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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5426132 No.5426132 [Reply] [Original]

alright /vt/, I'm going to put your skills to use. I'm not familiar with vtubers but I want a recommendation on one to watch, based on some criteria.
>doesnt screech
>english or subbed
>long streams
>actually talks about the game
>not lewd
probably like a lot of you, I just want to watch some girl and pretend she is my gf

>> No.5426159



>> No.5426179


>> No.5426217

>doesn't screech
I think you want Ina, instead.

>> No.5426247

>actually talks about the game
I think you want Finana, instead.

>> No.5426264

>I just want to watch some girl and pretend she is my gf

>> No.5426265
File: 187 KB, 850x1079, BF40DC41-48A7-44E9-BCF0-74DBF76FF872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira from Nijisanji EN seems up your alley
She is quite talkative and does long gaming streams (she has been playing Genchink Impact for 4 hours now)
I think Finana might be too lewd for him

>> No.5426315

Calliope Mori maybe?

>> No.5426328 [DELETED] 

Mai Rubi is very unknown. She's indie and comfy. Plays nice games and immerses on them.


>> No.5426340


>> No.5426371

Mai Rubi is very unknown. She's indie and comfy. Plays nice games and immerses on them.


>> No.5426390

Good one anonchama

>> No.5426424

follow your own pic, nobody wants any more tourists

>> No.5426452

Heads up, dont mention GI or the holoniggers get sourgrapes and go nuclear
>I just want to watch some girl and pretend she is my gf
gay. also none of the big names will do this for you, when they're that popular any member of the audience becomes meaningless, not even supa simps matter to them. Find an indie and stick to her

>> No.5426537


>> No.5426539

Meets all of OP's criteria except long streams. I prefer zatsudan in general, so I'm not the best for game recommendations.

>> No.5426680
File: 109 KB, 771x1027, CEO of Seiso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina meets pretty much all of your criteria, unless mild innuendo is too lewd for you.

>> No.5426763
File: 442 KB, 600x554, Kitanyasip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanya pretty much fits all but keep in mind she has Minecraft autism https://youtube.com/c/Kitanyaaaa

>> No.5426794

I haven't kept up, why did she change her name?

>> No.5426913
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, 0D46804E-5268-4959-9E09-65B08E98DD4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got filtered by new model, but Pikamee. Her laugh might be obnoxious.

>> No.5426959

teapot laugh best laugh

>> No.5426996

Why is she Kitanya now? She's not Rose anymore?

>> No.5427006

Seiryu Komatsu

>> No.5427029


>doesnt screech

She can get loud sometimes. Not a screech, but she yells at times. Just a loud 'HEY' that can startle you out of nowhere. Lower, more relaxing voice.

>english or subbed


>long streams

Unfortunately not.

>actually talks about the game


>not lewd


> probably like a lot of you, I just want to watch some girl and pretend she is my gf

She shuts that stuff down sometimes, unfortunately, and it might ruin the kayfabe for you. She's sweet, but doesn't pretend to be dating you.

She's my Oshi and I enjoy her for who she is, but she doesn't fill your criteria completely.

>> No.5427065

isla coleman

>> No.5427307

Rose was part of her real name she didn't want to dox her self more catto brain very small

>> No.5427326

Thanks for all the replies, I am checking out every suggestion and trying to see what sticks out to me
I don't have any intention of chatting with them or "simping," whatever you would call it. I just want to put on VODs to keep me company.
This is a nice suggestion. I like that she does drawing streams as I used to do freelance illustration and its familiar to me.
I really love the variety in games that she plays, I am not a big fan of FotM type streams so seeing some Sunshine and Oblivion is very cool. The amount of "just chatting" type streams she does is off putting for me but this might be common and I am just not familiar with vtubers yet.
I like her deeper voice a lot, I also like her calm demeanor even if it makes the stream slow at times (from what i can tell). I don't care for the karaoke streams but it seems like she has shifted to doing more video games.
>Seiryu Komatsu
These bloodborne streams seem comfy, too bad she doesn't have a youtube archive.
The language switching is strange but sort of charming at the same time. She might get a bit loud sometimes from what I can tell though, unless the bits I watched were an exception.

>> No.5427327

botan fits most of those, but she speaks only japanese with the occasional splat of russian so shes out.

>> No.5427446

I did wonder if that was the reason, seems a bit too late to be doing that now though. Silly Africat.

>I don't care for the karaoke streams but it seems like she has shifted to doing more video games.
She actually does game streams pretty regularly, it's just that she didn't upload them to her YT archive until recently. It's a shame because Twitch archiving is awful, you missed some good stuff like her Dark Souls streams. Hopefully she can still upload them to YT at some point.

>> No.5428014

mavia lucastre she's an indie with a soft comfy voice and really seems to love her fans

>> No.5428209

Nene Amano is basically all about being your gf, give her a watch and see if she's for you.

>> No.5429178
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, Poom slayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Pomu.
>doesn't screech
generally quiet disposition. Expect a lot of shocked gasps though.
>English or subbed
100% English baybee
>Long Streams
2 to 3 hours, so decently lengthed. She's gone longer though. Pic related was 8 hours long
>Actually talks about the game
another score for Pomu
>not lewd
Pomu is pure
>Girl friend experience
Pomu's minecraft streams are 100% pure Ryan Gosling Bladerunner material.

>> No.5429491

Yeah, this one is a winner. Thank you.
