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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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543109 No.543109 [Reply] [Original]

>46k viewers
>Not a single thread

>> No.543149
File: 50 KB, 563x609, baqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least link the channel you autistic faggot

>> No.543238


>> No.543290
File: 677 KB, 220x233, あれ?.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's adorable anon, and her voice is incredibly cunny as well

>> No.543455

Based aussie streamer

>> No.547705

kino channel

>> No.548248

What's the appeal

>> No.548299


>> No.548786


>> No.548958

but does she shitpost?

>> No.550071


>> No.550226

Absolutely based
Dangerously based

>> No.550236

This retard 100% browses this site. I wouldn't be surprised if he made this thread himself.

>> No.550403

>tfw used to watch her when she still played stream raiders with the chat
the streams were comfy back then, glad she popped up tho
I love her voice

>> No.552523

kinda surprised that I never saw a thread about her here, I guess it's just not of /vt/ taste

>> No.553507

She's a very "twitch" styled streamer so it kind of makes sense.
She makes pretty good content though like when she tried to make baby clones of everyone on the minecraft server and set up a daycare slave camp for the children.

>> No.553527



>> No.553565

Fucking based. People trying to cancel her for this are definitely faggots.

>> No.553592

Oh fuck. I've read the comments. She's a lesbian. I'm taking that based back. Come on twitter. Go cancel her. Anybody that watch her are faggots.

>> No.553616
File: 200 KB, 495x602, violence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, based as fuck

it's just /wst/ yuribait anon...

>> No.553645

I was actually surprised that she was a Vtuber since I first saw her interact with Ludwig on the OTV minecraft server only to then see her on the front page playing on their rust server with a Vtuber avatar. I never bothered to even check her stream before that happened.

>> No.553663

I will now watch your vtuber.

>> No.554011

>I'm taking that based back.
that's not how it works anon

>> No.554180

>check three random streams
>bunch of dudes talking

>> No.555433

how insecure

>> No.556125

go be gay somewhere else

>> No.557161

>based based based guys she said the fag word she's one of us!!! based!
It's like I'm in a thread full of bots or something.

>> No.557282

Says the guy sperging out over such trivial shit.
Go and be grown up somewhere else then if you're so much better.

>> No.557285

EDIT: Thank you for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.557358

Every female vtuber is either lesbian or bisexual you faggot

>> No.557391

I just think it's embarrassing when anons decide to like someone solely because they're "one of us dude!!!"

>> No.557436

Nobody called you and nobody wants you, please fuck off back to >>>/u/ and stay there.

>> No.557441
File: 136 KB, 1080x728, sowwwy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention she apologized like a pussy anyway

>> No.557552

All girls are born bi you retards

>> No.557671

I just like her voice, I don't care about the rest

>> No.557839

Yeah I get that, just starting to get tired of the word based I guess so I sperged out. But I do honestly believe if you like someone just because they feel like a "4channer" or some bullshit then you're no better than some r/4chan retard.

>> No.558130 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 850x1182, sample-d25ae52f31f8a0dc2e62e708bc23366d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patra thread


>> No.561002

No fucking shit she did, twitch can literally ban your account if you fuck up even outside of their platform. If you don't want to risk your career you have to put out an apology.

>> No.561294

Ok but did you get her Rust loot drop like a true fan would?

>> No.561392

Who the fuck still uses "faggot" in 2020

>> No.561457

last time I played Rust was 2 years ago so no

>> No.561672
File: 95 KB, 855x482, 1588675457273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you perhaps, the original poster?

>> No.561686

Isn't she Canadian?

>> No.561775 [DELETED] 


>> No.561835


>> No.565268

Dumb twitch bitch

>> No.566345

why does /vt/ hate twitch so much?

>> No.566624

they are 'woke' and the people who work there are either disgusting human beings or deeply bluepilled trannies (not mutually exclusive)
youtube may be the same way internally but at least they're not as public about it the same way twitch does it
do you really want to support daddy bezos on top of that as well???

>> No.566739

Do you struggle daily with your autism or does it come out in fits like your last post

>> No.566930

no, i have the decency to sperg out on the anonymous tibetian basket weaving forum rather than in real life
i'll take youtube over the shitty twitch site and culture anyday though
anywhere where i have less than three degrees of connection with xQc or frogposters is fine with me

>> No.567358

/pol/ is that way my based redpilled anon

>> No.567760

Is CodeMiko fucking retarded?

>> No.570293

is this the bggets wester vtuber?
people say vshoujo but Ash mogs them on suscribers and views

>> No.571023

she is now, unless I'm forgetting someone
she was really small a few months ago

>> No.572160

You're missing out on a lot then. Youtube is not any better than twitch. There's veibae, and lots of obscure JP vtubers too trying to learn English which kinda helps you with your reps. Imagine acting like a religious zealot for a video streaming platform. I don't care what platform they're streaming on. As long as they're entertaining I'll watch them

>> No.572229

30k live viewers on twitch? Holy sbit she's even bigger than holoEN lol. How have I not heard of her before. Are holoEN fans living inside a bubble

>> No.574913

shes a league player, nobody talks about league players.

>> No.575116

also only plays what is popular on twitch, she is playing rust right now ffs.
