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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54380547 No.54380547 [Reply] [Original]

This was the turning point that made Mysta leave. Say thanks to Millie.

>> No.54380743

So your racist millie thread got deleted and now you made another trash thread.

We get it you hate millie.

>> No.54380794 [DELETED] 

We hate millie retard

>> No.54381062

Mysta already decided to graduate before this

>> No.54381185 [DELETED] 

>brown hands typed this

>> No.54381286


>> No.54381304

>Mysta was too Twittarded to handle Millie's raw shitposting energy
Sounds like she's fixing Niji from within.

>> No.54381339


not you talking about yourself samefagger. no one cares about millie here unless enna is involved. saw your thread got deleted btw >>54375451

>> No.54381450

Based. Thanks millie! Less menhera in niji.

>> No.54381734

He didn't care about it, he got mad that people were speculating he was talking shit about others in that stream.

>> No.54381769

Actually, no. It's likely the Mika fiasco, he even talked about it multiple times. People were harassing him and Mika for collabing regularly.

>> No.54382016

I don't care what the truth is just graduate them all

>> No.54382028

So who DID participate in that stream?

>> No.54382138

Slumsaint is enna alouette. Fitting for her slum peeps who worship her.

>> No.54382445
File: 38 KB, 808x455, FzO2FL6aQAMni2o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to mention his rl "friend" who send him drama and shitflinging about him? Even if he wasn't prime menhera material he was fighting an uphill battle.

>> No.54382447

That stream is maybe the dumbest thing that ever happened in the history of vtubing. They tried to own the haters by becoming their own haters and talking shit about each other.

>> No.54382466

Funnily enough some of them used that stream as a chance to shit on colleagues.

>> No.54382504

NijiEN proving how low-class they are once again, both as entertainers and as people.
Only reason to watch them is that they're some of the biggest trainwrecks in the vtuber industry.
Hope they read this.

>> No.54382580

Rosemi is fine

>> No.54382612

You are defending a Niji shitter who lets this place live rent free in her head, says a lot about you.

>> No.54382644

More than enough of them for the whole branch to be worthless
There was also a pastebin or rentry with pretty good chunk of them mostly confirmed

>> No.54382718

if she is, then she's simply an exception

>> No.54382767

Rosemi would ditch Nijisanji and everyone there the second she got a better contract. Just like she did twice before.

>> No.54382855


>> No.54382958

What happened twice?

>> No.54383087

Where in that post did they defend? The voices in your head said so?

>> No.54383164

No one's claiming the Filipino are smart

>> No.54383183

I don't care who's right or who's wrong, all i care is for the downfall of the nijicliqué

>> No.54383268

More than half of Niji EN

>> No.54383313

>More than half of Niji EN
Are shitty retards anyway.

>> No.54383361

watching NijiEN rise and fall in the time between holoEN gens is poetic.

>> No.54383369

They tried owning the haters by becoming the haters but things went too far because they're all terrible people.

>> No.54383380
File: 64 KB, 280x222, 4967093-anime-girl-shrug-transparent-11563064199fcrkow9n5o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saddest part about all of this is that it might have been avoided if they weren't constantly /here/ and keeping the mood behind the scenes low by constantly bringing up shit rrats, gossip and yabs all the time. The satire stream is just a glimpse into what must be the stupid coping mechanism they have, sharing stupid shitposting and saying "haha look how wrong these faggots are" but it has about the same effect of trying to cheer somebody up with a dead pet by constantly bringing up the dead pet.
Like, even if they have something funny to say about it, they never get a chance to just tune out, which is exactly what menhara like Mysta need.

>> No.54383399

Not with chinese sisters saint enna leading it

>> No.54383423

Basically she was originally part of Tsunderia but left relatively early on, presumably because the company was terribly ran and could never fulfill her dreams of being on stage. Having said that it's very doubtful that any bad blood exists between her and the Tsun members because she follows her old colleagues on Twitter and vice versa. Plus Tsunderia closed down last year anyways.

>> No.54383584

>never fulfill her dreams of being on stage
never could nijisanji

>> No.54383602

the "clique" is stronger than ever, retard. Enna and Kyo are a powerful duo with support from other people like Millie, Reimu and Elira. It turned into NijiKR before the merge unironically. They can bully anyone they want if they see fit. And Enna stated that she is good friends with her manager so good luck taking it with staff as well.

>> No.54383621
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, 1660127307186423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become the shitposter living rent free in a /here/tuber's head.

>> No.54383734

I think Elira regrets bringing these people in now. At least she should at this point.

>> No.54383807

Millie, please, do it again. KEK

>> No.54383830

You have to remember, this was all very early on when NijiEN seemed like it could be a viable alternative, when it was still just 2 waves, and only 6 members in the branch. Nobody could have predicted that the branch would go down in flames this horrifically within the span of 2 years.
And yeah, it's ironic that she left Tsun for a company that promised to fulfill her dreams, only for them to do jack shit. 2 years in and she only got one new outfit, no signs of proper 3D on the horizon, barely any original songs, ect.

>> No.54383856

no chance they are literally her besties she's been friends with for many years.

>> No.54383877
File: 867 KB, 3000x4000, 1662025086419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel kind of sorry for Millie. She was so much happier when she got to hang out with HoloID and didn't have a strict management and toxic fans breathing down her neck.
She's a good girl who generally means well, but she can be dumb and be talked into doing stupid things.

>> No.54383971

Zaion not sucking up to enna during debut week like her other wave mates says a lot.

>> No.54383978

>She was so much happier when she got to hang out with HoloID
hey remember when she wanted to collab with HoloIDs and NijiIDs (when they were still a thing) and then never really did? Not like she was barred from it since Selen collabed with HoloIDs. Nah. It's all smoke and mirrors with Millie.

>> No.54384120

she barely collabs with her niji friends and barely is in any big collabs with them

>> No.54384153

>We get it you hate millie
1. yes
2. It's pretty cut and dry what's happened, Mysta didn't want to be a part of that horseshit environment and be forced to face the repercussions of the unending reckless faggotry from Enna & Co due to his company association
Seems like he did care about it at least somewhat, since he said he didn't want to see it on discord
Of course the obvious focus is clearing his name because he doesn't want people to think he has anything to do with the "dumb shit"

>> No.54384271

>she barely collabs with her niji friends
she had been in like 16 collabs in her last 4 months so that is not true

>> No.54384274

I still can't understand how a stream like that got allowed.

>> No.54384306

And they blame us for quitting and hating their job.
Why is every single vtuber /here/?

>> No.54384375

because it wasn't supposed to be what it turned into. Clearly management was told that it will be something else.

>> No.54384520

Who do you think started the first chat with 4channer? Queen clique enna.

>> No.54384654

>Why is every single vtuber/here/?
Just think anon, where the fuck else are you gonna get any half-decent live feedback on a small chuuba? Even Nijis don't get all that much talk outside of here. The chat is always a bunch of spineless yesmen, Twitter is terrible for any kind of discussion, forums and even reddit are pretty dead, and managers are basically non-entities. The only realistic place left for feedback is this shithole.

>> No.54384657

Management was probably told something else, and either the talents were secretly planning this all along behind the scenes thinking it'd be clever, or the whole stream immediately became derailed when Enna said "Hi guys she is /here/", and they just went full retard.

>> No.54384707

Remember Zaion? Remember the stream a month ago when she said that this stream was fucking hilarious?

>> No.54384819

WTF! I might actually like Millie now

>> No.54384862

With a bunch of schizo's who are probably from the mental hospital? Yeah nijien are a retarded bunch for even letting words from this shithole get to them. Its a win for the schizos who jacks off for getting noticed.

>> No.54384890

now do it with enna

>> No.54384901

OP, IDGAF about Mysta but thanks for spoonfeeding context. Millie's stupid and she has stupid managers that didn't prevent his, but at least she wasn't a cunt (at least in this situation).

>> No.54385082

It was clique leader enna who told her yes-man retarded millie to do the stream so she won't get affected by the consequences. Queen shit moves.

>> No.54385219

she might jump ships soon again with nijien burning itself from within

>> No.54385317


>Literal NTR streams inviting males to her bedroom and streaming from her bedroom while holding hands with them.
She holds his hand. She also liked a bunch of NTR comments below the video, but deleted them later. She posted one of them on twitter saying it made her laugh.
Oh and Kyo literally called her fans cucks
He said it on twitter too but he bitched out and deleted the tweet. He said "Poor Aloupeeps always getting cucked".
>Verbally abused her coworkers mocking them endlessly to the point that it was ruining collabs she couldn't stop being a bitch
Shits on Ver's masculinity
Screams at Elira on twitter
Insults Doppio
There's too many of these to count really.
>Lied repeatedly about how much money she makes, presenting herself as poor all the time to get donations
Enna's incessant povertybaiting
Can't afford a car
Can't afford a heater
Can't afford her rent
Scaring her chat with homelessness
but on her membership stream she said she makes $8k a month
>Copied other people's personality traits and used them as her own.
In this stream it becomes extremely obvious that Enna's "fake depression" act was copied directly from Mika. As well as the phrase "lowkey" and her diva act.
She also copied Kyo's "blackspeak", go back and watch her earlier streams before she met Kyo, she doesn't talk anything like that.
>Mocked white people on twitter while flirting with her producer, also mocked Christianity.
>Admitted that she is a massive leech who primarily leeches Luxiem.
Yup she did
Look at the title of this stream.
Also in general, she streams right after Luxiem finishes and soaks up most of their audience which is how she became popular. She repeats "I'm asian" about 10 times a stream and is always bringing up her chinese heritage. She is a leech.
>Maintains "I'm not parasocial" despite being the most parasocial vtuber in existence who won't shut up about her personal life.
Some of Enna's twitter antics
Here Enna admits that she just chats about her IRL life all the time, which is 100% parasocial.
Ever since the Kyo offcollab she's been trying to establish "distance" between herself and her chat. So she keeps repeating that she's "not parasocial" and always says that she loves her chat "platonically". But she repeatedly violates her own parasocial rules, such as blowing kisses to her chat, or holding weddings with her fans. She is a massive hypocrite on this issue.
>Extremely lazy, keeps half-assing her projects and streams less than all the other girls.
Yup she really is
Copies the assets for her valentine stream from her outfit reveal
Eating/doing chores on stream
>Encourages Millie to do the Secret GC stream which immensely damaged her career and the reputation of the entire branch.
She was "slumsaint", and she is the one who called out 4chan and turned the whole stream into a shitshow, constantly lashing out at her haters.
This got Millie suspended. Millie even said on twitter that certain individuals were responsible for derailing the stream and it was originally supposed to be different.
>Calls herself a virgin practically every stream, but also says she had boyfriends in the past. Always talking about her previous boyfriend.
Enna repeatedly calls herself a virgin practically every single stream, there's too many instances to cite.
She talks about her old boyfriend so many times.
>Shit on her own infant brother, and said that she hates his mother.

>> No.54385963
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>> No.54386075

No feedback is better than /here/ feedback, even the most earnest takes are hyperbolic and don't offer anything substantial, it amounts to well-crafted nitpicks. In all likeliness all they will actually do spending any amount of time here is pay attention to the popular posts that are shitting on them and look for replies defending them to feel better about themselves, it isn't healthy and chances are they wouldn't be aware of it at all if they just never came here. Even worse is when they internalize the shitposting here about their colleagues, Millie's stream should have been a long look in the mirror for them to realize they've allowed thoughts that should never have entered their heads flow in freely.

>> No.54386235

God Mysta is such a fucking absolute slave to his emotions.
"ugh bruh I just cant fucking deal with this shit I'm in a bad mood grrrrrr"
And people take life advice from this child?

>> No.54386338
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, 1658717485973.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Enna/Kyo, desperately trying to defend yourself again, I see.
Congrats on just proving even more how much this site lives rent free inside your vapid little cranium.
Don't worry, NijiEN's upcoming collapse (or at least the "NijiEN clique" collapse) will feel SO GOOD to witness.

>> No.54386387

It wasn't allowed anon, that's why it got nuked a second after it became a vod

>> No.54386421

honestly millie did nothing wrong here and it was funny, everybody else just has faberge egos

>> No.54386601

based wose

>> No.54386664

NijiEN is over they need to debut more people and pay them less

>> No.54386831

>Rosemi would ditch Nijisanji and everyone there the second she got a better contract
Wouldn't be hard to do with Niji

>> No.54386854

Holy schizos

>> No.54386878

Millie did wrong. Being a fucking retarded dumbass.

>> No.54386889

Based. Mysta was a whiny little bitch with paper thin skin, even in his PL he was super easy to one guy. He's gonna be so much worse as an indie.

>> No.54386908

Notice how everyone that has left EN so far isn't in the clique or Elira's original friend group

>> No.54386932

Chuubas who let haters live rent free are the absolute worst.

>> No.54386955

Apparently it is hard considering plenty of small corpos would love to have someone like Rosemi/Pomu/Selen on board and they're still renewing despite the latter two being outwardly miserable

>> No.54386982

well yeah but this stream specifically was funny and i'm tired of pretending it wasn't

>> No.54387215

What was on the stream exactly

>> No.54387343

Ok Kyo. Thanks for giving us Flopsoleil at least.

>> No.54387451

>still trying to shift all the blame onto millie
Its cute that you think so highly of millie that you believe that she just has the charisma to force her entire company into turning off their brain and doing that

>> No.54387498

I still don't get the post of this image exactly. Is it for NijiEN fans to use whenever they feel persecuted? The branch wasn't always hated either, it was pretty loved when it was steadily growing early on, the branch and it's audience very blatantly changed from 2022 onward.

>> No.54387522

I guarantee you if pomu/selen moved to another corpo, nijien members would bully the fuck out of them. Probably leak personal info and shit on burner accounts.

>> No.54387531

They just debuted three dudes, and they've already exhausted their debut buffs. The EN branch may actually be in serious trouble.

>> No.54388038

If you can't mentally separate what is good feedback from shitposting then you deserve to fail.

>> No.54388196

if i was kyo kyo would stream better games

>> No.54388353

I dont think it'll go that far, if only because its doubtful that most of NijiEN shared outright personal information that can be used to doxx them. At most expect most members to be sad, people like Enna and Kyo seething and shifting blame to those talents leaving as the reason why the branch went downhill, alongside feelings of jealousy if they actually can make it on their own without being shackled to Niji, or especially if they get into a good corp like HoloEN.

>> No.54389119 [DELETED] 

Is racism supposed to be bad?
Where do you think diversity comes from?

>> No.54389204

no need. Fans will do for them if any Liver decides to go corpo/agency route instead of indie. For example if Nina or Mysta join another corpo they will be treated as traitors and liars. Even NotYugo was shit on for leeching "his past fame" for a while.

>> No.54389238

What they needed to do was nip this clique shit in the bud. They didn't, and now there's nothing they can do about it. If the clique goes down, they bring the rest of the branch with them, and probably the entire company too.

>> No.54389418

>If the clique goes down, they bring the rest of the branch with them, and probably the entire company too.
Company? Impossible. JP side literally doesn't care about EN. But the EN branch itself? Possible. Probably why Hana also wants to keep her distance. She already said how unprofessional they seem from her perspective. These people will run to dramafags and other scum of the earth to discredit anything about their own company if it ever comes down to the wire, I gurantee it.

>> No.54389942

just nuke nijien
i want lyrica, mint and miki back

>> No.54389962

True, the JP side doesn't care about EN, but the combination of clique members trying to burn down everything and the public backlash from effectively withdrawing from the Anglosphere entirely would be catastrophic

>> No.54390116

reminder that nijien's latest wave is literally called "crisis". this was a cry for help that went ignored

>> No.54390489

common ennaschizo W

>> No.54390877 [DELETED] 

Most Filipino are thief and crab mentality

>> No.54394395

You mean Enna. Slumsaint was the person who ruined the stream.

>> No.54394759 [DELETED] 

Dragoons hate nu-nijiniggers and most of Pomu's fanbase are holofags anyway. Rosemi's previous manager, the same woman who convinced her to join Nijisanji, is in Phase Connect. They'll be fine.

>> No.54395259

thank you millie for not taking the offer and ruining hololive in the process

>> No.54396766

People are human anon, it's not that simple.

>> No.54396931

So uh... Will Mysta leaving make the viewers wanna switch to Iloser, xloli or kris now?

I know not a majority of th talent's fans follow the roommate when i look at Coco, Rushia, Yugo, Zaion Gibara, Lulu etc

>> No.54398074

How do you know who was who in that stream?

>> No.54398652

Mostly process of elimination. Iirc people like Millie, Vox were all likely identified as other people. Then you have the fact that slumsaint was incredibly bitter and vitriolic and also shittalks Enna virginity claims. Put all that together and it's very likely Enna.

>> No.54400257

It’s been a month, that’s the normal time it takes

>> No.54401200

Elira doesn't want to accept that any of this is her fault.she won't feel sorry for anything.

>> No.54402228

Real shame, her or Enna would have so much better than flopRys or as any of the council girls.

>> No.54402520

Does this stream really exist? It's just like the all out war one isnt it?

>> No.54402567

Go back to your doxsite sister

>> No.54402706


>> No.54402758

>She is in zomboid today
>was in town of salem 2 days ago
>July 19 she was in zomboid
>July 16 she was in Aia's DnD
>July 10 more zomboid
List goes on, she even participated in the valorant customs in june and she can't aim for shit

>> No.54402892

it was clear not allowed
Vod forever privated and stealth suspension applied

>> No.54403195

How fucking new are you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg2XZDyi7Vs

>> No.54403954

>Does this stream really exist? It's just like the all out war one isnt it?
Yeah, it's 120% real.
Just like the all out war leak.

>> No.54404103

>haha they're fake
Would be a shame if people archived both :)

>> No.54406388
File: 419 KB, 900x733, FBPN0RAVcAAlpjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To those that dont like Millie she is live right now. go tell her whats on your mind


>> No.54406532 [DELETED] 

Not giving you my view, rertarded organ liver se,a subhuman

>> No.54406824

Sis, can you tard wrangle your oshis before Niji EN dies.

>> No.54407079
File: 43 KB, 478x680, eaa3cfb8e25b47d91a5dde55e6247328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are unable to view her stream here is a playlist of all her covers so you can post your thoughts in the comments


>> No.54407284

god I love millie. Only that gremlin would think remaking /vt/ but for the livers and onstream would be good.

>> No.54407450

based, thanks millie

>> No.54407787

We knew because of Reimu that they browsed this shithole and Enna said as much once herself that some looked to this place to see real, uncensored "feedback" to what they do but it's funny because that
>Rosemi was tainted by sluts
is like word for word a post someone made in the first /rose/ the weekend she did the besties off collab.
Eh, I'd say she lost her magic a good while ago.
As you can see, not everyone participated in this.

>> No.54408386

Fulgur is known to have gotten really pissed off when it happened and it strained his and Millie's relationship

>> No.54408566

NijiEN has VERY dedicated haters. I wouldn't be surprised all of this is photoshopped.

>> No.54408659

Braindead retard

>> No.54408677

I only watched Millie in passing, but did stream and its consequences like put a hamper on her personality?
And weird, I know that there is only speculation surrounding who participated and who didn't but I remember some people absolutely convinced Fulgur participated.

>> No.54408947

Lmao I remember this.
Wasn't there a /vt/ mention?

>> No.54409431

I don't really find this funny and think NijiEN's "fuck the haters" attitude is cringey, but I also don't think it's offensive or anything either. I guess I just don't get it.

>> No.54409651

Feeding trolls.
But really, I think this speaks more on like NijiEN's overbearing fans. Doesn't seem to just be for the boys.
Watch for like a minute, everything relevant to this conversation is covered in that amount of time.

>> No.54409817

Sisters this cant be happening

>> No.54410560

So some haters made a bunch of bullshit 'screencaps' and saw an opportunity to relate it to an innocent privated stream, big deal

>> No.54411917

You tell them sister, they faked a 30 minute stream and uploaded it hours after the original

>> No.54418707


>> No.54418887

How do you know it's the actual stream and not a fake?

>> No.54418930

"She is /here/" was the first thing Enna said lol

>> No.54418962

what if management just hated her and only she couldn't collab with ID lol

>> No.54419174

There was definitely Hex and Enna, Hex was the retard obsessed with Hex talking like the sisters on the doxxsite

Nina, Rosemi, Pomu, Elira, Selen, and I think Zaion (who said the stream was hilarious) were streaming at the time it happened so they probably weren't participating

>> No.54422987

millie love

>> No.54423042


>> No.54423333

>browsing yt
>get recommended a Mika clip about Mysta being burned out
>he's graduating
>right after Nina's graduation

So what happened? Is it really just bad relationship with the rest of the branch? I admit I'm completely out of the loop and only came back to this board to look for more info.

>> No.54423499

>Enna actually using the term "sisters"
Fuck, she's so /here/ it hurts.

>> No.54423565

Damn this guy is based. That what's called "to be a grownup person with stable mind". Why they dont just ignore haters?
Like I learned from imageboards that anyone could call me a fag or retard for no reason. My friend was a low caliber streamer and even he had some haters, like its a 10 viewers stream and still some guy trying to be an asshole.

>> No.54423656

NijiEN is dead

>> No.54423667

He said that he planned it like half a year ago. Maybe its related to some thing that was cancelled for them?

>> No.54423711

>he got mad that people were speculating he was talking shit about others in that stream
Who wouldn't? specially if it makes it look like you are talking shit about coworkers you may actually like.

>> No.54424002

Black Company

>> No.54424056

Because people were there as the stream was going you retard.

>> No.54424263


>> No.54424399

Based Millie getting rid of the homos.

>> No.54424507

>mocked Christianity
well i don't watch niji as a general rule but i might give her a chance now.

>> No.54425249

next thing you'll tell me the earth isn't flat because "people" have been to space good one

>> No.54425329

based Millie destroyer of Niji

>> No.54425477

I think it's safe to say that this was THE dumbest content "idea" in the history of vtubing, an idea for content literally can't get more retarded than this. Why in the absolute fuck on god's green earth would you ever do a stream like this?
>parodying 4chan
>mocking rrats like Enna and Kyo dating
>Saying "I hate it when she lies about being a virgin, it's obvious she has fucked at least 5 guys" unironically
>acknowleging/mocking the fags on this board in general

>> No.54425623

She copied the idea from jp apparently. What was so stupid about it was that they weren't actually "owning the haters" but just parroting the things they say to amusement of the retards in chat who ate it up. They were laughing at what was being said not who was saying it.

>> No.54425664

This was the turning point for NijiEn. Their numbers started tanking after this. Everyone involved should've been graduated.

>> No.54425783

Nah, their numbers crashed because Luxiem disowned bfe without realizing that was their main draw. Millie etc didn't really have their numbers affected.

>> No.54425913

I don't know if it killed NijiEN, but it did murder Millie ritual posting.
Sucks for the guy who shilled her for so long.

>> No.54429532

good point

>> No.54430858 [DELETED] 

>racist millie thread
Boohoo, cry me a river nigger.

>> No.54431700

she sure is

>> No.54431787 [DELETED] 

Smartest Nijinigger

>> No.54433253
File: 282 KB, 562x634, korone smart dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're very intelligent I can tell, clearly.

>> No.54434582 [DELETED] 

If they were intelligent they wouldn't be nijiniggers

>> No.54434762

luxiem has a history of throwing friends under the bus so no surprise people from his PL hated him.

>> No.54436162


>> No.54437040

Thanks for destroying Nijien Millie! Couldn’t have done it without you!

>> No.54437323

Based enna schizo

>> No.54438166


>> No.54439709

Thanks millie

>> No.54439750

Based Pomu, she saw that shit coming a mile away

>> No.54441398

Wrong. It was the doxxing from Genshin fans for saying Thighgap instead of Tighnari. Probably also that his fans hate his mature and grounded ((based)) view of reality and they can't think beyond a 13yr old's mind.

>> No.54442030

did you see the list of talent 'holidays' they took afterwards

>> No.54442157

management wont let him do anything, his colleagues are retards who give him a bad rap

>> No.54447151


>> No.54447263


>> No.54450671

boy am I glad millie did not join Hololive lmao

>> No.54452602

she got worse because of the company, if she got in holo shell be much more tame and famous

>> No.54453058

>We did it, Enna! We saved NijiEN! Just think of what might have happened if we didn't make that secret GC stream!
>About the what?


>> No.54453210 [DELETED] 

first post worst post and yes, we hate millie

>> No.54453386

I’m not reading all that I’m happy for you or sorry that happened

>> No.54453453

i don't get it, so the point of that stream was to act like haters to each other to satirise the hate they were receiving? But in the most retarded way possible?

>> No.54453614

If you looked at the history of the internet you would realize that anyone that goes “fuck the haters” typical have a cult like mentality and/or cannot take criticism, like at all.

>> No.54453710


>> No.54453762
File: 22 KB, 637x118, ennatalkshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeated post after the first one got deleted. Be more obvious will you.

>> No.54453949

Thank you millie this is why I watch you. Fuck mysta.

>> No.54454125 [DELETED] 

We hate Millie boring whore should've just graduate instead of Nina

>> No.54454346 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 647x75, ennatalksshitagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok aloupeep

>> No.54454561

I hate both of them, though

>> No.54454679
File: 53 KB, 612x405, IMG_20230719_225305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you femcel or gaytard. Just shut the fuck up. Your oshiboy is menhera and a quitter so just give him superchat till his graduation. You fucking dumbasss stinky woman. And if anything you're a mystake that sending him love and hate superchats. Watch his 8 min long video. Maybe you are jinwooo twitter tards that posting all of his cringe gaytard.

>> No.54454714 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 500x500, clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you do

>> No.54455055

Sure am. NijiEN would be better off if they both graduate.

>> No.54455351 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x722, Img2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54458524

This stream and the fallout from it is why I dropped everyone associated with it.
That entire group is dead to me.
Just a shame managers only care about them and not the rest of NjiEN because drama-magnets get views.
Dumb numberfag managers.

>> No.54460190

>Millie did this bullshit shortly after Pomu's 3D
>Third outfit reveal was the same day as Zaion's termination announcement
>Birthday and unity cover sandwiched between Nina and Mysta's graduations
Why must my oshi suffer?

>> No.54460512

I am indifferent to Millie. I have not watched enough Nijisanji to have an opinion on her. I only ever watched Nina, Rosemi, Petra and Pomu's solo content, often closing the tab the moment someone else joined unless it was one of the ones I just mentioned.

>> No.54460582

In a way I feel bad for every wave after uhhhhh whatever the one after Luxiem was called (noxtcys?) because I couldn't be assed checking any of them out to see if they were good or not.

>> No.54461642
File: 229 KB, 480x660, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijisanji Liver God what a fucking retarded term
>Being /here/ and retarded
Like bread and butter.

>> No.54466403

why are pomudachi so dramatic
does her menhera rub off on them

>> No.54468710

millie did it on purpose

>> No.54470146

Cursed fairy.

>> No.54470550

Are they wrong though? Has any other NijiEN liver had as much bad luck as her?

>> No.54470734

Most people assumed the same which is why Fulgur got so pissy because he actually didn't. After the all out war leak he's desperately tried to avoid drama.

>> No.54471505

One of the following:
>egosurfing addict
>unironically searching here for criticism
>trying to tard wrangle haters
>was a poster before they became a vtuber, still posts after

>> No.54473766

It's ironic Millie was supposed to be the "Gura killer" but ended up being the start of NijiEN's downfall.

>> No.54474108

How many Vtubers are called "Gura killer" now?
Calling her a Gura killer seems a bit overkill. She's entertaining but that's it.
A lot of Vtubers were called Gura killer just because of debut hype. Then immeadiately fizzled out in less than a month.
