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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55135261 No.55135261 [Reply] [Original]

What is this stupid shit? I thought the appeal of vtubers was that they were a relief from boring overused western irony and zoomer speak. Why is this in hololive?

>> No.55135398

Gotta overcorrected after the Tempus fiasko.

>> No.55135405

seethe phaseblackperson, they stole 90% of your oshi's fanbase

>> No.55135460

shiori was a mistake, if i wanted 3DPD sluts behind anime avatars i'd watch anything but holos

>> No.55135533

Bottom isn't zoomer speak, and irony has always been a big part of vtubing

>> No.55135550
File: 355 KB, 469x515, rosemicards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're girls so it's fine. Have I answered your question?

>> No.55135553

This. I can't stand her. She's the worst thing about Advent by far.

>> No.55135581

isnt the bottom joke stuff the thing people shit on nijisanji for all the time?

>> No.55135675

It's only gross if it involves males.

>> No.55135677

It is unironically ok because it's Hololive.

>> No.55135703

it's ok and not bait because girls are doing it

>> No.55135708

>I thought the appeal of vtubers was that they were a relief from boring overused western irony and zoomer speak.
Learn japanese

>> No.55135711

He doesn't know.

>> No.55135733
File: 124 KB, 850x601, 7A6BFCC2-0A7B-45F7-8104-E0EA8DA63205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe and cope, faggot. Yuri always wins.

>> No.55135740

>shit on
But to answer your question, I guess it's ok when Hololive does it?

>> No.55135766
File: 48 KB, 1080x309, 20230803_153145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not forced or cringe

>> No.55135774

>a relief from boring overused western irony and zoomer speak
you're in the wrong website, bjoard, mental space

>> No.55135786

With Niji's current situation, Holo is trying to appeal to Niji fans. We got to have something for everyone, including Niji refugees.

>> No.55135801

rent free

>> No.55135816

>it's okay when hololive does it.jpg

>> No.55135862

these tweets look like ones i would expect from niji not holo

>> No.55135894

Here comes the woke talk... First i've seen a Holo girl say bottom

>> No.55135900

Yeah, I like Nerissa but this is a bit too much coomer/yuri pandering for me.

>> No.55135901

nerissa is also terrible, literally joined hololive just to try and groom her oshi

>> No.55135905

le epic sikrit knowledge? based!

>> No.55135999

Shiorin sound like a niji girl, and thats no good.

>> No.55136016

what did she win? fuwamoco gap has increased to 70.000

>> No.55136130

I do know though. Shiori is probably the worst en slut pick out of all of them.

>> No.55136136

Shut up numbersfag.

>> No.55136146
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I did I passed N3 because Polka inspired me

>> No.55136179

Knowing that half the JP girls facecam stream and some of them sell pics of their bodies is not at all secret knowledge. Unless you're an EOP.

>> No.55136230
File: 753 KB, 1536x2048, yp6rqsl0lvfb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...What do you call the receiving end in lesbian sex if not "bottom"?

>> No.55136237

The JP girls are pure you dumbfuck, don't fall for fake rrats made by jealous EOPs

>> No.55136251

lol that shut you up right quick

>> No.55136266

don't think i have seen the niji girls doing bottom jokes...niji males though yeah they do them plenty

>> No.55136320


>> No.55136324

Choco's impregnation ASMR is hot as fuck. Okayu's "I don't mind if you cum inside" ASMR is amazing as well.

>> No.55136403

They are all doing well, Mr Niji.

>> No.55136460

The Holo EN community is just filled with coomers now so who cares anymore

>> No.55136478


>> No.55136495

Why would you think that? These aren't professionally trained actresses with a full time writing staff. These are e-girls with an anime avatar. The difference between corpos and indies is budget for artists and merch, and a brand.

>> No.55136521

>he doesn't know
LOL , i am a holochad, but even i am not that delusional, it isn't my opinion or rrats either.

>> No.55136536

she is just winning far less and slower than the two who are the exact opposite of her

>> No.55136548
File: 48 KB, 680x680, Mooms On Da Poop Phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The essential appeal of Vtubers is that they're anime people that stream. Anything more than this is projecting your own personal tastes onto a medium that largely doesn't reflect it.

>> No.55136685
File: 205 KB, 1044x1052, 20230803150244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press Ctrl and + to zoom in before you screenshot you embarrassing tech illiterates

>> No.55136705

>zoomer speak
If you really hate the contemporary youth vernacular, hags and old farts using it will kill it faster than a natural death, no cap fr fr

>> No.55136879

On god?

>> No.55136896

I always knew yurifag coomers would be the death of actual genuine content and interactions. Now with Cover going all in on yuribaiting, you can expect more of this cringy forced shit from here on out. Sad.

>> No.55136952
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>> No.55136980

>go on to twitter
>see thing he doesn't like
>comes here to complain about it because he was too stupid to not look
Skill issue.

>> No.55136987

I fucking hate Shiori. She's the lispiest, wimpiest holo I've ever seen but thinks because she's degenerate she has some cred she can bully other people with.
She'd only be acceptable if she had her own buttons to push but from what I've seen of her PL she's just a fucking narcissist.

>> No.55136989

>Now with Cover going all in on yuribaiting
Where have you been the past five years?

>> No.55137015

>Now with Cover going all in on yuribaiting
go back

>> No.55137040

nerissa is all in on the yuri coombait, she was even telling bijou how much she loves her at the end of the goose stream. it was cute

>> No.55137100

Yuri coomoissuer here, that is unnecessary pandering from Nerissa IMO.
She can become popular without all this yuri keyfabe/degen moments, dunno why she is taking the degen route

>> No.55137111

Nerissa had so much potential but is just a boring yuribait spammer...

>> No.55137162

and she's too autistic at games, her collab with bijou was perfect zatsu territory but she kept focusing on the game and turned into a brick wall

>> No.55137197

Literal nijisanji humor

>> No.55137231
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>> No.55137245

Yes and I hate Shiori for it too. She checks all the boxes of a Nijisanji streamer but she's in the wrong fucking company and spreading her shit everywhere.

>> No.55137279

Around the time iluna debuted I remember seeing videos talking about an h3h3 incident and gays plainly stating to shut the fuck up about bottoms and tops. Surprised niji and holos are still pulling this crap

>> No.55137285

>rm = vtuber
Please go watch flesh streamers or something.

>> No.55137321
File: 11 KB, 310x287, 1666835350767953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I stop that picture from /hlgg/

>> No.55137368

Shiori basically is an experiment to see if NijiEN can work in holoEN. The doggos are to see if more holojp is the answer

>> No.55137417

I think it's been clear from the start that Shiroi is basically a Niji and doesn't really fit in holo, ever since she started talking about her mihoyo husbandos it was like she didn't even know what company she was in

>> No.55137505

>Effortlessly makes the catalog seethe every single time
I kneel, Shiori-sama...

>> No.55137507

please just give shiori an early graduation holy fuck she's terrible and disgusting

>> No.55137623

When did the EOP fanbase become such prudes? Marine had a whole saga over trying to hook up with Shion and all the holofags lapped it up

>> No.55137624

>they were a relief from boring overused western irony and zoomer speak
nothing more zoomer than vtubers, anon. if you >25 yo and still watch this, you are a creep.

>> No.55137625

God that bottom shit reminds me of niji EN males, well I guess Shiori is a fujo and niji EN is aimed towards fujos so it kinda makes sense. I wonder if she actually wants to collab with nijihomos rather than tempushomos, so far even Mori or Bae stayed away from this fags.

>> No.55137637

She speedran "this bitch eating crackers" levels of catalog idiocy.

>> No.55137667

>your oshi
>is she a bottom or top

>> No.55137717

>zoomer speak
>they are both hags

>> No.55137771

You are either a lesbian or a cuck. Anyway, yurifags take the L.

>> No.55137783

oh look, yet another shiori thread

>> No.55137813

Just for the record, people born as long ago as 1997 are zoomers. It's not a synonym for child anymore

>> No.55137840

The rest of this entire website after 2016 absolutely hates yuri so I'm thinking it really is just western normalfags who just got into vtubers and holo

>> No.55137856

A combination of being mindbroken by woke bullshit + trying to be more JP than actual JP fans.y8tys

>> No.55137886

>it’s ok when JP does it

>> No.55137958

Is Shiori really transgender? That would explain why she is so awkwardly coomer brained at inappropriate moments. Like every innuendo is supposed to be an invitation for her to say she's horny for the person.

>> No.55138059

Another vshitshow hire in hololive. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.55138142

My first thought exactly. This is some Niji tier garbage.

>> No.55138284

>screenshot of women with a male target audience interacting
>somehow this comes back to fujos

>> No.55138286

Fuwamoco are capitalizing on incest Yuri. It's all the same anon.

>> No.55138366

Odd. You're the one that said
>if i wanted 3DPD sluts behind anime avatars i'd watch anything but holos
But now you're saying if they're using their anime avatar it doesn't matter who's behind it?

>> No.55138381

Nerissa is nijisanji lite

>> No.55138481

>She checks all the boxes of a Nijisanji streamer
Not true. People actually watch her.

>> No.55138504

her spiel about lewds of her made me loathe her. don't apply to the idol company if you want to do things the niji way

>> No.55138558

>I thought the appeal of vtubers was that they were a relief from boring overused western irony and zoomer speak.
You thought wrong. Vtubers are basically about zoomer girls hiding behind an anime girl avatar pretending to care about your interests.

>> No.55138676

Sexual shit=joke

>> No.55138716

Shiori is me when I was 14:
>cringe Internet rp
>"I'm such a bookworm"
>random edgy shit ("so fxxxed up!")
>chuuni catchphrases
>autistic and overly detailled ramblings
I'm expecting her to link to her livejournal soon.

>> No.55138718

The only problem I see is that Shiori didn't play along, instead made herself look like the ironic weeb.

>> No.55138830


>> No.55138888

I know some real ones from old /jp/ and they don't watch any vtubers because they're all 3DPD according to them. Some even get mad like you might as well be talking about camwhores. The only exception being official multi-media tie-in 3D characters voiced by the seiyuu of an anime/game series. That's what I learned from people I know aren't just zoomers pretending for replies or (You) clout.

>> No.55138953

it's hilarious how i felt niji energy from them and their viewers from day 1. i'm almost impressed by myself.

>> No.55138962

Go look through any of the NSFW tags and tell me what kind of coomershit you see? Is it mostly yuri or is it mostly solo shots from the POV of the viewer?

>> No.55138970

But she's at minimum twice that old. Also hi Nerissa, I see you venting.

>> No.55139058

No she's just an autist.

>> No.55139209

Genuine content and interactions = a woman in her late 20s making autistic noises and pretending to be a 5 year old.

>> No.55139241

People already went over this and explained why she isn't autistic and even felt they had to drag up examples from her PL to make their point. Lets just agree she isn't autistic.

>> No.55139344


>> No.55139479

NTA but of course everyone calls what they like intelligent and patrician, or it's genuine content now. There are flaws with all of it because it's all pandering to different types of content crackheads.

>> No.55139487

>But she's at minimum twice that old.
You're not helping her case.

>> No.55139540

Aw, he's a newfag tourist trying to fit in! How cute..

>> No.55139661

Did you think that I thought I was? Oh ESL-kun, you'll get how people communicate in English eventually.

>> No.55139669

Nerissa is going for a school days ending is she? One of them is eventually going to snap not being the main squeeze.

>> No.55139708
File: 1.31 MB, 1039x1072, disappointed luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no males = ok
cute is justice

>> No.55139845

Thought Nerissa was gonna be my favorite but the yurishit is too cringe for me. Think I'll just stick with the dogs from this gen.

>> No.55139886

if they don't sound like niggers it's not zoomer speak

>> No.55139905


>> No.55139980

hags are not from 97

>> No.55140317

Shiori pushing the 'bottom' narrative is the dumbest shit given how the other girls behave in the first place.
Nerissa has more dom energy, the way she treated the raven mascot in debut, how she made her way into Holo just to make a move on Kiara, her general demeanor.
Bijou is basically a troll and mesugaki.
Twins would be the only submissive ones I guess.

>> No.55140550

Sisters, we hate bottom jokes don't we? It's NijiEN tier humor after all

>> No.55141542
File: 192 KB, 1085x1085, bflqp5zuovs51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WTF are these bottom jokes doing in my Holo's?!
Oh how quickly we forget

>> No.55141622

No? NijiEN tier humor is when Vox talks about his foreskin.

>> No.55141691

This is the future you choose by letting Eilene filth enter in Hololive.

>> No.55141734

You know, I agree anon. I either think she's seething that the other girls have more subs than her and she's trying to denigrate them in some way, or she actually thinks she's a top and this is her way of expressing dominance. I doubt Nerissa will cowtow much to her in collabs.
Or at least, I hope not. Shiori is insufferable and the thought of that freak with her hands on my girlfriend disgusts me.

>> No.55141772

What? Calm down.
Are you that mad about the cringe goth girl?

>> No.55143170

shiori is a bottom. she's just the type that misbehaves until she's managed.

>> No.55143235

It's fiasco you illiterate buffoon

>> No.55143421

>My narrative tells me she's a bitch
Nigga take your fucking meds

>> No.55144490

Do you really think anyone making decisions cares about what you personally think things are meant to be

>> No.55145095

I been seeing this too, and I find it a little strange. Nerissa seems far too comfortable with herself, and her confidence level is very high, so it’s weird to see this pushed so hard. Having said this, I haven’t seen everything from Nerissa, so I don’t know how this all got started.

>> No.55145158


she is easily the dumbest person in the EN branch

>> No.55145239

Nerissa Is just comfortable with herself and her body. Also good personality, voice, and singing. That’s how I see it anyway. A solid pick.

>> No.55145325

Why the fuck are you guys getting so pissy about this? That first tweet from Nerissa is the most blatant GFE that hololive has seen since Rushia got shitcanned. This is exactly what you wanted.

>> No.55145417

Probably Niji thinking it’s a double standard, and jumping on the opportunity to attack.

>> No.55145615

So she's a woman, then.

>> No.55145758

Shiori is becoming more annoying the more I see of her. The rest of the girls are pretty chill and comfy but Shiori is reallllllly annoying. She's trying way to hard.

>> No.55145926

Shiori is basically a Niji/Phase girl that somehow made it into Hololive.

>> No.55146644

Can we have gfe without the yuri?

>> No.55147004

>yuri baiting
>straight baiting
>coomer baiting
it's all so tiring, fuck off with that shit I just want cgdct not whores being whores

>> No.55147241

I don't dislike Shiori at all, but every time I see her do anything that you could construe as flirty, with anybody, I get second hand embarassment. It's like her mouth is filled with so much spaghetti it's coming out of her nose.

>> No.55147441

>the future of Hololive
nah, corpos are dead

>> No.55147612

Nijiniggers will force any quote into red and caps to plaster into a distorted face of a holo to try to "own them".

>> No.55147831

She is taking a page out of Ennas textbook.
>Cause as much controversy as possible to always be the talk of the town

>> No.55147866

So many graduations I can't keep track anymore, who is this low quality bait deflecting from now?

>> No.55147968
File: 403 KB, 512x512, 1626333858454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not ok. This bitch is a fucking NijisanjiEN inside Hololive. At least she is only fucking HololiveEN, not to mention she won't touch Gura or The Doggies.

>> No.55148058

>nijisanji lost lawsuit against dramatuber again
>vta nuked
>selen likely next to graduate

>> No.55148869

I agree. From her very debut I've been thinking she accidentally sent her audition to Hololive when she actually wanted to be in Nijisanji.

>> No.55149043

Its over holokeks, our active measure is on full swing, soon every degeneracy shall be normalized and holo will implode buahahaha

>> No.55149240
File: 21 KB, 294x440, 1660885920211838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its okay when hololive does it

>> No.55149292


>> No.55149440


>> No.55153036

>Holo fans have a legit complaint that is more than obvious
>Say that it is disgusting because it reminds them of niji talents
>They get accused of being niji trolls
Average /vt/ retard logic everyone.

>> No.55153849

>I thought the appeal of vtubers was that they were a relief from boring overused western irony and zoomer speak
That's oddly specific. What made you come to that conclusion in the first place?

>> No.55154009

>light mode user
you are worse than tech illiterate boomers

>> No.55154605

According to the last shareholders meeting. YAGOO is doing exactly that. Cover is pandering to western irony and Zoomer speak since that's what most of the kids wanna do these days.

>> No.55155219
File: 168 KB, 811x815, 1673595410423673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN "Humor"

>> No.55155330

>he brought it to the catalog
LMAO look at this loser

>> No.55155731

LINK to okayu pwease :3

>> No.55155790


>> No.55158130

