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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54661501 No.54661501 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just say it this way. You guys are overreacting as usual. Shiori isn't boring shit and Bijou isn't top tier waifu. They're FINE. The debuts were very safe. They lacked sovl and autism, but at the same time weren't overly cringe or annoying. They feel competent, but heart was missing from the debuts. It was very much like when you have a musician who is all technique and no feeling. You know what you've got in front of you is definitively good, but there's nothing you can really latch onto. They're ok but there's not a lot of substance beyond the surface. With Advent, you're probably at best going to get an IRyS and at worst get a Bae. Very safe and inoffensive choices. But there won't be any Guras or Korones. Like Council, everyone will kind of blend in with their gen and there will be no stand-out chuubas and you probably won't feel very strongly about any of them. A month from now after you've stopped pissing pre-cum over child pussy, you'll agree with me. Just wait.

>> No.54661596
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>A month from now after you've stopped pissing pre-cum over child pussy
That would be impossible for me.

>> No.54661635

you could've adjusted the sentences here op, its kinda hard to read all these texts

>> No.54661667

Being "overrated" is the least of Shiori's problems.

>> No.54661684

You'd say I was using reddit spacing if I formatted my post. Wall of text is the 4chan way
Kind of based actually

>> No.54661694
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>can't comprehend what he watched
>unity cuck
>lowers all the effort it took to make a good stream to pick up a shit one
you're retarded

>> No.54661824


>> No.54661848

anyways, shiori will probably my go to for the chill streams and bijou for the challenge and chaotic ones.

>> No.54661874

I think Bijou making everyone draw themselves as a Pebble had a lot of soul. Starting with the statue and then doing the magical girl transformation, and the Google Slides bit, was pretty good too.

>> No.54662050

>you're probably at best going to get an IRyS and at worst get a Bae
Bro the Nerissa is a Mori but with seiyū experience , and Shiori is a discount Kronni with the NTR experience but without the sex voice

>> No.54662053

There are no they here, Bijou debut was better than Shiori despite her being in this game for far longer than the rock loli. Shiori is here for her retirement fund while Bijou is here for the fans, she actually tried.

>> No.54662209

>she actually tried.
Shiori's debut was literally prepared and presented amazingly well anon, with all the transitions and texts, even a small skit.
Not sure if you are blind or something, but she definitely did everything to make it a success.

>> No.54662434

It's better to think that she didn't try and doesn't care much. The alternative is worse.
>Shiori is here for her retirement fund while Bijou is here for the fans
I'd disagree there. It is more like Shiori is here for her retirement, Bijou is here for her retirement fund. Hard work is what you do when you want to get money.

>> No.54662573

based and /thread
OP needs to kys for the benefit of mankind.

>> No.54662649

Anon, one literally had a husbando list while the other had actual goals list, just that it's pretty clear the difference between their attitude
Even if she is a homo collaber Shiori probably will going to be another laid back holo while Bijou at least seems to want to give a go for real

>> No.54662733

*even if if she isn't

>> No.54662767
File: 890 KB, 1264x654, Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 10-18-08 【DEBUT】Moai Moai Kyun~! 🗿 #hololiveEnglish #holoAdvent - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They lacked sovl and autism

>> No.54662808

/vt/ard tries to construct a sentence that isn't made up of premade insult Legos impossible challenge

>> No.54662886

Having a sense of humor or being lighthearted doesn't equate to sovl and autism. There's an inherent retardedness that makes girls like Pekora or Amelia charming.

>> No.54662890

That's the issue with 40 minutes debuts. Ame's meds trip was fucking retarded but it was just her having fun and that's what made it memorable, but people got too autistic and couldn't stand it so Cover decided to move to another format.
At least Bijou drawing a pebble was cute, nothing on that same level but a nice attempt of bringing back soul nonetheless.

>> No.54663067

>board famous for blowing the tiniest things out of proportion continues to wildly exaggerate

>> No.54663108
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>competence is bad
Cam on now. I know council lower our standards a lot but can't we appreciate some one who's actually trying to be, I don't know, entertaining ?

>> No.54663223

No one is overreacting, we just have a flood of Niji and Phase falseflaggers

>> No.54664014

Your words fall on deaf ears. These troglodytes don't care about anything beyond their culture wars and the concepts of winning/losing.
