers just lost interest in Vtubers so don't expect too much girls"

>> No.55230702
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Oh hey the nijijanny is back

>> No.55230741

It didn't happen with NijiEN and it has been so long since Council debut that I forgot

>> No.55230744

Probably not new new, but mostly old fans that are coming back for new content.

>> No.55230748

>To spotify
Oh gods, what a fucking retard. Yea, I already covered the naming thing, but I hadn't realized the dumbfuck also uploaded to SPOTIFY.

>> No.55230770

>watches purely from recommends
>recommends start running his life
Just admit to yourself that you're plugged in to the Matrix and watch it.

>> No.55230774

So Bae Karaoke and Advent collab will funnel to Mooms Bday

>> No.55230780

the same thing happened during ID3's debuts anon

>> No.55230785

ngl the best timing to get into holoEN is August 2020, the second best one is this week.

>> No.55230783

Jeez, warned because of that??
I swear jannies are discord Mods

>> No.55230795

Rarity buff, it had been a year since his last one and he's the only Luxiem who isn't an atrocious singer.

>> No.55230806

>shoto, shitting on nijisis
>aruvn, nijihomo prime leaker
Based elira, nijicn are useless.

>> No.55230823

and then bae and mumei will fuck

>> No.55230821

Kronii's doing an afterparty for her cover, so that'll funnel too

>> No.55230829

Shiori~n is cute

>> No.55230833

Milky has a terrible streaming voice, that's the primary reason I wouldn't want her. Good singer, bad streamer. Think Enna but a harsh bong accent in place of the nasally Chinese one.

>> No.55230836

what the fuck happened to this place?

>> No.55230834

No, rye is the ghost, the one with the boyfriend is the leprechaun one although rye has a russian handler/paypig. Would not surprise me if the guy is also in Kattias discord since she has a lot of ruski fans.

>> No.55230842

God forbid the jannies actually do their jobs and get rid of schizos instead of doing shit like this

>> No.55230843

Looks like Nijimeido is assmad that NijiEN isn't doing as well as they expected. Heh.

>> No.55230862

Just the other day people were shitting on her by proxy over all the Nerissa fangirling stuff.

>> No.55230870

>old fans
I think the old fans takes a good chunk of the "new" fanbase but I believe there are actual new convert from small corpo. Which might be the reason why no small corpo and vwhorejo chuuba dares to tweet to them.

>> No.55230876

One surprising thing about advent is that there's not a single one of them who haven't had a past of streaming before. Has cover abandoned their tactic of going after gems in the rough from related fields, or has holo existed for so long that pretty much everyone who's interested has already transitioned into streaming?

>> No.55230888

deadbeats unlocked the door to other shitheels

>> No.55230905

>it had been a year since his last one
Isn't he a fucking singer?

>> No.55230910
File: 1.96 MB, 1854x5566, 2023-08-04 top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>51,111: Ibrahim (Nijisanji)
>50,217: Shiina (Nijisanji)
>47,956: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>44,481: Leos (Nijisanji)
>42,957: NeruMero (Indie)
>39,861: Tsukasa Tenkai (Indie)
>31,094: Shiori (Hololive)
>29,889: Lize (Nijisanji)
>27,879: Miko (Hololive)
>26,300: Toya (Nijisanji)
>25,742: Noel (Hololive)
>24,736: Luca (Nijisanji)
>23,647: Calliope (Hololive)
>23,079: Fuwamoco (Hololive)
>22,111: Mio (Hololive)
>20,094: Chiroru (Indie)
>18,967: Pekora (Hololive)
>16,835: Gura (Hololive)
>14,210: Fuwamoco (Hololive)
>13,919: Nerissa (Hololive)
>13,905: Hibari (Nijisanji)
>13,701: Sana (Indie)
>13,693: Luna (Hololive)
>13,604: Botan (Hololive)
>13,082: Subaru (Hololive)
>12,379: Bijou (Hololive)
>11,648: Chaika (Nijisanji)
>11,598: Koyori (Hololive)
>10,120: Koyori (Hololive)

A stacked day at the tally with Nijis dominating the podium with Ibrahin getting gold and Shiina silver (both with Koshien practice) and Fuwa with Radio Taiso completing the podium

>> No.55230940

>It's sad how no one even bothers talking about Kiara anymore even just to shit on her?
I shit (criticize) on her like once 3 days. Not intentionally and I don't actively hate her. Kiara is simply bad in some areas and easy to be brought up in many discussions.

I used to praise Kiara's ability as the ambassador between branches. But that part became less and less significant these days. Kiara will probably fades further into irrelevance as new girls take her spotlight.

>> No.55230943

Definitely not GFE guys.

>> No.55230945

I think it's more the case that no gems in the rough applied. It's kind of established you have to have something working for you to get in now.

>> No.55230947

people like >>55230888 whined so much the jannies started catering to them

>> No.55230957

Most of the small corpo fans are just old Hololive fans too. Same with the fans of the Niji EN girls. Twitch fans are their own separate pool that's mostly unrelated to youtube vtubers.

>> No.55230963

>gem in the rough
Biboo is that gem in the rough. She's proven to be a very good hire with that banter and chat interaction. That peeblesona gimmick is genius

>> No.55230977

>Highest Hololive stream was Shiori
Slow day on the JP side?

>> No.55230980


>> No.55230984

>Chinman sub 30k for koshien
wait isnt he one of the livers who are supposed to be the tourist destination for koshien?

>> No.55230988

>no gems in the rough applied.
I find that extremely difficult to believe considering pretty much everyone and their dog would be apply to a holo audition if they think they had any kind of shot

>> No.55230989

Wasn't that Nerissa/Advent schizos? Kiara might've gotten caught in the collateral but it was anti Nerissa firstmost if I remember it correctly

>> No.55230992

It's not only deadbeats. Every fanbase wants a meido now and handle them like a discord.

>> No.55231002

>whined about shitheels! That justifies being a shitheel!
No (You) for you.

>> No.55231015
File: 34 KB, 321x359, 1690964826413435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55231023

It's probably something like this
>I'm interested in joining Hololive
>Oh, they're expected to stream...hmmmm
>I should probably stream, even if it's to just to NO people on Twitch, just to get practice for it
And then you have a new streamer on Twitch, and maybe they get to 2-view status in the months between when they first applied to when they send in their second or third application.

>> No.55231039

The actual changes in the EULA:
- No paid queue bypasses
- No paywalls based on out-of-game purchases
- No advertising your server using Mojang assets
- No paid lootboxes
- All content prices must be public and visible out-of-server.
None of this affects the HoloMC server. Stop trying to start a riot on behalf of server operators.

>> No.55231049

When I say gems in the rough I mean people Gura or Kronii who might have a history of content creation but either zero or very little experience of actually streaming

>> No.55231051

More like let's not gamble in the fragile status of HoloEN

>> No.55231052

I meant: there aren't any gems in the rough left, and the standard for "gem in the rough" a little higher now. Guess I could have been clearer.

>> No.55231058

This whole arc was written by M. Night Shyamalan

>> No.55231064

I don't think they can enforce this in private servers.
People will just hack their shit.
But yeah could be trouble for holos.

...so isn't it SUCH A COINCIDENCE that they have a Hololive themed sandbox game coming right up?

>> No.55231068

Don't think Nerissa streamed regularly. If she did she's remarkably bad at it still. At this point it's just going to be very difficult to find people who both *want* to be vtubers and who haven't already become vtubers. Not many people sitting on the sidelines 3 years after Myth's debut.

>> No.55231078


>> No.55231081
File: 11 KB, 551x133, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one too! No 'Seethe' allowed guys.

>> No.55231094

There are always new fans to get on youtube, some of them new to streamers period - that was my case 3 years ago. Too bad yt is so shit with promoting their streaming service etc.

>> No.55231097

meant for

>> No.55231107

>EN carrying hololive really hard

>> No.55231113

>there are actual unironic lucubs on this board
I can't imagine what kind of mental ill subhuman would watch that disgusting fuck

>> No.55231121

yeah, 2b2t is fucked. the server is too big to operate without some sort of paid access system.

>> No.55231123

I'm kinda sad for 2b2t just off of their long history, but at the same time there are a LOT of really scummy scam MC servers that exist that are preying on kids that really should have better parents (but don't).

>> No.55231130

you know the feedback button is at the bottom of the page right?>

>> No.55231132

I mean, Biboo went from a Twitch 2view to this.

>> No.55231150

>(You)ing yourself
chase my posts harder
dance, deadbeat, dance!

>> No.55231156

Advent raid! 40-50k possible?

>> No.55231170

all intentional
the old sacred cows must die for the new golden age
can't afford people still thinking that any big company is "good"

>> No.55231179

also don't discount JP and ID convert as well. I've seen a lot of people who are learning english just to have an interaction to the dogs. Kobo also brought ID as a numbers fodder as well.

>> No.55231183

I wonder what those p2w server wrecking youtube channels will do for content now.

>> No.55231186

KEK, I saw that on warosu. was confused

>> No.55231204

>everyone and their dog
Maybe in JP. Definitely not in EN

>> No.55231207

meant for

>> No.55231217
File: 1.61 MB, 1062x1642, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meidos love

>> No.55231219

Nah, notGura had been streaming for a while, even if sporadic, prior to applying for Hololive.
Kronii was ALSO both streaming AND a vtuber before she joined Hololive.

>> No.55231225

raid is a good thing now?

>> No.55231247

Remember to do file a feedback
>4chan doesnt let this faggotry to continue

>> No.55231253

Can't get more assmad than this.

>> No.55231259

Paid access is still allowed but has to be upfront and equal pricing for all. 2b2t will probably survive.

>> No.55231272

reminder that she has said on stream that connor was her "drinking buddy" back when she use to cosume alcohol like it was water.

>> No.55231273


>> No.55231277

NTA but out of curiosity, were you around for holocaust?
t. mythlet

>> No.55231281

Adapt or die, that's just how things are on youtube.

>> No.55231290

Roca was scouted by Idol and likely didn't have any hopes that a new HoloEN gen would be coming anytime soon like literally everyone else, also IdolEN2's auditions started a month before the reminder. As for Beryl she graduated a month before Advent so who knows where she'll end up, I just hope it's not NijiEN.

>> No.55231292

we have the plebbit poll

>> No.55231293

doesn't Nerissa fits with that though? It's quite obvious that she's not a good streamer judging from her inability to interact and play the game at the same time

>> No.55231302

I didn't know feedback made a difference. Also it's funny how something like that is actioned on when tons of much worse shit is left up

>> No.55231307

Whoever was doing it was either a deadbeat or larping as a deadbeat and was also shitting on Kiara. Mostly in global though, not here.

>> No.55231306

Would not surprise me if Microsoft is trying to kill the servers due to there being a ton of grooming servers. Whats sad is that this might be a win for Roblux grooming servers since kids interested in making a quick buck might transfer to there.

>> No.55231310

Now you're shortening the posts?

>> No.55231312

Theres tens of thousands of girls applying to hololive
And with this new management? Her nepohire will never get a chance

>> No.55231323

why post this here?
no one in /#/ watches Kiara.
KFP home is in hlgg unless one of their schizos escapes containment, in which case KFP discord won't be far behind.
global is KFP central still, and most big fan groups are all run by KFP.
if you want Kiara talk, go to global, why come here?

>> No.55231324

idk but it seems HoloEN will raid a lot in the future
better get used to it

>> No.55231336

It's probably someone who got fed up with all the low-effort "Seethe x" spam that's been happening, and some people reporting it.

>> No.55231338

Trolling, shitposting, and low quality posts are bannable offenses. The surge in jannie activity to counteract all the tourists flocking from the debuts hasn't been enough to balance things out, but it's nice to see the local retards getting smacked.

>> No.55231342
File: 298 KB, 953x1570, 1687789742514124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend is so cute

>> No.55231349

>got mindbroke by a single word
Nijimeido sure are fragile bunches.

>> No.55231354

Can this koshiten end already.

>> No.55231359

The only ones that weren't streamers before Hololive were Mori and Kiara and well...
That tactic has never worked

>> No.55231376

Not now nijischizo

>> No.55231377

To be fair, most shit doesn't deserve more than a "seethe" response.

>> No.55231381

you miss every shot you don't take
Like I'm pretty sure they just toss anything people submit in there to the trash, but it's better than whining about it here


>> No.55231388
File: 1.19 MB, 1418x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moom would get all the raids from other girls right?

>> No.55231390

It does, jannies get summon for review if they see they report/feedback has merit

>> No.55231393
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Pomu craving for Luca's cock <3

>> No.55231414
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>> No.55231416

depends on how long the streams last but she should.

>> No.55231423

>better than whining about it here
>(You)s himself
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.55231434 [DELETED] 

Was a streamer
Yea, this one is correct

>> No.55231444

Unironically worse than Reddit.

>> No.55231448

what are you talking about, both Mori and Kiara streamed before joining Holo. Not consistently, but that goes for Gura too
Also you'll pardon me if I don't think Cover shares your views on how well Mori is doing

>> No.55231449

Can you guys really not live without your pointless "seethe/cope" one word non-sequitur posts? They'll probably get tired of enforcing it anyway. It's like a cop trying to pull over everyone going 1 MPH over the limit.

>> No.55231453

Anon advent is doing merch announcement they're 100% ending 1 hour in

>> No.55231463

Only if she's a sweet little RAID BABY LOL

>> No.55231471

> Hololive fans have actual jobs, don't have time to spend moderating this wasteland
> Nijikeks, phasekeks and VShojokeks are all unemployed NEETs so they apply to be jannies
> stuff like >>55230594 starts happening
> jannies think they won
> holofans forget and move on after 5 minutes and start discussing hololive again

>> No.55231474
File: 384 KB, 686x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're so wholesome together

>> No.55231481

Same, I don't hate her or anything but I fail to see how she has any niche left with the new gen. Ironically, Nerissa will steal away viewers from her by being filling the huge idol fan/cover niche

>> No.55231484

I mean... he's not wrong there

>> No.55231486

how did rye even lose to bijou for the loli spot, she has a better natural loli voice and could sing

>> No.55231493

>One surprising thing about advent is that there's not a single one of them who haven't had a past of streaming before. Has cover abandoned their tactic of going after gems in the rough from related fields, or has holo existed for so long that pretty much everyone who's interested has already transitioned into streaming?
The latter. It's not 2020 where most of the potential candidates didn't know what vtubing is. Now everyone has built a considerable streaming portfolio so there's no point in looking for hidden gems that never streamed before and get burned in the process

>> No.55231499

Every single member of council had experience streaming before. It wasn't what they were known for but they still did it and it was what they spent the majority of their time doing leading up to council
EN3 has by far the weakest lineup of resumes in EN. It's silly to use them as an example of "no new gems in the rough" when EN3 is the closest they've gotten to literal who tier.

I mean imagine even making this comment when Advent is the only EN gen to not have a girl at or near 1 mil subs on youtube prior to joining.

>> No.55231503 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 2148x1771, 1691140172370190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choo choo all aboard cuck train!

>> No.55231504

>Jannie spotted
How about you go to other thread instead of camping here?

>> No.55231507


>> No.55231514

nah, we know deadbeats don't like that. But that was just a larping deadbeat

>> No.55231519

Kiara and Mori are great though

>> No.55231526

So nothing that will effect holos

>> No.55231542
File: 3.14 MB, 400x400, 1690579098441069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this woman is dangerous

>> No.55231543

I saw it from afar, as I wasn't hard into Hololive at the time yet. The fact that wide swaths of content and just reading up the details had me appreciate how fucking lucky Twitch streamers had it at the time.

>> No.55231551

It's not about the words, it's about the principle of the matter. What kind of shithole is this place becoming when meidos are abusing the low quality rule to ban posts they don't like?


>> No.55231559

>how did rye even lose to bijou for the loli spot

>> No.55231562

She was actually way better with that in GOI yesterday than in her collab with Bijou.

>> No.55231564
File: 941 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu wants to have some pomies with LucaCHAD

>> No.55231570

> everyone and their dog would be apply to a holo audition
IF they're already a streamer or otherwise online, yes.
Singers, VAs, Theatre kids etc.?
Unless they're permanently online and also have Youtube and not Twitch as their main streaming site, they won't even see it.

>> No.55231579

Fact of the matter you're the one they should be targeting.

>> No.55231595

dude if you really want to piss the jannies off make a catalog thread about it

>> No.55231604

You do know that guy isn't actual deadbeat?

>> No.55231614

Uhh is this for real? It's fucking Minecraft the game is nothing without the community and content creators seems really unmojang like thing to do but Microsoft is above them so it's not out of question.

>> No.55231613

KEK I feel like 2020/2021 again, when anons were spamming that wall of text to get anons to hate Gura

>> No.55231615


>> No.55231620

eh Holo CN had to be a joint venture with bili bili because that's how you operate in China, doesn't feel like holo EN have nearly this much autonomy when they all work from Japan and probably the same Cover office. It feels like there were plans to make holo EN somewhat different from the start like this no generations thing, no "idol" branding etc. in hindsight it feels like they were setting it up with males in mind but that didn't work.

>> No.55231624

>bvtm faggots are back
Not surprised at the continued seethe over Advent.

>> No.55231634

yes, like I said

>> No.55231655

Roblox should put these rules to protect children desu

>> No.55231656
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cutest couple around

>> No.55231680

This has no impact on Hololive. Apparently a great way to farm (You)s from retards though.

>> No.55231682

Hololive or bust, BAU BAU

>> No.55231684

notGuras streams were so sporadic that Gura might as well be Koyori.

>> No.55231688
File: 384 KB, 640x605, 1691115787955126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feedback sent.

This proves the janny is a shiori anti that the 30k karaoke mindbroke too

>> No.55231695
File: 12 KB, 432x78, 1674194983462662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55231696

From what little I saw of Ghost Gura, Bijou is more entertaining.

>> No.55231719

nevermind, but yes I know that too
This/That confusion

>> No.55231725

Hololive fixed Gura, it will do the same to Shiori.

>> No.55231724
File: 345 KB, 686x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worn out cocksleeve rumao roru

>> No.55231741

By being weaker

>> No.55231745

All it really bans is the "pay to skip queue" thing, worst comes to worst they can just switch fully to a paid only access server. It's not like it's not already what it is what with the queue being so long most days

>> No.55231752

I don't know shit about ff14 but Bijou's vod of it is a pretty nice background

>> No.55231755

Remember when threads lasted for three, four, sometimes five hours normally?
Then that fag showed up and single-handedly turned the churn rate of any semi-popular general thread to ashes

>> No.55231757

Shiori didn't do anything wrong though

>> No.55231758

Whats this pomuschizo guy about? Why this thread? There's like 2 Pomu fans here.

>> No.55231760

>Has cover abandoned their tactic of going after gems in the rough from related fields, or has holo existed for so long that pretty much everyone who's interested has already transitioned into streaming?
naaaahhh. I think they just filter the applicants so hard and try to get the very best of the crop as close to perfect as possible

>> No.55231766
File: 1.72 MB, 1471x823, 1670710649867484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to watch Yoshika, right?

>> No.55231773

I forget, was this the guy that had an offcollab sleepover with Maria when they were in australia?

>> No.55231787

is the cuckschizo, ignore and report.

>> No.55231789

Well, it's pretty clear Microsoft wants to paywall Minecraft. If private servers start doing that, they can push the precedent.

>> No.55231797
File: 184 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant for each other

>> No.55231815

>1ST unarchived karaoke barely beats migo casual stream

>> No.55231817

Will she do naked karaoke?

>> No.55231819

the nijijanny hates it when we talk about nijis getting cucked so that's him trying to piss off the janny by postiung about ti in here
you know, standard 4chan day

>> No.55231835

me too. FF14 is insane boring to watch like every mmo. But I liked the stream

>> No.55231837
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>> No.55231841

>Actually the one thing all of these changes do is to kill EVERY COMPETITOR OF HOLOLIVE without touching Hololive.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually the intention. Hololive is among the few "family friendly" servers broadcasting entertainment content in a more or less vanilla state server. They probably want content creators that will get them the most money.

>> No.55231850
File: 374 KB, 1279x736, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* FINAL EN SMALL CORPO TALLY OF THE DAY * (minimum 1000 viewers)
>2,747 Pippa (Phase Connect)
>1,003 Erina (Phase Connect) [raid]

1) None
2) Pippa (Phase Connect) - 2,074 - Recap/zatsu
3) Pippa (Phase Connect) - 1,510 - Yakuza?
4) Pippa (Phase Connect) - 2,747 - Reaction content

3x: Phase Connect
1x: None

3x: Pippa

The Pippa tally rolls on.

>> No.55231866

If she didn't join NijiEN, Kiara could've nepotism hired her instead of letting Ina do the nepo with Sana. She just couldn't wait and now that she has made her bed, she has to lie in it until NijiEN gets axed in VTA style

>> No.55231868
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55231872

what the fuck is this garbage

>> No.55231898
File: 89 KB, 735x617, 1690837584225435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fix her, they can

>> No.55231910

I'll Shop my Dick over that Mic
>See later Anons!

>> No.55231916

is this pomu spammer trying to get anons to go
>stop spamming pomu
to get them to defend her?
if that's case, continue because i don't care

>> No.55231921

3 holomembers and a bunch of homos played on a fivem gta server the other day. I think it will be fine.

>> No.55231922

>Pippa (Phase Connect) - 2,747 - Reaction content
Man small corpos might not be able to rely on the reaction content meta for long considering theres drama brewing there.

>> No.55231927

There are options, people just don't like them because of cultural inertia. But given enough stress, people will move.

>> No.55231924

This woman is going to pile drive her channel into Kiaradom.
GFE is lucrative, but its not popular. No raids can stop the filtering

>> No.55231934
File: 180 KB, 393x318, 1678121552164761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just got a Youtube Premium price increase of around 40%
What the fuck Neal

>> No.55231942

that doesn't work for non holos anon

>> No.55231953

Did Rin fall off? Did EN3 steal back some fans?

>> No.55231954

NTA. She's the holoEN member that gets the most views both daily and all time. Of course they don't think the same as the mori schizos in this thread.

>> No.55231955
File: 643 KB, 845x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her face when you suck LucaCHAD's cum out of her bumhole

>> No.55231956

My guess is that he saw when people complained about the jannies, and that made the retard think he was in good company

>> No.55231960

Nah, just picking a fight with niji jannies.

>> No.55231973

Doesn't matter when you are making Rushiabucks prior to her incident.

>> No.55231978

Show me on any graph where she filtered people with her GFE.

>> No.55231979

Never seen this troll take before.

>> No.55231990

Kiara would have never gave a shit about her if she wasn't in Niji EN.

>> No.55231991

What's the drama? I don't follow twitchfaggotry

>> No.55232000

It was supposedly either that or unskippable ads

>> No.55232005

anon Rushia was consistently getting 15k prior to getting fired and she's the GFEst of the amm

>> No.55232009

Actual mental retardation

>> No.55232010

>steal back
Lol, she didn't steal shit

>> No.55232021

>Luca is family,, if you guys don't like it just leave

>> No.55232027

huh? What's happening with react content now? I know there was a bunch of drama a while ago, but did something new pop up?

>> No.55232046

Honestly they probably went into the HoloEN project with the idea that most people have. "Idols don't work in the west"
It just turns out they were wrong and HoloEN fans love the girls being idols just like the JP fans

>> No.55232047

If Gura's gonna do karaoke this weekend, it's gonna be members only.

>> No.55232051

>Whats sad is that this might be a win for Roblux grooming servers since kids interested in making a quick buck might transfer to there.
Pretty sure that already happened since it's making the rounds on MSM.

>> No.55232093

She was just borrowing them.

>> No.55232095
File: 388 KB, 732x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luca saw my bloomers, so what?

>> No.55232105
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I hope not, we need Gura to remind them who's the real queen. Advent bros are getting cocky

>> No.55232119

Anon, do you remember what kind of CCV Rushia was getting before she woefully died via suicide-by-dramanigger?
Shiori filters far less than Kiara's entire...being does, she won't fall down to that level outside of several mori-tier yabs.

>> No.55232151
File: 93 KB, 2496x256, 12312313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how did rye even lose to bijou for the loli spot
>NotBijou is the one on the right
just by looking from the last time they streamed, it looks like Rye wasn't even in the same group of EN3 applicants as Bijou was, either that or Rye couldn't wait for Cover response and just accepted Idol Corp's offer

>> No.55232166

man Luna really loves this basebuilding autism in any game she plays.

>> No.55232167

>filters people he says
>CCV has been stable as a rock for hours for the last few streams and no significant viewer lost

>> No.55232186

It was announced a few weeks ago, I guess your renewal just hit then.

>> No.55232191
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>luca's new outfit was so good, did you like it pomies?

>> No.55232200

rin got 10k a few days ago

>> No.55232211

>wait, why are you all leaving

>> No.55232240
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Ghost Gura is a vshoujo-tier whore.

>> No.55232251
File: 172 KB, 488x260, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin took yesterday off but her Pikmin 4 stream was her worst performing gaming stream for the past month and a half or so. Her zatsu the day before almost managed to beat Pippa's post-250k stream. She's doing that dumb mobile game spoof thing today which the HoloID girls have been playing recently. That should do a lot better than Pikmin at least.

>> No.55232264
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built for lucock

>> No.55232271

Lot of creators have been throwing a bitchfit about how current reaction streamers dont even cut reaction content and just show the whole vid that they are reacting to without giving credit to the original post. Its been a problem for a long time but no pushback had been taken since they usually only use vids from content creators that are way smaller than them. Problem is that now theyre doing it to middle and semi large content creators which makes the pushback bigger now. Also comes at a time with the Fantano vs Activision drama which made it exacerbate.

>> No.55232278

Luca are so lucky

>> No.55232279

One thing you need to know about NijiEN is the singers there fucking hate singing.

>> No.55232300

when is mysta graduating?

>> No.55232306

man, why do have to remind me. I watched the poumu stream too where she said she stripped in front of luca. That was a sad day for me

>> No.55232307

Ah yes the police officer anon that loves to police the threads has made its appearance. Hello retard.

>> No.55232321

God I hope react streamers get fucked, what garbage

>> No.55232343

>I watched the poumu stream too where she said she stripped in front of luca. That was a sad day for me
kek, wtf?! That would be disheartening as fuck, how the fuck did you give NijiEN a chance?

>> No.55232345

and we're supposed to like kiara when she boosts up Pomu so much in the holo mind share?

>> No.55232349

it's crazy to me that these people fear hololive so much that they would go to such lenghts as to restrict content for them
what weird creatures they are

>> No.55232348

VDrama fuckers, too.

>> No.55232355

Rye had money issues right around the time of idolEN. If you've see the doxx pics of her from around that time it's because she started doing flesh shit in order to get money for her car payments, that's the level she was at. There's no way a chick like that could hold out for almost another year.
Also Bijou's personality feels like a better fit anyway

>> No.55232366
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cuckmudachis winning
>POG I love you wuca
kino kino kino

>> No.55232369

and the nijinigger reveals himself at last

>> No.55232396


>> No.55232408

ah damn

>> No.55232420

Good, fuck them. I don't see this killing react content but I can hope.

>> No.55232431

what they want to kill
>RP streamer-focused story servers (they hire literal children to work for them for an X amount of hours and maybe appear in their videos as paymeny)
>P2W servers
>un-sponsored in person races (think of GDQ)
>selling servers and addons to minors in the name of minecraft
what they want to keep

>> No.55232441

i hate niji and kiara for shilling them, think you're missing the point

>> No.55232448
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>purple and lacy panties just for luca boy

>> No.55232464

idk why you even need to lie about this, perhaps show us a selfie with your nose?

>> No.55232501

and yet the first thing you do when seeing niji hate in this thread is immediately find ways to deflect it onto a holo, curious that

>> No.55232517

I like her but man she is like a teen. Having a crush on the "bad" boy with everyone telling her it is a bad idea

>> No.55232518

>Kronii moved her premiere time to an hour and a half earlier
>She still plans on doing an after party
Is she not going to show up to Mumei's stream? Or do they live that close to each other?

>> No.55232537

I don’t get why chumbuds and saplings try to shit on IRyS. Like Gura hasn’t streamed enough this year to warrant this behavior and Fauna is a whore with a REDACTED

>> No.55232549

>t. janny

>> No.55232557

Mumei will probably be in the new studio

>> No.55232569

>He fell for the "parasocialism bad" meme

>> No.55232570
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This you?

>> No.55232575
File: 41 KB, 447x475, 1687594969774583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niji janny once referred to Pomu as "my beloved Pomu". Honestly, I'm not surprised that the schizos here have caught on to that chameleon that keeps shitting the threads with holo v holo falseflags.

>> No.55232579
File: 84 KB, 400x400, nijiliars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does.
I still remember when nijijanny got booted out within a day.
Just be a good writer
Tagging this for achieve (nijijanny gone within a day)

>> No.55232580

Only problem is that the current react content "drama" actually smells more corporate than organic when it comes to roots. Not to mention a some streamers were warning about drama like this when the WGA strike started.
Might not kill it but it will certainly hurt it especially if you rely on reacting to vids made by other content creators.

>> No.55232583
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>graduation soon, but I'll never leave you luca

>> No.55232588

Not right now nijisis, we're discussing other shit

>> No.55232606

>Niji cuckoldry
I sleep
>Holo cuckoldry
Real schit

>> No.55232608

>Check /#/
>schizo spamming about Pomu and Luca
Alright I'll see you guys for the Advent collab then

>> No.55232610

My hate for niji is far greater than kiara but I brought her up because just yesterday she was messaging Pomu and asking her for a 'date' collab in VR so I'm tired of her shilling niji so hard and people defending her by saying 'Pomu is one of the good one'. As you can see, she's like the rest of them

>> No.55232621

Rushia was JP, not EN.

>> No.55232623

>Fantano vs Activision
Oh, what a clusterfuck that looks like. I don't like either side of that mess.

>> No.55232630

Mumei is like 1 and a half hours after.
Kroni after party wont last 2hrs

>> No.55232641


>> No.55232646

A better place.

>> No.55232654

look at vrabi for yourself

>> No.55232663

and instead of leading with that you instead immediatley started shitting on a holo, sounds like you're scrambling for a cover story there nijinig

>> No.55232667

I think there was something about a youtuber being mad that XQC would put on their video then fuck off for 20 minutes and come back when it was done.

>> No.55232675

If both parties are pushing through then it might actually have some lasting impact for the internet.

>> No.55232691

Do you have a link for that? I watch Pomu very occasionally but maybe it's time to unsub.

>> No.55232697

Fair, but Shiori is not Kiara. The latter has issues that have been pointed out in a million different timeloops, and those kinds of filters aren't present with Shiori.
It's way too soon to be making those kinds of predictions anyways.

>> No.55232698

Keep bending over backwards to defend Kiara's nijishilling, kfp.

>> No.55232707

And it all just back to
>Nips can't for the life of it understand how the rest of the world works

Just what the fuck is going on over in Japan? It's like looking into an animal enclosure at a zoo.

>> No.55232728

See I told you it's a nijinigger

>> No.55232730

Yeah, that shit is just theft, and fuckers that do that should just get banned.

>> No.55232732

no, I never gave Nijiscum after Obsydia a chance. Council was there.

>> No.55232738
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey little pogmu, how would you like to mate? HAHA POG
>I bought panties just for this occasion, purple and lacy

>> No.55232779

Can we all just agree that it was omega's fault for delaying shit?

>> No.55232789

It honestly feels more like they were hedging their bets so they can go either way depending on audience reaction

>> No.55232800

You meant /b/omu?

>> No.55232808

Oh yeah I forgot Mumei and Hoomans but they fall into the Fauna category

>> No.55232817
File: 87 KB, 720x418, 1691171554078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am gonna laugh when EN mafumafu appear onscreen

>> No.55232836

getting close to 700k. Got there way fucking faster than Rise did.

>> No.55232841
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/#/ reclined

>> No.55232852

IRyS...Gura...and nothing happened to them

>> No.55232855

Never reply to me again faggot.

>> No.55232866
File: 376 KB, 463x453, 1689256661684783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if x happens
>when x happens
>x will happen
>once x happens
>eventually x will happen
>can't wait until x happens

>> No.55232867

Nope as much of a fag omega was, this ones pretty much on rye since if she actually wanted to go in hololive then she would have done what multiple holomems have done in the past which is holo or nothing mindset.

>> No.55232870


>> No.55232891

that reminds me, why hasnt there been anyone suing twitch streamers for reacting to copyrighted items and just blame it all on fair use? If i remember correctly, fair use only applies to research or educational purposes only.

>> No.55232893
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>> No.55232911

Rip pomucuckies, thanks as always Millie

>> No.55232930

ehhh IRyS and Gura's things were different. Mafumafu was much worse

>> No.55232939

Because it's bad optics in the west, and the money you'd get from winning the case will never cover the lost of rep from doing that.

>> No.55232950

because any twitch streamer big enough to get a paycheck from would sick their army of children on the content creator creating a huge head ache.

>> No.55232952

it's all they have at this point

>> No.55232963

Anons... we're living through a canon event. This entire fusaco feels like it written by a higher power. Almost as if Everything was willed by God himself. It's KINO as fuck Now that Omegae and his entire crew of retards have been fired. We fucking won.

>> No.55232968
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On an unrelated note, when will Shiori update the description of her Microscope stream? It's been 3 days but it still says pending...

>> No.55232973
File: 41 KB, 753x207, hgjkml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it was worth it. Imagine getting btfo'd in the first week.

>> No.55232996


>> No.55233005

why don't the dumb react streamers just do it watch along style?

>> No.55233007

IRyS was probably a nothingburger but Gura's thing was the real deal yet EN fans didn't care. Maybe there were people /here/ that did but I wasn't /here/ when that happened.

>> No.55233009

Today is the real pov queen party, in one side Shiori the girl that never plays games VS Fuwamoco sharing a keyboard

>> No.55233043

Your fault for watching nijichinks

>> No.55233050

Bijou is a better hire than Rye and fits better with Hololive regardless of numbers. Sorry Ryeschizo.

>> No.55233053

Honestly, I think this may be true. I caught an almost instant 3 day vacation about 4 days ago, ended yesterday, when I responded to him with the color of Mumei's hair.

>> No.55233055

I'll take the left one, the right one can rot in hell

>> No.55233063
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>> No.55233071

divide fuwamoco's pov by 2

>> No.55233073

yeah because he lived across an entire ocean, or did you miss the "transatlantic cock" memes?

>> No.55233081
File: 318 KB, 686x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember pomucuckies, you will always be second in Pogmu's heart

>> No.55233082

they had the whole kitchen hell or so drama. The thing with gordon ramsey. They were mass copyright striking. Don't remember how it ended tho
