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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54536881 No.54536881 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present】
WACTOR is also known as:

"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project

Previous thread >>54458490

Evil edition

>> No.54537064

I missed you guys so much.

>> No.54537353

I'm jealous not gonna lie.

>> No.54537500

I've just read the shitfest from yesterday, come on share the archive anons

>> No.54537598

I've been thinking about this whole mess.
What if the part of barely having friends IRL is true, not because she's a social retard but because most people trying to get close to her did it because of her family name? After realizing that, she choose to keep distance from everyone.
Her online persona allowed people to like her not because of her networth, but because they actually liked her personality, sense of humor, and a huge list of etcs.
That would explain why she wants to keep doing this chuuba venture despite being doxxed so hard yesterday.
Dunno if papanya will allow her to continue tho.

>> No.54537599

We know, Himea.

>> No.54537910

shura on the gfe route

>> No.54538037

Fuck off Himea you're irrelevant now

>> No.54538079

>she can't sleep because she was the one who posted the dox
Plot thickens

>> No.54538206

She’s been sick and slept all day yesterday

>> No.54538312

Ojou sama plot

>> No.54538389

In other news
>Mahiru's announcement
Mahiru will become 2.5D as Mahiru and will do cosplays.
She basically confirmed she's staying for another year and Akira had to give concessions for it.

>> No.54538519

I'm going to kill myself for having missed Anya's /here/ live tour...

>> No.54538717

kek true
literal manga plot

>> No.54539417

anons are very easy to manipulate

>> No.54539807

If it makes Meicatards seethe I will support anything Anya wants, no matter if it's a lie.

>> No.54539897


>> No.54540050


>> No.54540474

I kneel

>> No.54540497

you're really mind broken :)
Well I guess we all have a happy ending, Himea is irrelevant, Anya is free and WACTOR is dead.

>> No.54540640

Share yesterday's archives

>> No.54541333

>Meicatard exposes himself as the Himeaschizo

>> No.54541644

>And he keeps samefagging

>> No.54541811


>> No.54541893

Remove Himea and I'm in.

>> No.54541947

these fagots of la guardia tranny have nothing to do? are they fucking ninis or what the fuck?

>> No.54542084

Ban Himea and Meica and we'll have comfy threads again.

>> No.54542148

yuritron promised to let them suck it after the operation if they do everything she tells to them

>> No.54542233

PNG is not descriptive enough, Nisha will have a new model soon, technically, she won't be PNG anymore

>> No.54542331

All the thread has been shit because of Anya's fault since her debut
Nothing to do with Meica or Himea
That schizo attention whore is the real problem

>> No.54542382

PÑG or las tiesas came out because after the fight with Akira it was the only thing they could do

>> No.54542486

>>54542382 (me)
without models was the only thing they could do

>> No.54542569

Fuck off Shura

>> No.54542607

Las tiesas was never used /here/
Where do you come from?

>> No.54542674

Friendly reminder that Pettanko is /here/

>> No.54542692

Then add Anya to the blacklist.
PNG without Anya, Himea and Meica.

>> No.54542858

We have to make sure that Anya is banned from every online discussion site and show the kind of shit she is if someone brings her on topic, all that she want is attention and we shouldn't give it to her

>> No.54542964

That faggot tainted the good name of anons forever.

>> No.54543002

Ok pettancuck

>> No.54543034

Fuck off pettancuck. We're banning Anya just to get rid of you. We don't give a fuck what you do out of here, go to el ocho or something.

>> No.54543109

Yeah, it's so obvious that she just want to be in the spotlight
She is trying to victimize and draw the attention to herself using the Pettanko and /here/ schizos shit that's why she did that space yesterday
Don't help her retards

>> No.54543147

just do the /pgn/ thread and get the fuck out

>> No.54543179


>> No.54543211

Finally an anon that use his brain

>> No.54543246

i hope pettanko goes to prison and gets brutally raped by his cellmate

>> No.54543279

My money is on kikebook

>> No.54543318

She’s a mastermind manipulator, she’s so evil guys. we need to stop her NOW.

>> No.54543337

Not your personal army pettanko faggot.

>> No.54543387

Did anyone download the latest nisha membership file? I haven't seen it and would like someone to share it.

>> No.54543464

it's the truth Anya doesn't have the status of watorete her intentions were always clear if you read the files after Anya was announced until before her debut there is a persistent message that was not just parroting and it's about a month later she would leave, now that we know that Anya was a regular /here/ poster many post that only seemed like simple shitpost now make sense
Meica was Misopa without her there would be no wactor either PÑG gang, Himea is truly /our/ girl instead Anya is just another manipulative schizo anon

>> No.54543491

>the faggot nuked yet another account

>> No.54543518

tf is a watorete?
Again words never used here.

>> No.54543542

Slang for Akira's cumdump.

>> No.54543604

Oh wait, you're right watorete isn't even a thing here.

>> No.54543709

Fuck off dracucklon, She'll pay for all has done

>> No.54543725

wactorete it's the feminization of wactor, we started using it a long time ago to refer to our girls and femanons

>> No.54543736

He has a point tho
The only reason Anya has been gaining followers is because of the drama and she is also the reason why threads have been so bad lately
It's clearly that Anya's intention is use the drama as a stepping stone
Anya should be banned regardless if we change the name or not

>> No.54543881

Most people weren't even aware of the drama before these past few days.
Not even in her discord server people know about the extent of pettanko stalking.

>> No.54543937
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Who told eru to join a place that is 90% loli hentai...

>> No.54543938

Thanks to Renato/Natashka, it's well known that Anya was a /here/ regular since her debut, only newfags and discucks think she is a newbie /here/

>> No.54543978

He deleted it at early morning, he must be quite scared by the lawsuit

>> No.54543981

If those were really her intentions, she would have gone public with the whole Pettancuck thing, all she did was talk about it because the fucking retard showed her the doxx, and was continuously harassing her.

>> No.54544026

Don't involve my wife in your bullshit.

>> No.54544059

Still I enjoyed her acting in that part.

>> No.54544095

One thing is a wactorette, another thing is a watorete

>> No.54544146

She is an actress paid by Akira to spy /here/

>> No.54544160

>Not even in her discord server people know about the extent of pettanko stalking.
They knew it
Anya literally joined the VC and talked about it and if it wasn't enough Yuricom couldn't stop talking about it either

>> No.54544214

Tell shura that she isn't a hag

>> No.54544244

>Mahiru streamed with her irl face
>No one cares
I hate dramafaggots so much

>> No.54544323

As I said before, what Anya did to Akira is based and well deserved for being an asshole but far from that we shouldn't give a shit about her, she only entered to be able to leave later and take advantage of playing to be another victim of Akira (this is not the case) she took advantage of pettanko only as a credible excuse to leave

>> No.54544456

>3dpd shit
who cares, may as well go to twitch to watch to rl streamers at that point.

>> No.54544471

She has gone public since she left Wactor

>> No.54544501

>vtuber board

>> No.54544508

Don't ask
Don't care

>> No.54544551

Nigga I was there before they kicked me and pettanko's name was dropped like three times without any discussion about it.

>> No.54544584

And? Anons love manipulative menheras, you're only making me love her more.

>> No.54544597

he wrote it wrong I wrote it wrong, forgive us life anon

>> No.54544600

she is qt

>> No.54544615

Posting a screencap will get you b& for 3D shit.

>> No.54544648

Then WACTOR isn't a vtuber agency anymore, because she did it with Akira's approval.

>> No.54544647

Literally the whole first part of the call was about Pettanko retard

>> No.54544666


>> No.54544714

In the space she said Wactor didn't let her address the matter directly. That's why she was silent about the whole thing until last night.

>> No.54544729

Kys don’t you understand? The thread name isn’t going anywhere you can create whatever bullshit you want and it will fall.

>> No.54544845

Anya will pay

>> No.54544866

Go to the archives, there were posts about it
Yes they did talk about Pettanko

>> No.54544915

With my love

>> No.54545246

Mahiru will pay

>> No.54545325

Hi Ren

>> No.54545411

Hi Anya, please unblock me

>> No.54545443
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>> No.54545550

You are not blocked my love, we even had a call on Discord last night

>> No.54545644

Reminder that my love for Anya is as an anon, I don't care about her content nor if she has a bf.

>> No.54545712

i fucking hate renacuajo so fucking much

>> No.54545736

if you like anons so much then suck my dick

>> No.54545758


>> No.54545840

You're not Anya. I love Anya the anon, not anons in general.

>> No.54545843

We know Ren stop samefagging

>> No.54545882

I want her back…

>> No.54546057


>> No.54546062
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TranAnya will pay

>> No.54546184

Hypocrite brocucksito

>> No.54546281

>Anya is shitting the thread again

>> No.54546335

meicatard being a meicatard

>> No.54546351

>brocuckcito trying to deflect all the blame to here
I bet his name can be found in Meica's server shitalking Anya.

>> No.54546433

Now that we know that Anya and Natashko are regulars here, seeing this type of replies >>54539897 >>54540050 >>54540474 >>54542569 >>54544915 >>54545758 >>54546184
gave me creeps because it was made by one of them kek

>> No.54546460

Anya tell your dad to buy Wactor

>> No.54546481

Well if you don't want me to shit on Anya i will shit on Meica haha
You should know already how this works

>> No.54546508

Someone should go to asp and make them ban Anya or at least warn them about her

>> No.54546509
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>> No.54546626

Anya definitely is one of them, you can sure of that

>> No.54546655

Talking about Meica
All her info is still on the Hina channel kek

>> No.54546697

That seems fair enough, idk if meica should be included anywhere ever again tho, she hates anons

>> No.54546825
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Nothing against you Anya but there is going to be a lot of porn about you soon, what do you think?

>> No.54546860

Both of those are me and I have never watched a single stream of hers lmao

>> No.54546878

Meica will pay

>> No.54546884

She will be off topic soon

>> No.54546902

The inclusion of Shura in these shitposts is what catch my attention, wouldn’t the normal shitpost reply be to mention Nisha instead? Sounds like some personal grudge

>> No.54546963

Anya here. don't forget including Natashko

>> No.54546965

> wactor talents past and present
lmao keep seething bitch

>> No.54546983

So what, Natamos are too and that doesn't stop me from posting them

>> No.54546997

He's done tho, he exposed his colonia in one of his fisrts accounts

>> No.54547040

>don't forget including Natashko
You were trying to say pettanko, right?

>> No.54547056

The only one who that talk about Meica is the Meica schizo anyways
We lose nothing if she is banned along Anya/Ru

>> No.54547071

fk off Anya

>> No.54547118

Holy kek, anon take your meds

>> No.54547129
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It's true

>> No.54547146

Someone asked if it was ok to tag her in anya porn, she said it was fine.

>> No.54547185

See? the merely mention of Anya turn the thread in shit
Ban her

>> No.54547192

Anya here again. I say natashko because I know you mean my bf but you don't want to be banned

>> No.54547311

Anya here again again. I meant that some say natashko not to say bf

>> No.54547358

Meica is massive and Anya isn't, we should help her even supporting her lies and becoming damafags if that makes meicatards seethe

>> No.54547434

Anya don't be so obvious

>> No.54547437

Why are brocuckcitos like this?...

>> No.54547501

Ayumi will pay

>> No.54547537

Anya pls stop

>> No.54547599

Brotecitos started to use shura after some schizo blamed meica about brotecitos shitposting, you can see that 5 threads ago

>> No.54547645

that’s not me, lol

>> No.54547693

ok Anya this is getting ridiculous

>> No.54547720

Hi AkiPT, do you still resent that your other account was flamed on twitter by Meica?. Say hello to those doxxcord hypocrites where you organize these attacks on girls.

>> No.54547725


>> No.54547755

Ban Anya

>> No.54547768

because brokekcitos only shit on other girls instead of talk about her kek

>> No.54547843

Mahiru's anniversary

>> No.54547940

now we know that all this time it was Añya and Natashko falseflaging kek

>> No.54547956

It surprised me when Anya was browsing through the archive and she said "wow they write really ugly things here". I don't shitpost a lot anymore knowing that my oshi might come here and she wouldn't want me to act like a monkey.

>> No.54548033

ok Anya

>> No.54548067
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>> No.54548077

It doesn't matter if you don't write, the schizo will do it for you

>> No.54548096

I'm not trying to be mean but a nip face reveal is not shocking at all, they all look the same to me
But still, I'm surprised Akira let her do this

>> No.54548187

You know that Anya has been /here/ since the beginning? she was only acting for tthe twittertrannies

>> No.54548214

Akira is desperate for views. He just lost the last thing that was bringing in views from the spic community.

>> No.54548228

Anya I do hope you read the linked pastebins in /asp/. It may be too late for certain tips, but still can help you move forward the chuuba scene if that's what you want. P

>> No.54548238

>La misma Anya que en sus cuentas personales es racista, clasista, xenofoba, aporofobica y se la pasa publicando memes políticamente incorrectos y de humor negro?

>> No.54548247

Guaraní whore

>> No.54548290

fuck off pettancuck

>> No.54548295

better that way, she must always deny it

>> No.54548361


>> No.54548374

That's 100% Anya.
She didn't understand lots of 4chan references she read in her livechat. But could catch those references born here that were already exported to the spic side of the internet.

>> No.54548412

girls and anons is the romeo and juliet of this century. forbidden love.

>> No.54548454

So the average spic social account

>> No.54548513

Anya will get an arranged marriage to keep her family name strong.
Ren never stood a chance.

>> No.54548557

Being racist is based.
Also being ultranationalist and extreme right.

>> No.54548586

She will marry Ren

>> No.54548593

trannys are banned in Russia

>> No.54548617

She's literally perfect, isn't her?

>> No.54548721

Unless Ren is Carlos Slim's grandchild, I doubt it.

>> No.54548723

So he'll try to go full nip now? you're not worried he'll misstreat them like he does with himea?
I don't watch mahiru but does her stream always are 1-2hr in duration exactly?

>> No.54548792

Everytime it flourishes, force of evil come to destroy this love that is the of the most purity.
Why don't they let us live our love in peace?
Girls and anons are damned to be lovers in secret.

>> No.54548813

Anya at this point it doesn't matter if you put your personal facebook and twitter in private or even delete them I already have everything archived kek

>> No.54548845

Apparently they have their own manager

>> No.54548857

>He doesn't know
He is as rich as her and speaks 3 languages

>> No.54548899

I literally don't care, if WACTOR survives even with only nips it'll make Meicatards seethe and that's good.

>> No.54548932

Damn bro you're making me lust after him

>> No.54548990

>Only three
Pfff, brainlet.

>> No.54549025
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say what you want the deal has already been closed for a long time

>> No.54549070

I'm gonna groom Ren from now on then.

>> No.54549236 [DELETED] 

Ayumi haya SIDA

>> No.54549254

I wonder if they being nips are more privileged, but know japan, I don't think they care so much about a black corpo
I hope mahiru's fine revealing her face tho

>> No.54549270

Quick question, if you can take a minute from shitposting about Anya. Are marshmallows anonymous? I want to send a horror story to Eru but I don't know if she will be able to see my name.

>> No.54549369

They are.

>> No.54549388

they are anonymus, don't worry

>> No.54549446

Yeah, don't worry, shy anon.

>> No.54549525

She probably won't read it, two days ago she said that many had already arrived and that it would be impossible for her to read them all

>> No.54549541

Meica will pay

>> No.54549637

with my love
I'm Nisha

>> No.54549827
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>she vapes

>> No.54550279

What part of bulldozer girl you didn't get?

>> No.54550772
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>> No.54551197

today is my little sister's anniversary

>> No.54551791

Wait she is a Manolita too?

>> No.54551891

Akami gives me hard-working mature girl energy. I like her.

>> No.54552060


>> No.54552300


>> No.54552677

Hi Nisha, how are your vacations with Fer?

>> No.54552822

>Want to lovepost, want to lovepost
But I know that if I do, it'll only attract shitters to her...

>> No.54552884


>> No.54553136
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>> No.54553354

If loving Anya is a crime then I declare myself guilty.
That will be my defense in the court.

>> No.54553414

Your charges are corruption of minor and pedophilia, Anon

>> No.54553441


>> No.54553456

Will someone deliver the space?

>> No.54553508

go go go

>> No.54553514
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>> No.54553564

My wife is as delicate and beautiful as a porcelain doll.
Shes makes me want to keep her and admire her for all eternity...

>> No.54553582
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Never Forget

>> No.54553786
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>> No.54553834

who vapes?

>> No.54553928

Meica, check her insta

>> No.54554344

NL is doing it now

>> No.54554378

I want to rape Nisha at gunpoint

>> No.54555290

Mahiru, check her stream

>> No.54555632

>does 3d modeling
>potato PC

>> No.54555699

le arde?

>> No.54555753

She doesn't sound like one.

>> No.54556167

She lives in Spain at least

>> No.54556482

Best Manolita

>> No.54556749

I want to hear the space

>> No.54556783

keep wanting

>> No.54556848

Anons are brainlet tech illiterates that didn't even bother to record it.

>> No.54557083

how can we even recover now??

>> No.54557162

come on Arturo give me the space, I was out all day yesterday

>> No.54557164
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>> No.54557248

Ask on facebok, discord or twitter

>> No.54557329

Yukine is "studying" english come on anon it's your time to shine

>> No.54557335
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>> No.54557345
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So that historic moment is lost media now...

>> No.54557468

She can ask nu-vyse and Haise for private classes (;

>> No.54557474

what is that?

>> No.54557489

no one gives a shit, only you tard, now piss off to discord and let the girl on peace fucking schizo.

>> No.54557548

based anya

>> No.54557699

I wonder why you are so obsessed with (you), what a strange behavior

>> No.54558115
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I'm not a schizo, I'm just frustrated because I missed it.
A chuuba reading /here/ live is a rare event yn.

>> No.54558130

Arturo has it but he is un envidioso

>> No.54558376

Statistically it happened once a year in /WACTOR/

>> No.54558608

I used to not be ashamed of being an anon. Now, after pettanshit, it can't be anymore. I don't want to be lumped together with that pedo.

>> No.54558620

Why don't you want to share it selfish fag?

>> No.54558697

Nah, Arturo would share it, but he would also put an IP logger inside the file.

>> No.54558798

I don't care I like dolphin porn

>> No.54558802

fuck off anti faggot, god knows for what kind of shit you will use it.

>> No.54558962

>t. newfag
You bait is too weak facetard

>> No.54558981

>Flashbacks of anons refusing to give Paru face to tourists.
Even after everything that happened, old /WACTOR/ spirit still lives on.
I wonder if someday good anons will take over the general again.

>> No.54559010

Historically, real Anons are selfish with the information they have. I would maybe think about sharing it, knowing that she didn't say anything that could be used to hurt her. However I don't want to be perceived as being one of the people who are harassing her, so I will not share it. However I will give you a brief summary

> she started off talking about pettanko and how tired she is of him
> she said even if she blocks him, he just makes new accounts
> she also thinks the guy is literally mentally ill because he makes up fantasies in his mind, like when she used to like poetry posts on twitter and he would message her things like "i love you too" and shit like that
> then I guess someone told her she had been doxxed "on the 4" and she opened the thread
> she was looking for the doxx post but she couldn't find it so anons directed her to the archive
> she found it and she said she would pass the information to her father, I think
> she answered posts made in that thread, nothing really important
> in the end she just asked her listeners to report pettanko if they saw him posting dumb shit

>> No.54559176

There is nothing they could do with it anyways, she just talked about Pettanko and the thread

>> No.54559215

Pettanko posted the doxx tagging her, it was a warosu screenshot i think

>> No.54559287

what insults did she use to get some anons to tell her that her language was too vulgar?

>> No.54559322

we must admit that Anya is a good actress

>> No.54559390

How naive.
I'm a reformed anti of another girl, and I was able to twist her every single word against her.
An Anya anti could do huge damage with that recording.

>> No.54559416

Like what?

>> No.54559522

It's not like it's hard to fool twittards

>> No.54559584

I trust you Arturo

>> No.54559643

Which one?

>> No.54559930

>shura's mom and anya's dad in 4chan

>> No.54559955
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Anyafags are really scared of that audio so it must contain really big bad shit KEK
I really want to see what's coming fot the 2nd round
It feels good when you don't care about any of these, don't forget your popcorns threadwatchers chads!

>> No.54559985

On the contrary, with a recording idiots can't invent anything of what was said or not in that space because the evidence would be there at hand to debunk any accusation.

>> No.54560213

There is nothing bad in it, kek. Anya deleted it and deleted everything referring to the topic because she doesn't want drama and wants to be calm, besides she says there's going to be something legal involved so she can't talk too much.

>> No.54560223

anons can someone told me what's that?

>> No.54560408

Remember when people shat on Neon for weeks because apparently she said she also used to shit on vtubers and they should have a thicker skin?
It took a while for the nuked stream to surface and show the truth.
Fuck hoarding information, it does more harm than good.

>> No.54560542

I miss Neon...

>> No.54560597

Imagine being mexican and share counrty with that fag

>> No.54560626
File: 447 KB, 527x465, 1679686703792669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be very fun indeed my friend
Very very fun

>> No.54560702

but she never said that, i was there, i remember she just mispronounced something but if you have the context you know she was talking about she didn't like people who tried to make the girls feel bad

>> No.54560756

>reading comprehension

>> No.54560770

I doubt the doxxer was pettanko. Probably some bored fag who is now shitting his pants kek. Her last name has a fucking wikipedia page dude, you are screwed.

>> No.54560844

>There is nothing bad in it
She can be cancelled on Twitter for many things she said on it tho

>> No.54560853

Eru talking with the baldie in discord.

>> No.54561040

oh sorry my bad

>> No.54561068

thats not discord

>> No.54561137

misskey. io
she made her account during the last pijamada, a lot of artists are trying to leave twitter for that but it's mostly jp

>> No.54561352

> trying to leave twitter
They won't because twitter users only care about attention and they won't get it on any other site. If they cared about things like freedom of speech or whatever shit they supposedly believe, they could use Mastodon but then they won't get their dopamine fix. Threads died in like 3 or 4 days lmao.

>> No.54561455

Eru joined the matrix

>> No.54561463 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 144x83, space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are not that interesting

>> No.54561655

Don't you fucking dare you stupid poo skin

>> No.54561738

chill anya

>> No.54561994

Misskey is mastodon, and Misskey is quickly becoming the world's biggest instance. as for non jp vtubers they have no business there, not even english ones.

>> No.54562439
File: 727 KB, 2346x3300, 1690621185098875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic to get you attention

>> No.54562502 [DELETED] 


>> No.54562764


>> No.54562906

I have some more compromising screenshots than that audio, don't tempt me

>> No.54563003


>> No.54563021

No surprise

>> No.54563058

even if she is not a minor, she can still take legal action for harassment, her family is loaded af, KEK

>> No.54563083

i miss miutomo op so much

>> No.54563131

Don't click, that's a scam link.

>> No.54563583

She can't because it will backfire and will be as bad for her as for him probably even worse because she and renato were catfishing Pettanko and they admitted it on Twitter
Pettanko don't have to worry about anything lol

>> No.54563930

Are you really defending a pedophile? Pettanko admitted to having sexual attraction to his 9 year old niece, he's in pedophile groups, etc. whatever Natashko did, it's nothing compared to what Pettanko has done, that's why the coward deleted all his accounts, kek.

>> No.54564188

Technically speaking, the charges against Pettanko would be harassment, the same as Renato

>> No.54564342

Pettanko, you're the only one who says Renato is older than Anya, you don't know anything about him and yet you talk and talk hoping someone believes you

>> No.54564379

He is a piece of shit but Anya is too and I don't care about what kind of retard shit he talks the same shit is talked here and he hasn't done anything yet

>> No.54564420

>penttanko Twitter account no longer exist
He deleted It or annya did?

It's the same shitter that keeps encouraging pettanko delusions

>> No.54564436

besides, pettanko is a broke ass who can't afford a good lawyer, he can’t even afford memberships. Anya has everything to ruin his life.

>> No.54564488

We don't really know if pettanko did anything he's boasting so much about. Remember, he's mentally ill and in his head openly talking about that shit makes for top notch guaranteed pick up lines when talking to a girl, so there's a chance he made up most of those claims.
Meanwhile Natashko actually had direct contact with her, and only God, and social media admins, knows the content of their chats.

>> No.54564556

hi renato

>> No.54564657

That's where you contradict yourself, we know everything about pettanko but we know nothing about Ren, It's funny that having everything to attack that pedophile, you prefer to attack someone we don't know more than his name

>> No.54564686

>He deleted It or annya did?
He did. Otherwise twitter would show "Account suspended" when you try to go there.
Not like nuking the account will save his sorry pedophile ass when the lawsuit comes knocking at his door.

>> No.54564749

If because I'm the only one with the ability to reason I'm Renato, then Renato is a fucking genius

>> No.54564769

Hi Mar. I just replied to your post but I'm not the anon you were replying to.

>> No.54564790

I just hope Papanya realizes that her daughter was being groomed by a dirty Mexican and takes away her access to the internet.

>> No.54564985

Just because the stupid groomed girl protects you doesn't mean we don't have you in our sights.
the last two dox were very personal sick shit.

>> No.54565024

what happened?
why is papanya mentioned

>> No.54565047

They probably just scare him
People with money like to have fun with the fear of miserable people

>> No.54565174

His lawyers are working on this.
If the dox is real, then he's a fucking millionaire.

>> No.54565398

More than that.
That family has been in power for centuries in Chile. Government is full of members of that family since the Imperial era.

>> No.54565565

Pettanko's life is fucking done for kek
And whoever posted that dox too. I doubt that one was pedanko.

>> No.54565908

Himea my love I love you but why will you stream in the middle of the big colab? Is it a test of loyalty?

>> No.54566032

>Even being aware of that collab

>> No.54566086

Akira was into something when he hired all these girls

>> No.54566222

If he only hired a competent manager we would have been stealing Niji's place as the second biggest corpo right now. Especially since they're collapsing as we speak.

>> No.54566224

He has a good eye for talent, I must recognize that.
But he's terrible managing a group.

>> No.54566249

>but we know nothing about Ren
That's what you think lol
I know that Anya and Ren has been lying all the time and that's why they do nothing about Pettanko besides using him to attract attention with her stalker drama

The dox is pure bullshit

>> No.54566334

The gears of fate are moving as we talk.

>> No.54566403

Hi Pettancuck

>> No.54566670

>That's what you think lol
What do you know about him then? Don't be ridiculous, the argument you gave to answer that quote doesn't say anything, what that message was about that they are comparing him to pettanko and saying that he is going to pay like pettanko but literally nobody knows anything about him
I don't give a fuck too, But it's disgusting that pettanko comes to cry to try to get the boyfriend of the one he wanted to fuck to divert attention

>> No.54566680

Keep telling youself that and it may become truth. Just be warned, that family doesn't take a slander of that magnitude lightly.
With some luck you will be the star of some rekt cartel video.

>> No.54566699

Why are you fags like this. I only wanted to talk about streams and show love for our respective oshis.

>> No.54566741

I'm waiting for a call and there's nothing to watch.

>> No.54567037

someone make a new thread I have something important to tell you

>> No.54567086

u r faget lololololololol

>> No.54567109

I don't know how to make a proper OP and don't wanna get called lazy.

>> No.54567138

Not ur personnel army lil fag.

>> No.54567143

well it's important but not urgent so take your time

>> No.54567152

Say it now before the thread dies, it's the best moment.

>> No.54567218

We still missing the IV act though, AND looking the kind of schizo he is it probably be a fucked one or a sad one (from the human perspective, fuck pettanko)

The doxer was definitely Someone close to her but she still believes that pettanko is the master mind behind everything

>> No.54567249

We still have at least 3 hours before this thread goes to the sinker.
Dump whatever you have to say here.

>> No.54567266

I think everyone stopped caring about "proper ops" weeks ago, man. Just make sure it's called /WACTOR/

>> No.54567332

I've always been in love with you since the first time we met
nah just joking I can wait until next thread

>> No.54567379

Say it now cock sucker

>> No.54567456

Say it fag, im bored

>> No.54567479

>she still believes that pettanko is the master mind behind everything
I think she's in denial about that possibility. It would mean her internet friends backstabbed her. That would lead to serious self confidence issues because it will mean she picked up her friends wrong.
But then there's also the chance this dox came from Wactor itself. In which case papanya will have to call his yakuza friends to deal with Akira.

>> No.54567503


>> No.54568407

ok I'll say it, thinking better of it later I want to see the collab in peace
well, in addition to Anya's unofficial server where many were kicked out, yuri made another one where he invited much fewer people, on that server only moderators could write, Anya, her friend, her you know who and la guardia tranny
from there they chatted what they were going to post in this place and responded to their own posts with things like basado, blaming pettanko, falseflaging and things like that to appear that an opinion was well received and legitimate
well they closed the server and made one now totally private and isolated where only Anya is with all of them
what I found curious is that one of the last messages that anya made was : esos putos negros mamones del 4chan nada más están chingando y chingando
something quite strange to be Chilean, if you ask me
well that was all and I can not report anything more

>> No.54568478

nothing new

>> No.54568518


>> No.54568570

>fuentes: mi ano
i know who u are, give me 1 hour because im pollito kfc with my family :3

>> No.54568640

That shit gives me diarrhea. How can you eat that.

>> No.54569189


>> No.54569451

now it's easier to recognize you, Anya or whoever from la guardia lol

>> No.54569566

Sure cock sucker

>> No.54569572

it is so easy to fool anons, KEK

>> No.54570088

calm your tits Anya

>> No.54570255

why would Yuricom make another server after she purged all the people who aren't WACTOR apologists? 2/10 rrat try harder next time
