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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5475075 No.5475075 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone notice Kiara and Mori's collaboration partners for the tournament were changed? Is this Cover's response to the negative feedback?

>> No.5475181

I don't know about gigguk but maybe that Faye person is also happy to 'dodge the vtubers'

>> No.5475262

Holobronies are mentally ill and WILL harass anyone that collabs with their oshi so I truly cannot blame him for feeling like he dodged a bullet

>> No.5475289

Did they even announce who their coaches were before today? The initial announcement was just that Calli, Kiara, Gigguk, and Faye were facing each other in the tournament with no mention on who their buddy/coach were gonna be.

>> No.5475313

Meds, they were not, Kiara had that vtuber from the start.
There's a deleted tweet and a reddit post about it, Cygames is shit at marketing.
Also why the fuck make a thread for it retard, go ask in global.

>> No.5475318

Consider taking your prescriptions

>> No.5475322

it seems like this image just shows their assigned coaches, not their partners.

>> No.5475333

>Unmexican Leo

>> No.5475349

That's a new one

>> No.5475377

Disregard the part where I said partners, it seems the 4 people originally shown (mori, kiara, gernt, faye) are the tourney competitors.

>> No.5475386

They were supposed to battle each other along with their coaches. The best that Cover can do is insist that Kiara and Mori get female coaches. That is all.

>> No.5475434

In addition, I would like to point out that even Matsuri and Towa are not allowed to be unit that is just consistent of dudes. Towa has explained that she can't if there are no girls in her unit and all meetings with coaches for tournaments have their managers present. So yeah. Cover is still trying to manage them to a certain degree

>> No.5475439

Smart man

>> No.5475461

this is everything wrong with anime in one image

>> No.5475610


>> No.5475612

Honestly it makes sense, one of the biggest threats to Cover's bottom line at the moment is some drama-filled sex scandal scaring away the gachikoi.

>> No.5475627

>follows nsfw loli artists
>follows Melody
>follows other indie vtubers
Yeah no he's just taking the piss.

>> No.5475636

They really just don't care for another towa drama huh. Anyway based

>> No.5475687

if they want to stream with real people why not commit and drop the avatars?

>> No.5475699

True smart dude.

>> No.5475710

Is Shadowverse any good?

>> No.5475719

Aren’t these just coaches can y’all read?

>> No.5475732
File: 578 KB, 1233x691, Ayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i can only rread

>> No.5475765

game is kinda shit desu, extremely F2P friendly but there is so much cancer you have to play against

>> No.5475772

no, but there isn't much option outside of MTG.

>> No.5475790

"y'all" need to go back

>> No.5475797

He just said that cause' he wanted to coach a cunny tuber.

>> No.5475849

Source for that? I know she talked about it once in a membership stream last year, did she elaborate upon it since then?

>> No.5475876
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>> No.5475892

I know IRL idols and famous women have to worry about this but anime girls? Are there really some schizos out there worried their 2d anime girl will somehow get dicked in 3d?

>> No.5475932
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>hidamari sketch avatar

>> No.5475972

faye can pick any name and profile picture, picks the most normalfag choice
this collab will be great

>> No.5476024

>Memento Mori

>> No.5476050

Towa posted it on Twitter before. I forgot the tournament that she was participating in

>> No.5476069
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>Are there really some schizos out there worried their 2d anime girl will somehow get dicked in 3d?

>> No.5476083
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That iyashik bitch straight up looks like a noh mask lmfao

>> No.5476109
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>> No.5476111

Based man

>> No.5476126

Damn, nice. Hope he wins or w/e.

>> No.5476180

I'd be grateful if anyone could find it

>> No.5476187

Anonchama... watch stream please, this is how it was supposed to be from the start, 1 Pro coach + 1 "celebrity".

>> No.5476247
File: 53 KB, 600x453, okpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loses their shit when a chuuba collabs with actual people
>Roommateposts all the time

The duality of /vt/

>> No.5476940

It always amazes me how dumb some people can be. Their coaches were never going to be the people they were fighting in the tournament.

>> No.5476998
File: 848 KB, 1771x911, THEFINALYAAAAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god, we dodged a fucking bullet.

>> No.5477016

y'all is plural you fuckin yank. at least I hope you're a yank and not a yuro or worse, a seanigger.

>> No.5477095

does anyone but southern burgers even use that?

>> No.5477110

Blacks and twitter users larping as blacks.

>> No.5477146

I'm pretty sure that southerners will stop using it soon because the only people that use it online are sheboons and white whores with pronouns in their bio that wish they were born sheboons.

>> No.5477183

I will only stop using y'all to switch to something more obnoxious like youse guys or you'ins

>> No.5477281

I don't have a tweet but I think it's her first CR cup appearance. Where she played with Wokka

>> No.5477322

Why are you always in these bait threads vyt sperg? You stick out like a sore thumb in a sea of mental illness, which is an accomplishment I guess.

>> No.5477345

Noooooo b-but my discord friends told me that muh Mongolian Basket weaving forum has powers and relevance outside itself

>> No.5477350

It's time for holotards to accept the fact that they are the nu-bronies

>> No.5477374

It's just funny how little different they're from the JP holobronies

>> No.5477389

It's jarring that you believe no one can insult the fanbase they're part of.

>> No.5477400

Lmao it's exactly like an overprotective parent

>> No.5477474

Are you new or have you been skipping on the memory pills?

>> No.5477564

Based, which indie vtuber he followed?

>> No.5477945

Wait it's a team tournament? Isn't this basically the pros playing each other with the others as proxies?

>> No.5478383

Literally who

>> No.5478563

Probably, but they would gradually reduce their involvement in the later parts. Then it will devolve into pre Master rank shitshow

>> No.5478694

This dude looks like he'd sniff Faye's chair after one of their coaching sessions

>> No.5478789

I use it to avoid misgendering people by using "guys" as plural

>> No.5478907

wtf does betweetwn mean?

>> No.5480263

the same thing that
>round ribbon
do, and that's that the promo was made by an ESL and not given an ounce of proofreading

>> No.5480294

Pretty girls don't get into esports.

>> No.5480329

Pretty much. Cygames has been trying with limited success to shill their esports/tourney scene. I figure they want to attract interest by attaching some more marketable faces to it.

>> No.5480447

>If you were a class leader voice acting
Mori basically already is a Shadowcraft leader design though/

>> No.5480623

I don't give a shit enough about this to look at this event or see how it's formatted, but I'm assuming that
>dodged the vtubers
Is tournament speak for she dodged them in her half of the bracket or dodged them in the first round.

>> No.5480636

I figured he meant he is happy he isn't paired with them

>> No.5480712

Retarded OP, on Gigguk's collab he and Mori clearly stated that they were playing together now, but would be up against each other on the tournament. The mori-kiara-gigguk-faye collab is not the tournament either,

>> No.5480899

I really hope Kiara only uses her for coaching and nothing more. Though seeing how this person is she won't probably shut up about it even during coaching.

>> No.5481231

Yeah because the guy who plays Apex all day is totally getting in your oshi's pants

>> No.5481729

What's wrong with Momojelly, a casual look at her twitter just seems like a normal literally who streamer.

>> No.5482016

It's okay, better than Hearthstone, but that isn't really saying much. It's way more generous though, you can get meta decks easily while being f2p, they just bait you hard to get cosmetics. A lot of the anger towards the game is in its consistency, so you'll often just get mad at your opponent getting perfect curves while you're sitting there bricking. Anime art aesthetic can also be more preferable to some, though they've censored some art thanks to the Switch game.

>> No.5482362

>though they've censored some art thanks to the Switch game.
I remember the first Runecraft leader had her design tweaked for global. They've been editing cards as well?

>> No.5485448

Yeah, a lot of cards were originally from one of their older games, and for a while now they've been covering them up before they even debut into SV. Since the Switch game though they went back and covered up a lot of the older cards too. Mostly titties, but also crosses and bizarrely enough a knife.
You can check each individual card here for post and pre censoring.

>> No.5485486

I know the Shadow leaders got spats instad of the bikini, I dont know about a Rune leader who got ruined. Cards get changed a lot though.

>> No.5485748

He means Isabelle, her huge tits are covered in the english version. They're fine if you switch to JP but they recently released "updated" versions of the default leaders that conveniently censors Isabelle in both versions, she hardly even moves so her tits don't jiggle.

>> No.5486018

Unicorns don't want their oshi even mentioning IRL men, much less an ex bf. They want the girls to act like they're in a cgdct anime where males don't exist.

>> No.5486091

>to avoid misgendering people
You are the problem.

>> No.5487964
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I like the base game itself but the meta obviously varies like with any CCG. You have to understand and accept what it is and what it's trying to be. I've had metas I've loved and some I've hated, although I can usually find a deck I enjoy and can climb with, plus the meta changes pretty much every 1-2 months. Btw 10 free packs per day event is going on right now (I think if you get into the event late you can still get the ones you missed), never seen that much given away before. New expansion at the end of the month, so keep in mind if you spend resources on meta decks right now they probably won't be meta in like a week, plus the cards from the oldest set in rotation (World Uprooted) will rotate out and no longer be playable in rotation.
t. played it for almost 5k hours, GM in both formats, haven't spent a penny yet
