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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 306 KB, 1080x1440, F2KNdU8XoAApEy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54533707 No.54533707 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54535187

>Almost her stream time
>Debut stream was a failure
>Self advertises again
Mel, your plan has already failed because people got the word out. Hurry up with your next scam so you can disappear again.

>> No.54535364

Is she a bad person or something? Don't be rude

>> No.54535402

Is this the toothbrush girl? How many rigs has she gone through already.

>> No.54535520
File: 9 KB, 538x337, Kekbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up Mel

>> No.54535595

>He lacks critical information

>> No.54535948

shes scammed thousands from people by lying about cancer and other shit. is now saying shes homeless. her only legacy is that shes a scammer and that she farts and shits on camera for fartfags.

>> No.54536527
File: 93 KB, 302x303, 1676223593653472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.54536860

is she using AI voice? it sounds robotic

>> No.54537090

LOL so her next scam is that she's homeless now? so we can expect donothon to buy a home or something.

>> No.54537147

you have ears retard
shes been telling content buyers this for a while but hasnt said shes homeless as ichigo or nerissa lmfao

>> No.54537262

She doesn't have any mods so it'll be easy to spam her chat. I think that tranny Estellia cut ties with her or her content buyers don't support her anymore.

>> No.54537390

I don't see any crying on her Twitter. Timestamp?

>> No.54538200

kiwitards obsessed with her post her here more often than she posts anything. Just watch her shit and piss herself but don't give her any money, its not that hard.

>> No.54538764

Ohhhhh it's her?!?
She really does keep coming back huh, wonder how long this one will last..

>> No.54538782

She has a silent mod but she probably thought he would actually be around like last time.

>> No.54539787

Mel, stop spamming threads of yourself for the love of God. I hope a janny range bans you.

>> No.54540088

How do you steal something a whole day before it comes out?

>> No.54540293

She's already falling back into her usual cycle kind of, literally opened the stream with what she said as ichigo
>"I'm so exhausted today..."
>"I've been doing (lie here.)"
Waiting for the point of her scam to show up.

>> No.54540340

but an ad dumb whore

>> No.54540406

people who anti random 2views are so weird to me

>> No.54540757

Go away Mel, I know it's you posting these threads.

>> No.54541653

No one antis 2 views. They will, however, warn people about Mel Nekomata.

>> No.54541731

just don't give her money retards

>> No.54541796

nobody does it, she lies about getting antis all the time.

>> No.54542398
File: 1 KB, 136x62, 1676788947612531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54542504

No one is bro. As Ichigo she was getting at least $300 daily from some idiot before the fake donothon. So we're listening to you mwah.

>> No.54542924

>Debut as Ichigo: 78
>Ichigo Maintains 30-35
>Ichigo stabalizes at 19-23
>Debuts as Nerissa: 27
>Immediately drops to 2-10
This persona won't last longer than a week.

>> No.54543462

>applying to corporations require you to have connections and a huge following
Holy mother of seeeethe

>> No.54543617

Honestly it's understandable when it's some grifting cunt who is just using this shit to try and scam more and more money.

>> No.54543823


>> No.54543869

Did she say that? If so she's already cracking kek

>> No.54543929

Yeah she's streaming right now

>> No.54544120

Ah I knew she was streaming, but didn't know she said that. Yep, next she's gonna complain about people confusing her with who she really is or getting "hate messages."

>> No.54544235
File: 14 KB, 354x116, Kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm not using a voice changer"

>> No.54544304 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 347x402, 1659281652078805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These niggers writing books lmao

>> No.54544334

She complained about being "shadowbanned" because her comments in other channels kept being deleted and gets no attention on twitter

She is? I don't really know anything about her

>> No.54544479

She said the same thing as ichigo when she tried leeching off Kawaii and complained to reddit kek
>She is? I don't really know anything about her
She is, it's an AI voice changer. She got caught posting in the AI thread about it.

>> No.54544481

lol nvm her voice changer just bugged and went *pla pla pla pla*

>> No.54544976

Jesus this voice doesn't sound natural at all.

>> No.54545067

How much would she have to have spent for all those vtuber models

>> No.54545322

is the voice changer adding the tardslur or is she doing that herself? Ame your normal voice is fine, don't talk like that.

>> No.54545456

>fartfags are willing to pay stupid amounts of money for farting and shitting content
>this is a "scam"

>> No.54545469

You can also hear it shift pitches in a completely unnatural way if you listen close for a minute. When her voice starts to go up, it's never very smooth and gets choppy as she raises her pitch. It's probably why she's essentially whispering.

>> No.54545492

It's an AI voice changer so yes

>> No.54545521

Who do you think are the ones paying her and then crying about it?

>> No.54545530
File: 9 KB, 130x167, astounding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The voice keeps glitching wtf. Can't she just go back to comfy streams and not scam people?

>> No.54545602

I know you're one of her main buyers, you know exactly what people are talking about when they say Mel scams. Just stick to buying content and stay in your corner.

>> No.54545607

honestly this is the only time when it's acceptable, but even then it's better to just let her fade into obscurity
she wants attention and these retards are giving her attention

>> No.54545786

it's a shame she's doing this shit instead of just streaming, I think she's a decent streamer

>> No.54545884

>she wants attention and these retards are giving her attention
She wants money, not attention bro. Her ichigo persona was one of her highest watched personas in recent times, that wasn't good enough.
She got a taste of the money she got as Ichigo and trying to do it again but it failed out the gate.

>> No.54545909

retard, I'm laughing at them

>> No.54546045

Literally savescumming until she rolls a successful character lmao

>> No.54546083

Thread created by Mel herself btw

>> No.54546153

>not attention
lmao yeah sure, thats why she keeps making anti threads of herself

>> No.54546307
File: 8 KB, 177x284, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? is she getting models for free?

>> No.54546394

Hey Mel here's a believable story you could use, tell people you finally decided to go to a therapist but need donations and/or sponsors because you can't affotd it on your own. Best of luck.

>> No.54546473

Not free but dirt cheap. If I remember right her last one was only like fifty bucks

>> No.54546732

A lot of them were free/cheap ($10-50 bucks) to use but they're usable by whoever buys it. A few of them were bought by scamming people. Her 2.0 model was no doubt funded by simps or her "friends" and this nerissa model was funded with the $3500 she scammed as Ichigo Nogashi.
Good way to look at it kek
Attention only goes so far, she antis herself to try to pity bait = get money.

>> No.54547910

Voice changer, she's also doing a bit of changing in how she speaks.

>> No.54548005

God this shit again? Buy a fucking advertisement you dumb fucks.

>> No.54548597

Vtuber models can be pretty cheap if you buy premade instead of custom
A lot of artists/riggers make models without clients in mind to practice or because they want to see their OC come to life

>> No.54550017


>> No.54550366


>> No.54551271


>> No.54551940

Mel only knows how to buy models.

>> No.54552468

She really didn't try with this ai voice changer, but hey I'm glad Mel recovered from cancer AND throat surgery!

>> No.54553367

She's going to incorporate the homeless scenario she's telling content buyers

>> No.54554490

Yeah but she's homeless now

>> No.54554813


>> No.54556131

Why did she steal Nerissa Ravencroft's name and Finana Ryugu's voice and avatar?

>> No.54557166

lmfao she cant even break 5 viewers. no one shows up to her streams anymore and she has no fucking mods so her lazy ass just leaves the messages calling her out up.

>> No.54557191

I think she could do decently as a vtuber if she just stuck to one character. I don't understand why she keeps doing this pump and dump shit

>> No.54557274

im not interested in this bitch until she starts reading the thread live.

>> No.54557369

she can't actually. shes an extremely boring streamer and everything she does is 95% dead air.

>> No.54557394

She tried as ichigo. She could have done so well.

>> No.54557396

>scams viewers out of money

>> No.54557484

I don't want to sound like I'm defending this cunt but can you provide a link to a stream you think has minimal dead air? This time around Mel is doing really well at having very little dead air to the point where I want her to stop fucking talking at points because she's talking too much.

>> No.54557560

i would also like an example because people bitch and moan about dead air all the time but i never find an issue with the amount of dead air.

>> No.54557698

idk man maybe she has gotten better. i didn't watch ichigo let alone nerissa. but it was a consistent problem for her in the past.

>> No.54557714

What did she do this stream? I don’t watch her anymore after she broke my heart in her last incarnation and threw me away like garbage

>> No.54557977

Oh I thought you were using Ichigo/Nerissa as reference. In the past she talked maybe 1% of the time and was quiet 99% of the time lmao. Definition of dead air.

>> No.54558038

played ocarina of time. her autism is showing because shes doing every side quest and finding all the holes and gold skulltulas.

>> No.54558109

She's also still pretending like she's never played the game before despite knowing everything about it and trying to cover it up by saying that she's watched people play it before.

>> No.54558259

Holy cute, i might just relapse again..

>> No.54558327

Ignoring the fact she played it as Saki Kawasaki I've never played the games either but know too much from watching it over the years.

>> No.54559062

That's how you know there's too many newfags that try to defend her when they say
>"Oh but she watched playthroughs she NEVER played it herself!"
>threw me away like garbage
She does this to regulars and even people who buy her content then comes crawling back. For example I've seen her friend Kougeru pop up a few times during Ichigo days but not at all in any way as Nerissa yet because she didn't tell him this time like she told him before. Anyone who thinks they're close to her or have any importance in her life are being delusional.

>> No.54559255

She didn't tell Estellia like she hasn't told Kougeru. Also fun fact she didn't tell Kougeru about Ichigo which is why she was so awkward around him.

>> No.54559456

She likes to burn bridges then blame the world. I will admit I enjoy the kino of chat calling her bs out and she's acting like it isn't happening when you know it's eating her up inside.
She spent most of the time farting and burping to fill deadair.

>> No.54559487

I think the reason this iteration failed so hard is because she rushed it out after noticing the new nerissa in hololive. As ichigo she was building it up a lot more pre-debut. Between that and the shitty AI filter I think we can conclude that this one was DoA. It's gonna be fun to see how long she hangs onto it

>> No.54559767

Mel made her Nerissa accounts at the start of this month and commissioned her assets that include the name Nerissa before we even knew we were confirmed to get more Hololive EN members. She started making threads here before we even knew Nerissa Ravencrofts name. You don't have to make up shit and lie to point out the shitty things Mel has done.

>> No.54559933

>As ichigo she was building it up a lot more pre-debut
Same build-up. She didn't get the PR push because the last few people that announced her debut or gave her shoutouts told her to fuck off when they got warned she's showing up after scamming people out of thousands.
>It's gonna be fun to see how long she hangs onto it
She already entering her cycle of "woe-is-me" bit by bit after every stream. Give it after Nerissa (the good one) debuts, she'll be pity baiting.

>> No.54560455

>Mel made her Nerissa accounts at the start of this month and commissioned her assets
Meaning she should have done what every other vtuber does and built up hype for debut on twitter but she's so stuck in her patterns from all of her self-anti behavior she refuses to do the bare minimum like she did as Ichigo.

>> No.54560818

That's exactly what I mean, retard. She noticed that hololive was getting a nerissa and felt like she had to rush her own debut in order to establish the name first. How am I lying? I'm speculating. Also, hi Mel.

>> No.54561078

Except for the fact that she planned her debut and had her debut ready to go before we knew holoen3 was a thing? you can see it right there easily. theres too much true shit to talk about inr egards to mel, made up shit is retarded

>> No.54561201

for ichigo she made daily twitter posts for 7 days, for nerissa she did the same for 5 days. the only reason why ichigo got more numbers is because she was in pk livestreams and people clicked on her channel since her name is english english ch. japanese japanese like the pk girls.

>> No.54561224

People are trying to give her credit.
>Mel commission a vtuber model
>Names it a generic name (Nerissa)
>HoloEN3 gets hinted at
>Gets revealed
>Nerissa (Coincidence) is one of them
>Tries to beat her to punch to get picked up in searches
It's not hard to understand, her content buyers get defensive of her for some odd reason as if she cares for the whiteknighting and will thank them kek

>> No.54561466

I run the Obi Vtuber Clips channel and the first thread made a few days ago helped me avoid making the same mistake of advertising her debut. I was able to learn that she is Narumi Mihama, the first time I advertised her debut with my YouTube channel, then Ichigo Nogashi who I also helped out and when I got the same sounding email from this Nerissa Delfina person at the start of the month I got weirded out. These threads helped me learn about this person most known as Mel Nekomata and I don't think I will ever advertise Vtuber debuts ever again because of her using my goodwill the way she has.

>> No.54561605

i mean to be fair her nerissa persona existed before we even knew that we were getting hololive en 3. we all thought it was going to be a mori project or some bullshit. i believe the day before or two days before nerissa ravencrofts name was leaked mel was already about to debut as nerissa so this is just really unfortunate timing for her but she will use it to pity bait anyways.

>> No.54561627

>for ichigo she made daily twitter posts for 7 days
She also got a clipper/vtuber to shout her out and a few other people with large following gave her a few nods. Her trying to leech PKG was definitely a factor too but unlike Ichigo, there was a warning made. No one made a warning about Ichigo immediately.

>> No.54561765

Completely understandable bro, she even had a guy who runs vtuber news to be careful about who he features or helps now as well because of her.

>> No.54562224

She got less views from before but the fact that people are still defending her is very bizarre. Do you guys think she can keep pulling these stunts or her end is near and will be forgotten as a footnote to vtuber history?

>> No.54562520


>> No.54562621

needs to be sued

>> No.54562857

As long as she has that discord full of people with a hate boner for her she won't get far. However after the ichigo stunt I think it'll be much harder for her to pull the same thing ever again. The only idiots defending her are the ones buying content from her. She scorched earth after she ran away from ichigo so even the most sympathetic person there she didn't want around.

>> No.54563308

Honestly I lost the very tiny little bit of faith I still had on her after Ichigo, I don't give a fuck about you anymore, you're just a compulsive liar who has never told the truth a single time in your whole streaming career
Seriously, what the fuck is your goal here, bitch? You come back, cry about being bullied and doxxed, everyone here comforts you, you come up with a new disease, scam some people for their money then fuck off to another personality, just fucking why? For what purpose?
I tried being nice to you several times but now I don't give a fuck anymore, go die in a fire or something, I don't know
Don't worry though, I'm not posting that nude pic you sent me, no one wants yo see your body with zero curves

>> No.54563452

I want to see it...

>> No.54563608

get a pic of a fridge and put a bush and nipples on it, there you got her body

>> No.54563617

I know Obi gave her a shoutout but who else? I didn't see anything with large followings talk about her.

>> No.54563733

im confused, theres 3 people watching her, where are the content buyers? this is the worst she has ever performed

>> No.54563856

this is a larp. she has very prominent curves, almost an hourglass figure even though shes quite skinny.

>> No.54563928

I'll give you a hug bro. She doesn't like anyone or care for anyone. You could give her your spare room and she'd be on here talking about how everyone hates her and would never help her.

>> No.54564016

Less PR from before, probably rushed debut after seeing holoadvent, also people are wary of her.

>> No.54564049

Shut the absolute fuck up Mel.

>> No.54564693

her debut was announced with a date and time before holoadvent was a thing though

>> No.54564771

Mel why do you keep pretending to anti yourself? It's weird.

>> No.54564843

Not Mel kek

>> No.54564887
File: 266 KB, 612x612, sadafharley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I jerked off to her nudes

>> No.54565145

Share the pics anonchamas, if it's out then less people are gonna pay for those images. It's for the best.

>> No.54565359

That normally is true but she has a very dedicated simp shoveling money into her pockets for nudes, he brags every topic

>> No.54566019

she's still selling her nudes?

>> No.54566208

>$100 a pic
>$200+ a video
She makes bank off like 1-3 people that we know of and she always crawls back to people who even bought previously (like myself) despite telling us to fuck off.

>> No.54566607

>>$200+ a video
Does she have any restrictions?

>> No.54566892

>$100 a pic
Man, I still remember that guy who kept insisting that a 100$ of her pic is a great deal when I've seen lewd cosplayers with decent bodies selling for less or has more than 1 pic for a 100$

>> No.54567286

No face. She's not offering Videos right now because she's "homeless" so she "can't"
>It's because it would interfere with her streaming schedule
I've gotten 4 videos and 10-15 pictures for $60. The fact even 1 person keeps buying from her basically gave her a big head and now she feels she's some kind of premium.

>> No.54567443

Let me guess, you said something that made her have another episode and then she told you to fuck off

>> No.54567535

I don't wanna see her uglyass face, I was wondering if I can pay for a video of her masturbating

>> No.54568030

Is this the most schizo thread on /vt/?

>> No.54568100

He probably approached her as a normal person or thought they were cool with each other. He didn't know she doesn't care for people. She didn't even tell her usual people or "friends" about this persona.

>> No.54568609

Mention a hologirl interacting with a male. That's Schizo. Keeping people in the know about a known scammer is the least schizo thing /here/
Normally you could, but due to her being "homeless" not right now. You'll have a better chance when she drops this persona and starts begging people to buy her content again.

>> No.54569488

yes. nothing comes anywhere near this shitshow.

>> No.54569644

There's a few people who blow this out of the water. Sure, she's a sack of shit who lies, but if you fall for a bunch of sob stories from someone who's only been around for a short while, or even worse, you're a repeat sucker, you fucking deserve to be parted with your money.

>> No.54569728

This is so sad bros, we need to come up with a new believable tragic scenario for Mel to RP to scam us with

>> No.54569869

you have to be stupid to give money to some internet person you don't know based on some sad story. you have to be dumber to pay as much as they claim for shitty nudes. the stupidity of people on the internet is just amazing.

>> No.54569887

Sure thing Mel.

>> No.54569899

>Describing what a scam is
It's almost like, people are warning about it.
She already has her story. She's been telling content buyers she's homeless or living in a homeless shelter. It's just a matter of time she incorporates it into Nerissa.

>> No.54570038

Pet needs surgery, write that down

>> No.54570135

she got HIV, how about that?
she's so much of a whore no one would doubt it

>> No.54570237

Please friend, you don't need to protect the little anons of this board from some dumb shit. Again, if you're retarded enough to fall for it, you deserve to have your money ripped away from you.

>> No.54570807

>"Sorry for starting the stream late, (whatever the fuck my cat's fake name is) was acting weird so I had to rush her to the vet, get seen immediately, have her diagnosed, get the exact treatment plan, which will be an expensive surgery, around $4-5k to be exact which happens to be the cost of a new model and rigging, and it has to be done within a week."

>> No.54571002

yeah from me

>> No.54571371


Are those cheap models one time sells or is it possible for multiple people to buy this model at the same time?

>> No.54571538

Multiple people can do it at the same time. There's at least 3 active vtubers that uses "Nogashi Ichigo" model. I think one of them actually went inactive after Mel's bullshit hit vtuber "news" and is working on changing models.

>> No.54572824

Next mel scamjob- I'm sorry to ask this of everyone but I've recently learned that my mother has a cancerous tumor in her brain and since American healthcare sucks me and my family need to pay 40 thousand out of pocket , plz send halp .

>> No.54574935

my favorite thing is how no one has donated a single cent to "nerissa" yet. that $1 donation was from herself to make sure her real name doesnt show up lmao.

>> No.54575571

Kek it's why people are saying it won't last longer than a week

>> No.54576434

She was making 200+ as ichigo by now. She still has content buyers though, so she'll still make enough money.

>> No.54581076

oh nyoooooo

>> No.54582325

she just told me that after a week of being nerissa she will graduate due to low numbers

>> No.54584209

She's getting rid of it due to no money, let's be real.

>> No.54586673

she should redebut with the same model but different name and say that its due to 4chan trolls saying she stole the new hololive chuuba name.

>> No.54586893

both, not a single donation and no one watching her. she cant even break 5 viewers lmao.

>> No.54593312

I'm surprised she was allowed to even make a new YouTube channel, so one of her simps probably made it.

>> No.54596762

And I thought Pink cat and Pink bunny were the worst grifters.

>> No.54600745

The future "hacker" made it

>> No.54607231

Wonder if she'll try reviving ichigo

>> No.54614390

They are, but Mel takes the cake because she's just unashamed of doing it and dragging people through the mud to try to protect herself. Pink bitches got caught and disappeared or had enough pull to keep a large following, Mel just tries to get rid of people who caught on and pull in newer people.
