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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5481038 No.5481038 [Reply] [Original]

Did you get you Niji app in yet?

What is /asp/?
A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Whether it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

Where can I find some good games to stream?

Twitch or Youtube?
Multistream to both.

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/2mkc8x9P

Stay grounded, stay hopeful. Don't kill yourself yet

Previous thread: >>5436910

>> No.5481120

is there something similar to > https://store.chroneco.moe/l/OSChat but that is bigger? think something like a text box like visual novels

>> No.5481909

You could probably make an image of the text box you want and stretch to fill it with custom css using the chat widget through streamlabs

>> No.5482109

The thing I linked shows what the streamer types, not the viewers

>> No.5482138

Oh I see, I'm not sure of anything in that case.

>> No.5482229

Time to get my stream reps in.
Just have to fight the anxiety of pressing the go-live button

>> No.5482348

do it anon i believe in you

>> No.5482574

just click the button

>> No.5483044

you got this anon!

>> No.5483904

If you're a small streamer on twitch DON'T FUCKING MAKE YOUR CHAT FOLLOWERS ONLY. I go through some streams and see that and I don't bother following to chat.

>> No.5483965

seems better than the alternative of having to tab out every 5 minutes to ban the "hey kid want more viewers?" spambots

>> No.5484026

You can block specific words to get the best of both worlds, or outright black links in chat.

>> No.5484054

A better solution is having a bot that times out anyone that links (can make the bot permit a specific user to link) or just flat out ban all links. You're losing on viewers that would at least engage with you and then follow.

>> No.5484374

Do you guys make your own Live2D or hire someone to do it? Maybe starting with a shoddily made avatar is best lol

>> No.5484463

I bill myself as a budget vtuber who's unfamiliar with technology to explain my shoddily drawn and made avatar, as well as why I don't really play video games.

>> No.5484489

If I start out multistreaming to YT and Twitch, what do I do with the YT channel when I reach affiliate? Do I turn it into a VOD archive or do I make a separate channel for that and use the old one for highlights and streaming stuff I can't stream on Twitch?

>> No.5484538

you can always just ignore affiliate and keep doing multistreams
you don't have to take affiliate when it's offered you know

>> No.5484896
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>Getting excited as my model commission is slowly being drawn and rigged
>Inevitably realize that I'm probably gonna be one of those twitch streamers with like 0 viewers when I start streaming
>realize that some people have been streaming for months (and years) with no viewers/followers to show for it
How do I get over this, /asp/?

>> No.5484966

You get over it by advertising a networking with people in your sphere, find your niche and advertise there. Everyone starts with nothing at some point.

>> No.5484979

stream on the account with no model?
if anyone asks just say you're waiting on the model
that or just use one of the default models in your program till you get everything back
no one is going to judge for not waiting for 100% of all assets to be done before streaming once

>> No.5485116

Was the amount you spent a lot to you? you shouldn't have spent a lot of money if you're starting out, even using a png as a start to test the waters would've been sufficient to try out streaming

>> No.5485496

Realize that if you stop here the thousand bucks plus that you just spend will have been effectively wasted

>> No.5485651

Just do it, and do it because you're having fun, and want to share the fun with others.

>> No.5485734

Why would I want to ignore affiliate

>> No.5485811

it really doesn't give you much more than emotes, you can use streamlabs(paypal) for donations or kofi/patreon for monthly subs. there's also legal issues with giving away the rights to your likeness, which for vtubers is still a legal gray area but no one gives a fuck about that, so who cares. really up to you.

>> No.5485992

it doesn't give you anything except a sub button which gives you maybe 25 bucks a month from subs best case, and 2 emote slots
you still don't get transcoding, just higher priority on transcoding
but you give up streaming to youtube simultaneously for that

>> No.5486123
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Affiliate is a newbie trap that makes it seem like it's better for getting partner since it's on the "road to partner" shit twitch puts out
but you basically sign away a lot of rights to your content, likeness, streams, etc for a sub button and 2 emotes max
it doesn't even make partner applications easier, you still have to meet the requirements and be one of the lucky X partners they sign in that time period since twitch doesn't give out partner based on requirements but based on how many they think they can give out that month/year to keep partner "attainable but still rare"

>> No.5486174

I've been interested in streaming for a while now and honestly think I have a pretty cute voice, I might give it a go.

>> No.5486193

Jesus, I didn't know it was like that. Thanks for the warning.

>> No.5486197

post vocaroo

>> No.5486287

don't forget that twitch takes HALF of a sub's monthly fee. so if you set your subs to $5, twitch is taking HALF of that. also, some anons in /wvt/ looooove to talk about how Partner is so great, but it also doesn't do much other than give you priority for encoding. at partner, you can start to negotiate a higher cut of subs and shit, but that requires 500 average active viewers or some ridiculous shit.

and if you're getting that much activity on your stream, you're better off setting up a kofi or patreon to reward your more loyal fans than trying to deal with Twitch's partnership program and try to eek out a higher cut against their fucking corporate team

>> No.5486398

there's no hard requirement for partner like I said here >>5486123 but it's generally in the 300+ average viewers range and need to stream about 20 hours a week
at partner you also must stop streaming entirely to other sites unless you negotiate that in your contract
you must also run preroll and midroll ads unless you can negotiate a deal where you pick when to run them to prevent prerolls and even then you must run a preroll every 60 minutes or you will be in violation of your contract and get fined and punished

>> No.5486426

you must run a midroll every 60 minutes, not preroll

>> No.5486474

What a scam. Good to know it's avoidable and not automatic.

>> No.5486550

twitch and youtube are both predatory as fuck, be aware of the monkey's paw you're getting into if you want to be a famous vtuber or influencer
companies have tapped into it and you can get your wish to be famous and have it but you will be told what to stream, when to stream, how to act, and if you violate anything will be bitch slapped around by managers and have contracts you signed without probably reading held over your head

>> No.5486659
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oh, i was talking about something else. pic related.

>> No.5486692

I guess that's true too, you don't get to automatically negotiate anything till you're a big partner either, regular partners still get slapped around and might not even get a contact at twitch to talk to

>> No.5486834

can you at least fact check things before you just type out words
Affiliate gives you:
Up to 8 emote slots (1 free, 4 based hitting certain sub intervals (15/25/35/50), and 3 for bit donations)
Channel Point redeems (some people don't care for them but they do help with chat engagement)
Obviously if you have a bigger viewerbase on YT then stick with it but there are nice perks for hitting affiliate. its also important to realize that hitting affiliate does not, in the slightest, mean that you're getting close to partner; that gap is absolutely massive

>> No.5486913

>t. twitch shill

>> No.5486918

wow, emotes
wow, bits
wow, point redeems

>> No.5486981

In case anyone is interested, emotes and channel points can be emulated with betterttv and cloudbot, respectively. The only thing you lose out on is ease of use for the watcher.

>> No.5486992

that's even worse than I thought
>only get 1 emote slot until you hit sub requirements
yes you get those 30 cents from 10 ad impressions, and half the cut of bits being donated to your channel
not at all worth giving up simultaneously streaming to both YT and Twitch

>> No.5487212

Some of you guys talking how affiliate you should be skipped. Not everyone is capable of just going to partner and skipping affiliate, its way too hard. Using patreon/kofi etc.. not many viewers are willing to do that, most just want to sub to have badges in chat and emotes.

>> No.5487258
File: 21 KB, 500x375, 1606113313523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the 5 minute video for the Nijisanji audtion, what exactly should you do? All it states is that you should be in character but do they want to see other skills or things you can do? Gameplay or funny moments? Or is it just entirely about the character, your voice and personality?

I'm probbaly overthinking this but I really want to make a good impression and not do something stupid.

>> No.5487275

if you as a streamer don't give a fuck about it, your viewers are

>> No.5487283

>For the 5 minute video for the Nijisanji audtion, what exactly should you do?
I have no fucking clue either, anon. Someone help.

>> No.5487473

>introduce yourself like it's a quick debut stream, takes about 2 minutes
>3 minutes of playing different types of games you like and reacting as if you were talking to chat
nothing says it has to be uncut or unedited. cut out transitions and just grab sections of your gameplay
I'm just going to do 3 different games where I find a ~1 minute segment from each to put in with a slight transition

>> No.5487514

I've been thinking this through as well, and was posting on the other NijiEN audition thread. I think it's probably best to be in character, as if you were in one of your streams. It's pretty difficult to stick with 5 minutes, but they're asking for both a self introduction, and streaming in character.

I'm applying as a professor type character, so I'm thinking I'll make a brief self introduction to the "class" (viewers) and talk about what they can expect this semester, giving short previews of the types of streams I have planned.

>> No.5487525

>The only thing you lose out on is ease of use for the watcher.
that's kind of a big thing though; not everyone has that installed or wants to do so and you'd have to be really interesting for me (and i'd assume most viewers) to care to install them
they're fun
most people are able to at least hit the first sub requirement and if you hold any kind of special event with a reasonable sized following you will likely get sub bombed the other three slots
personally i don't like the idea of splitting my channel onto two sites because YT has that nasty chat delay even with low latency mode while twitch doesn't, so when you multistream those YT chats will be coming in very delayed compared to the Twitch chats

>> No.5487778

If you don't want deal with Twitch or YouTube bullshit, you could always get your own website to get your own chat, sub and donation payment method. But that maybe would to much work and investment for small streamers.

>> No.5487794

Viewers actually love interacting with channel points if you're creative and make it actually do shit on screen or something funny. You take 100% of bits on twitch (it's the viewers that pay the conversion fee), and bits can also trigger a lot of interesting things with the api and plugins. If you want to entice viewer interaction, really feel like twitch is the way to go. You can do predictions and polls where you use channel points as well, which can lead to some shenanigans. In addition, people do love the custom art of sub badges and bit badges, and the pride of being on the leaderboard of bits and gifted subs. Youtube has none of these built in interactions and develops at a snail's pace. Twitch gameifies viewer interaction and it really works when you play into it.

>> No.5487838

advising people against falling into signing a contract they haven't read that locks them out of things their content depends on, and telling them they need to use their own site are 2 different things

>> No.5487867

Seconding, we won't judge your entire persona on that, but a nice voice (be it cute or just pleasant to listen to) is a VERY big bonus when it comes to streaming. I don't know what Nene or Luna say, but they sound cute and that's enough for me.

>> No.5487890

I guess I didn't word it correctly but I agree that its important

>> No.5487905
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worst advice I've seen in my life

>> No.5487950

if you don't like dealing with banks just start your own

>> No.5487961

>you hate a thing yet you participate in society? curious. I am very smart

>> No.5488010

fuck, i can see his dumb face, kek

>> No.5488249

Should you filter your own name from chat? I have a couple of online friends who know my real name who watch the streams, and I worry about about letting it slip.

>> No.5488303

that only serves to confirm it. this is tiktok levels of "streaming advice" don't do it

>> No.5488322

i thought about it but then if other people go snooping around and find your name because your opsec is weak then them typing out the name will confirm it to them if its banned

>> No.5488440

Yeah that was the flipside I was thinking of, I'll just stop worrying too much about it.

>> No.5488446

Just privately tell your friends not to be dipshits, Kevin

>> No.5488630

There's Mirei's. Hard to hear the audition vid itself but you can get the gist I guess.

>> No.5489062

there was a lot of screaming in that video and i have no idea what the takeaway is other than "she's embarassed about it"

>> No.5489562

Realistically, can a deep-voiced female indie ever make it?

>> No.5489633

i know this is a troll, but the answer is yes. your voice doesn't have any real bearing on whether you make it or not.

>> No.5489722


>your voice doesn't have any real bearing on whether you make it or not.

>> No.5489762

>Artemis exists

>> No.5489779

>your voice doesn't have any real bearing on whether you make it or not.
this seems really disingenuous, pretty much every big vtuber has a good voice. you can still have a good voice as a deep voiced female vtuber, but, your voice absolutely has an impact.

>> No.5489817

you can have a shit voice but excellent networking reps, content creation, hustle, lucky timing, etc. and still make it. your personal opinions about a voice means nothing.

>> No.5489888

yeah sure, but to say your voice doesn't matter all is dumb

>> No.5489934

>your voice doesn't matter all is dumb
it really really does not matter in the long run. just don't use an unbearable filter and people will listen to anything. fucking Ira Glass has a high pitched, whiny nasal voice with a muddy accent and he's the most prominent podcaster on the planet.

>> No.5489982

You can have shit visuals/design and make it
You can have a shit voice and make it
You can have a shit personality and make it
You can have shit content and make it
You can have shit networking skills and make it

You don't need to excel at everything, you just need some positives to make up for your weaknesses.

>> No.5490114

96猫 made it with singing. Can't see any reason why you can't make it with streaming.

>> No.5490459

I did it! I did a whole 5 hour stream!
I only spoke about 30 words, but still, woo!

>> No.5490486

small steps, congrats anon.

>> No.5491179

ganbare anon!

>> No.5492134


This is exactly what I did, a little mini debut, likes and things I want to play and that and then a clip of talking over gameplay.
I only did one game but I based my character around voice acting so I wanted to show it off.

I wonder if the anon who said they were going to send an email to niji for clarification ever got a reply? I assume not yet.

>> No.5492655

Here's kongou's lectures from Saturday :

>> No.5492817

I think it's about how well you can play the character, so I'd roleplay in character for the entire five minutes aside from self-intro

>> No.5492988

thanks for putting this together

>> No.5493351

I was email anon, still haven't heard anything back from them I'm afraid!

>> No.5494208

im gonna be a vtuber and rig mama soon!! very excited!

>> No.5494656

Confident dude with weird French accent telling you how to audition for Nijisanji

>> No.5494704

god damn that accent is impossible to understand. shit that'd be better presented as a word document.

>> No.5494773

It's not, it turns people off and artificially inflates your numbers so you look even more irrelevant by having 1000 followers and 6 viewers just because some people wanted to chat once. Just use a chatbot (like you should be using anyway) and set it to timeout anyone who uses a link without you using the "!permit [name]" command.

>> No.5494779
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>150 sub vtuber who is not in any org tells you how to audition for Nijisanji
ok but why should I listen to his advice? it doesn't seem to be going so well for him

>> No.5494807

same thing with that jusagi babi vtuber. they have an opinion and they think others should hear it.

>> No.5494820

Just disable links, foo.

>> No.5494849
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Remember to do your Networking reps.

>> No.5494864

step 1 - be a rich woman

>> No.5494866

other people already gave advice but heres my 2 cents, before you finish your video type up all your answers to the application questions. theres no point in going all out on a video if they're not even going to watch it because they were filtered out by your answers.

>> No.5494988
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I'm not trying to be a dick but if you want me to watch a 9+ minute video on a subject you should have some clout or experience on the subject

sometimes that's my biggest gripe about /asp/ is a lot of the bigger people from here is they rarely come back. It leaves you with a bunch of sub 20 viewer vtubers giving each other advice and very very rarely some 100+ viewer person comes in to dunk on a newbie and peaces out after

>> No.5495080

Depends, are you a deep voiced female or a deep voiced "female"? Pick a design that suits your voice if the former.

>> No.5495121

>Pick a design that suits your voice if the former.
only part of the design that matters is your neck. deeper voice = thicker neck, lighter voice = thinner neck.

>> No.5495307

Do your money reps*

>> No.5495410

>networking reps
How to network?

>> No.5495522

if anyone in here knew how to network they wouldn't be hanging around a thread with newbies and sub 10 viewer streamers.

>> No.5495554

Do people really believe not getting affiliate is a good idea? You lose out on so much potential revenue, especially if you're actually putting out good content or are a likeable person. If you're already big on Youtube obviously stay there (I mean Wolfychu didn't, but what does a creator with over a million average views on her last 5 vids know?), but so many vtubers who started on Youtube are moving over to twitch and seeing IMMEDIATE growth because its the superior platform for streaming, and where a majority of viewers both normal and people who only watch vtubers are.

Things like Emotes, badges, etc are more important to viewers than you think because it's a part of the Twitch culture, and I think a lot of people new to Twitch in general but wanting to be vtubers dont understanding the site. Yes, you lose the ability to stream to other sites, but it's ridiculously easy to open the doors for monetization and growth compared to Youtube. You can still upload your highlights to Youtube, which you should be doing anyway.

Also why does this thread constantly think you only get 50% of payment bits? You get 100% of them. It's subs you only get 50% of and on Youtube Memberships only take 30%, but you can only have as many memberships as you have viewers, whereas most established vtubers with active communities both big and small typically have double or more their viewers in subs due to being able to receive gift subs.

I know I sound like a Twitch shill, but I really hate seeing talented people start on Youtube, flounder, then move to Twitch only to immediately grow and realize how much time they've wasted on Youtube.Even the community support is greater.

>> No.5495662

you dont get the attention of other vtubers by just having money because no one is expecting you to give it to any of them since you arent a viewr. their model cost as much as you average "expensive" 2D model, except theres plenty of IV rejects who still cant get any views. the networking was 100% done by her and even before debut she was streaming with them and had them at her debut as well

>> No.5495705

>except theres plenty of IV rejects who still cant get any views.
such as?

>> No.5495773

no you're right, i dont know what other people are saying "just skip affiliate"
most people can't hit partner. those who can will either do it in a very fast period of time, or over years. there's nothing wrong with affiliate, yes twitch takes half of your sub money but at least you will actually get subs unlike youtube. even if you're getting a 50% cute its still a nice amount of pocket money you're getting for streaming, most can't even make anything

>> No.5496017

if you're thinking about Ace Fortune, he's not rigged by Iron Vertex.

>> No.5496087


nta but admittedly a lot of IV are big established artists or content creators already so its hard to sift through but i do know of two who started with IV models

Ace Fortune has been through TWO different models by them. There's a beatle girl with 15 viewrs whos been going for months (that I watch) who also has one.

>> No.5496163
File: 908 KB, 1424x645, ace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, his original model was so I must have just assumed his second one was.

>> No.5496328
File: 601 KB, 600x584, 1574361477552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that The Nijisanji application makes it hard to answer the question about fluency in languages if you're not fluent in at least 2 languages doesn't give me a lot of hope
or the fact it's very obsessed with your follow count on social media

>> No.5496667

I plan on doing my niji app in like a month so no

>> No.5496895

>DevinNash on Twitch Affiliates
I'm never becoming an affiliate

>> No.5497016

how many people do you think Nijisanji will be selecting? 3 like Lazulight?

>> No.5497153

a variable number, if the internal names of the applications have anything to show for it, the female one is labeled wave 3 and the male has no wave listed
chances are the application is a scouting application and they are going to pick however many they think are good, anywhere from 0-10 guys from that and then craft avatars for them after that

>> No.5497327

the audition for women's roles have 4 pre-made designs, though it's possible they could add more, but yeah. the men's roles don't even have designs, so it's really anyone's guess. but i'd think 10 is probably too out there. Nijisanji knows they're not that big, and debuting 10 men would spread out their audience way too much.

>> No.5497427

why are people so against twitch streaming when people are slowly moving from youtube to twitch and immediately doing better

>> No.5497436

I really don't think those things are dealbreakers. They're just something extra for them to consider.

Imagine rejecting a super-talented, hyper-entertaining guy just because he never needed to learn more than English and never bothered with twitter or facebook.

>> No.5497483

no one in /asp/ is against twitch streaming the fuck are you on about?

>> No.5497571

it's not just the designs, the image name for the women's is wave_3_v4.png
the mens is Nijisanji_EN_Male_Promo_v4.png or something similar
they aren't committing to a wave on the men's yet, this is them scouting the area and seeing what's out there to see if they're going to dip their toes in
it's very possible they just never release any western guys or pick girls rejects to do boy voices if they think the talent sucks o is risky in the western market

>> No.5497634

doesn't help either there's no place for languages you know at a functional/conversational level (spanish and japanese for me) but aren't fluent and don't feel confident enough to stream in

>> No.5497677

Yeah its just the affiliate thing because they think multi streaming will actually help them. Affiliate away if you're actually entertaining and can pull in money, if not stick with multi-streaming and pray you can get partnered.

>> No.5497738

no one is against twitch, it's an objectively better site
but no one read the fucking start of this discussion where it was an anon who simultaneously streams to both sites talking about getting affiliate, which means they would have to 100% give up youtube and do twitch full time instead
warning people about the dangers of signing onto affiliate before they know the deal isn't saying it's useless to do it at all

>> No.5497958

just put fluent. don't be too scared about this shit anon, it doesnt matter if you can't see yourself streaming in those languages today, who knows how you'll feel if you get in. seeing their focus on languages, its going to give you a leg up and we need all we can get, its just like any other job application - make yourself sound better than you actually are

>> No.5497965

I mean I'm pretty sure there have been multiple occasions where 100+ viewer streamers (I know Yozora did once or twice, not sure about anyone else specifically) have said they'd park themselves in the thread and answer questions that people had

>> No.5497967

personally i dont think its a danger but thats because ive only ever seen people do better not worse after getting affiliate. theres probably people out there that do worse but i havent seen them.

>> No.5498168

Should I even audition when all I have is a yt based on animation with 2 animated vids (1k subs) and basically no other social media? The questions are all about numbers...

>> No.5498187

why not

>> No.5498403

Worst thing can happen, they'll send you a cookie cutter rejection letter they've sent to a few dozen other applicants before. Best thing can happen, you'll be accepted. Now go calculate the risk on your own.

>> No.5498606

there's 2 questions per social media site (twitch/youtube/twitter/instagram/tiktok) and then nothing more
there's easily double that number of questions in things like "why do you want to work for nijisanji" and "who is your target audience", etc
social media is a small portion, much smaller than Hololive
if you were applying for hololive, I would honestly say if you don't have at least 5k follows on one social media site don't bother, but nijisanji is known to pick a lot of nobodies
Lazulight was an outlier since it was truly their first foray into EN territory and they didn't want a whimper that faded out, the girls had to all be independent and able to carry themselves with minimal help from management

>> No.5498647

Ok thanks anons. Even if there's basically no chance, applying in itself seems like fun too

>> No.5498762

the concern is the contract you "sign" for affiliate and partner technically gives twitch commercial rights to your stream character and likeness, as well as your content
but if you're a small time streamer then there's no way they even care enough to fuck with it

>> No.5498772

There won't even be a rejection letter, you'll just never heard back

>> No.5499042

>still waiting to get my art back from artist
>haven't heard from them since beginning of the month
>got turned down by IV
>other vtuber by same artist gets retweeted by IV since they rigged them
It's a weird feeling seeing 'siblings' doing well while sitting here waiting to get started. I gotta get off my ass and finish setting stuff up for streaming though, even though its mostly good to go. I'll probably stream before I get my art finished to ensure settings are all correct. Gonna have to set aside some time to dig up a good rigger though.

>> No.5499066

there's no set wave for this remember, this is an open ended application
so yeah they're probably not going to send back rejections, just hang onto some applicants and ghost the rest
if you get an interview and don't make it they'll probably throw you on a list that they look at again if they start looking for new talent

>> No.5499073

Not to roommate post but what were identities or main work of Lazulight girls before nijsanji beside Pomu? I don't need their direct names but just know what they expect.

>> No.5499368

It only gives them the right to use you in things like this


and that can ONLY help you. They don't fucking own your character or you. You're giving them permission to use this shit, and they'll only ever use it in a way that'll benefit you anyway, Twitch isn't out there making slam pieces about their streamers.

>> No.5499376 [DELETED] 

Elira was a 7.5k sub EN indie
Finana was a vtweeter with a few thousand followers

>> No.5499419

previous incarnations isn't roommate talk so it's fine.
Pomu was Maid Mint
Elira was Ryuusei Nova
both of them had like 8 months+ of independent vtubing work. Mint even started like a week after she got rejected from HoloEN 1.
Finana was the only one who i don't think had an active vtuber identity prior

>> No.5499445

>that can only help you
>they don't give your name
>they don't pay you
>literally just free shit for them

>> No.5499446

i dont know if her numbers went up since she graduated but elira's roommate has about 9k on twitch

>> No.5499548

>they'll only ever use it in a way that'll benefit you anyway,
no, the contract actually makes it so that they can use your name and likeness in their advertising and promotional videos WITH NO COMPENSATION TO YOU AT ALL. the only thing they'll do is put your twitch username on screen which no one gives a fuck about. they're not going to link you, not going to shout you out, nothing.

do you know how many people will see a promotional clip from twitch, pick out a vtuber, decide to watch, rewind the clip, look up your username, type it in, and search for your channel? zero. viewers are lazy fucks. you get NOTHING.

>> No.5499826

Elira and Pomu were two big/growing chuubas who both just got their new models, and Fina was a HoloEN applicant who Ithink made it to the last stage before not making the cut

>> No.5499950

Thank you. Seems like they prefer to reincarnate vtubers with experience over everything.

>> No.5500013

What made Finana stand out among the other applicants if she didn't have any previous vtuber experience?

>> No.5500249

no idea

>> No.5500247

Finana is Shirogane Yui. Need to mention what all 3 know japanese and have singing experience.

>> No.5500341

did you not read the part I posted before? Lazulight was special in the fact that they wanted pre-existing vtubers who were all ready to go right now if they get a model. Because they had no experience running any type of organization in NA. They also had to all be fluent in Japanese as well because their management structure was pretty weak in english speakers
The male wave that applications are for is bare minimum the 4th wave of NijiEN at the absolute earliest, so they will be debuting a full year after Lazulight, and the organization and support will be in place from NijiEN taking off. It's not as big of a deal now as it was at the start
there's absolutely no guarantee with any of this that they're going to put a hard stop on male applicants having to be singers, bilingual, already established, any of that so stop psyching yourself out before you even get rejected

>> No.5500356

Is singing that important when it comes to applications? It seems like every vtuber that's part of a corporate team can sing.

>> No.5500404

Probably just skill. She made it to the finals of HoloEN applications.

>> No.5500506

>every corporate vtuber can sing
no they can't, Korone and the other Hololive gamers cannot keep a tune to save their lives and all their songs has extensive autotune
Kiryu Coco can't sing, large chunks can't sing
it's just that having good vocal quality and being a weeb seems to go hand in hand with either being a choir nerd or a theater nerd in high school so they have singing training

>> No.5500552

saying that finana and pomu know japanese is a bit of stretch anon

>> No.5500579

I hope so, that's one of my biggest assets for my audition.

>> No.5500662

Finana got in and her Japanese is shit. Have confidence.

>> No.5500695

a lot of the guys in the foreign niji branch were literal whos who also can't sing
a lot of popular JP guys can't sing either and went through voice training or just got their songs mixed well enough to sound okay

>> No.5500768

this, a lot of it is trickery in mixing/writing/etc to autotune them, coach them, or write songs in an easier register so they don't sound as bad

>> No.5502103

sitting on the skeb homepage refreshing waiting for my pieces to be done. sitting on twitter, refreshing, waiting for my artist to contact me about my finished model. sitting on discord waiting for live2d riggers to get back to me about reserving a slot.

there's a lot of fucking waiting, bros.

>> No.5502144

grab a default model and start up a stream instead

>> No.5502385

start practicing

>> No.5503759

Voice + singing + RP concept

>> No.5503808

was she applying for Mori's character? that seems like the closest to her old model theme wise

>> No.5504180

Do they want you to be in character for the intro, or do they want you to intro yourself then go into character?

>> No.5504259

it's all in character, your entire video you send in should be primarily character focused, they're interested in seeing how well you can act, RP a character, and fill time without being awkward

>> No.5504328

What would be the best way to incorporate blacksmithing into my stream without skirting too close to just streaming my face? I think it'd be an interesting draw but the outfit my avatar wears would be too much of a fire hazard.

>> No.5504465

look on twitch for a new zealander native who carves figures, he has a nice setup for woodworking and is really popular

>> No.5504541

his name is broxh

>> No.5504797
File: 351 KB, 2048x1707, 1574803962700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I took an in depth look at the application past the first page, which I originally thought was the only part of the app. Those questions about what kind of audience I would want and how I would get them to watch is actually really interesting and I hadn't thought too much about the nitty gritty.

>> No.5505388

>0 viewers
>check list
>Commanderroot and DiscordForStreamers in chat
thanks bots, i knew i could count on you. you two are the reason why i stream. thank you.

>> No.5506600

Link stream

>> No.5506695

Honestly curious what the possible response time for wave 3 female will be, almost all auditions have had a timeframe listed previously. It's possible that they may take their time going through the applications?

>> No.5506809

>timeframe listed previously
As in, for when they are expected to debut? I don't recall there being one for the first NijiEN girls

>> No.5506908

i wrapped up by the time i'd posted that, sorry anon

>> No.5507077

there wasn't, there still is no time frame for waves 2 or 3 but chances are 2 will come in about 1-2 months and then wave 3 will be fall/winter

>> No.5507545

Not that anon, but I can kida understand and read Spanish but I can't speak it. Should I put that I'm fluent on my application?

>> No.5507759

just do "other" and put you have spanish skill but not confident enough to say fluent

>> No.5508550

I've had several microphone that seem to suffer from being way too quiet. They've all been USB, and I can't make them louder through software.
Would it be worth it to get an XLR microphone, and an audio interface as an upgrade?

>> No.5508831

Would anyone be interested in premade vtuber live2d/overlay/assets package? I am thinking of opening commissions but I have no solid samples yet. I thought making premade skins would be good for portfolio and even better if ppl would be interested in buying. Customization/edit might be possible too but only slightly. What would be a good way to price them?

>> No.5509179

I mean, if you wanted to get your name out there you could try giving them away. There's some people that do that. No idea on pricing though.

>> No.5509455

do a raffle for the first few, can't be mad if it's free

>> No.5509897

I could consider raffles but I don't like giveaway anymore. Most of the time ppl don't even say thank you let alone using them.

>> No.5509978
File: 1.72 MB, 1350x764, 349ecc92f71d32d7546f4680c22901c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! I'm streaming some Chivalry again! Be sure to come by and hang out. If you play Chivalry, shout out in the chat and we'll play together!


>> No.5511331

Probably both if you’re serious.

>> No.5511483
File: 125 KB, 593x593, ec1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two people unfollowed me and I wish I never noticed. Every day I get closer to linking myself on /asp/

>> No.5511596

how many followers did you have to begin with?
honestly if they unfollowed you they probably weren't watching your content to begin with and probably hoped for a follow for follow and then dipped

>> No.5511754
File: 8 KB, 250x235, 62aw7x69v1661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have that many in the first place. The only ones that I knew for a fact did stream actually were still there. It's two random people that I can't recall the names of. But you're right they probably didn't engage with my content anyway and I guess that's fine by me if they left.

>> No.5512248

It's not that bad desu

>> No.5512322

>IV taking this long to reply to people
As a professional guild that charges thousands of fucking dollars AND has a non-competitive clause, it seems pretty absurd to have to wait more than a month to hear back from these people just for being rejected/accepted. (In the possibility that you get accepted, will probably have to wait a couple extra months for them to start on your model.)

>> No.5512441

your complaint has been noted and recorded with our PR dept

>> No.5512620

It's like... seven people? That are currently working on existing projects, and have to sift through 350+ applications. They probably went through and shortlisted stuff first, then are going back to see what else they want to do and are only confirming this shit after they're nearly done the process. I got my rejection email a few days ago.

Its not like this wasn't expected. The entire process is for jobs for the rest of the year so even if you were approved there's a good chance you weren't getting your rig done till fucking December.

>> No.5512681

Yeah I know it's not that bad but it takes so long for so little only for it to leave so fast.

>> No.5514578

I get that it is a good bit of work, but considering their very high price point, professional/prestigious status, and again the shitty non-competitive clause which basically cucks you out of getting a temporary rig or something while you wait months (potentially half a fucking year) for them to finish/get back to you, they should have a more efficient and better way of going about things.

There are other famous riggers (working by themselves) who have gotten ~100 applicants and are able to sort through them in just a couple days. If anything, I don’t know why IV decided to open commissions if they still have customers waiting on rigs. Just seems like poor management on their part, especially since they set a deadline for acceptance (4 weeks) and now are pushing it back yet again.

>> No.5514615

goddamn, didn't realize we had karens turning into vtubers

>> No.5516364

I can count on only one hand western vtubers who aren't.

>> No.5516729
File: 8 KB, 407x249, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad man

>> No.5517284

do you stream primarily on youtube or are those vod archive reuploads? if its the latter then don't feel bad because most people don't watch those

>> No.5518302

Dumb question related to this, are you supposed to put in your IRL name under "Full Name" or your character's name?

>> No.5518375

Most of that page is related to contact information, I'd introduce a character name in your video.

>> No.5518421

Is it too much to ask for war veterans chuuba?

>> No.5518455

be the change you wish to see, anon

>> No.5518583

You were supposed to come up with an actual name (for the female auditions)? I was planning on using the given title and just assumed that would be decided on by them later on. I must be ngmi..

>> No.5518739

you need to provide YOUR REAL NAME so they know who is auditioning. you don't need to make up a name for your character.

>> No.5518758
File: 1.29 MB, 255x144, joker skate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To clarify, in the full name section, use your irl name. If you're auditioning for one of their 4 models you probably don't need to come up with a character name, just roleplay how you think the character should be. You miss every shot you don't take so even if you think you're ngmi, as long as you really do want to do it put your best foot forward and see where it takes you. Obviously settle yourself down and set all the groundwork for that step, you've got plenty of time before the 11th.

>> No.5518819

Or you could enter as Miss GreenPeppers like a certain Helestan princess and get booted for it

>> No.5518852

>tfw just got my rejection email

well i tried.

>> No.5518900

rejection for Niji? already? damn

>> No.5518908

You don't even get anything out of lying so I don't know why you would but I highly doubt they'd bother sending out rejection letters. Proof? Also male or female

>> No.5519169

>previous vtuber experience
She did have collab with other vtubers. Just never debuted (yet).

>> No.5519282

Thank you very much for the clarification anon. Really does help.

This reply was very motivating, but constructive at the same time. I really do appreciate it anon.

>> No.5519652
File: 31 KB, 655x423, hmhmhmhmniji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it want my real name or the character name? same fore the intro does it want me to introduce myself or the character

>> No.5519789

your real name, jesus fuck how are so many anons this fucking dumb? the video says act out your character, so you're using your character name there. is this really the caliber of anons auditioning for these?

>> No.5519867
File: 58 KB, 525x645, 1586024140164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon do you have the application link I can't find it please and thank you

>> No.5519896

god forbid people are making sure they dont fuck up their app
kill yourself retard

>> No.5519901

>is this really the caliber of anons auditioning for these?
You know the answer to that...

>> No.5519941
File: 31 KB, 431x1026, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male character :

Female character :

look at the fucking CONTEXT
>Date of Birth
>Country of Residence
>Phone Number

>> No.5519976

If you're applying for a job and get stuck on "FULL NAME HERE" I think your whole life needs reconsideration let alone the application.

>> No.5520080
File: 61 KB, 778x366, Chrome_screenshot_(17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be able to speak fluent english
looks like /asp/ies having trouble with the first requirement

>> No.5520146

I know it's easy to believe given the state of posters here but the anon asking for links was definitely joking.

>> No.5520305

what's the ettiquette for tagging your artists on twitter? i see some vtubers doing the full @tag and others breaking it up with @/tag like that. or is it a JP only thing?

>> No.5520455

I'm pretty sure they only break the tag with a . to not flood said person's notifications. Which is to say, if you're a literal who then there's no reason not to tag them normally.

>> No.5520475

makes sense, thanks for the perspective.

>> No.5520494
File: 34 KB, 717x380, 16243887174250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to workshop a design yesterday, decided to check out Skeb and what the fuck
How do I even search for anything?
I've been scrolling through works for like 2 hours, and while admittedly I didn't find anything that was within my preference/price range, I sure as shit found some good artists that I followed.

>> No.5520540

Skeb is really just a website to submit commission requests to artists, not a gallery to search for things.

When you "search" what you're actually doing is searching through the commission request text. so when you type in "vtuber" you'll get a bunch of example pictures of people who have put in requests with the word "vtuber" in their description text.

>> No.5521416

The designs weren't released yet, and I think the girls all got to pick their artist so they probably didn't have anything besides the style and theme the girls had to meet.

>> No.5522521

I don't know if this was asked yet. But do think they already have the models for the male vtubers? Or will they get ideas for the models based on the auditions? I've gotten attached to my character that I made up for this one. Kek.

>> No.5522684

>But do think they already have the models for the male vtubers? Or will they get ideas for the models based on the auditions?
I imagine they have a few ideas already regarding what type of models/characters they're looking for. Like they have plans in place so they don't get an entire group of accepted applicants who all chose the exact same personality and model design for their audition.

I feel like it's a good idea to go into it your idea and character, all the while knowing that it's almost definitely going to be modified and changed in the rare chance you do get accepted.

>> No.5522814

I guess it's just hard considering how little connections I truly have. I guess I need to essentially force my way into some of those circles.

I might do this, just to at least get some practice. Although it's probably going to do nothing for me views-wise.

Kek, I mean either way at least I have a model for my own use that I can use whenever and however I want.

Honestly this is probably the best mindset I can have. Like it's not even the fact that I want massive numbers of viewers, honestly I'll take the tiniest viewership I can over literally nothing, and it's just so daunting to break into streaming without simply getting buried and never found.

Either way thanks for the advice fellas.

>> No.5525348

You were gonna let the thread die again don'tchu.

>> No.5525448

>forced church choir singing and theatre acting in nearly all things all through elementary and high school

Should I be worried?

>> No.5526056
File: 1.01 MB, 279x412, mahou_shoujo_sway.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to be (or why are you) a vtuber?

>> No.5526243

iwant to be a cute girl

>> No.5526500

I want to work from home, I’m an artist too and it would mean I could eventually quit my outside world job

>> No.5526935
File: 290 KB, 385x385, 1624106880009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a cute anime girl (male) and I always dreamed of being a streamer, also gives me more reason to play my backlog of games on steam. Don't really care about the money, I already have a fulfilling day job.

>> No.5527152

I'm ugly

>> No.5527203

Streaming sounds fun, and I think it could let me show off my art and music skills as well
Being a cute anime girl seems nice too, I've never been fond of my appearance irl
also I want to join Holopro one day and collab with or at least meet my oshi

>> No.5527516

Bc I want to stream and have fun doing it; streaming and doing YouTube videos seem like my calling desu, not because I’m necessarily good at it (though the few times I’ve posted my channel on asp people have said my content is good or at least fine) but because it feels right for me.

>> No.5527691

I want to have a platform where I can expose people to obscure or niche pieces of media that they otherwise wouldn't normally come across and broaden their scope of interests.

>> No.5528049

Because i want to make my own tv show and show the content that there is not enough of currently in my opinion. Don’t care if people will watch it or not.

>> No.5528067

they wont dont worry

>> No.5528202

Aint worried bud.

>> No.5529761

because it's fun
I got into streaming years ago to cure myself of awkwardness and deal with people better and it was fun
vtubing is just streaming but people can't see when I make a weird face

>> No.5529966
File: 502 KB, 1182x782, C6285905-6657-4C62-A968-8E44FDF2304C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blog post but;

I got my application out. Made my own little graphics for the introduction bit, called out how ugly they were in a weaknesses section. Tried to be chatty and easy going during the game stream bit. Had some easily attainable goals and some lofty ones.

I can’t do anything else lads, wish me luck.

The “how will you reach your desired audience” question was a hard one. What did everyone else put?

>> No.5530514

I've done my second stream, still single-digit followers, but the vods are getting a few more views. Miles away from getting affiliate, nevermind partner.

But how do I advertise when I don't have any base? I'm not an artist or VA, so I don't have an existing twitter, PH, or YT with fans to pull over - I make DnD memeposts based on our group shenanigans for Twitter, and that's about it.

I've re-watched my own vods, and there's nothing there that could 'go viral' for clipping. A few moments could be funny, but they're much better in-situ, rather than in isolation. And with only three/four viewers at a time, nobody's particularly clipping highlights if I don't do it myself afterwards.

Further, I didn't want to shell out hundreds for an expensive model. I've got a reactive png, and I'm looking into getting gifs to cycle through, as an upgrade; but it means that there's not much bonus from my model in vods either.

I guess, how the hell do I expand a fanbase, without self-promoting in other people's streams? I don't have an audience TO promote to.

>> No.5530600

Do you do DnD streams? I would suggest posting yourself in DnD communities like reddit or /tg/. A clip you thought was good is sufficient for posting. I would suggest posting it as a stand alone clip and then linking yourself in the comments.

>> No.5531518

> I've re-watched my own vods, and there's nothing there that could 'go viral' for clipping

Don’t overestimate the sense of humour of other people. If it’s not good enough for Reddit, post it on Twitter in replies to some vtuber compilation account. Use common sense of course.
Also, try advertising dnd to vtuber fans. They will find aspects you would consider basic interesting.

>> No.5531612

I'd be tempted to stream our sessions, but the group has a SJW in, and she gets triggered by everything. In the last two sessions we've had complaints over:

- Lich (phylactery is anti-semitic)
- Ghosts (spooky is black hate)
- Prison warden (called someone a delicate pansy. This is anti-gay speech)
- King asking us to save the princess (just because she's a woman doesn't mean she needs saving)
- Golem (it's also anti-semitic, because "golems are Jewish angels").

Only the prison warden came up in the session. The others were just things they thought we needed to know.

I'm not exposing them to the internet. They'd explode in a ball (sorry, a sphere) of seething rage.

But thanks both for the advice, time to start scraping for anything funny, and just start hurling them into the void.

>> No.5531690

I always wanted to stream but my job makes face cam streaming out of the question and I'm not a fan of camless streaming, so vtubing was a reasonable in-between.

>> No.5531771

>- Golem (it's also anti-semitic, because "golems are Jewish angels").
U wot m8? Jews have their own angel that they shared with rest of Abrahamaic faith and additional one like Mastema and Metatron. Golem are artificial construction made by Kabbala magic. It's not an Angel and its not a bad thing either. Just a tool.

>> No.5531875

Exactly. Now imagine I have to correct them on stream, or I look like I agree with them.

>> No.5531935
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, Nanachi_Anime_square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a market for nonhuman vtubers? I had an idea for a character similar in design to something like nanachi (kemono) but I'm not sure how much traction it would get. I just want something that stands out in a sea of catgirls.
>inb4 furfag

>> No.5532002

Shiba Inu, Virtual Gorilla and Peanut & Ponpoko exist you know.

>> No.5532094

debi debi debiru is pretty popular.

>> No.5532903

That person seems like a nutjob, and uneducated as well judging by the golem thing. However, "spook" was (and is again, in some places) used as a slur against black people. Not very common though, and it only pertains to using the word itself. Ghosts themselves have no connection like that. Inviting that one on your stream would be a clusterfuck no matter what, though.

>> No.5533066

Is there any hope for independent low-budget (at least at the start) male v-tubers?

I've been thinking on getting into the game but wondering if its worth it.

Also,for those who are non-english speakers (especially of countries without an established v-tuber scene, so no Japan, Indonesia, China etc): Do you think its worth it alternating the languages of your stream to try to also get the market of your country at the risk of alienating both, just give up english as a whole and try to make it into a smaller and unproven niche, or just try to conquer the world with accented english?

>> No.5533347

Boredom/loneliness and streaming sounds like it could be fun.

>> No.5533624

As someone who does lean left, this person is probably less an SJW and more an idpol liberal who just discovered identity politics and wants to be an ally but has no real clue (for instance, prison wardens probably would be homophobic, the ‘save the Princess’ thing doesn’t necessarily mean the Princess isn’t strong, just that she’s been captured by a stronger force that she personally can’t escape from, and ‘spooky’ is a very different word from the word ‘spook’ despite being one letter off, though that one is more understandable than the rest). I can’t comment on the other ones, but fuck liberal idpol desu

Unless she’s a black gay Jewish woman, which I doubt, but if she is it’s understandable she gets hurt by these things to an extent. Chances are though most people even with those modifiers wouldn’t really care about all these tiny things (except maybe spook which as I said is understandable)

>> No.5533697

why do you people take the bait when the guy obsessed with SJWs posts fake stories?
it's literally the same guy who asked about if he had to avoid talking about how much he hated trannies and SJWs in his NijiEN application

>> No.5533703

>Is there any hope for independent low-budget (at least at the start) male v-tubers?

Yes, but what's your niche?
You don't have a high budget, so your model is probably pretty bad.
You're male, so you don't have any jiggle physics/waifu points
What sets you apart? Is it the game? Can you voice act? Are you bi, and always horny for your chat?

>alternating language
English means you're a small fish, but in a gigantic pond. Something like Nigerian, there'll be no competition, but there might not be any demand.

Try doing your first language, see if anyone turns up. If not, switch to English.

>> No.5533723
File: 737 KB, 1055x1487, 1596228465061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a cute/sexy anime boy, but since I'm a lonely NEET I'm also hoping it will help with my social awkwardness & maybe even help find my place in the world

>> No.5534207

Thought that read /fa/'s aesthetic for a second there. Kek. Doesn't look effay at all

>> No.5534477

I am/was in a depressed spell and needed something to dedicate myself to, to care about. I'll probably pick up good habits and skills along the way, meet great people.
I'll come out of this as a better person and so will you.

>> No.5534827

is raging good? seems like it's a very clickbaity way to act and bring in viewers but would it be different and appealing to act the other way?
I don't think I've ever raged or gotten upset in a game in the last 5-6 years, even playing MOBAs or the typical streamer fare like jump king

should I be hamming up my reactions instead with the "ohhhhhhh I'M FUCKING DONE THIS SUCKS AAAAA" stuff like the others do?

>> No.5535048

I would like to hear your opinions on my voice. Please excuse the mouth sounds, I was too lazy to edit the audio aside from removing some breaths and some background noise.


>> No.5535334
File: 26 KB, 206x214, 1566373658313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make sure to enunciate properly and you should be fine, I think your voice sounds alright in the grand scheme of things. Some people will like it and some will hate it and there isn't much more you can do about it other than speak clearly.
I haven't seen much of people talking about the desired audience question, I would want yumejoshi and I have no clue how to essentially bait them into watching. I'm trying to take advantage of the month I have to figure that out.

>> No.5535418

voice is fine, might need to slow down a bit to speak clearly through the accent for audiences who may not be able to follow along as quickly

>> No.5535455

I'm going to be honest, I didn't catch on until 'pre-pubescent' on first listen. I like your voice, but I had to pay more attention to tune in initially.

But after that, it was all entirely clear, and even on a second listen, the starting bit is a less clear. Maybe speak a bit slower, or take extra care with enunciation?

>> No.5535648


I want less zoomers and more chill people in their late 20s like me
I pretty much said I figured I would do some prerecordings and a lot of collabs with people near the niche I want to be in.

I hope they take a chance on me I just want to zatsudan 4x games and voice act visual novels on the internet.

>> No.5535677

people here are too obsessed with the pitch or tone of their voice they miss enunciation and clarity in speech, or go with such a soft enunciation they're practically mumbling
it's another reason why the deep voice voice actor guys might not get into NijiEN, they just speak in a deep monotone but have no energy to the voice to keep their perfectly composed voice together

>> No.5535698

I like it honestly. Okayu vibes. Just take your time when you speak

>> No.5535763

>it's another reason why the deep voice voice actor guys might not get into NijiEN, they just speak in a deep monotone but have no energy to the voice to keep their perfectly composed voice together
the only people who have monotone voices are those who have middle of the road voices trying to force themselves to speak deeper or are inexperienced with vocal control.

there's also a HUGE difference between reading scripted lined on a sheet where you have to act out a scene for just casually chatting on stream. not all voice actors can improv on the spot.

>> No.5535896

that's what I'm referencing, there was a thread a while back where vocaroo guys were posting their deep voices reading posts and people fawned over them saying they would definitely get in but literally every single vocaroo was just monotone baritone talking over and over again and had basically no energy to it
it was like they figured out the perfect way to talk to keep their voice and didn't dare change a single thing in case it messed up

>> No.5535955

do you have resources to train this aspect of enunciation and liveliness in talking?

>> No.5536017

enunciation - talk with a pencil between your front teeth
liveliness - get into full body acting when you're talking, actually move up and down, back and forth, get your head bouncing as you talk.

>> No.5536075

Question for Streamlabs/OBS - is it possible to set up a follower goal that auto-updates, or do I need the paid version? I've found a follower goal widget (dashboard#/followergoal), but does it track the followers by itself, or do I need to manually add one each time?

>> No.5536100

where do most tubers get the music for their opening/closing/zatsudan/minecraft sections
do they just commission a guy off fiver or buy a subscription to a royalty free music site and pick the least used ones?

>> No.5536108

i use a free one from Dova Syndrome on youtube.

>> No.5536113

thank you friend. I'll dedicate this chew pencil to you on which I'll be munching every morning for streaming's sake.

>> No.5536140

don't bite the pencil. you should be holding it lightly between your teeth and using your tongue, lips, and cheeks to create the clear sound

>> No.5536302

LofiGirl allows you to use during streams with just a link/description of where it's from; although for VoDs you need to link each song to YT and Spotify (but you can split the audio source in OBS, so you avoid it being there).

I've been tempted to pick up some music on fiverr or something, so I can keep it in the VoDs, especially as you can get the tracks for around $5 per hour... But for me, it's not worth it yet. I have single digit viewers, and all I'm after is some BGM that doesn't drown me out, but fills any dead seconds.

>> No.5536709

Nijisanji they are a bunch of bullies and assholes

>> No.5536747

yes, that's why i want to join them.

>> No.5536767

how so?

>> No.5536792

Yes, hopefully I'll be ostracized from them so I can do whatever I want without pressure from the group. Who am I kidding I won't get in anyway

>> No.5536796

they're a clip watcher who say them fake fight in 3d streams and thinks the talents aren't 100% in on those jokes

>> No.5536808

I read on global that they have a bully culture and they bullied Luna out.

>> No.5536986

Thank you everyone for the feedback, I tried to incorporate everyone's advice and would like to know if my enunciation is better.

Here is a recording of me reading a monologue:

>> No.5537031

yeah, this is what i'm talking about. it's very easy to act out written lines, but off-the-cuff talking like this during a stream is going to take a LOT of practice.

much better on the enunciation by taking your time.

>> No.5537368
File: 773 KB, 882x530, wasted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this is why you need to design your vtuber avatar around the concept of a streamer and not a cartoon character

>> No.5537425

He could have done well with that design, but he was just boring to watch.

>> No.5537431

Starting is perfect - nice and easy to understand, very clear; and even though it's a slight tongue twister, everything comes through.

I'd definitely listen to your streams, especially if you're doing ASMR, just chatting, or readings.

What happened with HH? I know a few other chuubas were sad he graduated, but I'd thought he got picked up by hStars or NS?

>> No.5537453

he quit abruptly because he wasn't finding instant success with a gimmicky model

>> No.5537575

What's the opinion on using clown fish to bring the pitch of your voice down slightly, like less than -1

>> No.5537584


>> No.5537614

severely stunted growth by a model that just sat there in every stream with a thousand island stare
not to mention he was a rager and came off as whiney a lot
he graduated and quit to try on a new model, I imagine he'll be back to apply for NS or HoloEN again, or show up with another expensive gimmick model

stop worrying about the pitch of your voice. No one cares if you have a perfect baritone voice or a higher pitched twink voice
delivery, energy, and being heard clearly is much more important than having the deepest buttery smooth baritone voice

>> No.5537631

This wouldn't be a full on filter, just a little down pitch, not demon mood down pitched.

>> No.5537637


>> No.5537654

Honestly I do, people see my design and immediately go "looks great, hope your voice fits it" and now I'm extra paranoid about it.

>> No.5537677

the secret is that over the long run, no one gives a fuck and eventually your voice will be paired up with your model regardless.

>> No.5537794

stop with the fucking obsession that every male vtuber has to either do the nasally lispy twink voice or the deep smooth baritone voice
stop stop stop stop stop
just fucking improve your voice quality through practice instead of trying to find the shortcut or force something

>> No.5537849
File: 67 KB, 982x744, krang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would work better if the head in the suit was visually distinct like Krang from TMNT.

>> No.5537925

I’m going to start streaming to gain experience for once holostars EN becomes a thing, I can sing and voice act, above average/decent at most video games, I like 70’s/80’s pop/rock, my favorite video game genre is rpg and Metroidvania and precision platformers. I have OBS but the only thing I know how to do is start and stop stream don’t know shit about all options configurations or live 2D and such, have minimal experience with editing but can get my way around. Can I get any advice regarding the technical aspect of anything else anons could help me with?

>> No.5537956
File: 1.02 MB, 852x770, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all that would do is waste more screen real estate. pic related, red is non-reactive stuff, green is where you get the streamer reaction. why would you waste so much of your screen with useless nonsense? on top of that, he gave his character an eyepatch, killing half of what tiny amount of real estate there is for the streamer.

when you watch a stream, you're not watching a cartoon character. you're watching an entertainer react, show expressions, convey shit to the audience. you can't do this if the only thing is a tiny single eye that doesn't even move.

>> No.5538003

I've been doing voice reps for a year and it has improved but it isn't close to what I want it to be and people still point to it.

>> No.5538014

yeah HH is a textbook example of how to not design a vtuber character, entirely overdesigned, basically no interactive elements and is an expensive PNG character
honestly I have no idea how the artist and rigger didn't stop him from doing this and let him know exactly how little of his model is actually reactive

>> No.5538047

just fucking own your voice. filters are very noticeable when they go on the fritz when you do stuff like laugh, get scared and scream, try to sing, etc.

>honestly I have no idea how the artist and rigger didn't stop him
to be fair, he drew and rigged the entire thing himself

>> No.5538052

anon no offense but if HoloStarsEN ever becomes a thing they're going to use the HololiveEN formula and just scout a bunch of top earning youtubers and twitch streamers first
get ready for dunkey, jerma, vinny vinesauce, etc to get in

>> No.5538083

>get ready for dunkey, jerma, vinny vinesauce, etc to get in
yes, because a bunch of people with pre-established brands and business that's wildly popular and profitable will drop it all to be contractually bound to some japanese weeb corporation for 1/15th of the income.

>> No.5538103

>a bunch of already established people will drop their current gigs to join hololive
yes that's exactly what happened with hololiveEN lmao

>> No.5538132

wow, you're actually retarded aren't you?

>> No.5538141

God I want Demolition D as a vtuber

>> No.5538152

I'm not the one who thinks he's going to get into Hololive with less than a year of streaming experience

>> No.5538195

with monetization why dont more vtubers accept crypto i know its in the shitter right now but seems pretty untapped right now

>> No.5538196

looks like it's that time we're getting retarded tourists in here. i'll be back later, /asp/. have a good day.

>> No.5538459

speaking of dumb, whats the over under on anyone hosting their video audition on catbox.moe?

>> No.5538514

Eh, just make a dummy YouTube account and make it unlisted.

>> No.5538557

the application says to use youtube and has a tutorial on how to use an unlisted youtube video so there's a 0% chance anyone who can read doesn't do that

>> No.5538801

>what happened with HH
there's a thread about it right now
he drew a new character and streams on it now
he uses a heavy alien voice modulator for every stream
anons should learn to not make his mistakes again

>> No.5539054
File: 1.88 MB, 1736x1608, sketch bust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounded fun as well as a good way for an introvert like me to make friends. Also this >>5533723, I've been told I have a good voice by my audience and have even done some amatuer asmr stuff, but I guess I wanted to do something a little more relaxing and carefree than recording nsfw scripts for strangers on the internet.

>> No.5539288

>concept of a streamer and not a cartoon character
Can you explain what you just said?

>> No.5539362

Looks too much like a yaoi man

>> No.5539448
File: 891 KB, 917x512, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a screencap of one of HH's Phasmophobia streams.

>> No.5539508

Not OP, but...

Something might be a really cool character on screen, where each frame is individually animated. But a vtuber isn't going to have the same range of motion as a person (or an anime character), unless they have a setup with a suit (like Mel) or multiple trackers (like Fofa).

The on-screen character needs to be able to hit multiple different expressions, because otherwise they're not adding anything. You're already watching a stream with what's effectively an awful-tier webcam, because it won't capture everything.

>> No.5542178
File: 164 KB, 360x372, b0cdcd3f1ff925b9314be752dba82bea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK is the Self PR option in Niji EN audition? What do they need from me? Short description?

>> No.5542228

promote yourself

>> No.5542321

That doesn't explain a whole lot.

>> No.5542356

if someone couldn't watch your self introductory video and could only read 2 brief paragraphs, how would you shill yourself?

>> No.5542470
File: 962 KB, 1955x1432, 1623050965250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh now I get it.
Thanks, they really shoulda formulated this one better.

>> No.5542550

How the fuck do you not know what PR means.

>> No.5542941
File: 121 KB, 1125x1068, загружено (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what PR means, I didn't know what "Self PR" meant and thought it was something specific.
I'm not very bright.

>> No.5543013

I wouldn't worry, it's just not a term western people are used to. Like how self-introduction, an objective, and summary are all slightly different crap on a resume, you want to make sure what the focus is.

>> No.5543241

Because it's inconvenient for viewers.

>> No.5543372

niji doesnt send rejection emails
