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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54507664 No.54507664 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for sharing and writing copypastas to be used around the board. Basically /wg/, but the stuff can be posted around.

Current archive link:https://files.catbox.moe/csr0no.rar

>> No.54507785

>Lisa had a dentist appointment today, you receive a strange text saying she's too ugly to come back home on her own and needs you to pick her up
>you wrap up what you were working on and get in your car, once you get to the dental clinic, there's no parking spot nearby, it's a warm spring day, more people are outside enjoying the day than usual, the neighborhood feels alive and busy, you enter the waiting room
>Lisa looks like a defeated kid, playing a silly game on her phone, IEMs preventing the rest the world from perceiving her in the very same way small children play hide and seek by closing their eyes
>as you stand in front of her, she recognises your shoes, and you feel her relief from the way her shoulders lift up a little, you pat her head gently and she looks up at you with tears in her eyes and gratitude on her face, she stops the music and puts her phone away
>Lisa looks as pretty as usual, dressed up as a normie, light brown blouse, black cardigan and a short plaid skirt leaving her long thin legs exposed down to her ankles where her black boots start
>you can't help but smile as you see her puffy cheeks, making her look more like a hamster than a sheep, feeling mocked by a mere smile, she frowns, the public headpats are making her more and more uncomfortable by the second, you stop embarrassing her and offer a hand to help her stand up, she would usually be too prideful to accept such a gesture in public but this time she does and instantly clings onto your arm, with her ear now in reach, you let her know she's not ugly and anyone would find her puffy hamster cheeks extremely cute, she glares at you but instantly loses her composure as you hold her hand like a lover and not just a little kid
>Lisa freezes in place for a second, aware that you two look like a couple to everyone in the waiting room, remembering she asked the lady at the reception if it would be alright to wait here for her brother to pick her up, you ask if everything is okay, she nods sheepishly, you ask if she's in pain, she shakes her head no, finally you ask if her mouth feels too numb to talk and she nods with shame and sadness in her big doe eyes, you squeeze her hand a little harder and hold her chin, her pupils dilate at the idea of being kissed in public but she doesn't try to stop you as you lean in closer and merely wipe some drool from the corner of her mouth, she stays still for a moment, dumbfounded and betrayed but also relieved
>you gently pinch her swollen cheek to snap her out of it, to no avail, you pinch harder and harder still, this should be unbearable but she doesn't flinch, you stop to not leave a mark on her pretty face but it's too late, as you move your hand away, there's a clear red mark in the shape of your fingers on her flustered cheek, she bruises so easily...
>you speak up and say its time to go, she's back to being a little kid led by the hand, following you out of the dental clinic, once out and exposed to the busy streets, Lisa gets shy and clings to your arm again burying her face against you to hide her everso slightly disfigured face, you inform her that you had to park far away and both of you will have to walk like this for a little while, she hides further, shamefully aware of all the activity around her and all the looks directed at her
>you reach the car and open the door for her, she seems to relax at the idea of being in a familiar enclosed space, you get in the driver seat and ask if she wants to get something to eat before going home, she shakes her head no, you offer a sweet drink at starbies, she smiles at the silly girly word coming out of your mouth but still refuses, you start the engine and head home, as she abuses her AUX privileges to put on some gloomy shoegaze, it's a bit loud since she still has her IEMs in but you don't say anything

>> No.54507850

>during the ride, your right hand finds its way to her left thigh, she's lost in her phone again, you enjoy running your hand on her soft skin, she mindlessly opens her legs just enough to notice what she just done and reflexively squeezes her knees tight, trapping your hand there, a much more sultry song with lyrics she wouldn't dare singing out loud starts playing, you squeeze her thigh and appreciate how she feels a little squishier lately, you can't help but think that if your hand were just a bit higher up her thigh, the gap would be too large to trap anything and proceed to shift it up slowly as Lisa glares at you through the rear view mirror, you smile at her and say that you will eventually need your hand back to shift gears as it still slides up her thigh, pushing her skirt out of the way
>Lisa puts and end to it by holding her skirt down, you let your hand lay there, thumb running up and down her squishy inner thigh, as you extended your thumb fully you can feel her spats, she's still glaring, so flushed you can barely notice the red mark on her cheek anymore, her skin feels warm but you can tell it's far warmer under her spats
>you eventually pull your hand away, it had been there for a couple of songs, as you shift gears, you find that the air in your car feels thicker, musky. Lisa needs her lips wiped again but she's too busy pretending to be mad at you to notice, by the time you reach home she's back on her phone, drool almost down to her chin
>you stop the engine and open the door for your princess of a sister, courtesy and offer your hand with a flourish to make her laugh, she barely smile and refuses the help, probably self conscious about neighbors catching a glimpse, as she is on the verge of standing up, you stop her by holding your hand in front of her face, she freezes again, and you use that opportunity to wipe the drool off her cheek, as you try to show her exactly how much you wiped off she swats your hand away and with a heavy lisp, she calls you a freak, you smile at her and ask if she understands that she will soon regret this, many scenarios flood her mind, leaving her perfectly surprised as you wrap one arm around her shoulders, the other below her knees and princess carry her out of the car, closing the door with your foot
>Lisa starts protesting by pounding your chest with her weak little fists, you point out with a look that neighbors might see her acting this way, she stops, looks around to confirm that there is someone checking their mail, she then proceeds to hide her face by burying in into you, accepting how powerless she is in this moment, you greet the neighbor and explain that Lisa was feeling weak after a routine appointment at the clinic, they wish you two a good evening and head to their car
>you walk slowly enjoying having Lisa in your arms, the little bit of her face your can see through her wavy hair is bright red, she's hiding her shame with her face nested in your neck, her hair smells heavenly, you open the door awkwardly with your little sister right there, breathing deeply against your neck
>you quicly close the door and observe the skrunler emerge from her slumber to greet you and Lisa with a disapproving stare, you head to the bedroom and find yourself aware that she weighs a little more than the last time you carried her that way, either that or you lack exercise, you gently lower her onto the bed

>> No.54507897

>but Lisa wraps her arms around your neck and refuses to let go as she whispers softly "please baby me"
>you reply with a mischievous smirk and seal the deal with a nod. You run your fingers in her hair, firmly pulling her closer, caressing the back of her velvety ear with your thumb, you begin taking out her IEMs giving you a good excuse to manipulate her ears endlessly, you feel how soft and supple they are, all the reflexive twitches being hindered by your fingers causing even more desperate attempts at trying to escape your playful attention
>as you get done with her left ear and reach into her cardigan pocket for the carry case, Lisa tries to take out the other side herself. You promptly stop her, holding her forearm firmly, you bring it to her back, forcing her to puff up her modest chest. With even more mischief in your voice, you calmly announce that you will take care of everything for her, you stress once more: Everything, aside from breathing and maybe chewing
>she seems to instantly regret putting herself in this situation, dilated pupils darting left and right, thinking about how embarrassing her routine will be when someone else has to do it for her, she opens her mouth to protest, jaw still numb, unaware of the drool that just escaped her lips, you lean in as she gives, perhaps expecting the kiss she did not get at the dental clinic, she closes her eyes
>you plant a kiss on her forehead, and begin playing with her other ear, Lisa is once again betrayed, flustered, twitching, too lost in thoughts she'd never admit having to care about what her ear is doing
>with her earphones stored away, you proceed to gently take off her piercings as an excuse to spend more time playing with her ears, you appreciate how thin her skin is there below the black velvet, how much warmer her ear got from her being flustered, you notice a thin gray hair trapped in the velvet and try to blow it off, this causes her ear to stand erect and put the offending hair out of reach, you tell your little sister to be still and endure it for a short while as you shift her head to the side, press it against your chest and resume torturing her gently, warm blows slowly disentangling enough of the stray gray hair to be able to grasp it, you could easily take it off now but don't just yet and instead take the last piece of jewellery off her ears and place it in her hand with the other piercings, she barely holds onto them, seemly out of it
>Lisa is all but melting in your arms, the side of her face pressed against you, gentle blows of air to the back of her ear keeping it tensed, you put an end to it by finally pulling the stray strand of broken hair and tap her forearm to snap her out of her reverie to no avail
>with your hand right there already, you quickly drop her cardigan off her shoulders and slowly you begin to undress your little sister, as you pull yourself away from her body you notice that she had been drooling on your shirt a little, you'd need her cooperation to take her blouse off so instead you start looking for the zipper on her skirt and lower it, slowly exposing her spats, you lift her bony bum off the bed to slide her skirt down to her ankles then proceed to untie her shoes
>you put the jewellery away, open her blouse, undo the front hook on a bra she has no use for, run your hands along her collarbones and drop both bra and blouse at once. Finally you lower your fingers down her spine, resist playing with her little tail and gently pull down her spats to reveal matted wool, a gooey thread expands and breaks
>she is now wearing a simple necklace, the locket looks quite thick compared to the shallow hills on either side, her delicate pink nipples are slightly crinkled
>you wrap your arms around her to get at the clasp of her necklace, struggle to undo it and as you pull away from her naked body you can't help but catch a glimpse of her nipples, you ask if she's cold, she shakes her head no, you hand her the locket to keep her busy as you point at what made you ask, and playfully flick her left nipple, causing her to yelp with surprise and something else in her voice
>Lisa glares daggers at you as if she truly believes she could actually summon blades by msterializing her anger and indignation, only to be fully disarmed by a loving headpat, and utterly defeated as you declare it's time to go wash away all the horny
>before she can protest, you grab her firmly and princess carry her off the bed, as you walk past the window her horns catch the late afternoon light in a way that makes their tip appear reddish, flustered. Her puffy cheeks give her a pouty face, with a slight lisp, she sheepishly says: I can walk, you know...
>you keep heading towards the shower, closely followed by a squeaky, stinky, curious creature and reply: I know, I said I'll take care of everything, just be glad you don't need to pee.
>she hides her shame by burying her face in your chest once more, she feels so warm and vulnerable

>> No.54508118

"Anyway..." Petra started trying to drive the conversation away from her blush "Selen said you had something for me?" She added, Rosemi smiled "Yeah!!" The rose maiden gently put her hand on Petra's cheek "Stay still for a moment"

Petra looked confused but agreed "Okay...?" Soon a thin vine came out if Rosemi's sleeve and carefully made its way into Petra's hair, It wrapped around the penguin's head until it was in the shape of a halo then a mix of orange and black roses sprouted from the vine and quickly grew into full bloom making a custom flower crown.

When it was done the vine came out of Rosemi's sleeve and pulled it self into Petra's hair as well "There, I've been want to make custom flower crowns for you and Selen for awhile... What do you think?" Petra could barely see it but smiled.

"I love it, thank you Rosemi" She said as she hugged the rose maiden "Your welcome" Rosemi giggled "Oh, and since there made from my magic that means they're never wilt!" She added excitedly.

"Damn, and just when I thought Petra couldn't get cuter" Selen's voice came from the patio door as the two smaller girls turned to look in her direction they saw their lunar dragon holding three bento boxes with sets of chop sticks on top and Ember flying next to her.

Rosemi beamed at the sight of her other girlfriend while Petra was dealing with her blush returning from Selen's comment as the laughing dragon walked over.

The dragon smugly leaned down and whispered into Petra's ear "You know blushing just makes you even cuter right?" Petra groaned and lightly smacked Selen's face making both of her girlfriends laugh. "Okay Selen, stop teasing her"

"But it's fun!"

"If you keep teasing her, I won't kiss you" Rosemi replied with her own smug face.

"Ohhh that's dirty" Rosemi just smirked at the dragon before she groaned "Fine... Your lucky Petra" Selen said in a fake jealous voice "What was that?" Rosemi asked with her smirk increasing, She knew the power she held in this relationship and loved using it.

"I just said I hope she enjoys the bento!" Selen laughed while pass Petra the Orange bento with ice Berg's on it before handing Rosemi the Pink bento box with roses covering the front while Selen's own was a dark purple with a bright purple dragon and a big moon.

These custom painted bento boxes were house warming gifts they got from Aia and Scarle and the three made a habit out of using them when ever they could.

The bento boxes contained egg fried rice in different shapes, Petra's was a pentomo, Rosemi's was a rosebud and Selen's was of course a dragoon, All three had bits of bacon as the details like nose and eyes while being surrounded by breakfast sausage cut into small squids.

"Wow, you so good at this Selen!!" Rosemi said happily as she admired her dragons work, now Selen had a blush creeping up on her face "Thanks, I try" She said before turning to see Petra giving her a smug look, "Shut up you" "I didn't say anything"

Rosemi sighed "What am I gonna do with you too?" She said making all three girls laugh.

They sat down on the grass to eat and Ember kept trying to steal a few pieces, Selen stopped him at first but eventually caved and gave him a bit to eat.

After a few bites Rosemi perked up "Oh, I almost forgot!" She said before getting closer to Selen "I need to give you your crown" She said before cupping the dragons cheek in her hand "Stay still okay?"

"As long as I can still eat" Selen laughed, Again a vine came from Rosemi's sleeve and formed a halo the same way the one around Petra's head did but this one sprouted a mix of Purple and Magenta and Blue roses. "Perfect!" Rosemi said as she pulled her hand away and admired her own work.

Selen smiled "Thanks Wosemi-sama" She said with a soft laugh.

Rosemi felt something rubbing her hand and looked down to see Ember pushing is head against it, "I think he wants one to" Petra said, Rosemi giggled "Is that ture?" She asked Ember and got a small roar in return.

"Suck up" Selen laughed as Ember rested his head on Rosemi's lap before the rose maiden used another vine to make a smaller halo with purple and black Roses.

It ended up being a little to big and sat on Embers head at a angle but he seemed happy and he begin hopping around letting out small roars, All three girls smiled as the watch him hop around.

This was pretty much how all of their mornings went, well the flower crowns were new and usually Petra is the one who cooked breakfast but for a most part this was their routine, and they liked it.

>> No.54509022

Get a life

>> No.54509098

I do, that is why I make these threads irregularly. If I did not have a life, I would be making these every da.

>> No.54509333
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>He says on the Virtual Youtubers board on 4chan.

>> No.54510461

actual autism

>> No.54511171

Nice self-promotion.

>> No.54512626

This was an insane plan and you knew it, but you felt compelled to do it. Ever since you saw him in battle that day on the Fields of Justice you had fallen in love with him-- well, it wasn't quite the battles. You had swooned over the way he fought, yes, but what had really cemented your devotion to him was that one moment-- he had just returned to the summoning platform to trade in his Boots of Speed, and as he was changing his footwear you caught a glimpse of his bare feet. You saw him smile and flex his toes before sliding his jet black feet into his new boots. A chill of excitement went up your spine, and you knew you were destined to serve him. You had spent days making a treacherous journey to the Shadow Isles in search of him. You had feared that it might be useless--did creatures like him even have homes? Or did they just... wander around from haunting to haunting?

But eventually you had come upon a ruined mausoleum, with his characteristic bluish green glow shining out from the windows. And as you approached, you could faintly hear his deep and ethereal laugh. A rush of excitement comes over you as you take your first steps past the mausoleum gate. You slowly walk up the twisting cobblestone path towards the building, past row after row of broken gravestones, until you finally come upon the huge stone doors, adorned with a giant metal knocker. You hesitantly lift your hand towards the handle of the knocker, your fingers twitching with anticipation.

But before you can even touch the knocker, the doors of the mausoleum fly open, and from out of the darkness within two spectral chains lash out and wrap around your torso, violently dragging you inside and flinging you down on the hard stone floor. As you struggle to get up, you see that right in front of you is a wooden table, and sitting with his feet up on that table, there he is. Thresh.

His glowing green eyes glare down on you from high above, his skeletal mouth twisted into an indignant scowl.

"What business have you at my torture chamber, worm?" he hisses.

You stare up at him for a few moments, struck speechless. But soon you remember your purpose, and fall to your knees.

"I've come to offer you.... a.... a trade, your Wardenship..." you stutter. He cocks an eyebrow at 'Wardenship'

"And what could a lowly mortal like you have to offer an undead madman?" he says with a smirk.

"My services as a mage, my loyalty, for life.... and even beyond that. Willingly."

"Hmm." Thresh is silent for a few moments. He flexes his toes as he's lost in thought. "I sense much magical power within you.... and a skilled sorcerer servant-for-eternity is a tempting offer indeed. But... you did say 'trade', not 'gift'. What would you dare to ask in return?"

This was the the moment. Your chance to get what you so desperately desired.

"Your feet, sir."

Thresh pauses. "Come again?"

>> No.54512840
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Well my friend, how do you expect me to prove my innocence? How should I prove I did not make that post? I do not think I can, and I heavily doubt that picrel will be enough for you. Though I can try pointing at >>54510461 but I doubt even that will make you believe that I did not engage in self-promotion. So then, what would make you believe me?

>> No.54519778
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