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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54938264 No.54938264 [Reply] [Original]

La vtuber de Sedai One Endou Lily tiene un anuncio importante que hacer

>> No.54938565


>> No.54938574

Damn, another graduation

>> No.54938677

Y a nadie le importà un carajó.

>> No.54938710

Hololive ES incoming? Also why does she look like Pyra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

>> No.54938750


>> No.54938810


>> No.54938852

that's a hot model, what a shame

>> No.54938892
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What does "anuncio" mean?

>> No.54938958

Tu madré.

>> No.54938977

Mierda, es graduación directamente, ni siquiera se está volviendo indie. Uno de los diseños más sexo de este mundo desaparece.
Hold me anónimos.

>> No.54939043


>> No.54939136

It's the summoning spell for Spanish wizards

>> No.54939143

Great, I was subbed to her for a while but that's like the first her stream I randomly decided to watch and it's a fucking graduation and the girl is crying.

>> No.54939271

Why seeing girls cry make me hard? Am I a potential rapist or something?

>> No.54939295

That's sad.

>> No.54939311

Only staying 11 months? Well, at least it gives me hope she's just ending her contract and moving somewhere else, or becoming indie.

>> No.54939978

Wactorbros ganamos

>> No.54940252

Sedai will post an official announcement later maybe there will be more context about her graduation

>> No.54940334

Who cares? Watch my wife

>> No.54940412

>Wactor is kill
>Sedai is dying

>> No.54940416

If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.54940434

I don’t watch male collabing whores.

>> No.54940451

I care, falseflagger nigger

>> No.54940558

>Hololive ES incoming
unlikely but I wish

>> No.54940947

what a waste, her model is so sex, plus she is very cultured, i hope she goes indie at some point.

>> No.54941637

Isnt that the girl who was shown to be a tortillera who harassed a fat woman for 10 years?
I guess she will sell herself on only putas again.

>> No.54941712

here is your (you) nico

>> No.54941774
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>> No.54941797


>> No.54941991

all proven false

>> No.54942092
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Subscribe to Aisu instead

>> No.54942442

that voice makes me want to kill myself, thanks

>> No.54942529

Aimi stream.
She's her friend and other corpo buddy, so she's probably gonna talk about it.

>> No.54942839
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Wait, is she that KFP vtuber that bought a kiara cosplay?
I wish her luck in her future endeavors

>> No.54943022

come on riri, everyone saw the tweets and your video. If it affects you so much, just let the subject die in silence.

>> No.54943225

So much for your thousand years Reich, Sedai shills

>> No.54943331

>kiara cosplay
my dick

>> No.54943579

What? I only watch Aimi, but saw the announcement on discord.

>> No.54943631

She's basically another female KFP who wants to fuck Kiara. Imagine if HoloES is a reality and she appears there KEK

>> No.54943667

>that KFP vtuber that bought a kiara cosplay?
C'mon anon, you can't just say that without providing proof.

>> No.54943770

>all that dick sucking and clout chasing on twitter just to graduate
Her voice is annoying as fuck too

>> No.54943774

A nadie le importa dos putas mierdas.

>> No.54943781

>Kiara has a harem of EN, ID, JP and ES girls around the world.
That mental image is fucking funny.

>> No.54944363

Get Aimi in too, she would be perfect for it.

>> No.54944543
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Lily is a male collaber, she's also close to hakka

>> No.54944691

You got it wrong anon, the fatty were obsessed with Lily for years

>> No.54945201
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not same anon, but I gotchu

>> No.54945394

La concha tu madre no le pongas tilde a la e

>> No.54945604

>bootleg pekora with acentito is gone
based, I hope she doesn't join another more successful corpo

>> No.54945997

lel negro

>> No.54946353

its ok nico, I know you are sad too

>> No.54946379
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Lmao, hiper groomed

>> No.54946473

>homostars lover
Damn, she's literally latinx Nerrisa..

>> No.54946494

kys nigger

>> No.54946640

Non-spic KFP here.
HoloES is unlikely to happen. We don’t like spics.
If she were to join another corpo, I would put my money on idol, niji or en4
Good english. Understandable japanese and neutral spanish.

>> No.54946798

>non spic
>using the term neutral spanish
ogey negro

>> No.54947059

Hakka here, yes I got her pregnant

>> No.54947533

I’m basing myself off on Reimu and Hakka
This girl’s spanish sounds flat and not like they are chanting words

>> No.54947535

What is her past life or rmt?
I want to follow her away of the grave

>> No.54947859

No pl
This was her first life as a chuuba

>> No.54948108 [DELETED] 

Chuuba or not, I need another account or names, nigga. how the hell do your know her drama with that fat girl then?
Also who is this? her boyfriend? her manager? kek

>> No.54948643

all rm socials nuked

>> No.54948678

Share her pl
I don’t want to wait until she reincarnates in another corpo

>> No.54948930

idolES tonight

>> No.54949064

there is no PL, she nuked most of her socials including her cosplay stuff

>> No.54949245

yes but her fucking name was???

>> No.54949560


>> No.54950001

Well now we know where she's going kek.
Hope they get Nisha, she's prime cunny.
Baffling decision though, spics are dirt poor.

>> No.54950025

>neutral spanish
That would take out the appeal, there are like 20 accents from where to choose, a branch with at least 5 different accents would feel kinda exotic

>> No.54950028

she's a lexbian i don't follow lexbians

>> No.54950323

She is going to Hololive EN4 though

>> No.54950360


>> No.54950425
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Say whatever you want about the jews, Aviel is very skilled in this business

>> No.54950610

There is no such as neutral spanish, just neutered spanish (witch Lily doesn't have)
Too many countries, too many accents, if you try to suppress them you get something that sounds retarded and it's just propaganda for the mentally challenged
Like I said, neutered, and that's fucking repulsive

>> No.54950711

I read his blogs, he does seem to be a good businessman.. not sure I agree with this though. There's literally zero money in the ES vtuber space.
Maybe he'll regret it in a year

>> No.54950821

This girl lives in Japan, was in an idol group, speaks three languages and some Hololive talents were replying to her comments a couple of times. Ollie and Kiara greeted her on streams.
I would say we have our first nepo hire for EN4.

>> No.54950889 [DELETED] 

Riria Bell

>> No.54950932

Believe me, he will pull it off, could even cut off hololive from that market, at minimum he will absorb the remains of wactor

>> No.54951065

If he was smart he'd only take the cunny spics

>> No.54951809 [DELETED] 

No active sns?

>> No.54952022

>You need to end your current contract to apply to IdolES and you only have this month to apply

>> No.54952149

at least do your homework right

>> No.54952200
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>> No.54952301
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>> No.54952433

AAAIIIIIEEEE hermanos???

>> No.54952703

Why are you trying so hard to get her pl? You even went to /wactor/ for this.

>> No.54952757
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dont forget polka's mama follows her

>> No.54952813 [DELETED] 

You get what you get, she nuked everything and was a literally who, so barely anything is archived
You can check ririattee on instagram (an obvious scam page but the pics are real)

>> No.54952833

This chuuba has met Mori irl

The race has begun
Who got her? Yagoo? The jews?

>> No.54953609

Only the jews have open auditions for ES

>> No.54953681

Sad that she graduates. But maybe, just maybe, she will be in HoloEN4 or Gen7. She really has talent.

>> No.54953930

you literally have the translation there, you silly anon.

>> No.54954064

Her only talent is being able to speak 3 languages.
She's boring, loud and obnoxious, and her content is fucking trash.

>> No.54954079

quien fue?

>> No.54954260

As if your other ES whores weren't peddling REACCIONO A and VIENDO MEMES content every single stream

get your head out of your ass

>> No.54954352

I met this girl during an Among Us collab with Emma and Kani
She was fucking hilarious

>> No.54954356


>> No.54954823

I don't watch Meica or any of her Twitchwhore friends, sorry.
Sorry for your shit taste.

>> No.54955055

nice bait peruano pendejo

>> No.54955061

Fuck off Nico, let see if you wactor whores are better for bigger leagues

>> No.54960692

english board

>> No.54966289

lily knows by now that spics dont have any money give. she'll never be a ES vtuber again.

>> No.54967428

Spic chuubas are just a recipe for disaster.
This gen is gonna crash and burn so hard and its gonna kill any interest on ES from any other corpo

>> No.54967615

Forgot to quote >>54949560

>> No.54969058
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>> No.54969318

el negro que tiene visión del futuro

>> No.54971845
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she's a pathological liar like all spic women

>> No.54972778

I forgot you were the retarded anti for no reason other than stealing viewers from your wacturd women

>> No.54975653

>vtubing boom ends
>donos dry up for everyone who isn't established
>lesser vtubers who were just in it for the grift drop like flies


>> No.54977281

I remember when at first she made her audience believe that she was a japanese speaking spanish, she even reacted to a couple of videos that took it for granted, kek.

Ill never understand why sidosos think negative comments come from watorfags. Is it that at some point there was something like that or is it just a fb/discordputos thing?

live your truth anon.

>> No.54977718

Lilyschizo is really mad today kek
She just graduated nigga should you be happy or something?

>> No.54980314
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>lunita la mas putita
any of these could have graduated but no, it's always the best ones that get taken by life. Fuck this shit.

>> No.54980724

>Now he is falseflagging
Very very pathetic anon

>> No.54983439

He lost his oshi anon, how can he be happy if he won't be able to watch Lily or post shit about her anymore?

>> No.54983675

I know sis, i miss miugod too.

>> No.54986559

