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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5305860 No.5305860 [Reply] [Original]

Holostars General

>> No.5305963
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Roberu 3D on the 23rd!!

>> No.5306497
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What a surreal picture.

>> No.5306577

Can't wait to see his fixed shoulders

>> No.5306981
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Astel is back


>> No.5307081

>in 5 minutes
I didn't need to sleep anyway.

>> No.5307547
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>> No.5307577
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>> No.5307640

I missed this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.5307698

>astel karaoke
>oga good morning tweet
bros... it feels so good

>> No.5308831
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Feels good to have the whole team back together

>> No.5309960

>one ok rock
immensely satisfied today

>> No.5309987


>> No.5310026

Indeed. Just in time for the special Wachastars episode in six hours

>> No.5310198

you think there'll ever be holostars EN?

>> No.5310238


>> No.5310316

Go back.

>> No.5310670

No streams until Monday


>> No.5310967

just a few more days to go hang in there omaesans!

>> No.5310983
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Ah... was hoping to finally hear him live again tonight. At the very least, I'm happy we can have him back even if it's just through tweets for now

>> No.5311773


>> No.5311976

99.9% of people applying would be goslings trying to get close to their Hololive oshi, too much of a fucking headache to try and filter them out.

>> No.5312101

If it ever even happened a fuckton wouldnt get in simply because Astel would barge in and ask you what Miyabi did 3 streams ago and what the topic was

>> No.5312242

I love the idea of gatekeeper Astel so much.

>> No.5312343

That'll be Astel "Holostars Sneeze Sommelier" Leda alright

>> No.5312396

Yes great idea I wouldn't mind a holostars EN that was personally vetted by the 9 of them plus Shinove

>> No.5312431

If you can't tell him which songs Izuru played a month ago in 10 seconds he will drag you out and beat the shit out of you.

>> No.5312486

Naruse from niji is playing with him now

>> No.5312508

Featuring Naruse Naru.
I'm very happy to see Papa network more.
Papa deserves lots of friends.

>> No.5312511

It's cool that they're doing stuff together.

>> No.5312554

Its nice to see that Izakaya Aruran is working out

>> No.5313040

rikka is here!

>> No.5313261

if you take Izuru's punches without crying you'll get the OK from him tho. As long as you don't speak in english.

>> No.5313267

Time to apply..

>> No.5313377
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>get beat up by kusogakis
Is that suppose to be a bad thing

>> No.5313444

God I wish that were me

>> No.5313690

This is a weirdly high profile collab. Not just in the vtubing space but the seiyuu one as well.

>> No.5313757

What do you mean? Roberu's been doing stuff with Onoyuu for a while plus their radio, same with Suisei and Azusa Tadokoro

>> No.5313883

It's just weird to see main branch Hololive and Holostars intersect in any way. It's usually just Fubuki+Matsuri (and the ID girls) doing stuff with the stars. Suisei has done male collabs before and has hosted them in her Music Space but never with Holostars. I'm looking forward to it personally but it's just a weird thing to see all of a sudden. And I know OnoYuu and Tadokoro Azusa have been doing their respective vtuber partner podcasts for a while but I never really expected them to run together if that makes sense.

>> No.5313917

Woops, meant to reply to you and not myself.

>> No.5313978

Yeah that makes sense. Though Roberu is the king of networking in Holostars so if it were anyone, it would be him

>> No.5314067

Rule of thumb: until Gen2, there is less of a barrier than with the next gens. Most of those holos at the very least follow them on Twitter too.
Speaking of Suisei, I remember there was a Rikka stream where she also sniped a Tetris game, and sometimes she comments in the chat.
Honestly, she is just chill and also does a lot of networking thanks to her past.
I am almost sure that it is thanks to OnoYuu reaching Tadokoro-san that the collab had a chance to happen, but no point wondering how it happened. Just enjoy the result.

>> No.5316742

Robe watching a Power Point presentation of Ragnarok in 10 min.

>> No.5317299

Netflix somehow outdid Queen bee in terms of bad quality.

>> No.5317402

At least, he got beyond the quality and just enjoy the seiyuus, the characters and the music. Nothing can be done for the animation, but the original material is good.

>> No.5317840

Live Wachastars for those who did their reps

>> No.5321297

Yeah and from what I heard Naru's fans are also happy about his and Papa's collabs too.

>> No.5322596

Yeah, I'm glad he's collabing outside Holostars. He got close with Monoe last year, and hasn't tried outside collabs for months after she graduated

>> No.5322698
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Adding this with Astel openly stating he wants to do more collabs...the future is bright boys.

>> No.5323002

Invest in holostars stonks now to the moon

>> No.5323202

Miyabi Subnautica

>> No.5325262

Rikka singing with guitar

>> No.5328526

Based 774. CEO

Based VP

>> No.5330093

First thing I read is “naka dashi” being an eop is dangerous

>> No.5331685

Pizzadad Minecraft

>> No.5332074

Are you gay?

>> No.5334261

the way it is put makes it look like those are the vtuber's roomates

>> No.5335039

Hopefully yes, although that would probably hurt the current holostars growth (some more than others).
I currently have to fill my time with twitch male EN vtubers but it's nowhere near the same thing.

>> No.5335090


>> No.5336728
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>> No.5340439
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Do any of the stars has gachikois or a gachikoi fanbase?

>> No.5340692

I guess it depends on how you would describe a gachikoi

>> No.5340716
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>> No.5341132

i'd say oga has the most but not in a bad way

>> No.5345038

>Parasocial fag
>Hates if his oshi interacts with a female
>Toxic behavior
That type of gachikoi.

Having merch ≠ gachikoi.

>> No.5345708 [DELETED] 

>Hates if his oshi interacts with a female
>Toxic behavior
Maybe Astel then? iirc, he used to have a few fans that were that way.
But be seems to have put a quick end to that.

>> No.5345816

>Hates if his oshi interacts with a female
>Toxic behavior
Maybe Astel then? iirc, he used to have a few fans that were that way.
But he seems to have put a quick end to that.

>> No.5345901

With your definition, I would say not anybody in particular. I would even say they suffer from the reverse, ie shiptrashes which are also very cancerous in their own way.
Thankfully, Stars kinda did things right by nipping bad habits in the bud before it goes beyond the point of no-return, the most apparent case being Seaweed who attracts the most social cases.
I would safely say most of them keep it real and remind people not to go overboard with them, my guess being because they are adults and not especially wealthy.

>> No.5346918

Izuru went off on a fan for an entitled message once:


>> No.5350100

I know that isn't the point but now I want to know what he buys on fanza..

>> No.5351211

Everyone else summed it up well for you, Ive never seen any strong examples while browsing twitter either, if they are they keep it closed behind locked accounts or their own private discords it seems. Theres a big lack of japanese female otaku places to browse when it comes to this kind of thing.

>> No.5352089

>likes older woman and describes the type he might like as "dame na oneesan" as in women who do their job properly but slack when it comes to housework
He also likes taller women iirc

>> No.5354926
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>> No.5357325

Top tier taste

>> No.5357394


>> No.5361021
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>> No.5361967


>> No.5364689

>Hates if his oshi interacts with a female
unicorns != gachikois

>> No.5365769

he's so focused it's cute

>> No.5371351

Temma has been getting better, nice to see desu.

>> No.5374565

knightpex again?!

>> No.5374571

Time for more Temmapex

>> No.5374724

Man Astel sure is looking quite different today

>> No.5375127

Why doesn't knight san cover up his map won't he get stream sniped?

>> No.5375237

He probably gets his apex advice from Astel "Covering your minimap is meaningless" Leda. Covering you map would only save you from shitters who dont know the map. If they were good they can tell where you are from just glancing at your position on the screen

>> No.5376310

Roberu Night Delivery

>> No.5378253

Temma 80k celebration

>> No.5378741

i don't mean to numberfag but i'm so happy to see this outburst of support lately

>> No.5378854

Yeah, it makes me really happy to see all these new people enjoying him. Love this cute knight.

>> No.5378969

I just hope it stays that way, but I'm afraid that the same thing will happen to Temma as happened with Aruran.

>> No.5378981

Knight singing Pokemon was too precious
Hopefully, with all that new support, it will motivate him keep going on and also consolidate his JP fanbase.
He is also entertaining and it is really nice that people started figuring it out more and more

>> No.5379088

Elaborate? I think I have a general idea on what you are referring about but I don't want to spread rrats

>> No.5379266

I'm talking about attaining a loyal viewerbase. Papa got a bunch of subs thanks to EOP pandering, but those people don't watch his regular streams.

>> No.5379318 [DELETED] 

>Roberu is 2D IRL
true or rrat?

>> No.5379324

In fact, Aruran spoke a bit about his subs situation in his last freetalk stream, especially the slower growth compared to other Stars despite all his efforts trying to make diverse and elaborate streams, and he kind of accepted it. It is also one of the reasons why he doesn't really watch his colleagues' stream to avoid the reflex of comparing the views between them if they for example play the same games.
Personally, I think his situation is not as bad as he thinks, his chat in one of the best you could have in HoloPro, the new familiarians who stayed around after his english streams are also chill and got assimilated well. If viewers reflect their oshi, I would be really proud of having them.
Also, it is not like he doesn't have opportunities coming to him with his current subs numbers, I think Roberu's efforts trying to spread words about Holostars are also starting to show little by little results when new viewers check collabs and clips. I am not worried about him: the guy is mentally strong, he already went through a lot as a first gen and is respected by his peers. His current efforts networking are also worth noting, a step towards the right way, and I am sure it will end up with a positive outcome.
I think others still have it way worse.
I am not the same guy, but it is basically what I understood as a N1000, so don't take my words as truth, just me ranting. It would be nice if someone could correct me though.

>> No.5379388

Pretty sure numberfagging is only bad if it's used to shit on another talent/talent's content ala Kiara+Ina ticktocking before they both reached 1M subs
But anyways, I'm really happy people are now paying attention to Temma too

>> No.5379443

Aru:Noise TRPG!

>> No.5379500

I didn't mean it was necessarily a bad thing. Papa got new viewers and every Star's channel is growing steadily. Growth is always good, no matter how little.
What I meant is, they didn't manage to get a loyal (Japanese) fanbase that would watch them no matter what they did. They just don't gain views at the same pace as they gain subs, which is my concern.

>> No.5379975

That's a big ass hat and fbk looks hot in that dress.

>> No.5380023

>They just don't gain views at the same pace as they gain subs, which is my concern.
That's atually something that worried me when more of the Stars started to reach 100k since, from what I could see, their viewers weren't really growing quite as much as their subs. something that was especially noticiable with Papa since his viewers are pretty similar to what they were when he had significantly less subs which made me worry over how it would affect them in several areas.
Stuff like that is why I'm not really a fan of those "Endurance until x milestone" streams, those make your subs grow, but don't ensure that your viewership will increase too, which in the end matters more than subs, since a good number of the subs you get during them are from people who probably just subbed because of the hype or out of pity and end up being dead subs or unsubbing after a while, making the whole thing pretty pointless.

>> No.5380050

Maybe if the males Niji is planning to debut do well enough, Cover would start considering it

>> No.5380123

>That's atually something that worried me when more of the Stars started to reach 100k since
Just to be sure, you are aware that from 100k, subs are only counted by thousands?
Because, if you check everyone's monthly stats, you will notice that their growth is normal outside peaks where people discover them in English streams

>> No.5380218

Not the anon but I don't see how the subs are only counted by thousands relate to >>5380023
concern for low viewership despite high sub count.

>> No.5380360

I am anon, I said 100k to better show my concern over their growths in subs and viewers, since 100k tends to be considered the first "big" milestone, and why it concerned me that they are reaching those milestones while their viewer numbers remain relatively unchanged.

>> No.5380572
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chien caca

>> No.5380873

this is the type of content I'm looking for in this thread thank you anon

>> No.5380877

https://twitter.com/bitterchoco123/status/1406464249862377475 Coolweed fanart

>> No.5381205

Miyabi: Kyomu Suzume Costume Championship

>> No.5382697
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The fucking sandals kek.

>> No.5383029

He's calling so many of them sexy, why flower boy

>> No.5383117

He keeps talking the legs and calling them sexy or ero

>> No.5384196

Why do stars have to tolerate this animare abuse?

>> No.5386427

That was a really good session. FBK was a natural as an unfortunate ojousama.
Papavip's preparation and settings was impressive, he did an excellent work!

>> No.5387725

Astel Night Delivery

>> No.5389061

>kuso delivery
My soul fucking hurts whenever the entire company goes through a chilla's game at the same time.

>> No.5389259

Unfortunately, those games are free easy views, so there is no chance it will change soom

>> No.5389930

On one hand, it's another fucking Chilla game
On the other, we're getting scared Astel again after quite some time

>> No.5390301
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Looking at Astel's playthrough so far, >we can definitely tell he's the most scared so far but which of the Stars was the LEAST scared in their Night Delivery playthrough?

>> No.5391023

Shien can be very loud when he's startled by jumpscares but he didn't seem to be very "scared" imo.

>> No.5391068

Ive watched so many that they blurred together, probably Miyabi or Shien. Rikka did get a surprising amount of jumps and transparency out of it but he is a kusoge horror pro usually.

>> No.5391512

I want Shien to shoot me

>> No.5391638

Was Seaweed trying to kill the archive...

>> No.5395159

What did he do? I had to go run a few errands so I missed the stream.

>> No.5395231

sang a few lines of do you wanna build a snowman

>> No.5397136
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>tfw no shien bf

>> No.5397297
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>tfw no shien pet

>> No.5397580

If I had a Shien bf/pet I'd hug him and make him cook for me everyday

>> No.5397592
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>tfw no robel bartender

>> No.5398237
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>tfw no Temma nephew

>> No.5398848

Does anyone remember at what time the Henradio rebroadcast is supposed to air today?

>> No.5400519

Should be 14:30

>> No.5401267
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>> No.5402498

Temma English studying day 43

>> No.5403519

hoarse knight...

>> No.5405602

The hoarse knight is pretty nice, close to his natural speaking tone. I like the high Temma voice but the lower tones are very appealing.

>> No.5405976

>Open stream
>Temma says "HOLY shit"
I fucking died.

>> No.5413100
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>> No.5421231

I blame Roberu for this.

>> No.5423551
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>> No.5424895
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Anybody gonna buy some Vtuber chips and try and get Roberu's cards?

>> No.5424962


Astel in Kagayaki Cup.

>> No.5425323

>Reid, Noa and Astel
This team gonna pop, unless there are a lot more Predators in the tournament.

>> No.5425398

Based. I missed Seaweed's Apex more than I thought.

>> No.5426392

pretty loaded roster from what I can tell


>> No.5426999

The networking reps are paying off much faster than I expected

>> No.5427300

He's been getting the attention of the FPS vtubers, nice to see him having the urgency to capitalise on it this quickly.

>> No.5427329


>> No.5427368

These types of comments always surprise me with how many of the commenters don't seem to realize Astel still doesn't really do his reps at all.

>> No.5428748

temma has made a friend

>> No.5429267

Time for training.


>> No.5429915

>temmapex on one side of the screen
>asteizupex on the other
apex love!

>> No.5430272
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i want to sex the femboy uohh

>> No.5433658

that's gay

>> No.5436464

Yurustars Pacify

>> No.5439871

That's a pretty buff team. I assume he's subbing for Bora, so he better make it count.

>> No.5440030

Rikka zatsudan

>> No.5440211

>subbing for Bora
I'm pretty happy Astel finally gets more tourney experience but what happened to Bora anyway?

>> No.5440701

Taking a break from vchuubing to sort out irl stuff.

>> No.5440918

Shien zatsudan

>> No.5441763

Man good for her. I mean her popularity lol. I’m happy for the KR gals

>> No.5441953
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Mario Party collab with Itolife, Pikamee and Noripro's Warabe.

>> No.5442022

my Oshi is Ame tho and I don't even live in the same hemisphere

>> No.5442406

Also announcing the 3d stream is him opening bags of vtuber chips

>> No.5442575

Aruran Minecraft

>> No.5442579

That sounds awkward as fuck

>> No.5442635

He is always getting screwed in some way

>> No.5442712

Towa and watame did it earlier, I'm sure he'll make in entertaining.

>> No.5442765

Son will make it fun somehow, he's skilled at that

>> No.5442809

It's lame, but I'll take it. The gacha aspect of it will pump him up at least.

>> No.5443031

Something tells me that almost all vtubers included in the vtuber chips thing are required to do a shilling stream considering even Gorilla and apparently VOMS opened chips on stream
Gonna have to see if my theory is right once others like Gatchman, Leona, Met, and Wat do their own shill streams

>> No.5443130

The omega sisters did their own opening too.

>> No.5443160

I doubt Kerin will do a video like that.

>> No.5443348

https://youtu.be/neVkoLvo0vU found Met's lol.

>> No.5443620

Aruran is commiting nemo genocide and seaweed is stalking him in the background

>> No.5444691

Yeah, but the VOMS just used their Live2Ds and it was totally fine like that, so it is really a shame wasting a 3D opportunity for this.
On the other hand though, we may not have gotten a 3D stream this early if that sponsorship didn't happen.
So I have mixed feelings about all this.

>> No.5444912

Pretty weird decision from Cover to have all three of their participating talents do 3D streams just for card opening

>> No.5445484

Did Shien just ban people from his zatsudan?

>> No.5445594
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>The omega sisters called him an ikemen
>TMSK called him cute

He just keeps winning

>> No.5445601

They do ban spammers.
Temma did it once during his asakatsu.

>> No.5445662
File: 204 KB, 724x1023, 9AFB77B0-C904-487C-A378-F03F8EEFDE0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a pretty handsome fella

>> No.5446473

Based, those teenage girl spammers in his chat were pretty annoying to look at

>> No.5446725

It's an excuse to bury him under a pile of chips

>> No.5447835

Imagine being so shit you get banned by shien of all people

>> No.5447902

Finally someone with my opinion. I am so pissed of by all the EOP in his chat. Stop saying shit like he is cute or can you say xy, he is a human being, not a fucking pet.

>> No.5447958

there was one teenage girl who constantly spammed chat by asking him to say nya and when he saw the message he actually burped into his mic lmao

>> No.5448143
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Uhhh based?

>> No.5448372

Damn... I hope so. Since it will just be him only? No rikka or any surprise guests?

>> No.5448788

Those are the only 3 people from HoloPro who are featured in these chips, so don't think so

>> No.5449137

Real company unity will always stay a pipe dream.
It is kinda a waste using the studio twice for the same reason, especially when there would be much less viewers for the second time. I think a HenNoWaku stream with his usual shitty layouts would have given a better result, but it is only my opinion.

>> No.5449261

>Real company unity will always stay a pipe dream
yeah that's stupid but it also would've been extremely awkward because they have never talked to each other
If Cover doesn't break that wall on some big stream on their official channel or an event (like a fes or a New Years with the whole company doing some stupid quizes), it will stay that way.

>> No.5449379

>Noa and Astel
Holy shit this was my dream Apex collab that I never expected would happen.

>> No.5449735

I hope Astel gets to show off his moves

>> No.5451261

How about a good slice of pizza trash?

>> No.5453145

Send timestamp.

>> No.5457501


>> No.5457852

It's good that Stars are getting EOP and ESL viewers, but why aren't they getting JOP?

>> No.5458148

They are, they just aren't noticed as easily

>> No.5459056

I miss Oga.

>> No.5459144

he made a voice tweet

>> No.5461475
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>> No.5461767
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>actual racist and xenophobe
Can someone reddpille me on this?

>> No.5461871

he shit on his chat for talking in english
talk in english in his chat at your own risk, he bans

>> No.5462375

what time is it gonna be?

>> No.5463660
File: 581 KB, 848x848, 1613742063256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he gets a bunch of EOP children in his chat who never type about what's happening in the stream so he freely bans english hence the nickname shogun
he asks for feedback during utawakus and all they spam is So cute~ so one can understand his annoyance

>> No.5463818

his english is actually pretty ok and he doesn't ban for just speaking english, it's more that he'll kill you for telling him to do stuff like "say nyaa~" or the like. He has a separate chat for live tl also

>> No.5463844

Oh I see. Understandable.

>> No.5464080
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>>5461871 is an exaggeration.
His EOP fans are mostly teen girls who have no concept of common sense or etiquette and shit up his chat with off-topic comments/chatting and emoji spam (which he does not like). He won't ban you for speaking English, he'll ban you for dumb shit like "Izuru I have to go do my homework now" "I don't understand Japanese but I love watching you" and just treating his chat like your personal chatroom to talk to others besides him. This has led to the rrat that he hates EOPs but it's more that the behavior he hates mostly comes from EOPs. While not fluent, Izuru's the best at English amongst the stars so he can absolutely pick those dumb comments out.

>> No.5464138

It's not that he hates any sort of english comment in his chat, it's just that he almost always has EOP teenage girls in his chat that tend to:
1. Just spam "cute", "kawaii", and other retarded teen girl speak even when it's not relevant to the current conversation
2. Talk to one another in chat
3. Make constant concernfagging comments such as "OMG do you have a cold" or "It's so late over there, go to sleep already" (even though it's pretty obvious Izuru is more of a late night streamer in the first place)

He's definitely more receptive to (simple) english comments that actually follow stream rules and compliment his music. Pretty sure he once actually took a peek into his definitely more civil free chat and left a thumbs up there after one of his usual late night zatsudan-singing streams

>> No.5464590

>Finally someone with my opinion
I don't think you're the only one. People don't complain about it in chat or the comments, but they sure as hell do it here and the jp thread.

>> No.5464764

Only Roberu is getting more JOP audience because of how much he spreads himself to other circles. The homo ecosystem right now is filled with the pre-existing saviorfag EOPs and not much JOPs. The only way to solve that is for Roberu to spread more of his current audience around now, or for the rest to spread out themselves (which is a problem for the majority of the stars).

>> No.5465004

Sounds like cope. If those were the only kind of EOPs that he hated, he wouldn't have banned live translation. "Oh but it clogs the chat", his chat isn't fast enough for that to be a problem, he just doesn't want english comments in his chat at all.

>> No.5465189

>his chat isn't fast enough for that to be a problem
1)You don't watch his streams
2)IT does clog up the chat then the translator translate EVERYTHING he says so the whole chat will be 80%+ the translator with [EN] in said comment. I would know use to watch him back then.

>> No.5465197

The bar's opening bros.

>> No.5465213

when* the translator
My mistake.

>> No.5465283

Live translations are only banned in main chat because yes, they do clog up chat with people constantly going "thank you for translating!"
If he didn't want English comments he'd say so and wouldn't respond to them on occasion

>> No.5465365

>If he didn't want English comments he'd say so and wouldn't respond to them on occasion
Yeah, to either thank SCs or to yell at the chat. How nice of him.

>> No.5465430

did you read the memes in the archives and come here to complain about someone you don't even watch?

>> No.5465445

what day is the radio show collab?

>> No.5465468

Livetl is actually more of a problem with a show chat though...? when you have a fast chat the tl is about 1-5% of the chat but in his it got to a point where it was 20-30% of the active chart so of course it clogged it

>> No.5465639

What I meant is there aren't enough of other comments to pretend that the live translation makes those hard to find. His chat is slow, he could simply scroll and read everything if he wanted.

I used to watch him pretty frequently, but not anymore. If you all want to continue supporting someone who hates you, be my guest.

>> No.5465685

7/2 and 7/9

>> No.5466096
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you should only be angry if you're one of the concernfags or children, his annoyance won't apply to you otherwise

>> No.5466237
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Roberu's having fun with the new poll function.

>> No.5466245
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Wtf, so many regulars think Roberu is yab...

>> No.5466257
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You sound mad that he isn't falling over and groveling at EOPs feet for saving him or whatever

>> No.5466303

To be fair the JOPs love bullying him.

>> No.5466417
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Looking cool as always.

>> No.5466461

he looks good however every single time I look at him I'm confused by his mysterious second layer of bangs. son's haircut is an anomaly but I love the sunglasses

>> No.5466644

Guilty gear seems to be slated for only after the event has passed for those who were looking forward to it anytime soon

>> No.5466983

Roberu just called me cute. See you later losers.

>> No.5467156

He fucking took his underwear off. The poll is right.

>> No.5467318

Did he mention any plans to play it with the other boys or is he gonna play it solo?

>> No.5467386

Didnt really mention anyone but I remember last time it was brought up he wanted to practice a bit

>> No.5468092
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>> No.5470176

Didn't see anyone post them so lemme just...

>Today's schedule:
>Shien's schedule for the week:
>Miyabi's schedule for the week:
>Temma's schedule for the week:
>Aruran's schedule for the week:

>> No.5470440

Bless Shinove. I don't use Twitter much and having a daily schedule tweet of all the members makes tracking them much easier.

>> No.5471075

wow izuru and astel in the sched...

>> No.5472029

Aru chat

>> No.5472701
File: 52 KB, 567x595, 205819786_2903909653190781_9042947099978827030_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oga said he played ff3 as a kid
>Oga is 40 years old

>> No.5472770

cute papa, is he going to make music with it? i missed the beginning

>> No.5472810

is he older than Old man?
also your post made me think that he just started a stream since forever ;;

>> No.5472853

At max we could say he is 35. I can be wrong, but that would explain all the old songs he chooses to sing.

>> No.5473352

He just said he wanted one for a while, even outside the drums beats, you can also use the launchpad as a soundboard or to create macros.
The funny thing is that gear seems to be old as fuck because everything is in English and some of the links are broken too.
Part of the fun is tinkering and figuring shit out
Why are old men so moe?

>> No.5473565

That gangsta track was neat

>> No.5473669

Watching Arupapa right now, there is no question that old men are cute.

>> No.5473948

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anybI4umNrk knight dbd

>> No.5474004

god it's been a while i miss the murderous knight

>> No.5474095

>old songs
Yep and all the retro games he loves to play just screams OLD. His 5031 age might not be too far from the truth.

>> No.5474760

Get in.

>> No.5474835
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it's been 84 years

>> No.5475250

Is it me or is his description kinda empty?

>> No.5475298

The SC are off too

>> No.5475393

yabe I do not like this.
I think he's still worried about getting flamed on stream

>> No.5475424

Flamed? About what?

>> No.5475465

Calm down, he probably just doesn't want to milk SC from concernfriends.

>> No.5475596

>gundam chat

>> No.5475652

Anons I feel complete again...

>> No.5475662

>Temma is back to DbD and playing with Nurse again.
>Oga is back and talking about Gundam.
We really are home again...

>> No.5475762

for ま
Yep sorry. It just seems like he is just trying to be cautious after the whole thing. Would make sense that he doesn't want to see SCs talking about it.

>> No.5476003

short stream from our majin but i'm at peace now

>> No.5476149

Vibing hard in Pizzadad's stream!

>> No.5476355

Pt 2 of operation tango with hanakishi

>> No.5476674

he actually seems based, maybe I should actually watch him

>> No.5476763

New cover

>> No.5476907

i love it when he sings songs like this

>> No.5477037
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>that artist

>> No.5478100


No Astel POV but he's playing with Reid and Noah.

>> No.5478550
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Oga, what are you showing to Iofi..?

>> No.5478611
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>> No.5478757

beautiful, stirred emotions in my heart

>> No.5478927

Izuru is finally opening membership

>> No.5479089

>a whole EP

>> No.5479161

Holy shit this is nice.

>> No.5479319

this is a great milestone for Izuru. This is my first time actually watching a stream of him, not sure if I should go for membership yet.

>> No.5479399

> This is my first time actually watching a stream of him
You probably should watch him more then, the moment will come when you will feel like supporting him more if necessary

>> No.5479493

i love izuru and membered, but it's always a good idea to wait and see if you like his content rather than get caught up in the celebration if this is your first time

>> No.5479581

Call me poorfaq but 1000 yen for just wallpapers seems a bit too much rn. Wonder if he will add a 500 yen option.

>> No.5479747

Yeah, I agree, but Shogun said that he didn't want to make his membership complicated, so he will only go with the 1000 yen option. Holos and most Stars usually had a standard tier at 500yen.
Astel decided to make his more complicated and pricey with tiers, and unfortunately some members picked his ideas like Izuru or Aruran recently.

>> No.5480072

do you anons think that shogun will get fed up with the dumb eops at some point and just go members only chat?

>> No.5480129

for some reason i think not, all that would do is make people member anyway

>> No.5480131

Wanna see it in my room later? It's even better in person...

>> No.5480132

KAGAYAKI cup scrims are on, Astel's team POVs:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQoFeVbdGhA (Astel)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REWySXiJI1g (Noah)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_8hCL26SEk (Reid)

>> No.5480536


There's a lot more intersection then you might think, I mean Rikka and AZKi for example did a full on concert together and she's showcased him in her big music streams before, on top of one of the first original songs between the two branches with Rikka and Calli's Spiral Tones. You just have to keep an eye out for them. Even the Sora conversation with Roberu a while back was really cool and it shows that the branches clearly don't hate each other or anything, it's just collabs might be seen as sparse for various reasons, but they do happen and they end up being really nice.

>> No.5481031

OnoYuu started his 3D debut with singing. He is being a real idol right now!

>> No.5481069

This guy is living the dream. Simping for vtubers and using the reputation to collab with them.

>> No.5481133

Hopefully not that would be cringe as shit

>> No.5481161

Nice champion on the 2nd round.

>> No.5481188

Have Rikka appear already?

>> No.5481276

Checking his history, his passion for streaming is real, that's nice he does vtubing wholeheartedly. He should also share his studio contacts because it has been damn good so far
Not for the moment. He sang 2 songs among them KING, and now he is doing a speech with skits

>> No.5481350

What the hell is that Ono corpse on the floor?
Looks so good.

>> No.5481516

god it's so good, seeing his shoulders shake as he laughs... bros...

>> No.5481602

Pikamee, Itolife, Warabe and Robesan facing each other in mario party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMjrKsjLUu4

>> No.5481738

Rikka is here now!

>> No.5481757

Rikka is calling right now since you asked

>> No.5481889
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Nice layout.

>> No.5482370

Astel and Ollie will play Super Bunnyman on the 29th according to her schedule.

>> No.5482541
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Everyone got a companion fairly quick. Meanwhile, Roberu's dong expands.

>> No.5482590

Yeah, I saw him.
I was just afraid I missed him, since I only started watching the stream at that time.

>> No.5482666

Sad news, Itolife just robbed Robechan from his only star.

>> No.5483020

Poor warabe is distraught. She got her star stolen and Roberu locked her out from buying a star because he stole her gold.

>> No.5483064

Regulars were right to vote him as yab today

>> No.5483113

Cant wait to get that same meme on rikka and mori when they played that game

>> No.5483184

As long as it stays in the other thread, I don't give it a shit.
Memes aside, that game is seriously lame, were they that uninspired while choosing one?

>> No.5483346

Roberu(bowser) gets Peach as partner and the chat breaks out with NTRposting grass.

>> No.5483418

You’re so whiny

>> No.5483873

Roberu randomly stole a star from Warabe. Tamaki will hear about this.

>> No.5484252
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Roberu's stats:

Poor Warabe got 3 stars stolen and fell into despair.

>> No.5484594


>> No.5484652


>> No.5484683


>> No.5484775
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>> No.5485002

Yes, me.

>> No.5486014

>japan still stocks original nes to this day with carts

>> No.5486530


>> No.5486721

https://twitter.com/yukokuroberu/status/1407361596825821188 At rong rast. 3D Roberu forma completa.

>> No.5486770

How long can Cover keep milking fucking phasmophobia and amogus jesus christ

>> No.5486830

As long as they keep getting updates. I'm not looking forward to Ark 2 coming out.

>> No.5488021

Those games aren't exclusive to Cover. They're just popular streaming games and rightly so.

>> No.5488345
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Gatchman opened a big haul today. I haven't seen anyone from the vchuubas getting Roberu's SR yet.

>> No.5488888

>those watames
Her head is perfect for shitposting

>> No.5489045

Among us in particular is still a very popular collaboration wolf game even outside of vtubing for japan.
You will enjoy the Knights 10 hour Ark 2 streams.

>> No.5489150

Brace yourself for the next season of Fall Gays around July then

>> No.5489300

isn't FGs in its 4th season? The craze went down by a lot inside the company after the first season. I think only a handful of the boys and Sora briefly went back to it.

>> No.5489459

Wait, Izuru's menshi is 1000 yen? Wow, nevermind, then. Is there a particular reason for the price?
I have Astel's one for the same price and am already considering cancelling it. (The wallpapers are good but don't work well as mobile wallpapers, the VPs are not my thing, and he doesn't do enough menshi streams).

>> No.5489530

They were in the fourth season and recently did release a half-season with plenty of QoL updates.
Everyone can also create public lobbies, where you can start with any number of players. I am still crossing fingers for another chuuba tournament like what has been done by Kizuna Ai, because it is an easy to understand game and fun to watch. Most technical flaws have been now corrected, they just need to do another big enough update with generous content to attract everyone's attention again.

>> No.5489860

I think he just lifted his plans from Astel,since he is also commissioning monthly art though I expect Izuru to use it more for early music as well.
He has mentioned in a twitcast that maybe he would try out asmr, though I cant remember if he specified if it would be something for membership.
Might as well wait and see later on if there are any members only songs he adds in later makes it worth it for you.

>> No.5490157

What is Izuru membership name btw?

>> No.5490219

"Izuru's membership"
