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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 877 KB, 3051x3362, F2A9L7-XwAQGuST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54374354 No.54374354 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present】
WACTOR is also known as:

"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project

previous thread >>54313221

Wink edition

>> No.54374525


>> No.54375177
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, 1690238919447824-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget

>> No.54375178

Shura will pay

>> No.54375215

I'm gonna force Meica into NETORARE

>> No.54375307

Reminder that this shithole is full of tranies from discord, fb and the matrix.

>> No.54375546

Stop whining Akira your shit is over

>> No.54375599

Hi guys

>> No.54376410


>> No.54376654

My beloved chubby, I almost forgot that ofeb is your mod

>> No.54377419

Yes. She will pay her taxes because she's doing very good
Pay your taxes Shura!

>> No.54377437


>> No.54377721

Natsuri space

>> No.54378773

Anya status?

>> No.54378935

pregnant with pettanko's seed

>> No.54379493


>> No.54379971

Lily will pay

>> No.54380095

keep that cow slut away from this holly thread

>> No.54380142

fuck off anya

>> No.54380246

please step on me Anya

>> No.54381958

Anya will reincarnate as Nimu

>> No.54382542
File: 107 KB, 720x967, IMG_20230727_104235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AnyaxPettanko chat leak :o

>> No.54382841

> tfw no russian qt to groom

>> No.54382970

If you wanna stir up the thread bring something new Ren, we already saw that screenshot.

>> No.54384095


>> No.54384235

Wait, Nimu changed his avatar??

>> No.54384623

Renacuajo, you're disgusting.

>> No.54384800

Shura are you shure u want to play like this

>> No.54384933

>Nisha won without doing anything
I kneel

>> No.54384969

Why do you have to gain from hurting Anya? Shouldn't you be trying to win her back?

>> No.54385073

>practice streams
Wactor, this is very serious, they can win a lawsuit

>> No.54385162


>> No.54385260

Anya, delete it ASAP.

>> No.54385335

This is very interesting. I wonder if there's more of these practice streams for the other wactorettes.

>> No.54385357

November 19 2022
Hi Leo, Anysado, I remind you that everything is public, That's a wactor account

>> No.54385360

>the one actively trying to hurt her was Ren all along

>> No.54385445

Can someone explain me why anya gave mod to her "stalker"?

>> No.54385488

Wactor has just confirmed that he reads 4chan and is involved in the vtubers hate LMAOOOO

>> No.54385669

Are Anysado and Leo really wactor employees?

>> No.54385867

Wactor you just dug your own grave even more

>> No.54385941

what??? and that avatar???

>> No.54386013

Gg wactor
You wanted to cause a fight and you got off badly hahahha

>> No.54386088

Anya can get sued for this, I hope someone is on Akira's DM right now

>> No.54386181

She can't, actually this is even worse for wactor. She can sue them to death

>> No.54386197

What do you say Leo?It is an account literally called @practicestreams created a year ago, It has a video format and not as a stream, you exposed yourself LOL -200 IQ

>> No.54386326

Wactor never stops surprising me, It's the best thread I've ever seen, You just confirmed a lot of theories from long ago

>> No.54386336

Are you retard?

Anya is breaking NDA by sharing that link

>> No.54386343

Only those who were attending the stream could have recorded that.
Is either Ren or some Wactor employee.

>> No.54386367

Is that wactor guy in this room right now?

>> No.54386377


>> No.54386435

Sure asshole, Ren has access to private streams from a wactor account HAHAHAHA

>> No.54386442

Go back to discuck newfag

>> No.54386468

Nice try Renacuajo, you're unhinged.

>> No.54386485

Ren had access to her social media.

>> No.54386514

Wactor's seething because she left intact and now tries to harm her but this account is from wactor, they are expossing themselves and Anya can sue them because of this

>> No.54386527

Keep trying Leo, we already took all the information from that account, I didn't think they would be such idiots to give themselves away on their own

>> No.54386531

this is 100% shura
i have no doubt shura was the one helping her with the practice streams
that would explain why she was always on work meetings

>> No.54386546

How are you so sure it's a wactor account? Explain your thought process.

>> No.54386605

Wactor just called all his employees to cover his blunder HAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SOOO GOOOOOD

>> No.54386615

Just in case.
Stay away from links shared by Ren's alts.

>> No.54386660



>> No.54386665

But what is the point of sharing that practice stream?

>> No.54386680

Why would Shura share private content that’s directly directed to her? If you’re trying to frame her Ren or Anya you’re seriously in need of a therapist

>> No.54386723

Akira thought that everyone was going to blame Shura as the message said above, but he exposed himself.

>> No.54386741

>19 nov 2022
>Recorded video and not livestreaming
>She was reading the “chat”

>> No.54386758

Oh it's you @1wackek, ban got lifted?

>> No.54386789

lmao ren has nothing to do with this accept it that fag is dead

>> No.54386807

>Using a different model
I don't know what to make of this

>> No.54386815

Having the name of the account, the creation date and the upload date of the stream, It reveals that those who blame Anya, Ren or Shura, are employees of wactor

>> No.54386881

It is a video tho... And using a different model, seems weird

>> No.54386882

i bet it's anya
the girl surely recorded the auditions just in case of everything happens to her

>> No.54386895

So LoyalMiutomo? Go hunt him idc

>> No.54386898

it's obvious it's Ren trying to hurt Anya. also the retards who say it's Shura are the same ones who want to start a catfight since two threads ago, kek.

>> No.54386911

Leo, shut your mouth, you already screwed up, you can't do anything to fix it

>> No.54386920

A reuploaded audition

>> No.54386948


>> No.54386962

Gg Akira, the theater fell fucking asshole

>> No.54386965

Hi Leo!

>> No.54386998

But why?
I mean Akira doesn't have a problem suing and doxxing, this is weird

>> No.54387005

This proves my theory of Shura leaving because Jefaza got a girl.

>> No.54387022

How does the company treat u? they pay well at least?

>> No.54387043

He can’t do that to Anya, since she leaves without legal problems.

>> No.54387044


>> No.54387097

It's obviously Ren. This only gets Anya sued by WACTOR.
It doesn't make sense for WACTOR to post this because there's not threat from anyone else.

>> No.54387155

This is from before she even debuted

Anya has access to the account and Wactor isn't even a person facetard, finish elemantary first before posting nigga

Akira can sue her now or at least fuck her for a while
Very very deserved btw

>> No.54387163

Leo shut the fuck up, you can't do anything to divert attention

>> No.54387178

being realistic there is only five people that could record and upload that
anya, sezia, himea and akira or nana
why akira or nana would share private footage from inside wactor? doesn't have any sense.
and himea doesn't have the uterus to do such a thing.
so it's either anya or sezia the one who share this.
by discard i'm gonna said this is sezia work, idk her intentions, maybe she's trying to hurt anya, who knows, but sharing this would definitily put anya in risk so i don't think it's her

>> No.54387185

Why would she help her then? It is true in her last streams she was shortening her streams because of work meetings

>> No.54387208

I mean this is pretty mild for Akira standards, looks like falseflagging?

>> No.54387209

The iq of this thread is around 70 and im being generous

>> No.54387226

>patadas de ahogado

>> No.54387227

Your theory doesn't hold on itself. Literal schizo delusions.
Who besides wactor would care about that shit leaking? No one.

>> No.54387259

Hi Leo, keep sucking akira’s cock

>> No.54387289

Above they already said enough evidence many times, That you keep crying after seeing what you screwed up is very funny

>> No.54387294

Anya you probably didn't know but that faggot called Leo who was your mod during your last streams, he already tried in the past to ruin the life of a girl who started as a vtuber, to the point she wanted to do a hero. He will keep harassing you

>> No.54387300

>Using Spanish
Yeah, 70iq

>> No.54387307

Even when loyal have direct contact with akira
he's not able to be on the practice streams so this is not him

>> No.54387310

>a fag thinks Wactor is a person

>> No.54387331

You think it wouldn’t put Shura at risk too? Also how would this hurt her? It only makes Anya a victim

>> No.54387364

We have HS retards on the thread rn

>> No.54387366

This thread was inundated with newfags, tourists and discord trannies trying to shit up our general because they hate when girls come /here/ to hang around. Every Anon either already fucked off from the hobby or went to another platform like discuck or fagtrix. I should probably do the same and disappear from this god forsaken place.

>> No.54387423

is really ez to change the name of a channel

>> No.54387427

>practice streams :)

>> No.54387433
File: 174 KB, 424x417, 1682190793124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Anya's friends trying to shit the thread along her are too obvious
Akira really fucked up again by hiring this retarded chilean

>> No.54387439

This is the worst mistake they have made, they have confirmed that they support the hate of talents and come to defend themselves, Being that no one here supports wactor, it is very evident

>> No.54387509

don't talk like that about her cousin dracucklon

>> No.54387523

>is a company test stream
Why use a different model though?
It doesn't make sense since the point is to troubleshoot also Anya said she didn't receive support from staff

>> No.54387544

Don't dare use my wife to post that shit

>> No.54387593

It is a Chinese free model, Really that is your argument to defend wactor lol...

>> No.54387609
File: 130 KB, 490x584, 1690491583296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak and weird bait

>> No.54387620

It was really odd that they joined the fan discord that time.

>> No.54387670

You can really spot the facetards, spicboardfags and discordfags writing mannerisms

>> No.54387674

Yeah but why use it instead of her Anya model?

>> No.54387681

>Anya said she didn't receive support from staff
Anya is a compulsive lier, haven't you realized yet?

>> No.54387736

Wait a moment, her "loading" screen doesn't have her blindfold

>> No.54387747

tell us how did you help her, cucktomo?

>> No.54387769


>> No.54387771

Now for using a free model for her test streams she is a liar, you are going too far leo

>> No.54387826

Probably Jefaza's model wasn't ready yet

>> No.54387829

insider anon here
they have multiple models
not only the Indonesians one
they have models that never seen the light yet
when a model is'nt ready, like anya's one
the girls uses other models for the practice streams.

>> No.54387876


>> No.54387944

This is all shura's fault i told you that girl was evil
all fat bitches are the same
they're resentful af with the life and blame skinny girls for they're condition

>> No.54387981

"practice streams" had another username previously
I'm sure this unlisted stream was shared by anya

>> No.54387988

We are already passing on this information, thanks for this free information Leo, you have just confirmed what we all already believed

>> No.54388001

Stop attempting cat fights

>> No.54388002

wtf happened here, i was out larping as a normie.

>> No.54388026
File: 29 KB, 394x396, 1619991889330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't know what's going on

>> No.54388044

>It's gone already
Either Loyal is still a regular and told to Akira, Anya told to Akira or someone told to any of the former two

>> No.54388087

Sure Leo, Now explain how she read the chat without being a stream and being a reuploaded video

>> No.54388118

and you didn't trust me when i said she was a huge memhera...

>> No.54388130

Ren shared the link to a pre debut Anya practice stream.

>> No.54388166


>> No.54388195

Oh hai Leo

>> No.54388198

HAHAHAHHA too late, I recorded and took ss of everything

>> No.54388219

well surely someone downloaded it

>> No.54388221

/here/ is too powerful...

>> No.54388258

i did it
the bitch is done heh

>> No.54388307

i did it too, kek

>> No.54388308

The Stream does not affect Anya
It affects wactor because he confirmed to be one of those who dox girls on 4chan

>> No.54388382

Finish school or something kid

>> No.54388395

>Akira is addicted to /here/

>> No.54388426


>> No.54388444

> 20 posts referring to "wactor" as if it was a person
Consider killing yourself

>> No.54388507

Anysado, leo, Why are they altered? Obviously it's a bait to see if some asshole defends wactor

>> No.54388516

>He doesn't know Mr. Wactor

>> No.54388541

No one is dfending Wactor, you are just retarded

>> No.54388585

So why does it affect you how they refer to wactor, stop being so obvious

>> No.54388596

If anything this confirms Anya was being harassed
Nice nails

>> No.54388613

leo as in that retard that can't draw for shit?

>> No.54388666

It was cucktomo who told Akira
Anya is a fucking schizo and i have no doubts that she shared that link

>> No.54388682


>> No.54388689

First Sopa antis used Google translate and shit English referring her like He

>> No.54388711


>> No.54388792

Yeah Sopa, those fags used soup to refer her

>> No.54388797

I can't understand you Leo, take Akira's cock out of your mouth and try again.

>> No.54388878

The fag who wants a catfight is a brotecito, he got scared of schizos

>> No.54388939


>> No.54388959

eru is ovulating
anyone want to fertilize her ovaries?

>> No.54388984

Now that I think of it.
All these attacks against Anya doubled down shortly after the meme review stream. Leo, Anyado and other people related to Wactor entered the server mid stream. I guess they weren't happy about how actively Wactor got shitted on there.

>> No.54389041 [DELETED] 

Anya was mtf, and the tard that doxed Himea, Neon and Sezia (this one after she even debuted)

>> No.54389070

The responsable is Nisha by the simple fact that I want someone to draw a wet shirt cunny cat fight with skimpy binikis

>> No.54389104

It's all Mai Noboshi's doing

>> No.54389129

Akira can't do shit to her but I would like him to try, her father will eat him alive

>> No.54389144

I always miss out on the fun because I work as a social person, did someone archive the video?

>> No.54389172

it's all a fat faggot with a lot of free time and not social life than here.

>> No.54389199

we need to get this to 2000 views

>> No.54389217

Worts a woman

>> No.54389226

so Loyal? it makes sense...

>> No.54389314

think about it, he knows that wactor is defunt and want revenge for what happened with this schizo girl

>> No.54389321


>> No.54389326

Anya dropping that link herself doesn't make sense. She did everything to get out clean from Wactor, can't be that dumb to fuck it up now.

>> No.54389402

Go back to your server, Yuritroon.

>> No.54389419

so he is leaking confidential shit to blame anya as the leaker? so Akira can sue her?

>> No.54389458

I told you that this girl was as deranged as Ren and after watching the "negro chiapaneco" on her new persona and all the other shit related to her I'm pretty sure that Anya was the one who was fighting with Pettanko on Twitter with all those alts and only used Renato as a scapegoat

>> No.54389456

Hai Leo. If by support you mean an instruction bilibili video in chinese with shitty english subs on "how to stream for dummies", then yes she received support.

>> No.54389632

There are multiple archives posted ITT. Pick your poison.

>> No.54389697

Sup Pettanko

>> No.54389708
File: 35 KB, 341x277, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that? The video is gone, but the thumbnail had Anya and some literally who

>> No.54389711

Ok leo, It's the tenth time you've said it

>> No.54389820
File: 445 KB, 1080x1880, 1690493751160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyhow, this is the average gag raiding us
Must be due the new doritos wave

>> No.54389825

you're calling anya a literally who

>> No.54389920
File: 28 KB, 300x196, 1395022545250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54389934

Placeholder free model from Bilibili.
Anya Chibi must be there to make her test OBS features.

>> No.54390079 [SPOILER] 
File: 399 KB, 1776x2663, MV5BNmIzY2QzZDMtOGJlNy00ZDUxLTlkMjAtODAyYjU0OTUzN2IxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTE3MTU4MjE@._V1_FMjpg_UY2663_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akira looks like THAT??

>> No.54390146

>Natashko is still mod on Anya's channel
Another of her lies btw

>> No.54390276



>> No.54390281


>> No.54390383

oh no no no cuernudos not like this not like this...

>> No.54390429

Who invited these internet explorer users

>> No.54390436

always lied

>> No.54390471

wtf? I hate Anya now

>> No.54390659

I don't think I'm Arturo enough to recognize that hosting

>> No.54390677

When they find out who Natashka was, they're actually going to look like idiots kek

>> No.54390852

Discordtrannies you are so quiet now, where's your always reliable 'show proof'?

>> No.54390866

Gofile is clean, go download it hehehe

>> No.54390972

Drunk sex with Ururu

>> No.54390990


>> No.54391007

Literally nothing of relevance has been shown.

>> No.54391091

Reminder that it's Ren and Yuri trying to make Anya believe anons hate her.

>> No.54391150

Anya is now honorary anon.

>> No.54391176

I bet guardiafags are running in circles now.

>> No.54391225

/Wactor/ is like those RPG games where you start killing rabbits at chapter one and by chapter ten you are fighting god. I want to go back to simpler times...

>> No.54391314

Simpler times never existed anon, I don't know what are you talking about

>> No.54391352

Spoken like a true newfag.

>> No.54391371

i culdn't care less about her, in fact i don't even care about Yumi, why i would give a fuck about a girl that streamed foe 1 month? i even care more about Diler kek

>> No.54391697

so wactor mod are part of the stalkers.
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.54391727

And he's also a Yuritroon friend.

>> No.54391838

they're the ones keeping the thread alive and shitting on png gang

>> No.54392078


>> No.54392148

so this is the meicatard who is also a newtard

>> No.54392178

WACTOR’s fan moderators were always a big mistake. They were always a festival of groomers who handed out the cake to themselves.

>> No.54392231

hi loyal has akira paid you yet

>> No.54392291

kill yourself newfaggot, imagine thinking any of the wactor mods like this place.
Meica leaving wactor brought the worst kind of subhumans possible

>> No.54392405

because all the good anons left with her and you got stuck in this shithole

>> No.54392410

Why are brotecitos like this?

>> No.54392501
File: 174 KB, 720x1082, Screenshot_20230726-145928~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mindbroken because Meica doesn't send them personalized IG DM audios like with her favourites.

>> No.54392504

That was something well known even among the girls and that's why I dislike Eru and Shura after making ofeb a mod.

>> No.54392540

Brocuckcitos our response??

>> No.54392600

>Meica leaving wactor brought the worst kind of subhumans possible
m****x tarrds were here since that faggot uploaded that vid

>> No.54392623

they'll shit on anya and will try a tribalfagging between shura and anya again...

>> No.54392668


>> No.54392777

trannysitos, yuritroon told you to start the deflection posts, where you at??? flood this shit

>> No.54392813

and laila drama

>> No.54393084

go enjoy her streams and wait for the next mario kart session

>> No.54393142

one of the good things about 2021-2022 wactor was that mods couldnt talk to girls directly.
But in 2023 it seems that rule was no more. Not that it matters anymore because now they are not even in wactor anymore

>> No.54393257

Hi Anysado

>> No.54393265

>t. gaslight anon

>> No.54393327

how new? they couldnt dm the girls before

>> No.54393461

>check the downladed practice stream
>rewatch Anya's debut stream
>Ren is asking exactly the same questions she answered in the practice stream
Explain this shit Xoerix.

>> No.54393654


>> No.54393717

I'm so sorry they never replied back to you Leo.

>> No.54393723

Did you just find out that xoerix was her boyfriend?

>> No.54393873

The rule existed. Now if your oshi is a unprofessional whore who talks with mods despite that is another matter

>> No.54393976

the rule always existed, even in 2023
but nobody gives a fuck about that rule ever

>> No.54393986

The matrix has some of the oldest anons in the history of /WACTOR/ tho

>> No.54394094

Misora had DMs not only with mods but literal whos like Tamiel and Sargento Nacho.

>> No.54394186

Need Nisha's onlyfans

>> No.54394195

Akira suspended Hina for meeting Mai irl btw

>> No.54394269

This but with Shura

>> No.54394291

stinky gang aren't the oldest here.

>> No.54394339

>cosplay Kurumi, rezero, owari no sherap

>> No.54394340

>He doesn't know

>> No.54394445
File: 175 KB, 720x585, Screenshot_20230727-185021~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that they are still in contact. Nateyo's legacy is still alive.

>> No.54394548

you faggots you are the niggers that tried first with that homosexual telegramshit, in fact i can tell you that the the one that made that erp gay shit place is a dirty mexican

>> No.54394646

>the one that made that erp gay shit place is a dirty mexican
Renbros they're onto us...

>> No.54394841

>imagine being Axtre brother

>> No.54395013

Just like my cantonese erotic cave paintings

>> No.54395049
File: 71 KB, 760x981, F2BFzNhXoAAanBN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.54395204

In the end she never explained her lore.

>> No.54395354

In her server they started to make designs for her new model, it looks like a mix between gura-nahida, calm down NIshitter.

>> No.54395407

Hi Kaze

>> No.54395717
File: 203 KB, 425x420, 1684932893262981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nisha killer

>> No.54395950

Well... Babu is closer to fucking her own brother than Nisha will ever be

>> No.54395979

Sorry cuernuditos but this is just pathetic

>> No.54396012

This but with the brotecitos

>> No.54396142

>156 cm, 45 kilos, A cup
She dreams

>> No.54396197


>> No.54396594


>> No.54397017


>> No.54397253


>> No.54397624

> that emptyness in my heart when Nisha takes a week off
Rest and get well soon, Nisha

>> No.54397946


>> No.54398128

is she drunk?

>> No.54398694

>Shit thread
>Anyafags get exposed
>Thread goes comfy
Like a clockwork

>> No.54398758

Or maybe Anya is doing space now and we're listening her.

>> No.54399739

Of course idiot that also explains why the homos left, Yuki and the bunny chink

>> No.54400436

>Admitting being the shitters

>> No.54400729

Mahiru sex

>> No.54401598

I'm sorry I was at work I couldn't warn you about the watch although after reading it's obvious it wasn't necessary, I thought they had left someone watching the thread but there is a message made at 9:34 a.m. Argentine time that says:
>Esten atentos van a postear un mensaje importante en un rato
>como en cuanto?
>como en una hora dos horas algo asi

>> No.54401685

about la guardia

>> No.54401750

Nice 9 months wasted Loyal, you really think you're big, kek you stupid fuck, you wish to be big, i will say this one more time, you're trash, no matter how many samefagging, bait posting and repeat to other how you're superior, you wish to be where i'm. Now keep seething for eternity, that's your place in life for a long time, peace!

>> No.54401819

Ren has become best buddies with the guardia to undermine Anya's self esteem.

>> No.54402038

Are you an infiltrator? You must be trustworthy to Yuri so that they haven't discovered you yet

>> No.54402106

Why is La Guardia involvied in this shitshow in the first place? Weren't they draculones?

>> No.54402178

He is a shitposter

>> No.54402252

Many people of the circle hates Yuri

>> No.54402287

lmao dracucklones are the most unloyal fags on wactor why are you surprised?
all of them are dds just look at redeyes the founder of la guardia real

>> No.54402317

Well, we already know they are /here/ so what he says it's not impossible

>> No.54402372

yuri invited a bunch of people from la guardia and then kicked out 90% of the discord

>> No.54402408

There are two moles inside the server

>> No.54402491

>Anya wants to make secret spaces only with her groomers

>> No.54402495

Yuricom would rather listen to Anya than himea, maybe my wife will finally get rid of her

>> No.54402576

according to this clown, anya is with the discord groomers and comes here to harass anya
yes, that's how stupid it sounds

>> No.54402773

Discordfags just gotta groom, and Anya actually joined the server so they went for her.

>> No.54402824

Hi Yuri

>> No.54403089

>come here, shitpost against Anya and then accuse someone specific of doing it to earn points
Anya has a maximum of three holes, obviously not everyone can win the grommers race

>> No.54403606
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>> No.54403632

Namedrop them then faggot.

>> No.54404012

well I have to admit that she is a very good actress, twittertards faggots believe her all lol

>> No.54404077

Fuck you captain ladillas.

>> No.54404133

Captain are you trying to bait us again so you can bring screencaps to your grooming server?

>> No.54404619

I'm not that fagot, I'm just saying that she said she was going to be herself and be honest with her new fans that she doesn't want to play a character anymore but her on her personal facebook and twitter is just another "kosimaid basada" who only posts cringe memes, racist stuff and slurs kek

>> No.54404868

I want Anya to verbally abuse me like she did with pettanko but without actually being a mentally ill pedo like him. Just for fun.

>> No.54404878

And her streams showed that isn't an act. Do you even watch her?

>> No.54405264

>Kosi being a tranny
>Anya being a tranny
make sense

>> No.54405443

do not make another thread unless it is important today I want to go to sleep early

>> No.54405733

anons are the good guys in this story

>> No.54406054

>on her personal facebook and twitter
I only remember her posting splatoon and menhera stuff in 'that' twitter

>> No.54406085

no one is chaining you to be /here/ faggot

>> No.54406311

anon, that's called dissociative identity disorder, that's why she goes from 'hermanitos jijiji uwu' to say things like negro chiapaneco, ching chong, etc etc etc

>> No.54406363

are you talking about ampheriz? that is not even her personal Twitter, it was one of Anya's alts she made to have schizos on check

>> No.54406603

are u mad, negrito? :3

>> No.54406850

Considering the ones leaking her shit were either Ren, or la guardia, or both of them in tandem, yes we are the good guys.

>> No.54406961

A cute girl can be all cozy with the ones she loves, and being racist as fuck. It's perfectly normal.

>> No.54407449

yes, but she is literally one of those cringe childs who spend her time posting racist things and throwing hate for free to everyone and everything

>> No.54407579


>> No.54407993

>Anya ends her space
>The thread is shit again
Like a clockwork

>> No.54408185

nothing just saying, are we reading the same thread?

>> No.54408478

>He thinks I'm cucktomo
I remain undiscovered

>> No.54408547

just say.
all those aspects are part of her, calling one more real than another is a waste of time

>> No.54408719

Sup Chu

>> No.54408815

That's based, we're all racist here.

>> No.54409157

>You must be 18 or older to use this website

>> No.54409178

>imagine not being racist

>> No.54409282

Go back to Faceberg/discord
Just by virtue of being racist, Anya will be always welcome.

>> No.54409387

>t. edgy teenager

>> No.54409469

epin xDD based kekw

>> No.54409704

Found the discordfags

>> No.54409797

imagine getting mad at racist jokes, crystal generation

>> No.54409830

>retards though anons would hate Anya if she was exposed as unironic racist
wew newfags

>> No.54409862

lol just lol

>> No.54409935
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i have been informed of the presence of newfags here

>> No.54409965

get with the times grandpa
Mario64 is a retro game

>> No.54410034

I am glad I managed to swerve this community into its own destruction. My job here is done...

>> No.54410248

Here we're racists and hate poorfags

>> No.54410256

Man, I really want to fuck Kyria

>> No.54410354

it's just fun to see that she is a very good actress and that her plan goes well
as long as she stays away from Nisha and Eru we won't have problems

>> No.54410470

>imagine wanting to get anywhere close to pngtards

>> No.54410600

Brown meximians w

>> No.54410622

>t tranny from la guardia

>> No.54410800

why are you even replying if u can clearly see it's those faggots trying to get You's

>> No.54410866

fk off yuritronn

>> No.54410967

>Not knowing Yuri is a huge pngtard

>> No.54411234

these retards really think she's a manipulative mastermind or some shit like that, it's so funny.

>> No.54411271

Himea status?

>> No.54411384

>not knowing how yuritronn behaves

>> No.54411426

Playing FNAF 3.

>> No.54411473

in my bed

>> No.54411482

I dream of the complete annihilation of discord troons.

>> No.54411573


>> No.54413091

Aisu cute

>> No.54413712
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Ai anon can you make a Shura like this?

>> No.54414036

Aisu is fucking drunk by accident

>> No.54414296

She is reading her doujinshi

>> No.54414771

i thought was lia
How do you get drunk by accident?

>> No.54415442

In the end, Netto was the good guy

>> No.54415573

If I follow not-Anya, will Nisha ignore every future tweet of mine?

>> No.54416204
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>> No.54416208

She ate vodka ice cream
