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File: 132 KB, 1214x1187, aqua 37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5417766 No.5417766 [Reply] [Original]

Why does she get so much hate on here? She doesn't deserve it

>> No.5417839

nobody here watches jp streams, it's all western vtubers and global. go to /jp/ if you want to discuss aqua without hate.

>> No.5417938

I don't watch her but I think she's based for calling out the shit jokes EOP repeat 10x per stream

>> No.5418054

Same reason why retards keep defending on coco and ignored the fact that coco ruin this poor girl years of efforts building her audience in blibli and killed the majority of her income.
They're no better than those zhangs bot

>> No.5418121

Read this thread:

>> No.5418143

Coco and Aqua are friends.
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEP-paRxWKA

>> No.5418654

Maybe stop making threads about it, dramafag

>> No.5418718

fuck off shanghai rice farmer.

>> No.5418799

Go spam your BLACKED pics on /jp/, freak

>> No.5418823

ping pong ching chong

>> No.5418846

Why does jp lives rent free in your head?

>> No.5418920

Because it's the anti board and you have to go back there.

>> No.5418981

seaniggers spotted

>> No.5419004

>absolutely broken English
>blaming Coco
>talking about billibilli even though everyone in the west shits on it because chuubas on it are now forced to be CCP mouthpieces after their policy changes
You Zhangs glow harder than the glowiest of glowniggers. You'll never blend in.

>> No.5419025

Aqua isn't going back either, faggot.

>> No.5419035

I think he's referring to the specific incident that happened on the /jp/ thread just now where some /pol/tard Aqua anti [e.g. (You)] was spamming BLACKED edits nonstop.

>> No.5419066

Also the Marine and Noel schizo

>> No.5419100

Are you illiterate too Zhang? I'm defending Aqua and Coco.
Fuck billibilli, fuck this Zhang falseflagger OP. Fuck the CCP And above all fuck jannies.

>> No.5419155

OK was just checking.

>> No.5419203

Checking the catalog this board looks much more like tha anit-board to me.

>> No.5419227

Based. EOPs with zero self awareness are the worst part of watching chuubas. You don't see the average JP behave like this

>> No.5419299

I didnt say they arent friends. Im just pissed at the EOP just focusing so much on coco this whole time and ignoring the one who ACTUALLY took the most damage. Not only she lost shit tons of money and future deals from that platform, she got shit on just cause she interacted with coco. Where's all the concernfags and saviorfags for her? Nonwhere.
i just talked about (you) retards and one already showed up

>> No.5419304

How is she related to China? (Btw hate chinks as much as the next guy should)

>> No.5419315

i can't even tell with this post

>> No.5419409

Dumb /pol/tarded tourists and a schizo from /vyt/ who keeps forcing it. Her last live was on YouTube and not Bilibili. That answers everything.

>> No.5419464

And now she's reading English SCs a lot more than before. You lose.

>> No.5419547


>> No.5419563
File: 3.45 MB, 2048x1536, nene arcade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello OP, hi there Anon. I hope you are having an OK night after watching gura's birthday stream. I myself am feeling a bitter at the scant call ins plus the not-subtle hints that gura HAD to shill her merch 1 hour minimum.
Back on topic, I think the board is characterized by critical thinking based of off conjectures with what little information we can gather as EOPs. With that in mind, it is easy to think aqua has a ton of antis, but it is unlikely.

My own conjecture is that she asked for advice on to how to deal with the situation from management and even ココ. What they told her is to avoid mentioning coco, as basic as it sounds, that might have been the best they could to to let her "sit on the fence". Be nice to the autist onion please, her mind broke because she got mean comments about her apex games. Imagine if she got THE ONIONS ARE ROTTING ten times as often.

>> No.5419608

Aqua will graduate next and Tokyo will cheer.

>> No.5419708

This fucking retard really just said Aqua took more damage than the one who was getting harassed and threatened with the most horrible shit for 7 straight months all with little-to-no support from the company she worked at, which instead pushed her to the side so she wouldn't get the other girls in trouble. People shit on Aqua on here because of delusional retards like you that "support" her.

>> No.5419733


>> No.5419754

unironically chinks

>> No.5419776

Google "how to get money out of China". It's all there in black and white.

>> No.5419878

People don't really pay onion any mind here. I didn't know she had an anti problem until the other day.

Actually, people are far more interested in shittalking Kiara. Kiara is being targetted by unironic German neo nazi LARPers because her roommate was left wing.

>> No.5419894


this is a light that cleaves at the darkness

>> No.5420000

Good that (you) showed up so i can show the exact retards i mentioned

>> No.5420084

Not him, but some of Cover's financials got leaked (I assume it was a leak since they are a private company) which revealed that the Chinese market only made up about 7% of Cover's income and that the CN branch was basically a money pit (not that EN is any better, I imagine). The bugmen got really salty when that info came to light.

>> No.5420085

Ironic. I haven’t been back to that board since this one was created but last I checked it was literally impossible to even mention her there without a shitload of schizos immediately being alerted.

>> No.5420272

Learn English.
Kiara anti-threads died. Calli is now the popular one to shit on after her disastrous 0 effort holo collabs and her e-celeb collabs. She's taking all the heat that Kiara used to take. I haven't seen any real Aqua anti-threads besides the occasional Zhang unsuccessfully trying to start shit or "is she retarded?" which is more of a meme than real anti-posts.

>> No.5420323

Her antis are a combination of Zhangs who see her as 'ungrateful' for not publicly siding with them, and Apex autists of the same kind that go after festival.

The NGA Zhangs also tried to stir up Onyon hate over here too since they want to show that the overseas market is just as cancerous as they are. It hasn't worked.

>> No.5420344

That sounds fun.

>> No.5420571

I'd be extremely surprised if EN wasn't profitable by now considering that its a fairly profitable gen. Can't imagine what the money would be spent on.

>> No.5420608

God damn, the antis are fucking aggressive in that thread.

>> No.5420764

She doesn't deserve any if it. Cute onion.

>> No.5420859

she let Coco be a target, she could have helped Coco at any point by saying "leave Coco alone", and TO THIS DAY she won't say her name. Fuck Aqua.

>> No.5420906

Hi, Chang

>> No.5420951

>Expecting an autistic womanchild that can barely feed herself to get involved in internet drama

Fuck off.

>> No.5420957



>> No.5420960

Because Aqua is weak, and that's like catnip to bullies and trolls.

>> No.5420982

aqua is CUTE

>> No.5421029

Even if she is retarded she can make a fucking tweet.

>> No.5421076

thank you for linking to the posts of the only none Schizo on this accursed board. The thread should have ended after these were posted.

>> No.5421150

>Why does she get so much hate on here
Here is a free (You). Go back to where you come from, chink tourist. There is no way you can say that if you browse this board for a day.

>> No.5421284

>Guys don't bully me, it destroys my will to live

The Japanese don't understand the internet. Death Note had an important plot elements around the subject, but they never fully grasped it it seems

>> No.5421325

I wish she would post her pics so that I can have my illusions shattered already but I think I'm falling in love with a schizo femanon.

>> No.5421370

at last. none schizo poster.

>> No.5422606
File: 1.03 MB, 2163x2815, E3mfsOXVkAYyj05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do Aqua antis come from?
-Taiwanese /pol/fags that are mad that she used to be popular in China.
-Delusional Zhangs that are mad that she didn't leave youtube to come to Bilibili.
-Autistic Apexfags that are mad about her playstyle and the fact that she didn't retry going for master's after she failed.
-5ch antis that target her because she's streaming less frequently the past few months.

>Anti Narratives
>Aqua never told her Chinese fans to stop harassing Coco
She said that people who harass others are failures as Aqua crew and explicitly called on people to stop all harassment.

>Aqua and Coco hate each other
Aqua credited Coco's housemates Suisei and Kanata in her recent Vampire cover and Coco had Aqua's best friend Shion in meme review. It seems very unlikely that there is bad blood between Aqua and Coco.

>Coco's name is filtered in Aqua's chat
The filter only applies to superchats and was implemented because Zhangs were trying to get her to say things such as "die Coco".

>Aqua doesn't talk about Coco
This is most likely a restriction Cover has put on her because even something as small as Aqua saying hello to Coco in minecraft was enough to spawn a swarm of angry bugs. Coco has also talked about management putting many nonsensical restrictions on the Hololive members.

>Aqua hates EOPs
She ridiculed redditors for spamming the onion joke in her chat a million times. This happened over a year ago and nobody particularly cared about it back then. Since she got dedicated liveTL'ers around December last year, the quality of her EOP fanbase has increased and she's started taking English lessons herself.

>Aqua and Korone are on bad terms
Schizo narrative that has been debunked several times. Korone called in on Aqua's birthday totsu and said she loves Aqua. More recently, Korone called Aqua in her reverse totsu. Note that both of them have a severe case of social autism.

>Aqua and Pekora are on bad terms
This is based on an out of context roommate clip that happened literally 5 years ago. Aqua, Pekora and Subaru performed together in the カレーメシ shilling concert last year. Aqua invited Pekora and Subaru for dinner after the concert and all three of them were very positive in their report about it.

Reminder that the majority of the shitposts about Aqua in this board come from one schizo who moved here after his posts were getting deleted in /jp/.

>> No.5423445

BASED schizo slayer.

>> No.5425257
File: 308 KB, 443x632, Ikneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks you for you reply anon (btw nice pic), I hope this facts kill all the schizo and dramaflag

>Aqua and Pekora are on bad terms
About this, I think that even Aqua forgive shouldn't hang out with Pekora since I'm 100% sure she's an awful person IRL, but I must admit that my judgment is overwhelmed since I recently found out about what Pekora did to Aqua at the time of NND (anyway i don't her father or something like that, so my opinion is irrelevant)

>> No.5425628

>Aqua credited Coco's housemates Suisei and Kanata in her recent Vampire cover
I just want to add that Kanata talked about Aqua in her Minecraft vollab with Towa

>> No.5426037
File: 1.53 MB, 1133x846, rrat in bathrrom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after reading this post a rat died in my bathroom

>> No.5427450

my 2 cent another pos will start another same shizo in couple of hrs.

>> No.5427499

Who even dislikes Aqua?
She's great.

>> No.5427552

>this kind of autism
I think the meds are what make you schizo.

>> No.5428189

/jp/ is where the original schizos reside. There is the anti-homo poster, the one who spams Marine doxx and hate, the ones who just spam doxx in general and never gets his posts deleted because the mods don't give a shit. There are also the usual EN haters

>> No.5428254

Aqua is literally an autistic retard, I can't imagine she does all of these things people claim she does on purpose.

>> No.5428278

Reminder Aqua doesn't take her med, they taste bad. You shouldn't take meds too.

>> No.5428360

Ogey Meds Bad

>> No.5428383

Should've said in couple of mins instead eh, anon?

>> No.5428416

I put high expectations and hope on their humility.
I waz wrong.

>> No.5429091

She can go back to bilibili like she's been wanting all this time

>> No.5429282

There's 3 falseflagging posts + shitters stirring people at global with Gura and Ame now, your jinxing game is the same as Gura, stop it anon

>> No.5429778

>stop it anon
I found eating curry tasted like literal shit is more possible.

>> No.5430131

Well I spent a lot of time on /pol/ and could be considered a /pol/tard yet I don't see any reason to hate Aqua. She has never been on the side of chinks (making money from them before doesn't mean you are on their side) and is good friends with Coco the chink destroyer so it makes no sense to hate her form a /pol/ perspective. That being said there are schizos of all flavors so who knows.

>> No.5430400

CCP shield is the best to throwing any shit towards someone just because it gives +100% damage mitigations and +75% of parry when countered with logical and sensible rebuttals to the schizoid's rrat.

>> No.5430427

>meds bad

>> No.5430471

This place is full of shitposting retards, dramaniggers and unironical schizophrenics. Don't take anything written here seriously.

>> No.5430510

>Don't take anything written here seriously.
you assuming someone did

>> No.5430685
File: 455 KB, 700x1000, beb8d05257b411b1f4176526ddd1cc39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you I personally don't like Aqua because she makes what she does way more complicated than it needs to be.
>Well, she does have issues
I'm well aware. But a lot of the girls in Hololive started off with similar issues and have managed to work past them without making life miserable for their fans and coworkers. I'm a very firm believer in "if you can't stream, then don't" and not only Aqua but the entirety of Gen 2 (excluding Subaru and Choco) completely break this one simple expectation. And to make matters worse she is rewarded with her poor behaviour with a ton of sponsorships, one of the highest sub counts, insane superchat revenue and a bunch of merch and special events. If she was entertaining to watch I could kind of understand why everyone sticks their neck out for her, but she isn't even a good streamer to begin with. It just boggles my mind.

>> No.5430779
File: 3.92 MB, 480x270, rrat_destroyed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5430813

I'm jelly

>> No.5430952

Im scared, the timeloops are getting much quicker.

>> No.5431062

She's been delivering content for 3 years or something you'd think she's professional by now who won't get broken easily but she's fucking weak as hell I hate her weakness for every hate comment she gets there's hundreds of supporting comments yet she pays more attention to the hate if she keeps doing that she's going to turn into kiara.

>> No.5431075

Suprisingly, other than anti-Chinks, one of the causes is Pekora and her fanbase and until one of them graduates she wont get stop getting bullied.

>> No.5433282

Coco never ruined Aqua, Zhangs like (You) did.

>> No.5433726

If there's some strange thread
On your imagrboard
Who you gonna call?

If there's some weird post
And it looks schizo
Who you gonna call?

>> No.5434176

Yes I am absolutely jealous at how she can be such a terrible employee after all this time and still get elevated to one of the best positions in the company.

>> No.5434851
File: 81 KB, 810x896, 1602522232559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate the onyon at all. I just don't watch her because I find FPS boring myself. Don't mind her in collabs and my oshis like her.

>> No.5434913

who hates her here?

>> No.5434993

What's a "BLACKED"?
this is the first time I heard of the term

>> No.5435136


>> No.5435230

are you a Zhangs or a Changs or Apex autist or a Nip or a Chad?

>> No.5435257

A schizo. I literally can't watch her because her colors remind me of tranny flag

>> No.5435307

Why don't you visit the thread and find out yourself you dishonest faggot :)

>> No.5435347

Are you the schizo who was absolutely frothing with rage over Riamu from Idolm@ster last year that I ran into?

>> No.5435403

No idea where you post but I do indeed despise Riamu

>> No.5435406 [DELETED] 

we don't really hate her.
if we did we'd have several threads about hating her like with takanashi and mori

>> No.5435464

I don't really hate her. Probably because of the lack of multiple hate threads that brapper and shitbird have

>> No.5435549

Oh wow, then it might have really been you. Unironically consider therapy if you can afford it. I'm not saying this as an insult, you seem pretty aware of your own mental illness so you may genuinely be able to overcome this neurosis.

>> No.5435796

What did Pekora do to Aqua?
I want to search for it but I don't know their roommates

>> No.5435883

She refused to spit out the bat soup when the time was right so now she is paying the cost.

>> No.5436208

As someone with bad social skills, possible stupidity, FPS skills, and a fondness for maids, Aqua speaks to me greatly.

People...actually believed those rrats? Jesus Christ.

>> No.5436328

I don't want to dive in a dumpsterfire of a thread

>> No.5437700

Because *merican vtuber watchers are retarded

>> No.5441021

>Censors America
Sasuga Chinaman

>> No.5441071

aqua love
zhongguo love

>> No.5442130

imagine learning english in bug school to go and post stupid shit like this, go eat some bats or something no ones buying you're bullshit zhang
