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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54667001 No.54667001 [Reply] [Original]

I will never forget what they took from me

>> No.54670209

fake bitch

>> No.54670290

What she took from you, since she is vshitjo now.

>> No.54670315

she still streams every day 6+ hours a day doing the exact same thing as before with the same voice and same mannerisms but ok

>> No.54670347

A thread died for this.

>> No.54670602
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>your based and redpilled Hololive passed her up for someone everyone hates and someone only pedophiles like

>> No.54670883

You do know that her content in Vshojo is practically the exact same, right?
>but-but-but my vshitshow!
She barely even acknowledges the other members

>> No.54671023

Who's "they"?
No really, are you still clinging to your fictional "she was just a poor widdle martyr against my imaginary boogeymen" narrative, when in reality her every action since has shown you the opposite?

>> No.54671202
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She's been playing together with Autism moose a lot, who is such a whore that she barely understands what sex is

>> No.54671307

But nothing changed. Henya isn't another Kson situation, she acts exactly the same as she did as Pika.

>> No.54671379

I keep forgetting Haruka has been in vshojo for a while tbf, but she's pretty inoffensive. Just likes Tim Hortons and is a bit loud. She's fine.

>> No.54671827

Hell, isn't Kson not even a Kson situation? I never quite understood what all the fuss is about (besides yeah she is now in the "bad" company, therefore also "bad") because like you said she also pretty much acts the same like she was in Hololive. So if you liked her before, you can still like her now because it's not like she changed drastically, and if you didn't like her then, well you're still not gonna like her now but why should anyone care?

Sure, the difference being the enviroment, acting crude and crass in Hololive made you stick out unique at the time because there wasn't much else like this in a group of mostly cute girls at the time, whereas acting the very same crude and crass stuff on Twitch is now suddenly much more boring and not unique because everyone else does it too.

>> No.54672172

With Kson, it tends to be two things people take issue with - facecam content (which as you pointed out she always did on whatever that weird site she used to stream on as Kson was called back when she was also a Holo) and male collabs (which she doesn't seem to have done many of? I haven't been keeping up). In saying that, I think a lot of people (myself included) liked Coco in Hololive as she made a lot of content that really brought the whole JP side together and made it feel like a happy family, which of course simply isn't possible as an indie or at Vshojo for different reasons.

>> No.54677040

Anon slowly figures out that Hololive fans only like their vtubers because they're in Hololive.

>> No.54677210

Very good, total thread death.

>> No.54677484

>get graduating stream money
>byeeeeee Pikamee see you, thanks for the content, good luck with th future
>pop back up a month later like nothing happened
no one called her out on it?

>> No.54677599

Her new model sucks, it's as simple as that

>> No.54677611

>She barely even acknowledges the other members
Not that anon, I love Henya and I've been watching every stream of her in the past 2 months (never watched her as Pikamee) but if there's one thing that's making me a little sour on her is the collabs, most of Vshojo is fine and isn't too crass, but the collab partners lately have been either e-whores or whore adjacent like fefe or tricky

>> No.54677702

They are watching her streams, giving her money and happy that she's back, only twitter trannies keep seething at the whole graduation thing

>> No.54677978
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It was all downhill after magnet died

>> No.54680038

Found the Niggersanji deflection. Too easy to read bruv

>> No.54680232

You have no argument.

>> No.54681328

>New model is soulless AND ugly, none of the charm of the original and monster models
>Tw*tch only
>Teehee Pikamee, who is that?

>> No.54681763

But he’s right?? Holo is basically a designer brand for clothes. Doesn’t make the product higher quality, doesn’t always look cooler, and isn’t always better than a cheap no name alternative and yet people who want to feel good about themselves and want to feel special will only buy at exorbitant prices because the name. Now instead of “look at me my clothes cost a lot so I’m cool” it’s “look at my vtuber she gets a lot of views so she’s better”. Hololive watchers are the hype beasts of the vtuber industry

>> No.54682283
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>> No.54682433
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Did you took your meds today?

>> No.54682756

Okay. Please explain the whore chart that you use to measure whoreness.

>> No.54682902

Watch the fefe collab and you will understand what the word "whore" means

>> No.54682994

I don't support traitors who jump ship and their friends for a better deal.

>> No.54683111
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>> No.54683128

But enough about Luna

>> No.54683182

is she still doing duo language or full english now?

>> No.54683305

Duo, but because it's mostly english viewers and collab partners, the JP part is mostly dropped, but she makes jokes and interact with the japanese regulars.

>> No.54683362

Still duo language except for collabs.

>> No.54683524

VOMS was a dead end and I'm glad she finally got away.

>> No.54684513

>no one called her out on it?
She had no choice since the IP didn't belong to her, retard.

>> No.54684571

I need to reinstall morrowind.

>> No.54686058

don't forget the chat is even worse with overused jokes and tts

>> No.54686485

Anon, every Pikmee model since her original has sucked one way or another, her currently one is an improvement on her last 3.

>> No.54686553

it's second worst after original isekai

>> No.54686625

>>New model is soulless AND ugly, none of the charm of the monster model
Don't pretend you liked that one, you fucking hated it at the time.
>Tw*tch only
Chat fuckings sucks, but it's just a platform at the end of the day
>Teehee Pikamee, who is that?
The fuck did you expect, retard?

>> No.54686662

>She barely even acknowledges the other members

So what was the point?

>> No.54686713

Im laughing from the karmic response to every Henya rrat
>Troons did it!
had nothing to do with her graduation
>Numbers will drop after debut buff just watch!
averages 5k and peaks 7k
>She milked her graduation!
>She's got creepy eyes eww!
Karma sure as hell is keeping a list of every Henya rrat and checking them off twice. Literally can't make this shit up. The next will be
>She collabed with males!
Just wait for Gen 3 cus its gonna happen.

>> No.54686897

I really like Luna and you still have a point. You gonna fucking go ape on a pop star that goes from Geffen to Sony? At the end of the day, it's a job - she was a huge fish in a small pond, I'm sure Gyari is glad she's getting what she wants.
Growth. Sponsorships. Collabs. Money. This is a job for her, at the end of the day. You don't like that? Minoru is right there.

>> No.54687325

To put it another way, a 2view I watched called vshojo a "glorified talent agency" a while back, and I couldn't have put it better myself. Sure, in the promo material they want you to think of them as an equivilent to Hololive or Nijisanji, but everyone's kinda doing their own thing with minimal oversight. They handle merch and promotion, and otherwise you pretty much get to do what you want, like you were an indie, except you're a part of something with brand recognition.

>> No.54687513

>had nothing to do with her graduation
She was never harassed, right sister?

>> No.54687534

>Don't pretend you liked that one, you fucking hated it at the time.
speak for yourself, bootlicker

>> No.54687562

Don't forget her "bad weebs" rant and larping as an indie while in Vshitshow. Shitposting aside people went from "meh she's kinda boring now it's not the crative content that we expected" to "wtf that's kinda shady is she all about money now?" it's sad how her reputation devolved over time.

>> No.54687646

Nobody on this fucking website defended that outift, either you're new or you're lying.

>> No.54687692

wtf fefe actually streams? I thought she's just a whore Vtweeter with too much money.

>> No.54687735

Im sure she needs to say 3D for a fucking millionth time before you understand

>> No.54687756

> "is she all about money now?
I don't hate Kson (don't like her that much either, mostly neutral) but if you didn't realize she was like that as Coco you weren't paying attenttion.

>> No.54687877

Every leech came out of the 2 view hole when she said she was open to collabs
Nice deflection, I'm sure your coping is doing pretty well with these false flags, just accept your loss a move on.

>> No.54688047

I know they don't really act like a team or anything, makes the whole thing feel very artificial and marketing/money oriented it's all business of course but vshojo have no focus or goals.

>> No.54688103


Fucking ESLs.

>> No.54688119

fefe is a caricature of what this board thinks Vshojo is, she's so much of a stereotype that it's jarring.

>> No.54688218

numberchimps really think their thirdie thread reflects the majority opinion of vtuber fans
you're not even the majority on this board

either vshojo and mythic are both indies or both are corpo

if she was all about the money she would still be in holo doing 3 hours of supa reading every day like she used to

>> No.54688232

Lose what? Im not fighting an imaginary culture war. Its in your own fucking head. Im here to watch vtubers and nothing else. Those are just the facts. Twitter is right around the other corner.

>> No.54688287

>vshojo have no focus or goals
Yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. I only actually learned about Mythic Live through the members of Vshojo that transfered, and I insantly thought "holy shit, this is what vshojo is pretty much is a 2nd rate version of when you get down to it". They may have those cute animations and comics, but at the end of the day, I don't see any real unity or any kind of shared goals whatsoever within the company - everyone's pretty much just doing their own thing, with occasional collabs between two members or so which aren't that unlike the collabs they're all doing with indies and other corpo chuubas anyway.

>> No.54688357

Good, now go back to where you came from, falseshitter

>> No.54688426

yeah, yeah, revisionary faggot on full damage control

>> No.54688555

My opinion of Veibei isn't even so much that she's a whore (I actually watch Mel's twitch streams sometimes and not her chaturbate stuff, which makes me feel like I'm the kind of guy who reads playboy for the articles, but she's actually kinda cool) but that she's fucking obnoxious, the last thing I want to see is anyone remotely inspired by her. /vt/ massively oversimplified things with the JP WHORE MARINE GOOD EN WHORE VEI BAD shit in that Marine is actually charming and has interesting hobbies, whereas Vei is just obnoxious. I find Mel to be fairly interesting and charismatic so I will watch her chatting and gaming streams.

>> No.54688639

Nah, you're full of shit. It doesn't even matter to someone like you that Henya was in charge of her new outfit and had it designed to her exact liking, you just want to be a contrarian faggot.

>> No.54688951

I'm also worried she is going to get dragged into some really shitty collabs by vshojo. Luckily she streams so much it's only a day or 2 before another good stream.

>> No.54689244
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Remember when this board threatened to fucking kill her over this outfit?

>> No.54689339

The only one rewriting history is you, pretending that modelfags didn't whine about every single model she ever got because it wasn't the first.

>> No.54689459

>It doesn't even matter to someone like you that Henya was in charge of her new outfit and had it designed to her exact liking
That's exactly why it looks so bad, she has horrible taste

>> No.54689481

based Mel enjoyer. When I started watching other Vshojo girls I didn't expect to find one that's almost as sweet as Henya.

>> No.54690255

You obviously don't understand clothes or the concept of quality and profesionalism in general. The thing is, with lower quality brands, every so often you get products that last years, but that's not the standard. Nijisanji is the JC Penny / Primark of vtubers - what sticks sticks, but most deisngs and products are built for short-term only. Vshojo is more like a botique label selling stuff that got popular on Etsy. Hololive is more like a legit designer label - if it wasn't popular before, it will be now, but it will be made to a certain standard of professionalism in due time or dropped.

>> No.54691358

eh Coco was working like crazy while in hololive, helping other members behind the scenes, organizing stuff she wasn't just milking unicorn money in fact people supa'd her so much because of how much she did for hololive.

>> No.54692025

>working like crazy while in hololive, helping other members behind the scenes, organizing stuff she wasn't just milking unicorn money.
you just described kson now.
Could it be that she is still the same, vtsister?

>> No.54692902
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she's live now btw

>> No.54693803

I mean it seems like at least some of them wanted it to be more like hololive etc. if you remember that Silvervale rant about Mouse ignoring her outside of pure business shit but perhaps it was because Mouse is the one who keeps talking about muh vshojo family.

>> No.54693935

good thing I didnt come here back then. her isekai was my favorite

>> No.54694551

for me, it was the kimono version

>> No.54694658

Will holodrones ever not be salty over the fact they lost the pikamee lottery?
She was NEVER gonna your slave corpo!

>> No.54696033

She was and still is a very mediocre streamer.

>> No.54696099

to be fair all companies are like that to an extent, but in vshojos case, mouse has a bigger investment than most.

>> No.54699198


>> No.54702753
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>not liking Tricky and her huge brown tits

>> No.54703470

She's better than ever anon

>> No.54707236
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>had nothing to do with her graduation
If you really watched her streams, you would know how much it traumatised her. Troons did their best to ruin her reputation. Hell, if you even type "Pikamee" in the Reddit search bar, the first thing you'll see is the post framing her as a paedophile by a sub that coordinated attacks on the streamers during the Hogwarts Legacy era. This might be the reason she decided to delete Pikamee tweets and hide all videos from the main channel to protect other VOMS members from harassment too.
