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55198913 No.55198913 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji's curse this year is because of what Nijisanji fans did to Mano Aloe. May more graduations to come until they apologize for Mano Aloe's graduation by killing themselves

>> No.55198927


>> No.55199011

How long are you gonna keep grudgeposting about this?

>> No.55199055

There's also the attempted graduation of Miko and Marine over putting a doujin in a freezer and I guess what they tried with Oga.

>> No.55199090
File: 913 KB, 483x926, mori giant meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfriend please

>> No.55199095

Wasn't she suing notrushia or something? Anyways I don't really give a fuck about your literal who. Cry. Seethe. Whatever helps you stay awake today Pablo. Imma head to bed. Goodnight

>> No.55199114

That's Mori tho.

>> No.55199115


>> No.55199123

Anon yours meds

>> No.55199124

Kill yourself nijifan aka aloe harasser

>> No.55199248

Yeah pic unrelated.

>> No.55199429

Until I see a nijisanji fan kill themselves in the news.

>> No.55199436

notRushia is the one sueing her but it's goes nowhere because notRushia is a lying bitch.

>> No.55199592

It's the Nijifags who should take their sleeping pills to kill themselves.

>> No.55199711
File: 367 KB, 1920x1109, grudges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Book of Grudges has many pages. We have not yet begun.

>> No.55199749

Nijisanji shooting itself in the foot this year is the right time to attack them. Attack them while they're week. Humiliate a Nijisanji fan.

>> No.55199986

Kill yourself Aloe harasser. Stop trying to forget your crimes like Japan did with its warcrimes in Asia.

>> No.55200232

The best part is most holofags have all but forgotten about those, while nijiniggers continue to be toxic and reap what they sow.

It's just like Putin and Xi, all the hate and psyop they pushed on the internet since 2012 just coming back to bite them in the ass.

>> No.55200326

They really aren't fucking around when they talk about SEA having the most amount of schizos. Holy kek.

>> No.55200613

Kill yourself Aloe harasser

>> No.55201341

Dangerously based

>> No.55201441

>This year
It's been going on for a while. Started with Roa-Meiro shitstorm

>> No.55201493

I belev

>> No.55201571 [DELETED] 

Find and rape/torture/murder nijisanji fans. they deserve it for harassing aloe into graduation

>> No.55202425


>> No.55202515

Kill yourself Aloe Harasser

>> No.55202575

the absolute state of this board

>> No.55203094

Kill yourself Aloe Harasser

>> No.55203241

Do a good deed every day and tell a Nijinigger to kill themselves. Do it for Aloe and Zaion

>> No.55203303

It's not enough. We should torture/rape/murder a nijinigger if we find one in our neighborhood

>> No.55203750
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>> No.55203772

So how does it feel?

>> No.55203784

Kill yourself Nijisanji defender

>> No.55203888

It feels great to see Nijisanji suffer this year. I plan on sending hate superchats to their members next.

>> No.55204627
File: 370 KB, 2143x1704, 1691140503011143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55205464

>all bark no bite
When the GoPro Japan adventures

>> No.55205863

Sure thing that you hold a grudge against Nijisanji, but what about those Hololive "fans" who harassed Aloe for not being idol material after exposing herself?
