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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 784 KB, 960x960, 1688263183497238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55191544 No.55191544 [Reply] [Original]

Wifey is finally back!

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1681059380844806145

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Previous thread: >>55165287

>> No.55191581

Those kisses holy shit

>> No.55191638

god i love her so much

>> No.55191645


>> No.55191647

That's what I hear every single night during our passionate love making sessions

>> No.55191656

those were too sexual

>> No.55191737

What's wrong?

>> No.55191776

You let it die before baking.

>> No.55191831


>> No.55191918

new thread for 5 minutes of watching youtube?

>> No.55192004

This is why I didn't bake. But it is what it is I guess.

>> No.55192048

she wont stop watching videos

>> No.55192070

I missed her so bad.

>> No.55192081

well now you can fill the thread with cute shondo feet

>> No.55192133
File: 733 KB, 2760x3605, 1680653000710138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've missed her so much that I went schizo and was convinced that she'll hate us when she comes back for making her cry on her birthday.

>> No.55192194

You have problems I agree

>> No.55192268

she does hate us, the break was a punishment

>> No.55192289

It's perfectly reasonable tho.

>> No.55192373

This. She hammed up her cold to take a break and work on merch.

>> No.55192379
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1690830975942012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God she only gets cuter and cuter

>> No.55192396

incoming croaky morning tweet and menhera

>> No.55192451

Now that the stream is over, can we please talk about the pee yab? I can believe she'd betray our trust like this...

>> No.55192466

I miss her already

>> No.55192480


>> No.55192506

I require visual and auditory proof of this shondo piss, maybe a taste sample

>> No.55192528
File: 580 KB, 709x803, 1665186981074633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't stop loving her no matter how olde she gets.

>> No.55192543

there was a penis on screen it was a freudian slip

>> No.55192579

It was really nice hearing her say my name, I'm glad people convinced her to say them out loud

>> No.55192615

I really can't imagine my life without her now. She's on my mind 24/7.

>> No.55192625

I expect no different from the retards that bake these threads, oh well.

>> No.55192669

>i share a thread with some fuck named patrick

>> No.55192725

Hi Gosling, you were great in the Barbie movie

>> No.55192736

Fuck off fleece, I should've baked a cope thread during the break just to spite you.

>> No.55192767

Stop bragging jimbob

>> No.55192866

Please don't insult me with that faggot's name, I don't like him either but I hate most of you just as much.

>> No.55192914

total shogger death I agree

>> No.55192921


>> No.55192947

be nise

>> No.55192979

>I should've baked a cope thread during the break
There were plenty

>> No.55193015

Glad I didn't check the catalog

>> No.55193079
File: 2.51 MB, 320x320, 1688801076580865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me you're just competition, I would end every shogger and shondophrenic alike for my wife.

>> No.55193152

Based. Don't fall behind me then, anon-kun.

>> No.55193201

Streaming is everything to her she'll be miserable if there was only one shogger (me)

>> No.55193224

See you in france!

>> No.55193250

I won't.
I'm more than enough for her.

>> No.55193252

shows how much I check the catalogue

>> No.55193289

Based. However, I don't see any of you as competition. Which is why I don't hate anyone in this shit community.

>> No.55193295

>I'm more than enough for her.
Then why hasn't she dropped everything for you?

>> No.55193347

I will grape you.

>> No.55193368

Why did you pretend to be (Me) twice?
>why hasn't she dropped everything for you?
Because she doesn't have to, I've already moved in.

>> No.55193403
File: 52 KB, 701x1280, 1666324697716011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the most powerful shogger

>> No.55193407

The (You) Royale is real

>> No.55193474

steal his look

>> No.55193527
File: 2.39 MB, 500x455, 1673448462939597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak male performance looks like."

>> No.55193535

I made this post

>> No.55193563

Where did you get that image? I was looking for one like that for her birthday card.

>> No.55193614

>Viking Helmet 300$
>Nothing else because you're naked.

>> No.55193615
File: 430 KB, 1536x2048, 1661807402800566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking clue I just had it saved in between 2 pics of Otis

>> No.55193652

now I'm back to dumb concerns like how she only interacts with saali's #shondophrenic posts anymore now that she doesn't follow non-art shoggers other than him

>> No.55193699
File: 845 KB, 812x705, 1671462931159065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ignored discussion last thread and I will in the future but that I can tell that account is her, you just have to be autistic enough to notice certain things.

>> No.55193721

I'm gonna give her a good deacking now guys
Fuck all of you antis and newfags

>> No.55193735

I will never understand this shit, how do you keep making things up to be upset at?

>> No.55193744

I want to eat those beans.

>> No.55193775
File: 432 KB, 1199x685, 1665361293508409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even true, she liked this as well. Stop looking for reasons to be upset.

>> No.55193782

it's quite simple, study her every move and complain about the ones which don't involve me

>> No.55193804


>> No.55193847

She'll never recover from this

>> No.55193869
File: 68 KB, 969x969, 1684936611501454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55193872

Has to be AI, My shonshon would never say these things.

>> No.55193888
File: 154 KB, 726x778, Shondo Death Scream 2 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F32vs42.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55193913

thank you anon.

>> No.55193944
File: 440 KB, 2460x2801, 1668537948392242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New mic sounded great, I'm happy that seemed to work out, especially considering she had the AC on. I'm happy she's back bros, hopefully she really is better. Gonna join her in bed.

You got the kisses? I need the kisses

>> No.55193962

Antis finally have something real.

>> No.55194008

Was there account discussion last thread?

>> No.55194013

Thank you anon.

>> No.55194066
File: 128 KB, 1176x1176, 20230423_201919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night!

>> No.55194098

I'm going to her DMs on main right this instant to confirm what I saw on 4chan was real

>> No.55194115

she notices it on her timeline easier

>> No.55194185

>I love Shondo
>She loves me
What does this mean?

>> No.55194196

the misskey one?

>> No.55194202
File: 192 KB, 489x465, 1670802788984861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo be like: "It wasn't meeeee, they paid an amateur voice actress on fiverr to do an impression of me. IT WASNT MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

>> No.55194333


>> No.55194356

Same, it felt like her even though I couldn't put it into words.

>> No.55194357


>> No.55194387

her new mic is really good
her typing sounds nice
she sounds nice
her kisses sound nice

>> No.55194416
File: 29 KB, 112x112, 1678791190435203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55194435

>stop talking about fake shit

>> No.55194485

she only interacts with her favorites, its nothing new. Juist accept you are a irrelevant third class husband and move on

>> No.55194486

fuck i'm crying

>> No.55194503

I didnt think it was her but shes followed 2 new accounts in the last few days. I'll still wait until she proves it before creating an account but its just a matter of time before she posts something

>> No.55194528


>> No.55194561
File: 303 KB, 651x543, 1685960163733218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said to only talk to her publicly, yet she does this sekrit club shit instead of posting guro art on her discord server? Why do (You) allow wifey to be a huge hypocrite? Ririko shouldn't exist on misskey.

>> No.55194578

whats an m4a

>> No.55194625

MP4 audio. Too lazy to reencode to mp3, it still works anyway

>> No.55194681

No offense to you morons but you guys couldn't tell the other was real, why do you keep thinking you have any chance to tell if any other accounts are? Just stop talking about it, it makes you look retarded

>> No.55194728

she's always lived in a million contradictions, one could say her whole existence is one

>> No.55194747

She will do what she fucking wants and expects you morons to act accordingly, but we know that can't be helped. But by all means, keep disappointing her. See how far it gets you retards.

>> No.55194789

You're not wrong but someone has to point out these contradictions.

>> No.55194791

I should have written down the timestamps of stuff I wanted to extract the audio. Guess I'll run through the stream again tomorrow after waking up.

>> No.55194804

relax nigga we just had our first shondo stream in like two weeks be happy

>> No.55194821

No matter what she does you faggots will find something to whine about.

>> No.55194822

uuuu wifey is such a hypocrite!!! uuuu

you sound like a pathetic maggot excuse of a husband. kill yourself

>> No.55194834

hey "anon" how much for you to send me that organized file of streams? >:3

>> No.55194856

What do you need my shogga i'll help you

>> No.55194857

thank you Anon, my night is blessed

>> No.55194886


kys sekrit club faggots, she keeps saying she doesnt want anything private so I'll keep posting about it until she says what she really wants

>> No.55194892

>uuuu wifey is such a hypocrite!!! uuuu
Hi wifey.
>kill yourself
No. What are you gonna do about it kid?

>> No.55194896
File: 261 KB, 1296x2304, 1664756455431847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shoggers can argue all you want but I'm just happy to hear her again

>> No.55194909

I will whine about every minute detail until she dms me a picture of her feet

>> No.55194914

didn't mean to reply to you.

>> No.55194940

>guro art
>on discord
>connected to her public name
Reminder to anyone who needs it that “secret club” is not a disconnected identity anyone can find and interact with in a public place.

>> No.55194945

if she knows what her audience is like and keeps doing precisely the things that encourage them she has to take some responsibility or at least accept that some things just aren't sustainable

>> No.55194949

Some of you shoggers love being miserable, don't you?

>> No.55194999

What file of streams?

>> No.55195004

>>connected to her public name
So she can be a lolicon but not a guro-con? SHES LITERALLY A YANDERE YOU RETARD!!!!!

>> No.55195017

And you are concisely what is wrong with the regulars she puts up with. Fuck off and die alone.

>> No.55195029

They’re genuinely insufferable, she gives us almost 4 hours of giggles and affection and still shoggers gotta make up things to be mad about

>> No.55195036


>> No.55195047


>> No.55195078

don't play dumb, not a single follower came from anywhere but shondo and her ARG nonsense

>> No.55195090

I hate it and shes ruined my life but im too deep in now and it either ends with me being one of her favorites or I kill myself in the next 12 months. Most likely the latter

>> No.55195092
File: 338 KB, 651x543, shondo death scream[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyg25dm.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get waiting 2 weeks just to complain about shit again

>> No.55195148

No actually, it's the most basic thing to not break containment so retards can't be spoonfed to places they shouldn't be in the first place. Yet, here we are, anon.

>> No.55195179

>in the next 12 months
just do it now you won't make it

>> No.55195213

can you even interact on that website like you can on twitter
she might just make it an art dump which is better than actually directly interacting with people

>> No.55195229

i'm lost can someone explain?

>> No.55195234

Its not even her. You retards are getting worked up over nothing. Just like the "new" twitter account wasnt her, just a shitty attempt to mimic her art style

>> No.55195237

if you aren't already a favorite, it's hopeless. you see how long some people have been around and get zero interaction? don't give yourself hope.

>> No.55195241

I dont understand either, maybe I'm too tired and stressed with other stuff to be bothered to go schizo by overanalysing her every move.
Goodnight shoggers I hope you all feel better now that she's back

>> No.55195252

I'm not the anon you accidentally replied to, nor the specific guy you were clearly addressing, but I archive streams, so maybe I can give you what you're looking for. And if there's someone who has every stream, I would like to get them too.

>> No.55195268

>literally her art style, drawn by her

>> No.55195270

>keep disappointing her
Like she's doing with us every other stream? We are only together with each other because we're failures.

>> No.55195309
File: 91 KB, 450x450, 1666317609866010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a new thread was a mistake, see you shoggas saturday

>> No.55195313
File: 1.09 MB, 1011x884, 1676741716472617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Happy that she's finally back
>Decide to check out /shon/ to see the discussion
>It devolved into the same shit as usual
Some of you shoggers don't deserve her, with how loving and kind-hearted she is

>> No.55195323

>literally reposts

>> No.55195337

I don’t get it at all, I really don’t see the point in just making up crazy delusions to be mad about. A little sad. Goodnight shoggers, I love my wife.

>> No.55195340

>Account gets suspended
>she talks about making account on other website the next day
>not connected
okay anonchama

>> No.55195351

There are sub 12 month subs that are her favorites. I have time

>> No.55195361

Yeah, it started as soon as the stream was over. Last thread was fine.

>> No.55195427

Kill yourself.

>> No.55195456

she knows you can't keep secrets on the internet, she had the right idea with ribbontan and for some reason did a much dumber approach with ririko
it was shoggers who came up with all the shit about using alt accounts to protect ririko to start with

>> No.55195466

Yeah anon the amongus was really in her art style, you solved the case. The other reposts also prove it was her for real 100%

>> No.55195474

>it started as soon as the stream was over
what a bunch of hypocrites, I bet they told her they love her before coming her 2 minutes later to shit on her

>> No.55195490

Yep they’re deranged, these are most certainly the faggots plaguing her dms. No wonder she was upset by it all.
It’s crazy how she can be the most gracious, loving and kind girl I’ve ever known and still gets behavior like this directed at her.

>> No.55195495

Lmao she is disappointing you??? What are your fucking standards that anything she has done lately hasn't still been for your fat ugly ass? You're a disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.55195567

Let me guess, you didn’t see the last one she posted then? The original piece? #4?

>> No.55195595

>the faggots plaguing her dms
no sadly those are the faggots she makes secret clubs to pander to

>> No.55195600

Reminder that 3 of the publicly proclaimed dm abusers are her favorites and she loves them more than anyone else

>> No.55195630
File: 2.20 MB, 2000x2000, 1685892130967921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you all so mad constantly?
Your wife said she loved you and gave you kisses. She is in better health. She is working on your hand signed postcards and kissing them. She is doing her best.

>> No.55195632
File: 139 KB, 1044x1046, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2qnj1u.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually one last thing before I sleep, new soundpost

>> No.55195641

>It’s crazy how she can be the most gracious, loving and kind girl I’ve ever known and still gets behavior like this directed at her.
It is exactly because she is so kind and loving that they can get away with this shit. Anyone else would have told these retards to fuck off long ago.

>> No.55195644

they got there by complaining about not getting enough attention it's fucking embarassing

>> No.55195659

Go to sleep shoggas let the shoggers fight each other on the anonymous website

>> No.55195689

>What are your fucking standards
Consistent streaming. When was the last time she had a consistent week before getting sick? Something happens every time. Every. Single. Time. If this was a real job she would've been fired by now.

>> No.55195718

Like I said it was a poor attempt at her style at best. And her other posts on that account prove it beyond doubt.
Maybe this new one is real and she just hasnt posted on it, but that other twitter account was just some schizo pretending

>> No.55195721

should've seen the writing on the wall with digikun when he ruined an alt stream by airing his self pity, he's probably doing that every day in her DMs

>> No.55195765

>He didnt see the crucification art

>> No.55195786

shondo go to bed

>> No.55195802

i think i just got it
she is a female so everyone has higher testosterone levels trying to compete for the female
i wouldnt be surprised if there is also a correlation to the amount of horny posts or people just jerking off

>> No.55195843

wtf are you talking about, wrong tab?

>> No.55195857

I used to like this guy before he became the egotistical fuck that he is today. He unfollowed everyone but his groomer circle on twitter. Absolute human trash, and shondo just eats it up

>> No.55195866

How are you this delusional

>> No.55195867

there's nothing better to do when you bake a thread for the last 10 minutes of a stream

>> No.55195878

No. She never sticks to her schedule.

>> No.55195903

Anon I'll be real with you but I'm gonna be vague as fuck
The reason I sperged out a ton about not talking about it when you retards found it was because I already got proof it was her. You dumb niggers doing this exact same shit constantly are the reasons these accounts are banned or flooded by retards
Just fucking stop.

>> No.55195939

Why don't you want people to know about Ririko on misskey?

>> No.55195957

She's been sick retard. The only thing to get mad at is her not actually doing everything to get back and bemoaning missing streaming

>> No.55195974

When was that?

>> No.55195998

I honestly think you guys should hunger games some comp shit and only the fittest that survives deserves her attention instead of mogging her all the time. Make it 3 day discord bans or some shit.
I bet the majority of you are cowards.

>> No.55196006

>She's been sick retard
What about before getting sick? Is she ALWAYS sick? Then maybe she should find another job instead of streaming for a living.

>> No.55196014

Well yeah, most of it comes from everyone being in a constant state of jealousy because they can't have her all to themselves. If it was a one on one relationship these problems wouldn't exist. Men were not meant to be in a relationship with a female as a collective.

>> No.55196029

But her last schedule she stuck to? Despite being sick? Which is why she’s so sick now. Why you making shit up? Go back to whining about Gura or whatever you mongoloids do all day.

>> No.55196050

>Is she ALWAYS sick?

>> No.55196052

You should schedule an appointment for MAID.

>> No.55196064

At this point I don't give a shit, but I did when it was that twitter account because i knew you morons would continue to do the exact opposite what we decided to do when we talked about shondo on /uoh/
Stop talking or even referencing these accounts it's pointless and just causes her issues

>> No.55196076

Boo hoo. Everyone here is mentally ill, white women in general are mentally ill.

>> No.55196099

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.55196113

hope if she does/did make a misskey that it's only for posting guro

>> No.55196131

look up Ririko.

>> No.55196153

So you're a seething shitskin? Lmao.

>> No.55196160

what proof
the art was similar but it was off in a few specific, but small detail ways
the other posts were just really fucking strange and make even less sense now

>> No.55196198

I'm telling you only shondo herself would ever critique herself over fucking stream consistency. Don't reply except to tell her to sleep.

>> No.55196204

There was another deacons joke she did somewhere and I can't find. Something like "deacing so hard", I don't remember.

>> No.55196266

Rape correction required

>> No.55196271

She has anorexia.
She has a weak immune system from being a frail little underexposed hikki girl and not eating or sleeping properly. Additionally, certain anti-psychotics lower white blood cell count.
She has some kind of heart problem.
She has an undiagnosed lump on her chest which could be cancerous
She had long covid and pneumonia and her lungs are damaged so she uses an inhaler.
She is bogged down by medications.
She has OCD, schizoaffective, PTSD.

So yeah she's not physically well as a consequence of not being mentally well and that means getting sick all the time from colds.

>> No.55196349

Why should I believe her? She never posted a selfie, I don't even buy the anorexia shit cuz in the dox she looked healthy.

>> No.55196356

>doesnt follow fans anymore
>not even liking replies
>back to only interacting with her 5-10 favorites again
>hour long one on one twitter conversation with one of her favorites in front of everyone
>closed dms (this is a good thing) and wants anything like that to be public now
>hasnt responded to a single @ since her DMer meltdown
>asks about misskey, deletes tweet 10 minutes later. You would only know about the account if you were online for those specific 10 minutes
>follows DM abuser on new account, no other fans
>brags about secret fan interactions with her on ff14

I'm tired shondo

>> No.55196414

And she STILL tries her absolute best to give us as many streams as possible.
Kill yourself if you are too retarded to scroll through her twitter.

>> No.55196428

>>not even liking replies
Liked my tweet 2 days ago.

>> No.55196440

it's funny because this is paranoid schizo shit but I find myself agreeing with a lot of it, although I'm not calling the misskey real yet

>> No.55196442

I really hope shondo doesn't come here and anti herself like it actually seems like she's been doing, especially yesterday. It's really exhausting. Please stop if you are.

>> No.55196447

All of this is a you problem
Fix it with a rope

>> No.55196455

pls dont be retarded, stop having brainworms because she was sick, she still loves you and you are just overreacting about things that dont matter

>> No.55196484

>>asks about misskey, deletes tweet 10 minutes later. You would only know about the account if you were online for those specific 10 minutes
This one really fucking bothers me

>> No.55196494

Wheres the arm pic

>> No.55196515

>brags about secret fan interactions with her on ff14
Could be a joke.
>follows DM abuser on new account, no other fans
This is NOT a joke and it makes me seethe.

>> No.55196541

Stop pretending to be me I don't like to brag especially not with the autists here

>> No.55196565

it's business as usual but I do think it's some shit after the whole spiel about everything being public

>> No.55196566

How did you even stumble into this general just to make up lies about a chuuba you don’t watch

>> No.55196673

dont bother anon, who knows if these guys are even serious they are probably just shitposting. maybe they are just catalogniggers coming to stir the pot

>> No.55196676

It’s because he’s an artist you retard. She only followed artists.

>> No.55196707

thats like complaining that she never talked about her amino, her letterboxed or the wattpad she had whilst she was doing asmr.
Yes the fact that it is on a differnt website is evil but she excpects that people just talk about her "sekret" accounts /here/ anyway

>> No.55196763

He's also a DMnigger double retard. Why would she reward bad behavior? Oh, woman.

>> No.55196795

I kinda doubt the ff14 interaction was anything more than a fan saying hi and she replies "wtf" and then tweets about it. The ff14 players in the tweet replies give me massive groomer vibes as most dedicated ff14 players do.

>> No.55196817

Personal proof, not gonna post it. Basically account tweeted something then shondo did something that matched perfectly within 2 minutes later, incredibly low chance at a coincidence. If it was fake goddamn he got lucky as fuck

>> No.55196845

What's the problem? You know about it now, as does everyone else because nobody shuts up about it. It is not hard to find at all, the first thing I tried was correct. You people bitch about this kind of stuff all the time and her solution each time is to just take it away so we're left with nothing.

>> No.55196919

anon it's the difference between not mentioning it and her inquiring about it on twitter and then immediately deleting the thread

>> No.55197013

>she liked my tweet recently
am i in?

>> No.55197026

>and her solution each time is to just take it away so we're left with nothing
good, she should be transparent with all her fans
if she wants a place to post guro that's cool, and if people don't want her schizo thoughts on syadouchama they can leave

>> No.55197067

>it was shoggers who came up with all the shit about using alt accounts to protect ririko to start with

They did not you fucking moron, she told everyone to make alts. Are you that dense you can't even remember the clear-cut rules she laid out to follow?

>> No.55197070

Because I also want people to shut up about it. But if everyone shuts up about it and theres only a 10min timeframe to know, I guess you just get fucked if you were doing anything with your life at the time?
What would even be the issue of leaving that tweet up in the first place?

>> No.55197116

She is transparent. You are a casual. Stop being a casual.

>> No.55197120

>Are you that dense you can't even remember the clear-cut rules she laid out to follow?
Anon it's painfully obvious he's a newfag making shit up what are you doing?

>> No.55197154

I've watched plenty of clips and a few alt streams.

>> No.55197167

people were shilling that game way too hard to not have ulterior motives

>> No.55197171

>what are you doing?

Being as unwelcoming as possible. Fuck off now.

>> No.55197247

you know ive been watching her every stream for so long now i cant even fathom how someone can just casually watch a few clips of her and be satisfied

>> No.55197275

I really really hate newfags. I am sick of them shitting up offline chat constantly
Not that I'd use it anyways

>> No.55197310

get over yourself man, the people vocalizing being jealous over the DMs are some of the most literal man children ive seen in a while. kek

>> No.55197364

>>hasnt responded to a single @ since her DMer meltdown

This is actually what gets me the most, it takes less than half a second to simply like a tweet to show she actually cares but she cant even be bothered with that. Whats the point of saying this if she doesnt plan to follow up on it

>> No.55197374

>get over yourself man
I bet you're a DMnigger.

>> No.55197382

what is "shitting up" offline chat
because 90% of it is just "where is shondo" "i love her"

>> No.55197419

you can check the archives for what people were saying at the time if you truly can't remember, she had to update the rules a couple of times and even then the standard was only that you couldn't have oshimarks
she never did anything about people like advent openly interacting with all her accounts from the same of his

>> No.55197422

some people just see haha funny clip and move on

>> No.55197432

I recognize your typing style DMfag

>> No.55197440

man offline chat used to be comfy, now its just cucks and newfag retards there

>> No.55197462

Oh don't even get me started on those fucking slobs. It was annoying seeing it be ABC's circlejerk zone, but I much prefer it than the constant autism I read there now. They just make Fleece show up more cause they kiss-ass that fag.

>> No.55197502

It's not about jealousy you fucking nigger, it's about repeatedly not respecting her wishes and doing something that actively harms her for purely selfish reasons. Kill yourself you piece of shit.

>> No.55197511

If you've turned this woman into a drug that's a you problem, I watch her when I feel like it. Usually the alt streams cuz she's less fake there.

>> No.55197524

It's more so I want to talk to people I recognize occasionally but then these 2 month sub dudes show up and say some annoying shit/ been there for hours.
I'm fairly certain they're the reason shondo avoided the place while she was sick

>> No.55197537

She did though, removed him when she went private

>> No.55197540

And I recognize yours, retardfag. Kill yourself.

>> No.55197588

where are you copy paste anon we need you right now. please be a force for good and tell everyone why shondo loves them

>> No.55197591

Just namedrop each other you faggots.

>> No.55197592

And it's always the same handful of guys.

>> No.55197666

Kill yourself

>> No.55197667

copy paste THIS *rapes you*

>> No.55197669
File: 34 KB, 1008x326, SHONDOLOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55197691

noooo I want a rape check

>> No.55197711

i cant rape you right now shogger im tired

>> No.55197719

shadow has abbonded us, she hates us, she wants you to kill yourself today, if you are still alive when she wakes up she will cut into her cunny so no one can ever find her attractive again

>> No.55197751

she actually does a lot less of this recently (sick)

>> No.55197790

Forest Fires is a new fleece in the making. I hate this faggot so fucking much

>> No.55197799

What would you like people to stop saying in the offline chat anon?

>> No.55197806

are people are starting to realize you cant substitute a reasl emotional connection for a funny anime girl who occasionally notices you?

>> No.55197866
File: 100 KB, 1080x1067, 1690762469512855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing it all along and doing it anyways

>> No.55197867

you're right we should stick together, just remember
i notice you
i care
suck my cock nerd lol

>> No.55197897
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1675714664318695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reads my messages all the time, she'll even read this post.

>> No.55197911

Really? He is actually one of the less bad ones in my opinion, but maybe I just haven't payed enough attention.

>> No.55197915

this is the last relationship I'll ever have, im ok with whatever I can get

>> No.55197932

this, im well aware of the limitations and im still here

>> No.55197940

you can easily tell who are her favorites
the first 10 or so faggots that follow her miskey account
she clearly told them about it
if you arent one of them, lmao cuck

>> No.55197947


>> No.55197968

transparent is having like 15 minutes to see a tweet she made and then looking for an account you would only know the name of you were one of 200 people who did her last ARG successfully
get real
I don't care if you like being privy to secret shit but say it how it is

>> No.55197982

even if it was actually her im still not following it. dont care anymore

>> No.55197999

its my first and last
i am on the path to wizardry

>> No.55198006

>ririko went up by one
You're welcome, Viscous.

>> No.55198019

just make a tulpa of her, not very hard just takes time, i can reliably dream about her 5days of the week

>> No.55198030

she made me feel self worth again which unfortunately means facing this fact because I do believe I deserve something of my own to work towards

>> No.55198072

i was the 4th person that followed her, stop making things up

>> No.55198073


>> No.55198074

>hear her mention misskey
>search the prior account names on misskey
>woah there it is
not rocket science

>> No.55198092

Don't compare that shogger to fleece retard. He's gotten warned by mods for flaming dmniggers. Something you cucks have to do in an anonymous website

>> No.55198094

Half of these slugs don't even know what a real one is, yet expecting her to know herself. It's the most pathetic shit I've had to witness in my entire life.

Imagine getting so dick-shriveled salty over her DMing favorites. Take my word I'm not one of them, but she said some weren't bad to be there.

Imagine being unable to be her favorite where you can't do the bare minimum of anything that lets you be one? You clowns are endlessly entertaining.

>> No.55198113

Not everyone needs spoonfeeding dumb shogger.

>> No.55198130

im making a tulpa about a schizo girl i love very much, i cant fuck it up, even she wants me to kill people i do it, if she wants me to murder hre i will do it, etc. etc. pp.

>> No.55198142

I have a trauma dump sorry anons
Someone in my family just found that they have cancer that they cant treat due to their physical condition. the "tob has cancer" tweet felt like a punch in the gut after it sunk in.
Thank you for being my substitute for shondos dms I am so happy she's back I've needed her

>> No.55198155

sure thing
must be nice being one of her favorites

>> No.55198158

There are people following the account who aren't here and who have explicitly told me they suck at this kind of thing, and they found it on their own. Actual skill issue.

>> No.55198165

Ririko is in no way a secret account now, every regular is following it with a acount with their normal name. Which is weird considering how everyone made obscure alts for the Twitter one.

>> No.55198171

it is pretty nice actually

>> No.55198213

>must be nice
Very nice considering that I've been here for less than a year.

>> No.55198214

yeah its nice how she is such a huge liar, plays favorites and pretends she doesn't

>> No.55198243

it actually is Bro, you wouldn't believe how much more she loves her Favorites. listen to her wording, Carefully! she always gives hints

>> No.55198246

pretty based although I hate whenever something happens and I look at offline chat and it's dudes all going grr grrr sick me at em wifey I hope they heckin d-word

>> No.55198254

I was like the 4th dude it was retardedly easy to find, never used the site before either. I had to delete that account though since I didn't like the site it was attached to

>> No.55198260

her only favourites are people like ty, with whom she actually spend time with privately before she was a vtuber, and her vtuber friends. I can tell you that the first group isnt very large anymore

>> No.55198263

sorry kid, its clear shes just trying to be nice to all the newfags. pretty much a "fuck off were full" moment

>> No.55198276

Tweet this @ her before unsubscribing and make a scene, also email this through her business mail.

>> No.55198293
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>> No.55198296

people were asking me about it as the shondo expert because they saw it and thought it looked like her

>> No.55198310

Go join them, please. KYS yourself.

>> No.55198337
File: 664 KB, 498x498, 1679662661363415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok anon, wifey's love can heal.

>> No.55198341

Because the whole point was to not let the twitter algorithm leak the account. You don't need to do that on another site. Moreover she chose to follow digikun, and therefore her account is discoverable through him, which means she doesn't care.

>> No.55198375

dont forget misskey it (i have no idea how that website works)

>> No.55198387

the "I hope they heckin die" wasn't my own commentary that was still a part of my parody of what they always say

>> No.55198398

>I look at offline chat and it's dudes all going grr grrr sick me at em
Imagine not wanting to protect your wife. Fucking beta.

>> No.55198403

She doesn't pretend at all, why are you this fucking delusional to think she pretends she doesn't? Your feelings are correct. Sorry, mate. Please off yourself or leave the community you sad little worm.

>> No.55198413

You're saying if I draw RRK guro she'll follow me too on the secret account? Of course she wont retard

>> No.55198416

Time to eep. I hate all of you, good night.

>> No.55198444

I love you too Anon :3 chu~ goodnight

>> No.55198446

Oh I'm retard, my bad my shogga.

>> No.55198464

>heckin die
Was it that redditor Rexus?

>> No.55198477

she does tho
she says we are all equal, that's a fucking lie. she has her small group of favorites who she replies every day while the rest get ignored as the cucks we are

>> No.55198513

Reminder that she has 200-300~ people she considers husbands and about 10-20~ favorites that she actually likes
Its ok to be a second class husband, it puts you above 90% of other chatters. I would imagine everyone here is on her list

>> No.55198511

If its good and you do it regularly for reasons besides her attention? Yeah probably

>> No.55198514

she will anon, pls draw art for her

>> No.55198515

I do but I don't try to do an impotent tough guy act in the chat

>> No.55198528

trust me, we do.
but these creatures would be useless in a real situation that actually requires protection or support. its why they come here to seethe about not being liked. its so sadge

>> No.55198542

If you want her to reply to you, you just have to be more interesting.

>> No.55198571

>I actually drew some rrk guro during her break but im too worried to post it right now since everyone is angry

Its not good, im pretty new so not really worth posting anyways

>> No.55198577

you have to be a newfag to react like this. why do you care so much about someone you just met?

>> No.55198647

Yeah what, Anon said, my dude. It's not hard to get her attention. It's the bare-minimum required, if you can't do it, then either leave or stop complaining. It's really embarrassing and she notices when you losers act up.

>> No.55198650

Good night shoggers. Start dming people who intimidate you instead of hiding here like little betas kek.

>> No.55198666

this is not even true, you can make the most basic of comments and she can still reply to you lol

>> No.55198665

Good night Forest Fires

>> No.55198690
File: 734 KB, 840x819, 1673395573283320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while the rest get ignored as the cucks we are
We are not the same. The difference between (You) and (Me) is that I plan to become one of her favorites, maybe even her Nr1 manly man of all time.

>> No.55198705

when two people say the same thing she only replies to her favorites even if they were slower
it doesn't fucking matters

>> No.55198706

I think what's closest to the truth is that she lets fans segregate themselves by making them chase her around to different accounts and rewarding people who most put up with her shit. A charitable interpretation is that it's rewarding the devoted fans more by putting some extra intimate details out there for only the people who care to look. Shame for the euros though since she does her ARG shit exclusively late night american time.

>> No.55198748

How many of you said I love you to her and then came here to shit on her

>> No.55198766

they wont kek. they are manlets with vaginas and they stay because wife is bi and hope she will appreciate them and their little girly pussies.. this just makes you a femboy btw and she hates gay little femboys

>> No.55198769

A dozen? Too many.

>> No.55198784

Why are you replying to yourself again Mr anti

>> No.55198810

I'm just lurking and I feel like shit now
It is what it is

>> No.55198842

I love my sister but I'll call her a retard too

>> No.55198844


>> No.55198852

This just means that no one loves wife as much as (You).

>> No.55198862

If you want a like or a reply from her all you have to do is boot up ms paint and draw her OR you can check when she does a mass like and then complain that she liked everyones comments but yours

>> No.55198864

OH because we used kek? you are such a retard hahahaahaha jump off a bridge please, you're too stupid to be even here.

>> No.55198900

lmao!!! im sorry hahahah oyo guys are the best amd im a bit drunk. kekw kek kek kekw kekw you mad anon??

>> No.55198934
File: 1.54 MB, 1919x1080, 1663913959945909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny thread glad we could hit bump limit quickly

>> No.55198945

kek, absolute pathetic behavior begging for likes
somehow that faggot is in her favorite group i dont understand it

>> No.55198954

I'll bake a new one soon.

>> No.55198968

Hi what did you drink?

>> No.55198985

Thank fucking god. I hope the thread cookers all die of heart disease.

>> No.55198991

that's literally how he became a favorite she ignored him before

>> No.55198998

stop reminding me of that
turns out what stops most people from getting more attention from her is they have a baseline of shame to not literally beg for it

>> No.55199003

Are you ok bratty?

>> No.55199022

i love her but I wont pretend she loves me back half as much as her favorites
she does not give a single fuck about me, I am not small privileged group, i am third class husband

>> No.55199042

my plan is to become a good enough artist that she follows me on main. As soon as she does I will switch exclusively to drawing neppie fan art. Is this a good plan for her to notice me?

>> No.55199051

uhhh mooonshine nigggaaaaaa i shvukld slee pgoodnight!!!!! kekeke

>> No.55199075

no she's clearly over ren she doesn't come back to tweets just to reply to him anymore

>> No.55199092

>Is this a good plan for her to notice me?
Decent plan, personally I'd switch to commissions so you make money AND get wifey to see your art.

>> No.55199131

You should find a different two-view (i recommend Ant) so she doesnt think that you want to hurt her intentionally

>> No.55199149

Are you me?

>> No.55199164

i think you should change over to drawing art of me
check these biceps out
pretty neat huh

>> No.55199181

>switch exclusively to drawing neppie fan art
She's already friends with neppie and they probably have some sort of agreement on how to deal with you. I'd recommend another vtuber that she doesn't know about.

>> No.55199205

>and they probably have some sort of agreement on how to deal with you
They don't, Neppie loves Ren and wife still interacts with him.

>> No.55199230

you don't have to be an especially good artist to get the follow back

>> No.55199238

ive drawn her so much in my own free time but honestly i cant even think about posting. i love her so much but i just want to take them to the grave.

>> No.55199267

But I want her to know that im trying to hurt her, neppie seems like the obvious choice since lots of regulars have ditched her for nep

>> No.55199283

Bro if you think they don't have a subtle rivalry when Neppie literally copypastas wifey to try and evoke the same attention from her own groomers, you are out of your fucking mind. Shondo isn't obviously gonna burn a bridge but they are definitely NOT friends.

>> No.55199291

Good. Less competition.

>> No.55199326

why are they shit, "shit", or personal

>> No.55199359

they talk privately, shondo's likes very often have neppie in them, not sure why you think there's some hidden beef just because they're both timid girls with mental illness

>> No.55199368

I get the same feeling. I think this is who she was referring to when she mentioned wanting to become "friends" with some people so she doesn't see them as competition.

>> No.55199393

seeing neppies 3rd alt on my homepage is so strange, she posts like shes trying to become shondo and get the same interaction level that shondo does

>> No.55199405

you are kind a of a retard

>> No.55199420
File: 30 KB, 805x185, 4444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this shit is a bit fuckin weird

>> No.55199476

i cant believe you guys didnt figure it out yet
they are the same person

>> No.55199483

You don't understand young women, please stop making it obvious, guys.

>> No.55199493

What the actual fuck? Is Nep trying to wear Shondo's skin and become her? Hot.

>> No.55199494


>> No.55199502

Any vtuber works for this strat, dont forget to like a bunch of tweets from the new vtuber you draw too

>> No.55199570

>hey look I'm also sick pls reply to me
I think Nep is trying to farm interactions for clout.

>> No.55199573

Case in point. I wasn't gonna be vocal about this ever but come the fuck on? She isn't even hiding her projection onto Shondo now, its bizarre and might need legitimate therapy.

>> No.55199582
File: 99 KB, 812x751, 2222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she's honestly just copying shondo down to a T because she'll do whatever it takes to be successful, then I also wouldn't put it past her to come here and anti the shit out of shondo to try to get people to move to her. could totally see her being a secret sociopath.

>> No.55199603

they kissed and shared their infection

>> No.55199631

The discord leak confirmed that she was in DMs with neppie not that there was any doubt

>> No.55199753
File: 152 KB, 466x513, 1683629053931128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shondo subconsciously associates (You) with healing and good times
>in other words (You)'re the opposite of that piece of shit
Schizoanons... I think she loves us very-very much!

>> No.55199809

i like the idea of random thing sound asmr but i kinda just want to watch movies with her
especially because my media literacy doesn't overlap with hers

>> No.55199816

you made me cry anon, thank you.

>> No.55199877
File: 481 KB, 220x184, 1689021617799306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This head? Mine to pat and kiss.

>> No.55199925

I was going to say something but I don't want to ruin the anon's mood that you made happy.

>> No.55199994

Im goint to bed love you all my mentally ill co-husbands

>> No.55200008

Just call us step-husbands lurk.

>> No.55200022


>> No.55200131

Viscous fuck off and kill yourself. Following now shows that you're a retarded man-baby needing spoonfeeding. God you are beyond saving you disgusting excuse for a human. Do this poor girl a favor and leave.

>> No.55200172

The faggot was there for a week but couldn't find her. Pathetic.

>> No.55200194

I want to fuck shondo so hard

>> No.55200223

i masturbate to shondo
i cum to shondo
shondo you make me horny read this and know
i jizz because of you

>> No.55200229
File: 152 KB, 1850x1058, 1671731993487299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad she's in my bed now.

>> No.55200244

I was really hoping for her to sign and kiss the postcards on camera, so I could match the video up with the end product and know exactly what she did to it.

>> No.55200252 [DELETED] 

It's actually incredible how much this has worked, you are all some of the dumbest cunts on the planet. No one hardly using alts either??? Thanks everyone, you fucking clowns!

>> No.55200294

she would drop her spaghetti and dox someone on accident (me send free pizzas please)

>> No.55200308

what the fuck are you even talking about meds now

>> No.55200320

You dumb fucking nigger! I WANTED you to know about it. >>55194561 >>55195939

>> No.55200388

i dont understand how shondo eats as a vegetarian
i need my meats

>> No.55200445

She doesn't for the past 7 years and that's why her "muscles" atrophied. She has the muscles of an 80 years old woman.

>> No.55200475

she needs to post something on it that proves its really her if it is her.
