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File: 519 KB, 1382x918, HoloEN3_Advent_PostDebutAnalysis_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54777963 No.54777963 [Reply] [Original]

A summary of HoloEN3 post-debut analysis.

It's been a fun last 96 hours.
I hope you all had a good time, and all the best to your newest investment(s).

>> No.54778070

Love me bird.
Love me baubaus.
Simple as.

>> No.54778115

I'm disappointed in Shiori. Really disappointed. Hasn't been a single Holo I felt this betrayed by in just one video.

>> No.54778175

sex, sex, sex, sex

>> No.54778263 [SPOILER] 

There is little overlap between Fuwamoco and Bijou.

>> No.54778288

literally me
bird and baubaus, i'm satisfied

>> No.54778291

There was someone else other than Shioriiiiin? I can't see them.

>> No.54778408

I've only had a chance to watch Shiori and Bijou so far (due to timezones). Is it worth watching the other two debut streams or should I just go straight to watching the collab?

>> No.54778423

>shiori pros: model buff and creatividad
thats fucking grim

>> No.54778429

>The first ever major shared vtuber account
Himehina: "we are forgotten"

>> No.54778474

Asano sisters...

>> No.54778493

Just watch the remaining two as well. They're not that long.

>> No.54778539

I'll pretty much give a shot to the doggos, rock and the bird.
The bookworm is not for me.

>> No.54778598

Shiori managed to filter everyone, which is something amazing. There were even people that liked Mori on debut, but the troons are mad she's not a lesbian and everyone sane is mad that she's threatening them with homo collabs. How you manage to fuck up this much on debut is amazing. She should do everyone a favor and Aloe herself right now.

>> No.54778605

Thing I ask myself about Shiori Novella is if she will pull a Chloe with a bit more of a surprise timing than her.
I remember when Chloe unleashed her diva voice in her debut while singing after she got everyone with the cutesy pitchy voice, and apparently management was not okay with her using it in her debut stream, and was supposed to be revealed well later on.
I could be wrong, honestly I didn't fully watch their debuts yet. But this gen already has awesome voices, so I don't know how they'll play with that.

>> No.54778612

Did you make this? Really good and objective analysis, thanks for sharing.

>> No.54778621
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Except for the dogs, the other 3 all have EN twitch chuuba vibes to me, not sure why, they don't feel like holos, but maybe that's just the first impression.
For now I'm only interested in Shiori lit faggotry and Nerissa's hag status so I'll follow them for a bit and see where it goes.

>> No.54778625

The twins' voice sounds so fake. Please tell me its not permanent.

>> No.54778638

Nerissa is my favorite for sure. The dogs are a little too chaotic for me and I’m worried constant duo streams will begin to feel a little congested without any solo “breathing room” streams so people can maybe get to know them one-on-one better. Shiori is really cute and I hope people give her a second chance; she has my favorite design and I hope she succeeds. Bijou just isn’t for me in about every way.

>> No.54778661
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Shiorin is Superior!

>> No.54778684

Yes, I think it's definitely worth watching their debut streams, especially since I don't think the collab was the right stream to get a sense of them

>> No.54778690

>Shiori is gonna collab with males! Drama! Drama!
Fuck off, catalogshitter. Didn't read the rest.

>> No.54778713

>/vt/ is everyone

>> No.54778726

At least it revealed that if given the chance Nerissa can outweird Shiori, so she doesn't even have that quirky shit going for her anymore. Can't believe she eats bugs regularly.

>> No.54778738

>blessed with one of the most aesthetically appealing designs
excuse me? nerissa's model and rigging is garbage, anon. get your eyes checked.

>> No.54778752

>too normal and boring a con
I'd rather a chuuba be on the dull side rather than some retarded yab machine with shit tastes

>> No.54778758

the only one I don't like is Shiori. She'll be a big homobegger. Her ASMR voice would be pure SEX.

>> No.54778775

I just want FuwaMoco to enunciate more clearly.

>> No.54778817

I just need to know if Nerissa is a good OG Love Live fan or if she's a filthy secondary sunshit or nijishit fan.

>> No.54778824
File: 384 KB, 640x605, IMG_0581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori has really mindbroken some of you faggots huh

>> No.54778834

Yes I did, thank you! Just wanted it lay it all out. I think if I posted this anywhere else it would've gotten destroyed for listing any cons or concerns in the first place...

>> No.54778857

>Males males males
Nothing she said was about collabing with males or even clearly implied males. You're all schizo

>> No.54778885

That's not even what homobeggar means you fucking donkey.

>> No.54778888

It seems a lot of people have done a 180 on Shiori after her debut. I would say, besides the doggies, she was by far the most talked about member in the week leading up to saturday. It just goes to show how much a design can skew people's thoughts and expectations.

>> No.54778897
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>> No.54778940 [DELETED] 

enjoy your ASMR

>> No.54778953

>The first ever major shared vtuber account
You are a hopeless EOP so your opinion doesn't matter.

>> No.54778990

Reps idiot newfriend

>> No.54779022

>Cons: Professional
That makes no sense.

>> No.54779049

I feel like some of her other GFE roleplay proves she's legitimately autistic. She was never going to appeal to the unicorns anyway, so why fucking bother?

>> No.54779067

Emphasis on major you illiterate retard. As in major corpo. GGN barely pulled in 100 viewers per stream

>> No.54779080

Go do your reps, you dumb monkey

>> No.54779096

Imagine being this delusional
>No, she's clearly talking about collabing with girls from other companies or indies.

Except that her peers have done this with no significant backlash.
The ONLY thing it could be besides male collabs is collabing specifically with V-shojo which I'm pretty sure Cover has a soft ban on anyways

>> No.54779120

I think that that I've watched the little doggies debut like 3 times, and I almost cry every time, they are awesome, the jewel is a solid 10/10 and Nerissa is very good, if Shiori doesn't overdo with the collabs and she's carefull with what kind of retards she brings to Hololive she might be good too.
This is wayyy better than the first impression of Myth and Council.

>> No.54779130

A thinking man's fetish, if you will. Also janny was pretty quick with that one kek. Janny stop browsing shitpost threads and do your job across the board.

>> No.54779139

Don't mind them, Shiori's kino will be reserved for only the most discerning viewers

>> No.54779159

deepthroat, sex, sex, sex

>> No.54779163

Weakest debut, didn't sell me on her.
I haven't written her off though, will be checking her streams.
I want to know what the fuck the collab thing actually means though.
Biggest surprise of the gen, strong debut.
Lots of energy and enthusiasm, will be checking her out for sure.
Surpassed my expectations. Very high interest in her career.
Some minor issues (she doesn't use her rigging too well, needs to adapt to it or request some tuning) but both singing and speaking voices are great.
Very professional and confident.
About what I excepted, very cute, maybe needs to gain a bit of confidence for collabs?

Overall seems like a very strong gen, only Shiori stumbled a bit at the start line but nothing that's a deal breaker so far.

>> No.54779219
File: 624 KB, 1418x2047, IMG_0528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will prepare some fine cocktails for us to enjoy while watching Shiori together.

>> No.54779290

Let's see:
Mostly agree with everything, but few points:
>Collab remark from Shiorin seems to be mandated by Cover: same line was used in ID3 debuts, most notably by Kaela and she never collabed with homos. Still, gonna wait and see how she goes about it
>Bijou model imo isn't mediocre, but it is definitely a bit generic. Maybe Cover wanted to play a little safe here, hoping for her personality to outset this con
>Also disagree on Bijou and FuwaMoco niche being similar. There may be a little bit of overlap, but not major for them to cannibalize each other
Honestly, I'm really looking forward to how far they will go, since all of them seemed entertaining in their own specific ways

>> No.54779293

Haven't watched any of the debuts yet. I haven't actively watched any holo girls for months now, maybe I should make this a fresh start...

>> No.54779296

If we talking about major then the first one is himehina you newcomer retard

>> No.54779332

I've done my reps because I watched them somewhat before this you brain-dead SeaMonkey.
I'm telling you. Who do you think she collabed with and was friends with before for me to say this?
Unless she's seen the huge negative reaction here and changed her mind which is unlikely. She will at points be doing male collabs.

>> No.54779338

Why do you have to stick the collab thing in there? To stir the pot? Just complain about the fact that her acting is absolutely flat. Her ability to take on a role even in debut equated to 'i am now using this voice' with almost no change in her speech, cadance, or tone, and the fact that she thought she was doing it well is troubling. On top of that, her inability to act meant that she just told people what she wanted to be seen as rather than being able to commit to the bit. Her acting is shit. Could have been nerves eating her ability away, so I won't completely cast her off to the side for a few weeks.

>> No.54779365

Her voice is the same in singing, listen to the group song

>> No.54779374

>Collab remark from Shiorin seems to be mandated by Cover:
Strange how none of the other 3 girls did any of that though, really strange. Also kind of pathetic how you cucks cling to your copes.

>> No.54779402

Hopefully Bijou will be comfortable keeping up with the promised gaming streams and doesn't suck at them too badly

>> No.54779410

Stop being obtuse on purpose. Nobody cares about you being an oldfag. Op obviously meant major CORPORATION. Himehina isn’t holo

>> No.54779462

It's a legitimate complaint, and it's something that sticks out like a sore thumb among the other debuts. Really though, while the other girls were gushing over Hololive and girls, she had the audacity to pull the Genshit and husbando crap and then tell her audience to "respect my collab choices". Fuck right off.

>> No.54779497

>Done my reps
Ni you haven't fucking schizo cause what she said clearly didn't imply males, that your schizophrenic ass reading into it.

>> No.54779505

I'm talking about JP, retard. Omega Sisters were affiliated with upd8 and that's as major as corpos went at those times.

>> No.54779508

I tried to be objective with it - I think those things are what many were thinking.

I'm looking forward especially to her first stream, and I do think the shots being fired are premature.

>> No.54779518

Kind of surprised some people found Nerissa's debut boring. Felt like she was able to talk about most of her interests without dragging them out

>> No.54779520

Nta but do yo can read right? Why do you faggots drag out a conversation by ignoring information and bringing up mute points when a response was already made?

>> No.54779601

More yanks and japs who barely speak english. HoloEN3 is shit.

>> No.54779647

I'm saying it's pathetic and sad how you'll deflect to IDs and try to say it's mandated when it wasn't anywhere else in any of the Advent debuts. What now? What's your excuse for why Shiori and Shiori alone had to be mandated to say it?

>> No.54779654

I just think it’s very cute that you oldfags are so hung up on proving how oldfaggy you are that you’re putting these people on the same level as a Holo debut kek

>> No.54779656

Nice list anon, I think rock will be good at improv. She said few funnies during the collab quietly.

>> No.54779664

>Want to simp for women
>But only for dykes
So what if my Shiorin is aggressively straight? I like women that like me back! Did you hear how she swooned at the thought of getting married?

>> No.54779692

Take your meds

Have you seen this board whenever a possible Holo x Niji or Holo x Other Corp collab's brought up? It goes batshit insane. Also doesn't help that schizos here and on Twitter have become progressively more unhinged over time and well harassment campaigns ain't outside the realm of possibility. Hit it early at least

Also the Dogs are just god awful I couldn't even get 5 minutes into their debut because of how godawful and irritating their voices were.

>> No.54779760
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Actually enjoyed the debuts this time, tuned in from start to finish and I really liked their characters.

>> No.54779813

I pretty much agree with everything except calling Bijou's model mediocre. I think she looks attractive enough to be above average.

>> No.54779824

I honestly dislike Shiori's voice the first time I heard it, but the more I listen to it the more I keep on falling for it. Idk why, but it feels like there's something about her voice that makes me like it bit by bit.

>> No.54779856

Homobeggers won with shiori I guess.

>> No.54779915

You're completely braindead.
The point is that Shiori isn't an isolated incident and that anyone with a brain will realize that its hypocritical and schizophrenic to begin malding and doomposting over a phrase that never got this kind of response when it was used before and was taken at blunt face value. Can you give a single reason why none of ID3 got discord spam levels of retardation on debut but Shiori does

>> No.54779929

Don't do it bro, you'll regret it.

>> No.54779991

Because ID don't have unicorns?

>> No.54779993

While writing I revisited her stream and did see the charm in it - though I do feel the overall design of her gen-mates definitely stand out more. It does suit her well though.

>> No.54780041

Perhaps because among Advent, Shiori is 100% an isolated incident. She's the standout disappointment among a stellar lineup. The only one who doesn't seem interested in doing her fucking job and being an idol. The one who would rather circlejerk her old Twitch circle than make new friends and integrate with Hololive. It just begs the question, why even apply? Why even join if you resist what Hololive is about so much? Why not go elsewhere or do literally anything else. Don't fucking ruin a place where there were hundreds of other people more qualified and more talented that would kill for that spot. And for what? To talk about husbandos and male collabs? Fucking hell.

>> No.54780088
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, 1690765770362235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori love! I love my cute goth wife!

>> No.54780120

Yeah, they are definitely not on the same level. People like OmeSis or Himehina were crucial to the industry back then, most EN debuts are nothing innovative and add nothing of real value to the medium. Everything EN does is either unnecessary normalfag twitch trash or something that JP has already done better for years.
You should have just highlighted different things about FuwaMoco. The important thing isn't that their account is shared which has been done before. It's them being real sisters and living and streaming together. That's a bit of a novel concept indeed. There's also the thing that they are probably the closest to JP vtubers in EN speaking field that we've ever got from major corpos.

>> No.54780142

just dont watch her anon.

>> No.54780169

>mediocre model
bait thread

>> No.54780218

Id fans will completely bullied unicorn into suicide anon that is why

>> No.54780232

I won't be. But I'm also not going to ignore that she wasted a really good design and if given the chance her cancer could spread to the rest of the girls. I really hope she isolates herself and doesn't.

>> No.54780236

How does someone cultivate an audience of unicorns on their debut? The only unicorns she had were bvtm followers that went around using her for shitposts before debut which is why they raided the catalog spamming bait threads to repost.

>> No.54780324

Bvtm HATE, can't believe this board lets itself be astroturfed so easily. Shiotin is clearly the Superior choice!

>> No.54780381

My problem with Shiori is not the "male collab" thing, it's the fact that she sounds insufferable and a tryhard. Maybe she'll get better, who knows.

>> No.54780435

Her voice is sexy as fuck, do your reps. Her laugh makes me diamonds and her lower register is absolute shivers.

>> No.54780462

NTA, but there are a billion possible explanations for why it was "just" her (maybe because she was the first, maybe because they let the talent decide how to address the issue...) but the point is that it doesn't matter.
We have an example in Kaela of someone who said something similar and yet didn't end up collabing with males.
This doesn't mean that she definitely will never do it, it means that we don't know shit and behaving as if the male collabs are a sure thing is retarded.

>> No.54780483

The best voice in EN3 is Mococo

>> No.54780498

>Everything EN does is either unnecessary normalfag twitch trash or something that JP has already done better for years.
YWNBJ Keep seething

>> No.54780509

>mediocre model
she's Kanata but smaller and cuter

>> No.54780514

>Slurred ESL mumble

>> No.54780522

english vtubers have made me realise i just hate women. i can't stand listening to them

>> No.54780568

only shizos and shitstirrers, which is probably for the best.

>> No.54780575

Clearly you're a schizo but holy shit.
You're emasculated by the mere idea of straight women being a chuhba? Knowing a women has the natural and healthy attraction to men that she was biologically supposed to have is emasculating to you? I can guarantee you that not a single Holo would want (you) as their audience and that most of them worry specifically about cultivating people like you as an audience but when someone is up-front about that it suddenly means their anathema to all of Hololive?
You're don't know what an idol is and you're going to seethe endlessly because you're grasping at the straws of what you think its supposed to be.

>> No.54780580

Then go watch the males faggot

>> No.54780604

>you have a billion of copes

>> No.54780634


>> No.54780635

no that's gay

>> No.54780735

Why do unicorns spend so much time fantasizing about cuckoldry? Asked with complete 100% sincerity

>> No.54780743

surprisingly a really good analysis

>> No.54780798
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Rep you say? Why hasn't Fauna, Gura, Mumei and Kiara collab with males yet? You fuckers don't understand how fucked the EN Vtubers indies spheres is, it's either collab with Vshojo or collabing with Male Twitch streamers.

>> No.54780817

Interesting analysis.
Just remember that they will change from debut.

>> No.54780833

>Hate women
>But I'm not gay
Ok tranny

>> No.54780860

just because you hid it in an image, it is still a wall of text. i'm not reading all of that.
i carry a pocket of catfood and a pocket of birdseed whenever i go out. i've attracted all the neighborhood cats. they may be brother and sister, but they fuck outside my window. this is her intro story in her debut.
and then she throws in scripted/ awkward gfe pandering the whole stream
ends with a fucking warning her viewers may not like her collab partners, but the cover fan guidelines say to be nice and only positive. also, some truly weird shit about them not always being friends, and no one will know if they're actual friends unless she says so. WHY?

>> No.54780885

straight men hate women the most

>> No.54780937

I like to argue that Shiori cute voice fits the goth/crazy side of her character.

>> No.54780970

Did you even read the rest of the post?
"She intend to collab with males" is a possible explanation, but not the only one and we have already seen that there is no correlation, so behaving like it is is retarded (or a sign that you actually like cuckoldry and will jump at any excuse to push your fetish).

>> No.54781049

what 'cute' streamers in hololiveen?

>> No.54781077

I agree, her gfe thing felt scripted and awkward. As if she is just checking out the boxes on "yandere list"

>> No.54781152

fuwamoco pros
- great anime favs like yosuga no sora
- make my brain feel like it's melting

>> No.54781155

>Debuts are cringe
What else is new.

>> No.54781258

I don't think she's into playing the menhera goth character or at least she's very good at it based on what we've seen so far.

>> No.54781270
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Scripted or is this real life? Throughout the whole debut stream, this is what I thought of.

>> No.54781394

Maybe you right, I thought of typing that, but I would just be met with "cope".

>> No.54781499

> I can't see them
poor sod was already driven to madness by the rock

>> No.54781552

Everything is cope to these fags, they've made up their minds about Shiorin already. Anti HATE

>> No.54781721

>Most of this thread as with others is Shiori seethe
I'll just stick to the splits. If you hate her, then shut the fuck up about her and talk about the other girls.

>> No.54781954

>everyone sane is mad that she's threatening them with homo collabs
She told you how it is out the gate.

If she collabs with a guy and you're still mad about it, it's literally your fault.

Simply do not watch her if it's that much of a problem. Why does this shit have to be such a personal assault to you retards

>> No.54782174

Because it is. For every woman that tolerates the existence of male collabs, the filth spreads further into Hololive. I don't want that shit here, that shit doesn't belong here. It's vshojo or nijisanji or any other company shit. Not Hololive. She applied to Hololive.

>> No.54782197


>> No.54782228

i like how you have half of the people defending her insisting that people are reading into what she's saying too much, and the other half are outright stating that she meant exactly what she was implying.

this is not going to end well one way or another.

>> No.54782293

Cry about it

She filtered the unicorns on debut and that's the best thing that could possibly happen to her quite frankly

>> No.54782319

I liked her. I'm not going to pretend like the collab warning thing didn't bother me at all but I think 80% of my unease is from catalogfags shitposting. I wasn't exposed to the pre-debut expectations hype so I didn't get whiplash from her voice.
Not my cup of tea, but she seems like a fun person to catch every once in a while, like Kobo or Luna.
Seems the most "vanilla" but is the current leader for my favorite in gen 3. She handled the debut very professionally, and if she can loosen up a bit as time goes on I think she can hold some very fun streams.
The concept didn't hook me at all before debut, and I'm still skeptical of how well it's going to work out in the long run. Call me a downer but I think we'll most likely get them doing solo streams and swapping between each other after about a year or two. That is, assuming they don't just pull the trigger and decide to make their own separate channels.

Not a bad roster, I think I still prefer Myth but I'm very happy with how everything turned out.

>> No.54782385

>There's also the thing that they are probably the closest to JP vtubers in EN speaking field that we've ever got from major corpos.
Hasn’t nijisanji literally debuted Japanese chuubas living in Japan as part of EN?

>> No.54782396

it is but more of her fans should just be honest that she's anti unicorn, this isn't even on her, she hasn't done anything wrong!

>> No.54782408

>I think those things are what many were thinking.
It's literally just a few SEA monkeys howling from their trees.

>> No.54782424

>Mediocre model
I stopped reading there

>> No.54782495

Did she ever recover from being cucked by that anal gyaru slut?

>> No.54782568 [DELETED] 

>Homobeggers won with shiori.
Only /here/. If you watched the debut she quite accurately said that she will collab only with who SHE consider friend, thus no collab begging allowed. For example if fans see the "goth girl" relation between them and start asking, she wont collab unless they're friends.

>> No.54782578

You really don't have a brain in there do you .
Did any of them mention about how they will be collabing with old friends that happen to be male? And that they need to be respected?

>> No.54782593

As a paizuri enthusiest, I'm pretty satisfied with what I see. Even the dog tits are pretty nice.

>> No.54782622

This. With the amount of shit stirring in catalog you'd think seeing Shiori trending would mean outrage but its literally nothing but fanart.

>> No.54782645

I wish you knew what you were talking about you fucking troon

>> No.54782661

There's a difference between hate and dislike. Sure, some suitstirrers are latching on, but there's critisism that could be non-issues like debut jitters causing her to have the flatest acting ever. I hope she gets better, but even if she doesn't, I will only have to watch her when she collabs with the girls I like, so I don't care.

>> No.54782697 [DELETED] 

Me. *between her and fauna

>> No.54782730

>absolute insane table shit
yeah little man

>> No.54782865
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Is not mediocre, but certainly doesn't stand out

>> No.54782958

Why? I don't really care about their IRL. As long as they don't bring male on stream I'll watch.

>> No.54783057

> As long as they don't bring male on stream I'll watch.
Yeah... why do you think she warned everyone, anon?

>> No.54783058

Because the modern internet man is so insecure that any female who talks to him (note not talks with) must actually want to have sex with him.
And thus if she talks to another male it means they had sex and thus "Cheated" on him. After all she 'belongs' to the anon especially if they simped for the girl and dumped actual money on a product you can watch for FREE

>> No.54783168

Who is the lewdest one?
Or are they all mostly on the seiso side?

>> No.54783254

Nerissa told people to make lewd fanart of her giant tits and fat ass. Conversely one of the dogs dislikes dirty jokes. That one might be a prude.

>> No.54783331

Probably Shiori.

>> No.54783496
File: 773 KB, 720x720, 1690386724298490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori LOVE

>> No.54783570

i already drop it's fine at least she's honest,
just don't drag others into the shitfest.
stick with kronii and mori and ame.

>> No.54783688

Well, as OP said, she's got a model built for crazy sex, there's going to be a lot of art for her. But, given her streaming content, she's gonna be pulling Sana numbers, maybe a bit higher if she axtually streams past debut week and doean't take months off at a time. Sure, her streaming plans are relatively unique, but that will only attract a very niche fanbase like it did for Sana.

>> No.54783705

I'll trade these spare meds I had for a (You)

>> No.54783808

they all were much better than i imagined. they seem much more weeb and idol leaning than other gens, except for prbly shiori, and i like how they are cheerful

although homo collabs will definitely happen with a few of them. so ill hold my judgement

>> No.54784011
File: 886 KB, 2400x1727, Cruella-GlennClose-EmmaStone-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blessed with one of the most captivating designs in Hololive

>> No.54784083
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wait a minute, i recognize this smug aura

>> No.54784094

This is the only good Disney live action.

>> No.54784165

I liked Nerissa the most, but how i hoped her rigger wasn't Keffiy. Dude can't rig mouths to save his life.

>> No.54784520

She's ESL, has a lisp and struggles to pronounce 'th' and 's' sounds. That's not what I would call sexy.
But for the record I feel the same way as that other Anon. The problem I had with her debut is whole GFE larping shit. "I will step on you", "I can be your very own goth girlfriend", "you can fix me". It works when they seem into it, and she didn't feel that way. It seemed tacked onto the debut script to try and cover all bases.

This is an initial impressions thread and those are mine. Everyone who isn't a giga newfag knows it takes about 2 months for new members to completely come out of their shell and find their niches.

>> No.54784948

The real Nerissa question is if she will face forward

>> No.54785122

I really apreciate you didn't put something dumb like "hard to understand" in twins cons.

>> No.54785155

the bit with koseki is that a lot of loli fans in holoEN are either super dedicated to gura, or moved on to other corpos during the 2 year wait for en3, such as idol or phase connect, which at least on this website, definitely hurt her hype wise which is why i think she was the most slept on until she debuted

>> No.54785232

It works when they can act. She can't act. That's the problem. Instead of showing by example, she flatly, and I mean flatly, stated what she expected you to think of her, and that's not how this works. Now, if you want to continue to be you, that's fine, but don't try to pretend to be something you're not if you don't have the chops to start/keep it up.

>> No.54785237

>everyone sane
>being threatened by potential homo collab

>> No.54785409

Mucho texto. I like loli and twins. Had anyone read the OP post? I ain't reading all that.

>> No.54785626

Real talk you're not ready for.

Fuwamoco are actually the most generic anime designs in their gen.

>> No.54785780

>Fuwamoco are actually the [meaningless buzzwords] in their gen.
Thanks for the ted talk.

>> No.54786072

expectation: mentally unstable, deep voice
reality: mentally unable, uwu voice
expectation: cunny
reality: cunny
expectation: kronii 2.0
reality: can sing, likes big tits
expectation: PLEASE LET IT BE THEM
reality: IT'S THEM!

>> No.54786310

Surprisingly Shiorin is the only one I’m curious to watch, despite her badly planned/executed debut stream. Her striving for attention and slightly helpless vibe is kinda kyut. Would I want to watch her if she had a worse model? Probably not desu
Bijou had a great debut but is unfortunately mogged by the twin doggo in nearly every way. However if I’m watching the twins I might as well just watch the jp branch instead. The twin gimmick wore off rather rapidly on me and they are inscrutable at times. Good in small doses I think. Nerissa has nice voice but seems a bit too normal. Nothing stood out to me.

>> No.54786331

I can't stand those reddit dogs and their "we are cute, uwu!" shit.

>> No.54786899

True, although vague statement is meh and I'll just see how she will go on further, but NTR genshin RP is wild shit lmao, I'll still give her a try, but I don't know.

>> No.54787255

did you even watch the genshin vid because it was just a dumb shitpost

>> No.54787407

Same. I actually fucked off 10 min into their debut, can't stand that toddler-tier stuff.

>> No.54787497

I'll admit, I started and was like uuuhh and closed after 45 seconds because I had to go waging. So yeah, call me retard if it's nothing burger, I'm just mind broken by anything involving NTR.

>> No.54787509

Excellent analysis summarising the board take over. I kneel. Instead of adding to it, I'll list my thoughts based on your questions.

Voice is not a concern imo, fans will get used to it, and some (me included) like her voice. Collab choice may be a nothingburger, or limit oshi potential, but the plebs probably watch her anyway.

Assuming she has the talent to do comedy, I think she will live and die by how many clippers she has, at least at the start. If she manages to build a fanbase, she will naturally attract more slippers and fans, becoming a positive self reinforcing cycle. Once again, potential Gura killer of the gen, but we all know how that goes

Sings great and has a great model + the occasional gen wide collabs is enough to float by imo, but she seems to have more to show than just that. Debut didn't show much, but I'm expecting an upside surprise from here.

They had north of 1 year experience previously, which isn't much compared to long timers like Shiroi, but still, it has let them work out how to do a twins channel well. GGN became more popular towards the end of their careers there, with a steep increase in views post graduation announcement, I think this suggest that what they lacked previously was marketing, and if so, corpo buff from Hololive should let them thrive.

>> No.54787511

Bro they all suck except for bijou, that's the harsh truth, I hope Yagoo will get better hires for EN 4.

>> No.54787621

Respect for actually lasting 10 minutes, bro. I spent a minute skipping through the VOD and then closed the tab.

>> No.54787652

yeah no problem I get it, I personally don't like the NTR shit even as joke either

>> No.54787694

I found them cute, but I did shriek few times from "cuteness overload", when they try too hard.

>> No.54787962

ID fans simply have low standards and will take anything because they're poor dirt dwelling pagpag eating peasants

>> No.54788238

Shiori's actual issue is that she doesn't quite know what path she wants to take. Does she want to be chuuni or just a relaxing dork? Does she want to do GFE? The fact that she's not a gaming-focused streamer is interesting, but what are her plans with that past debut week?
not to get into RM shit but the dogs are absolutely not prudes

>> No.54788321


>> No.54788561

Why are unicorns such crybabies? EN, like JP has always had a majority of CGDCT chuubas;
3/5 of myth are CGDCT
3/5 of councilRYS are CGDCT
4/5 of advent are CGDCT
2/3 of EN are literally perfect and all they can do is hyperfocus on the remaining 1/3 that might, god forbid, appeal to a different audience . It's not enough for them to be satisfied, they just can't allow anything that deviates from their preferences despite it not affecting them at all if they just choose to ignore it

>> No.54788590

They are all forgettable Genshin designs. If you blurred their pictures and posted them as Genshin leaks no one would question you. The hallmark of Genshin designs are
>too many accesories
>too many textures and details
>the accessories have accesories
>no coherent article of clothing
>exposed shoulders and arm sleeves
>ugly shoes that make Jordans look like a work of art
>too many colors that don't even go together

>> No.54788621

I was only upset about it because I was an Ame gosling for a year and a half. If I had been say a KFP from the beginning I wouldn't have cared.

>> No.54788703

Normally I'm the same, but learning more about their story and being hit with the Bau Contract melted my heart.

I think I'll want to watch Shiori too. Bijou was my favourite debut, but I don't know how much she'll catch my attention in the long term.

>> No.54788973

Based of what I've read from female imageboards, the mommy dom act filtered any nerdy girl that could have been interested in her. Without them, she loses her niche, and she shoot herself in the foot by filtering unicorns. Idolfags will be pissed if she collabs with twitch trash. Normies will be turned off by her tryhard GFE act. I feel a little bad for her and hope she chooses an identity and sticks to it so she finds an audience she's comfortable with.

>> No.54789057

>not to get into RM shit but the dogs are absolutely not prudes

Redpill me.

>> No.54789077

>Ended the stream on a strange warning about "respecting her collab choices"

>> No.54789133

they like eroge

>> No.54789219

I know, that's great. Especially that they like Yosuga no Sora.

I was worried you meant something like Shiori-chan posting she took 12 cocks etc.

>> No.54789341

>Cry about it
NTA, but this is just basically "You're right and I don't have any argument against it." If they want to collab with males, then they shouldn't apply to hololive. Simple as.

>> No.54789436

Why is it a general consensus that Bijou's design is weak? She has the best design next to Nerissa's for me.

>> No.54789666

>EN, like JP has always had a majority of CGDCT chuubas
The problem is that they aren't 100% CGDCT chuubas and this problem needs to be corrected.
>they just can't allow anything that deviates from their preferences
Yes. Any member of Hololive who intentionally violates the guiding CGDCT philosophy that built Hololive and made it rise to the top needs to fuck right off. Attempts to turn it into Nijisanji EN cannot be tolerated.
>ignore it
Cancer spreads when you ignore it. It needs to be cut out.

>> No.54789909

if you believe that rrat then you'll believe literally anything

>> No.54790026

you say this shit like mori didnt ruin kronii

>> No.54790233
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My hopes and beliefs in EN3 will be as follows

Be more than just a narcissist, and be a fun streamer. She has shown she can be good, and I liked her personality going all over the place. Goal should be a much more booknerd version of Ina. She left us feeling kinda iffy, but I have faith in her.
Be the EN Luna, and she does have the capability to be that type of person. Embrace the cuteness, and sing to a good degree. She had one of the best debuts in EN as well. No complaints
Model BS aside, she too is fine. Singing will be in the IRyS/Gura tier, and her personality will power her. only concern is zoomer lingo. thats all
I have no complaints, they're gonna deliver and make people go nuts. EN's Koyori and in a good way.

>> No.54790244

I hope for your Shiori-friends sake it's not true.

>> No.54790446

That actually is kind of grim. What the fuck is that string of buzzwords even supposed to mean. Can we get some actual pros?

>> No.54790516

Nerissa cons are a little harsh, I don't think there's anything wrong with joining Holo to pursure music as long as you don't double dip like a certain someone.

>> No.54790627

I'll keep saying it: some of you want a manic pixie dream girl without everything that makes her a manic pixie dream girl. You don't dress that stupid without being at least a little stupid. Shiorin is perfectly casted, she's exactly what is asked from that design. Some of you just never interacted with a real life manic pixie dream girl. Or you ignored all the red flags when you read Scott Pilgrim.

>> No.54790633

It meant she's Kroni AND Ame.

>> No.54790643
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Chloe's debut was actual scuff kino. I would love to see Shiori go down the Chloe path but there is no EN path for a Burriko at all. Maybe she'll be a good narrator and do reading streams like polka. Thats my wish.
Shiori will be fine. She's just the hot topic menhera you see at the anime club yet she's a sweetheart.

>> No.54790697
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I'm a sucker for
>ambitious rookies overcoming all odds
stories, so i fell for FUWAMOCO hook, line and sinker
Their debut structure with original theme song in it and unapologetic pandering showed me that they are out for blood and im all for it.
Rest of generation didn't manage to catch my attention.

>> No.54790968

I love Shiori

>> No.54791105

>and that's the best thing that could possibly happen to her quite frankly
Until she inevitably whines and bitches about doing worse than the other girls.

>> No.54791342

I only subscribed to the twins. I don't have any subscription to the whole EN branch besides these two, because I know they will perform well and love their audience compared to the other EN whores.

>> No.54791657
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They're hardly rookies.

>> No.54791767

Nice voice and greate design. Was kinda dissapointed she's not the crazy bitch type, but the more I listened to her, the more she grew on me.
Hopefully the Kobo of EN.
Her design didn't catch me. Looks really generic, same as Bijou. A boob widow would do great things for her, and I think that's what bugs me about her design, there's too much going on and a little less would be appreciated. She sounds like a normalfag when speaking, but has the voice of a goddess when singing.
Love me some ESL japanese girls. I miss Haachama so much.

>> No.54791887

>Love me some ESL japanese girls.

Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.54792058

What you said seems pretty fair. Though for me, I strongly dislike vtubers that talk like babies and 4/5 of the members in this gen talk like babies. I don't like zoomer memes, so I had no idea wtf The Rock was doing. I was beyond let down by psycho-slut being a basic nerd with a loli voice. Not even for coomer needs, just because women voices sound nice. Lastly, RavenCloise has a women's voice. Not this "mommy" bs people keep talking about. It's a normal voice for an adult. So that's cool and I could listen to it for a long time. Her singing is amazing and her VA ability is also cracked. As for "competition with Kronii" bro... Maybe you've been living under a Bijou for 2 years, but kronii can't sing or act. There's no competition there. That's like saying Lance Armstrong has competition with some kid in a wheelchair.

>> No.54792121

>Love me some ESL japanese girls
They're Canadian.

>> No.54792447

Guess I was wrong, but their english didn't sound native. Were they doing it on purpose?

>> No.54792516

She didn't filter everyone anon, you have to give credit to the proud cucks she will attract to her cult. Also don't kinkshame them, we all have different tastes.

>> No.54792617 [DELETED] 


>> No.54792753

I don't like homocollabs either but stop larping, Fubuki and Sora represent "the hololive spirit" more than any EN (excluding maybe fuwamoco)

>> No.54792790

That's not the point. They definitely have that rookie-in-livebroadcasting air about them and they are in biggest possible breakout scenario.

>> No.54792869


>> No.54793109

They all stream in the middle of the night (except for the twin's morning show).
It sucks to be a euronigger, bros

>> No.54793369

>Were they doing it on purpose?

>> No.54793475

>he didn't switch to night shift schedule to not melt from the heat

>> No.54794094

But why?

>> No.54794350

It's kawaii.

Also it seems they genuinely wish they were Japanese.

>> No.54794597

As a Chumbud, my ranking is:

Reason is always put the voice above the model. The best model can't be saved with a horrible voice. Shiori's is my favorite. I agree that doesn't fit the initial expectations of the model, but able to make it her. Nerissa can sing like ID. Koseki is cunny.
We'll see their actual talent as they stream.

>> No.54795009
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... what does CGDCT(not cute) look like?

>> No.54795071

She's not a MPDG though, those are pengu1n of d00m types like bijou and gura

>> No.54795221

Why not?

>> No.54795754

literally the opposite ranking i'd expect from a chumbie

>> No.54795802

Funny that only one of Shiori's cons is her fault. /vt/ is so vain.

>> No.54796995

Shit taste
>As a Chumbud
Ahh, understandable.

>> No.54797080

they're just like me fr fr

>> No.54797466
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Chumbuds can't stop winning.
Hololive can't stop winning.

As much as you want to shit on any of them, they will always be above the rest. It's Hololive.

>> No.54797667

And that is more than enough to drop a chuba or at least be very careful about her.

>> No.54798050

It's too early to say anything, but none of them have trouble expressing themselves and all of them have nice voice so I'm optimistic. For Myth and Council I didn't care about Ame, Kiara, Bae, or Sana but I can imagine myself watching all of Advent.

>> No.54798184

I watched some GGN streams

General thoughts:
-Kiara level of work ethic. They will devote everything they have to do this.
-Grammar is perfect, vocab is on par with native English speakers, but they have a moderate accent, and might be hard to understand. Fluent in JP.
-Very knowledgeable about anime, manga, and even eroge. Lots to talk about with Chadcast and other otaku.
-They aren't skilled at singing, but they sing with soul, and I think that's more important.

-Stereotypical ara ara onee-san.
-Nice voice that would lean perfectly into ASMR, if/when she gives a try.
-She is an idol's idol. Lots of patience. Zero risk of yab.
Closest comparison: Tokino Sora, or a less witty Ceres Fauna

-Younger voice that complements Fuwawa's nicely. She's the funny man to Fuwawa's straight man. But I wouldn't classify her as a kusogaki like Gura or Bijou.
-She's not particularly skilled in any genre, but plays a lot of games.
-She wears her heart on her sleeve, which can be a double-edged sword (see below). She's a prime bully target in gaming collabs.
Closest comparison: Not sure.

-They are going from <100 viewers to several thousand viewers. Can they handle the stress and the trolls?
-Even though they openly enjoy eroge and watch raunchy anime, they are extremely seiso, moreso than anyone in HoloEN. Collabs with some of the rougher ENs might be awkward.
-They are completely clueless on western internet meme/otaku culture. I'd argue that this is a good thing, but they won't have much in common with someone like Gura, and will miss out on a lot of jokes. Likewise, they won't be able to banter with chat quite like the other girls do. They will probably do better collabing with JPs than ENs.
-Mococo can be very opinionated about certain things, and can come across and blunt and rude like Kiara does sometimes. I worry that she has a short temper like Ame, and it might get her into trouble.
-They (especially Mococo) have a very difficult time with horror games, even moreso than Bae. In the Yuki Onna stream, they spent almost 30 minutes hiding in a pot, too scared to leave. While their old fans were nice, Hololive fans will lose their patience.

Good chemistry with: Fauna, Bae, Ina, Kiara?
? chemistry with: IRyS (she's an otaku, but how will they react to her jokes?), Calli (she knows she has to reel herself in a bit), Mumei
Poor chemistry with: Gura, Ame, Kronii

>> No.54798478

As far as strong debut goes, Nerissa and Fuwacoco are the best, Bijou was good too and Shiori was kinda weak(Not because of any schizo rambling about collabs, but her debut was overall unremarkable for me at least).

That said, I'll keep an eye on Shiori, I remember don't liking Mumei and Kaela debuts either, and look how things are right now.

>> No.54798561

>Don't liking.
Disliking, sorry my esl'ness got me.

>> No.54798610

idk but doggos cute

>> No.54798748

somehow i think shiori is still more interesting than the dogs, Being controversial raises my curiosity, won't watch her but, very curious about her future. bijou is the best for me on who to watch, nerissa is the best for me on music expectations, and i actually didn't find the dogs interesting at all, but i hope they can bring something different besides their cute noises

>> No.54798757

Very good analysis anon.
>They will probably do better collabing with JPs than ENs.
THIS. 100%. I can already tell they will shine the most with JPs senpai than with Council or Myth.
And as you said "completely clueless on western internet meme/otaku culture" chat was spamming the Ina's tomorrow meme in their stream and they were totally clueless about it.

>> No.54798856

as an spanish speaker, I liked Shiori, we already had Neon Kuroyuri from wactor having a similar voice/personality and character differences

>> No.54798864

mucho texto
cringe OP

>> No.54799415

Cancelled over one sentence. Seething over one word. Anons can say Holo is healing, but /vt/ never will.

>> No.54800127

Aside from Ai, there wasn't really any "major" vtuber channels before Nijisanji and Hololive.
The closest thing I can think of are the VSPO twins, but they each have their own channel.

>> No.54800565

This is one bad case nijisisters hire

>> No.54800589
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>if/when she gives a try.
I have good news for you.

>> No.54800755

Not really. I am growing to understand that I probably dislike the fandom and the way they think and what they say.

>> No.54800996

Three out of four channels managed to not shit onto the hand that feeds them on their first stream. Impressive!

>> No.54800997

>respect my colab choices
This really killed it for me. I don't even know what are her colab choices, but she's already expecting me to hate it.
If she thinks that her audience aren't gonna like it, then why do it?

>> No.54801047

The dogs and the rock are there for the lolicons, not my thing but hey, you do you (or babies or whatever you fags are into)

Shiori seems fine, albeit once again she’s putting on a voice that just isn’t very good. I’ll watch her once again when she’s done trying to fake it so much

Fully invested in Rissa stonks, I’ll enjoy her zatsu and covers. If expecting her playing games will be boring af but I’ll watch her other stuff

>> No.54801397

I've never been onto holobabys, but Bijou just tingles my Moai

>> No.54802062

I'm a Diamond Dog and nothing can make me change

>> No.54802407

>It just begs the question, why even apply?
So she can get 240k subs before her first stream

>> No.54802832

>"small and cute voice" audience
Do you mean lolicons? How is that a con? Aren't we all lolicons here?

>> No.54802984

50/50 Pros and cons...cant take this shit serious.

>> No.54803135

Shiori didn't grab me, but if she's making the Unicorns THIS mad already, I'll at least need to keep an eye out to see what she's up to.

Koseki's voice is like nails on chalkboard to me.

Management should have let Nerissa sing in her debut: yeah, maybe she would have been too nervous, but she was so vanilla up to that ending song that I'd never have given her a chance without it. Girl got robbed.

The dogs though? That debut was basically perfect. Definitely going to keep an eye on those two.

>> No.54803373

Apparently she always wants to be the cutest girl in a group, so it might be that she is trying to use a lolicon voice to seem cuter. I wish she would use her normal or her deep voice because both are still higher pitched than average.

>> No.54803641

you are an NPC

>> No.54805019
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>> No.54805325


>> No.54807216

Shiori novella is the worst. Anyone who doesn't think so is inhaling a lot of copium

>> No.54807238

This reads like a cucks fantasies.

>> No.54807401

Oddly empathetic? I thought it's normal to wish everyone happiness? Even if I call everyone here dumb niggers, that shouldn't have been born, I still believe people deserve happiness, maybe if they were happy they wouldn't be such dumb niggers.

>> No.54807531

Also NTA, but here's your argument: Hololive has done collabs with males since 2018. Hololive-Holostars collab ban was lifted in 2019. The Hololive that "woman that tolerate the existence of male collabs" aren't allowed to join is nothing more than schizo headcanon.
If you can't handle that fact, just leave and admit you've made a mistake in ever watching Holo in the first place, because that's how it's always been. Stop bitching about it.

>> No.54807610

I really loved Mococo voice, it felt very bratty and I don't know I just loved it as opposed to more soft spoken Fuwawa.

>> No.54807654


>> No.54807706

This looks like it's made by a 12 year old. Extremely cringe.

>> No.54807748

>but this is just basically "You're right and I don't have any argument against it."
No, it's recognizing that there's no arguing with a schizo.
The girls will do what they want and no amount of unicorn screeching will change it. They are a minority and nobody will mourn the loss of them.

The options are accepting male collabs, or being a little baby bitch about it. And no in-betweens.

>> No.54807912

Dogs con: Unintelligible english, compounded with them constantly talking over each other makes them nothing but background noise
They'd have worked 10000x better as HoloJP since they can actually speak legible Japanese

>> No.54808018

Maybe my ESL brain wired differently, but I understand like 90% of what they are saying and my brain filling up the blanks?

>> No.54812565

Niji > OG >sunshine > Superstar

>> No.54813185
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>filtered everyone
>has the exact same subs as her closest competitor and only 0.5% less than the next one
She filtered no one except catalogfags who never watch streams.

>> No.54813810

I haven't watched these new chuubas, my only gripe with them is that their names sound a bit nijisanji-ish, a bit too chuuni for my tastes.

>> No.54814820

a con of dogs is they are hardly understandable. mixture of mic and esl imo, they kinda sound like they are talking with feathers in their mouths. ik numerous ppl pointed it out during debut, so thought i would bring it up op :D

>> No.54815112
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>The dogs... are there for the lolicons

>> No.54815144

I honestly wonder how sustainable the duo schtick will be (not hating), they will have to share everything including revenue between two people, not like viewers are gonna SC them twice as hard lol. Before anyone says it, it's probably more acceptable when you are smaller than now where they will be making a lot more.

>> No.54815541

They seem to be REALLY close if you know what I mean. I'm sure it all goes into the same account.

>> No.54815620

pro: she will be interesting and will maintain the interest for a long while, if not increase it. absolute awesome model design.
con: likely to experience multiple health breaks.
>the rock
pro: quite entertaining
con: cute can only go so far
>the birb with the "ope"
pro: fantastic singing voice (to be verified on sunday) and general enthusiasm and energy. helps her genmates.
con: fandom being stupid with her and kronii. it will be better if they are not unjustifiably lumped together. (btw, i disagree with OP about the voice type. similar, but quite distinct in that nessy has a large amount of training and practice behind her voice. kronii does not have the same level of training, but has some practice)
pro: cute design and presentation
con: if the twin thing is going to be kept up as a thing, it's quite taxing on planning, live coordination, and even their own relationship with each other. what about it is a different from a collab? or is that the norm for their channel, that's it's ALWAYS a collab? also, pink doggo needs to speak a little more

overall, they need at least a 6-8 months to settle into their own rhythms, so everyone needs to hold onto their expectations and criticisms lightly.

>> No.54816253

They are inseparable anon, they have been at it for over 10+ years balancing their interests to always be together. They literally are the cartoonish stereotype of "twins".

>> No.54816263

Nice reflection of the debuts. Not much to except the overlap between rock-chan and fuwacoco is small than you think. That there's any overlap at all kinda sucks, but I can definitely see two independent audiences forming bc of fuwacoco's duo channel style.

>> No.54816485

I know who they are but I don't think I have to tell you, fame/money breaks even the tightest bonds. I honestly want them to prove a cynic like me wrong, trust me.

>> No.54816671

this. this is a fear of mine with the shared channel thing.

>> No.54816819

I'm surprised people were impressed with Nerissa's debut unless the only thing they care about is voice and singing ability.

>> No.54817491

i hope you don't work in HR

>> No.54818190

>In the Yuki Onna stream, they spent almost 30 minutes hiding in a pot, too scared to leave.
I would watch that.

>> No.54818533

Yeah this seems very accurate.

I’m personally not huge on nerissa’s design, something about the long straight hair on this model feels boring idk, but everyone else seems to love her design.

>> No.54819690

My ranking:
1. Bijou: creative and UOGH ToT
2. FuwaMoco: so happy for them. Hard working and entertaining.
3. Nerissa: hot voice and model, safe stream choices.
4. Shiori: hot model, menhera, want to hatefuck her, probably boring streams.

>> No.54820245
File: 19 KB, 429x301, I can fix her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54820415

You have Cute Agression Syndrome. You should see a doctor about that. It's pretty bad.

>> No.54820805

>wholesome 4channer
Now I've seen it all.
jokes aside, it's not the first time I've seen a wholesome anon, and I know it won't be the last time

>> No.54820984

Shiori was overhyped by Cover itself. She was positioned as the cool leader in the teaser, her design has crazy eyes. I blame Cover for misleading people. Compare ot HoloX where Laplus looks like a cheeky brat who could never be a real supervillian and that is exactly what she ended up being.

>> No.54821291
File: 805 KB, 1289x907, Welcome to The Circus Polka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with (You) mostly on everything, except about Bijou and Nerissa's models.
I actually feel like Bijou's model is top notch and only second to Shiorin's.
In the other hand, Nerissa's model doesn't look appealing to me at all. Something ticks me off about it. I kind of thought about IRyS' model curse, but eh... it's not that bad I guess.

>> No.54821798


>> No.54821958

They are each trying to do different things, and I think all of them can succeed in what they are attempting.

However, since they are going for separate tastes, bound to be psyco fans looking to prove their oshi's approach is best by tearing down the others, and numberfags will be out in force. Also, since their audiences are sure to be different, collabs among themselves may be awkward while they try to entertain each fanbase while not turning off anyone.

Hope they built enough of a mental toughness to limit the effect of the hate they will eventually get for being different from the others by design.
