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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 86 KB, 1327x1327, Nisha is sleeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54867640 No.54867640 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present】
WACTOR is also known as:

"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project

Previous thread >>54800377

Dirty, disgusting Argies are asleep edition

>> No.54867906

I'm awake boludo~

>> No.54868348

Why aren't you subscribed to Aisu?

>> No.54868436

Why so mean, Nishadow?

>> No.54868518

Anya my beloved

>> No.54868645


>> No.54868845

dont be chuchumeico

>> No.54869138

so much time passed that they surpassed Nisha

>> No.54869455

No I'm not

>> No.54869711

>/int/ tribalfaggotry in OP
Not this underage retard again...

>> No.54869939

More like Kumaboshit.

>> No.54870104

My cute ex-wife

>> No.54870553

Most real Anons already left. For myself, one of these days I'm going to re-install League of Legends and be gone from this shit general and the hobby.

>> No.54871591

The retarded fer purafil is back, keep an eye on that human scum.

>> No.54871964

QRD on the royal tranny drama? I saw a bit in the morning but I had to larp as a normie today and couldn't check it until now

>> No.54872392

At least pick a decent game fag.

>> No.54872632

He is back from Spain after his meeting with Nisha?
and Nisha is back as well suspiciously enough

>> No.54872944

Nisha deleted her latest space?

>> No.54873107

she doesn't archive her spaces

>> No.54873387
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>> No.54873532

Wonder who's responsible for that.
Right, anons?

>> No.54873970


>> No.54874263

What happened? What did dracucklones do?
I think Nisha's is unrelated but the timing is curious btw

>> No.54874500

Essewey was shit talking shura and someone leaked the messages to her.

>> No.54874660

What did she mean by this?

>> No.54874830

She's getting funada for saying to hate spics and now is trying to wash her face.

>> No.54874908

And it happened in Yuritroon server.
Why does she think the leaker is an anon when none of that shit was posted here is beyond me.

>> No.54875495

They were caught shitalking shura

>> No.54875508

Easier to blame a boogyman. They were talking shit about someone and now the have the gall to feel offended that someone unveiled their actions. Absolutely disgusting people.

>> No.54875517

Was esewey a draculon? he has shura's oshimark

>> No.54875607

He's a DD

>> No.54875694

Poor Himea worries me, today she seemed very fed up with Akira. How many months are left?

>> No.54875713

I saw it in anya's chat, so it's dd

>> No.54875830

This is why I also believe R** in guardia server despite anon providing zero source.
He's believes the group harassing K, pedanko, and the doxer are all anon. His posts sticks out like a sore thumb and he's very zealot about anon being the source of all evil.

>> No.54875837

all the girls have been brainwashed by WACTOR apologists and FB mouthbreathers who parrot the apologists to believe that when something bad happens it's le evil 4chan's fault.
But then the leakers always turns out to be the same apologists who claim to LOVE the girls, who dump it /here/ to scapegoat anon, fucking hypocrites.

>> No.54876013

She wanted to blame us but bad luck for her, on Sunday there was no thread

>> No.54876086

The HoloES thread became /WACTOR/ in disguise.

>> No.54876214


>> No.54876321

It doesn't matter, there was nothing related to the leaks in that thread either.

>> No.54876510

Anons live rent free on that troon's head.

>> No.54876521

Hi Fer

>> No.54876538

it was the same thing as always imo

>> No.54876544

More than a year anon

>> No.54876613

He was a member of la caca real.

>> No.54876677

I love being the heel of the community.

>> No.54877533

>he has shura's oshimark
Shura was really mad about people using her oshi mark while shit talking her behind her back.
And all the members of that server are complicit in that for letting fags talk shit and not saying anything until now.

>> No.54877627

based leaker

>> No.54877798

Yuricom will pay.

>> No.54878808

Yuricom needs impregnation correction

>> No.54879014

Argies will pay.

>> No.54879101

Let's groom and fix Yuricom

>> No.54880786

Gn Anons

>> No.54881991 [DELETED] 


>> No.54882750

last message

Meicago on nishiters

>> No.54884441

kek, seethe Yuritroon

>> No.54884989

Hi Yuricom

>> No.54887450

Why did Yuri and Kazzette fought?

>> No.54887962

For show, they were both involved in the shit talking

>> No.54889554

la bumpa

>> No.54891027
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>> No.54892155
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>> No.54893140


>> No.54895136

Why did Akira punish her like that?

>> No.54895676

Yet another case of anons being right about discordfags.

>> No.54895900

If only Anya had pay heed to our warnings. It's too late now.

>> No.54896241

Thread full of the usual tourists who post here. Cancer

>> No.54896269

Worse than that. It had literal chicanos.

>> No.54896337

>Trannycom and Kazzette privated their Twitter
Wtf happened yesterday niggas?

>> No.54896961
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the nerve of some

>> No.54897823

I raped Yuricom and made Kazette watch.

>> No.54898668
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>> No.54898856

what did you expect from renato?
the pedo trying to clear his name

>> No.54898971

Wasn't this the guy who sent death threats to Miu?

>> No.54899428

I seriously hope that's Ren and not who I think it might be.
What baffles me is how K is covering for R, when he was the one who initiated this entire fucking mess.

>> No.54899609

That would be terrible, what do you call battered wife syndrome?
but I don't think anya would put "me too" if she wanted to funar someone it's more effective to use her fans

>> No.54900373

Probably her lawer told her to stay away from social media until he could find a solid track to prosecute the people harassing her family and the doxxer.
Also she seems to be far from being tech savvy despite spending 2/3 of her life online.

>> No.54901087
File: 161 KB, 899x880, 9767363773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking that the one who is harassing her is not Pettanko but Renato.
I was looking at this image carefully and honestly it looks like someone is trying to imitate a creep, plus this looks like WhatsApp how did pettanko get her WhatsApp?

>> No.54901171

>>54901087 me
or is it twitter? facebook where did this happen?

>> No.54901551

It' facebook messenger. How did pedanko get her facebook? Dunno.
When Tonita and R went full frontal against pedanko they kept saying he never actually chatted with K, it was them the entire time. And that fucking sounds like catfish.
Using your friend's pics and name without your consent is not something real friends would do if you ask me.

>> No.54902326

Summary from yesterday:
>Essewey shittalked Shura
>Moyo leaked the screenshots to Shura
>Kazzette nuked the server
>Yuri attention whoring as always, even when this shit doesn't affect her.

>> No.54902399
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Her friend is also a minor I think... so it's to be expected
Btw who came first the catfish or pettanko discovered her ig
if the catfish was first then this is how pettanko discovered her ig

>> No.54902642

Pettanko found her everything because Natashka followed Anya's RM. From there it was not hard for anyone to find all her socials in five minutes.

>> No.54902947

For Anya's legal team:
RM stands for roommate, but not a literal roommate, in this context it means the person behind the character

>> No.54902999
File: 209 KB, 1170x1872, 20230707_183451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't seem aware of Renato's existence in their first interaction.

>> No.54903343

It repulses me to see pettanko's chats. Vomit inducing.
Please don't post them anymore or if you want do an imgur and dump it there, I don't want to see that shit anymore.

>> No.54903534

you're on 4chan dude, this is nothing

>> No.54903892

anyway the first clash between natashka and pettanko
pettanko was unaware of renato's existence.
in their second clash was when pettanko complained about anya's bf for the first time
what i'm getting at is that pettanko doesn't seem to have the ability to find her facebook rm

>> No.54904274

Seriously where the fuck do these fucking tourist come from?

>> No.54904276

When anons found her rm, again because of Natashka, posts here were only related to that twatter account. Her ig or kikebook was never posted or discussed here. Pedanko found that on his own. And there's even a chance Natashka created that catfish account and contacted Pedanko.
Natashka rm socials, and his relation with Anya came much later into play.

>> No.54904651

Exactly, what I think happened is that Renato and 144p started the catfish and when they finished they posted this >>54902399 screenshot to make fun of him.
then pettanko only looked for the names of that screenshot and found anya's other accounts

>> No.54905189

>himea is still in wactor

>> No.54906122

I think Ren was the one who pushed her into becoming vtuber, he was in several wactorette's pisscord servers since a long while.
But why did she auditioned for Wactor? I'm pretty sure Ren was aware of how shit that company is. Then the debut came and she slowly gained traction, and Natashka twitter account came. By following her rm he tried to attract sickos like pedanko to scare her from vtubing? Did he got jealous because a lot of people found her charming? Why end her promising career like tht? That's a part of the puzzle I can't figure out.

>> No.54906277

Hi tourist, where do you come from?

>> No.54906434

He seems to like the idea of a bunch of simps paying him for condoms.
It's just that his plan backfired and he was cucked and now he's out for revenge
I saw his comments on ozu and reddit. And the guy is toxic, even narcissistic would say

>> No.54906526

Man, I have so many shitpost in hold because she ended up being a minor.
This would have been comedy gold otherwise.

>> No.54906947

>message time 9:48 am chile time
>dox time 16:07 same day
> Anya said that she was scared that day in space.
>the dox is very personal

>> No.54908135

You're not fooling anyone, Pettanko

>> No.54908739

That you think I'm pettanko is one of the funniest things I've seen, Renato

>> No.54908978

How fucked is Himea when WACTOR bites the dust?

>> No.54909072

Same for you
Just leave her alone

>> No.54909474

piece of shit don't think you're going to get out of this
you and pettanko can go practicing the chinese lock waiting for the lawsuit

>> No.54909750

Only Axtre, Yukine, ex-WFags and Shura would accept her.

>> No.54909875

Himea will be with Pirañita and the Amais, not with those man collabing whores.

>> No.54909964
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>> No.54909978

Reminder that when WACTOR dies this will become /AMAI/ and have all PNGs banned.

>> No.54910094

I miss Nateyo verde

>> No.54910197

Shut up pajero-kun you're dead

>> No.54910254

KYS stinky

>> No.54910543
File: 15 KB, 595x114, Captura de pantalla 2022-09-19 111632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54910602
File: 200 KB, 587x595, Captura de pantalla 2022-09-19 105624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good times

>> No.54910756
File: 64 KB, 538x586, Captura de pantalla 2022-09-19 113153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah... Nateyo Nateyo...

>> No.54910821


Literally who?

>> No.54910904
File: 69 KB, 548x642, Captura de pantalla 2022-09-19 131523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54910989
File: 241 KB, 532x583, Captura de pantalla 2022-09-19 113707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was shilling her reincarnation kek

>> No.54911135
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>> No.54911175

We did it bros
She is graduating

>> No.54911240
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>> No.54911358
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>> No.54911576
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>> No.54911713
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The most based agency to ever exist

>> No.54911920

What's the deal with the WHOs spam out of nowhere?

>> No.54911921

Gonza's property

>> No.54911937

pregnancy with future baby shower announcement

>> No.54912075

She just want to catch attention
Don't raise your hopes, anon

>> No.54912087

based rrateyo

>> No.54912378

>She collabs with Aisu.
>New Amai gen announced
>Nateyo leaves Mihae
>Amai removed the onlyargies clause for the new gen
>Eri debuts

>> No.54913008
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>> No.54913323

>In the end she went back to Japan

>> No.54913414

Friendly reminder that Nateyo choose /us/ over pajero-kun

>> No.54913834

After he was dumped, he leaked personal stuff form her in this place.
Sounds familiar.

>> No.54914443

They honorary wactor

>> No.54914619

Anons make girls fall in love with them and then break their hearts.

>> No.54915559

Like it should be

>> No.54915670

I will never break my oshi's heart

>> No.54915795

Then she will break yours

>> No.54916081

Nateyo's broken heart went in silence.
After everything we put her trough, after she dumped pajero for us.
After she pandered tu /here/ values so hard with her whole agency.
Anons simply ignored her, you could say they ghosted her.
When antiunicorns attacked her /here/, nobody protected her.
Her heart was broken.
And no one noticed.

>> No.54916564

shut up, nateyo

>> No.54916742

I wish Nateyo was still here. She may even forgotten vtubing exists.

>> No.54916918
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I miss her

>> No.54917958

Yes he is lmao

>> No.54918172
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Will this be KINO or cringe?

>> No.54918227

This is going to be yet another bait announcement, isn't?

>> No.54918605
File: 121 KB, 266x251, emb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emberlith once mentioned she wanted to collab with Luna, my only wish is that they have fun. Also, spanish cunny collab ftw uoh

>> No.54918812
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, 1690649974893221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This drama is so fucking boring

>> No.54918880

After pettanko I don't like Uoh ToT posting anymore... He ruined lolis for me

>> No.54919021

so moyo was the insider anon all this time

>> No.54920271

I don't think so. Moyo has become a hardcore Shura gachi, I think he did it just to expose the other hypocrites. Nothing related to this place.

>> No.54921333
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.54921434

oh no no no no

>> No.54921705
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>> No.54921729


>> No.54921805

emberwhore menheraness is just on another level

>> No.54921813

oh shit...it's real

>> No.54921995
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>> No.54922181
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>> No.54923396

I'm glad every girl is making their own clique.
When the girls have their own so stablished and don't interact with each other anymore this general will have no meaning and we'll be finally free.

>> No.54923475

it's just an attention whore when you will understand that she only make baits announcement and in case she graduated holoES is confirmed KEK

>> No.54923803


>> No.54923887

The only case would be Nisha separating because
>Meica is with the owozu girls and crayon
>Shura is also hanging out with owozu and crayon
>Eru and Shura have been together for years despite having different friends
>Yukine loves Shura

>> No.54925171

Crayon sounds like Anya

>> No.54925740

Meica, Eru, Shura and now Yukine are getting closer and closer

>> No.54925888

Nisha had already mentioned that she wanted to put together a group, so that there would always be girls available for collabs

>> No.54925998
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>> No.54926123


>> No.54926139

it's more that that subhuman made the uoh posting look even more cringe and retarded that actually is.

also i warned you girl, in fact not only me but others anons warned you about that faggot and you had to give him attention insteed of ignore the tard

>> No.54926388

Is not a claim, just a remark
When she says "No se rian, no se rian"
I can't help but listen to Anya.

>> No.54926471

basically anya if she was a good vtuber

>> No.54926576

I have this theory too but I didn't listen to her space so I can't confirm anything

>> No.54926601

>仕事のパートナーは私にとても意地悪でした... 私は嫌われて当然なのでしょうか?
>I am so glad I quit my job.
>My business partner was so mean to me... Do I deserve to be hated?

>I've made so many mistakes.
>I should have kept my mouth shut
>All the wrong people surround me

>諦めないで 諦めないで 諦めないで 諦めないで 諦めないで
>Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, don't give up

>ガス抜きはやめて、実際にこのアカウントをコスプレに使おうかな コスプレ用のTwitterアカウントはずっと欲しかったんです でも、私のアカウントでは失敗しそう
>泣くのはやめよう、バカな赤ん坊のようだ メンヘラ
>Maybe I should stop venting and actually use this account for cosplay I've always wanted a Twitter account for cosplay, but I'm afraid my account would fail.
>Stop crying, you sound like a silly baby, Mengele.

>あのサイトの人たちが私のアカウントを見つけたことが怖いです お願いだからほっといて もう何週間もそのウェブサイトを開いていないんだ。チェックするのが怖いです
>I'm scared that people on that site found my account, please leave me alone, I haven't opened that website in weeks. I'm afraid to check it .

>黒のコンタクトレンズが壊れてしまった ピエン
>ブルーのコスプレ用コンタクトレンズを安く購入したが、私の所有するコスプレはほとんどが茶色の目を必要としている コスプレはお金がかかる
>My black contact lenses are broken Pien.
>I bought blue cosplay contact lenses for cheap but most of the cosplays I own need brown eyes Cosplay is expensive.
>I'll buy dark contacts again soon.

>ここが私の安全な場所であって欲しかった しかし、それはより多くの不安に変わりました
>Leave me alone.
>I wanted this place to be my safe haven, but it turned into more anxiety.

>4ちゃんねるを開設 全員永久追放されればいいのに 昔はお前ら面白いと思ったが、今は失望した
>Opened 4chan I hope you all get banned for good. I used to think you guys were funny, but now I'm disappointed.

>彼女の話をすれば、私はあなたを止められない でも...私を遠ざけて 私は人間よ、あなたのお遊びじゃない
>Talk about her, I can't stop you. But... Keep me away from her. I'm human, not your plaything.

>プライベートメッセージはお気軽にどうぞ それとも、怖くて許しを請うことができない?
>Feel free to private message me. Or are you too scared to ask for forgiveness?

>公の場では戦いたくない お前らは腰抜けだ 私を尊重してください お願いだからほっといてくれ!!!!
>I don't want to fight you in public, you are cowards, please respect me, please leave me alone !!!!

>> No.54926709

>Shura puts together a group
>Nisha drops out

>> No.54926802

Wactor is fucking shit

>> No.54927018

WACTOR ceased to be an exclusively vtuber agency a while ago.

>> No.54927447

They're trying new ventures, pls no bully.

>> No.54927872

Lia or Nateyo?

>> No.54927974


>> No.54928118 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.01 MB, 662x720, Announcement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be relevant in a few hours

>> No.54928214

Please tell me Nateyo debuts in Idol.

>> No.54928448

Anyabros we're eating good.

>> No.54928730

Big if true

>> No.54928850

>Loyal is mod
I guess we know who won the groomer race

>> No.54928948

>Akira is the branch manager

>> No.54929037

The promised land with mi matrona kyoresu?
It's too good to be true

>> No.54929075

>company is so black that the CEO ia an actual jew with a scam projects past

>> No.54929074

>Idol buys WACTOR
Funniest outcome

>> No.54929688

kyoresu x anya collab

>> No.54931134

Only reason I want HoloES is to watch all the girls become rivals in a chaotic free-for-all to get to the top and be selected.

>> No.54931686

You mean Nisha and Eru, Meica and Shura are planning on following the same indie path

>> No.54932161

Babu is fucking tiny ToT

>> No.54932265

You really think HoloES can work in the spic community?
The most popular vtubers in the sipc world are twitch whores, you like it or not they get the money

>> No.54932502

>get Holoes
>1 stream per week
>Chicano shit
No thanks

>> No.54932708

if they also speak english and are at most three carefully selected chubas. Sure, they wont be as popular as your "normie" or "whore" chubas but they would be aight

>> No.54933298
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My cute chinese wife
>Paru 2.0 basically

>> No.54933354
File: 782 KB, 768x960, 1687927159581072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I finally moved all my anya pics to the graduated folder

>> No.54933475

Nisha will join Idol

>> No.54933511
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>> No.54933653
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>> No.54933661
File: 618 KB, 1736x2048, 1690924047761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two hardcore Paru fans

>> No.54933703

yeah, me

>> No.54933712

There are two hardcore fans of each girl.

>> No.54933870


>> No.54935007

It will be CHI girls. A guaranteed disaster.

>> No.54935290

imagine Karma, Lunaria and Anya together

>> No.54935351

Cumming soon

>> No.54935531

linda y divertida

>> No.54935709

I meant CHIcano dumdum anon.

>> No.54935818

is that why Eru is also trying to flex her english with that QnA stream? does she want to get poached too?

>> No.54935974

Charo reveal when?
I already saw her face

>> No.54936100


>> No.54936204

>Nateyo, Nisha, Emberlith and Anya for IdolES
Would you buy it?

>> No.54936286

hi Ofeb

>> No.54937193

Only if they also start dubbing hentai.

>> No.54937209

I would only see Nisha

>> No.54937378

Meica for idol

>> No.54937428

Yes, yes, no, no

>> No.54937954

Accept it. Nateyo is gone and she won't come back no matter how much you want to, move on

>> No.54937966

Pirañita and Hana for idol

>> No.54938558


>> No.54938619

lily se graduara

>> No.54938631

HoloES is a thing then?

>> No.54938639


>> No.54938726


>> No.54938762

>sedai one is getting kill
>wactor still stronk

>> No.54938867

wat why? is that fat shizo threatening her again?

>> No.54938955
File: 525 KB, 2536x1427, 1678946620619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so Lily , nisha and Anya for idol or holoES confirmed?

>> No.54939186

HoloES is not happening for a while, they don't even have applications open for it and EN3 just dropped.
I CAN see her working for Idol, or just going Indie. I just know she's not giving up on vtubing.

>> No.54939231

Sedaibros... we tried to kill this general for nothing...

>> No.54939312


>> No.54939342
File: 116 KB, 260x194, FL1X4T3VQAggx12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and akira didn't have to lift a finger wactorbross???

>> No.54939430

>Wactor killed
>Sedai killed
Yep that faggot psyop worked

>> No.54939527

they are dumb, she was the only one making a profit for the company, but I guess she got a better offer

>> No.54939549
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>> No.54940035


>> No.54940058

We're all in here >>54938264

>> No.54940063

>only 1 akasupa
wasn't lily supposed to do gfe? where are her gachis? also 1k cvv it was good I guess

>> No.54940388

Memes aside, i thought she and the others were doing pretty fine. I almost never watched her though

>> No.54940419

The fuck went wrong?
She was decent at least

>> No.54940588

Me too, the announcement was very unexpected

>> No.54940657

They were doing a decent job, I want to guess that she used Sedai as a platform to make herself known and to be able to take a bigger leap.

>> No.54940665

Nothing, you know what happened and it's something good.

>> No.54940713

Unity Queen

>> No.54940750

She never did gfe, how did you get that idea?

>> No.54940863

her member streams are called dates go figure

>> No.54940879
File: 168 KB, 1327x1327, 1690929662718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another la más bonita victory

>> No.54940945

fuck off fer

>> No.54940953

Shura unity: pander to Lily fans so they notice her

>> No.54941039

motobros is this true?

>> No.54941044
File: 49 KB, 176x162, 64657675975975658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nico won...

>> No.54941049

fuck off Yuritroon

>> No.54941091

just wait for Eru's

>> No.54941136


>> No.54941139

She cares for orphan fans, isn't she a great woman?

>> No.54941172

Care about my blonde instead

>> No.54941210

>Trannycom seething

>> No.54941304

>She was decent at least
with that shitty voice doubt it

>> No.54941310

Jesús Christ, Yukine the answer is below you!!!

>> No.54941399

By the way, did you see Babu cosplay?
She is tiny

>> No.54941517

What if the Idol fag was referring her?

>> No.54941720

Another chuuba that I don't watch neither the debut or graduation. Or a single stream.

>> No.54941771

Yukine is fucking stupid...

>> No.54941838

lol!!! She doesn't know what she's getting into.
Idol anons sure will love my information :^)
Jk Lily, I won't do anything

>> No.54941960

Eru will be collabing with Lily all month

>> No.54941962

I know right? Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.54941974

Himea must be so sweaty right now.

>> No.54942085

She's high on cleansing products

>> No.54942284

Why its cold in argentina isnt it

>> No.54942355

she's horny because she's outliving everyone

>> No.54942784

She won't outlive my primal instincts to fuck her.

>> No.54942985

Only Amai is thriving

>> No.54942990

Don't go too rough on the flaquita, you might disintegrate her.

>> No.54943256

They need a graphic designer ASAP

>> No.54943450

You know what they say; Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times something big is coming.

>> No.54943516

Did they manage to raise the money to travel to Japan?

>> No.54943545

Anya and Lily confirmed for HoloES

>> No.54943759

IdolES or HoloES is comming

>> No.54943863

not today

>> No.54944024
File: 315 KB, 597x575, yuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do women like to self-sabotage? For example, this girl, yuu was growing well, her videos received thousands of views as soon as she published them and she received a good amount of interactions on twitter
but after she let herself be grommed by that cliputo paltachilena her numbers plummeted and now she is irrelevant

>> No.54944098

lmao anya is getting nowhere, just an entitled bitch

>> No.54944243

She always was irrelevant

>> No.54944265

I hope you have money to defend yourself in court

>> No.54944276

We need an anti-groomer league to protect these girls form their own stupidity.

>> No.54944305

Hi Shura

>> No.54944320

Shura that's not nice

>> No.54944415

even the anon that always post
>new yuu song
stopped doing it

>> No.54944417

anoncitos getting manipulated by the nazi midget

>> No.54944468

So much for "la revolución de la vtubers latinas"

>> No.54944566

Sir, this is 4chan

>> No.54944587

>Yukine 90ccv
What happened?

>> No.54944808

Everyone is kinda talking about Lily

>> No.54945036

Still mad Trannycom?

>> No.54945082

She could be the queen of /pol/

>> No.54945127

/WACTOR/ used to be that, until suddenly when the PNGs left, all fans from the girls became pro groomers, pro male-collabs and accused anyone who held old anon values as wactordrones.

>> No.54945556

Chispicucks and cuernuditos...

>> No.54945840

>Zona and jeepers lost their money goose again
I hope they commit seppuku

>> No.54945963

it is taking her more than 40 minutes to solve very very easy pulses

>> No.54946036

they will just wait until she is reborn

>> No.54946088


>> No.54946431


>> No.54947283

I attempted to watch one of Palta's streams because it had Yuu in it and near the beginning of the stream he asks the other girl (not Yuu, another girl I think her name is Meka or Maka) what she thinks of the vtubing community to which she responds
> I love the vtubing community, I was surprised because I thought everyone on the internet was mean
And he says "Yeah some people have the wrong idea of others just because the color of their skin" or some shit like that. What the fuck is that retard trying to do? Get them in trouble? That was nowhere near what the girl had meant. I remember thinking, why are these girls hanging out with this fucking retard?

>> No.54947526
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>> No.54947656


>> No.54947840

What is Lily's past life or rmt and why there's people saying she harassed a fat girl or something like that?
I want to follow her away of the grave

and this nigga is?

>> No.54948002
File: 821 KB, 1080x1820, 1690934609910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the biggest leech award goes to
Kill yourself

>> No.54948143

>Aimi is taking a long break

>> No.54948296

When Lily debuted some fat girl came forward and doxxed her saying she (Lily) had harassed her for like 10 years and she provided a video where supposedly Lily was calling her and the fat girl was telling her to stop bothering her. I honestly don't know the specifics of this shit show beyond that because > not wactor, but I did see later on the fat girl uploaded a video kind of apologizing and promising not to talk about the subject anymore. So I don't know who was in the wrong.

>> No.54948641

Wherever she goes, this drama will follow her forever, whether it is true or not, there will always be someone to remind her of that situation.

>> No.54948743

I see, so I suppose there's no rmt or something like that. I suppose too that her graduation is because her health and she will reincarnate as fast as possible, she really likes that thing of being vtuber

>> No.54948804


>> No.54949199

Again, I don't know much about this drama because it's not wactor so I wasn't very interested. But from my understanding, the fat girl ended up looking like a schizo, that's why she had to do the apology video.

Are you trying to scout her?

>> No.54949692


>> No.54949693

El fin de Wactor como lo conocemos.

>> No.54949812

See you fags in /jidf/

>> No.54949850
File: 217 KB, 676x638, 1688662289654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54949865


>> No.54949882


>> No.54949915

Buy a fucking ad shill

>> No.54949933
File: 696 KB, 925x835, 1679347971750522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nisha come home

>> No.54949965

I rather watch Amai to be honest

>> No.54950072

So that's why Lily left? isn't that a bit cheeky?

>> No.54950078

>biggest black company in the anglosphere
you fags didn't learn a shit?

>> No.54950186

It isn't Nijisanji

>> No.54950224

so she really was recruiting nisha lmao

>> No.54950241

in the little time they exist there's still no evidence or even rumors of black practices

>> No.54950242

I wonder if Nisha would be interested. She said she's going to debut her new Live2D in September so why would she join a company now? Unless they let her join with her design and let her keep it, but then what would she get out of the company then?

>> No.54950276

>the biggest leech in the industry
>the girl that tagged herself with Hololive tags
>leaving for a bigger leech
No shit

>> No.54950287

judging how much yuko likes nisha, and acentito's graduation, you can 100% guarantee that they are in

>> No.54950294


>> No.54950298

all the cunny belongs to Yuko

>> No.54950334


>> No.54950354

Lily's graduation makes more sense now

>> No.54950356


>> No.54950381


>> No.54950394

so why do they do the auditions if they already have the people? or do you think she has a free pass like nisha? pure smoke.

>> No.54950402

>Calling one of the biggest small corpos at the moment a black company
>In a WACTOR thread

>> No.54950544

Anya would definitely benefit from joining Idol, unlike Nisha who has already spent money on her design and rigging. But maybe Papanya forbid her from being a mona china after pettanko-gate.

>> No.54950548

Change this general name to /ISPG/

>> No.54950551

if anya debuts in IdolES I'm posting the time she was shittalking jews

>> No.54950562


>> No.54950565


>> No.54950599

>Eru and Shura will apply 100%
let's see if they get recruited

>> No.54950672


>> No.54950677

the CEO had several demands for scam from his previous "work"

>> No.54950680

All Es girls shit talked jew

>> No.54950700

NEW POAL FUCK /Wactor/ , hello /ISPG/

>> No.54950720

who is this guy?

>> No.54950726

I feel so bad for Himea.

>> No.54950836

yeah but not while working for a REAL jew

>> No.54950839

Himea is very happy with her new costume, she's fine

>> No.54950870
File: 7 KB, 320x121, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she's interested

>> No.54950894

Of course the Spanish user would know nothing of the EN sphere.

>> No.54950931

lmao she doesn't even have a chance
anya is mid af

>> No.54950962

One of the requirement is being over 18.
Owari da...

>> No.54950966

random screenshot to bait anons into schizo territory

>> No.54951005

The scam was unsuccessful

>> No.54951061

I'll have flaquita all for myself, I see this as a win. The outside world doesn't matter.

>> No.54951082

Fuck off Shura

>> No.54951140

Four words

>> No.54951207

it will be so awkward to watch her as a representative of the spic community in that agency

>> No.54951231
File: 498 KB, 595x570, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I can't wait for more "chupame los huevos"

>> No.54951345

it's about time that Juna finds out about Eru and how she plagiarized her model, kek

>> No.54951351

gotta love the literal retards who believe every single piece of catalog bait about idol

>> No.54951423

So Nisha is 100% in, right? Who else will be?

>> No.54951468

new bread doko?

>> No.54951505

By their numbers is probably nobody watches them

>> No.54951598

never is the end of /wactor/

>> No.54951635

bean nigger they are literally bigger than Phase connect

>> No.54951639

Nisha is a nepo hire
Lily is obvious
The rest, only time will tell

>> No.54951720

And who's Phase connect?

>> No.54951772

The jews shit-talked themselves on stream it's okay, they'll fit right in

>> No.54951825

I can't wait for Riro to be racist as fuck to the latinx chuubas

>> No.54951828

They're better than Meica, that's sure.

>> No.54951829

>You must be +18
>Deadline is August 31
Not this time otherwise she would be lying about everything else KEK

>> No.54951929

100% nisha, lily I am not sure does anyone know if she has good contacts?

>> No.54952029

Will they have a mein kaft reading like us?

>> No.54952044
File: 72 KB, 663x432, guidelines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54952087

Nisha would only need to send a "hi" to Aviel and she would get in because of how much Yuko likes her. But is she interested? She's preparing to debut her Live2D in September and she has already spent money on her design and rigging.

>> No.54952100

My sides when not only ofeb will mod her, but loyal too.
Nice monkey's paw fags

>> No.54952113

yuricunt can apply

>> No.54952178

Aviel is trying to win the race against Yaigo

>> No.54952254

>cunny agency
>applicants should have a feminine voice
tomboy bros... mommybros...

>> No.54952273

If anything will Nisha abandon Meica?
Also No Meica=Death branch

>> No.54952406

Not long ago she said that she did not intend to join an agency in the future, but she also said that she liked to see the Idol girls singing on stage. So who knows.

>> No.54952521

>all genders
it's your chance, gordos femboys.

>> No.54952528

I'll become a hardcore IdolES shill just to spite meicagos.

>> No.54952554

>Minimum of 3 months of proven streaming experience

>> No.54952576

dropped like a turd

>> No.54952582

what are you saying? meica doesn't need an agency other than vshoujo, niji or holo, the others are of no use to her.
besides, meica would be happy if nisha comes in.

>> No.54952583

> arturo streaming coding challenges

>> No.54952613

Counter argument, we have Rin and Kai who's voices are as tomboyish as you can get

>> No.54952662

>Meica randomly decides to stream over their debut
Will this be the biggest Stacy move?

>> No.54952731

No one wants Meicaguitos, the worst audience possible.

>> No.54952772

That spics will not watch anything else than Blue Doritos and Meica

>> No.54952881

You know what, I now support Meica just to spite Idol shills

>> No.54952948

What's up with the turboshills? No one here give a fuck about corpos

>> No.54953011

ok meicagon
ok nuevomaricon

>> No.54953050

She said that idol EN 2d make her crave the entire time but at the same time he wasn't still sure about agencies.

>> No.54953156

>inb4 Reimu graduates and joins IdolES

>> No.54953167

She reached the goal

>> No.54953207

No tranny will get in, it's just to let them think they have a chance when in reality all their auditions get ignored. Smart

>> No.54953232

it was a pleasure to be with the few anons who cared about their chubba now we will finally be free of the shitters, this thread is now doomed and no longer serves no purpose, the best thing is that both himea and meica will no longer talk all advantages

>> No.54953294

I find it funny how you went full schizo trying to find the leaker. And I'm 100% sure you have me in your top 3 sus list. But I didn't leak shit and love playing these mindgames.

>> No.54953310

If they land Meica somehow then idol won

>> No.54953392


>> No.54953457



>> No.54953480

are you mentally ill or what? nobody chained you here

>> No.54953579

I'll make sure Idol fags are aware of the kind of shit that meicagones are so their chuuba is banned from all interactions with TRUE IDOLS.

>> No.54953586

I understand how harassing Shura sounds good on paper because she has the lowest numbers, but next time try attacking someone who won’t get you banned from all of ex wactor chats KEK

>> No.54953599

If Nisha gets into Idol I will officially move to /jidf/. See you fags there.

>> No.54953747
File: 387 KB, 3123x2661, gnms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget wactorputos

>> No.54953800

You should let them know on twatter

>> No.54953826

Nimu for idol

>> No.54953888

Idol anons will be the next champions against whoredom. They'll carry /WACTOR/ spirit and make shure no whore behaviour is taken.

>> No.54953995

I honestly can't be bothered to make threads anymore.


Eru Nabura

Himea D'Almaria

Mahiru Kumaboshi



Ageha Himeragi

Nisha Nixyeva

Eru Nabura

Merun Morino

>> No.54954021

Trips of truth.
/WACTOR/ may be death, but unicorns will live on.

>> No.54954049

idol anons will just be the same wactor anons with a mustache

>> No.54954070

Himea will pay

>> No.54954186

We'll get reinforcement from anglo anons who haven't being tainted with whore enableism

>> No.54954194

>If anything will Nisha abandon Meica?
one can only hope

>> No.54954220

Sup loyal

>> No.54954243

Finally... /WACTOR/ will die...

>> No.54954399

>not cucks and whores

>> No.54954499

eru would be good for idoles

>> No.54954508

There may be cucks, but they also have the most rabid whore antis.

>> No.54954524

All Idol girl are whores of the cheapest kind, one of them made a competition about making porn of her

>> No.54954594


>> No.54954658

we need to go with a bang.

>> No.54954674
File: 696 KB, 960x740, 3541155949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was good while it lasted....

>> No.54954722

Don't dare make a new thread. And if you do, don't call it wactor.

>> No.54954772

Wactor will finally end, himea you must leave quickly or you will explode along with akira

>> No.54954773

I don't see the ex-wactor girls joining another corpo after their first experience desu

>> No.54954849

i will do it because my wife's still there

>> No.54954915


>> No.54954933

I dropped Wactor a long time ago, but I know that Misora became a generic twitch whore, so I hope she doesn't get in

>> No.54954950

Just make /Himea/, dude.

>> No.54954985

I wanna bang Yuricom

>> No.54955026

just stop posting here retard

>> No.54955073

ExNatamo bros, status?

>> No.54955261

yuricom will apply for idoles

>> No.54955289 [SPOILER] 
File: 169 KB, 356x358, Locogod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54955432

The ones who lack integrity will join

>> No.54955450
File: 10 KB, 216x151, 5247563754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good bye meica schizo I will miss you

>> No.54955510

my clips of Anya mocking niggers, ching chongs, faggots and jews have more value now....

>> No.54955760
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 20230125_104000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54955876


>> No.54955915
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, 352560870_210508871927708_7416190413300703988_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54955969

Hopefully those 2 won't join

>> No.54956025
File: 265 KB, 500x500, Kyoresu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneel to your new goddess, the inspiration of every single spic chuuba and now matriarch of the only relevant ES branch of vtubing in the industry

>> No.54956075

they don't need it either

>> No.54956099

Hana is Hololive material, I don't think she would settle for Idol

>> No.54956103


>> No.54956118

did they stop hating their own fanbase or are they still the same

>> No.54956229

go watch Himea, she can't be a 2view

>> No.54956310

>the Idol shills are the same schizos

>> No.54956381 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 288x67, mipit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54956581

>72 ccv
lmao the bitch is finished

>> No.54956847

nobody cares anymore finally...

>> No.54957015


>> No.54957056


>> No.54957090


>> No.54957139
File: 293 KB, 1080x875, Hinegra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54957185

They still hate them.

>> No.54957246
File: 45 KB, 946x229, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting about being sleepy yet trying to stay awake
>It's 3am in spain
>No stream today
>Tweets a yellow heart which she has never done and that happens to be the color of the Idol auditions
She's in

>> No.54957312

meicagones y nishacucks will move to the idol thread, poor idolanons.

>> No.54957319

She only needs her most loyal fans, finally got rid of disgusting DDs

>> No.54957359

its the color of the moon fucking retard

>> No.54957427

Buen porro

>> No.54957530

Fer putafil you are very jealous with your micro penis

>> No.54957559

Reminder that wactor's biggest trash was always himecucks, the proof is in what happened recently with Yuritroon and his followers, all proof in previous threads.

>> No.54957647

now cuernudos and dracucklones can shit each other alone

>> No.54957689

those loyal fans are not going to feed himea

>> No.54957712
File: 14 KB, 300x209, 141478412582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iTs ThE cOlOr Of ThE MoOn

>> No.54957786

She has plenty of whales, don't worry. We're good, you can stop caring.

>> No.54957819


>> No.54958185

Anyabros she went radiosilent because she applied for Idol, r-right?

>> No.54958242

based flaquita

>> No.54958337

Make a new bread

>> No.54958353

You will make her more famous like a gure

>> No.54958380

Imagine Himea's face getting these news knowing she must spent another 11 months trapped in Wactor.

>> No.54958502

You really can't stop thinking about Himea, right Tsundere anon? You must really love her.

>> No.54958569

learn english phonenigger

>> No.54958672

she can leave right now and attend the consequences
idol will accept girls with contracts in other agencies if she breaks it before

>> No.54958684

those kisses are for me btw

>> No.54958814

Actually she has like 18 months or so left

>> No.54958820


>> No.54958857

She wouldn't get anywhere close to a jew, lmao.

>> No.54958867

Owari da...

>> No.54959036

post the rest

>> No.54959094

I don't understand why whatever something happens you are always desperate to include Himea somehow.
You really can't stop thinking about her don't you?

>> No.54959328

Reminder that everyone who is miswriting anya rn will be under legal investigation for harassment, it only does give the public IP in the post time to reach that person

>> No.54959337

Yeah, and?

>> No.54959358

I touch myself thinking of her.

>> No.54959467
File: 107 KB, 370x366, Screenshot_20230801-214213~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same energy, lmao.

>> No.54959518

Anya fucking liar whore you will pay

>> No.54959624

>They keep replying to trolls

>> No.54959630

Fuck off Ren

>> No.54959688
File: 104 KB, 315x401, Screenshot_20230801-214349~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tehee~ :P

>> No.54959716

How do you think Himea will end?

>> No.54959763

When some agencies were trying to recruit Meica, Nisha said that she would not enter any agency, I hope you are consistent with your words Nisha

>> No.54959815

In my bed, being my wife.

>> No.54959833

my wife, with lots of children

>> No.54959867
File: 622 KB, 3123x2661, gnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.54959906

