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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54352228 No.54352228 [Reply] [Original]

Dudu is stinky

>> No.54352267

I want to pet Mori and call her a good kitty

>> No.54352296

i want to fuck mori!!!!!!!!!

>> No.54352369

These posts, all me

>> No.54352371
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remember to love your Mori

>> No.54352406

I want to call Mori my honey bunny

>> No.54352443 [DELETED] 

My guess is that in a year or so when she eventually reaches a point where her and mori are roughly the same in views etc. She'll call it quits for holo and retire

>> No.54352493

I want Mori to push Shiori's mouth onto my cock and kiss her after.

>> No.54352515

I wrote this

>> No.54352549 [DELETED] 

As long as she is happy then so am I. I'll follow

>> No.54352554

Who’s kissing who in this scenario

>> No.54352613

The collab ban is a month, right?

>> No.54352623 [DELETED] 

Do you think she will focus on mori content this winter? Frankly, I am sick of hearing her excuses every time a new EP is released.
She had to work 16 hours a day, how much better it would have been if she had used it for mori.

>> No.54352634

>ban evasion again

>> No.54352691

Two weeks seems to be the new standard

>> No.54352714

No, shes using the new gen to duck out for a while

>> No.54352726 [DELETED] 

Nope and I will be a total content Chad and watch what ever she does and where ever she wants. You'll be crying In the corner while I'm getting content

>> No.54352748

what about fan demand?

>> No.54352814

Sorry popular demand is only for homos nobody asked for.

>> No.54352813
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>SEA hours
>Schizo responding to himself

>> No.54352849

That IS the two week shortening you gigantic fucking retard

>> No.54352924

What kind of dipping sauce would you use to eat Mori with

>> No.54352969 [DELETED] 

>Do you think she will focus on mori content this winter?
No. She's now trying to come up with excuses why the next album will be terrible.
And she will believe more in her fiction that vtuber bubble has burst.

>> No.54352996

>Still ban evading

>> No.54353003
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I would dip my crispy in sweet and sour sauce

>> No.54353023 [DELETED] 

sounds like shes seen her own ccv decline

>> No.54353046

I don’t like sauces, the texture is gross.

>> No.54353059


>> No.54353115

I like my mori toasted

>> No.54353201 [DELETED] 

She's very objective about Vtubing but very blind about twitch.
She should understand why is reducing both ccvs.

>> No.54353245

making breakfast for mori...

>> No.54353252
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>> No.54353808
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>> No.54353884
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>> No.54353913

kek, I was about to say, copying her oshi!

>> No.54353920

Following in her oshis footsteps lmao

>> No.54353957

Ironically enough it’s a good game for her with the grinding element and all

>> No.54353988 [DELETED] 

>New X
She took on more work to make up for the last loss. Mori will probably go looking for "love of work" again this fall.

>> No.54353996

Imagine if it becomes a new channel staple.

>> No.54354116

Don't joke about that, cause some Pemaloe might kill themselves lol

>> No.54354169

There's folks who regularly stream genshin elsewhere. Is raid really any worse?

>> No.54354207

There is an actual game behind genshin's gacha

>> No.54354233

fuck off falseflagger

>> No.54354245

Fair enough. I don't know a lot about it, just seen enough to know that I don't enjoy watching it

>> No.54354372

I'm going to watch this if I have the chance

>> No.54354587 [DELETED] 

>Mori's ccv decreases
>Mori tries not to think about real reasons
>Mori believes vtuber bubble bursts
>Mori takes a break from being Mori
>Mori's ccv decreases

>> No.54354647

and some of you guys want to act like everyone two days ago who didn't like the MV was this ESL retard. He's so blindingly obvious when it's him.

>> No.54354810

I'm ok with the quality of new MV.
But I just resent that she made excuses for the quality of the music. It's as if she wanted to say she could do better if she put her mind to it.

>> No.54354848

She had serious time limits for that song though. That's the one bad thing about working with a big name like TK, you only have as much time as he does.

>> No.54354976

Is TK this guy?

>> No.54355013 [DELETED] 

You're replying to the ESL retard btw one of his favorite buzzwords is "made excuses"

He's very unstably twisting her saying 6FU is one the weaker songs on the EP into "she making excuses for the song being bad

>> No.54355023

No this guy

>> No.54355057

Strange that a rock producer made something with so few rock elements

>> No.54355106

He is specifically "math rock"

>> No.54355129

That's why it's called nu-rock(nu-metal).

>> No.54355136

Ah I see. Closest I can get to that is progressive metal

>> No.54355169

Nu metal is a very different genre though. It's like Korn or Disturbed or early Linkin Park.

>> No.54355235
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Yeah, the other tracks should sound a lot more like conventional rock, especially You're Not Special, that has a guy who works with Myth & Roid on it. he also worked on Here Comes Hope and Psycho.

>> No.54355299 [DELETED] 

>Believing she really works 16 hours a day.
Anon, Do you know what she was doing the week the EP was recorded? And why do you think everyone admitted she is a simp?

>> No.54355317

That's good. I don't want to be too negative, but I didn't care for 6 feet under, and I'm glad the rest of the album is closer to what I hoped.

>> No.54355319

I am a balloon full of Mori love

>> No.54355349

what's this guys deal?

>> No.54355389

Think it's just twitch simp bot having a melty

>> No.54355464

Anyone that can speak moon tell me what the runes before carousel mean

>> No.54355537

"Virtual" I think

>> No.54355568

He really wants the old "Mori doesn't care about hololive" meme from 2020 to be real, so he clings onto anything he can get, to the point where he obsessed over her roommate and likes to come here to misquote her tweets in a attempt to attack Mori

>> No.54355621

And considering who Mori is, its REALLY fucking easy to see he is just constantly lying. Dude was trying to push that she was going to be in the states until the winter last time Mori went kek.

>> No.54355716

Kaela's raid sponsor stream is starting. I wonder if she will shitpost like Mori did.

>> No.54355755

she turned it into ASMR

>> No.54355986

>this song isn't in a genre I expected so it sucks
actual skill issue

>> No.54356029 [DELETED] 

>everyone admitted she is a simp?
We, deadbeats, are mori simp.
Plus all the women of her generation are twitch simps. If she had been born 6 years later she would have been tiktok simp.

>> No.54356042

Who are you replying to?

>> No.54356062

Eh, that's fine honestly. There is a big difference between "I don't like this genre so I don't like this song" and "I don't like this genre so this song sucks". This guy is obviously the first one.

>> No.54356125

Mori said herself that it's fine if you don't like all the songs an artist puts out, she doesn't for one she really likes.

>> No.54356269
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one of these days I'm gonna meep this Morp

>> No.54356936 [DELETED] 

She has changed what she wants to do many times in the past year.
Nonetheless, It is really odd that she has not started tiktok.

>> No.54356955

She's so engrossed by the live action ads, it's cute

>> No.54357269 [DELETED] 

>she has not started tiktok.
If mori could have connection with tiktok influencers, she would start.

>> No.54357538

cute Morpo, still celebrating milestones with us even when they're smaller

>> No.54357869 [DELETED] 

Jenma still regrets introduce mori to TT to get kadokawa sponsorship.

>> No.54358043

cmon now

Lmao Kaela cute btw, RRRRaid is g

>> No.54358051

A he literally just waiting a half hour than ban evading and hoping Meidos went to sleep?

>> No.54358339 [DELETED] 

>Nip idol culture is cringe!!! It encourages fans to purchase many CDs.
>after a few seconds
>Twitch is awesome!!! Subathon let's gooo!!!!

>> No.54358366


>> No.54358397

getting mori gregnant

>> No.54358534
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>> No.54358636
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>> No.54358765


>> No.54358866

getting Morpo pergint

>> No.54358932

Morbi is right about people liking 6FU REALLY liking it, I can't pull myself away from that song
also the bass is so fucking booming and disturbing on good headphones

>> No.54358954

literally her worst song

>> No.54358965

literally her best song

>> No.54358976

literally her song

>> No.54358980

It is honestly a bob, but it is somewhere in the middle of the song ranking chart for me

>> No.54359003

literally her

>> No.54359016 [DELETED] 

In the last stream she was suddenly talking about the longest subathon.
I miss professional classic mori.

>> No.54359043

6FU is kind of mid to be honest.
I would not have it in either my top 10 or bottom 10 Mori original songs.

>> No.54359504

Wonder how long that onsen stream will be, maybe 1-2 hours including supers.

>> No.54359559

Holosorter but for Morisongs when?

>> No.54359597

I'd use it.
Only problem is they would have to constantly update the thing.

>> No.54359912

Is he having a stroke?

>> No.54359987

It just gets like that when nobody gives it (you)s. The longest I've ever seen it go on for was 10 hours.

>> No.54359989

Same desu. It's good, but it's not amazing to me. Major props to TK for the heavy parts of the track and whoever made sure Mori's high notes didn't go too high. On a technical level, the song was commendable. It's just most of it was forgettable to me.

>> No.54360004
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I have started watching mori more often and she's so dorky and cute!! Mori love!!!

>> No.54360003

How much of your waking life do you spend thinking about Morbi?

>> No.54360175

Too much desu. I blame T-Mobile for forcing me to upgrade to a phone without a headphone jack so now I gotta use my Mori ear buds and I hear her voice everytime I turn my phone on.

>> No.54360443

The case for those groovecoaster buds is absolutely massive. How is the battery life on them?

>> No.54360489

Like 8-10 hours on the buds, the left one runs out a few minutes before the right. The case can bring the buds back to full like 3 times before it needs to be charged.

>> No.54361128
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>> No.54361673

Man, my gut says that only the twins are actually in Japan. But I hope she can vibe with the others as well.

>> No.54361744

OC? Cute.

>> No.54362324
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>> No.54362386

When is the next vacation?

>> No.54362460
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Previous thread: >>54319558

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wimNdBaTjm4
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRJrrm7_Hy0

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (COMING SOON! - August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_JIGOKU_ec
//// Stream six feet under: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW1xUrMWHrA

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) JIGOKU 6 EP pre-order [Standard/Limited]

July 29, 2023 via Moment
Streaming tickets online: https://www.moment.co/buzzrhythm
//// Live archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.54362675

Neat. Fake Type and REOL are remixing a song together.

>> No.54362755

Where do you think she is at right now?

>> No.54363110

I'm glad they're still doing stuff together even after their last song was murdered for drug crimes

>> No.54363254

Mori sounds extra cute today

>> No.54363256

So much for the keto, that nihonshu is about as carb dense as hard alcohol gets

>> No.54363283

look at this retard

>> No.54363303

Keto is a meme anyway

>> No.54363310

>Mori brought her Relax Time with her

>> No.54363399

Kind of sucks that she probably can't go to the really traditional onsens

>> No.54363476

Well that one's totally self inflicted

>> No.54363482

Wait what? What happened? When was this?

>> No.54363494

unless you have giant sleeves you can just cover small ones up.

>> No.54363530

because she's gaijin?

>> No.54363610

That actually can be a boon in this case. It’s because tattoos are linked with yakuza usually but gaijin usually aren’t part of that.

>> No.54363613

Tits too big

>> No.54363637

>Mori gleefully telling us how she likes to sleep naked under the sheets
This woman can be pretty strange sometimes, but I’m not about to try and stop her ayy lmao

>> No.54363665

If her tattoo is enough to be covered by a sticker, there is no problem.

>> No.54363694 [DELETED] 

She’s nit shy about nudity as long as it’s not sexual.

>> No.54363764


>> No.54363798

>Tokyo tourist ambassador
>Not talking about Tokyo

>> No.54363802

She’s not shy about nudity as long as it’s not sexual.
Like how being naked around Kiara doesn’t bother her until she makes it weird.

>> No.54363867

It's called "Toyko ambassador", but it really is Japan in general from what I've seen.

>> No.54363932

>regrets not taking someone with her again

>> No.54363953

between future island and sfu i am so fucking hyped for jigoku 6 bros

feels like a real return to the aspects of mori's music that i love, music that is absolutely Her which I honestly haven't felt from most of her songs since universal

>> No.54363977
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People have their own schedules anon
also consider the following

>> No.54364002

also both had very solid vocal performances, showing that she has more and more control

>> No.54364072

I will hug the Morp

>> No.54364116

the high note in sfu compared to unalive is like damn, my boy is out here IMPROVING

>> No.54364214

>the high note
Do you mean the "Woo-hoo-hoo"s that were part of the backing vocals? I sure liked those.

>> No.54364267

That's literally what she said anon. It was another case of "I'm tired of going alone"

>> No.54364292

Yeah, that and her her newest rendition of Skyfall (compared to a few years ago) shows some real significant improvement.

>> No.54364330

Yeah, and you can't always rely on other people's schedules to line up with your own

>> No.54364334

Looks like ripoff

>> No.54364361

especially right now with holosummer stuff going on.

>> No.54364378

I mean, its complimentary appetizers.

>> No.54364381

that's just the appetizer

>> No.54364470

reol and hatty had a song with a guy who got arrested for drug use so they had to delete it from everything
this was a while ago so you're probably not gonna find much

>> No.54364499
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>> No.54364694

God this stream is an antidote to all the stress and negativity from the start of yesterday's. Loving Mori chilling out. This soft talk could even go on the sleep playlist.

>> No.54364710
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>> No.54364769

damn, this is nice

>> No.54364801

got me trippin'

>> No.54364857

She should go to Isayama's onsen

>> No.54364943
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What if VA friend got into EN3?

>> No.54364982

kek did she read "fish spunk" from chat under her breath?

>> No.54365127

People speculate it's Nerissa or Shiori. Mori sounds very excited about the new girls.

>> No.54365324

That'd be wild But I'd feel really bad for Milky if so, don't think she applied for this Gen but man her not getting in on council kinda sucks

>> No.54365381

>$700 per night
>"The value is amazing!"
She's lost touch with the wagie reality

>> No.54365398

Who would you sacrifice in Council for Milky?

>> No.54365484

>cheaping out on a ryokan vacation
I feel like you're missing the point here

>> No.54365533

Sana. Give me Chocomilky Queen.

>> No.54365551

For a all exclusive higher end 2 day stay? that pretty good actually.

>> No.54365563

This sounds way too sedentary for me, I'd like a hike/walk mixed in

>> No.54365590

there's probably plenty of walking trails around the area

>> No.54365614

I'm sure you can go for hikes at the average onsen. Especially ones in the mountains or small towns or whatever

>> No.54365651

No one, milky should be able to get in on her own.

>> No.54365664

You ain't locked in there This stuff is all morning/evening stuff.

>> No.54365690

At this point I find it hard to believe Milky couldn't get into Hololive if she wanted to.
She's bilingual, can produce music, write and sing, and is an entertaining and experienced streamer. I can only assume she enjoys the freedom her small corpo gives her over Hololives restrictions.
If in some way Milky has never been approached to join Hololive then Cover should fire all of their talent scouts.

>> No.54365814

How to visit a place like this? Can I just crash in there, like, "Domo arigato, do you have any empty rooms avaliable?" and check out this onsen thing for a day or two. Or it's all pre-booked and planned in advance?

>> No.54365838

she said booking dot com will have these places listed

>> No.54365855

Probably gotta prebook for stuff like this since everything is included.

>> No.54365900

Something people often forget in this conversation is that they look for people that fit the character. It's very well that even someone with as decorated a portfolio as Mori could have been turned down if she just didn't fit any of the character concepts/designs they had lined up at the time.

>> No.54365937

Lucky there was literally a character absolutely perfect for her kek.

>> No.54365955

Thankfully, I don’t think there’s anyone who could of filled the reaper’s shoes better than her

>> No.54366017

Yeah, pre-booking is not my style.

And I'm interested only in the onsen, I don't need a room and 3 course meal. Can I just take a bath and gun it?

>> No.54366055

Isn't it true that Kiara and Mori were almost switched? How'd that happen

>> No.54366088

I think they talked about wanting to switch models, but it wasn't allowed

>> No.54366089

Yeah, thats okay as long as its not a super private onsen

>> No.54366129

No. Iirc at first they liked each others designs better and joked about switching. They never would have actually switched

>> No.54366256

Alright, thanks. I'll check out for hot spring in Hoheikyo when I'm there.

>> No.54366301
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>> No.54366309

>Shaved ice
What's the bingo card looking like?

>> No.54366338

Ahh I see. I thought it was they were officially placed as each others models before switching. I could imagine Mori making Kiara's model work for her but Kiara's voice coming from Mori is insane to think about. It just wouldn't work

>> No.54366343

Probably pretty filled out since they can count off stream stuff

>> No.54366380

spammer in chat, talking about child abduction

>> No.54366448

yeah me, the child

>> No.54366525

I wonder if any JP bros can put two and two together as to why she knows all the workarounds for tattoo rules lmao.

>> No.54366524


>> No.54366537

Does tenzan share a common etymology with the tien shan mountains?

>> No.54366570


>> No.54366580

How often do you think her JP friends make fun of hers?

>> No.54366605

Goalie stop spamming your doxx bait about the tattoos, jfc

>> No.54366607

It's actually pretty damn useful though since so many foreigners have tattoos of some sort.

>> No.54366727

Has she not explicitly said she has tattoos?

>> No.54366788

I avoid doxx as much as I'd possible around here but I knew about her having tattoos, so I'm sure she must have, yes.

>> No.54366810

There's all kinds of rrats about Kiara getting into gen 5 and other bizarre made up shit

>> No.54366987

It's a divisive song.

>> No.54367021

Again there you are with EN3 meaning fewer streams

>> No.54367046

Outside of a few autists here not really

>> No.54367056 [DELETED] 

God I fucking hate "taKe A pRoPer VaCAtiOn" retards, she's a grown woman and can make her own choices

>> No.54367084

remember the last time she tried to take a long break from streaming?

>> No.54367125

I'm talking 3 streams a week which is too few for me

>> No.54367136

yeah, she even said in the same breath she also needs the deadbeats more than anything lol

>> No.54367144 [DELETED] 

Extra time and more members doesn't mean less streams, just less Hololive streams.

>> No.54367152

>I missed you
I really want to write an essay about how the 'parasocial' relationship cut both ways

>> No.54367162

I was afk, did she say 3 a week?

>> No.54367175

nope, retard just making wild guesses

>> No.54367195


>> No.54367239

Retard deciding reality for himself

>> No.54367261

She managed to grapple most control for her UMJ music, she really needs to figure out a way to gain control of MV releases too

>> No.54368170
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>less streams and different time slot while EN3 are getting their bearings
>4 of 6 of Jigoku 6's songs are getting MV, we have Future Island, Six Feet Under, and Mori's MV confirmed, the fourth is a mystery.
>Charity stream in October, is for an animal shelter, will be 12 hours and full of collabs, Mori wants the twins to be there
>Japan is incredible and you should spend your money on a vacation to one of its many fantastic onsens
>Six Feet Under will be added to the Callie Music playlist
>Mori likes the smell of sulfur, which explains her love of that smelly furball Tutu.
>Mori cute
Did I miss any other announcements from the stream?

>> No.54368190

So she'll be back tomorrow JP time?

>> No.54368220

I assume Carousel will be getting an MV next week, so we know all of them already

>> No.54368248

Mori likes the smell of braps

>> No.54368254

>Mori likes the smell of sulfur
Doesn’t that smell like rotten eggs?

>> No.54368333

She specifically qualified that she likes it when she knows it's the hot spring smell and not coming from rotten eggs.

>> No.54368344

Did she say she was trying to schedule her streams earlier? I think it's kind of bullshit that she's trying to work around their schedules like that but maybe that's just her being selfless.

>> No.54368376

Yes, she said it.

>> No.54368429
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That was a nice stream.

>> No.54368431

I'm just worried about the sudden shift she's pushing with the reasoning of "there are more EN girls, so I'll stream less". She absolutely knew about them around the time she started her "7PM PST almost every day" schedule and was doing fine streaming like that.

>> No.54368438

ngl I always thought sulfur smelt a bit different than rotting eggs, but I've only smelt the latter once in my life

>> No.54368439

Gotcha. I couldn’t watch the stream yet, meed to watch the vod later

>> No.54368463

Tomorrow is also a break day

>> No.54368465

She doesn't want to overlap them while they're starting out and probably wants to watch a bit of them too

>> No.54368466

Honestly I think it might be a fool's errand doing that. We do have most hours covered already by multiple people, other than euro hours. It's jsut that we always have ENs going on random breaks so the "dead hours" move around all the time.

>> No.54368534

She said the same thing when Council came round and when she signed with EMI, don't worry about it. Besides, its good to give the new girls some space for a bit.

>> No.54368561

I was kind of worried about her being concerned about CCV but her reasoning is sound.

>> No.54368604

She wouldn't of streamed almost only JRPGs for 8 months if it was purely about CCV.

>> No.54368606

As long as the content itself doesn't change I don't mind worrying about the timeslot
but if she starts dropping the long story game streams thats going to be a real pity

>> No.54368630

This shithole has attached such a retarded stigma to the idea but everything she said makes sense. And the bottom line is that it doesn't change her content itself.

>> No.54368671

It's all self-interest, not selflessness. She really needs to stop this recent numberfaggotry binge she's been on as with any distance it should be obvious that this intended time shift is going to kill her mood quickly.

>> No.54368672

More happy deadbeats = more money.
More money = more music.
More music = me being a happier deadbeat.
I support Mori being a numberfriend even if it means I can't see streams live as often anymore.

>> No.54368708

But she didn't say that?

>> No.54368743

If you couldn't tell, he just wanted to shit on her in some way by twisting her words.

>> No.54368846

Do we have the soundpost yet about that being a favorite pass time?

>> No.54368864

We really need to that "Twisting Mori's words" Sound post so we can Ogey more efficiently

>> No.54368882

I'm not sure those equations check out. Who knows what effect ccv has on any of those things

>> No.54368883

I made one, but I was watching the stream from my bed since it started at 6am and it's on my main PC

>> No.54368912
File: 1.78 MB, 440x690, Twisting the Words of Mori Calliope[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fo6eobd.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54369005

6FU is growing on me but the sound on the MV is so goddam quiet.

>> No.54369082
File: 388 KB, 510x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I support Mori being a numberfriend even if it means I can't see streams live as often anymore.
Never thought I'd have to use that word, ever, but this reads like words of a cuckbeat.

>> No.54369163

Spotify is your friend

>> No.54369216


>> No.54369224

VODs exist bro, if you dont SC its basically the same experience as watching live for a large streamer like Mori.

>> No.54369237

This recent numberfagging on her part might have something to do with wanting to buy a house (and take expensive flights/trips). She by far spends the most money of any EN member by what we know from what is said on-stream

>> No.54369261

This was such a cute stream, I loved it. And 6-7am jst streams are a bit hard but overall perfectly watchable in eu. If it's longer I simply get to fall asleep to my Mori's voice.

>> No.54369314

6-7am is infinitely more watchable on non work days but unwatchable on work days

>> No.54369329

I'm for one pretty happy that she started to treat the streamer side as seriously as the musician side
it just shows her continued drive to improve and deliver for her fans

>> No.54369338
File: 27 KB, 112x112, 1628540529395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori selling me on expensive Japanese tourism destinations as I fall asleep uwa

>> No.54369368

>Not being a graveyard shift Chad
Sucks to suck

>> No.54369379

Mori working as a time-share salesperson and scamming you

>> No.54369400
File: 41 KB, 800x800, 1640185570191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54369421

What other locations should Mori Calliope, Japanese tourism ambassador, delve into?

>> No.54369426

i love mori and want her to be my girlfriend/wife

>> No.54369455

Did she say the charity stream was 100% approved? I know she said October for a date

>> No.54369480

Nope she’s MY Mori not yours!

>> No.54369487

>its basically the same experience as watching live
If people who say this actually believed this, they wouldn't be stream watchers to begin with, because edited content that provides more bang for your time is always better if "being there for it" is not a factor that matters to you.

>> No.54369544

I want her to go really deep into skiing spots like she touched on in the first stream

>> No.54369591

If she's gone as far as having a date in mind I think we're far past the pending approval stage

>> No.54369593 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I don't like the "cuckbeat" thing, but this specific point is completely true.

>> No.54369639
File: 153 KB, 235x439, 1672722274101123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are some of you so allergic to the idea of watching vods
It's honestly so weird

>> No.54369674

Actual short-term destinations in Tokyo. She should sneak into Tower Records/music stores around Tokyo when Jigoku6 releases and take some pictures of the areas where can people can buy it and then walk around to do other things. Also parks that she enjoys

>> No.54369688
File: 392 KB, 712x578, ExtremeAutsim[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frrzy2s.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54369713

They want Mori to laugh at their jokes and read their messages.
Same desu.

>> No.54369731
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, This is fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On today's stream: Mori takes a trip to the Yasukuni Shrine

>> No.54369759

Nobody's allergic, that's not how allergies work. Some people prefer livestreams to vods, sometimes by a lot. That's all.

>> No.54369828

I want Mori and Shiori to collab with my penis

>> No.54369932

I just hate that Mori is the only one going with this "I'll stream less because there's more EN" mentality. Makes her feel like a quitter, like she wants people to move on and find a new oshi.

>> No.54369934
File: 1.27 MB, 1488x1000, 1690370276279856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but also Botan, Reine and Pochi Sensei

>> No.54369959

Take your meds

>> No.54369981
File: 595 KB, 720x960, 1690392613015949.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and IRyS

>> No.54369986

She's just an ambassador to Tokyo. This stream wasn't actually doing her ambassador job at all. She could still do 12 streams a week for a year just on Tokyo.

>> No.54370032

I miss tower records man, so much cool shit and discs are way easier to pack in a suitcase

>> No.54370033

I don't want mori to collab with my dick. I'm scared that she'd try to yeet it because it's small.

>> No.54370052

>I just hate that Mori is the only one going with this "I'll stream less because there's more EN" mentality
Proofs of this?

>> No.54370172

Gura is actually back to streaming regularly. That says a lot

>> No.54370196
File: 502 KB, 632x711, file (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but knowing that Mori is streaming and I can't be there causes me actual grief.

>> No.54370327

Gura's MO is bursts of activity and then silence.
The times where Mori said she was going to reduce streaming, she still went consistently.

>> No.54370346
File: 247 KB, 2048x2048, 1690171220854665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like more than half the posts I read about Gura on this board these days is just schizos projecting some Machiavellian masterplan onto her very simple to understand mental/physical health issues and using her to bludgeon other holomembers. No wonder she's such a nervous wreck

>> No.54370395

She reads my messages, I make her laugh, and that means she is in love with me right back.

Only half joking, I'm gonna miss her so much man.

>> No.54370510

Some on this board think Gura lurks, just waiting to torpedo anything Mori does.
Playing an anticipated game? Nope, shark does it same time and saps viewers. About to do a 24H stream? Shark stream. Dropping an MV? Huhuhaha.
Poor Gooruh just want to take it easy and have fun. Not be some face of the company or lead some cause.

>> No.54370535

It's a mix of self deprecation and not wanting to step on the toes of people she values. It's true that her streaming at the same time as them will take people away. I don't like feeling like I'm forcefully being offered the option of a new streamer instead, because I'll always choose Mori regardless of timeslot. Unless it's impossible for me to actually make that time.

>> No.54370677

Speaking of numberfagging
I guess she's really just embraced it

>> No.54370693

any job worth doing is worth doing well
it took a while but Morpi learned the lesson

>> No.54370720

>milestone tweet
you dumb?

>> No.54370755

Remember when Kiara talked a out how their manager gets pinged if they stream a certain amount of hours in a week?
I have a RRAT that Mori's ideal streaming hours is enough to trigger that ping, and anything less she sees as "cutting back".

>> No.54370766

( ´θ`)

>> No.54370839

She gets in her own head way too much. Honestly she should try a new approach and maybe really go for that "HoloDarkness" unit she was thinking about. Obviously part of it is up to the other girls (Nerissa may just get shoehorned into HoloTori despite being a demon), but I think she'd really thrive as a "leader" of a unit like that and she could come up with some awesome ideas

>> No.54370897

Really do hope she can salvage some of the holodeath ideas she had, that got cut down at the worst time.

>> No.54370952

What i don't get is, the number of people who watch her streams has never seemed less relevant to her success than it is right now.

>> No.54370957

Pretty much zero, actually
I could go on an autistic rant for like three paragraphs completely dismantling numberfriend arguments and refuting their entire existence, but instead I'm just going to say that numberfriends belong in a zoo with the other primates

>> No.54370997
File: 34 KB, 384x384, RCG_Calli.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the stream is live, I'll let it play on a small window. I turn off the audio if I'm trying to listen to what I'm doing.
If it's a stream I'm interested in, I'm watching the VOD at 2x speed if necessary.
If the important talking points of the stream can be summarized by someone in the comments, I'd rather read that and let the video play out until I'm finished.

Life is too short. You can't do everything you want to do in the waking hours you have.
I'm in my 20s and yet I already feel like I'll die in a few years or so. I want to appreciate what life has to offer but it's impossible to balance out everything you WANT to do vs what you HAVE to do.

>> No.54371060

>I'm in my 20s and yet I already feel like I'll die in a few years or so
T-throatcancerbeat? You still here?

>> No.54371072

All that matters is you. Do you enjoy watching Mori's streams? If yes, then she enjoys streaming for you.

>> No.54371127

In the past month or so, she's talked about "managers" wanting her to do obnoxious "Ring the bell and subscribe!" routine. Side note: weird that she hasn't been referring to J-Chad very much recently. When she talked about her meeting Ollie, she just said "my manager was there"

>> No.54371195

I also noticed the lack of J-chad callouts.

>> No.54371198

Sorry, that's not me. I think he's already gone...
I helped out on making the children's book for Mori's bday though.

>> No.54371337

Maybe she has more than one, not counting umg ones. Out of all en she and ame are the two most likely to need a shitton of manager attention.

>> No.54371516
File: 10 KB, 264x329, 1683553042869448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axel recently told his chat in one of his GTA streams with RPR and LA + that his manager, Gorillamane, was promoted to a more senior managment position along with some other manager and is no longer handling day to day duties with talents.
Maybe J-Chad is one of those managers that got promoted to a more senior position.

>> No.54371526

from what I recall Kiara said a while ago everyone in EN now has two managers assigned to them (not necessarily that those two managers handle them and nobody else)
All the same Mori talked about "J-Chad" since debut but over the last month or so it's always been "Mane-chan" or just "my manager"; she even switched from "J-chad, ban that guy" to "Mods, ban that guy"

>> No.54371590

I noticed the mods thing.

>> No.54371662

Why do you watch homos?

>> No.54371692

I like Apex

>> No.54371702

IRyS occasionally does it (and I hate every second of those ten seconds) so it's probably some middle-management fuckwit pushing for it

>> No.54371750

This is more offensive to me than saying you like taking cock in your ass every Thursday, what the hell is wrong with you
Watching homos is whatever, but APEX?
Have some self-respect

>> No.54371924
File: 259 KB, 685x596, E5MjSw3VgAMunj1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J-chad is dead. Love live J-chad!

>> No.54371997
File: 3.96 MB, 451x254, 5016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck?
Maybe that chunibeat who wanted to kill everyone ITT was right after all

>> No.54372058

If it really makes them cringe so hard, why not make it a part of their outros? Lui does that, and no one gives her shit for it.

>> No.54372111

Watching this eroge and I don't think Mori is very good at the sex...

>> No.54372204

Wow, I didn't think I could pity someone this much, but how little does Mori respond to you that the VOD experience is the same as the live one?

>> No.54372231

Does someone have that list of all the ways Mori ad her character are made for each other?

>> No.54372525
File: 930 KB, 4096x2994, __mori_calliope_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_maru_ccy__54386d537363fef4d3d1ed8482a519d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could imagine Mori making Kiara's model work for her
A southern girl rapping about fried chicken sounds like very dangerous territory

>> No.54372549

I will teach her

>> No.54372566

No, but I do remember a post that went something like
>>want a gap moe tomboy character
>>actually find one IRL

>> No.54372627

Yeah. She makes me laugh all the time and has genuinely made my life better. I feel good when I make some dumb little comment in chat and she gets a real laugh in return. Being able to do that means a lot to me. There’s a sense of closeness when live.

>> No.54372741
File: 145 KB, 1492x1080, 22241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure about the cultural implications since I'm not a burger, but Wawa absolutely ROCKS the reaper dress.

>> No.54372802
File: 36 KB, 799x597, 1445556445092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54373031

Can I marry Lui now?

>> No.54373106
File: 918 KB, 646x648, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54373281

A lot of the JPs do that I think

>> No.54373305
File: 206 KB, 321x355, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the following

>> No.54373433

Kobo was playing Amanda, and she asked what kobo's favorite pie was. Kobo immediately said "Senpie! Kobo Senpie!"

>> No.54373439

I uh meant to post that in global but imagine she's the Japanese person I married to go to the ryokan or however that's spelled like Mori said

>> No.54373451

Do not sex the mentally ill.

>> No.54373537
File: 529 KB, 573x609, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54373642

Looking like a noodle

>> No.54373672
File: 1.73 MB, 2048x3040, 1627451287159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54373693

What a god awful idea by the MV maker to use that saturation filter

>> No.54373724

This will go down as one of the Top 5 most confusing things someone in this thread seethed this hard about

>> No.54373854

Not who you replied too, but that MV does not look good.

>> No.54373940
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 1690259613852450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree

>> No.54373949

I don't have an opinion about that. I'm still fuming that mori adopted two cats and one of them was a ghost.

>> No.54373990

That's #1

>> No.54374146

i'm going ghost

>> No.54374211

I don't remember much seethe about it, just one colorblind anon getting corrected.

>> No.54374374

I mean, what's so hard to understand about that? I like cat pics, and that particular decision deprived us of images of the two cats together for good. Obviously at least one catbeat would be upset.
Now she's not posting many cat pics to begin with, but there was no way to know that back then.

>> No.54375116


>> No.54375199

onto the fridge it goes

>> No.54375201

I think she's (not kobo nerissa) gonna vibe with me the most but shiori is close

>> No.54375209
File: 149 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_3500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you're the colorblind one. This is what color this character's skin and hair is supposed to be

>> No.54375452


>> No.54375479

So if they expand the Kobo family larp, what would that make Nerissa?
The family baby sitter?
So far we have,
Mori - husband
Kiara - wife
Kobo - adopted daughter
Reine - wife's girlfriend
Bae - husband's sister
Irys - husband's single friend who doesn't know anything about child care and shouldn't be left alone with a baby
Altare - adopted daughter's older biological brother who isn't acknowledged as part of the family

>> No.54376081
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, Where am I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's scared...

>> No.54376451


>> No.54376579

The jacket comes off

>> No.54377359

Nerissa seems masochist actually.

>> No.54377557

couldn't catch the stream was the Meep properly morped?
